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This is not medical advice. These statements
have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug
Administration. These products are not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent
any disease. Check with your healthcare
provider if you are under 18, taking
medications, or following a doctor-prescribed
protocol. It is essential to consult a healthcare
professional before starting any new dietary or
wellness regimen, especially if you have pre-
existing medical conditions or are currently
taking medications.

Please note that the information provided in

this guide and e-book is not medical advice.
Always consult with a qualified healthcare
practitioner for personalized guidance related
to your health and wellness journey.
Welcome to the RogersHood Family!

Greetings and a heartfelt welcome! You're now leafing through the pages of the
RogersHood Guidebook, a treasure trove of insights tailored to enhance your
understanding of our unique products. Our quest is both simple and profound: to assist in
ridding the world of unwelcome guests, improving wellness one individual at a time.

Within these pages, you'll discover a wealth of knowledge about our parasite cleanse kits
and the thorough research and insights that guide their creation. We're committed to
providing you with detailed information to empower your journey, bolster your assurance
in our approach, and share our passion for a cleanse that stands apart.

You're not alone on this path to improved health. Our dedicated customer service team is
eager to support you with any questions that may arise. Connect with us through social
media @rogershoodapothecary, or reach out by email to for
guidance or to share your experiences.

Here’s to a transformative cleansing experience—cheers to your health and vitality!

Warm regards,
The RogersHood Team

Team RogersHood
Understanding Parasites: Are They Spotting the Signs of Parasitic
Affecting You? Inhabitants Parasites.

Parasites: Nature's Scavengers Worms and other parasites can be stealthy invaders,
Parasites are nature's cleanup crew. They serve an often causing a range of symptoms that can be mistaken
essential function in the ecosystem, breaking down for other health issues. Here's a checklist to help you
decomposing matter and returning nutrients to the soil. determine if parasites might be your uninvited guests:
They target the weakened and vulnerable, much like
maggots, a type of proteolytic (protein-digesting) Digestive Distress: Constipation, diarrhea,
parasite, are among the first to arrive at a site of decay Persistent gas, bloating, IBS, SIBO, Leaky Gut.
in the wild. Nutritional Deficiencies: Persistent Anemia
Restless Nights: Insomnia, Teeth grinding or
The Human-Parasite Connection clench teeth in sleep.
It's a common misconception that parasites are an issue Unexplained Itchiness: Itchy nose, ears, or anal area.
exclusive to distant lands. The reality is, most humans Mental Brain Fog: Difficulty concentrating or
harbor some form of parasitic organism, ranging from persistent brain fog.
the microscopic to visible creatures like worms and Unusual Cravings: Extreme desire for sweets or
flukes. These uninvited guests prefer environments rich sudden food sensitivities.
in acidity and congestion, which unfortunately aligns Appetite Changes: Increase or decrease in appetite,
with the conditions of many modern lifestyles. not linked to activity levels.
Weight Fluctuations: Unexplained weight loss or
Your Gut: The Battle Ground
Our gut, often called the second brain, is where many Persistent Fatigue: Feeling tired, lethargic, or
parasites find refuge. It's a place of complexity, where apathetic without a clear reason.
much of our serotonin is produced, and yet it's also the Emotional Instability: Unexpected anxiety,
site of potential turmoil. In the West, we often overlook depression, or nervousness.
the impact of parasites, focusing instead on symptom Skin Concerns: Unresolved eczema, psoriasis, hives,
management rather than addressing the root cause of or rashes.
many health issues. Recurrent Infections: Yeast infections or UTIs.
Intimacy Issues: Sexual health dysfunction, Low
The Unseen Invaders
Parasites can insidiously become part of our lives
Oral Health: Easy Gum Bleeding
through various avenues - from contaminated water and
Muscle & Joint Pain: Soreness not associated with
food to intimate contact and pets. They're not always
detectable to the naked eye, with many being
Respiratory Problems: Difficulty breathing or
microscopic, making their presence all the more
shortness of breath
If you're nodding along to several items on this list, it
The Good News: Taking Control
might be time to consider a parasite cleanse. Remember,
While it may be impossible to eliminate parasites
these symptoms can also be related to other health
entirely, we can certainly diminish their impact.
issues, so it's important to consult with a healthcare
RogersHood has pioneered ParaFy, a sustainable and
provider for a proper diagnosis. The RogersHood team
potent protocol designed to create an inhospitable
is dedicated to providing you with the resources and
environment for these unwanted guests, helping you
support you need for a successful cleanse.
reclaim your health and well-being.
Preparing for a Parasite Cleanse: Opening
the Pathways

Jumpstarting your journey with ParaFy requires more

than just a leap of faith—it needs preparation. To gear up
for the most effective cleanse, a crucial step is to ensure
that your body's natural pathways for elimination are
clear and functioning optimally. We call these the 3 P's:
Pee, Poop, and Perspire.

Why Focus on the 3 P's? POOP PERSPIRE

These pathways are your body's natural detox
superhighways. If they're clogged or underperforming, it's
like hitting traffic during your cleanse. You could end up
feeling worse before you feel better due to a Herxheimer
reaction—a temporary spike in symptoms caused by a
rapid release of toxins.

Seven Pathways to a Clear Detox Your Pre-Cleanse To-Do List:

Gradually reduce animal products and processed

COLON foods/sugars over the course of a week.
01 Ensure regular bowel movements. Ramp up your raw fruit and vegetable intake for their
cleansing properties. For delicious recipes, a
comprehensive food list and how to clean your produce,
02 Facilitate proper bile flow for fat digestion and
download the RogersHood Community Cookbook Here.
toxin removal.
Ensure you’re eliminating waste effectively; if not
03 Support your body's sewage system through kickstart the process with GUTTY before your herbs.
movement and hydration. Stay active with light exercises such as yoga or swimming
SKIN to stimulate lymph flow and perspiration.
04 Engage in activities that promote sweating, like Prioritize hydration to support kidney function—drink
sauna sessions or exercise. at least 3-4 liters of water daily, enhanced with natural
minerals and electrolytes.
05 Practice deep breathing or gentle aerobics for
If you choose to fast with water or fresh juice, either
optimal oxygen exchange.
strictly or intermittently, you can potentially amplify

06 Stay hydrated to help filter waste from the blood.

the effects of your cleanse.

GLYMPHATIC SYSTEM Remember, preparation is paramount. By following these

07 Prioritize sleep for brain detoxification. steps and utilizing the recommended resources, you’ll not
only prime your body for the ParaFy cleanse but also set
yourself up for a more comfortable and effective detox


Unlocking Your Body's Natural Detox 3. Lymphatic System:

System Seek out lymphatic drainage massages.
Indulge in sauna sessions or hot yoga to stimulate
Your body's capacity to cleanse itself hinges on the lymph flow.
smooth operation of its drainage pathways: elimination Relax in Epsom salt baths.
through bowel movements, urination, and sweating. Use dry brushing as a daily ritual.
Ensuring these are functioning optimally is a cornerstone Try rebounding or gentle exercises like walking and
of any effective detox regimen. If they're blocked or swimming.
sluggish, toxins can recirculate and accumulate, 4. Skin:

potentially triggering a Herxheimer reaction—a Practice regular exfoliation.

temporary increase in symptoms due to the release and Make use of saunas, steam rooms, and hot yoga for
elimination of toxins. sweating.
Enjoy massages and Epsom salt baths for relaxation
Self-Evaluation: Are Your Pathways Clear? and detoxification.
Colon: Are you having 1-3 bowel movements daily? 5. Lungs:

Urinary: Is your urine pale or clear, indicating proper Engage in deep breathing exercises.
hydration? Consider steam therapy to clear the airways.
Sweat: Are you sweating regularly through physical Herbs like mullein can support lung health.
6. Kidneys:
activity or sauna use?
Rest: Are you getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep Prioritize hydration with alkaline filtered water with
nightly? minerals like Quinton Sea Plasma or Concentrates.
Breathing: Is your breathing deep and steady rather Sip on fresh juices for their hydrating benefits.
than shallow and through the nose instead of mouth? Incorporate kidney-supportive herbs and foods into
your routine.
7. Glymphatic System:
If your answer to any of these is 'No,' let's explore some
Ensure adequate, quality sleep.
strategies to support and activate each elimination
Soak up sunlight and breathe in fresh air daily.
Eat an anti-inflammatory diet.
1. Colon Pathway:
Experiment with hydrotherapy and cold exposure.
Embrace a diet rich in fiber. Explore frequency therapy and acupuncture.
Apply castor oil packs for detox support.
Stay active to stimulate bowel movements. Embrace the Process! Embarking on this cleansing
Consider enemas or colonics for a deeper cleanse. journey requires patience and self-compassion. Every step
Explore herbal supplements like Aloe, Senna. you take towards opening these pathways is a step
Integrate probiotics and fermented foods into your towards a cleaner, more vibrant you.
Use magnesium supplements at bedtime for a gentle Remember, cleansing is a journey, not a race. Support
laxative effect. your body's innate ability to heal and cleanse, and it will
Try acupuncture for digestive health. reward you with increased vitality and well-being. And
2. Liver/Bile Ducts: remember, the RogersHood team is here to support you
Utilize coffee enemas to support liver detoxification. every step of the way!
Incorporate liver-supportive herbs and supplements.
Add liver-cleansing foods to your meals.
Again, acupuncture can be beneficial.

Tools to help get your Lymph moving:
•Lymph massage •Dry Brushing •Red light therapy
•Rebounding •Gua sha tool •Vibration plate
•Calendula tea •Exercise •Castor oil pack

Tools to help you sweat:

• Sauna or Portable •Gua Sha tool •Wooden lymph body
sauna code:rogers10 •Sitting in the sun paddles
•Exercise •Tasks outside

Tools to help you poop:

•3 dates a day •Sprouts & sweet potatoes •Magnesium citrate at night
•Fresh Celery juice •Flax seeds, Aloe Juice •Coffee enemas, Colonics, Bowel Mover
•Chia seed pudding •Water/ Wheat grass •Castor oil pack

Helpful Supplements: (Fullscript Access Here)

•Liver support: •Multivitamin (fullscript) •Tudca, Drainage Activator, Lymph
•Milk thistle •Probiotics + kimchi, Active (Cellcore) code: wWhQ0rDy
•NAC kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut •PC BodyBio

Support the urinary tract: (Fullscript Access Here)

•Marshmallow herb •Oregon grape root •Juniper
•Slippery Elm •Yarrow •D-manose
•Cranberry •UVA-Ursi


Prepare for Detox with Gutty: Your Pre-

Cleanse 3-day protocol Game Changer

Welcome to a revitalizing start with Gutty, a 3-day pre-

cleanse drink mix meticulously crafted by RogersHood
Apothecary. Gutty isn't just a colon cleanse; it's your
stepping stone towards a successful parasite cleanse,
ensuring your body's pathways are primed for
Guidelines for Optimizing Gutty Cleanse
Gutty: Your Pathway Preparer Experience

1. Why Gutty? Gutty plays a crucial role in preparing How to Use Gutty Effectively:
your body for the parasite cleanse. It ensures that your To ensure a smooth and efficient cleansing experience
internal pathways are clear and functional, making with Gutty, follow these simple steps:
the cleansing process smooth and effective.
2. The Power of Natural Ingredients: Gutty harnesses 1. Divide and Consume: Begin by dividing the Gutty
the benefits of chia seeds for fiber, whole psyllium packet into two equal parts. Pour each half into
husk for digestion and toxin elimination, bentonite separate glass jars.
clay for absorbing impurities, and coconut activated 2. Prepare the Drink: In one glass, add water and a
charcoal as a natural detoxifier. squeeze of lime juice as per the included instructions.
3. Health Benefits Galore: A cleanse with Gutty leads to Drink this first portion, then proceed to consume the
enhanced digestion, increased energy, better weight second glass in the same manner.
management, stronger immunity, and decreased
disease risk. Important Considerations Before Using Gutty:
4. Ease of Use: Simple to prepare and gentle on your
system, Gutty can be a regular part of your health 1. Assess Bowel Movement Regularity: Gutty is
regimen. designed to facilitate cleansing, but it's crucial to
5. Gluten-Free Assurance: Catering to your health evaluate your current bowel movement regularity
needs, Gutty is gluten-free, making it suitable for before starting. If you are experiencing constipation
everyone. or less than one bowel movement per day, it's
advisable to address these issues first.
Checking Medication Compatibility: 2. Seek Drainage Support: Refer to the drainage support
section for guidance on enhancing bowel movements.
For those on medications, particularly chemotherapy and This preparatory step ensures that your body is ready
blood thinners, it's crucial to ensure compatibility with for the cleansing effects of Gutty.
the herbs in Gutty. We provide an easy-to-use website to 3. Professional Advice: For those with existing bowel
check your medications against our herbs, ensuring your movement irregularities, it’s recommended to consult
safety and peace of mind. Hello Pharmacist with a healthcare professional or our team for
personalized advice before commencing the Gutty
The Ideal Start to Cleansing: cleanse.

Gutty is the ultimate pre-cleanse partner, setting you up Remember, the key to a successful cleanse is preparation.
for a more effective and comfortable cleansing experience. Ensuring your bowel movements are regular and efficient
Its natural formulation not only cleanses but also enriches sets the foundation for a more effective and comfortable
your body, preparing it for the journey ahead with ParaFy. cleansing experience with Gutty.

Formulated with Lungwort, Burdock Root, Willow Bark,
Cilantro, and Dandelion Root.
Designed to eliminate mucus, extract heavy metals, aid
liver function, and alleviate discomfort associated with

5. CINNABIN Binder:
A blend of Ceylon Cinnamon and Coconut Activated
Charcoal in vegan capsules.
Binds and neutralizes toxins released during parasite die-
off, minimizing Herxheimer reactions.
Ensures reduced impact of released toxins, including
Understanding PARAFY: A Comprehensive
heavy metals and residual drugs.
Parasite and Heavy Metal Detox

Introduction to PARAFY:
PARAFY is a meticulously designed, 30-day detoxification
protocol, focusing on eliminating parasites, candida and
heavy metals. Unique in its approach, it combines tinctures
with a binder for a thorough cleansing experience. To cater
to varying needs, PARAFY also offers a Nut-Free version for
those with allergy sensitivities.
SHARING A KIT: Guidelines for Effectively Using
The PARAFY Kit – Components and Benefits:
Primary Recommendation:
1. Tinctures for Maximum Absorption:
Individual Kits: It's advisable for each person undergoing
The kit includes three tinctures, created with distilled
a 30-day parasite cleanse with ParaFy to have their own
water, grain alcohol, raw honey, and herbs, free from
kit. This ensures an adequate supply of product for the
artificial colors or flavors.
full duration of the cleanse.
Tinctures are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream for
full-body efficacy, a crucial advantage over dried herbs Sharing a Kit: Special Consideration for Children
that require digestion and may lose potency. Children Under 10: Although it's possible for children
under 10 to share a kit with an adult, due to their lower
2. PARAFY Tincture: dosage requirements, precision is key.
Contains Wormwood, Black Walnut Hull, Hawthorn Importance of Accurate Dosing: Inaccurate measuring
Berry, Clove, and Garlic. could lead to an insufficient supply for the entire month.
Targets large worms and parasites, including Additional Tincture for Children: If a child is sharing a
roundworms, tapeworms, pinworms, flatworms, kit with an adult, they should have their own ParaFy
hookworms, giardia, and candida. tincture to maintain the recommended 1-3x daily dosage
Effective against parasites not just in the intestines but and ADD an additional Cinnabin with the singular
also those residing in various body tissues and organs. ParaFy tincture when sharing a kit for effective results.

3. SUSTAIN Tincture: Key Takeaway:

Comprises Oregon Grape Root, Usnea, and While sharing a kit between an adult and a child under 10 is
Peppermint. feasible, careful attention to dosing is crucial to ensure the
Aids in combatting ringworm, harmful bacteria, cleanse's effectiveness and the availability of the product for
giardia, protozoans, flukes, and candida, while also the entire 30 days. To avoid any risk of shortage or
supporting the immune system. ineffective dosing, individual kits are highly recommended.
PARAFY Dosage and Cleansing
Protocol: A Step-by-Step Guide

Key Guidelines:
1. Empty Stomach Administration: Tinctures are
most effective when taken on an empty stomach, as
food can diminish their medicinal properties.
2.Timing After Tinctures: Wait 30 minutes to an hour
before eating after administering tinctures.

Adult Dosage:
ParaFy & Metal Flush: 15 drops, three times a
Sustain: 15 drops, twice a day.
Red Artist, if applicable: 1 dose of 30 drops per
day/ in the morning.
Child Dosage (Aged 3-10):
ParaFy: 15 drops, 1-3x times a day.
Sustain & Metal Flush: 15 drops, once a day.
Cinnabin: Pop Capsule open and sprinkle on
spoonful of applesauce - tastes like cinnamon.

Administer tinctures three times daily, with 4-5
hour intervals between doses.
Vigorously shake the tincture bottle before use.
Mix 15 drops of each tincture in juice or water.
For children, orange or pineapple juice is
recommended for better taste masking.
Supplements or medications (except thyroid
medication) can be taken 30 minutes after the
For thyroid medications or probiotics, take them
1 hour before the tinctures.

Cinnabin (Binder):
Take Cinnabin every night, ensuring a 2-hour gap
from any tinctures or supplements.
If constipation occurs, stop taking the binder
until the issue resolves.

Additional Tips:
Magnesium supplementation at bedtime can aid
bowel movements and relaxation.
For alcohol-free consumption, disperse tinctures
in hot water and wait 10 minutes for the alcohol
to evaporate before drinking. Ensure the water is
not boiling to preserve the tincture’s integrity.


Enhance your cleanse experience Understanding Contraindications Before

for Cleansing with ParaFy
1. RED ARTIST Tincture - Advanced Support During
Before you embark on your journey with the ParaFy full
Composition: Contains Artist Conch and Red
body parasite cleanse, it's essential to understand certain
Belted Polypore.
contraindications. Although ParaFy is known for its
Extraction Process: Undergoes a double extraction
gentle and clean approach, there are specific
for optimal medicinal potency.
circumstances where caution or abstention is advised:
Benefits: Enhances the cleansing process by aiding
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: If you are pregnant or
digestion, calming the nervous system, and boosting
breastfeeding, it is recommended to refrain from
immune function.
taking ParaFy herbs.
2. GUTTY - The Pre-Cleanse Game Changer Medication Interactions: Those on blood thinners,
Ingredients: A mix of chia seeds, psyllium husk, aspirin, or chemotherapy medications should avoid
bentonite clay, and coconut activated charcoal. using ParaFy. The interaction between these
Action: Acts like a gut broom, sweeping away medications and the herbs in ParaFy could lead to
residual fecal matter and exposing parasites. adverse effects.
Effects: Binds to and absorbs varying stool contents, Age Considerations: ParaFy is not suitable for
so expect diverse colors and textures in bowel children under the age of 3.
movements. Antibiotic Use: If you're currently taking
antibiotics, wait for at least 5-7 days after
3. FULVIC SOAK - Skin Detoxification completing your antibiotic course before starting
Usage: Specifically intended for soaks, including the cleanse. This ensures that the antibiotics don't
foot or full-body baths. interfere with the effectiveness of ParaFy.
Function: Utilizes negatively charged Fulvic
minerals to attract and pull out positively charged Additional Guidelines:
toxins like parasites, candida, and heavy metals
through the skin. For those taking thyroid medication, probiotics,
Advantage: Leverages the skin, our largest receptive vitamins, or other supplements, please consult our
organ, to add minerals and aid in detoxification. detailed DOSAGE/CLEANSING PROTOCOLS.

Key Insights:
These guidelines provide instructions for safe and
Red Artist is a potent supplement to support your
effective use of ParaFy alongside other medications.
body's systems during the cleanse.
Gutty effectively prepares your digestive tract for It's crucial to prioritize your health and safety while
the cleanse, ensuring maximum efficacy. considering a cleanse.
Fulvic Soak offers a unique approach to
detoxification, utilizing skin absorption to remove
Understanding these contraindications ensures you
unwanted elements from your body.
embark on your cleansing journey with ParaFy in the
most beneficial and secure way.
These additional tools are designed to complement the
ParaFy cleanse, offering a more holistic and thorough
detoxification experience.

Anticipating the Journey: Understanding the Extra Support Strategies:
Parasite Cleanse Experience 1. Fulvic Soaks: Utilize fulvic foot soaks or baths twice
weekly to aid detoxification through the skin.
Understanding the Cleanse Process: What can
2. Soothing Baths: Epsom salt or magnesium baths for
you expect during your Parasite Cleanse
Natural Response: Discomfort during a parasite cleanse 3. Adequate Rest: Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep to give
is a sign that your body is actively expelling parasites your body enough time to recover and cleanse.
and their toxins. This process, though uncomfortable, 4. Sunlight Exposure: Boost your mood and immune
indicates successful detoxification. system with natural sunlight.
5. Skin Care: Apply bentonite clay mixed with apple
Recognizing Herxheimer Effects: cider vinegar to soothe skin irritations.
Defense Mode: As parasites die off, they release various 6. Nutritional Support: Vitamin B supplements can
toxins and substances they've accumulated, triggering help combat fatigue.
your body's defense mechanisms. 7. Colon Support: Consider colonics, coffee, or warm
Symptoms to Expect: You may experience a range of water enemas for bowel cleansing.
detox symptoms, known as the Herxheimer Effects, 8. Hydration: Drink plenty of water, fresh juices, and
which can include: coconut water to stay hydrated and aid
Digestive discomfort: Bloating, gas, diarrhea, and detoxification.
abdominal cramps. 9. Infrared Sauna & Cold Therapy: Use infrared
Musculoskeletal pain: Joint and muscle aches. saunas and cold showers or plunges for additional
Psychological shifts: Anxiety, depression, irritability, detox support.
emotional fluctuations. 10. Physical Therapies: Massage and acupuncture can
Dermatological reactions: Skin breakouts, rashes, aid in the detox process.
itching. 11. Castor Oil Packs: Useful for liver support and
Cravings: Intense desire for certain foods, particularly lymphatic drainage.
sugars. 12. Dry Brushing: Aids in stimulating the lymphatic
General malaise: Fatigue, headaches, insomnia. system and exfoliating the skin.
Flu-like symptoms: Fever, chills, body aches. Remember:
Mucus release: Noticeable in stool, urine, or nasal The inclusion of CINNABIN in your cleanse kit is
discharge. crucial. It's designed to bind and neutralize the
Neurological effects: Hallucinations or paranoia in rare toxins released during the die-off phase, reducing
cases. the intensity of detox symptoms.
While some discomfort is expected, the ParaFy kit is
Navigating the Cleanse: formulated to mitigate severe reactions and ensure a
Expect Varied Responses: Individuals may experience smoother cleansing experience.
different symptoms and intensities. Listening to your Adopting these additional support strategies can
body and adjusting self-care practices accordingly is greatly enhance your body’s natural detox processes,
key. helping to alleviate discomfort and promote
Take Breaks: If herx symptoms are too intense double efficient waste elimination.
down on drainage support and pause your cleanse.
Support Systems: Utilize supportive measures like Key Takeaway: Embrace the cleanse as a journey to
hydration, rest, and gentle physical activity to ease better health. While there might be challenging
symptoms and aid the detox process. moments, each symptom is a sign of your body cleansing
Consult Professionals: If symptoms become and rejuvenating itself. Remember, with the right tools
overwhelming or concerning, seeking medical advice is and strategies, you can navigate this journey more
important to ensure safe and effective cleansing. 10 comfortably and effectively.
Commitment to Wellness: Navigating Your Cleanse
with the Right Foods

Embarking on your RogersHood Parasite Cleanse journey,

it's crucial to follow the dietary guidance provided in the
RogersHood Community Cookbook. This guide is your key
to a successful cleanse, offering both a list of recommended
foods and a 7-day meal plan.

The Importance of the Food List: (Page 6 of


Understanding the Necessity of Regular Optimized Nutrition: The cookbook's food list is
Parasite Cleansing
tailored to support the detox process, providing
nutrients that help your body and discourage parasites.
"It's Not a One and Done" - A Guiding Principle:
Avoiding Setbacks: It also identifies foods to avoid,
Ongoing Process: As Kim frequently emphasizes, ensuring you don't unintentionally hinder your
effective parasite cleansing is not a one-time event. cleansing progress.
Regular cleansing is crucial due to the ease with which
The 7-Day Meal Plan: (Page 111 of Cookbook)
parasites can be contracted.
Why Regular Cleansing Matters: Parasites and their
A Strong Start: The initial week can be pivotal, and the
eggs can be picked up from numerous sources, including
7-day meal guide in the cookbook is designed to make
restaurants that may not thoroughly wash produce.
this transition smooth and enjoyable with tasty,
Recommended Cleansing Schedule: cleansing-friendly recipes.
Simplicity and Variety: The guide is easy to follow and
1. First Year Focus: Aim for 3-4 cleanses. This helps to offers a variety of meals to keep your diet interesting
address parasites at various life stages and those entrenched and effective.
in the body.
2. Post-Cleansing Interval: After completing a 30-day Long-Term Benefits:
ParaFy protocol, plan your next cleanse within 7-21 days.
This interval allows time for eggs to hatch and dormant Lasting Health Habits: While focusing on the cleanse,
parasites to become active, making them susceptible to the you'll also be establishing healthier eating habits that
next round of cleansing. can continue to benefit you long after the cleanse ends.
3. Importance of Breaks: Just as humans build tolerance to
substances like medication or alcohol, parasites can develop Conclusion:
resistance. Breaks between cleanses are essential.
By adhering to the dietary recommendations in the
The Benefits of Regular Cleansing:
RogersHood Community Cookbook, you're setting yourself
Reduced Hostility: By maintaining a clean, alkaline diet up for a successful cleanse and taking a significant step
and cleansing frequently, your body becomes less towards lasting wellness. Enjoy this journey of nourishing
hospitable to parasites. and rejuvenating your body!
Increased Body Awareness: Over time, you'll become
more attuned to your body. Familiar symptoms like
irritability, bloating, or teeth grinding can signal it’s
time for another cleanse.
Dr.Hulda Clark’s All-Natural Pet Parasite Cleanse

At RogersHood Apothecary, we are dedicated to the well-

being of your cherished furry family members. We
understand that your pets' health is of utmost importance,
which is why we have included Dr.Clarks comprehensive
and gentle pet parasite cleanse program that focuses on
promoting their overall vitality and wellness. This protocol
draws inspiration from the pioneering work of Dr. Hulda
Clark, a renowned researcher and author in the field of
natural health. Week 3: Parsley Water, Black Walnut Hull, and
Week 1: Parsley Water In the third week, we introduce Wormwood capsules to
Dosage is based on a 10 pound dog or cat. Adjust enhance the cleansing process.
accordingly for larger pets. In the first week of Dr.Clark’s
pet parasite program, it initiate a simple yet effective step to Wormwood Dosage:
prepare your pet's body for the cleansing process. Open a Wormwood capsule and add 200-300 mg.
Sprinkle a small pinch of Wormwood on your pet's
Parsley Water Preparation: food.
1. Soak a big bunch of Parleys in 1 cup of distilled white Continue this regimen for one week before progressing
vinegar, 2 cups of filtered water, Juice from ½ lime, 1 to the next phase.
tablespoon of Celtic Sea Salt for 5-10 mins. Remove
from soak and rinse well afterwards. Week 4 and Beyond: Parsley Water, Black
Walnut Hull, Wormwood, and Cloves
2. Place parsley in large pot of hot water or boiling water,
During this phase and beyond, we incorporate Cloves to
approximately 4 cups of water for approximately 3
complete the pet parasite cleanse program.
3. Once completed, save the water and discard the
Clove Dosage:
Add the smallest pinch of Cloves possible to your pet's
4. Allow the parsley water to cool, then portion it into
dry food. Go slow and never force the food.
several 1-cup containers and freeze them. This will
Maintain this routine daily for dogs and twice a week
provide a one-month supply.
for cats. With time, your pets will become accustomed
5. Administer 1 teaspoon of parsley water on your pet's
to the regimen.
food daily for one week prior to starting the black
walnut hull tincture.
Important Notes:
Week 2: Parsley Water and Black Walnut Hull It is crucial to proceed slowly and never force your pet
In the second week, we introduce Black Walnut Hull to consume the food.
tincture to further support your pet's cleansing journey. Monitor their progress closely, and if any unusual
symptoms are observed, seek guidance from your
Black Walnut Hull Dosage: veterinarian.
For dogs: Administer 1 drop of regular-strength Black Promptly clean up any pet waste and uphold proper
Walnut Hull tincture daily, mixed with their food. hygiene.
For cats: Offer 1 drop of Black Walnut Hull tincture on
their food only twice a week. By following the Dr. Hulda Clark’s All-Natural Pet Parasite
Example: A 30 pound dog takes up to 3 drops daily since Cleanse Program, you are taking a proactive approach to
it is 1 drop per 10 pounds. Work up to it - gradually enhance the well-being of your treasured pets.
increase the dosage for larger pets each day for the first Remember, a healthy pet is a happy pet, and at RogersHood
week. Do this for 7 days prior to starting wormwood. Apothecary, we are here to support you on this journey
Please be mindful that changes in your pet's may throw toward optimal pet health.
up or have diarrhea, expect to see worms, wash hands
and do not have children clean up. Access supplements on fullscript for an exclusive 20%
Closing Thoughts: Embracing the Journey with Gratitude and Well-Being

As we reach the conclusion of this guide, we want to extend our heartfelt gratitude for choosing to embark on this
transformative journey with us. You are not just a valued member of the RogersHood family; you are an integral part of a
community dedicated to fostering health, wellness, and positive change.

Gratitude for Your Trust and Participation:

Your decision to join us on this path of cleansing and wellness is deeply appreciated. Your trust in RogersHood is not just
valued; it's cherished.
Remember, you're now part of a family that supports, encourages, and grows together. Your journey is a shared one, and
your successes are our collective triumph.

Wishes for a Fruitful Cleansing Experience:

May your cleansing journey be effective and be filled with moments of joy, discovery, and personal growth.
We wish you an experience that brings you closer to optimal health, vitality, and a deeper understanding of your body’s
incredible capabilities.

Looking Ahead:
As you move forward, know that RogersHood is here to support you every step of the way. Our community and resources
remain at your disposal, providing guidance, inspiration, and companionship.
This cleanse is just the beginning. We look forward to being a part of your ongoing journey towards wellness, celebrating
each milestone with you.

Thank you for choosing RogersHood. Here’s to a journey of health, happiness, and profound well-being. Welcome to the
family, where your journey is our journey.

Thank You
Community Results
30 Days ParaFy Journey

30 Days ParaFy Journey

30 Days ParaFy Journey

60 Days ParaFy


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