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Name: ____________________ Grade: 3_____

Date: Sunday, May 19th, 2024

Term 3

Final Revision Sheet

I. Reading Skill:

A. Read the selection and answer the questions.

A Day in the Great Outdoors

I woke up early on Saturday morning, excited for the adventure

ahead. Today was the day of our family camping trip. As I stepped
outside, the crisp air filled my lungs, and the sun warmed my face. My
heart raced with anticipation as I helped pack the car with tents,
sleeping bags, and supplies.

We drove for what felt like hours, but the scenery was
breathtaking, making the journey fly by. Rolling hills, tall trees, and
glistening lakes passed by our car windows, each scene more beautiful
than the last. We sang songs and played games to pass the time,
eagerly awaiting our arrival at the campground.

Finally, we arrived at the campground, and I couldn't wait to

explore the great outdoors with my family. We set up our tents near a
bubbling stream, surrounded by towering trees. The smell of campfires
and roasted marshmallows filled the air, and I felt a sense of peace and
tranquility wash over me.

We spent the day hiking through the forest, spotting colorful birds
and playful squirrels along the way. We picnicked by a sparkling
waterfall, the cool mist refreshing our skin. In the afternoon, we
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rented a rowboat and paddled across a serene lake, laughing and
splashing as we went.

As the sun began to set, we gathered around the campfire, roasting

hot dogs and sharing stories. The sky turned shades of pink and orange,
painting a beautiful backdrop for our evening together. Snuggled in my
sleeping bag under the starry night sky, I felt grateful for this magical
day with my family.

1. What made the narrator's heart race with anticipation?

a) Waking up early

b) Helping pack the car

c) Seeing the scenery during the drive

d) Arriving at the campground

2. Where did the family set up their tents at the campground?

a) near a busy road

b) next to a playground

c) near a bubbling stream

d) far away from the other campers

3. What did the family do during the day at the campground?

a) Went shopping in town

b) Visited a museum

c) Explored the forest and went hiking

d) Stayed in their tents and read books

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4. What did the family do as the sun began to set?

a) They went to sleep early.

b) They cooked dinner over a campfire.

c) They went fishing.

d) They drove back home.

5. What activity did the family do during the drive to pass the time?

a) They played games and sang songs.

b) They read books quietly.

c) They slept.

d) They watched a movie on a portable device.

6. How did the narrator feel at the end of the day?

a) Tired and bored

b) Excited for the next day's adventure

c) Annoyed with their family

d) Lonely and sad

7. From what point of view is the selection told?

a) Third-person

b) First-person

c) Second-person

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B. Read the selection and answer the questions.

The Mystery of Whispering Woods

Whispering Woods was a place of wonder and mystery, shrouded

in tales of ancient secrets and hidden treasures. One sunny morning,
three adventurous friends, Alex, Lily, and Max, decided to explore the
depths of the woods and uncover its long-forgotten secrets.

Their journey began at the edge of the woods, where towering

trees stood like silent sentinels, guarding the secrets within. As they
ventured deeper into the woods, they were enveloped by the gentle
rustling of leaves and the soft murmur of a distant stream.

Their first discovery was a hidden clearing bathed in golden

sunlight, where colorful wildflowers bloomed and butterflies danced on
the breeze. It was a place of serene beauty, untouched by the passage
of time, and they paused to take in the peaceful scene before continuing
on their quest.

As they followed a winding path deeper into the woods, they

stumbled upon a moss-covered stone monument, its weathered surface
adorned with strange symbols and inscriptions. With furrowed brows,
they studied the ancient markings, wondering what secrets they held and
what stories they told.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting long shadows
across Whispering Woods, Alex, Lily, and Max emerged from the depths
of the woods, their hearts filled with a sense of wonder and
excitement. Though they had not uncovered all of the woods' secrets,
they knew that their adventure had only just begun.

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1. Where did Alex, Lily, and Max decide to explore?

a) Whispering Woods

b) Dreamland Park

c) The beach

d) The library

2. What was their first discovery in Whispering Woods?

a) A hidden clearing

b) A stone monument

c) A treasure chest

d) A mysterious cave

3. How did they feel when they found the hidden clearing?

a) They were scared.

b) They were annoyed.

c) They were serene.

d) They were bored.

4. What did they find at the stone monument?

a) Strange symbols and inscriptions

b) They found a map.

c) They found a key.

d) They found a treasure.

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5. What did they know as they left Whispering Woods?

a) Their adventure had ended.

b) Their adventure had only just begun.

c) They would never return.

d) They found everything they were looking for.

6. From what point of view is the selection told?

a) Third-person

b) First-person

c) Second-person

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Reading Skill:

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II. Spelling:

A. Choose the correct answer.

1. Which suffix changes the word strength to mean “make stronger”?




2. Which word correctly spells the word loose with the suffix -en?

a. loosn

b. loosen

c. looseen

B. Choose the word that correctly spells each word with a suffix -en.

3. awake + en

a. awaken

b. awakeen

c. awakken

4. give + en

a. givn

b. given

c. giveen

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C. Add -ture, -ive, -le ,or -ize to complete each word below. Write
the complete word on the line.

1. sculp______ 2. hand______

3. final______ 4. tit ______

5. organ_____ 6. Furni______

D. Circle the words that contain final stable syllables.

circus puzzle positive watches

ladder families sculpture organize

E. The word (detect) can be changed by adding the final syllable —





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F. Fill in the blank and choose the correct sentence.

flatten humble creatures sharpen positive organize

1. He opened the map and _________ it against the tabletop.

2. Can you _________ the image?

3. Sam likes to ____________ his toys by color.

4. Despite all his achievements, he has remained____________.

5. They say that these forests are filled with wild_________.

6. She always has a __________ attitude and makes everyone feel


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III. Grammar:

A. Circle the sentences that use comparative adverbs correctly.

1. His paper was latest than Tom’s.

2. She practices longer than her teammate.

3. He kicked the field goal best than last time.

4. Their dog barks louder than the neighbor’s dog.

5. Her dance performance was nicest than last year’s.

B. Which superlative adverb correctly completes the following sentences?

6. She played the ______________ with her new doll.

a. happy

b. happiest

c. most happily

d. most happiest

7. The sweet rolls disappear the ____________ of all.

a. most quickly

b. more quickly

c. quickliest

d. most quickliest

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8. Tom ate breakfast_______________ of all the children.

a. slowest
b. slower
c. more slower
d. most slowly

C. Circle the adverb in each sentence. Then write whether the

adverb tells when, where, or how.

9. She prepared food quickly most of the time. _____________

10. Japanese homes usually have straw mats on floors. ___________

11. People are everywhere on the streets. ______________

12. Pictures clearly show Korea’s charm. _______________

13. Often, moving to a new country is difficult. ____________

14. You must leave your friends behind. ______________

15. The houses are built differently. ______________

16. The people dress strangely. ______________

17. Soon you like your new home. _____________

D. Choose the correct word in ( ) to complete each sentence.

18. Kim’s grandpa lived (peacefully, peaceful) with Kim’s family in


19. Kim’s grandpa moved (cheerful, cheerfully) to America with the


20. He (kindly, kind) tells Kim a story each night.

21. He (usually, usual) tells stories about life in Korea.

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E. Circle the correct word in ( ) to complete each sentence.

22. Of all the students, George worked on his speech the (harder,

23. Jay speaks (loudest, louder) than Katie.

24. Katie speaks (more quietly, most quietly) than the teacher.

25. George talked (more excitedly, most excitedly) of all the


26. Jay talked (longer, longest) than Katie did.

27. Katie spoke the (slower, slowest) of all the students.

Good Luck ☺

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