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Here Are 50 Multiple-Choice Questions (Mcqs) Based On The

Indian Syllabus For 2023

Class 12


**1.** Which of the following cell organelles is responsible for protein synthesis?

a) Mitochondria

b) Golgi apparatus

c) Nucleus

d) Ribosomes

**Answer: d) Ribosomes**

**2.** Which enzyme is responsible for breaking down carbohydrates in the


a) Lipase

b) Amylase

c) Trypsin

d) Pepsin

**Answer: b) Amylase**

**3.** Blood type AB is an example of:

a) Complete dominance
b) Codominance

c) Incomplete dominance

d) Recessive inheritance

**Answer: b) Codominance**

**4.** The process of conversion of ammonia into nitrate compounds is called:

a) Nitrification

b) Denitrification

c) Ammonification

d) Nitrogen fixation

**Answer: a) Nitrification**

**5.** Which of the following is a fat-soluble vitamin?

a) Vitamin C

b) Vitamin B12

c) Vitamin D

d) Vitamin B6

**Answer: c) Vitamin D**

**6.** The phenomenon of movement of water molecules through a

semipermeable membrane from an area of low solute concentration to an area of
high solute concentration is known as:
a) Osmosis

b) Diffusion

c) Active transport

d) Facilitated diffusion

**Answer: a) Osmosis**

**7.** The innermost layer of the eyeball that contains photoreceptor cells is the:

a) Sclera

b) Cornea

c) Retina

d) Choroid

**Answer: c) Retina**

**8.** In which phase of the cell cycle does DNA replication occur?

a) G1 phase

b) S phase

c) G2 phase

d) M phase

**Answer: b) S phase**

**9.** The enzyme responsible for breaking down hydrogen peroxide into water
and oxygen is:
a) Catalase

b) Amylase

c) Lipase

d) Pepsin

**Answer: a) Catalase**

**10.** Which type of blood vessel has the thinnest walls, allowing for the
exchange of gases and nutrients with tissues?

a) Artery

b) Vein

c) Capillary

d) Venules

**Answer: c) Capillary**

**11.** The hormone responsible for the fight-or-flight response in stressful

situations is:

a) Insulin

b) Thyroxine

c) Adrenaline

d) Oxytocin

**Answer: c) Adrenaline**
**12.** The condition where the blood pressure of an individual remains
persistently high is called:

a) Hypertension

b) Hypotension

c) Atherosclerosis

d) Arrhythmia

**Answer: a) Hypertension**

**13.** The process by which plants release water vapor into the atmosphere is

a) Transpiration

b) Respiration

c) Photosynthesis

d) Absorption

**Answer: a) Transpiration**

**14.** Which type of immunity is acquired through the transfer of antibodies

from one individual to another?

a) Active immunity

b) Passive immunity

c) Innate immunity

d) Cellular immunity

**Answer: b) Passive immunity**

**15.** The functional unit of the kidney responsible for filtration and urine
formation is called a:

a) Nephron

b) Glomerulus

c) Ureter

d) Renin

**Answer: a) Nephron**

**16.** The process of formation of male and female gametes is known as:

a) Fertilization

b) Reproduction

c) Meiosis

d) Mitosis

**Answer: c) Meiosis**

**17.** The green pigment found in chloroplasts responsible for capturing light
energy during photosynthesis is:

a) Chlorophyll

b) Carotene

c) Xanthophyll

d) Anthocyanin
**Answer: a) Chlorophyll**

**18.** Which of the following is responsible for carrying oxygen in the


a) Hemoglobin

b) Platelets

c) Erythrocytes

d) Leukocytes

**Answer: c) Erythrocytes**

**19.** The structure that connects the middle ear to the throat and helps
equalize pressure is the:

a) Tympanic membrane

b) Cochlea

c) Eustachian tube

d) Auditory nerve

**Answer: c) Eustachian tube**

**20.** Which of the following is a vector-borne disease?

a) Malaria

b) Tuberculosis

c) Cholera
d) Typhoid

**Answer: a) Malaria**

**21.** The process of converting glucose into pyruvate in the absence of oxygen
is called:

a) Glycolysis

b) Krebs cycle

c) Electron transport chain

d) Fermentation

**Answer: d) Fermentation**

**22.** The male reproductive organ responsible for producing testosterone is


a) Testis

b) Epididymis

c) Prostate gland

d) Seminal vesicle

**Answer: a) Testis**

**23.** The type of tissue responsible for transmitting electrical signals in the
body is:

a) Epithelial tissue

b) Connective tissue
c) Muscle tissue

d) Nervous tissue

**Answer: d) Nervous tissue**

**24.** The process of exchange of gases between blood and body cells is known

a) Respiration

b) Digestion

c) Circulation

d) Excretion

**Answer: a) Respiration**

**25.** The hormone responsible for stimulating milk ejection during

breastfeeding is:

a) Insulin

b) Prolactin

c) Thyroxine

d) Oxytocin

**Answer: d) Oxytocin**

**26.** Which of the following is responsible for maintaining the shape of plant
cells and providing mechanical support?

a) Cell membrane
b) Cell wall

c) Nucleus

d) Cytoplasm

**Answer: b) Cell wall**

**27.** The part of the neuron that receives signals from other neurons or
sensory cells is called the:

a) Axon

b) Dendrite

c) Synapse

d) Myelin sheath

**Answer: b) Dendrite**

**28.** Which of the following is an autoimmune disease where the immune

system attacks the myelin sheath of nerve fibers?

a) Parkinson's disease

b) Multiple sclerosis

c) Alzheimer's disease

d) Epilepsy

**Answer: b) Multiple sclerosis**

**29.** The hormone responsible for the regulation of calcium levels in the blood
a) Insulin

b) Thyroxine

c) Parathyroid hormone

d) Growth hormone

**Answer: c) Parathyroid hormone**

**30.** The fluid-filled sac that surrounds and cushions the developing embryo in
mammals is called the:

a) Amnion

b) Yolk sac

c) Allantois

d) Chorion

**Answer: a) Amnion**

**31.** Which of the following is an example of a biotic factor in an ecosystem?

a) Temperature

b) Sunlight

c) Water

d) Plants

**Answer: d) Plants**
**32.** The structure that prevents food from entering the trachea during
swallowing is the:

a) Epiglottis

b) Larynx

c) Bronchus

d) Alveolus

**Answer: a) Epiglottis**

**33.** The process by which green plants synthesize their own food using
carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight is called:

a) Respiration

b) Transpiration

c) Photosynthesis

d) Fermentation

**Answer: c) Photosynthesis**

**34.** Which of the following is a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps
lower blood sugar levels?

a) Insulin

b) Glucagon

c) Thyroxine

d) Adrenaline

**Answer: a) Insulin**
**35.** The enzyme found in the stomach that helps digest proteins is:

a) Amylase

b) Lipase

c) Pepsin

d) Trypsin

**Answer: c) Pepsin**

**36.** The region of the brain responsible for regulating basic bodily functions
like heart rate and breathing is the:

a) Cerebrum

b) Cerebellum

c) Medulla oblongata

d) Hypothalamus

**Answer: c) Medulla oblongata**

**37.** Which of the following is a nitrogenous waste product excreted by birds

and reptiles?

a) Ammonia

b) Urea

c) Uric acid

d) Creatinine
**Answer: c) Uric acid**

**38.** The outermost layer of the skin, which acts as a protective barrier, is
called the:

a) Dermis

b) Epidermis

c) Hypodermis

d) Subcutis

**Answer: b) Epidermis**

**39.** Which of the following is the smallest bone in the human body?

a) Femur

b) Stapes

c) Humerus

d) Tibia

**Answer: b) Stapes**

**40.** The process of breaking down large molecules into smaller units that can
be absorbed by the body is called:

a) Digestion

b) Respiration

c) Circulation
d) Excretion

**Answer: a) Digestion**

**41.** The hormone responsible for the development of female secondary

sexual characteristics is:

a) Testosterone

b) Estrogen

c) Progesterone

d) Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

**Answer: b) Estrogen**

**42.** The process of nuclear division that reduces the chromosome number by
half is called:

a) Mitosis

b) Meiosis

c) Fertilization

d) Gametogenesis

**Answer: b) Meiosis**

**43.** Which of the following structures is responsible for filtering waste

products from the blood and forming urine?

a) Liver

b) Kidney
c) Pancreas

d) Gallbladder

**Answer: b) Kidney**

**44.** The enzyme found in saliva that breaks down starch into simpler sugars

a) Lipase

b) Amylase

c) Pepsin

d) Trypsin

**Answer: b) Amylase**

**45.** The process of maintaining a constant internal environment despite

external changes is known as:

a) Homeostasis

b) Metabolism

c) Adaptation

d) Mutation

**Answer: a) Homeostasis**

**46.** The process by which water moves from the roots to the leaves of a plant
is known as:

a) Osmosis
b) Transpiration

c) Photosynthesis

d) Absorption

**Answer: b) Transpiration**

**47.** The type of reproduction that involves the fusion of male and female
gametes is called:

a) Asexual reproduction

b) Vegetative reproduction

c) Sexual reproduction

d) Binary fission

**Answer: c) Sexual reproduction**

**48.** The hormone that stimulates the contraction of the uterus during
childbirth is:

a) Prolactin

b) Oxytocin

c) Estrogen

d) Progesterone

**Answer: b) Oxytocin**

**49.** The genetic disorder characterized by the absence of melanin pigment in

the skin, hair, and eyes is known as:
a) Albinism

b) Hemophilia

c) Down syndrome

d) Cystic fibrosis

**Answer: a) Albinism**

**50.** The process of cell division that results in the formation of two identical
daughter cells is called:

a) Mitosis

b) Meiosis

c) Binary fission

d) Budding

**Answer: a) Mitosis**

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