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Who Else Wants To make $10,000 Per Month In The Next 12 Weeks
And Achieve The Freedom To Work From Anywhere?!

Congratulations on getting your hands on Online Trainer Secrets: The

Proven Step-By-Step Guide To Building A Massively Successful Online
Fitness Business in 12 Weeks or Less.

In this book, I'm going to outline 10 unbreakable rules or “secrets” that

are proven to be highly effective and will no doubt help you build your
online fitness business fast…


These secrets are what I teach my privately coached students to help

them make $10,000 a month, within the first 90 days of working with me!
And, if you do your homework, you will come to realize that I have more
successful students than anyone else who teaches anything similar.

So, imagine that within the next 90 days, you're making $10,000 a

...I want you to think about what your life's going to be like.

Where are you going to live? (Will you stay where you’re at, or will
you move somewhere better?)
What will you drive? (Will you keep driving what you have, or will you
get something better, something with a superior safety rating, and
something you enjoy more?)
What will you do with your family? (Would you be able to help them
out? Could they use your help?)
Will you quit your 9-5 or 8-6 job? (How will you spend that time?)
Will you travel more? (If so, where would you go? What places would
you like to see?

Now, I want you to take a second and write those answers down. Write
it down right now because if you don't have an exciting vision for where
you want to go, you won't have the discipline it takes to accomplish this

However, If you know exactly where you want to go and exactly why
you want to go there, then the discipline takes care of itself. I promise, if
you do what this book says, you'll be well on your way to financial

Now, look at what you wrote…

...Bro, did you do it yet? You didn’t skip what I told you to do did you?

If you did write your answers down, congratulations! You have just taken
the mandatory first step towards your freedom!

And, of course, if you did not do it…

...That’s cool man, it seems like success is just not for you.

It’s probably better if you stop reading this book now. Just accept that
you will be an average guy or girl, who does average shit, for the rest of
your average life.

...How about you take 5 goddamn minutes to do something that will
change your life and the life of your family for the better.

Now, go right down the answers to the fucking questions above.

Ill wait for you...

(assuming 5-15 minutes have passed)

Aaaaand we're back!

Look at your list. That’s exciting, right? Fucking right it is! I am excited
for you!

Can you imagine yourself living in that home with the sexy girl (or
guy… whatever you are into...I don’t judge) of your choice?

Can you imagine yourself stepping on the gas pedal as you drive the
car of your dreams? Imagine the faces of the people in cars next to you
and the people on the street.

Can you imagine yourself having the freedom to spend as much time
as you want with your family and friends?

Can you imagine yourself seeing hundreds of testimonials from clients

who you help accomplish their fitness goals? Feels great doesn't it?

Well, I am sure that this in NOT the first time you thought about having
all of this is it? Of course not. So why haven't you accomplished it yet?

Believe it or not, I used to be right where you are now.

…Probably a lot worse, actually.

I was a struggling personal trainer, just like many of you reading this. I
got my first job in a gym, training people 12 hours a day back in
September 2000. I loved training people, but I realized that when I was
working in a gym, there was only so much money I could make…

...Because there was only so many hours in a day!

Even if I worked around the fucking clock, filling every hour with clients
back to back, and I still wasn't making the money I wanted. To make
matters worse, the gym was taking more than half of the money.

Well, I knew there had to be a better way.

So the very first thing I did was try to only train private clients. I left the
gym and I started training people in their homes, or in my home.

Now, this was a little better because I could charge as much as I

wanted, and I did not have to give the gym half of the money but I ran
into some other problems.

First of all, I had to do all the marketing myself and this was before
Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram, was even in existence!

Imagine trying to market your personal training without social media.

That was my life. I figured it out, but I still had another problem…

I still had the problem of there not being enough hours in the day for
me to actually make the money I wanted.
Plus I still had to deal with clients canceling at the last minute or
rescheduling. Of course, I wouldn't get paid when they did this.

I soon realized that I was going to have to get a job that was more
consistent, so I quit. I ended up working for a moving company for a
few years. Pretty much the hardest work you can do in New York City,
because a lot of apartments here don't have elevators.

So my stupid ass would be moving sofas, tons of boxes, beds and

everything else someone keeps in their house up and down six story
walk ups for 10 hours a day, five days a week!

On the weekends, I was a manager at my buddy's restaurant in Queens.

This was a crazy situation because my buddy was a wild mother fucker
and had a habit of getting into fist fights with his waiters and busboys.
He had never run a restaurant before, so my weekends were basically
30 hours of chaos.

I kept a few private clients (the ones who paid me the most) but that
was not my focus. I had given up my dream of being a full time trainer.

If I’m being honest with you, I was depressed, and I did not want to live
anymore because…

My life sucked BALLS!

And little did I know… ...Things were about to get A LOT worse…

It was an extremely hot summer day in New York City. I had just gotten
off the subway, leaving a client's house, on my way to another client's
house, to train them. I looked at my phone and there were several
missed calls from my sister, and tons of text messages telling me to call
her right away.
When I called her, I couldn't believe what she said. She told me that my
father was missing, and that he left a suicide note.

I couldn't believe it. So I jumped on the first available flight to Chicago

(where my family is from). I saw my mom, she was crying. I didn't want
to believe this is true…

My dad was my best friend. I looked up to him my whole life. I based

everything about life on his teachings. I was in complete denial.

24 hours later, we heard a knock on the door. It was Chicago Police

Department. Two detectives in suits came in and asked me and my
mother to have a seat. They told me that they found my father dead in
a hotel room, two blocks from my house…

The cops told my Mother and I that my Father, sat at the edge of the
hotel bed, picked up his .38 caliber revolver, put it to the temple of his
head, and pulled the trigger.

My mom immediately fell to the floor crying. The police officers looked
at me and softly said, "I'm sorry," then walked out the house.

Now I was there to pick up the pieces. This was a scary moment for
me. I should have been more sad then I was.

However, fear was the emotion I felt most. I was scared because I
realized that I was the man of the house now, and I wasn't ready. I
knew that now I had to take care of my mother plus my grandma, my
sister and my nephew, not to mention the debts my father left behind.
I was now the “breadwinner” and the leader of the household, but I was
also poor as fuck!

I knew that if I was going to become the kind of man that provided for
my family, the way I wanted to, I was going to have to step my game
up! I was going to have to start making more money. RIGHT AWAY!

However, the only thing I was really, really good at was personal
training. But like I said before, in-person personal training is not the
most lucrative career.

I already tried… Working in the gym (this did not make me any real

I already tried… Getting my own personal clients. This worked a little

better, but I was still limited on how much I could make.

I already tried… Getting 3 jobs and working around the clock 7 days a
week. This did not work because I hated my life and felt like a slave.

That’s when I had my “Ahh Ha” moment!

I realized that the reason I could not make the money I wanted. It was
because everything I tried involved TRADING TIME FOR MONEY !
You are NOT going to live the life of your dreams when you trade TIME
for MONEY because you have a LIMITED AMOUNT OF TIME each day!

This is when I realized that my situation was NOT MY FAULT!

You see, I had been taught my whole life that this was the way you
make money. However, when I studied the rich people in the world, I
realized that NONE of them exchange TIME for MONEY!

If you want to live the life of your dreams, you have to trade RESULTS
for MONEY!

This is when I had the idea to move my fitness business online. I felt
that if my business was online, I can actually train more people! Plus, I
could make more money because they're not paying me by the hour,
they're paying for the result (We'll talk about this more in later

And if my business is online, there is no limit to how many people I

could help get the RESULTS they want…

This meant that there was NO LIMITS on how much money I could

Now here is the problem, I had no fucking idea how to do this!

Instagram did not exist at this time, but YouTube and Facebook did.
First I just tried selling a video course for around $49. Eventually I found
out that that was a big mistake. Many of you may have tried to sell your
course online too for some made up price - to no avail.

Without a huge following, the numbers just don't add up. If you wanted
to make just $10,000 per month, you'd have to sell 200+ courses to
new people… EVERY MONTH!

This is very difficult (if not impossible), unless you have either a huge
following (like in the millions), or a lot of money to run paid ads.
So after that failure, my stupid ass thought maybe the price is
too high, and I need to sell something cheap. So then I started
trying to sell a $10 eBook.

With that price the math is even worse because to make $10,000
per month from a $10 eBook, you have to sell 1,000 eBooks!
And you have to do it over and over again, to new people, every
single month. How can you do that without a huge following or a
lot of working ads? I had no idea either, so I had to figure out
another way.

Then I thought about my in-person personal training business. I

could charge a lot more for personal training than I could for
online courses or eBooks. My prices were always above $100 an
hour for training so I didn't need a whole lot of clients to make
a good amount of money.

The problem was I was exchanging time for that money, and
there wasn't enough hours in the day to make the money I
wanted. So I thought, what if I offer personal training online,
where I can give people the workout and diet plans, plus keep
them accountable and coach them along the way. Problem is I
couldn't charge as much for that. So what I started to do was
charge people $80 a week for online personal training. Now,
THIS was actually a better deal than my in-person, personal

Check it out, if I was training someone in-person they would

have to train with me either three or four times a week. So for
in-person training, people were paying $300-$400 a week. For
online personal training, they only had to pay $80 but they
actually got more because I gave them a whole week's worth of
workouts, and a whole week’s worth of meal plans!
Most in-person trainers don’t do meal plans. But DIET, not training, is
actually the main thing that is going to give people the RESULTS they
really want.

My in-person training did not include meal plans, and it did not include
the same kind of accountability. This ended up being a better deal for
the client and took a lot less time for me to deliver!

Once people started moving to my online training, I quickly realized that

if I had simply…

25 clients
Paying me just $80 a week
For 52 weeks…
...equals $104,000 a year!!!

That's when the light bulb went on! That's when I realized that this was
my path to victory. I didn't need millions of followers to get just 25
clients. I didn't need a bunch of money for ads to get only 25 clients.

25 was a small number, I knew I could do it. I made a lot of mistakes on

the way, and I had to pay a lot of money to a lot of mentors and
coaches to help me figure out my business - how to run an online
business, build websites, and do effective marketing but I ended up
getting way more than 25 clients.

Once I was able to build my business to the point where I could quit my
other jobs including the moving company and managing the restaurant, I
started to make so much more money online that I also stopped training
people in person. Then with that extra money and time, I started
working on building my following to the millions of followers I have now.
People think that I had my followers, then I built my business. Nope! It's
the other way around.

I built the business first and that gave me the freedom and the
money to build my following.

We'll talk about this later in the book. Once I had the freedom and the
money from online personal training, I was able to expand my business.
That's when I started my supplement company, Bro Laboratories. Now
that business does over a million dollars a year in revenue.

Plus, in large part due to my following and the connections I’ve made, I
also own and profit from several other businesses...

I was able to start a clothing line known as, “Adonyx” and do business
consulting with the handsome and entertaining online influencer Connor
Murphy, that brought in $30,000 the first day it launched!

I also co-own a meal prep/meal delivery company called “Keto Prep

Pro” that delivers delicious, amazing keto meals all over the New York

I own a training and marketing agency that helps people build and grow
their online fitness business fast!

And each one of these businesses brings in between 6 and 7 figures a


But the best part of this is, I run all of these businesses online, which
gives me the freedom to travel as much as I want. It gives me the
freedom and money to basically do anything I want within reason.
There are a lot of people who are coming out of the woodwork and
taking a crack at teaching people how to build an online fitness
business, but one, they've never actually done it. And two, they have
certainly never done it at my level.

Not only have I built multiple seven figure businesses, I also have over
150 million views on YouTube. I have over 1.5 million Facebook fans and
between my two Instagrams pages. I have over 300,000 followers!

I'm not saying this to brag, I'm saying this to explain to you that the
key to building your online fitness business is to focus on personal
training first because it's the fastest way to make over $100,000 a year!

Once you’ve done that, you'll have the freedom (and the capital) to
expand your business and other areas the same way I did. If you're
ready to go on this journey, here are the top 10 rules, or the top 10
Online Trainer Secrets that will help you accomplish those goals.

This book will give you a lot of the knowledge you need. But if books
alone made people rich and successful, then all librarians would be

I have helped tons of trainers - just like you - grow their business from
ZERO to $100,000 in 12 weeks or less.

If you want me to personally coach you, I have a mentorship program

called, “High Ticket Trainer” or “HTT”. But look, I don’t let just anyone
into this program. You have to qualify.

If you’re interested, you will have to complete two interviews. The first
one is with my enrolment officer. If he likes you, you will have a second
interview with me.
Then, if I think you are a good fit, you will be invited to join the

If you are serious enough about your success, you can apply to join
“High Ticket Trainer” here--
Secret 1: Count Money, Not
What Everybody Ought to Know About Making Money Online

I firmly believe that when you are starting your online fitness business,,
you should not worry about followers or likes in the beginning.

Followers do not equal money and likes do not equal money.

A big misconception that people have about me is that they think that I
have a successful online fitness business because I have a huge
following online, millions of fans all around the world.

The truth is that it's the other way around.

I have millions of followers because I have a successful business.

Let me explain.

To get millions of followers online, or to build a huge following, it’s going

to take a lot of effort and time.

You have to learn how to:

Shoot and edit videos
Take and edit photographs
Learn how to write compelling captions
Post all the time
Respond to questions and comments
Collab with other influencers
Learn the algorithm for each different platform
And much, much more

It's basically a full-time job with no set hours...

It takes a lot of effort. Anyone who tells you that it's easy is fuckin'

How could you handle a full-time job if you already have a full-time
job? If you already have a 9 to 5?

You can't.

The first thing you need to do is to start making enough money so that
you can quit your current job or jobs. Then you can focus on building
your following. Yes it’s true - if all things are equal, the person with the
most followers will make more money than the person with less
followers (usually, but not always...more on this later).

But if you can quit your job, you can get more followers faster…

….Because you have the time to put effort into your social media.
Maybe you can actually even put some money behind it with ads
(adding fuel to the fire).

Here's the thing. You only need 25 clients to make six figures.

Here's the “Online Trainer Formula”.

25 clients
Paying you $80 a week
For 52 weeks…
...Equals $104,000 a year!!!
You only need 25 clients, bro. Do you need millions of followers, or
millions of fans, to make 25 sales? Of course not. All you need is 25.

So why are you focusing so much on building your following or building

your subscribers or getting likes?

People make this mistake for two reasons:

1. They believe that they need a bunch of followers and fans to make
money, because they have not learned what you just learned.
2. Two, they do it because they want to stroke their own ego. They
want to feel important. They want the validation of having a bunch of
fans and followers. That's cool if you're a high school girl and you're
looking for validation from the world, but when I started my business,
I was looking to make money to support my family. And last time
that I checked, I can't pay my rent with “likes”. Last time that I
checked, I can't pay my mother's mortgage off with followers.

I teach my students how to focus on getting these first 25 clients as

fast as possible. Once they do that, they're able to quit their 9 to 5 jobs
that they hate, or stop training so many people one-on-one. Now that
they have the time, freedom and money to focus on building their

Success Story
For example, take one of my students, Charlie Diesel from Boston. When
Charlie first started working with me, he had only 100 followers. He
never really put any energy into building his social media. However, he
was a good trainer.
He had trained people his whole life, and he knew how to get results.
But he did not know anything about business, and especially online
business. I was a little apprehensive to work with him because he had
less followers than most people, especially less than all of my other

Shit, I know cats and dogs who have Instagram pages with more
followers than him! But he was so eager and enthusiastic about
accomplishing his goal, and building a better life for his family, I knew
that I could help him.

As soon as we started working together, he started implementing what I

taught him and he started getting clients within the first 30 days. By
month two, he had enough clients and income to quit his job! He literally
more than doubled his income in just 2 months. He then moved into a
new apartment in downtown Boston with his girlfriend.

Once that happened, then we started working on building his following.

I coached him on how to build his Instagram. Now, Charlie has over
6,000 instagram followers! And the best thing about it is, these followers
are people who want coaching from him! Not just people who want to
be entertained.

You can see more about Charlie's story here:

The key takeaway is first focus on getting enough money that you don't
have to work nine-to-five. Then you can start worrying about building
your following.
In the following secrets I will show you how to do that.

Let’s get this money!

Secret 2: Don't Worry About
Here is a Method That is Helping Trainers Make Tons of Money Fast

When I talk to trainers about building their online fitness business, one of
the problems they claim to have is that there is too much competition in
the fitness industry.

Guess what? They're right!

That's why I teach my students not to compete with the whole fucking

Here's the thing, bro. You only need 25 clients to make six figures.

Here's the “Online Trainer Formula”

25 clients
Paying you $80 a week
For 52 weeks…
...Equals $104,000 a year!!!

So, while there are millions of trainers online, marketing to EVERYONE

and their mother… students focus on a niche and adding their first
25 clients.

Granted, I have many students with well over 25 clients; some with over
50! But right now, I want you to focus on the first 25, because that's
going to give you the freedom to do other things.
So if you only need 25 clients, then who are you going to market
to, to get those 25?

Here's a hint. It's not “EVERYONE”. You're only looking for 25. 25 is a
lot different than “EVERYONE”. “EVERYONE” is billions.

The key to getting your first 25 fast, is to pick a “Target Market”.

So while every Asshole with “Trainer” in his bio is marketing to

EVERYONE, my students ONLY market to their “Target Market”.

We're going to talk about how to pick your “Target Market” in the
upcoming secrets, but basically you want to narrow your focus.

Look, there are way more people who need personal training, than there
are personal trainers. You don't need to compete with EVERYONE,
'cause you're not trying to get EVERYONE to be your client. You're only
trying to help 25 people that you enjoy working with.

Success Story
Here's an example of one of my students, Anna Quinn, a 22 year old
trainer from Dallas TX. Anna has more than 60 online clients at the time
of this writing, but it didn't start off like that.

When I first met Anna, she had been working as in-person personal
trainer for a number of years. She had her own private practice, where
she would drive all over Texas every day (yee haw!) , training people at
their homes or in their gyms.
She was working 12 to 14 hours a day, seven days a week, and she
was drained. She wanted to make more money. She had a lot of goals
she wanted to accomplish for herself and her family. The problem was,
because she was working as a trainer in person, she had maxed out the
number of hours she can work each day, so she couldn't make more

She tried raising her rates, but every time she did, she would lose
clients. She ended up just packing every hour of every day with clients
and training them. This was exhausting. She didn't have a social life, she
didn't have time to spend with her friends or family, she couldn't travel,
visit, or take a vacation.

Shit was so bad for Anna that she even had to work when she was
sick, because if she took time off, she would not be able to make any

Luckily, Anna heard me speak at a big conference in San Diego called,

‘The Fitness Business Summit’. After I left the stage, Anna approached
me and asked if I could mentor her, and teach her how to build her
online fitness business.

She was a little nervous about working with me at first, because she's a
conservative Christian from the South, and I curse a lot, and act crazy.
However, after we talked, we became friends and she took the risk.

It was difficult at first, to wrap her mind around how she can get people
to pay her for online training, because all she knew was in-person
training. She thought it wouldn't be effective.

However, fast forward today, Anna's been working with me for eight
months, and during her first 8 months working with me, she has
made already made over $80,000!
Her clients are happy, they're getting great results, some
of them, even better results than her in-person clients

This is because online training allows Anna to help them

with their meals as well. This has allowed Anna to almost
completely stop training people in person, except for the
few clients she actually enjoys working with.

Now she makes way more money than she ever made in
her entire life, but most importantly, she has the freedom
and time to accomplish other things…

She can go on vacations whenever she wants She can

travel whenever she wants She has the freedom to work
her own hours

Now I'm helping her focus on expanding her business, by

coming out with online programs that she can sell to
people who can't afford her in-person personal training.

This is going to take her business past $300,000 in the

next 12 months - I'm confident about that!

Check out Anna's story in her own words here--
Secret 3: You Must Be A
"Specialist" Not A "Generalist"
Discover the #1 Business Secret of The Highest Paid People on Earth

You must be a specialist and not a generalist. How many ‘fitness’ guys
or girls do you see on Instagram trying to sell some bullshit every day?


Most of them don't stand out, do they?

No, they're pretty much the same.

They're “generalists”.

They're just “Fitness Guys” or “Fitness Girls”. They don't really

specialize in anything and because they are kind of just like everyone
else. They are all offering similar shit.

As a result, they have to compete with all the other “Fitness Guys” or
“Fitness Girls” online. And the only way they can compete is with price.

They all try to be the cheapest or have the cheapest programs. This is
why you see people selling $7 eBooks or $10 eBooks all the time or
even $20-$50 programs.

They're all trying to be the cheapest because that's the only way they
can compete….
...It's a race to the bottom.

The problem with racing to the bottom is... you might win!

Making yourself “the cheapest” is the stupidest way to attempt to

build your business.

However, if you are a specialist, you specialize in something.

If you specialize in something you can actually charge MORE than

everyone else!

Sounds crazy, right?

Let me explain...

Let’s say we have two doctors.

Doctor #1 is a regular ass, general practice Doctor. You can go to this

guy if you have an ear infection, if you hurt your toe, or if you catch an
STD. He'll work with any asshole who walks in his office and has
insurance. He works with kids, children, old people, everyone! He has no
specific focus, just general health for all.

Now, let's look at Doctor #2. He is a heart surgeon. All he does is

operate on hearts. He's one of the best at what he does, and is known
for it. He will only work with certain patients with a particular heart
issue. NOBODY is better for those kinds of people with that kind of

Who do you think makes more money?

Of course, it’s Doctor #2.

He makes more money because he's a “specialist”.

You know, you can see these examples everywhere in life. There's a
diner by my house called ‘Tic Toc Diner’. They sell breakfast, lunch, and
dinner food. You can get it anytime. The menu is at least 20 pages thick.
You can get anything from a hotdog, to pancakes, to a burrito. It's just
general food.

They do fine, I'm sure they're successful. However, a few blocks away,
there's a place right next to Central Park that only sells Fancy Cookies.
These are known to be some of the best cookies in New York City…

...and they're expensive. We're talking about a $10-$15 cookie!

They specialize in making the BEST FUCKING COOKIES in New York….

...and guess what?

Every weekend there is a line around the block for this place...rain or
shine the people gotta have it!!!

There is NEVER a fucking line at the Tic Toc Diner! You can go to the
Tic Toc Diner and get a seat anytime you want! There will be no wait,
ever, I assure you of that.

They're definitely making their food as cheap as possible. It's actually

pretty good too! But they can't demand a high price because they're not

The Fancy Cookie place specializes in fancy big ass cookies, and people
come from all around the city and rest of the world to try it out.
Nobody's making special travel arrangements or waiting in line for the
fucking Tic Toc Diner...

...Just like nobody's going out of their way to get online personal
training from you!

Because you are a “generalist”.

You're the Tic Toc Diner of the fitness industry. If someone wants to
lose weight they can come to you. if they want to build muscle they can
come to you. Women can come to you, men can come to you, old
people, young people, EVERYONE can come to you…

...But they DON’T.

People don’t come to YOU for training because they can also go to
ANY of the millions of other “Fitness Guys” or “Fitness Girls”

...but something special happens once you become a “specialist”.

When you become a specialist, all of the sudden your “Target Market”
will go out of their way to come to you!

Clients will hunt you down like the old white guy hunts everyone
down in the movie “Taken”.

THEY will seek YOU out aggressively.

When you become a specialist, you don't have to compete anymore! If

you're really good at a particular skill set,
Your “Target Market” can't ‘price shop’ because you are the guy or girl
who does this special thing better than anyone else. You market yourself
as an expert at this particular thing.

So now I'm not competing with the whole fucking fitness industry, I'm
only competing with five other guys... Do you see the power in this!?

By becoming a “Specialist” I went from competing with MILLIONS of

trainers, to only 5!!!!

The fancy big ass cookie shop is not competing with everyone who sells
food in New York City! They're only competing with places who only
make fancy cookies! How many stores in New York ONLY make cookies?
Very few. I can't even think of another except for this one place in

A lot of people are afraid to focus on one area because they think they
will alienate some people. And they are right about that!

I'm sure there's some people who aren't working with me because they
don't want to do keto, which is totally fine. I want you to ask yourself
this… you think that the heart surgeon stays up at night thinking, "Damn, I
can only work on people who need heart surgery. What about all these
people with other problems with their kidneys, liver, and penis?"

Do you think he's tripping off that?

Of course not.

He is rich and successful. He doesn't want to see a thousand penis units

a day, and neither do I.
Success Story
Here's an example of one of my students, Bella Rahbek. Bella first got
into the fitness industry being more of a generalist. She just focused on
people who wanted to get in shape.

She gave general advice to everyone, whether it was men, women, old
people, young people. Anyone who wanted fitness advice, she was
making content for them.

However, she wasn't standing out. What she was doing wasn't
resonating with people.

Then Bella started working with me and we focused on marketing her as

a specialist. She began ONLY focusing on and specializing in helping
women who are skinny build bigger butts. So, think about it. She was
no longer targeting EVERYONE. She focuses on and works with women
who are skinny and want to be curvier. Not women who wanted to lose
weight, not women who want to be professional athletes, not women
who were working out for health reasons! It’s exclusively, skinny women
who want bigger butts.

As a result she's built a huge fitness business that makes well over six
figures a year, but that's not it. Her following also grew as well. See,
now it has over 100,000 YouTube views. So every time she posts a
video, over 100,000 women who want bigger butts come to her to see
what she has to say.

She makes a full time living off of her fitness business while living in
NYC (the most expensive city in the world)!

Check out Bella's story here--
Secret 4: Don't Market
To Everyone
Why You Need to Break All The Rules to Grow Your Business

In the other secrets, we talked about how you wanna specialize in

something. You wanna become an expert.

But you can't market to everyone, because not everybody wants your

In secret 3 I gave an example of how the heart surgeon makes more

money than the general doctor because he specializes in something.

But is the heart surgeon marketing to people with kidney problems?

Nope. What about people with a bad toe? No! It's only people who
need help with their heart.

And you see this in all successful business.

Refer to the drawing below. Let’s say this is the whole population.
This is human beings on Earth.
Let's pretend you sell diapers.

Are you gonna market to ALL 7.5 billion people on the Earth?

Absolutely not.

You are going to ONLY market your dope ass diapers to people who
have kids that still shit and piss on themselves aka babies.

What percentage of the population are babies? Do you know? There are,
according to Google, 30 million babies. We wanna count their parents, so
each one of these babies has at least one parent, so we're gonna say
that's about 2% of the whole population...
Let's pretend you sell diapers.

Are you gonna market to ALL 7.5 billion people on the Earth?

Absolutely not.

You are going to ONLY market your dope ass diapers to people who
have kids that still shit and piss on themselves aka babies.

What percentage of the population are babies? Do you know? There are,
according to Google, 30 million babies. We wanna count their parents, so
each one of these babies has at least one parent, so we're gonna say
that's about 2% of the whole population...
These companies that sell baby shit (diapers, baby food, baby
dumbbells, etc...) are only marketing to 2% of the population. And these
are billion dollar companies!

These are huge businesses and they only market to 2% of the


So why in the FUCK do YOU think you need to market to everyone?

The reason you don't have clients now (or as many as you want) is
because you've been marketing to everyone…

And not everyone wants your thing…

Or they don’t want it from YOU!

Let me explain.

I used to make the mistake of trying to market to

everyone too. I am one of the best trainers to ever walk
the earth, so I can TRAIN anyone…


Check it out. Here is everyone on earth--

7.5 billion people all with different lives, goals, fears,

dreams, values and shit.

How do you speak to all of them?

I guess you could say some shit like “I help people get in
Yeah, all of them want to be “in shape”, nobody wants to be a fucking
fat ass.

So, “I help people get in shape” speaks to EVERYONE, but is boring as


The problem with, “I help people get in shape” is that it speaks to

everyone, but excites no one.

To excite people, we have to speak to THEM, not everyone. It’s like

when you are in a crowded place with people talking; you hear it all, but
pay attention to none of it…

...Unless someone says, YOUR name!

When someone calls you out, your name cuts through all of the
chatter around you, and you instantly pay attention, right?

“I help people get in shape” calls out nobody it’s just chatter.

So not a single person is excited.

You get lost in the noise of other trainers saying the same dumb shit.

To cut through the noise, you have to call people out. To do that, you
have to narrow down who you are talking to.

So the first thing I personally did was to market to MEN only.

Think about it…

Men workout for different reasons than women, so the messaging has to
be different.

Checkout the example of an ad I ran below that targeted men. Can you
see how men might be excited about this?

It may even turn off some women, but guess what? I DON’T GIVE A
I started seeing more success when I only marketed to MEN, because I
could speak to the wants and desires of men. I called them out more
and the message resonated more with them.

But that still was not good enough.

A 60 year old man has different goals than a 20 year old man. They
want to achieve different levels of fitness for different reasons.

So I had to pick an age group to target. At first, I marked to men 18-25.

18-25 year old men usually want to get into shape for ONE reason…


That’s why I am pressing a big booty girl over my head in that pic. I
know that 18-25 year old men would like to be in that position.

I immediately grew a strong loyal fan base of 18-25 year old men when
I changed my messaging to appeal to them…

And them ONLY!

But there were TWO problems with that approach

1. 18-25 year old men don’t have a lot of money.

2. 18-25 year old men are the worst people on earth (Statistically, 18-
25 year old men commit almost ALL crimes).

These little assholes think they know everything, testosterone is oozing

out their eyeballs and they don’t have a dime to spend.
Do you think “tampax” gives a fuck about what men think?


They only sell to WOMEN (not even all women, more on that later).

I digress…
So I very deliberately changed my target market to, “Men age 25-35”.

This worked WAY better because this demo has more money to spend,
and they are past the immature point in there lives where they think
they know everything.

However, I also had to change up my image to market to an older more

mature demo. This meant I needed to start dressing and speaking more

No more bench pressing girls or talking crazy.

I had to tap into the needs and pain points of older men. Young guys,
for biological reasons, only really care about getting girls.
But older men need to know how improving their fitness level
will help them with their career. They also need to know how
fitness will make them a better father and husband.

You may be hesitant to narrow your target market’s age. But let
me ask you a question?

The Billion dollar company, Tampax, only markets to women...but

do they market to ALL women?


Why, because not all women have a period. So they don’t spend
a cent marketing to women under 13 or women over 45.
Because only women aged 13-45 have their periods!
Now, when a Man age 25-35 comes across my content, he is more
excited because I am speaking ONLY to him!

I am calling him out.

If I start talking to this guy about flipping cars or “running faster”, or

some shit, it will hardly resonate with him because ALL he wants to do

Once I narrowed my focus to MEN age 25-35 who want to “GET

RIPPED”, that’s when I made my first million dollars in a year!
But that STILL was not good enough.

There are countless ways to “GET RIPPED”. I knew I needed to focus

on one.

I started doing the KETO diet a few years back, and fell in love with it!
Keto is not for everyone, but that’s GOOD!

Because I don’t want to market to EVERYONE.

At the same time I began to fall in love with KETO, I noticed it was
becoming more popular! So I checked “Google Trends” (a site you can
look up to see what people are searching around the world), and I
noticed something interesting…

Keto was invented (by doctors) in 1920… But it seemed like it was
gaining in popularity in 2017!
I was already doing keto, so I decided to go all in on it.

Now I focused on, “Men age 25-35 who want to Get Ripped WITH


Now look how much it narrowed the shit down!

Something special happens when you narrow your marketing and you
messaging down like this...

First off, can you name another guy who helps “Men age 25-35 who
want to Get Ripped WITH KETO”?

I can think of 4 or 5 maybe.

So now, I'm not competing with every fucking trainer on Earth! I am
only competing with 4 or 5 guys.

But something even more important than that happens…

When a man between the ages of 25-35, who wants to Get Ripped,
with Keto finds me, HE IS EXCITED! That’s because I CALLED HIM OUT!
My messaging stands out (to HIM) and cuts though all the other noise.

When that guy is looking for a trainer, who do you think he is going to

Some fat trainer who says “I help people get in shape”


The trainer who says, “I help *Men Get Ripped With Keto”

Fuck yeah! He is going to pick ME! And you know what else? I am the
only one who is that specific, so he CAN’T PRICE SHOP with other


(*side note: I did not have to say the age because that is done in my

So, here is your homework:

Narrow your market right now.

There's 7.5 billion people in the world. All you need to do to build a
successful business is:
25 clients…
Who pay you $80 a week….
for 52 weeks.
That equals $104,000 a year!

If you only need 25, which 25 are you gonna market to? Narrow down
the gender, age, what you are going to help them with and how you are
going to help them.

Then, only market to them. When ALL your content, and ALL your
marketing is 100% focused on them…

They're gonna come to you.

They're gonna seek you out because you solve their problem. You solve
a specific problem for a specific person, and when they find out that's
them, they will be delighted to give you their money!

Success Story
Here is an example from one of my star students, who makes over
$10,000 a month with her online fitness business, Mattie Conklin.

Mattie is a stay at home Mom from Pittsburg.

Mattie had NEVER been a trainer before in her life. She definitely did not
know anything about how to run a business.

Mattie had no following on social media at all, she did not even know
what a “hashtag” was.

I met Mattie because she entered one of my KETO Challenges.

Mattie got in AMAZING SHAPE during the challenge and won the grand
prize of $1,000.00.

When I talked to Mattie, she told me how much the Challenge changed
her life. She wanted to become a coach and start helping other people
accomplish their fitness goals the same way I helped her.

Mattie was nervous at first because she had NEVER started her own
business before and had ZERO following on social media.

She also worried that she would not have the time to do this because
the majority of her time was spent taking care of her two young

However, Mattie took the plunge and joined my mentorship program

called, “High Ticket Trainer”.

The first thing we did was narrow her target market down.

We decided that it would be best for Mattie to focus 100% on “Mom’s

who want to lose fat with Keto”

Within a few short months, Mattie was making over $18,000 a month
with her Online Trainer Business!

Click here to learn more about Mattie’s story--
Secret 5: Change What
You Are Worth
The Quickest And Easiest Way To Grow Your Online Trainer Business

A big problem I see with online trainers once we build their business on
the internet, is that they don't charge enough for their services.

They try to put out cheap eBooks and courses because they see big
influencers doing that. The problem is unless you have a huge fan base,
or you are a Facebook advertising wizard, it's very difficult to make
money on eBooks and courses.

This is because the math doesn't add up. I'll explain that in a minute.

As a result of trainers trying to sell cheap shit on the internet, they don’t
end up making a lot of money. They become frustrated, and never really
get the freedom that they want. This leads to them giving up, and not
really being able to help as many people as they like.

This is called a value ladder--

In business, a value ladder explains a business' range of products and
services in regard to price and value. The most valuable stuff is also the
most expensive stuff, and it's at the top of the value ladder. The least
valuable stuff and the cheapest is at the bottom of the value ladder.

In an online trainer business, the bottom of your value ladder will be

your free stuff, social media posts, YouTube videos, et cetera.
The next level of your value ladder will be eBooks and PDF files. The
average eBook is sold for around $10.
The next level of your value ladder is where you will put your online
courses, supplements, and maybe fitness equipment. This stuff averages
at around $50.

The top level of your value ladder would be online training, where you
really train people online.

For 12 to 16 weeks of training, I teach my students how they can

charge $1,000 for that.
Now, let's do some math. Let's say your goal is to get
to $10,000 a month in your online training business. I
feel like $10,000 a month is a really good goal to have,
because that's usually when you can quit your job and
do this full-time comfortably.
Let's say you're focusing on the second level of your value ladder. You
want to sell eBooks. How many $10 eBooks do you need to sell to get
to $10,000 a month? That's right, you have to sell 1,000 eBooks every
month to get to $10,000 a month.

Let me ask you a quick question, hotshot.

Have you ever sold 1,000 units of anything on the internet?

I’m willing to bet the overwhelming majority of people reading this

probably have not.

So, selling 1,000 eBooks is going to be a difficult task, unless of course

you have millions of followers, or at least hundreds of thousands of

Okay, let's say you want to sell courses or start your own supplement
line like me. The average price of the next level of the value ladder is
around $50. How many level two products do you have to sell to get to
$10,000 a month? That's right, you have to sell 200 to get to $10,000 a
Selling 200 of anything online is not an easy task, unless of course you
have a few million followers online like me.

But here's the thing. I didn't start with millions of followers, I started
just like you, with almost none. I focused on the top of the value ladder,
which is online training.

I will teach my students how to sell 12-16 week online training packages
at $997 or $1,000. How many of those do you need to sell to get to
$10,000 a month?

That's right, you only need to sell 10.

You see how that's a lot easier? You see how that math actually starts
to add up in your favor? But here's the thing. It gets even worse than
that for the other levels of the value ladder…

Because online training is recurring, meaning people are charged again

automatically once their 12-16 weeks are up.

But with eBooks, you would have to sell 1,000 eBooks every month, and
you'd have to sell it to different people. Do you see how difficult that

Even with the second level of your value ladder, you'd have to sell 200
products every month, most likely to new people.

But here's the thing... You're selling a 12-16 week program that's

Keep in mind that you’ll quickly be on track to sell 10 plans per month
and those payments happen again in month four, meaning you don't
have to sell any more (assuming they stayed on).

So now your income becomes more passive and you’re able to help
your clients even more, instead of a cycle of trying to sell some cheap
shit to new people every month like most online trainers.

You can start to relax now and focus more on your current clients
instead of constantly focusing on trying to get NEW clients.
Or it can be a lot simpler than that.

Let's say you're on a sales call with someone, and they don't have
$1,000 to give you.

That's cool, you can charge them weekly at $80.

Guess what? 25 clients paying you $80 a week for 52 weeks is $104,000
a year. You can probably quit your job with that number too.

So basically, you only need 25 clients, no matter how you slice it.

If you're trying to sell cheap ass bullshit eBooks, you need 1,000 new
sales every month!
If you're trying to sell courses, or pieces of fitness equipment, you're
going to have to sell 200 every month.

If you're doing online training, you only need 25 total to make over
$100,000 a year!

Are you getting it? Are you seeing how the math actually adds up?

Here's the thing, online training is also way more valuable than some
bullshit eBook or course.

You're actually providing a better service, because you're giving them

workout plans, meal plans, you're checking in with them once a week,
and you're keeping them accountable, and helping them accomplish their

You're giving personal training, but you're doing it online. It's cheaper
than in-person personal training in a gym.

I've seen this work countless times.

Success Story
I taught this simple method to one of my students, Noel Mercedes from
New York.

Noelle was working at a big chain gym in Manhattan making decent

money doing in-person training, but he wanted to move to online
training so he'd have more time to spend with his wife and his family.

The gym was taking up all his time, and half his money. He wanted
more freedom.
He had tried doing cheap courses and eBooks, but because he
did not have a huge following, he wasn't able to make money.

Fortunately, Noelle found me, and decided that he wanted to

move his business online. He was nervous about hiring me as
his coach, because he had tried to sell online before but was

Still, he took the plunge.

And he’s glad he did because within the first two weeks, Noel
got four high-ticket clients, but because he was able to sell 16
week packages, he made over $2,000 in the first two weeks.

Now Noelle has tons of clients, all online. He was able to quit
his job at the gym, and start working 100% from home with
online clients.

Now he has time to walk his kids to and from school every day,
and spend more time with his girlfriend.

He has the freedom to travel, and now he's even getting into
some other business ventures.

He's making more money than ever before, and has more time
and freedom to himself than he's ever had.

You can check out more about Noel’s story here--
Secret 6: Sell Results,
Not Time
How to Make More Money Without Having To Spend More of Your
Time Doing It

In-person trainers don't make a ton of money and they don’t have

This is because they literally sell their “TIME”.

When you've trained people in person, you are literally saying, "I will
train you for an hour, and this is my hourly rate."

There are major problems with this business model.

First of all, you can only work so many hours a day. So this puts a hard
limit on how much money you can make.

More importantly, when you sell off your time, you sell your freedom.
Now you are what I like to call a “GYM SLAVE”.

You literally HAVE to be in the gym to make any money! Meaning you
can’t travel or spend more time with your family. Fuck that! As a “GYM
SLAVE”, you can’t even take off of work if you get SICK because you
only make money when you are in the gym training people.

Don’t worry, that's how I started too. I've been a personal trainer for 20
years now; I started when I was 16, and I am currently 36 years old.
If you're an in-person, personal trainer, and you're charging by the hour,
how many hours a day are you going to work? Even if you work 12
hours per day and 7 days a week, you put in 84 hours a week.

Now let's say you charged $100 an hour. What's that? $8,400. It sounds
like a lot, until you realize you don't have any free time, and that's the
most you can possibly make, unless you went 14 hours, but still, you're
only adding a little bit. There's really a cap on how much you can make.

However, when you are utilizing online training, there’s no cap. If they're
not buying time, or if they're not buying an hour, what are they buying?
They're buying the result, They're paying for what matters most, the

What do I mean?

Let's say I go to the store, and I buy a drill.

What am I really buying?

Do I really want a drill?

No, I want a hole in my wall.

Do I really want a hole in the wall?

No, I want to build these shelves. Do I really want shelves?

No, I want my girl to stop fucking stressing me out about all this bullshit
on the floor, so I need some shelves, to clean up the place.

What I'm really buying is, the “result”.

The “result” is a happy home, and a chick who's not stressing me out.

I'm not buying a drill.

So, when somebody buys “online training” from you…

Are they buying five days of workouts, the meal plan, blah blah blah?


Let’s say your target market is women in their early 20’s who want to
build a bigger butt.

She is not really buying your “Online Training”. She doesn't even want
your “Online Training”. What she wants is a “BIGGER BUTT”.

But WHY does she want that? Because she wants to feel better about
herself. Why does she want to “feel better about herself”? Maybe to get
a good boyfriend. Why does she want a boyfriend?

Maybe she wants to get married and have kids before she is 30?

If that is the case, then THAT is what you're selling her! Not “Online

Here is another example:

Let's say it's an older guy. Maybe he’s around my age, so, 36. The
result he wants is to get in shape. But why does he want to get into
shape? He wants more energy.
Why does he want more energy?

So he can do more activities with his wife and kids without sitting down
because he’s out of breath.

And why does she want that? To be a better father.

So I he is not buying “Online Training” from me. He is buying the ability

to be a “Better Father”. Online Training is just the vehicle we are using
to help him get that result. We are NEVER selling “ONLINE TRAINING”!
We are ALWAYS selling the result

The RESULT It's gonna be different for every person. But they're always
buying the result, and you give them the tools to get that result. you
help walk them through it...

Here is the beauty of Online Training…

Nobody cares how much time YOU spend getting them the RESULT, as
long as they get it.

I have students who have between 50, and 100 online clients. How much
time do you think they spend on all of their clients?

They spend 3-4 hours per day on ALL OF THEIR CLIENTS COMBINED!
That’s right, they are making more than 6-figures a year and only
working 3-4 hours a day! And they are working either from home, or
wherever they are traveling around the world.

It would be impossible to do that with in person training because here's

a cap on how many people you can train.
With an online personal training model, you can actually
help more people. You can charge less, and make more
money, all while spending less time. It's way different.
It's a different business model.

Success Story
Here is an example from one of my successful students,
Felicia Soria from Australia.

When I first met Felicia, she was a struggling personal

trainer. The main thing she struggled with was “sales”,

She wanted to take her business online, but she knew

that it would not work unless she leaned how to sell.

She was ready to give up, but first she reached out to
me on Instagram for help.

I told her that once she joined my “High Ticket Trainer”

mentorship program, I would train her in sales and even
give her “sales scripts” she could use on her sales calls.

Guess what?

Within the first 8 weeks, Felicia made over $8,000!!!

Now, with my help, Felicia is making over $10,000 a month!

Click here to hear Felicia’s story--
Secret 7: You Don't Need
Money to Start
Little Known Ways to Grow Your Business Fast

Many people think they need a bunch of money to start an online fitness
business. They think they need a big fancy website, that they need the
best camera in the world, or something like that.

You 100% don't... Not for online training.

Now, if you're gonna start a supplement company, a clothing line, or a

meal prep delivery company, yeah, you DO need some start up capital
for that.

I have started each of those businesses and I needed a lot of money to

start them. But How did I get the money to start those businesses? I got
that money by doing ONLINE TRAINING!

The thing is, with online personal training, you can start with no money.
You don't need a fancy website, especially if you work with me!
Because my students are given templates for everything; we help them
build their business for next to nothing.

You definitely don't need a lot of money, because you don't need a lot
of clients.

All you need is 25 clients…

paying around $80 a week
...for 52 weeks.
Which as you know adds up to $104,000 a year!
You don't need any crazy amount of money to get those 25 clients. All
you need to know is the system, and the protocol to get them, and
that's what I'm teaching my students.

A lot of times, you can just do it through social media. Even if you
don't have a big social media, it doesn't matter, because you only need

I teach my students different tactics to get clients even if they have

ZERO followers.

I show them how they can get clients from other people's followers.
You can get clients from other people's Facebook pages, popular
Facebook groups, and from other people's Instagram.

We have tactics to show you how to do that, so if you're starting with

nothing - no fans, and no money, we can still show you how to do it.

Now, I DO teach my students how to run successful Facebook and

Instagram ads..

But I don’t like them to spend ANY money on advertising until they are
making at least $3000 - $4000 dollars per month.


Because I think of ads like Gasoline. When you already have a spark,
and you pour gasoline on it, what do you get? You get an EXPLOSION!

But what happens if you just pour gas on the ground where there is no
That’s right, NOTHING!

Sure, it smells good, but you wasted your gas and just made a big
fucking mess.

So I actually don’t want my students spending ANY MONEY until they

are already making money. That way, when they do start spending
money, we KNOW for a fact that it will be profitable.

Success Story

One of my students, Harry Holmes, within the first three days of joining
my program, landed himself three high ticket clients. He doesn't have a
big social media; not by a long shot. He didn't spend any money, and he
was able to get three high ticket clients in the first three days of being
in my program.

And he spent zero money!

Click here To learn more about Harry’s story--
Secret 8: Be The Product
Get Customers The Same Way ‘Lamborghini’ Does

I'm going to explain to you why people buy anything. I got this from my
man, Kevin Hodo. There are products that are expensive…products that
are cheap...Stuff that people need...and stuff that people just want.

What do you call things that are cheap, that people want, but don't
need? What are some examples?

These are things like fidget spinners and shit. We're gonna call these
trinkets. This is stuff like “Fidget Spinners”, “HoverBoards”, “Keychains”
Now, what about something that people need, that's also cheap?
Shampoo, Sope, toothpaste, pens, paper, coffee, food, etc...

These are the commodities.

What do you call something that people need, and it's expensive?

These are things like, houses, surgery, should you get sued, and you
need to pay for a lawyer.

These are necessities.

Now, we have stuff that's expensive, but people don't need it, they just
want it.

These are things like, a Lamborghini, like Louis Vuitton bag. These are
expensive things that people don't need, they just want.

These are luxuries.

Are you getting this so far? If no, reread everything you read up to this
point because I don't want you to get lost

EVERYTHING that people buy fits into one of the sections above.

So, let's look at WHY someone would buy anything from each of the
four sections.


Why in God’s name would a rational human buy something that they
don’t need and is cheap?

People buy trinkets on “impulse”. We have all been in a store or online

and came across something that looked cool or fun. If this thing does
not cost much, we just say “fuck it” and buy it quick.
This is what's called an "impulse buy."

Now let's look at Commodities.

Why do people buy commodities? First of all, they NEED it. When
everyone NEEDS something, that creates high demand.

High demand creates a lot of competition. That means there will be a lot
of products on the market. So how does a consumer decide what
product to choose?

That’s right. Commodity purchases usually boil down to “PRICE”.

8 times out of 9, people are just going to buy the cheapest. I don’t
really give a shit what toothpaste I use, I just look for the best deal,
because it’s all pretty much the same.

What makes somebody buy something expensive, but they don't really


They want to be something more. They want to do something more.

They want to take their lives to the next level. Think about anything in
this quadrant, like a Lamborghini. They want to have some sort of
status. They want to show off, for whatever reason.

Why does a woman want a Louis Vuitton bag? What does she get out
of that?

Maybe the attention? Or the status?

Sure, a Louis Vuitton bag might be better than that Coach bag, but not
100 times better.
So, she gets something else from it. It's aspirational.

It says something about her, and her status.

Where does online personal training fit?

Nobody needs online personal training to live. There's people who are
alive, and live their whole life without it.

You don't need it. It's not a necessity, not something you need to have.

If you're one of MY students, your prices are not cheap.

This is where we're playing. We are playing in the “Luxury” section.

People buy online personal training because they aspire to be something,

whether it's a certain look, or a certain level of energy, or both.

They want to change how they are, and most of the time, how they look
and feel - like a better version of themselves.

You have to give them that image. If you're not in the best shape,
you're not gonna make as much money doing personal training. I'm just
being honest with you. It's going to be difficult for you. If you're not
walking the walk, it's gonna be very difficult.

If I didn't have multiple seven figure online fitness businesses, and I was
trying to teach this, what would you call me? A con artist, a fraud.

If a homeless person tried to teach you how to be a millionaire, you

would say it was a scam.

If you're not in great shape, if you yourself aren't aspirational in some

capacity, whatever that means to your target market, if you don't
exemplify what they want, what does that say about you? Are you
running a scam? I don't know, you tell me.

It's important that you get in the best shape that you can be, so when
your potential clients look at you they think, "Yo, I want to look like that.
I want that person's body. I want that person's energy. I want that ..."

Whatever it is you have, whatever it is you're selling, you want to

exemplify it, and you'll do way better.
I wish I could tell you, you could just be out of shape, and still make
money in online personal training, but I would be lying to you.

However, I do teach my students this one tactic that helps them make
money even if they are not in the best shape.

I have a tactic where they go through their own transformation, and they
use that to actually get more clients.

I teach them how to document their own transformation.

They get in the best shape they can within a month or two, and they
used that whole transformation, the whole experience, to get a bunch of
clients. It works exquisitely well.

Success Story
One of my most successful students, Korin Sutton is from Miami Florida.
Korin is a vegan bodybuilder.

He had a lot of “in-person” clients in Miami, but he wanted to take his

business online. They problem was that Korin wasn’t sure how to
market in a way that would get him clients.

Because of this, he was not able to build his online trainer business and
he feared that we would be stuck slaving the rest of his life away
working at some corporate gym.

Luckily, Korin joined my “High Ticket Trainer” mentorship program.

I helped him with marketing on Instagram. We strucketered his images
and post in a way that would be asperationalt to his target market.

Korin ended up making over $18,000 in his FIRST MONTH in HTT!

Check out his story here--
Secret 9: You Have To Be A
Little Known Ways to Get More Out of Your Life

A lot of people want to start their online fitness business, and maybe
they have another job, or maybe they have something else going on…
and they think that they don’t have time.

Then I ask them, "How many hours a week are you spending on your
business?", and they can never give me a straight answer.


Becuase they are not scedualing their work time like a fucking
professional. Insted, they are just trying to “fit it in” around their other

So, let me break something down for you…

There are 168 hours in every week.

Let's say you sleep eight hours a night. That's 56 hours a week
of sleep.

Let's say you have a regular 9:00 to 5:00 job. That's 40 hours a
week, but if you count your commute and everything, plus
getting ready, it might be a little bit more, so I'm gonna give
you 56 hours at work.
Here's the thing, there's 56 more hours left.

This is the time you should be building your business, and you should
actually schedule this time in your calendar!

You HAVE to schedule the time you're gonna be working on your

business, because you've got enough time. You're probably just
bullshitting this time away with Netflix, movies, social media, going out,
and having fun.

But why the FUCK are you having fun, if you haven't accomplished your
goals yet, man? What the fuck is wrong with you?

I schedule every hour of my day. I use “Google Calendar” (It’s FREE)

and I suggest you do the same.

I know exactly how much time I will work on my business every month.
I know exactly how much time I spend with my family every month.
I know exactly how much time I will spend working out every month. I
know exactly how much time I will sleep every month.

Time is your most valuable asset…

It’s totally irresponsible to spend your time haphazardly. You have to

schedule everything that is important to you.

And if getting income and freedom that comes from building your online
trainer business is important to you…

Then you NEED to schedule time everyday to work on it.

Here is the truth…

I can actually look at your callender, and tell your future.

Because whatever is on the calendar is probably going to get done. If it

is not on your calendar, you can probably just forget about it.

The key is to actually schedule how you are using the extra 56 hours
that you have.

You need to schedule your time so you are using the those 56 hours to
get your first 25 clients.

Once you get your first 25 clients, now you can quit your job!

Then you have 112 hours to work on your business. That's when you'll
really start taking it to the next level. That's how you get to seven
figures, but 56 hours a week is more than enough to get you to six
Because you've got to remember, all you need is, 25 clients, who will
pay you $80 a week, for 52 weeks. That is $104,000 a year. You can do
that in this amount of time.

Once you’ve done that, you can quit your job, spend all your time on
your business, and you can take this number however high you want to

Or, now this is your free time. Maybe this is the time that you use to
travel. This is the time you go visit and spend more time with family.
This is the time you spend doing other stuff that you're into. It’s your
“free” time.

The key is, you've got enough time now with income. You are now
more of an independent man or woman.

Most people have 56 hours every week, that they’re squandering.

Be a professional, divide that time wisely, so you can actually get the
freedom that you want, and have the time and the money that you
want, and live the lifestyle that you want.
Success Story

Let me tell you about one of my students Salam Madegains from

Toronto Canada.

Salam had a fulltime job as an engineer. He did not hate his job. It paid
well, and he was good at it.

However, fitness was his passion! This is what he REALLY wanted to do

with his life.
The problem was, he was not sure if he had time to grow his online
trainer business. He had a full-time job, plus a wife and kids.

Once he joined my mentorship program, HIGH TICKET TRAINER, I

helped Salam organize his callender and manage his time better.

With in a few short months, Salam was making enough from his Online
Training Business, that he was able to QUIT his engineering job!

Now he works from home, and makes a lot of money doing what he

Check out Salam’s story here--
Secret 10: Have A Plan
Build A Business You Can Be Proud of

A lot of guys or girls that are trying to build their online personal training
business, are just winging it; trying to figure it out on the fly, and they
don't really have a solid plan.

Maybe that’s you?

Let's say, me and you were driving from here, to California.

It would be stupid to just just get in the car and start driving, with out a
plan or a map.

You may get lost along the way. You may get frustrated. And if you do
reach your destination, it is probably going to be a lot more difficult and
take a lot longer that it should.

Wouldn't it be easier and more effective to just put our destination into
the GPS?

If we put our destination into the GPS and just followed it, we would
reach our goal a lot faster right?

Following the GPS would be a lot easier than just trying to figure it out
on our own. Wouldn’t it?

If we tell the GPS our current location, and then we tell the GPS where
we want to go, it's going to give us what?
A plan! A course to follow. The right course. Street by street.

If you do that with your travel, why aren't you doing that with your
business? Why are you trying to wing it?

A lot of you guys are just going down random roads, "Oh, maybe we're
gonna be on this highway, maybe we're gonna be on that highway", and
wondering why they’re not reaching reaching their destination.

What you need to have is a solid plan, a roadmap. You probably need to
get it from someone who's already done it.

I act as the GPS for my students.

I help my students go from $0 to $10,000 within 12 Weeks!

If you were to go about this on your own, it’s going to take YEARS
(assuming you don’t give up and quit)!

I know this because it took me YEARS to do it. But because I have

already traveled down that long hard journey, I can help you get there
much FASTER!

I made all of the mistakes already, so you don’t have to.

Not only that, I have helped hundreds of other students do the same. I
have actually been down this road hundreds of times with my students...

I am the GPS for them.

I tell them the quickest path to their goals, and I correct them if they get
off course.
Doesn't that sound WAY easier than trying to figure it all out alone?

YES!...That’s because it is.

But I don't work with just anyone. You have to be focused and

Success Story
Here is an example from one of my students Zack Boden.

Zack was full time active duty military when we first connected. He had
trained some people in-person before, but he wanted to do it online.

Zack had actually tried online training in the past, but he was just trying
to “wing it” because he did not have a real “plan”

This lead to frustration, and a lack of confidence in his ability to make

money online.

He wanted to give up…

But right before he threw in the towel, he found me online.

Zack was worried about joining my mentorship program, because he had

already tried this before and failed. But I explained to him that what he
was doing in the past was different than what I was going to help him
do, because I was going to give him a proven plan for success!
Zack joined “HTT” and made just under $4,000 in his first two weeks!

Now Zack is working on getting an “Honorable Discharge” from the

military so he can work on his fitness business FULL time!

Check out Zack’s story here--
Bonus: The Easy Way To
Get Rich
I have figured out the easy way to get rich.

I am not joking.

I am going to tell you what the easy way to get rich is, but for you to
really understand it, we have to start with “WHY”.

Why is someone going to PAY YOU to coach them?

Because as coaches, we help people accomplish their goals faster and

easier than trying to figure it all out themselves.

We know how to help them get from where they are to where they
need to be! And we help get them back on track if they go off the path.
This is what they pay us for.

We tell them…
What they need to do to accomplish their goals
Exactly How to do it (taking all the guesswork and confusion out of it
for them)

But most of all…

We keep them accountable and make sure they actually DO THE WORK!

As a result, our clients accomplish their goals WAY FASTER AND

EASIER than if they tried to figure it all out on their own.
We KNOW coaching works, right? That is what they pay us for.

So why do we seem to forget that we need COACHING TOO!

If having a “Fitness Coach” helps people accomplish their fitness goals

faster and easier, wouldn't coaching help YOU in other parts of YOUR

Here is the thing…

I have NEVER seen someone accomplish HUGE SUCCESS without a

coach, trainer, or mentor.

I just don’t think that happens in the real world.

Shit… That doesn’t even happen in MOVIES!

Think about STAR WARS. In that movie, Luke Skywalker needed to learn
how to use the Space Magic to save the universe (or some shit like
that. I am not a fucking nerd, so I am not too sure).

He tried to do the space magic shit on his own for a while, but he kept
fucking it up.

But then…

He gets his COACH! He spends some time training with YODA.

YODA was Luke’s mentor / coach. YODA was really fucking good at
space magic. It took him a long time to master it too.

Luke started working with YODA, and as a result, Luke got really good,
really fast.
After training with YODA, Luke was able to finally use his space magic
skills to kill his evil father, and save the universe! But he would have
gotten his ASS KICKED if he tried to do it on his own.

So we know this…

We know that having a coach WORKS!

So why do you think you can actually build a successful business

without one? How the fuck is that supposed to work?

Wouldn’t you like to…

Quit your 9 to 5 job?

Have the freedom to travel and work from anywhere?
Be your own boss?
Have the financial security to take care of your family and the people
you love?

I think most people would like to have a life like that. Would you?

Well, in my experience, you need to be making at least $100,000 a year

to do that. If you were making $100,000 a year from your Online Trainer
Business, do you think you could live the lifestyle you want?

I think so.

However, do you know how many Americans make that much?

According “The Wall St Journal”, only about 8%. That means that 92%
of Americans can't or aren’t doing it!
So how can your realistically think that you are going to be able to do
this all on your own if almost nobody in America can do it?

Trying to do this without a coach or a mentor is fucking insane man.

Even IF you could do it alone, it would take a lot longer, and be a lot
more difficult than it needs to be. Why would you put yourself through
that when you don’t have to?

Look, I struggled for YEARS to build my business. I was working three

jobs! I worked for a moving company, I worked security, and I managed
a restaurant, all while training people in person and trying to figure out
how to make money online.

I was just like you…

Probably a lot worse actually.

I kept up this charade for three years. But then, something changed. I
found a mentor. His name is Elliot Hulse. During my FIRST conversation
with Elliot, he told me something that worked for his business that made
him a bunch of money.

So I tried it myself, and guess what happened? I made over $10,000 in

one week! That was more money than I had ever made in one week!

This is the power of mentors! They already know how to do what you
want to do! Mentors have already put in the hard work figuring it all out.
So if YOU have a mentor, you won't have to work as hard and you can
accomplish your goals faster.

After making that $10,000, I could see the power of having a coach for
my business. But I could not hire Elliot to mentor me
(even though we are still friends to this day. He just doesn't do that
kind of work).

So I hired Elliot’s former business partner Matt Galant to coach and

mentor me. Matt charged me close to $2,000 a month for mentorship
and coaching! And all he did was jump on a skype call with me once a

But that one hour he would spent with me was worth more than a
whole semester of college.

After a year of working with Matt, my business was making between

$20,000 - $30,000 a month!

I figured, if spending $2,000 a month of coaching and mentorship made

me $20,000 - $30,000 a month, what would happen if I spent more?
What If got coaching in different parts of my business?

Here is what happened…

The following year, I spent over $100,000 on coaches and mentors! And
from that investment, I made over $1,000,000 that year!

No fucking why that would happend if I did not have mentors and

So, at the beginning of this chapter, I told you I was going to tell you
the easy way to get rich.

Before I the EASY WAY, I first have to tell you the hard way.
The Hard Way To Get RICH
Try to figure it all out on your own
Waste time making mistakes that your mentor could have helped you
Experience all the trial and error yourself, instead of leveraging the
experiences of someone who has already done it

Now, here’s the easy way…

The Easy Way To Get RICH

Find someone who has already done what you are trying to do
PAY THEM to coach you
Do everything they say

That's it! It’s so much easier that the hard way! In fact, this method
never FAILS! Not only does it work for getting rich, it works for

Sometimes when I tell people this, they say “why do you have to pay

It’s really important that you pay them. In fact, you should not even let
them help you for free if they offer!



If they feel like they are just doing you a favor, them they won't be as
focused and as diligent as you need them to be.
At this point, some people may start saying to themselves, “Brandon is
just saying that because he wants people to pay him”.

Honestly, a lot of people who teach this stuff will work with almost

Not me.

I am selective about who I work with. This is one of the reasons I have
such a high success rate with my students.

Because I don’t work with fucking lossers.

Do You Have
What It Takes?
I have a mentorship program called “High Ticket Trainer” (or “HTT”)
where I coach trainers. The goal of HTT is to help everyone of my
students go from ZERO to $10,000 a month in just 12 weeks…

And this program has been tremendously successful.

There are two reasons why HTT is so successful at helping our students
go from ZERO to $10,000 a month in just 12 weeks…

1. I can honestly say that nobody on earth is better than me at teaching

people how to grow a successful online training business.
2. I only work with WINNERS!

How do I know the winners from the losers?

We interview them.

First, my “Enrollment Officer” interviews them. If he thinks they are a

winner, he sends them to me for the final interview.

If I think they are winners, and good fits for our program, I invite them
to join.

That’s right, HTT is “invite only”. You can’t just go to a website and join.

I spend A LOT of time with the students I mentor. I invest in them and
do whatever it takes to help them accomplish their goals.
I am not going to make that kind of investment in just anyone.

You have to be a WINNER! I do not work with losers!

How can you tell if you are fucking loser? There are two ways you can
tell if you are a loser right now.

The first one is by taking the “Loser Quiz”. It’s just two questions...

1. What is the average number of hours you work each week?

2. Are you poor?

If your answer to question number one was 40 hours or under, and your
answer to number two was “YES”, then you are fucking loser!

Look, I have been poor most of my life. I grew up on the South Side of
Chicago (the murder capital of the United States).

There was a time when I could not afford a place to stay and I slept in
my car.

But I did not just sit around being fucking poor like some goddamn
loser! I first got a job working 40 hours a week 9-5. But I did not just
stop there! I got a second job working 5pm-9pm!

Then I got a third job working on the weekends!

And I would STILL wake up at 5 am everyday to workout and train

clients even BEFORE my 9-5 job!

See, I was not going to just sit around and accept being a poor
motherfucker! My first job paid my bills, my second job helped
support my family, and the money from my third job was used to

If you are an adult, then being poor is a fucking choice! You are
choosing to be a poor muther fucker when you are working only one

Guess what muther fucker, nobody is coming to save your lazy ass.
Nobody is going to give you a fucking handout!

Working 40 hours a week is not “working hard”. Working 40 hours a

week is not “husting”.

If you are poor, and you are only working 40 hours a week, you are a
fucking PUSSY!

100 - 120 hours of work a week is WORKING HARD! That's what I did
for YEARS to make it out of poverty.

Now I don't have to work as hard.

If you are not doing well financhaly right now, dont try to join my
mentorship program. You can’t fucking afford it.

Right now, you need to get a second job!

You can drive Uber, help people move on “Task Rabbit”, or something
AFTER WORK and/or on the weekends.

Your first job should pay your bills. Then, you can use the money from
your second job to invest in your business!

Now, you are no longer acting like a fucking loser! Now you are
seriously going after your goals!
Now you can apply to join my mentorship program because I will be able
to see that you are not just fucking around. I will be able to see your
dedication to success!

I admire that in people.

Those are the kind of people I respect!

Now, you can APPLY for the chance to join “HTT”!

Even if you are not POOR, the second way to tell if you are a loser or not
is to answer the following question...

“Are you willing to INVEST in yourself?”

If the answer is “no” then you are a certified loser.

How are you going to expect clients to invest in you, if YOU ARE NOT

Can you see how fucking stupid that logic is?

You have to take your business seriously. You have to be willing to invest
time and money into it. How can you expect a client to invest in your
business if you are not willing to?

Basically, I only want bad asses in HTT.

Only champions are allowed in this program!

You don’t have to be successful already to join, but you DO have to be
willing to do what it takes to become successful.

You have to have the heart of a champion.

If that’s you, you are welcome to apply here--

Connect with me using the links below for tons of awesome free content--





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