Judge not authorized if no schooling 3

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Case # 23-FH1551. Edna Jane Favreau.

DOB 12/4/1937

I’m not actually able to or qualified to stand alone —— without a qualified knowledgeable advocate
—- to explain my diagnosis and /or symptoms of Spasmodic Dysphonia! My case managers have
never really understood
my full needs, or why I can’t help with the organization of things in weather that’s 95* . (when I
attempt to explain things they want me to go faster or skip over that very important part—- that
absolutely is extremely affecting my health and wellbeing!) Below only covers part of why I
need help!

As I understand from the latest comments from an AHCA worker I have two separate things that need
to be addressed! 23-FH1551 is for missing hours!

I have tried to reach out about the following issues but due to my voice disability I can’t get
through to the place that can tell me exactly what to do!
I tried to make an appointment with the local State Attorney but they ignored me because I can’t
verbally explain things and when I put things in writing the local Clerk actually said he is shredding
anything I try to file! I tried Disabilities Rights —-
however, no one there took the time to deal with my disabilities,
So, am I expected to just let the people in charge throw me under the bus?


1.) What happens when you timely discover your judge was not authorized to sit on a case
with a disabled person, who was left un-represented in the courtroom?
also see: “Star Chambers”

a. When it is timely discovered that a judge was not authorized to preside over a case
involving a severely disabled person, and their representation was grossly inadequate, and,
outrages and actually led to various illegal and absurd consequences and malfeasances in the
unlawful outcome of the case surrounding the misconduct of TFB members turning a blind eye
to the lack of due process and fairness in the case. Especially in regards to missing the
procedural actions and the specific outcome would depend on the jurisdiction and legal system
involved. In general, the Federal Rule 60 (d) (3) is clearly the action that’s mandated for
Frauds on the Court that must be taken including:
b. Judicial review: The affected party legally can seek a judicial review of the case,
challenging the judge's authority and highlighting the lack of appropriate representation. This
Federal and State law in the case shows the case must be reevaluated, and overturned when
fraud on the court was not vetted — (clearly, committed and easy to see) .
c. Disciplinary action: If it’s determined that the judges acted improperly or without authorization,
disciplinary measures must be taken against them. This can range from reprimands or
sanctions to more serious consequences such as suspension or removal from their position.
The court records are still available to be vetted, and still reveal how the disabled victim of
abuse of power was absolutely swindled if it’s reviewed, because her due process and fairness
were clearly denied.
2.). Retrial or reconsideration: Depending on the severity or absurdity of the issue and its impact
on the case, a retrial or reconsideration must be ordered to ensure fairness and proper representation
for disabled individuals involved, and especially for future disabled victims who are also impaired or
are subjected to this kind of absurd mistreatment, and ignored or neglected!

3.) Looking at the following is “ important to my health and wellbeing”

My email address is: ejfavreau@gmail.com

The following was “vetted” and published on Amazon by an independent investigative reporter!
The first pages are free and was written to try to help me as a victim of the Family Court (industry)

My cellphone is 843-902-5111.
If you speak slowly I can sometimes talk a little bit!
However, if I get overwhelmed I completely lose my ability to talk.

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