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Fulmair​ - A tribe of people who live mainly in the sea on the Misty Isles and on the southern coast. This
group mainly consists of Dark Elves and Hoblings, who were traders of these lands before the Titan War.
Wylderkin is the next most popular race that counts themselves as part of the Fulmair, many of them
being killed off during the aftermath of the war. These people are hardy scavengers, traders, and
fighters. They are the only group skilled enough to sail the treacherous waters that surround the
mainland and their skills in navigating make them the only ones who know the safest ways across the
large desert that takes up much of the land mass now. It is said that the map of secret oasis that they
hold is the most treasured item that they have in their possession.

The Fulmar are easily identifiable by their garb. They tend to wear clothing best suited to being on a ship
or traveling through a desert, no matter where they happen to be in the world at the moment. Some
even mix the two styles together, the Dark Elves particularly appreciate the sun cover the desert
headdresses offer.

Nevagong​ - The misplaced. A tribe made up of Biata, Dwarves, and High Ogres. These people originally
made their homes in the mountains when they first came to this shard. During the Titan war they were
the first to see their homes destroyed. The subterranean homes of the Dwarves were collapsed, the
cities glistening on the peaks the the Biata called home were destroyed, and the High Ogre
encampments were brushed away. After the war, they settled in the lowlands in the north east part of
the shard, where they were forcibly removed from their land to make way for the construction of
Haven. They were promised to have a place within the city when it was built, but promises were broken
and they were betrayed.

This betrayal made the Nevagong angry and that anger drove them to build a warlike society. They are
the most organized fighters. They distinguish themselves with claw marks, traditionally running from left
to right down their faces, in some sort of paint, but they will also have this mark on banners and tabards
that they wear while going into battle. The words that they live by are “Never Forget a Grudge”.

Sanguine​- A tribe that has no true homeland instead are those who are known to be the most feared
raiders and cannibals; that is how they are known, and that is how they liked it. Not having a proper
territory of their own to claim made them originally the most disadvantaged of the groups; struggling for
the smallest scraps to survive, the tribe resorted to cannibalism in the first century after the war. One of
the leader’s children found that the people that they captured could be used as bait for the monstrous
creatures that now roamed this land, as well as keeping them for their own meals; instead of hunting
down people to eat them, they did so to fill their traps. Not everyone in the tribe agreed with this new
way of thinking and split off from the main group. They are now insane and completely separate from
the Sanguine.

The Sanguine pride themselves on repurposing and using everything, including what they kill. Their
clothing is often made from furs and skins of the creatures that they have hunted, and their weapons
are often made from their bones when they aren't able to loot weapons from other tribes. They wear
blue, black or red war paint and will tend to also wear trophies from their hunts.
The Sanguine are the most diverse when it comes to what races count themselves as members, though
you will see the majority be Human, High Orc, and Oathsworn. ​Note that no PCs will permitted to be

Vauxway​- A forest tribe made up of mostly of Elves, Stone Elves, Dryads, and Sylvanborn; Their long
years are the only thing allowing them to cling onto a sense of before. Though there are other races
within their ranks, they are vastly outnumbered. This is the tribe with the society closest to the
civilizations that existed before the war.

The Vauxway people are some of the few that view themselves as being part of a Country instead of
merely a tribe like the others, They hear of the horrors that happen outside of their territory, and have
chosen to keep themselves hidden. Many people outside of the forest borders would assume that all
members of the Vauxway have become extinct like many other tribes in the early years. Staying hidden
has become a way of life and a survival mechanism.

Members of the Vauxway are the only ones who don’t make an effort to stand out to other groups and
will instead tend to change their dress to match whatever group has the most power in an area in the
hope that by blending in, they'll keep their tribe's existence a secret.

Stratholm​- Made up primarily of Oathsworn, Selunari, Wylderkin, High Orc, and Humans, the Stratholm
were mainly protected from the fallout of the war. They tend to stick to their own kind as much as
possible, while relying on each other to survive. They know of the conflict to the south, and being the
only ones willing to brave the almost constant cold has been the only thing keeping them in relative
safety. They have broken up into smaller tribes or Families, that migrate during the “warmer” months
until they find a good settlement for the harsh winter some in hamlets and villages. Each Family is
mostly independent, so there are many rivalries between them, but the good of the people always takes
priority. Most times, Families are not entirely related by blood, and are often intermixed as individuals
marry or are adopted into other Families.

The 5 main families , which often have a few hundred members at a time, are;
o Durok – A Selunari-led Family primarily located at the foot of Mount Arborough believed
to be a dormant volcano. Thet control a moderately large village, which is the center of
Stratholm commerce.
o Muller – A Human-led Family that is highly nomadic; they control many roads within
Stratholm territory, and are mainly traders.
o Abhi – A Wylderkin-led Family with a Snow Leopard-kin as current head; they control
much of the wilderness in Stratholm territory, and are masters of hunting both wild
game and anything that threatens the tribe.
o Ghotak – An Oathsworn-led Family. They are master craftspeople, but travel far and
wide across all of the tribe's territory; though calling no particular place their own, they
are welcomed almost anywhere.
o Shadel - A High Orc-led Family; they aggressively defend the farmlands they control
across Stratholm territory. They will tend to be the first to declare a rivalry between the
The Stratholm wear thick furs to protect them from their home’s frigid climate. They keep their hair long
to help stave off the cold, and many members of this tribe braid their hair; adding decorations to one's
braids is a symbol of status, with each Family having their own preferred adornments.

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