Cs Lab Document 2

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Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences

Laboratory 1

Title of the Laboratory Exercise: Introduction to C

1. Introduction and Purpose of Experiment

C is a powerful general-purpose programming

language. It can be used to develop software

like operating systems, databases, compilers, and

so on. C. In this laboratory exercise,

students get familiar with the program

development tool such as netbeans IDE to edit and

run C programs using a set of simple exercises.

2. Aim and Objectives


● To familiarize IDE and simple C programs


At the end of this lab, the student will be able to

● Explain the features and use of IDE to develop C


● Edit and execute simple C programs

3. Experimental Procedure

Students are given a set of C programs. Edit and

execute C programs using net beans IDE

i. Analyse the problem statement

ii. Problem solving approach for the given problem

statement and develop

iii. Implement the algorithm in C language

iv. Execute the C program

v. Test the implemented program

vi. Document the Results

vii. Analyze and discuss the outcomes of the


4. Questions

a. Write a C program to print Hello World.

b. Write a C program to calculate the area of a


c. Write a C program to experiment on escape


5. Problem Solving Logic and Algorithm

A. Problem to Print Hello World

a. If you write ' printf(" Hello World&

quot;)' in the main() function, then the

prints the string " Hello World " on the


● Algorithm

Algorithm for print Hello world


Output Hello World


Name: Registration Number:

B. Program to calculate the area of Circle

a. Problem solving Logic: we will be calculating the

area of a circle using its radius. As we know the
formula to find the area of circle, If the radius is

given as- Area = pi*r*r. Now simply, we have to

write a program to convert

this logic into code.

● Algorithm:

Algorithm for area of circle ()

Var radius, pi, area: Integer


Read radius and pi



End Area = pi*radius*radius

Write area
C. Program to experiment on escape sequences.

a. Program solving logic: In this experiment we will

see how to use the escape

sequence and test the various escape sequences

like:-\n , \t etc. The

purpose of the escape sequence is to represent

the characters that cannot

be used normally using the keyboard.

● Algorithm:

Algorithm for Experiment on escape sequence


Output hello world \n

Output This is my computer


6. Program with Test cases


a. Program
b. Test cases

2 a.


b. Test Cases

a. program

b. test cases
7. Summary

i) Limitations of Experiments and/or Results

ii) Recommendations

iii) Learning happened

Laboratory 2

Title of the Laboratory Exercise: Introduction to C


1. Introduction and Purpose of Experiment

C is a powerful general-purpose programming

language. It can be used to develop software
like operating systems, databases, compilers, and
so on. C. In this laboratory exercise,

students get familiar with the program

development tool such as NetBeans IDE to edit and

run C programs using a set of simple exercises.

2. Aim and Objectives


● To develop programs involving branching using

appropriate control statements in


● At the end of this lab, the student will be able to

Apply conditional control statements such as if-

else and nested if-else to express decisions

3. Experimental Procedure

Students are given a set of C programs. Edit and

execute C programs using NetBeans IDE

i. Analyse the problem statement

ii. Problem solving approach for the given problem

statement and develop


iii. Implement the algorithm in C language

iv. Execute the C program

v. Test the implemented program

vi. Document the Results

vii. Analyse and discuss the outcomes of the


4. Questions

a. Write a C program to test if a number is zero,

positive or negative.

b. Write a C program to find a minimum of three


c. Write a C program to display the roots of a

quadratic equation.

5. Program solving logic : The program inputs

quadratic coefficients, computes the

discriminant, and determines roots accordingly.

Positive discriminants yield two real roots,

zeros lead to a single real root, while negatives

indicate imaginary roots. It displays results

and returns 0 upon completion, effectively solving

quadratic equations.


1. Algorithm for to test if a number is zero, positive

or negative
1. Begin

2. Initialize a variable called "num".

3. Ask the user to input a number.

4. Read the input number and store it in the

variable " num& quot;.

5. If the value of " num& quot; is less than 0,


5.1. Print " Negative number& quot;.

6. Else if the value of " num& quot; is greater

than 0, then

6.1. Print " Positive number& quot;.

7. Otherwise (if the value of " num& quot; is

equal to 0),

7.1. Print " The number is 0& quot;.

8. End.

2. Algorithm for to find a minimum of three


1. Begin.

2. Declare variables a, b, c to store three numbers.

3. Prompt the user to enter three numbers.

4. Read the three numbers from the user.

5. If a is less than b and less than c, then

5.1. Print & quot; The number a is the smallest&

6. Else if b is less than c and less than a, then

6.1. Print & quot; The number b is the smallest&


7. Otherwise (if c is the smallest),

7.1. Print & quot; The number c is the smallest&


8. End.

3. Algorithm for to display the roots of a quadratic



2. Declare variables: a, b, c, d, r1, r2

3. Prompt the user to enter coefficients of

quadratic equation: a, b, c

4. Read coefficients a, b, c from user input

5. Calculate discriminant d = (b^2) - (4 * a * c)

6. If d > 0, then

6.1. Calculate first root r1 = (-b + sqrt(d)) / (2 * a)

6.2. Calculate second root r2 = (-b - sqrt(d)) / (2 * a)

6.3. Print & quot; The roots are r1 and r2"

7. Else if d == 0, then

7.1. Calculate the only root r1 = -b / (2 * a)

7.2. Print & quot; The root is r1"

8. Else,

8.1. Print & quot; The roots are imaginary& quot;

9. End

6. Program with Test cases


a. Program
b. test cases

a. Program

b. Test cases

a. program

b. Test cases
Laboratory 3

Title of the Laboratory Exercise: Loops and Arrays

1. Introduction and Purpose of Experiment

Loop statements are used to repeat a statement or

set of statements multiple times. By solving the

problems students will be able to apply iterative

control statements to control the program

execution. An array is a data structure consisting

of a collection of elements (values or variables), of

same memory size, each identified by at least one

array index or key.

2. Aim and Objectives


• To develop programs involving loops using

appropriate control statements in C

At the end of this lab, the student will be able to

• Apply loop control statements such as for, do

while and while to repeat a block of


3. Experimental Procedure

i. Analyze the problem statement

ii. Problem solving approach for the given problem

statement and develop algorithm

iii. Implement the algorithm in C language

iv. Execute the C program

v. Test the implemented program

vi. Document the Results

vii. Analyze and discuss the outcomes of the


4. Questions

a. Write a C program to perform matrix addition

and multiplication

b. Write a C program which uses the formula C=

(5/9) * (F-32) to print a table of Fahrenheit

temperatures and their centigrade or Celsius

equivalents from 1 to 300 Fahrenheit temperature.
5. Problem Solving Logic and Algorithm


1. Algorithm for a C program to perform matrix

addition and multiplication

1. Begin the program.

2. Declare variables `row A`, `col A`, `i`, `j`, `a[10]

[10]`, `b[10][10]`, and `c[10][10]` to store the

dimensions and elements of matrices A, B, and the

resultant matrix C.

3. Print a message asking the user to enter the

number of rows and columns for matrix A.

4. Read the number of rows and columns for matrix

A from the user and store them in

variables `rowA` and `colA`.

5. Print a message asking the user to enter the

elements of matrix A.

6. Use nested loops to read the elements of matrix

A from the user and store them in the

array `a[][]`.

7. Print a message asking the user to enter the

number of rows and columns for matrix B.

8. Read the number of rows and columns for matrix

B from the user and store them in

variables `row A` and `col A`.

9. Print a message asking the user to enter the
elements of matrix B.

10. Use nested loops to read the elements of

matrix B from the user and store them in the

array `b[][]`.

11. Print a message indicating the beginning of the

output matrix.

12. Use nested loops to calculate the sum and

multiplication of corresponding elements of

matrices A and B and store the result in the array


13. Print each element of the resultant matrix C.

14. After printing each row, move to the next line.

15. End the program.

2. Algorithm for a C program which uses the

formula C= (5/9) * (F-32) to print a table of

Fahrenheit temperatures and their centigrade or

Celsius equivalents from 1 to 300

Fahrenheit temperature.

1. Begin the program.

2. Declare two integer variables `Fah` and `Cell` to

store Fahrenheit and Celsius values

3. Start a `for` loop with `Fah` initialized to 1,
running while `Fah` is less than or equal to 30,

and incrementing `Fah` by 1 in each iteration.

4. Within the loop, calculate the Celsius value

corresponding to the current Fahrenheit value

using the formula: ` (Fah - 32) * (5/9)` . However, in

the code, it's using integer division which

means only the integer part of the result is kept.

Since `0.55` is less than `1`, the result will be

`0`. The correct formula should use floating-point


5. Print the Fahrenheit value (`Fah`), and the

calculated Celsius value (`Cell`) using `printf`.

6. Repeat steps 3-5 until `Fah` becomes greater

than 30.

7. End the program.

6. Program with Test cases

i) Program
ii) Test cases
iii) Program
iv) Test cases

i) Program

ii) Test cases


7. Summary

i) Limitations of Experiments and/or Results

ii) Recommendations

iii) Learning happened

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