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Batangas State University Refresher Course Electronics Systems and Technologies

1. Which of the following is an analog signal? 17. In an AM modulator, the modulated peak value of C. Its high input impedance prevents oscillators
A. the signal on a telephone line * a signal is 125 V and the unmodulated carrier value from drifting off frequency. *
B. the signal in an Ethernet cable is 85 V. What is the modulation index? D. It amplifies audio frequencies before
C. a telegraph signal A. 4.07 C. 0.74 modulation occurs.
D. all answers are correct B. 7.04 D. 0.47 *
18. An AM signal with a maximum modulating signal 32. What is the minimum AM signal needed to
2. The communications medium causes the signal to frequency of 4.5 kHz has a total bandwidth of transmit information?
be _________. A. 10 KHz C. 9 kHz * A. Carrier plus sidebandC. One sideband *
A. Amplified C. Attenuated * B. 6 kHz D. 12 kHz B. Carrier only D. Both sidebands
B. Modulated D. Interfered with
19. An FM transmitter has a maximum deviation of 12 33. The main advantage of SSB over standard AM or
3. In a communications system, noise is most likely to kHz and a maximum modulating frequency of 12 DSB is
affect the signal kHz. The bandwidth by Carson’s rule is A. Less spectrum space is used *
A. at the transmitter C. in the information A. 24 kHz C. 36 kHz B. Simpler equipment is used
source B. 48 kHz * D. 96 kHz C. Less power is consumed
B. in the channel * D. at the destination D. A higher modulation percentage
20. The maximum allowed deviation of the FM sound
4. One of the following types of noise becomes of signal in TV is 25 kHz. If the actual deviation is 18 34. The ratio of the peak modulating signal voltage to
great importance at high frequencies. It is the kHz, the percent modulation is the peak carrier voltage is referred to as
A. shot noise C. impulse noise A. 72% * C. 75% A. The voltage ratio C. The modulation index
B. random noise D. transit-time noise * B. 82% D. 140% *
B. Decibels D. The mix factor
5. A power of 50 μW could be expressed as: 21. The total transmitted power of an AM broadcast
A. 1.69 dBm C. 1 dBm transmitter with a carrier power of 50 kW when 35. If m is greater than 1, what happens?
B. –4.3 dBm D. –13 dBm * modulated 80 percent is A. Normal operation
A. 88 kW C. 22 kW B. Carrier drops of zero
6. It refers to the reduction of signal amplitude as it B. 66 kW * D. 33 kW C. Carrier frequency shifts
passed over the transmission medium D. Information signal is distorted *
A. Noise C. Attenuation * 22. For 100 percent modulation, what percentage of
B. Distortion D. Interface the carrier power is in each sideband? 36. On an FM signal, maximum deviation occurs at
A. 25% * C. 33.33% what point on the modulating signal?
7. The loss in a cable is usually defined in decibels B. 50% D. 66.67% A. Zero-crossing point C. Peak negative
per kilometer (dB/km). If the signal at the amplitude
beginning of a cable with -0.3 dB/km has a power 23. Modulation refers to ______________. B. Peak positive amplitude D. Both B and C *
of 2 mW, what is the power of the signal at 5 km? A. the distance between the uplink and downlink
A. 1.2 mW C. 2.4 mW frequencies 37. When FM reception deteriorates abruptly due to
B. 1.4 mW * D. 2.8 mW B. the separation between adjacent carrier noise, it is called:
frequencies A. the capture effect C. the noise effect
8. Determine the noise current for a diode with a C. the process of changing the characteristics of a B. the threshold effect * D. the limit effect
forward bias of 3.5 mA over a 100 kHz BW. carrier frequency *
A. 10.58 nA * C. 21.2 nA D. the number of cycles per unit of time 38. A power density of 1.57  10–4 W/m2 is measured
B. 0.335 nA D. 5.6 nA 50 meters from a test antenna whose directive gain
24. Most of the power in an AM signal is in the is 2.15 dB. How much power was fed into the test
9. Noise caused by random variations in the arrival of A. Carrier * C. Lower sideband antenna?
electrons at the output electrode of an amplifying B. Upper sideband D. Modulating signal A. 3 W * C. 5 W
device B. 4 W D. 6 W
A. shot noise * C. impulse noise 25. A circuit that generates the upper and lower
B. random noise D. transit-time noise sidebands but no carrier is called 39. It is the apparent speed of propagation along a
A. series modulator C. diode detector waveguide based on the distance between
10. A figure of merit that best describes how much B. low pass filter D. balanced modulator * wavefronts along the waveguide walls
noise a device creates is known as A. Group velocity C. propagation delay
A. signal-to-noise ratio C. Friis noise 26. The circuit that recovers the original modulating B. Phase velocity * D. velocity of
B. noise figure * D. effective noise information from an AM signal is known as a propagation
bandwidth ____________.
A. balanced modulator C. lattice modulator 40. It is a colloquial term used to describe the
11. A popular convenient way of representing noise additional side frequency produced by
calculations, mainly involved with microwave B. demodulator * D. product detector overmodulation or distortion in an AM system
receivers, is A. Overspill C. crosstalk
A. S/N ratio 27. With high-level AM: B. Splatter. D. co-channel
B. noise figure A. all RF amplifiers can be nonlinear * interference *
C. equivalent noise temperature * B. minimum RF power is required
D. equivalent noise resistance C. minimum modulation power is required 41. A pre-emphasis circuit provides extra noise
D. all of the above immunity by
12. An amplifier's output signal has 25 mVpp of A. boosting the bass frequencies
desired signal mixed in with 45 Vrms of undesired 28. Basically, sensitivity measures: B. amplifying the higher audio frequencies *
noise. The load impedance is 50 Ω. What is the A. the weakest signal that can be usefully received C. preamplifying the whole audio band
amplifier's output S/N level in dB? * D. converting the phase modulation to FM
A. 22.9 dB C. 45.9 dB * B. the highest-frequency signal that can be
B. 54.9 dB D. 51.9 dB usefully received 42. In electromagnetic waves, polarization
C. the dynamic range of the audio amplifier A. is caused by reflection
13. The process of modifying a high frequency carrier D. none of the above B. is due to the transverse nature of the waves *
with the information to be transmitted is called C. results from the longitudinal nature of the
A. Multiplexing C. Detection 29. Which of the following components is used to waves
B. Telemetry D. Modulation * produce AM at very high frequencies? D. is always vertical in an isotropic medium
A. Cavity resonator C. Varactor
14. An FM signal has an intelligence frequency of 5 B. PIN diode * D. tunnel diode 43. The absorption of radio waves by the atmosphere
kHz and a maximum deviation of 25 kHz. Its index depends on
of modulation is 30. High level modulation is used A. their frequency *
A. 125 C. 5 * A. when the intelligence signal is added to the B. their distance from the transmitter
B. 0.2 D. 6 carrier at the last possible point before the C. the polarization of the waves
transmitting antenna D. the polarization of the atmosphere
15. A 70 kHz carrier has a frequency deviation of 4 B. in high-power amplifications such as standard
kHz with a 1000 Hz signal. What is the actual radio broadcasting 44. Electromagnetic waves are refracted when they
bandwidth of the FM signal? C. when the transmitter must be made as power A. pass into a medium of different dielectric
A. 4 kHz C. 14 kHz * efficient as possible constant *
B. 7 kHz D. 28 kHz D. all of the above * B. are polarized at right angles to the direction of
16. A tuned circuit resonates at 12 MHz with an 31. What is the purpose of a buffer amplifier stage in a C. encounter a perfectly conducting plane
inductance of 5 μH whose resistance is 6 Ω. The transmitter? D. pass through a small slot in a conducting plane
circuit bandwidth is A. It prevents transmitters from producing
A. 190 kHz C. 192 kHz spurious frequencies in the output signals. 45. A type of fading that is caused by the partial
B. 191 kHz * D. 193 kHz B. It provides power amplification with high cancellation of a radio signal by itself because the
efficiency. signal arrives at the receiver by two different paths.

Prepared by: Engr. Jefril M. Amboy (2022)

Batangas State University Refresher Course Electronics Systems and Technologies
The different frequency components of the signal
experience uncorrelated fading.
A. flat fading C. multipath fading
B. fast fading D. selective fading *

46. The type of radio wave responsible for long-

distance communications by multiple skips is the
A. Ground wave C. Surface wave
B. Direct wave D. Sky wave *

47. A one-quarter wavelength of coaxial or balanced

transmission line of a specific impedance
connected between a load and a source in order to
match impedances is
A. a balun C. a Q section *
B. an autotransformer D. dummy load

48. A shorted quarter-wave line at the operating

frequency acts like a(n)
A. Series resonant circuit C. Capacitors
B. Parallel resonant circuit * D. Inductor

49. The length of a ground plane vertical at 146 MHz

A. 1.6 ft.* C. 2.05 ft.
B. 1.68 ft. D. 3.37 ft.

50. Frequencies in the UHF range propagate by means

A. ground waves * C. surface waves
B. sky waves D. space waves *

Prepared by: Engr. Jefril M. Amboy (2022)

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