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Surgical Staff Nurses

is a routine part of treatment for thoracic trauma,
surgery and infection. Many aspects of the
management of patients with a chest drain come into
the nursing domain yet practices are inconsistent and
many nurses lack confidence in caring for patients
with these drains.
Care of Intercostal tubes (ICC)
To drain air and/or fluid from the pleural cavity to allow full
lung re-expansion.
Two sites: anterior and lateral
 ANTERIOR CHEST TUBES: Landmarks- Second (2nd)
intercostal space in the mid clavicular line (MCL).
 LATERAL CHEST TUBES: Landmarks - between the mid
- axillary line, the anterior axillary fold and the level of the
nipple / 5th intercostal space.
Nursing Care Management

 It is unnecessary, and indeed potentially dangerous, to have

major obtrusive dressings around the chest tube which can
give rise to kinking of the tube, therefore, rendering the
tube useless and potentially allowing the accumulation of air
and the formation of a tension pneumothorax.
 A piece of gauze around the tube entry site into the skin is
sufficient. Cover the tube and gauze with an opsite or
tegaderm dressing.
 Ordered post insertion of the chest tube and daily
thereafter. The nurse must ensure that a medical officer
competent at inspecting chest x-rays is available to assess
the position of the chest tube on the chest x-ray.

 ICU: Report immediately chest drainage of >200mls of

blood in a 1 to 2 hour time frame.
Continuous 02 Sa monitoring. Titrate 02 via whatever mode
(ie. ventilator, 02 mask or nasal prongs) to keep 02 Sa > 96%.
Observe the swings of fluid in the chest tube bottle. With
inspiration water will rise up into the chest tube, with
expiration, water will fall. If the swing is less than 2 cm, the
lung is not likely to be fully expanded and therefore suction
may need to be increased.

Because somebody may forget to remove the clamp and a

tension pneumothorax may develop. Two tubing clamps
should be left at the patients bedside to clamp the tube in
the event of emergency action being required if the tubing
became dislodged from the chest tube bottle and air is at
risk of entering the chest cavity.
Spontaneous Tension Pneumothorax
Tension Pneumothorax

is a life-threatening condition that results from a

progressive deterioration and worsening of a simple
pneumothorax, associated with the formation of a
one-way valve at the point of rupture.
Signs and symptoms

 Decreased or absent breath sounds on the affected side

 Jugular venous distension
 Tracheal deviation towards unaffected side
 Hyperesonance on percussion
 Unequal chest rise
 Dyspnea
 Tachypnea
 Tachycardia
 Hypotension
 Hypoxia
 Pale, cool, clammy skin
 Subcutaneous air
 Cyanosis

Initial treatment involves the insertion of a large bore

cannula or needle into the second intercostal space on the
mid-clavicular line (known as "needle thoracostomy", or
more commonly, "needle decompression"), thereby
releasing the pressure in the pleural cavity and converting
the tension pneumothorax to a simple pneumothorax,
which is then treated at the earliest opportunity by
inserting a chest tube


Lying fully on ICC side 2 - 4 hourly so blood is able to

drain from mediastinum drain into ICC.


 side lying continues until removal of ICC - usually day 2 - 3.

Sit patient out of bed to improve coughing, lung volumes and
lung compliance.

Sudden drop of Sa 02 < 90%

increased restlessness and anxiety of the patient.
cessation of swing, or swing < 2cm.
absent or decreased breath sounds on the side of the
tympany or hollow sound on chest percussion.

evidence on chest x-ray of air in pleural space and

mediastinal shift.
ECG-reduction in amplitude of QRST complex.
Rhythm - electrical mechanical dissociation - normal
rhythm with reduced cardiac output.
tracheal deviation.
Contents of the chest bottle
The contents of the chest bottle should be sterile solution that
is not toxic to the lungs should the fluid inadvertently enter
the chest. Therefore, water, saline or dextrose.

Removal of a chest tube

Explain procedure to patient and place in a position of
comfort. Remove sterile dressing. Cut suture. Ask patient to
take a deep breath and hold it - then remove the tube and
place a sterile piece of gauze and airtight over the site.
Managing the patient with a
chest drain: a review
Six clinical questions were identified for
which research-based answers were sought.
These were:

Should connections be taped?

How frequently should bottles be changed?
What type of dressing should be used around the insertion
Should the tubing be milked/stripped?
Should tubing be clamped when moving the patient?
What is the recommended breathing pattern during removal
of a drain?
Should drain connections be taped?

Accidental disconnection of tubing may lead to air entry

and hence some lung collapse. Some authors (Carroll 1991,
Macy and Landstrom 1993) claimed that taping the
connection secures it, thus avoiding potential disconnection.
Welch (1993) stated that taped tubes may disconnect without
being seen, thus allowing air entry. A third group (Foss 1987,
O'Hanlon-Nichols 1996) suggested ways of using tape without
completely covering the connection.
When should drainage bottles be changed?

Sometimes it is clear that the bottle should be changed,

for example, if it is damaged or full. However, many
patients being treated for pneumothorax will have a drain
in place for some days. It may not accumulate fluid so it is
not clear if or when the bottle should be changed.
What type of dressing should be used
at the drain insertion site?

Where occlusive dressings are advocated, one article suggested

that it should be left in place for three days, and another
stipulated that it should not be changed unless it is soiled, or
there are signs of infection. Petroleum gauze is mentioned
twice as part of the airtight dressing. Betadine ointment is
recommended once with an occlusive dressing, and once with
a dry dressing. Bacteriostatic ointment is also mentioned once.
Two articles stated that the dressings should be 'changed as
ordered' and 'changed as required'. From 1993, all advice has
been for occlusive dressings.
Should drain tubing be stripped/ milked?

There have been a few studies undertaken on this

question, although the groups of patients studied are
predominantly cardiac. These papers were published between
1982 and 1993. Articles published before this date mainly
endorsed routine stripping/milking.
Should drains be clamped when
moving a patient?

A patient who is moving may inadvertently disconnect his or her

drainage bottle. If it is clamped, air cannot enter the lung via
the tube. Another school of thought says that if there is an air
leak within the lung, clamping the drain may cause a tension
pneumothorax. The gravity of this complication may outweigh
any risk from disconnection, especially when good
management should make sure that all connections are secure.
What breathing technique is advised
during chest drain removal?

A variety of instructions for patients are recommended, and

again, there is no trend over time for this advice. Welch
(1993) stated that 'some authors recommend the patient
exhales and performs the Valsalva manoeuvre, but in the
UK the patient is usually asked to inhale deeply and hold
his or her breath'.

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