10 Biology Mock Test 2

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TIME 2 hours
MOCK TEST 2 2023–2024
Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during first 15 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Section A is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from Section B.
The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets [ ].
SECTION A (40 Marks)
(Attempt all questions from this Section.)
Question 1
Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options.
(Do not copy the question, write the correct answers only): [15]
(i) Special pore bearing structures present on the margin of leaves to allow exudation:
(a) Stomata (b) Dermal pore (c) Hydathodes (d) Mesophyll cells

(ii) Growth movement of plant part in response to touch stimulus:

(a) Hydrotropism (b) Chemotropism (c) Geotropism (d) Thigmotropism

(iii) All the nuclear changes that occur during the cell division is collectively termed as:
(a) Crossing over (b) Karyokinesis (c) Meiosis (d) Cytokinesis

(iv) An example of semipermeable membrane is:

(a) Muslin cloth (b) Jute bag (c) Rubber sheet (d) Cellophane paper

(v) A potato cell placed in 30% sugar solution will:

(a) Loose water due to exosmosis (b) Swell up due to endosmosis
(c) Will undergo no change (d) Will be turgid due to deplasmolysis

(vi) Assertion [A]: A man in a closed non ventilated room with burning lantern may die.
Reason [R]: In a closed room the carbon dioxide is more but oxygen is less.
(a) Both A and R are True (b) Both A and R are False
(c) A is True and R is False (d) A is False and R is True

(vii) Bharat Stage [BS] norms are set up in 2000 to control one of these pollution:
(a) Soil Pollution by industries (b) Air Pollution by automobiles
(c) Radiation Pollution from Nuclear reactors (d) Water Pollution due to oil spills.

(viii) Which of the statement is TRUE for vermiform appendix?

(a) It is an important organ used in the process of digestion in human beings.
(b) It was probably used for digestion in pre-ancestral era when cooking food was not the usual practice but
now it is functionless.
(c) It is functionless vestigial organ in carnivores as well as herbivores
(d) It is active when we eat plant food and inactive when we eat flesh and meat.

This question paper consists of four printed pages. Turn over.

(ix) Blood vessels having walls made up of only a single layer of squamous epithelial:
(a) Artery (b) Veins (c) Capillary (d) Pulmonary artery

(x) Leukocytes act as soldiers of the body by exhibiting the phenomenon:

(a) Imbibition (b) Phagocytosis (c) Osmosis (d) Plasmolysis

(xi) Sagar passes urine frequently. He observed that his urine is too much dilute and he was getting very
thirsty. When he approached the doctor, listening to the symptoms, doctor guessed that probably Sagar is
suffering from:
(a) Myxoedema (b) Diabetes insipidus (c) Exophthalmic goitre (d) Diabetes mellitus

(xii) When a carrier mother marries a colour blind father, which one among the following is FALSE:
(a) 25% of the children are colour blind son. (b) 25% of the children are carrier sons.
(c) 25% of the children are carrier daughter. (d) 25% of the children are colour blind daughter.

(xiii) ‘Pituitary is the master gland.’

Which of the following reasons justify the above statement completely?
P: Pituitary releases tropic hormones.
Q: Tropic hormones stimulates other endocrine gland.
R. Pituitary is located in the brain region.
(a) Only P (b) Only P and Q
(c) Only P and R (d) All P, Q and R

(xiv) People are advised to consume iodised salt in food especially in hilly areas. This is due to the reason:
(a) Iodine is the active ingredient for thyroxine production and soil in hilly area lacks iodine.
(b) Salt with iodine is good for muscles and strong bones that is much needed for people living in hilly
(c) Iodised salt is the only medicine for combating with cold temperature in hilly area.
(d) Iodine is needed for curing goitre.

(xv) After consuming a complete carbohydrate and protein rich meal the following results may arise:
(i) Hepatic artery will have high concentration of glucose.
(ii) Hepatic vein will have high concentration of amino acid and glucose.
(iii) After some more time hepatic vein will have high concentration of urea.
(iv) Hepatic portal vein will have high concentration of glucose and amino acids.
Which one of the above are likely to be the actual results?
(a) Both i and ii are the results (b) Only iv is the result.
(c) Both iii and iv will be the results (d) Only i and iv are the results.

Question 2
(i) Name the following: [5]
(a) Development of fruit without fertilization.
(b) A kind of allele whose expression is suppressed in presence of a dominant allele for a given gene.
(c) Expulsion of urine from the urinary bladder through urethra under the impulse from nervous system.
(d) A hormone also known as child birth hormone.
(e) Transpiration that occurs through the minute openings on the surface of old woody stems.

(ii) Arrange and rewrite the terms in each group in the correct order so as to be in a logical sequence
beginning with the word that is underlined: [5]
(a) Upper epidermis, Spongy mesophyll, Stomata, Palisade mesophyll.
(b) Homo erectus, Homo habilis, Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon
(c) Left auricle, Lungs, Right auricle, Right ventricle, Left ventricle

(d) Prophase, Interphase, Anaphase, Metaphase, Telophase
(e) Thrombin, Prothrombin, Thrombokinase, Fibrin, Fibrinogen

(iii) Fill in the blanks with suitable words: [5]

Relative concentration of the solutions that determine the direction and extent of movement of solvent is
called tonicity. If the concentration of the solution on either side of the cell membrane is same then the cell
is placed in (a) ________solution. No net movement of water molecules will take place. If the concentration
of the solute is more inside the cell than the surrounding solution then the cell is placed in (b) _____solution.
This will lead to (c) ________. If the cell has lower solute concentration than the surrounding solution then
the surrounding solution is a (d) _______solution. This will results into (e) ________.

(iv) Choose the odd one out from the following terms and name the category to which the others belong: [5]
(a) Vermiform appendix, Small intestine, Wisdom teeth, Pinna.
(b) Thyroid stimulating hormone, Insulin, Growth hormone, Oxytocin.
(c) Kitchen waste, Metal cans, Plastic bottles, Glass utensils.
(d) Neutrophil, Basophil, Monocytes, Eosinophil.
(e) Loss of leaves, Narrow leaves, Leaves reduced to spines, More number of stomata.

(v) Match the items given in Column I with the most appropriate ones in Column II and rewrite
the correct matching pairs: [5]
Column I Column II
(a) Cortex of kidney 1. Emergency hormone
(b) Colour blindness 2. Appears dotted
(c) Acid Rain 3. Sulphur dioxide
(d) Adrenaline 4. CFC
(e) Nuclear reactors 5. ‘X’ linked disorder
6. Hormone from mixed gland
7. Radiation pollution.

SECTION B (40 Marks)

(Attempt any four questions from this Section.)
Question 3
(i) Define apical dominance. [1]
(ii) Give one difference between Lamarckism and Darwinism. [2]
(iii) What causes insulin shock? Mention one of its effects. [2]
(iv) Mention any two effects of global warming. [2]

(v) Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow: [3]
(a) Name the phase of the heart shown. Give reason for your answer.
(b) Which blood vessel carries the oxygenated blood from heart to the body parts?
(c) Draw the cross sectional view of the blood vessel labeled X.

Question 4
(i) Expand the abbreviation DDT. [1]
(ii) Draw a neat diagram of adrenal gland. Label its cortex and medulla region. [2]
(iii) Why is RBC deficient but more efficient? [2]
(iv)What are the two external factors that affects rate of transpiration? [2]
(v) Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow: [3]
(a) What phenomenon has been shown in the figure?
(b) What is this phenomenon’s effect on root and shoot respectively?
(c) Which hormone plays an important role in the phototropic
movement of the plant?
Question 5
(i) Mention one function of Gibberellic acid. [1]
(ii) Differentiate between phenotype and genotype. [2]
(iii) Explain ultrafiltration. [2]
(iv) Draw a labeled diagram to show crossing over between a pair of homologous chromosome. [2]
(v) Study the figure and answer the questions: [3]
(a) Name the instrument.
(b) State the role of the reservoir.
(c) Mention any two limitations of this device.

Question 6
(i) Define Portal vein. [1]
(ii) Differentiate between Chemotropism and Geotropism. [2]
(iii) State Mendel’s law of dominance. [2]
(iv) Explain why gargling with saline water cures throat infection. [2]
(v) In homozygous pea plant, green coloured pod is dominant over yellow colour pod. [3]
(a) What is the phenotype and genotype of F1 generation if a plant bearing homozygous green pod is crossed
with a plant bearing homozygous yellow coloured pod?
(b) Draw a Punnett square to show the gametes and offsprings of F2 generation.
(c) What is the phenotypicand genotypic ratio of the offsprings of F2 generation?

Question 7
(i) Give scientific name of peppered moth. [1]
(ii) Walls of the ventricles are thicker than walls of auricles. Justify. [2]
(iii) Differentiate between guttation and bleeding. [2]
(iv) How chin development of Cro Magnon man differs from chin development of Neanderthal man? [2]
(v) Draw a neat labeled diagram of anaphase stage of mitosis of a plant cell with 6 chromosomes. [3]

Question 8
(i) Which is the dominant trait of eye color character? [1]
(ii) Draw a labeled diagram of a plasmolysed cell. [2]
(iii) Industrial melanism proves theory of natural selection. Explain. [2]
(iv) When does the DUP sound occurs during the cardiac cycle? [2]

(v) Study the diagram and answer the following questions: [3]
(a) Name the structure shown in the picture?
(b) What does A and B depict?
(c) Name the two parts with which each B is made up of.



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