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21 Gul Drive, Singapore 629470, Republic Of Singapore

Tel: (65) 62650701 (30 Lines), Fax: (65) 68630710


Customer: _________________________________________________________________________________

Commission by: __________________________ Date: ________________________

Equipment: ________________________________________________________________________________

(A)Before Start-Up of Pellet Mill

1) Check Lubrication System

 Gear-Box oYes oNo
 Roller Assembly (Left) oYes oNo
 Roller Assembly (Right) oYes oNo
 Main Shaft oYes oNo
2) Check Stream Draining System
3) Check Lockout Switch in OFF Position oYes oNo
4) Back-Off Knifes away from Die before Opening Pellet Chamber oYes oNo
5) Check Die Clamp Bolts/Bare Claw Die Clamp are Tighten (Torque: 350ft-lb/48mkg) oYes oNo
6) Check/Ensure Gaps between Clamp Segments are EQUAL oYes oNo
7) Check/Ensure NO GAP between Die and Quill Flange oYes oNo
8) Check/Set Rollers Contact to die oYes oNo
9) Check Hopper Bin 1 Sensor oYes oNo
10) Check Hopper Bin 2 Sensor oYes oNo
11) Check/Ensure Oil Level in Gear-Box should maintained when Pellet Mill is running oYes oNo
12) Check/Ensure NO TRAMP METAL or OTHER FOREIGN MATERIAL accumulated
in Press Feeder oYes oNo
13) Check/Ensure NO TRAMP METAL or OTHER FOREIGN MATERIAL accumulated
in Conditioner (Upper) oYes oNo
14) Check/Ensure NO TRAMP METAL or OTHER FOREIGN MATERIAL accumulated
in Conditioner (Lower) oYes oNo
15) Check/Ensure NO TRAMP METAL or OTHER FOREIGN MATERIAL accumulated
in Product Feeder (if furnished) oYes oNo
16) Check/Ensure NO TRAMP METAL or OTHER FOREIGN MATERIAL accumulated
in Die Cavity oYes oNo
17) Check/Clean MAGNET for Conditioner oYes oNo
18) Check Pellet Chamber Limit Switch (Normally Close) oNormally close oNormally open

19) Check Shear Pin Limit Switch (Normally Close) oNormally close oNormally open
20) Check/Set TLV Value 1 Function oYes oNo
21) Check/Set TLV Value 2 Function oYes oNo
22) Check Oil LEAKAGE before test-run from:
 Gear-Box oYes oNo
21 Gul Drive, Singapore 629470, Republic Of Singapore
Tel: (65) 62650701 (30 Lines), Fax: (65) 68630710


 Front Pinion Shaft Bearing oYes oNo
 Rear Pinion Shaft Bearing oYes oNo
 Quill Flange Oil seal oYes oNo
 Main Shaft oYes oNo
 Motor Oil oYes oNo

(B) Power-Up Pellet Mill

1) Check PMC Input Signal (4~20ma) oYes oNo

2) Check PMC Output Signal oYes oNo
3) Check Temperature Probe 1 Wire Connection oYes oNo
4) Check Temperature Probe 2 Wire Connection oYes oNo
5) Check/Set Quick Dump Feed Chute (Open) oOpen oClose
6) Check/Set Quick Dump Feed Chute (Close) oOpen oClose

(C)Start Main Motor Drive

1) Check Pellet Mill Motor Rotation (Connection Clockwise) oClockwise oAnti-Clockwise

2) Check Press Feeder Rotation (Connection Anti-Clockwise) oClockwise oAnti-Clockwise
3) Check Lower Conditioner Rotation (Connection Clockwise) oClockwise oAnti-Clockwise
4) Check Upper Conditioner Rotation (Connection Anti-Clockwise) oClockwise oAnti-Clockwise
5) Check Product Feeder Rotation (Connection Clockwise) oClockwise oAnti-Clockwise

(D) Start-Up Pellet Mill

1) Check Pellet Mill Motor rpm Data: _______________________

2) Check Press Feeder Motor rpm Data: _______________________
3) Check Conditioner 1 Motor rpm Data: _______________________
4) Check/Set Conditioner Stream to 1.2bar Data: _______________________
5) Check Conditioner 2 Motor rpm Data: _______________________
6) Check/Set Conditioner Stream to 1.2bar Data: _______________________
7) Check Product Feeder Motor rpm Data: _______________________
8) Check Temperature Fluctuate (Not More Than 5Degree) Data: _______________________
9) Check/Set Tonnage (Product Feeder, Data from Customer) Data: _______________________
21 Gul Drive, Singapore 629470, Republic Of Singapore
Tel: (65) 62650701 (30 Lines), Fax: (65) 68630710


10) Check/Set Bulk Density (Data from Customer) Data: _______________________
11) Check/Set Stream Percentage Data: _______________________
12) Check/Set TLV Value for Conditioner Data: _______________________
13) Check/Set Press Feeder Retention Time Data: _______________________
14) Check/Set Conditioner Retention Time Data: _______________________
15) Check/Set Pellet Mill Motor amp (Low) Data: _______________________
16) Check/Set Pellet Mill Motor amp (High) Data: _______________________
17) Check/Set Conditioner Dwell Time (Inlet) Data: _______________________
18) Check/Set Conditioner Dwell Time (Outlet) Data: _______________________
19) Check/Scale Inverter to Pellet Mill Motor amp Data: _______________________
20) Check Oil LEAKAGE after test-run/running from:
 Gear-Box oYes oNo
 Front Pinion Shaft Bearing oYes oNo
 Rear Pinion Shaft Bearing oYes oNo
 Quill Flange Oil seal oYes oNo
 Main Shaft oYes oNo
 Motor Oil oYes oNo

Data Verified by: __________________________ Date: ____________________________

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