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Pitch Deck

Founder Academy Guide

Best Practices for Pitch Decks
As an early-stage entrepreneur, the Pitch Deck can be a valuable tool for helping you win early partners, advisors and
investors. Remember that the specific sections and content of a pitch deck may vary depending on the audience, purpose
and stage of a startup. Here are some best practices to consider when developing your pitch deck:

Tell a story Use visuals Know your audience

Tell a clear and compelling story about Visuals such as charts, graphs and images, Your pitch deck should be tailored to
your startup, highlighting the problem including from data and metrics, can your audience. Understand and adjust
you’re solving and value you’re creating. convey your message more effectively. to their interests and preferences.

Keep it simple Practice and refine Be authentic

Your pitch deck should be concise and Your pitch deck should be a living Your pitch deck should reflect your
to the point, focusing on only the most document that evolves over time based personality and passion for your startup,
important information. on practice and feedback from others. and convey your vision and mission.
Two Versions
In this Founder Academy Guide, we’ve included two versions of the a Pitch Deck to help you get started.

Template Example
This is a version that you may use to Provides a real-world example of how the
adapt and submit as a deliverable. tool can be filled by an entrepreneur.
Company Name
Tag Line
The Problem
Describe the ideal customer profile and their problems or pain points that the startup is addressing, and why it’s significant
enough to need a solution. When pitching, make sure to emphasize how you as a founder can relate personally to this problem.

Pain Point #1 Paint Point #2

Briefly elaborate on pain point, including Briefly elaborate on pain point, including
any relevant market research data points. any relevant market research data points.

Ideal Customer Profile

Define the primary customer segment
for which you are building your solution, Pain Point #3 Paint Point #4
based on their characteristics, location,
needs and/or behaviours. Briefly elaborate on pain point, including Briefly elaborate on pain point, including
any relevant market research data points. any relevant market research data points.
The Solution
Outlines the startup’s solution to the identified problem, including the key benefits of the product or service. This should
articulate how your solution is different from others that may be available to your customer segment.

Benefit #1 Benefit #2
Briefly elaborate on how your product or Briefly elaborate on how your product or
service helps deliver this outcome. service helps deliver this outcome.

Your Product or Service

Briefly describe the main functions and
MVP features of your product or service, Benefit #3 Benefit #4
including what technologies are used.
Briefly elaborate on how your product or Briefly elaborate on how your product or
service helps deliver this outcome. service helps deliver this outcome.
The Market
Defines the target market for the solution, including the size, growth potential and segmentation of the market.

Size of Market Growth Potential Segmentation

Provide an overview of the Total Highlight any trends or change Identify the one or more
Addressable Market (TAM) for that could impact demand for the segments within the target
your solution, including the solution, such as the expected % market that your solution will
estimated size of the market in growth of your target market focus on at first, and how they
terms of revenue and number of according to industry reports. fit into the broader market.
customers or units sold.
The Business Model
Describes how the startup plans to generate revenue and sustain its operations, including pricing strategy, revenue streams
and cost structure.

Cost Structure Pricing Strategy Revenue Streams

Outline the main expenses and Explain the types of pricing you Describe the ways in which your
investments required to develop, offer. This should include how solution generates revenue,
launch and operate your your price compares to such as subscription fees,
solution, such as product competitors and also how to commission on sales, or
development, marketing and compares with the cost of advertising revenue.
staffing. delivering your solution.
The Go-To-Market Strategy
Outlines the marketing and sales strategy for the startup, including customer acquisition channels, distribution channels and

Customer Acquisition Distribution Partnerships

Describe how you will acquire Share how your startup will Provide any details about
customers, such as paid distribute its product or service to strategic partnership that your
advertising, social media, customers, such as online startup will pursue to accelerate
referral programs or email marketplaces, retail partnership growth and increase customer
marketing. or direct sales. acquisition.
The Competition
Identifies the main competitors in the market, and describes how the startup differentiates itself from them in terms of value
proposition and competitive advantage.

Benefit #1 Benefit #2 Benefit #3 Benefit #4

Your Startup ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Competitor #1 ✔ ✘ ✔ ✘

Competitor #2 ✘ ✔ ✘ ✘

Competitor #3 ✔ ✔ ✘ ✘
The Team
Introduces the founding team and any key members of the startup, highlighting their skills, experience and expertise.

Founder #1 Founder #2 Key Staff/Advisor

role role role
Highlight key skills, experience Highlight key skills, experience Highlight key skills, experience
and expertise. and expertise. and expertise.
The Financials
Provides an overview of the startup’s financials, including current funding status, revenue projections, and fundraising plans.

Current Funding Revenue Projections Fundraising

Mention if you already have any Outline your annual revenue Indicate whether you are
previous funding amounts projections for the next 3 years, seeking investment and the
secured or are bootstrapping. including key assumptions, such amount of capital the startup
Mention how long you can as “We project to generate $X in intends to raise in the short
continue with current funding revenue during our first year, and term. Explain the key milestones
status. Indicate which, if any, achieve $X in annual revenue by this funding would enable you to
co-founders and investors have year three, assuming strong achieve over a specific
already contributed or pledged. demand and license approval.” timeframe.
The Milestones
Outlines the key milestones that your startup has achieved to date, and your future goals and objectives. If you have launched
or have any specific user traction, make sure to include and specify this here.

Milestone 2 Milestone 4
Month Month
Short description Short description
Year Year

Month Month
Milestone 1 Year Milestone 3 Year

Short description Short description

From A to Z for Free
The Problem
Nairobi's transportation system is inefficient and unreliable, with limited options for safe and affordable transportation,
particularly for women and low-income populations.

Inefficient Unreliable
Commuters wait an average of 20 There are only 3 on average official
minutes to board transport and routes transport terminals per square kilometer
used take 50% longer than possible with as little as 1 in some regions resulting
optimized routes. in unguaranteed routes.

Women & Low-Income

Urban Population
People who travel within Nairobi on a Unsafe Unaffordable
daily or weekly basis who spend a
significant portion of their daily hours Average of 345 safety incident reports on Using other ride-hailing apps and
and income on transit. existing modes of transport. traditional taxis would cost 15% of
average monthly income.
The Solution
Our ride-hailing app is a convenient, safe, and affordable transportation option that connects riders with nearby drivers, using
a mobile app and GPS technology. We offer free rides to riders who agree to display advertisements in their vehicle or share
feedback about their ride experience on social media.

Route Optimization Distributed Network

We use AI & ML algorithms alongside GPS We have a well distributed network that
technology to connect riders with nearby ensures riders can be picked up from
drivers and recommend the most efficient where they are and incentivizes drivers to
transport routes. go to all routes since they have high
likelihood of picking other riders there.

Our solution is a ride-hailing app that Vetted & Trained Riders Dynamic Pricing Model
connects rides with nearby drivers Our dynamic pricing model powered by
All of our drivers undergo a security
utilizing AI & ML for route optimization AI & ML algorithms varies price based on
screening before selection and are then
and network distribution. To subsidize factors such as demand enabling riders to
trained on safety and professionalism. We
cost we offer free or discounted riders to plan around that. Riders can also opt to
also collect feedback from riders on
riders in exchange for viewing ads or see ads and share their experience for
drivers and riders can share their live trip.
performing actions. discounts.
The Market
The target market for our ride-hailing app includes urban residents in Nairobi, estimated at over 4 million people, with a focus
on underserved segments such as women, low-income populations, and tourists.

Size of Market Growth Potential Segmentation

Our initial market is the over 4 million Industry reports estimate the We perform segmentation both on
people in Nairobi with an average ride-hailing market to grow by our riders and drivers based on
estimate of 50 trips per month per 3.5% annually. Drivers of the transport priorities, socio-economic
rider and 2 million active riders per growth include population growth characteristics, and their location. We
month in Nairobi. Estimated 2% of rate of 2% annually, increased will initially focus on riders and
riders in Nairobi use ride hailing apps tourist visits estimated at 4% drivers in densely populated regions
spending USD 20 per trip resulting in annually, a growing middle class before expanding our network. Our
annual revenue of USD 1.2 billion. at 3% annually, and change in initial riders would be underserved
Market research estimates the entire consumer preferences following women and tourists to before
commuter market size at USD 10 the COVID-19 pandemic. expanding to low-income via
billion, this can be further expanded cross-subsidization. Our initial drivers
by serving underserved segments would be existing ride hailing drivers
such as women, low-income seeking to make extra income.
populations, and tourists.
The Business Model
Our ride-hailing app generates revenue through a commission-based model, charging drivers a percentage of each ride fare.
We also generate revenue by selling advertising space to businesses that want to promote their products or services through
our app and on our partner vehicles.

Cost Structure Pricing Strategy Revenue Streams

We estimate our initial product We have a dynamic pricing We would charge 10%
development cost at USD 15,000 model for both riders and commision on fare per ride. We
over 4 months . Thereafter our advertisers. For riders price is will also generate revenue
estimated monthly operating determined by overall demand, through selling advertising
costs are estimated at USD their persona, and their trip. Our where we would have auctions
5,000 consisting of 65% (USD surge pricing is capped at 20% among advertisers for cost per
3,250) staffing for at team of 5, less than the most expensive impression by different
20% (USD 1,000) marketing, and alternative (traditional taxis) and customer personas and at
15% (USD 750) for general and our minimum price ensures a different times.
administrative (professional 40% contribution margin. For
services, rent & utilities, licences advertisers our average cost per
etc.). impression is estimated 30%
cheaper than alternatives such as
The Go-To-Market Strategy
Our ride-hailing app uses a mix of digital and offline channels to acquire and engage customers, including social media, search
ads, events, and partnerships with hotels, restaurants, and tourist attractions. The company also offers promotions, discounts,
and referral programs to incentivize adoption.

Customer Acquisition Distribution Partnerships

We anticipate to acquire most Our distribution strategy will To accelerate growth and
customers through exclusive largely revolve around app stores increase customer acquisition
referral links and a strong social with a focus on Google Play Store we will partner with popular
media presence. We will also use and Apple App Store. We will event organizers, event
paid marketing through digital start development on Flutter locations, hotels, restaurants,
marketing campaigns with paid framework that enables us to and tourist attractions to get
advertising and rewards to launch on all major phone discounts or win free rides for
customers for performing platform targets. using our app. We will also
specific actions. Email marketing partner with payment
will be used for existing facilitators for ease of payment
customers and those who sign and cash back rewards.
up on a waitlist.
The Competition
Our ride-hailing app's main competitors are other ride-hailing apps, traditional taxis, and informal transport modes such as
matatus. The company differentiates itself through its focus on safety, affordability, and convenience, as well as its
commitment to social impact and inclusion.

Partnership with Rides subsidized by Route Customized Trips for

hotels, restaurants, ads and actions Optimization Women, Elderly, and
and tourist attractions those with Disability

Your Startup ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Other ride-hailing ✘ ✘ ✔ ✔

Traditional taxis ✔ ✘ ✘ ✘

transport modes ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘
(e.g. matatus)
The Team
Our ride-hailing app team is comprised of experienced professionals in technology, transportation, and business, with a
passion for innovation and social impact. We also have a network of advisors, mentors, and partners in the local ecosystem.

Juma Okonkwo Lethabo

Technology expert Business expert Transport expert
(Education, experience, and skills (Education, experience, and skills (Education, experience, and
in technology) in business and sales) skills in transport industry)
The Financials
Our ride-hailing app is seeking USD 50,000 in seed funding to complete the product development and launch. We are
projecting USD 50,000 in revenue and USD 10,000 in profit by Year 1, with a target of 1,000 monthly rides and 200 active

Current Funding Revenue Projections Fundraising

We are currently bootstrapping We project to generate USD We are seeking a capital raise
and have made USD 20,000 180,000 in revenue during our of USD 50,000 in seed funding.
revenue and acquired 50 drivers first year, and achieve USD The use of funds would be for
who have done 4,000 ride from 400,000 in annual revenue by product development, staffing,
our initial investment of USD year three, assuming strong and marketing to achieve
5,000 from co-founders. Our demand and license approval. milestones of launching the app
current monthly net burn rate is in beta, expanding the driver
USD 700 translating to a runway and rider base, and building a
of 6 months given cash balance trusted and reliable brand in
of USD 4,200. Nairobi.
The Milestones
Our ride-hailing app has achieved several key milestones to date, including the development of the prototype, the recruitment
of a network of 50 drivers, and the validation of the concept through user testing and feedback. The company's future goals
include launching the app in beta, expanding the driver and rider base, and building a trusted and reliable brand in Nairobi.

Met Legal Requirements Average NPS score of 8

March We incorporated our startup and May Incorporated feedback from user testing and
2023 obtained initial necessary licenses 2023 feedback resulting in improved NPS score

May June
Prototype 2023 Network of 50 drivers 2023

We developed our prototype Onboarded our first 50 drivers in

key locations

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