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Company Name
Tag Line
The Problem
Describe the ideal customer profile and their problems or pain points that the startup is addressing, and why it’s significant
enough to need a solution. When pitching, make sure to emphasize how you as a founder can relate personally to this problem.

Pain Point #1 Paint Point #2

Briefly elaborate on pain point, including Briefly elaborate on pain point, including
any relevant market research data points. any relevant market research data points.

Ideal Customer Profile

Define the primary customer segment
for which you are building your solution, Pain Point #3 Paint Point #4
based on their characteristics, location,
needs and/or behaviours. Briefly elaborate on pain point, including Briefly elaborate on pain point, including
any relevant market research data points. any relevant market research data points.
The Solution
Outlines the startup’s solution to the identified problem, including the key benefits of the product or service. This should
articulate how your solution is different from others that may be available to your customer segment.

Benefit #1 Benefit #2
Briefly elaborate on how your product or Briefly elaborate on how your product or
service helps deliver this outcome. service helps deliver this outcome.

Your Product or Service

Briefly describe the main functions and
MVP features of your product or service, Benefit #3 Benefit #4
including what technologies are used.
Briefly elaborate on how your product or Briefly elaborate on how your product or
service helps deliver this outcome. service helps deliver this outcome.
The Market
Defines the target market for the solution, including the size, growth potential and segmentation of the market.

Size of Market Growth Potential Segmentation

Provide an overview of the Total Highlight any trends or change Identify the one or more
Addressable Market (TAM) for that could impact demand for the segments within the target
your solution, including the solution, such as the expected % market that your solution will
estimated size of the market in growth of your target market focus on at first, and how they
terms of revenue and number of according to industry reports. fit into the broader market.
customers or units sold.
The Business Model
Describes how the startup plans to generate revenue and sustain its operations, including pricing strategy, revenue streams
and cost structure.

Cost Structure Pricing Strategy Revenue Streams

Outline the main expenses and Explain the types of pricing you Describe the ways in which your
investments required to develop, offer. This should include how solution generates revenue,
launch and operate your your price compares to such as subscription fees,
solution, such as product competitors and also how to commission on sales, or
development, marketing and compares with the cost of advertising revenue.
staffing. delivering your solution.
The Go-To-Market Strategy
Outlines the marketing and sales strategy for the startup, including customer acquisition channels, distribution channels and

Customer Acquisition Distribution Partnerships

Describe how you will acquire Share how your startup will Provide any details about
customers, such as paid distribute its product or service to strategic partnership that your
advertising, social media, customers, such as online startup will pursue to accelerate
referral programs or email marketplaces, retail partnership growth and increase customer
marketing. or direct sales. acquisition.
The Competition
Identifies the main competitors in the market, and describes how the startup differentiates itself from them in terms of value
proposition and competitive advantage.

Benefit #1 Benefit #2 Benefit #3 Benefit #4

Your Startup ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Competitor #1 ✔ ✘ ✔ ✘

Competitor #2 ✘ ✔ ✘ ✘

Competitor #3 ✔ ✔ ✘ ✘
The Team
Introduces the founding team and any key members of the startup, highlighting their skills, experience and expertise.

Founder #1 Founder #2 Key Staff/Advisor

role role role
Highlight key skills, experience Highlight key skills, experience Highlight key skills, experience
and expertise. and expertise. and expertise.
The Financials
Provides an overview of the startup’s financials, including current funding status, revenue projections, and fundraising plans.

Current Funding Revenue Projections Fundraising

Mention if you already have any Outline your annual revenue Indicate whether you are
previous funding amounts projections for the next 3 years, seeking investment and the
secured or are bootstrapping. including key assumptions, such amount of capital the startup
Mention how long you can as “We project to generate $X in intends to raise in the short
continue with current funding revenue during our first year, and term. Explain the key milestones
status. Indicate which, if any, achieve $X in annual revenue by this funding would enable you to
co-founders and investors have year three, assuming strong achieve over a specific
already contributed or pledged. demand and license approval.” timeframe.
The Milestones
Outlines the key milestones that your startup has achieved to date, and your future goals and objectives. If you have launched
or have any specific user traction, make sure to include and specify this here.

Milestone 2 Milestone 4
Month Month
Short description Short description
Year Year

Month Month
Milestone 1 Year Milestone 3 Year

Short description Short description

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