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Greetings young page, and welcome to your first quest.
We are thrilled to have someone of your prowess joining the
Elder ranks. The Light knows we need all the help we can get
to repel the creatures of darkness.

Game Overview
Dungeon Pages is a tactical roll-and-write game where you play as a character Example 1: Quest Sheet
embarking upon an epic quest through various dungeons. Each quest sheet contains a Character Section
character section and a dungeon section (see Example 1).
Each character section introduces a character and their ability, and tracks their health
and progress. Each dungeon section shows four minor dungeons and one boss dungeon,
and describes the monsters and traps found within.
Each dungeon represents a step along your quest. As you advance through a dungeon
searching for its treasure chest, you will mark white spaces (empty spaces and trap
spaces) to represent the areas you have explored. The more thoroughly you explore
Dungeon Section
each dungeon, and the more monsters you defeat along the way, the more experience
you will gain.
Choose a quest sheet to embark upon your journey!

 Quest Sheets
 Rules

Provide your own

 Pen or pencil
 Three white d6 Good Dice, Did you know?
and three black d6 Evil Dice.
You can swap your heroes A Minor Dungeons B Boss Dungeon
with new dungeons!
Dungeon Gameplay Example 2: Dungeon
1. C hoose a dungeon to explore. You may choose the boss dungeon only after C D

completing the four minor dungeons. Wandering Monster

2. Take the number of Evil Dice shown to the right of the chosen dungeon’s name. Reminder Icon
3. Add a single Good Die to the Evil Dice to form your dice pool. If you’ve unlocked any D Evil Dice
additional Good Dice, add them to the pool. E Entry Door
F Treasure Chest
Tip: Dungeons are not always ordered by difficulty, and some are trickier (Dungeon Exit)
than they appear!

Taking a Turn
Roll Dice
At the beginning of each turn, roll the dice in your dice pool. Then, complete the Monster Phase
and the Explore Phase in that order.

Tip: To easily remember which dice you’ve used, place them in a row after rolling
them, and push them away from you as you activate, discard, or sacrifice them.

Monster Phase Gameplay Summary

Wandering Monsters: First, check whether the Evil Dice in your dice pool have any natural

doubles. If they do, resolve the wandering monster attack. Natural doubles on Evil Dice result Roll your dice.
in 1 point of damage. This attack triggers at most once per turn, and can trigger even if you’ve Roll all of your Good Dice
and Evil Dice.
defeated the dungeon’s monsters. It ignores all Good Dice rolls, and never triggers in dungeons
with a single Evil Die. You may not use abilities to modify dice and avoid wandering monsters.

Natural doubles on Evil Dice result in a Wandering Monster dealing

1 damage (Good Dice DO NOT count when checking for Wandering 2 Check if wandering
monsters attack...
(trigger on Evil Dice doubles)
and undefeated
(Evil Dice only)
Monster attacks).

Monster Attacks: Next, find all undefeated monsters in the dungeon, and check their Attack
Trigger at the bottom of the dungeon sheet (see Monsters section). For each undefeated 3 Mark your
die rolls.
(all dice)
Defeat monsters
(with numbers that meet or exceed their Defense).

monster, if you have any Evil Dice in its attack range, it deals its attack damage to you (see
Health). Each undefeated monster attacks at most once per turn; defeated monsters never Collect your loot!
(adjacent doubles collects the item)
attack. You may use abilities to modify dice and avoid these attacks.
Since at least one of the Evil Dice
resulted in a 4 or higher, the Shade
Escape the dungeon
is triggered, dealing 1 damage for 1 3+ 2 1 by creating a sequential path
each undefeated Shade. from the door to the treasure chest
(a path of numbers that are equal
or 1 higher / lower).
If an effect mentions a specific Evil Die result and ANY Evil Die has that result, the effect is
considered triggered. For example, if an effect mentions a result of a ‘6’ and you roll a ‘4’ and ‘6’
on Evil Dice, the effect triggers.
Don’t forget! Your character
5 Collect your experience... ...and level up your hero

Explore Phase
has a powerful ability that is
One at a time, activate a die (Good or Evil) in your dice pool and usable as often as needed
write its value in an unmarked white space within range of any unless otherwise specified.
of your weapons. You may not count range through walls,
locked doors, undefeated monsters or uncollected items. You may use abilities to modify dice
and write the modified values instead. Unmarked traps also block range (Example 3, D ). Example 3: Range
Each weapon has its own range, defined as the maximum number of spaces counted from any
previously marked space or the door. From each such starting space, each weapon can reach
some number of spaces in its indicated directions. A Can be targeted
Red Eagle Inn B Can’t target with
Straight: This weapon measures range only in straight lines ( S ). a straight-line
Diagonal: This weapon measures range diagonally. C Can’t target
through walls
Orthogonal: This weapon can measure straight but can also B A
change directions ( O ). D Cannot target by
A D counting through
In the example to the right, Zafinn is using the Lightning Bolt and can target any of the a Trap
spaces with a A (they are 1 or 2 spaces away from the door or a previously marked space B A A E Can’t target through
AND counted in straight lines). This attack cannot target through walls, uncollected items or uncollected items
undefeated monsters. You may count range through the Treasure Chest. F Can’t target through
undefeated monsters
You must activate all dice in your pool, including Evil Dice. If you mark a space that completes F
a marked path from the door to the treasure, you immediately complete the dungeon (see
Completing a Dungeon). After activating all dice, begin the next turn.
Dungeon Features Icon Reference
Monsters Dungeon
Each dungeon is inhabited by one or more types of monsters. Until you defeat them, they Evil Dice: On a dungeon section, these specify
may damage you and trigger other effects. the number of Evil Dice used in each dungeon.
Wandering Monsters: When you roll doubles on
Evil Dice, your takes 1 damage.
A Attack Trigger
Wall: May not normally be marked or traversed.
B Damage (DMG)
Locked Door: May not normally be marked or
C Defense (DEF)
D Health Points (HP)
E Experience Points Reward (XP) Treasure Chest: If you create a path of marked
spaces from the door to the treasure, you
F Monster Ability
immediately exit the dungeon (see Completing a
Dungeon). Does not block Range
Attack a monster by marking a space orthogonally adjacent to it with
Ongoing Effect: This asterisk indicates that this
a value equal to or greater than its defense ( H ). You may mark lower
effect is non-standard and you should read this
numbers in its adjacent spaces, but those won’t contribute to defeating
Monster’s ability before entering a dungeon.
it ( I ). To defeat this Guardian, you must attack it once for each point of
its health ( D ), by placing a 3 or higher in the space marked G . When Items
all monsters of a type (Guardian, Orc, etc) are defeated in your current
Teleport Potion: Use to mark any wall or locked
dungeon, those monsters’ abilities no longer trigger in that dungeon.
door as if it was an empty space.
To complete a boss dungeon, you must defeat all bosses before reaching the treasure chest.
Poison Potion: Use to mark an orthogonally
Traps adjacent space with a 4.

A trapped space will trigger when marked, unless you disarm it by Health Potion: Use to unlock an additional
marking it with a number that meets or exceeds its Disarm value ( K ). health group (see Health).
Key: Use to mark any locked door as if it was an
Items (Potions, Coins, and Keys) K
empty space.
Gaining items: To gain a potion, coin, or key, mark two spaces
Gold Coin: Use to modify dice results (see Items
orthogonally adjacent to the item with a matching pair of numbers.
section for restrictions).
Circle the item to indicate that you’ve gained it. You may use any unused
items gained in this or a previous dungeon in the same game. Range
In the dungeon at right, Zafinn has gained a key by marking two 4s Straight: This weapon measures range only in a
next to it, a health potion by marking two 3s next to it, and two coins by straight line.
marking two 4s next to them.
Diagonal: This weapon measures range
Using Health Potions: Cross out a Health diagonally.
health potion, then place an X in the
Orthogonal: This weapon measures range in
next unclaimed health group on your
straight lines but can change direction in a
character sheet. Health groups must L M
single attack (For example, up 1 space then right
be unlocked in order, row by row and
1 space).
left to right.
Range: Indicates an increase or decrease in your
Zafinn has unlocked a group of 3 health ( L ). If the wizard unlocks another group,
it must be the group directly to the right ( M ).

Using Teleport Potions: During the Explore Phase, you may cross out a Teleport
potion. If you do, you may mark any wall or locked door as if it was an
empty space.
Using Poison Potions: During the Explore Phase, you may cross out a Poison potion.
If you do, you may mark a ‘4’ in an orthogonally adjacent empty space or Trap space.
Using Coins: Cross out a coin, then modify any die value by 1 (+1/-1). This can be
used at most times, including to avoid monster attacks, but not to avoid wandering
monsters. Modified die results may not exceed 6 or go below 1.
Using Keys: During the Explore Phase, you may cross out a key. If you do, you may
use one of your dice to mark a locked door space as if it was an empty space.

Health Example 4: Gaining Health
Zafinn uses a Health potion to increase his
Your character begins with a single unlocked group of health icons ( ). Additional groups may be
available Health points. He marks the
unlocked by gaining them in dungeons, or by reaching certain experience thresholds (see Example 4).
top-most, left-most unmarked health group.
For each 1 damage you take, cross out 1 health icon in an unlocked health group on your character sheet
(see Example 5). If all icons in all unlocked groups are crossed out, you lose the game. Health

Weapons and Relics

Weapons and relics are potentially gained after completing dungeons, if you marked a sequential path
and you meet the experience requirements.
When you gain a new weapon, you keep all previous weapons. During the Explore Phase, you can use a
Example 5: Taking Damage
different weapon for every die you activate.
Zafinn takes 4 damage and crosses out the
Relics have limited uses. To use a relic, you must cross out one of its charge icons ( ). top-most, left-most health icons to record this.

Completing a Dungeon Health

To complete a dungeon, you must form a path of orthogonally connected marked spaces from the door
to the treasure. If each value marked on this path is within 1 of the previous value (equal, +1, -1), the path
is considered “sequential.” ( A ). Example C shows a completed, non-sequential path.

Range can be
counted through
Example 6: Collecting XP Rewards
A Zafinn has completed three columns (filling in the dots
collected items
and defeated below them for easy tracking) for 3 XP. He has also defeated
monsters but a a Crypt Guardian for an additional 1 XP, for a total of 4 XP.
B path must go
around them.

IMPORTANT: Even if you do not complete a sequential path from door to treasure, but do create a
non-sequential path, you still keep any items (potions, coins, and keys) collected in this dungeon.

A) If you created a Sequential Path:

You earn extra rewards!
Experience Points:
 F or each column you completely explored, fill in 1 XP dot on your character sheet. A column
is explored if all white spaces (empty spaces and trap spaces) are marked with a value.
 F or each monster defeated, fill in XP equal to the Monster’s XP reward to your sheet.
Example 7: Unlocking XP bonuses
Your character sheet lists a row of locked bonuses in the Experience section; each is unlocked Zafinn has gained 14 XP in total, which unlocks the first two
when its XP requirement is met. If your new experience level unlocks any such bonuses, mark bonus abilities: gain an extra Good Die for the rest of the
them to show that they can now be used. game and unlock a Health potion.
Choose a Weapon or Relic:
Experience (XP)
You may choose one weapon or relic with an XP requirement less than or equal to your new
experience level, and mark it to show that it’s now available to use.

B) If you did not create a Sequential Path:

You do not earn extra rewards, but may keep any items gained.

If this wasn’t the boss dungeon, return to the first step of

Dungeon Gameplay
Boss Dungeon Icon Reference (Continued)
After completing the first four dungeons, you can enter the boss dungeon. To complete a Weapons
boss dungeon, you must defeat all bosses before reaching the treasure chest.
Reroll an ‘X’: You may reroll one die that resulted in
an X, then use it with this weapon (once per turn).
End of Game Magic: You may increase a Good Die by X then use
If you complete the boss dungeon by defeating all the boss monsters and reaching the it with this weapon (once per turn).
treasure, you win the game! Add any experience gained from defeated monsters and Curse: When using this Weapon reduce the die
completed columns to determine your final score. You do not gain weapons, relics, or result by 1 (every use).
experience bonuses after completing this dungeon.
Charge: Spend one to use a relic (see Weapons and
You lose the game if any of the following occur: Relics).
 You run out of health at any time. Break: Activate a 5 or 6 to mark a wall within range.
 You fail to reach the treasure chest in any dungeon. Missile: You may mark a 1 in any open space on the
 You reach the boss dungeon’s treasure chest before defeating all boss monsters. sheet (once per turn).

3 Area: When you mark a space, you may mark a

Tip: Each quest sheet contains a character sheet and a dungeon sheet. second matching number adjacent to it (once per
Cut the sheets on the dotted lines to play different combinations of turn).
characters and dungeons. Split: Choose an even die and split it into two equal

Experience Bonuses
Additional Notes Good Die: Gain an additional Good Die to use for the
rest of the game.
 Dice rolls may not be modified to be lower than 1 or higher than 6.
-1 Tactics: Decrease the defense of all monsters by 1.
 Adjacency is defined as orthogonal (top, bottom, left and right), not diagonal.
Reroll Good Die: You may reroll an additional Good
 If instructed to discard or sacrifice a die, take an unactivated die and set it aside for
Die (once per turn).
that turn. That die cannot be used that turn (for example to
mark a space in the dungeon or to pay for an ability). B Reroll Evil Die: You may reroll an additional Evil Die
A (once per turn).
 hen counting range you may not pass through a wall/
uncollected item/undefeated monster even with a diagonal Reroll All: After the Roll Dice step, you may reroll
effect. In the example to the right B may not be targeted one or more dice (once per turn).
from A because it is blocked by the walls. C

Similarly, in the example to the right, you may not count range
diagonally from C to D through the undefeated monster D

and uncollected item. E

Further, if even just one space has an uncollected item or

undefeated monster, you may not count range diagonally ( E ).

Publisher: PNP Arcade
Design: Jason Greeno & Jason Tagmire
Illustrations: Vittoria Pompolani
Editing: Michael Lee
Rules Version 1.01 Questions & Community
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