Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC - 05.2024 2

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Client Monthly Financial Reports

Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC

This document may contain confidential information and is for internal use only.
3:29 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
Cash Basis Balance Sheet
As of May 31, 2024
May 31, 24

Current Assets
Operating Account #7999 11,675.34
Total Checking/Savings 11,675.34
Other Current Assets
Due from VitalMD Global (17,249.43)
Total Other Current Assets (17,249.43)
Total Current Assets (5,574.09)
Other Assets
Security Deposits Asset 13,267.42
Total Other Assets 13,267.42
Current Liabilities
Other Current Liabilities
401(k) Contributions Payable 2,058.68
Credit Card Payable
Amex # 31009 (540.22)
Total Credit Card Payable (540.22)
Due to/from Members 11,322.26
Profit Sharing Payable 1,975.20
Total Other Current Liabilities 14,815.92
Total Current Liabilities 14,815.92
Total Liabilities 14,815.92
*Retained Earnings 41,796.78
Net Income (48,919.37)
Total Equity (7,122.59)

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3:55 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
Cash Basis Profit & Loss
January 1 through May 24, 2024

Jan 1 - May 24, 24 % of Income

Ordinary Income/Expense
Medical Fees Care Center 26,357.79 13.87%
Medical Fees Corp Distributions 163,722.81 86.16%
Refunds (50.00) (0.03%)
Total Income 190,030.60 100.0%
Gross Profit 190,030.60 100.0%
Automobile Expense
Pezzulo-Burgs 175.80 0.09%
Total Automobile Expense 175.80 0.09%
Benefits 401(k) Contribution 2,605.29 1.37%
Billing and Collections
Femwell 7,755.20 4.08%
Total Billing and Collections 7,755.20 4.08%
Computer and Internet Services 8,395.74 4.42%
Credit Card Charges - Merchant 1,655.28 0.87%
Dues and Subscriptions 1,495.00 0.79%
Equipment Rental 129.50 0.07%
Janitorial Services 1,470.00 0.77%
Laboratory Expenses 683.43 0.36%
Management Fees
Femwell MSO 9,694.00 5.1%
VitalMD 1,055.71 0.56%
Total Management Fees 10,749.71 5.66%
Medical Supplies 696.99 0.37%
Office Supplies and Expenses 4,226.06 2.22%
Outside Services 400.00 0.21%
Payroll Member Physician
Admin 145.00 0.08%
Benefits 2,792.00 1.47%
Payroll 24,476.80 12.88%
Payroll Taxes 2,089.47 1.1%
Worker's Comp 57.30 0.03%
Total Payroll Member Physician 29,560.57 15.56%
Payroll Staff
Admin 870.00 0.46%
Benefits 5,583.95 2.94%
Payroll 95,658.23 50.34%
Payroll Taxes 8,439.45 4.44%
Worker's Comp 223.82 0.12%
Total Payroll Staff 110,775.45 58.29%

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3:55 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
Cash Basis Profit & Loss
January 1 through May 24, 2024

Jan 1 - May 24, 24 % of Income

Postage and Shipping 19.60 0.01%

Profit Sharing 2,856.37 1.5%
Office 27,923.98 14.69%
Total Rent 27,923.98 14.69%
Repairs and Maintenance
Service Contract 2,585.87 1.36%
Total Repairs and Maintenance 2,585.87 1.36%
Seminars 934.75 0.49%
Shared Expenses 10,000.00 5.26%
Regular Lines 1,105.50 0.58%
Total Telephone 1,105.50 0.58%
Waste Removal 721.28 0.38%
Total Expense 226,921.37 119.41%
Net Ordinary Income (36,890.77) (19.41%)
Net Income (36,890.77) (19.41%)

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3:57 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
Cash Basis Profit & Loss
January through May 2024
Jan 24 Feb 24 Mar 24 Apr 24 May 24 TOTAL
Ordinary Income/Expense
Medical Fees Care Center 7,240.92 8,064.17 5,088.35 5,964.35 6,121.77 32,479.56
Medical Fees Corp Distributions 26,116.06 37,642.54 40,567.58 27,926.02 31,470.61 163,722.81
Refunds (50.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (50.00)
Total Income 33,306.98 45,706.71 45,655.93 33,890.37 37,592.38 196,152.37
Gross Profit 33,306.98 45,706.71 45,655.93 33,890.37 37,592.38 196,152.37
Automobile Expense
Pezzulo-Burgs 65.06 0.00 76.23 34.51 0.00 175.80
Total Automobile Expense 65.06 0.00 76.23 34.51 0.00 175.80
Benefits 401(k) Contribution 498.12 517.59 536.46 527.60 525.52 2,605.29
Billing and Collections
Femwell 1,289.15 1,781.53 1,813.77 1,271.81 1,598.94 7,755.20
Total Billing and Collections 1,289.15 1,781.53 1,813.77 1,271.81 1,598.94 7,755.20
Computer and Internet Services 2,500.46 923.61 948.96 2,334.50 1,688.21 8,395.74
Credit Card Charges - Merchant 345.37 386.72 356.69 269.10 297.40 1,655.28
Dues and Subscriptions 0.00 845.00 350.00 300.00 0.00 1,495.00
Equipment Rental 25.90 25.90 25.90 25.90 25.90 129.50
Janitorial Services 420.00 280.00 350.00 210.00 210.00 1,470.00
Laboratory Expenses 129.40 349.09 172.74 32.20 0.00 683.43
Management Fees
Femwell MSO 1,611.44 2,226.91 2,267.23 1,589.75 1,998.67 9,694.00
VitalMD 144.69 275.35 225.73 148.17 261.77 1,055.71
Total Management Fees 1,756.13 2,502.26 2,492.96 1,737.92 2,260.44 10,749.71
Medical Supplies 3.00 0.00 636.65 0.00 57.34 696.99
Office Supplies and Expenses 1,850.76 646.20 634.57 691.59 402.94 4,226.06
Outside Services 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 400.00
Payroll Member Physician
Admin 29.00 29.00 29.00 29.00 43.50 159.50
Benefits 558.40 558.40 558.40 558.40 558.40 2,792.00
Payroll 4,895.36 4,895.36 4,895.36 4,895.36 7,343.04 26,924.48
Payroll Taxes 526.24 439.75 374.50 374.49 561.74 2,276.72
Worker's Comp 11.46 11.46 11.46 11.46 17.19 63.03
Total Payroll Member Physician 6,020.46 5,933.97 5,868.72 5,868.71 8,523.87 32,215.73

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3:57 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
Cash Basis Profit & Loss
January through May 2024
Jan 24 Feb 24 Mar 24 Apr 24 May 24 TOTAL

Payroll Staff
Admin 159.50 174.00 174.00 188.50 261.00 957.00
Benefits 1,116.79 1,116.79 1,116.79 1,116.79 1,116.79 5,583.95
Payroll 17,909.59 18,790.72 19,357.58 19,319.55 29,620.40 104,997.84
Payroll Taxes 1,900.37 1,770.85 1,640.80 1,532.96 2,345.35 9,190.33
Worker's Comp 41.90 43.98 45.27 45.22 69.30 245.67
Total Payroll Staff 21,128.15 21,896.34 22,334.44 22,203.02 33,412.84 120,974.79
Postage and Shipping 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.60 19.60
Profit Sharing 1,094.03 0.00 881.17 881.17 0.00 2,856.37
Office 6,673.97 5,229.33 5,428.94 5,295.87 10,591.74 33,219.85
Total Rent 6,673.97 5,229.33 5,428.94 5,295.87 10,591.74 33,219.85
Repairs and Maintenance
Service Contract 0.00 1,614.63 362.41 357.38 251.45 2,585.87
Total Repairs and Maintenance 0.00 1,614.63 362.41 357.38 251.45 2,585.87
Seminars 0.00 0.00 335.75 0.00 599.00 934.75
Shared Expenses 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 0.00 10,000.00
Regular Lines 221.14 221.18 221.20 221.20 220.78 1,105.50
Total Telephone 221.14 221.18 221.20 221.20 220.78 1,105.50
Waste Removal 183.32 179.32 0.00 179.32 179.32 721.28
Total Expense 46,704.42 45,832.67 46,327.56 45,341.80 60,865.29 245,071.74
Net Ordinary Income (13,397.44) (125.96) (671.63) (11,451.43) (23,272.91) (48,919.37)
Net Income (13,397.44) (125.96) (671.63) (11,451.43) (23,272.91) (48,919.37)

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3:58 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
Cash Basis Profit & Loss
January through May 2024

Jan - May 24 Jan - May 23 $ Change % Change

Ordinary Income/Expense
Medical Fees Care Center 32,479.56 43,176.31 (10,696.75) (24.78%)
Medical Fees Corp Distributions 163,722.81 161,704.84 2,017.97 1.25%
Medical Fees Other
Intercompany Medical Fees CD 0.00 (66.50) 66.50 100.0%
Total Medical Fees Other 0.00 (66.50) 66.50 100.0%
Refunds (50.00) (290.00) 240.00 82.76%
Total Income 196,152.37 204,524.65 (8,372.28) (4.09%)
Gross Profit 196,152.37 204,524.65 (8,372.28) (4.09%)
Automobile Expense
Pezzulo-Burgs 175.80 506.55 (330.75) (65.3%)
Total Automobile Expense 175.80 506.55 (330.75) (65.3%)
Benefits 401(k) Contribution 2,605.29 2,182.68 422.61 19.36%
Billing and Collections
Femwell 7,755.20 0.00 7,755.20 100.0%
Other 0.00 9,184.33 (9,184.33) (100.0%)
Total Billing and Collections 7,755.20 9,184.33 (1,429.13) (15.56%)
Computer and Internet Services 8,395.74 6,513.84 1,881.90 28.89%
Credit Card Charges - Merchant 1,655.28 1,659.46 (4.18) (0.25%)
Dues and Subscriptions 1,495.00 1,569.00 (74.00) (4.72%)
Equipment Rental 129.50 129.50 0.00 0.0%
Gifts 0.00 393.52 (393.52) (100.0%)
Janitorial Services 1,470.00 1,610.00 (140.00) (8.7%)
Laboratory Expenses 683.43 528.44 154.99 29.33%
Licenses & Permits 0.00 888.00 (888.00) (100.0%)
Management Fees
Femwell MSO 9,694.00 9,980.47 (286.47) (2.87%)
VitalMD 1,055.71 1,301.48 (245.77) (18.88%)
Total Management Fees 10,749.71 11,281.95 (532.24) (4.72%)
Meals Expense - Other
Pezzulo-Burgs 0.00 50.07 (50.07) (100.0%)
Total Meals Expense - Other 0.00 50.07 (50.07) (100.0%)
Meals Expense Office 0.00 286.25 (286.25) (100.0%)
Medical Supplies 696.99 1,496.08 (799.09) (53.41%)
Office Supplies and Expenses 4,226.06 4,412.84 (186.78) (4.23%)
Outside Services 400.00 400.00 0.00 0.0%
Payroll Member Physician
Admin 159.50 145.00 14.50 10.0%
Benefits 2,792.00 2,715.20 76.80 2.83%
Payroll 26,924.48 24,476.80 2,447.68 10.0%
Payroll Taxes 2,276.72 2,089.47 187.25 8.96%
Worker's Comp 63.03 58.70 4.33 7.38%
Total Payroll Member Physician 32,215.73 29,485.17 2,730.56 9.26%

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3:58 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
Cash Basis Profit & Loss
January through May 2024

Jan - May 24 Jan - May 23 $ Change % Change

Payroll Staff
Admin 957.00 819.25 137.75 16.81%
Benefits 5,583.95 4,887.36 696.59 14.25%
Payroll 104,997.84 84,619.95 20,377.89 24.08%
Payroll Taxes 9,190.33 7,470.44 1,719.89 23.02%
Worker's Comp 245.67 203.10 42.57 20.96%
Total Payroll Staff 120,974.79 98,000.10 22,974.69 23.44%
Postage and Shipping 19.60 0.00 19.60 100.0%
Profit Sharing 2,856.37 881.16 1,975.21 224.16%
Office 33,219.85 29,844.18 3,375.67 11.31%
Total Rent 33,219.85 29,844.18 3,375.67 11.31%
Repairs and Maintenance
Service Contract 2,585.87 754.35 1,831.52 242.79%
Total Repairs and Maintenance 2,585.87 754.35 1,831.52 242.79%
Seminars 934.75 2,024.00 (1,089.25) (53.82%)
Shared Expenses 10,000.00 9,000.00 1,000.00 11.11%
Regular Lines 1,105.50 1,275.93 (170.43) (13.36%)
Total Telephone 1,105.50 1,275.93 (170.43) (13.36%)
Travel 0.00 805.77 (805.77) (100.0%)
Uniforms and Laundry Expense 0.00 237.36 (237.36) (100.0%)
Waste Removal 721.28 886.65 (165.37) (18.65%)
Total Expense 245,071.74 216,287.18 28,784.56 13.31%
Net Ordinary Income (48,919.37) (11,762.53) (37,156.84) (315.89%)
Net Income (48,919.37) (11,762.53) (37,156.84) (315.89%)

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3:59 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
Reconciliation Summary
Operating Account #7999, Period Ending 05/31/2024
May 31, 24

Beginning Balance 23,139.14

Cleared Transactions
Checks and Payments - 17 items -49,261.95
Deposits and Credits - 3 items 37,798.15
Total Cleared Transactions -11,463.80
Cleared Balance 11,675.34
Register Balance as of 05/31/2024 11,675.34
Ending Balance 11,675.34

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4:00 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
Reconciliation Detail
Operating Account #7999, Period Ending 05/31/2024
Type Date Num Name Clr Amount Balance

Beginning Balance 23,139.14

Cleared Transactions
Checks and Payments - 17 items
Check 04/22/2024 1260 Philips Healthcare  -251.45 -251.45
Check 04/26/2024 1261 Rosana R. Marques Callahan  -70.00 -321.45
Check 05/01/2024 1263 Jacobus Real Estate Holdings, LLC  -5,295.87 -5,617.32
Check 05/02/2024 EFT Nations Payments  -12.95 -5,630.27
Check 05/02/2024 EFT Nations Payments  -12.95 -5,643.22
Check 05/03/2024 EFT Alpha Staff  -12,690.63 -18,333.85
Check 05/03/2024 1264 Rosana R. Marques Callahan  -70.00 -18,403.85
Check 05/06/2024 1265 Philips Healthcare  -251.45 -18,655.30
Check 05/06/2024 EFT Worldpay Mthchgs  -194.86 -18,850.16
Check 05/06/2024 EFT Worldpay Mthchgs  -102.54 -18,952.70
Check 05/06/2024 1266 Innovative Tech Solutions 3  -7.53 -18,960.23
Check 05/10/2024 1268 Rosana R. Marques Callahan  -70.00 -19,030.23
Check 05/17/2024 EFT Alpha Staff  -11,988.48 -31,018.71
Check 05/17/2024 1269 Rosana R. Marques Callahan  -70.00 -31,088.71
Check 05/20/2024 EFT American Express  -2,081.55 -33,170.26
Check 05/31/2024 EFT Alpha Staff  -10,795.82 -43,966.08
Check 05/31/2024 1273 Jacobus Real Estate Holdings, LLC  -5,295.87 -49,261.95
Total Checks and Payments -49,261.95 -49,261.95
Deposits and Credits - 3 items
Deposit 05/08/2024  10,060.17 10,060.17
Deposit 05/22/2024  21,616.21 31,676.38
Deposit 05/31/2024  6,121.77 37,798.15
Total Deposits and Credits 37,798.15 37,798.15
Total Cleared Transactions -11,463.80 -11,463.80
Cleared Balance -11,463.80 11,675.34
Register Balance as of 05/31/2024 -11,463.80 11,675.34
Ending Balance -11,463.80 11,675.34

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3:28 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
07/01/24 General Ledger
Cash Basis As of May 31, 2024

Type Date Num Name Memo Debit Credit Balance

Operating Account #2870 0.00

Total Operating Account #2870 0.00

Operating Account #7999 10,452.42

Check 01/02/2024 EFT Nations Payments 12.95 10,439.47
Check 01/02/2024 EFT Nations Payments 12.95 10,426.52
Deposit 01/03/2024 DPE 12/30/23 12,387.20 22,813.72
Check 01/04/2024 1221 Jacobus Real Estate Holdings, LLC 6,673.97 16,139.75
Check 01/05/2024 EFT Worldpay Mthchgs 106.67 16,033.08
Check 01/05/2024 EFT Worldpay Mthchgs 238.70 15,794.38
Check 01/05/2024 1220 Michael F. Augustino, MD, LLC 2,500.00 13,294.38
Check 01/08/2024 EFT American Express 1,886.53 11,407.85
Check 01/10/2024 EFT Quest Diagnostics 129.40 11,278.45
Check 01/12/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 01/06/24 11,782.76 (504.31)
Check 01/12/2024 1211 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 (574.31)
Check 01/12/2024 1212 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 (644.31)
Check 01/12/2024 1224 Patient Refund Brenda Ferber 50.00 (694.31)
Deposit 01/17/2024 DPE 01/13/24 9,190.11 8,495.80
Deposit 01/18/2024 Deposits 10,000.00 18,495.80
Check 01/23/2024 1222 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 18,425.80
Check 01/23/2024 1223 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 18,355.80
Check 01/23/2024 1226 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 18,285.80
Check 01/25/2024 1227 Innovative Tech Solutions 3 42.01 18,243.79
Check 01/26/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 01/20/24 10,990.15 7,253.64
Check 01/26/2024 1228 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 7,183.64
Check 01/26/2024 1229 Trilogy Medwaste 183.32 7,000.32
Check 01/29/2024 1230 Vaxcare 3.00 6,997.32
Deposit 01/31/2024 DPE 01/31/24 15,439.92 22,437.24
Deposit 01/31/2024 Care Center Deposits 7,240.92 29,678.16
Check 01/31/2024 1225 De Kage Kibdib Fuabucak Services Printer Service 234.16 29,444.00
Check 02/02/2024 EFT Nations Payments 12.95 29,431.05
Check 02/02/2024 EFT Nations Payments 12.95 29,418.10
Check 02/02/2024 1231 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 29,348.10
Check 02/02/2024 1232 Jacobus Real Estate Holdings, LLC 5,229.33 24,118.77
Check 02/02/2024 1233 Philips Healthcare 251.45 23,867.32
Check 02/02/2024 1234 Innovative Tech Solutions 3 14.34 23,852.98
Check 02/02/2024 1235 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 23,782.98
Check 02/02/2024 1236 Michael F. Augustino, MD, LLC 2,500.00 21,282.98
Check 02/05/2024 EFT Worldpay Mthchgs 98.64 21,184.34
Check 02/05/2024 EFT Worldpay Mthchgs 288.08 20,896.26
Check 02/05/2024 EFT American Express 1,895.79 19,000.47
Check 02/06/2024 EFT Quest Diagnostics 65.59 18,934.88
Check 02/09/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 02/03/24 12,759.98 6,174.90
Deposit 02/14/2024 DPE 02/10/24 16,519.18 22,694.08
Check 02/16/2024 1238 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 22,624.08
Check 02/19/2024 1237 Trilogy Medwaste 179.32 22,444.76
Check 02/19/2024 1240 Optamark 49.10 22,395.66
Check 02/19/2024 1239 Medipath LLC 283.50 22,112.16
Check 02/21/2024 EFT Philips Healthcare 251.45 21,860.71
Check 02/21/2024 EFT Philips Healthcare 251.45 21,609.26
Check 02/21/2024 EFT Philips Healthcare 251.45 21,357.81
Check 02/21/2024 EFT Philips Healthcare 251.45 21,106.36
Check 02/21/2024 EFT Philips Healthcare 251.45 20,854.91
Check 02/23/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 02/17/24 10,675.16 10,179.75
Check 02/23/2024 1241 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 10,109.75
Check 02/26/2024 EFT American Express 1,683.94 8,425.81
Deposit 02/28/2024 DPE 02/24/24 11,038.20 19,464.01
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3:28 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
07/01/24 General Ledger
Cash Basis As of May 31, 2024

Type Date Num Name Memo Debit Credit Balance

Check 02/28/2024 1242 De Lage Landen Financial Services, Inc 105.93 19,358.08
Deposit 02/29/2024 Care Center Deposits 8,064.17 27,422.25
Check 03/01/2024 1243 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 27,352.25
Check 03/04/2024 EFT Nations Payments 12.95 27,339.30
Check 03/04/2024 EFT Nations Payments 12.95 27,326.35
Check 03/04/2024 EFT Worldpay Mthchgs 106.24 27,220.11
Check 03/04/2024 EFT Worldpay Mthchgs 250.45 26,969.66
Check 03/04/2024 1244 Jacobus Real Estate Holdings, LLC 5,428.94 21,540.72
Check 03/07/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/02/24 12,632.02 8,908.70
Check 03/08/2024 EFT Harland Clarke Chk 185.77 8,722.93
Check 03/08/2024 1245 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 8,652.93
Deposit 03/13/2024 DPE 03/09/24 13,991.93 22,644.86
Check 03/15/2024 1252 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 22,574.86
Check 03/18/2024 EFT Quest Diagnostics 172.74 22,402.12
Check 03/18/2024 1251 Innovative Tech Solutions 3 14.17 22,387.95
Check 03/19/2024 1250 Dr’s Toy Store 636.65 21,751.30
Check 03/21/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/16/24 11,157.10 10,594.20
Check 03/22/2024 1247 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 10,524.20
Deposit 03/27/2024 DPE 03/23/24 16,404.46 26,928.66
Check 03/28/2024 EFT Lease Direct 105.93 26,822.73
Check 03/29/2024 1246 Michael F. Augustino, MD, LLC 2,500.00 24,322.73
Check 03/29/2024 1249 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 24,252.73
Deposit 03/31/2024 Care Center Deposits 5,088.35 29,341.08
Check 04/01/2024 1253 Jacobus Real Estate Holdings, LLC 5,295.87 24,045.21
Check 04/02/2024 EFT Nations Payments 12.95 24,032.26
Check 04/02/2024 EFT Nations Payments 12.95 24,019.31
Check 04/04/2024 EFT Worldpay Mthchgs 102.51 23,916.80
Check 04/04/2024 EFT Worldpay Mthchgs 166.59 23,750.21
Check 04/04/2024 1255 Michael F. Augustino, MD, LLC 2,500.00 21,250.21
Check 04/05/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/30/24 12,484.98 8,765.23
Check 04/05/2024 EFT American Express 1,709.29 7,055.94
Check 04/08/2024 1256 Innovative Tech Solutions 3 29.45 7,026.49
Deposit 04/10/2024 DPE 04/06/24 11,889.72 18,916.21
Check 04/10/2024 EFT Quest Diagnostics 32.20 18,884.01
Check 04/10/2024 1257 Boca Regional Hospital 300.00 18,584.01
Check 04/10/2024 1258 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 18,514.01
Check 04/12/2024 1259 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 18,444.01
Check 04/19/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 04/13/24 11,181.57 7,262.44
Check 04/22/2024 1260 Philips Healthcare 251.45 7,010.99
Deposit 04/24/2024 DPE 04/20/24 11,025.11 18,036.10
Check 04/26/2024 EFT Lease Direct 105.93 17,930.17
Check 04/26/2024 1261 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 17,860.17
Check 04/29/2024 EFT American Express 1,006.83 16,853.34
Deposit 04/30/2024 Care Center Deposits 5,964.35 22,817.69
Check 05/01/2024 1263 Jacobus Real Estate Holdings, LLC 5,295.87 17,521.82
Check 05/02/2024 EFT Nations Payments 12.95 17,508.87
Check 05/02/2024 EFT Nations Payments 12.95 17,495.92
Check 05/03/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 04/27/24 12,690.63 4,805.29
Check 05/03/2024 1264 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 4,735.29
Check 05/06/2024 EFT Worldpay Mthchgs 102.54 4,632.75
Check 05/06/2024 EFT Worldpay Mthchgs 194.86 4,437.89
Check 05/06/2024 1265 Philips Healthcare 251.45 4,186.44
Check 05/06/2024 1266 Innovative Tech Solutions 3 7.53 4,178.91
Deposit 05/08/2024 DPE 05/04/24 10,060.17 14,239.08
Check 05/10/2024 1268 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 14,169.08
Check 05/17/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 05/11/24 11,988.48 2,180.60
Check 05/17/2024 1269 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 2,110.60
Page 2
3:28 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
07/01/24 General Ledger
Cash Basis As of May 31, 2024

Type Date Num Name Memo Debit Credit Balance

Check 05/20/2024 EFT American Express 2,081.55 29.05

Deposit 05/22/2024 DPE 05/18/24 21,616.21 21,645.26
Check 05/31/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 05/25/24 10,795.82 10,849.44
Deposit 05/31/2024 Care Center Deposits 6,121.77 16,971.21
Check 05/31/2024 1273 Jacobus Real Estate Holdings, LLC 5,295.87 11,675.34

Total Operating Account #7999 192,041.77 190,818.85 11,675.34

Accounts Receivable 0.00

Total Accounts Receivable 0.00

Deposits in Transit - A/R 0.00

Total Deposits in Transit - A/R 0.00

Due from VitalMD Global 22,379.76

General Journal 01/01/2024 Rev RecR Reverse of GJE Rev Rec -- 2023 Revenue Re... 22,379.76 0.00
Deposit 04/24/2024 Distributions Advance 6,602.45 (6,602.45)
Deposit 05/08/2024 Distributions Advance 10,646.98 (17,249.43)

Total Due from VitalMD Global 0.00 39,629.19 (17,249.43)

Due to/from Bank 0.00

Total Due to/from Bank 0.00

Employee Advances 0.00

Total Employee Advances 0.00

Inventory Asset 0.00

Total Inventory Asset 0.00

Money Market 0.00

Total Money Market 0.00

Petty Cash 0.00

Total Petty Cash 0.00

Prepaid Expenses 0.00

Total Prepaid Expenses 0.00

Savings Account 0.00

Total Savings Account 0.00

Accumulated Depreciation 0.00

Total Accumulated Depreciation 0.00

Capital Leases 0.00

Total Capital Leases 0.00

Computer Equipment 0.00

Total Computer Equipment 0.00

Furniture and Fixtures 0.00

Total Furniture and Fixtures 0.00

Leasehold Improvements 0.00

Total Leasehold Improvements 0.00

Medical Equipment 0.00

Total Medical Equipment 0.00

Page 3
3:28 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
07/01/24 General Ledger
Cash Basis As of May 31, 2024

Type Date Num Name Memo Debit Credit Balance

Office Equipment 0.00

Total Office Equipment 0.00

Software Licenses 0.00

Total Software Licenses 0.00

Security Deposits Asset 13,267.42

Total Security Deposits Asset 13,267.42

Accounts Payable 0.00

Total Accounts Payable 0.00

401(k) Contributions Payable 0.00

General Journal 01/01/2024 Rev RecR Reverse of GJE Rev Rec -- 2023 Revenue Re... 2,141.10 (2,141.10)
Deposit 01/03/2024 Distributions 401(k) PD 12/29/23 2,141.10 0.00
Check 01/12/2024 EFT Alpha Staff 401k 2,002.10 (2,002.10)
Check 01/12/2024 EFT Alpha Staff 401k Loan 63.46 (2,065.56)
Deposit 01/17/2024 Distributions 401(k) PD 01/12/24 2,065.56 0.00
Check 01/26/2024 EFT Alpha Staff 401k 2,020.68 (2,020.68)
Check 01/26/2024 EFT Alpha Staff 401k Loan 63.46 (2,084.14)
Deposit 01/31/2024 Distributions 401(k) PD 01/26/24 2,084.14 0.00
Check 02/09/2024 EFT Alpha Staff 401k 2,019.14 (2,019.14)
Check 02/09/2024 EFT Alpha Staff 401k Loan 63.46 (2,082.60)
Deposit 02/14/2024 Distributions 401(k) PD 02/09/24 2,082.60 0.00
Check 02/23/2024 EFT Alpha Staff 401k 2,023.11 (2,023.11)
Check 02/23/2024 EFT Alpha Staff 401k Loan 63.46 (2,086.57)
Deposit 02/28/2024 Distributions 401(k) PD 02/23/24 2,086.57 0.00
Check 03/07/2024 EFT Alpha Staff 401k 2,027.04 (2,027.04)
Check 03/07/2024 EFT Alpha Staff 401k Loan 63.46 (2,090.50)
Deposit 03/13/2024 Distributions 401(k) PD 03/08/24 2,090.50 0.00
Check 03/21/2024 EFT Alpha Staff 401k 2,034.08 (2,034.08)
Check 03/21/2024 EFT Alpha Staff 401k Loan 63.46 (2,097.54)
Deposit 03/27/2024 Distributions 401K PD 03/22/24 2,097.54 0.00
Check 04/05/2024 EFT Alpha Staff 401k 2,027.77 (2,027.77)
Check 04/05/2024 EFT Alpha Staff 401k Loan 63.46 (2,091.23)
Deposit 04/10/2024 Distributions 401(k) PD 04/05/24 2,097.54 6.31
Check 04/19/2024 EFT Alpha Staff 401k 2,024.49 (2,018.18)
Check 04/19/2024 EFT Alpha Staff 401k Loan 63.46 (2,081.64)
Deposit 04/24/2024 Distributions 401(k) PD 04/05/24 6.31 (2,087.95)
Deposit 04/24/2024 Distributions 401(k) PD 04/05/24 2,087.95 0.00
Check 05/03/2024 EFT Alpha Staff 401k 2,006.27 (2,006.27)
Check 05/03/2024 EFT Alpha Staff 401k Loan 63.46 (2,069.73)
Deposit 05/08/2024 Distributions 401(k) PD 05/03/24 2,069.73 0.00
Check 05/17/2024 EFT Alpha Staff 401k 2,043.91 (2,043.91)
Check 05/17/2024 EFT Alpha Staff 401k Loan 63.46 (2,107.37)
Deposit 05/22/2024 Distributions 401(k) PD 05/17/24 2,107.37 0.00
Check 05/31/2024 EFT Alpha Staff 401k 1,995.22 (1,995.22)
Check 05/31/2024 EFT Alpha Staff 401k Loan 63.46 (2,058.68)

Total 401(k) Contributions Payable 23,010.60 25,069.28 (2,058.68)

Page 4
3:28 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
07/01/24 General Ledger
Cash Basis As of May 31, 2024

Type Date Num Name Memo Debit Credit Balance

Benefits Insurance Payable 0.00

Check 01/12/2024 EFT Alpha Staff Aflac 76.35 (76.35)
Check 01/12/2024 EFT Alpha Staff Trustmark 36.65 (113.00)
Check 01/26/2024 EFT Alpha Staff Aflac 76.35 (189.35)
Check 01/26/2024 EFT Alpha Staff Trustmark 36.65 (226.00)
Deposit 01/31/2024 Distributions AFLAC, January 2024 152.70 (73.30)
Deposit 01/31/2024 Distributions Trustmark, January 2024 73.30 0.00
Check 02/09/2024 EFT Alpha Staff Aflac 76.35 (76.35)
Check 02/09/2024 EFT Alpha Staff Trustmark 36.65 (113.00)
Check 02/23/2024 EFT Alpha Staff Aflac 76.35 (189.35)
Check 02/23/2024 EFT Alpha Staff Trustmark 36.65 (226.00)
Deposit 02/28/2024 Distributions AFLAC, February 2024 152.70 (73.30)
Deposit 02/28/2024 Distributions Trustmark, February 2024 73.30 0.00
Check 03/07/2024 EFT Alpha Staff Aflac 76.35 (76.35)
Check 03/07/2024 EFT Alpha Staff Trustmark 36.65 (113.00)
Check 03/21/2024 EFT Alpha Staff Aflac 76.35 (189.35)
Check 03/21/2024 EFT Alpha Staff Trustmark 36.65 (226.00)
Deposit 03/27/2024 Distributions Aflac March 2024 152.70 (73.30)
Deposit 03/27/2024 Distributions Trustmark March 2024 73.30 0.00
Check 04/05/2024 EFT Alpha Staff Aflac 76.35 (76.35)
Check 04/05/2024 EFT Alpha Staff Trustmark 36.65 (113.00)
Check 04/19/2024 EFT Alpha Staff Aflac 76.35 (189.35)
Check 04/19/2024 EFT Alpha Staff Trustmark 36.65 (226.00)
Deposit 04/24/2024 Distributions Aflac, April 2024 152.70 (73.30)
Deposit 04/24/2024 Distributions Trustmark, April 2024 73.30 0.00
Check 05/03/2024 EFT Alpha Staff Aflac 76.35 (76.35)
Check 05/03/2024 EFT Alpha Staff Trustmark 36.65 (113.00)
Check 05/17/2024 EFT Alpha Staff Aflac 76.35 (189.35)
Check 05/17/2024 EFT Alpha Staff Trustmark 36.65 (226.00)
Deposit 05/22/2024 Distributions Aflac, May 2024 152.70 (73.30)
Deposit 05/22/2024 Distributions Trustmark, May 2024 73.30 0.00

Total Benefits Insurance Payable 1,130.00 1,130.00 0.00

Credit Card Payable (1,886.53)

American Express 0.00
Total American Express 0.00

Amex # 31009 (1,886.53)

Check 01/08/2024 EFT American Express 1,886.53 0.00
General Journal 01/12/2024 CC American Express Closinig Date 01/12/24 1,895.79 (1,895.79)
Check 02/05/2024 EFT American Express 1,895.79 0.00
General Journal 02/09/2024 CC American Express Closing Date 02/09/24 1,683.94 (1,683.94)
Check 02/26/2024 EFT American Express 1,683.94 0.00
General Journal 03/12/2024 CC American Express Closing Date 03/12/24 1,709.29 (1,709.29)
Check 04/05/2024 EFT American Express 1,709.29 0.00
General Journal 04/11/2024 CC American Express Closing Date 04/11/24 1,041.71 (1,041.71)
Check 04/29/2024 EFT American Express 1,006.83 (34.88)
General Journal 05/12/2024 CC American Express Closing Date 05/12/24 1,506.45 (1,541.33)
Check 05/20/2024 EFT American Express 2,081.55 540.22

Total Amex # 31009 10,263.93 7,837.18 540.22

Credit Card Payable - Other 0.00

Total Credit Card Payable - Other 0.00

Total Credit Card Payable 10,263.93 7,837.18 540.22

Page 5
3:28 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
07/01/24 General Ledger
Cash Basis As of May 31, 2024

Type Date Num Name Memo Debit Credit Balance

Due to VitalMD 0.00

Corporate LLC's 0.00
Total Corporate LLC's 0.00

EMR Loan 0.00

Total EMR Loan 0.00

Operating Loan 0.00

Total Operating Loan 0.00

Due to VitalMD - Other 0.00

Total Due to VitalMD - Other 0.00

Total Due to VitalMD 0.00

Due to/from Members (1,322.26)

Leasehold Improvements 0.00
Total Leasehold Improvements 0.00

Due to/from Members - Other (1,322.26)

Deposit 01/18/2024 Gail Pezzullo-Burgs Loan Check#3982 10,000.00 (11,322.26)

Total Due to/from Members - Other 0.00 10,000.00 (11,322.26)

Total Due to/from Members 0.00 10,000.00 (11,322.26)

Due to/from Others 0.00

Equipment Purchase 0.00
Total Equipment Purchase 0.00

Due to/from Others - Other 0.00

Total Due to/from Others - Other 0.00

Total Due to/from Others 0.00

Due to/from Payroll 0.00

Total Due to/from Payroll 0.00

Profit Sharing Payable (1,094.03)

General Journal 03/31/2024 PS 1Q Profit Sharing 2024 881.17 (1,975.20)

Total Profit Sharing Payable 0.00 881.17 (1,975.20)

*Retained Earnings (71,450.21)

General Journal 01/01/2024 2023 - Distribution- Close Entry 29,653.43 (41,796.78)

Total *Retained Earnings 29,653.43 0.00 (41,796.78)

Distributions 29,653.43
Pezzulo-Burgs 29,653.43
General Journal 01/01/2024 2023 - Distribution- Close Entry 29,653.43 0.00

Total Pezzulo-Burgs 0.00 29,653.43 0.00

Distributions - Other 0.00

Total Distributions - Other 0.00

Total Distributions 0.00 29,653.43 0.00

Page 6
3:28 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
07/01/24 General Ledger
Cash Basis As of May 31, 2024

Type Date Num Name Memo Debit Credit Balance

Opening Balance Equity 0.00

Total Opening Balance Equity 0.00

Paid in Capital 0.00

Total Paid in Capital 0.00

Retained Earnings 0.00

Total Retained Earnings 0.00

Interest Income 0.00

Total Interest Income 0.00

Medical Fees Care Center 0.00

Deposit 01/31/2024 Care Center Deposits Care Center Deposits 7,240.92 (7,240.92)
Deposit 02/29/2024 Care Center Deposits Care Center Deposits 8,064.17 (15,305.09)
Deposit 03/31/2024 Care Center Deposits Care Center Deposits 5,088.35 (20,393.44)
Deposit 04/30/2024 Care Center Deposits Care Center Deposits 5,964.35 (26,357.79)
Deposit 05/31/2024 Care Center Deposits Care Center Deposits 6,121.77 (32,479.56)

Total Medical Fees Care Center 0.00 32,479.56 (32,479.56)

Medical Fees Corp Distributions 0.00

General Journal 01/01/2024 Rev RecR Reverse of GJE Rev Rec -- 2023 Revenue Re... 27,872.48 27,872.48
Deposit 01/03/2024 Distributions Total MSO Postings 16,817.04 11,055.44
Deposit 01/17/2024 Distributions Total MSO Postings 14,411.48 (3,356.04)
Deposit 01/31/2024 Distributions Total MSO Postings 22,760.02 (26,116.06)
Deposit 02/14/2024 Distributions Total MSO Postings 22,006.07 (48,122.13)
Deposit 02/28/2024 Distributions Total MSO Postings 15,636.47 (63,758.60)
Deposit 03/13/2024 Distributions Total MSO Postings 18,612.37 (82,370.97)
Deposit 03/27/2024 Distributions Total MSO Postings 21,956.96 (104,327.93)
Deposit 03/27/2024 Distributions UHC Overpayments 1.75 (104,326.18)
Deposit 04/10/2024 Distributions Total MSO Postings 16,463.86 (120,790.04)
Deposit 04/10/2024 Distributions UHC Overpayments 30.30 (120,759.74)
Deposit 04/24/2024 Distributions Total MSO Postings 11,501.82 (132,261.56)
Deposit 04/24/2024 Distributions UHC Overpayments 9.36 (132,252.20)
Deposit 05/08/2024 Distributions Total MSO Postings 3,614.02 (135,866.22)
Deposit 05/08/2024 Distributions UHC Overpayments 3.68 (135,862.54)
Deposit 05/22/2024 Distributions Total MSO Postings 27,965.07 (163,827.61)
Deposit 05/22/2024 Distributions UHC Overpayments 104.80 (163,722.81)

Total Medical Fees Corp Distributions 28,022.37 191,745.18 (163,722.81)

Medical Fees Old TIN 0.00

Total Medical Fees Old TIN 0.00

Medical Fees Other 0.00

Admin Income 0.00
Total Admin Income 0.00

Cord Blood Collection 0.00

Total Cord Blood Collection 0.00

ER Coverage 0.00
Total ER Coverage 0.00

Guaranteed Payments 0.00

Total Guaranteed Payments 0.00

Page 7
3:28 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
07/01/24 General Ledger
Cash Basis As of May 31, 2024

Type Date Num Name Memo Debit Credit Balance

Incentives 0.00
Total Incentives 0.00

Intercompany Medical Fees 0.00

Total Intercompany Medical Fees 0.00

Intercompany Medical Fees CD 0.00

Total Intercompany Medical Fees CD 0.00

Patient Records 0.00

Total Patient Records 0.00

Medical Fees Other - Other 0.00

Total Medical Fees Other - Other 0.00

Total Medical Fees Other 0.00

Medicare Meaningful Use Funds 0.00

Total Medicare Meaningful Use Funds 0.00

Refunds 0.00
Check 01/12/2024 1224 Patient Refund Brenda Ferber 50.00 50.00

Total Refunds 50.00 0.00 50.00

Rent Received 0.00

Total Rent Received 0.00

Cost of Goods Sold 0.00

Total Cost of Goods Sold 0.00

Advance Transfer Fee 0.00

Total Advance Transfer Fee 0.00

Advertising Expenses 0.00

Total Advertising Expenses 0.00

Answering and Paging Services 0.00

Total Answering and Paging Services 0.00

Assets under threshold 0.00

Total Assets under threshold 0.00

Automobile Expense 0.00

Pezzulo-Burgs 0.00
General Journal 01/12/2024 CC American Express Exxonmobil 35.35 35.35
General Journal 01/12/2024 CC American Express Exxonmobil 29.71 65.06
General Journal 03/12/2024 CC American Express Wawa 27.33 92.39
General Journal 03/12/2024 CC American Express Shell 48.90 141.29
General Journal 04/11/2024 CC American Express Shell 34.51 175.80

Total Pezzulo-Burgs 175.80 0.00 175.80

Staff 0.00
Total Staff 0.00

Page 8
3:28 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
07/01/24 General Ledger
Cash Basis As of May 31, 2024

Type Date Num Name Memo Debit Credit Balance

Automobile Expense - Other 0.00

Total Automobile Expense - Other 0.00

Total Automobile Expense 175.80 0.00 175.80

Automobile Reimbursement 0.00

Total Automobile Reimbursement 0.00

Bank Service Charges 0.00

Total Bank Service Charges 0.00

Benefits 401(k) Contribution 0.00

General Journal 01/01/2024 Rev RecR Reverse of GJE Rev Rec -- 2023 Revenue Re... 360.42 (360.42)
Deposit 01/03/2024 Distributions 401(k) PD 12/29/23 360.42 0.00
Deposit 01/17/2024 Distributions 401(k) PD 01/12/24 239.77 239.77
Deposit 01/31/2024 Distributions 401(k) PD 01/26/24 258.35 498.12
Deposit 02/14/2024 Distributions 401(k) PD 02/09/24 256.81 754.93
Deposit 02/28/2024 Distributions 401(k) PD 02/23/24 260.78 1,015.71
Deposit 03/13/2024 Distributions 401(k) PD 03/08/24 264.71 1,280.42
Deposit 03/27/2024 Distributions 401K PD 03/22/24 271.75 1,552.17
Deposit 04/10/2024 Distributions 401(k) PD 04/05/24 271.75 1,823.92
Deposit 04/24/2024 Distributions 401(k) PD 04/05/24 6.31 1,817.61
Deposit 04/24/2024 Distributions 401(k) PD 04/05/24 262.16 2,079.77
Deposit 05/08/2024 Distributions 401(k) PD 05/03/24 243.94 2,323.71
Deposit 05/22/2024 Distributions 401(k) PD 05/17/24 281.58 2,605.29

Total Benefits 401(k) Contribution 2,972.02 366.73 2,605.29

Benefits Insurance 0.00

Total Benefits Insurance 0.00

Billing and Collections 0.00

Femwell 0.00
General Journal 01/01/2024 Rev RecR Reverse of GJE Rev Rec -- 2023 Revenue Re... 1,242.85 (1,242.85)
Deposit 01/03/2024 Distributions Billing and collections 800.63 (442.22)
Deposit 01/17/2024 Distributions Billing and collections 672.18 229.96
Deposit 01/31/2024 Distributions Billing and collections 1,059.19 1,289.15
Deposit 02/14/2024 Distributions Billing and collections 1,038.09 2,327.24
Deposit 02/28/2024 Distributions Billing and collections 743.44 3,070.68
Deposit 03/13/2024 Distributions Billing and collections 865.39 3,936.07
Deposit 03/27/2024 Distributions Billing and collections 948.38 4,884.45
Deposit 04/10/2024 Distributions Billing and collections 751.50 5,635.95
Deposit 04/24/2024 Distributions Billing and collections 520.31 6,156.26
Deposit 05/08/2024 Distributions Billing & Collections (4% on total receipts char... 254.62 6,410.88
Deposit 05/22/2024 Distributions Billing & Collections (4% on total receipts char... 1,344.32 7,755.20

Total Femwell 8,998.05 1,242.85 7,755.20

Other 0.00
Total Other 0.00

Billing and Collections - Other 0.00

Total Billing and Collections - Other 0.00

Total Billing and Collections 8,998.05 1,242.85 7,755.20

Page 9
3:28 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
07/01/24 General Ledger
Cash Basis As of May 31, 2024

Type Date Num Name Memo Debit Credit Balance

Computer and Internet Services 0.00

General Journal 01/12/2024 CC American Express Doxy.Me 35.00 35.00
Deposit 01/17/2024 Distributions VisualMED Interface May-July 2023 225.00 260.00
Deposit 01/31/2024 Distributions eClinicalworks 1,636.50 1,896.50
Deposit 01/31/2024 Distributions Greenway, November 2023 207.96 2,104.46
Deposit 01/31/2024 Distributions Parmac Monthly Maintenance, January 2024 171.00 2,275.46
Deposit 01/31/2024 Distributions VisualMED Interface, March - April 2023 225.00 2,500.46
General Journal 02/09/2024 CC American Express Doxy.Me 35.00 2,535.46
Deposit 02/14/2024 Distributions Change Healthcare / April, June, Aug, Sep 2023 130.00 2,665.46
Deposit 02/14/2024 Distributions Greenway, December 2023 207.96 2,873.42
Deposit 02/14/2024 Distributions VisualMED Interface/ June, Sep, Nov 2023 337.50 3,210.92
Deposit 02/28/2024 Distributions eClinicalworks 61.15 3,272.07
Deposit 02/28/2024 Distributions Parmac Monthly Maintenance, February 2024 152.00 3,424.07
General Journal 03/12/2024 CC American Express Doxy.Me 35.00 3,459.07
Deposit 03/13/2024 Distributions Greenway, January 2024 207.96 3,667.03
Deposit 03/27/2024 Distributions Parmac Monthly Maintenance, March 2024 171.00 3,838.03
Deposit 03/27/2024 Distributions Eclinical Works 535.00 4,373.03
General Journal 04/11/2024 CC American Express Doxy.Me 35.00 4,408.03
Deposit 04/24/2024 Distributions eClinicalworks 2,128.50 6,536.53
Deposit 04/24/2024 Distributions Parmac Monthly Maintenance, April 2024 171.00 6,707.53
Deposit 05/08/2024 Distributions LEAF / Fortigate Firewall 1,274.25 7,981.78
General Journal 05/12/2024 CC American Express 35.00 8,016.78
Deposit 05/22/2024 Distributions Greenway, February 2024 207.96 8,224.74
Deposit 05/22/2024 Distributions Parmac Monthly Maintenance, May 2024 171.00 8,395.74

Total Computer and Internet Services 8,395.74 0.00 8,395.74

Consulting Services 0.00

Total Consulting Services 0.00

Contribution 0.00
Other 0.00
Total Other 0.00

Political - PAC 0.00

Total Political - PAC 0.00

Contribution - Other 0.00

Total Contribution - Other 0.00

Total Contribution 0.00

Credit Card Charges - Merchant 0.00

Check 01/05/2024 EFT Worldpay Mthchgs 106.67 106.67
Check 01/05/2024 EFT Worldpay Mthchgs 238.70 345.37
Check 02/05/2024 EFT Worldpay Mthchgs 98.64 444.01
Check 02/05/2024 EFT Worldpay Mthchgs 288.08 732.09
Check 03/04/2024 EFT Worldpay Mthchgs 106.24 838.33
Check 03/04/2024 EFT Worldpay Mthchgs 250.45 1,088.78
Check 04/04/2024 EFT Worldpay Mthchgs 102.51 1,191.29
Check 04/04/2024 EFT Worldpay Mthchgs 166.59 1,357.88
Check 05/06/2024 EFT Worldpay Mthchgs 102.54 1,460.42
Check 05/06/2024 EFT Worldpay Mthchgs 194.86 1,655.28

Total Credit Card Charges - Merchant 1,655.28 0.00 1,655.28

Page 10
3:28 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
07/01/24 General Ledger
Cash Basis As of May 31, 2024

Type Date Num Name Memo Debit Credit Balance

Depreciation Expense 0.00

Total Depreciation Expense 0.00

Dues and Subscriptions 0.00

General Journal 02/09/2024 CC American Express ACOG Membership 845.00 845.00
General Journal 03/12/2024 CC American Express ABOG 305.00 1,150.00
General Journal 03/12/2024 CC American Express ACOG Membership 45.00 1,195.00
Check 04/10/2024 1257 Boca Regional Hospital 300.00 1,495.00

Total Dues and Subscriptions 1,495.00 0.00 1,495.00

Employee Allowance 0.00

Auto 0.00
Total Auto 0.00

Other 0.00
Total Other 0.00

Employee Allowance - Other 0.00

Total Employee Allowance - Other 0.00

Total Employee Allowance 0.00

Entertainment 0.00
Pezzulo-Burgs 0.00
Total Pezzulo-Burgs 0.00

Entertainment - Other 0.00

Total Entertainment - Other 0.00

Total Entertainment 0.00

Equipment Rental 0.00

Check 01/02/2024 EFT Nations Payments 12.95 12.95
Check 01/02/2024 EFT Nations Payments 12.95 25.90
Check 02/02/2024 EFT Nations Payments 12.95 38.85
Check 02/02/2024 EFT Nations Payments 12.95 51.80
Check 03/04/2024 EFT Nations Payments 12.95 64.75
Check 03/04/2024 EFT Nations Payments 12.95 77.70
Check 04/02/2024 EFT Nations Payments 12.95 90.65
Check 04/02/2024 EFT Nations Payments 12.95 103.60
Check 05/02/2024 EFT Nations Payments 12.95 116.55
Check 05/02/2024 EFT Nations Payments 12.95 129.50

Total Equipment Rental 129.50 0.00 129.50

Gifts 0.00
Total Gifts 0.00

Insurance 0.00
Business Overhead Expense 0.00
Total Business Overhead Expense 0.00

General Liability 0.00

Total General Liability 0.00

Malpractice 0.00
Total Malpractice 0.00

Page 11
3:28 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
07/01/24 General Ledger
Cash Basis As of May 31, 2024

Type Date Num Name Memo Debit Credit Balance

Insurance - Other 0.00

Total Insurance - Other 0.00

Total Insurance 0.00

Interest Expense 0.00

Capital Leases 0.00
Total Capital Leases 0.00

Loans 0.00
Total Loans 0.00

Other 0.00
Total Other 0.00

Interest Expense - Other 0.00

Total Interest Expense - Other 0.00

Total Interest Expense 0.00

Janitorial Services 0.00

Check 01/12/2024 1211 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 70.00
Check 01/12/2024 1212 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 140.00
Check 01/23/2024 1222 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 210.00
Check 01/23/2024 1223 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 280.00
Check 01/23/2024 1226 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 350.00
Check 01/26/2024 1228 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 420.00
Check 02/02/2024 1231 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 490.00
Check 02/02/2024 1235 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 560.00
Check 02/16/2024 1238 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 630.00
Check 02/23/2024 1241 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 700.00
Check 03/01/2024 1243 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 770.00
Check 03/08/2024 1245 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 840.00
Check 03/15/2024 1252 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 910.00
Check 03/22/2024 1247 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 980.00
Check 03/29/2024 1249 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 1,050.00
Check 04/10/2024 1258 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 1,120.00
Check 04/12/2024 1259 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 1,190.00
Check 04/26/2024 1261 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 1,260.00
Check 05/03/2024 1264 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 1,330.00
Check 05/10/2024 1268 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 1,400.00
Check 05/17/2024 1269 Rosana R. Marques Callahan 70.00 1,470.00

Total Janitorial Services 1,470.00 0.00 1,470.00

Laboratory Expenses 0.00

Check 01/10/2024 EFT Quest Diagnostics 129.40 129.40
Check 02/06/2024 EFT Quest Diagnostics 65.59 194.99
Check 02/19/2024 1239 Medipath LLC 283.50 478.49
Check 03/18/2024 EFT Quest Diagnostics 172.74 651.23
Check 04/10/2024 EFT Quest Diagnostics 32.20 683.43

Total Laboratory Expenses 683.43 0.00 683.43

Late Fees 0.00

Total Late Fees 0.00

Page 12
3:28 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
07/01/24 General Ledger
Cash Basis As of May 31, 2024

Type Date Num Name Memo Debit Credit Balance

Licenses & Permits 0.00

Total Licenses & Permits 0.00

Management Fees 0.00

Femwell MSO 0.00
General Journal 01/01/2024 Rev RecR Reverse of GJE Rev Rec -- 2023 Revenue Re... 1,553.55 (1,553.55)
Deposit 01/03/2024 Distributions Femwell MSO 5% 1,000.78 (552.77)
Deposit 01/17/2024 Distributions Femwell MSO 5% 840.22 287.45
Deposit 01/31/2024 Distributions Femwell MSO 5% 1,323.99 1,611.44
Deposit 02/14/2024 Distributions Femwell MSO 5% 1,297.61 2,909.05
Deposit 02/28/2024 Distributions Femwell MSO 5% 929.30 3,838.35
Deposit 03/13/2024 Distributions Femwell MSO 5% 1,081.74 4,920.09
Deposit 03/27/2024 Distributions Femwell MSO 5% 1,185.58 6,105.67
Deposit 03/27/2024 Distributions UHC Overpayments Management Fees Adj 5% 0.09 6,105.58
Deposit 04/10/2024 Distributions Femwell MSO 5% 940.89 7,046.47
Deposit 04/10/2024 Distributions UHC Payment -Management Fee Adj 5% 1.52 7,044.95
Deposit 04/24/2024 Distributions Femwell MSO 5% 650.85 7,695.80
Deposit 04/24/2024 Distributions UHC Overpayment - Management Fee Adj 5% 0.47 7,695.33
Deposit 05/08/2024 Distributions Femwell MSO 5% 318.44 8,013.77
Deposit 05/08/2024 Distributions UHC Overpayment - Management Fee Adj 5% 0.18 8,013.59
Deposit 05/22/2024 Distributions Femwell MSO 5% 1,685.65 9,699.24
Deposit 05/22/2024 Distributions UHC Overpayment - Management Fee Adj 5.24 9,694.00

Total Femwell MSO 11,255.05 1,561.05 9,694.00

VitalMD 0.00
General Journal 01/01/2024 Rev RecR Reverse of GJE Rev Rec -- 2023 Revenue Re... 194.80 (194.80)
Deposit 01/03/2024 Distributions VitalMD 2.5% 126.91 (67.89)
Deposit 01/17/2024 Distributions VitalMD 2.5% 84.61 16.72
Deposit 01/31/2024 Distributions VitalMD 2.5% 127.97 144.69
Deposit 02/14/2024 Distributions VitalMD 2.5% 136.32 281.01
Deposit 02/28/2024 Distributions VitalMD 2.5% 139.03 420.04
Deposit 03/13/2024 Distributions VitalMD 2.5% 110.14 530.18
Deposit 03/27/2024 Distributions VitalMD 2.5% 115.60 645.78
Deposit 03/27/2024 Distributions UHC Overpayments Management Fees Adj 2.... 0.01 645.77
Deposit 04/10/2024 Distributions VitalMD 2.5% 83.69 729.46
Deposit 04/10/2024 Distributions UHC Payment -Management Fee Adj 2.5% 0.01 729.45
Deposit 04/24/2024 Distributions VitalMD 2.5% 64.57 794.02
Deposit 04/24/2024 Distributions UHC Overpayment - Management Fee Adj 2.5% 0.08 793.94
Deposit 05/08/2024 Distributions VitalMD 2.5% 36.36 830.30
Deposit 05/08/2024 Distributions UHC Overpayment - Management Fee Adj 2.5% 0.01 830.29
Deposit 05/22/2024 Distributions VitalMD 2.5% 226.21 1,056.50
Deposit 05/22/2024 Distributions UHC Overpayment - Management Fee Adj 2.5% 0.79 1,055.71

Total VitalMD 1,251.41 195.70 1,055.71

Management Fees - Other 0.00

Total Management Fees - Other 0.00

Total Management Fees 12,506.46 1,756.75 10,749.71

Meals Expense - Other 0.00

Pezzulo-Burgs 0.00
Total Pezzulo-Burgs 0.00

Page 13
3:28 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
07/01/24 General Ledger
Cash Basis As of May 31, 2024

Type Date Num Name Memo Debit Credit Balance

Meals Expense - Other - Other 0.00

Total Meals Expense - Other - Other 0.00

Total Meals Expense - Other 0.00

Meals Expense Office 0.00

Total Meals Expense Office 0.00

Medical Supplies 0.00

Check 01/29/2024 1230 Vaxcare 3.00 3.00
Check 03/19/2024 1250 Dr’s Toy Store 636.65 639.65
General Journal 05/12/2024 CC American Express Henry Schein 57.34 696.99

Total Medical Supplies 696.99 0.00 696.99

Office Parking 0.00

Total Office Parking 0.00

Office Supplies and Expenses 0.00

Time Clock 0.00
Total Time Clock 0.00

Office Supplies and Expenses - Other 0.00

General Journal 01/12/2024 CC American Express Cash Rewards 38.34 (38.34)
General Journal 01/12/2024 CC American Express Lenore Nolan-Ryan, Inc / Staff Christmas Party 1,087.60 1,049.26
General Journal 01/12/2024 CC American Express Amazon 42.79 1,092.05
General Journal 01/12/2024 CC American Express ADT 66.09 1,158.14
General Journal 01/12/2024 CC American Express Comcast 248.45 1,406.59
General Journal 01/12/2024 CC American Express Amazon 48.25 1,454.84
General Journal 01/12/2024 CC American Express Amazon 34.99 1,489.83
General Journal 01/12/2024 CC American Express Amazon 84.76 1,574.59
Check 01/25/2024 1227 Innovative Tech Solutions 3 42.01 1,616.60
Check 01/31/2024 1225 De Kage Kibdib Fuabucak Services Printer Service 234.16 1,850.76
Check 02/02/2024 1234 Innovative Tech Solutions 3 14.34 1,865.10
General Journal 02/09/2024 CC American Express Cash Rewards 38.69 1,826.41
General Journal 02/09/2024 CC American Express Amazon 61.87 1,888.28
General Journal 02/09/2024 CC American Express Comcast 253.99 2,142.27
General Journal 02/09/2024 CC American Express Amazon 91.92 2,234.19
General Journal 02/09/2024 CC American Express Amazon 72.68 2,306.87
General Journal 02/09/2024 CC American Express Amazon 41.70 2,348.57
General Journal 02/09/2024 CC American Express Amazon 33.20 2,381.77
General Journal 02/09/2024 CC American Express ADT 66.09 2,447.86
Check 02/19/2024 1240 Optamark 49.10 2,496.96
Check 03/08/2024 EFT Harland Clarke Chk 185.77 2,682.73
General Journal 03/12/2024 CC American Express Cash Rewards 34.44 2,648.29
General Journal 03/12/2024 CC American Express Amazon 59.39 2,707.68
General Journal 03/12/2024 CC American Express Amazon 40.36 2,748.04
General Journal 03/12/2024 CC American Express ADT 66.09 2,814.13
General Journal 03/12/2024 CC American Express Comcast 253.99 3,068.12
General Journal 03/12/2024 CC American Express Amazon 8.54 3,076.66
General Journal 03/12/2024 CC American Express Amazon 40.70 3,117.36
Check 03/18/2024 1251 Innovative Tech Solutions 3 14.17 3,131.53
Check 04/08/2024 1256 Innovative Tech Solutions 3 29.45 3,160.98
General Journal 04/11/2024 CC American Express Amazon 120.92 3,281.90
General Journal 04/11/2024 CC American Express ADT 66.09 3,347.99
General Journal 04/11/2024 CC American Express Comcast 253.99 3,601.98
General Journal 04/11/2024 CC American Express Amazon 20.85 3,622.83
General Journal 04/11/2024 CC American Express Amazon 45.96 3,668.79
Page 14
3:28 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
07/01/24 General Ledger
Cash Basis As of May 31, 2024

Type Date Num Name Memo Debit Credit Balance

General Journal 04/11/2024 CC American Express Amazon 12.83 3,681.62

General Journal 04/11/2024 CC American Express Amazon 51.04 3,732.66
Deposit 04/24/2024 Distributions Background Check and Drug Test 90.46 3,823.12
Check 05/06/2024 1266 Innovative Tech Solutions 3 7.53 3,830.65
General Journal 05/12/2024 CC American Express Cash Rewards 20.84 3,809.81
General Journal 05/12/2024 CC American Express Amazon 47.07 3,856.88
General Journal 05/12/2024 CC American Express ADT 66.09 3,922.97
General Journal 05/12/2024 CC American Express Comcast 253.88 4,176.85
General Journal 05/12/2024 CC American Express Office Depot 49.21 4,226.06

Total Office Supplies and Expenses - Other 4,358.37 132.31 4,226.06

Total Office Supplies and Expenses 4,358.37 132.31 4,226.06

Outside Services 0.00

Deposit 04/10/2024 Distributions Total Medical Consultant 400.00 400.00

Total Outside Services 400.00 0.00 400.00

Payroll Member Physician 0.00

Admin 0.00
Check 01/12/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 01/06/24 14.50 14.50
Check 01/26/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 01/20/24 14.50 29.00
Check 02/09/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 02/03/24 14.50 43.50
Check 02/23/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 02/17/24 14.50 58.00
Check 03/07/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/02/24 14.50 72.50
Check 03/21/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/16/24 14.50 87.00
Check 04/05/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/30/24 14.50 101.50
Check 04/19/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 04/13/24 14.50 116.00
Check 05/03/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 04/27/24 14.50 130.50
Check 05/17/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 05/11/24 14.50 145.00
Check 05/31/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 05/25/24 14.50 159.50

Total Admin 159.50 0.00 159.50

Benefits 0.00
Check 01/12/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 01/06/24 616.83 616.83
Check 01/26/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 01/20/24 58.43 558.40
Check 02/09/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 02/03/24 616.83 1,175.23
Check 02/23/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 02/17/24 58.43 1,116.80
Check 03/07/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/02/24 616.83 1,733.63
Check 03/21/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/16/24 58.43 1,675.20
Check 04/05/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/30/24 616.83 2,292.03
Check 04/19/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 04/13/24 58.43 2,233.60
Check 05/03/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 04/27/24 616.83 2,850.43
Check 05/17/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 05/11/24 58.43 2,792.00

Total Benefits 3,084.15 292.15 2,792.00

Page 15
3:28 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
07/01/24 General Ledger
Cash Basis As of May 31, 2024

Type Date Num Name Memo Debit Credit Balance

Payroll 0.00
Check 01/12/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 01/06/24 2,447.68 2,447.68
Check 01/26/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 01/20/24 2,447.68 4,895.36
Check 02/09/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 02/03/24 2,447.68 7,343.04
Check 02/23/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 02/17/24 2,447.68 9,790.72
Check 03/07/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/02/24 2,447.68 12,238.40
Check 03/21/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/16/24 2,447.68 14,686.08
Check 04/05/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/30/24 2,447.68 17,133.76
Check 04/19/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 04/13/24 2,447.68 19,581.44
Check 05/03/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 04/27/24 2,447.68 22,029.12
Check 05/17/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 05/11/24 2,447.68 24,476.80
Check 05/31/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 05/25/24 2,447.68 26,924.48

Total Payroll 26,924.48 0.00 26,924.48

Payroll Taxes 0.00

Check 01/12/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 01/06/24 263.13 263.13
Check 01/26/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 01/20/24 263.11 526.24
Check 02/09/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 02/03/24 252.50 778.74
Check 02/23/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 02/17/24 187.25 965.99
Check 03/07/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/02/24 187.25 1,153.24
Check 03/21/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/16/24 187.25 1,340.49
Check 04/05/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/30/24 187.24 1,527.73
Check 04/19/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 04/13/24 187.25 1,714.98
Check 05/03/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 04/27/24 187.25 1,902.23
Check 05/17/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 05/11/24 187.24 2,089.47
Check 05/31/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 05/25/24 187.25 2,276.72

Total Payroll Taxes 2,276.72 0.00 2,276.72

Worker's Comp 0.00

Check 01/12/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 01/06/24 5.73 5.73
Check 01/26/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 01/20/24 5.73 11.46
Check 02/09/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 02/03/24 5.73 17.19
Check 02/23/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 02/17/24 5.73 22.92
Check 03/07/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/02/24 5.73 28.65
Check 03/21/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/16/24 5.73 34.38
Check 04/05/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/30/24 5.73 40.11
Check 04/19/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 04/13/24 5.73 45.84
Check 05/03/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 04/27/24 5.73 51.57
Check 05/17/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 05/11/24 5.73 57.30
Check 05/31/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 05/25/24 5.73 63.03

Total Worker's Comp 63.03 0.00 63.03

Payroll Member Physician - Other 0.00

Total Payroll Member Physician - Other 0.00

Total Payroll Member Physician 32,507.88 292.15 32,215.73

Page 16
3:28 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
07/01/24 General Ledger
Cash Basis As of May 31, 2024

Type Date Num Name Memo Debit Credit Balance

Payroll Staff 0.00

Admin 0.00
Check 01/12/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 01/06/24 72.50 72.50
Check 01/26/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 01/20/24 87.00 159.50
Check 02/09/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 02/03/24 87.00 246.50
Check 02/23/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 02/17/24 87.00 333.50
Check 03/07/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/02/24 87.00 420.50
Check 03/21/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/16/24 87.00 507.50
Check 04/05/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/30/24 87.00 594.50
Check 04/19/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 04/13/24 101.50 696.00
Check 05/03/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 04/27/24 87.00 783.00
Check 05/17/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 05/11/24 87.00 870.00
Check 05/31/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 05/25/24 87.00 957.00

Total Admin 957.00 0.00 957.00

Benefits 0.00
Check 01/12/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 01/06/24 1,236.86 1,236.86
Check 01/26/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 01/20/24 120.07 1,116.79
Check 02/09/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 02/03/24 1,236.86 2,353.65
Check 02/23/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 02/17/24 120.07 2,233.58
Check 03/07/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/02/24 1,236.86 3,470.44
Check 03/21/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/16/24 120.07 3,350.37
Check 04/05/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/30/24 1,236.86 4,587.23
Check 04/19/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 04/13/24 120.07 4,467.16
Check 05/03/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 04/27/24 1,236.86 5,704.02
Check 05/17/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 05/11/24 120.07 5,583.95

Total Benefits 6,184.30 600.35 5,583.95

Payroll 0.00
Check 01/12/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 01/06/24 8,394.50 8,394.50
Check 01/26/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 01/20/24 9,515.09 17,909.59
Check 02/09/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 02/03/24 9,340.61 27,250.20
Check 02/23/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 02/17/24 9,450.11 36,700.31
Check 03/07/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/02/24 9,407.46 46,107.77
Check 03/21/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/16/24 9,950.12 56,057.89
Check 04/05/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/30/24 9,338.99 65,396.88
Check 04/19/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 04/13/24 9,980.56 75,377.44
Check 05/03/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 04/27/24 9,506.69 84,884.13
Check 05/17/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 05/11/24 10,774.10 95,658.23
Check 05/31/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 05/25/24 9,339.61 104,997.84

Total Payroll 104,997.84 0.00 104,997.84

Page 17
3:28 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
07/01/24 General Ledger
Cash Basis As of May 31, 2024

Type Date Num Name Memo Debit Credit Balance

Payroll Taxes 0.00

Check 01/12/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 01/06/24 889.95 889.95
Check 01/26/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 01/20/24 1,010.42 1,900.37
Check 02/09/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 02/03/24 932.01 2,832.38
Check 02/23/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 02/17/24 838.84 3,671.22
Check 03/07/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/02/24 810.20 4,481.42
Check 03/21/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/16/24 830.60 5,312.02
Check 04/05/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/30/24 732.52 6,044.54
Check 04/19/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 04/13/24 800.44 6,844.98
Check 05/03/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 04/27/24 748.57 7,593.55
Check 05/17/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 05/11/24 845.90 8,439.45
Check 05/31/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 05/25/24 750.88 9,190.33

Total Payroll Taxes 9,190.33 0.00 9,190.33

Worker's Comp 0.00

Check 01/12/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 01/06/24 19.64 19.64
Check 01/26/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 01/20/24 22.26 41.90
Check 02/09/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 02/03/24 21.86 63.76
Check 02/23/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 02/17/24 22.12 85.88
Check 03/07/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/02/24 22.01 107.89
Check 03/21/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/16/24 23.26 131.15
Check 04/05/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 03/30/24 21.86 153.01
Check 04/19/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 04/13/24 23.36 176.37
Check 05/03/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 04/27/24 22.25 198.62
Check 05/17/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 05/11/24 25.20 223.82
Check 05/31/2024 EFT Alpha Staff PPE 05/25/24 21.85 245.67

Total Worker's Comp 245.67 0.00 245.67

Payroll Staff - Other 0.00

Total Payroll Staff - Other 0.00

Total Payroll Staff 121,575.14 600.35 120,974.79

Payroll Staff Physician 0.00

Admin 0.00
Total Admin 0.00

Benefits 0.00
Total Benefits 0.00

Payroll 0.00
Total Payroll 0.00

Payroll Taxes 0.00

Total Payroll Taxes 0.00

Worker's Comp 0.00

Total Worker's Comp 0.00

Payroll Staff Physician - Other 0.00

Total Payroll Staff Physician - Other 0.00

Total Payroll Staff Physician 0.00

Pharmaceuticals 0.00
Total Pharmaceuticals 0.00

Page 18
3:28 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
07/01/24 General Ledger
Cash Basis As of May 31, 2024

Type Date Num Name Memo Debit Credit Balance

Postage and Shipping 0.00

General Journal 05/12/2024 CC American Express USPS 19.60 19.60

Total Postage and Shipping 19.60 0.00 19.60

Professional Fees 0.00

CPA 0.00
Total CPA 0.00

Legal 0.00
Malpractice Retainer 0.00
Total Malpractice Retainer 0.00

Legal - Other 0.00

Total Legal - Other 0.00

Total Legal 0.00

Professional Fees - Other 0.00

Total Professional Fees - Other 0.00

Total Professional Fees 0.00

Profit Sharing 0.00

Deposit 01/17/2024 Distributions VitalMD Q4 Profit Sharing 1,094.03 1,094.03
General Journal 03/31/2024 PS 1Q Profit Sharing 2024 881.17 1,975.20
Deposit 04/24/2024 Distributions VitalMD Q1 Profit Sharing 881.17 2,856.37

Total Profit Sharing 2,856.37 0.00 2,856.37

Rent 0.00
Codominium Fees 0.00
Total Codominium Fees 0.00

Office 0.00
Check 01/04/2024 1221 Jacobus Real Estate Holdings, LLC 6,673.97 6,673.97
Check 02/02/2024 1232 Jacobus Real Estate Holdings, LLC 5,229.33 11,903.30
Check 03/04/2024 1244 Jacobus Real Estate Holdings, LLC 5,428.94 17,332.24
Check 04/01/2024 1253 Jacobus Real Estate Holdings, LLC 5,295.87 22,628.11
Check 05/01/2024 1263 Jacobus Real Estate Holdings, LLC 5,295.87 27,923.98
Check 05/31/2024 1273 Jacobus Real Estate Holdings, LLC 5,295.87 33,219.85

Total Office 33,219.85 0.00 33,219.85

Storage Units 0.00

Total Storage Units 0.00

Rent - Other 0.00

Total Rent - Other 0.00

Total Rent 33,219.85 0.00 33,219.85

Repairs and Maintenance 0.00

Other 0.00
Total Other 0.00

Page 19
3:28 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
07/01/24 General Ledger
Cash Basis As of May 31, 2024

Type Date Num Name Memo Debit Credit Balance

Service Contract 0.00

Check 02/02/2024 1233 Philips Healthcare 251.45 251.45
Check 02/21/2024 EFT Philips Healthcare 251.45 502.90
Check 02/21/2024 EFT Philips Healthcare 251.45 754.35
Check 02/21/2024 EFT Philips Healthcare 251.45 1,005.80
Check 02/21/2024 EFT Philips Healthcare 251.45 1,257.25
Check 02/21/2024 EFT Philips Healthcare 251.45 1,508.70
Check 02/28/2024 1242 De Lage Landen Financial Services, Inc Printer Rent 105.93 1,614.63
General Journal 03/12/2024 CC American Express Philips Healthcare 256.48 1,871.11
Check 03/28/2024 EFT Lease Direct Printer Maintenance 105.93 1,977.04
Check 04/22/2024 1260 Philips Healthcare 251.45 2,228.49
Check 04/26/2024 EFT Lease Direct Printer Maintenance 105.93 2,334.42
Check 05/06/2024 1265 Philips Healthcare 251.45 2,585.87

Total Service Contract 2,585.87 0.00 2,585.87

Repairs and Maintenance - Other 0.00

Total Repairs and Maintenance - Other 0.00

Total Repairs and Maintenance 2,585.87 0.00 2,585.87

Seminars 0.00
General Journal 03/12/2024 CC American Express American Academy 335.75 335.75
General Journal 05/12/2024 CC American Express American Academy 599.00 934.75

Total Seminars 934.75 0.00 934.75

Shared Expenses 0.00

Check 01/05/2024 1220 Michael F. Augustino, MD, LLC 2,500.00 2,500.00
Check 02/02/2024 1236 Michael F. Augustino, MD, LLC 2,500.00 5,000.00
Check 03/29/2024 1246 Michael F. Augustino, MD, LLC 2,500.00 7,500.00
Check 04/04/2024 1255 Michael F. Augustino, MD, LLC 2,500.00 10,000.00

Total Shared Expenses 10,000.00 0.00 10,000.00

Suspense 0.00
Total Suspense 0.00

Taxes 0.00
Total Taxes 0.00

Telephone 0.00
Cellular 0.00
Total Cellular 0.00

Regular Lines 0.00

General Journal 01/12/2024 CC American Express Broadvoice 131.14 131.14
General Journal 01/12/2024 CC American Express Sniffware Inc 90.00 221.14
General Journal 02/09/2024 CC American Express Sniffware Inc 90.00 311.14
General Journal 02/09/2024 CC American Express Broadvoice 131.18 442.32
General Journal 03/12/2024 CC American Express Broadvoice 131.20 573.52
General Journal 03/12/2024 CC American Express Sniffware Inc 90.00 663.52
General Journal 04/11/2024 CC American Express Broadvoice 131.20 794.72
General Journal 04/11/2024 CC American Express Sniffware Inc 90.00 884.72
General Journal 05/12/2024 CC American Express Broadvoice 130.78 1,015.50
General Journal 05/12/2024 CC American Express Sniffware Inc 90.00 1,105.50

Total Regular Lines 1,105.50 0.00 1,105.50

Page 20
3:28 PM Serenity Medical and Wellness, LLC
07/01/24 General Ledger
Cash Basis As of May 31, 2024

Type Date Num Name Memo Debit Credit Balance

Telephone - Other 0.00

Total Telephone - Other 0.00

Total Telephone 1,105.50 0.00 1,105.50

TopLine 0.00
Provider Setup Fee 0.00
Total Provider Setup Fee 0.00

TopLine - Other 0.00

Total TopLine - Other 0.00

Total TopLine 0.00

Travel 0.00
Total Travel 0.00

Uniforms and Laundry Expense 0.00

Total Uniforms and Laundry Expense 0.00

Utilities 0.00
Total Utilities 0.00

Waste Removal 0.00

Check 01/26/2024 1229 Trilogy Medwaste 183.32 183.32
Check 02/19/2024 1237 Trilogy Medwaste 179.32 362.64
General Journal 04/11/2024 CC American Express Trilogy Medical Waste 179.32 541.96
General Journal 05/12/2024 CC American Express Trilogy Medical Waste 179.32 721.28

Total Waste Removal 721.28 0.00 721.28

Other Income 0.00

ERTC 0.00
Total ERTC 0.00

Other Income - Other 0.00

Total Other Income - Other 0.00

Total Other Income 0.00

Non-Deductible Auto 0.00

Total Non-Deductible Auto 0.00

Non-Deductible Entertainment 0.00

Total Non-Deductible Entertainment 0.00

Non-Deductible Meals 0.00

Total Non-Deductible Meals 0.00

Other Expenses 0.00

Total Other Expenses 0.00

No accnt 0.00
Total no accnt 0.00

TOTAL 533,634.98 533,634.98 0.00

Page 21

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