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International Journal of Pharmaceutics 179 (1999) 167 – 178

Dynamic mechanical analysis of polymeric systems of

pharmaceutical and biomedical significance

David S. Jones *
School of Pharmacy, The Queen’s Uni6ersity of Belfast, Medical Biology Centre, 97, Lisburn Road, Belfast, BT9 7BL, UK

Received 1 February 1998; accepted 1 March 1998


Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) is an analytical technique in which an oscillating stress is applied to a sample
and the resultant strain measured as functions of both oscillatory frequency and temperature. From this, a
comprehensive knowledge of the relationships between the various viscoelastic parameters, e.g. storage and loss
moduli, mechanical damping parameter (tan d), dynamic viscosity, and temperature may be obtained. An introduc-
tion to the theory of DMA and pharmaceutical and biomedical examples of the use of this technique are presented
in this concise review. In particular, examples are described in which DMA has been employed to quantify the storage
and loss moduli of polymers, polymer damping properties, glass transition temperature(s), rate and extent of curing
of polymer systems, polymer–polymer compatibility and identification of sol – gel transitions. Furthermore, future
applications of the technique for the optimisation of the formulation of pharmaceutical and biomedical systems are
discussed. © 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Dynamic mechanical analysis; Viscoelastic; Sol – gel; Polymer; Glass transition; Gel

1. Introduction biomaterials directly affect their clinical perfor-

mance (Jones et al., 1997a,b). Therefore, in the
Modern polymeric biomaterials have found development of both pharmaceutical and biomed-
widespread applications in medical and veterinary ical systems, it is important to accurately and
sciences, particularly as components of drug deliv- usefully characterise their rheological properties
ery systems and medical devices. It is accepted to ensure optimisation of their design, and hence
that the rheological (mechanical) properties of performance.
There are several techniques that may be em-
ployed to rheologically/mechanically characterise
* Tel.: +44-1232-245133; fax: +44-1232-247794. polymeric systems (Craig and Johnson 1995).

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168 D.S. Jones / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 179 (1999) 167–178

These include: review are, firstly, to describe the theoretical and

1. Thermomechanical analysis, in which a non- practical basis of dynamic mechanical techniques
oscillatory stress is applied to the sample and and, secondly, to provide an overview of reported,
the resultant deformation (strain) measured as and future, applications of the techniques for the
a function of temperature. One example of this characterisation of pharmaceutical and biomedi-
technique is creep analysis. cal systems.
2. Thermodilatometry, in which the sample is
exposed to a range of temperatures and
changes in the dimensions of the sample 2. Theory of dynamic mechanical analysis
3. Dynamic mechanical analysis, a non-sample Dynamic mechanical methods characterise the
destructive technique in which an oscillatory viscoelastic properties of materials as functions of
stress is applied to the sample and the resul- both frequency of applied oscillatory stress (or
tant strain determined as a function of both strain) and temperature. The term 6iscoelastic has
frequency and temperature. Examples of this been defined as the ‘simultaneous existence of
technique include thermal-ramped oscillatory viscous (liquid) and elastic (solid) properties in all
rheometry and conventional dynamic thermal materials’ (Barnes et al., 1996). The rheological
mechanical analysis. Dynamic mechanical behaviour of ideal solids is mathematically de-
methods enable accurate and rapid quantifica- scribed by Hooke’s Law, which states that the
tion of the viscoelastic properties of pharma- strain of a sample is directly proportional to the
ceutical and biomedical systems applied stress, the proportionality constant being
referred to as Young’s modulus. Importantly,
1.1. Common terms used in dynamic mechanical ideal solids may be observed to recover com-
analysis pletely following removal of an applied stress.
This phenomenon is depicted in Fig. 1. Deviations
At this point, it may be useful to provide from ideality occur whenever the elastic limit of
definitions of the commonly employed terms in the solid material is exceeded, i.e. irreversible sam-
dynamic mechanical analysis (Ferry, 1980; Barnes ple deformation has occurred (Craig and Johnson,
et al., 1996). These are: 1995; Barnes et al., 1996). Conversely, for ideal
Stress, the force per unit area (Pa) required to liquids, Newton proposed that the applied stress
deform the sample. is proportional to the rate of strain (the velocity
Strain, the amount by which the sample is gradient), the proportionality constant in this case
deformed. In dynamic mechanical analysis the being referred to as the viscosity. Therefore, the
strain is termed amplitude (distance), due to the response of ideal liquids to an applied stress is
vertical nature of the deformation, whereas, in time dependent, i.e. dependent on the rate of
oscillatory rheometry, the strain is horizontal (tor- strain and not the strain itself (Barnes et al.,
sional) and is measured in radians. 1996). Deviations of liquids from ideality also
Damping, the ability of a material to dissipate
applied mechanical energy into heat (dimension-
less quantity).
Modulus, the resistance of a materials to defor-
mation (Pa).
Dynamic mechanical techniques have been
widely employed in the polymer, and related in-
dustries, however, the applications of such tech-
niques for the characterisation of pharmaceutical
and certain biomedical systems have not received
similar attention. In light of this, the aims of this Fig. 1. The elastic response of an ideal solid.
D.S. Jones / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 179 (1999) 167–178 169

ity within this region ensures a relatively simple

interpretation of results.
Comprehensive mathematical treatments of the
theory of dynamic mechanical analysis have been
previously described elsewhere (e.g. Ferry, 1980;
Ward, 1983; Ward and Hadley, 1993) and conse-
quently, only an overview of the theory is de-
scribed below. In dynamic mechanical analysis, a
sinusoidal stress (or strain) is applied to the sam-
ple and the mechanical response measured as
functions of both oscillatory frequency and tem-
perature. For a Hookean solid, the maximum
Fig. 2. Characteristic deformation (creep) of viscoelastic solids strain is observed at the same instance as the
as a function of time.
maximum applied stress (Fig. 3), i.e. the applied
energy is employed to allow instantaneous recov-
occur in which the relationship between stress and ery from deformation. Conversely, a Newtonian
the rate of strain is non-linear, e.g. pseudoplastic liquid will exhibit a 90° phase lag to an applied
(shear thining) systems and dilatant (shear thick- stress, i.e. the strain lags behind the stress by 90°
ening) systems. Thus, solid bodies store applied (Fig. 4). Viscoelastic materials will exhibit phase
energy and use this to recover from the deforma- angles between these two extremes (0–90°) (Fig.
tion induced by the applied stress, whereas, liq- 5).
uids dissipate applied energy as heat and hence The stress and strain in dynamic mechanical
are unable to recover their structure (Ferry, 1980; analysis is mathematically described by the fol-
Barnes et al., 1996). Interestingly, many polymeric lowing equations, respectively (Barry, 1974; Wet-
systems exhibit behaviour that combines both ton et al., 1991; Craig and Johnson, 1995; Anseth
elastic (solid) and viscous (liquid) properties, in et al., 1996):
which the applied stress is proportional to both
the resultant strain and rate of strain. Such sys- s*= s0 exp[i(vt + d)] (1)
tems are termed viscoelastic. Common character- g*= g0 exp(ivt) (2)
istics of viscoelastic systems include (Ferry, 1980;
Ward and Hadley, 1993; Craig and Johnson, where i 2 = − 1 and d is the phase angle between
1995): the stress and strain.
1. Following application of a constant stress, vis-
coelastic solids do not maintain constant de-
formation, but continue to deform as a
function of time. This phenomenon is referred
to as creep and is depicted in Fig. 2.
2. During the process of flow, a viscoelastic liq-
uid may store some of the applied energy and
use this energy to partially recover from the
stress-induced deformation.
The majority of measurements of viscoelastic
properties of polymeric systems are performed
within a region referred to as the linear viscoelas-
tic region. In this region, as the stress applied to a
sample is increased, the relationship between the Fig. 3. Instantaneous response (strain) of an ideal solid follow-
stress and strain is constant, despite the variance ing application of an oscillatory stress. Note: the phase angle
of strain with time. Measurement of viscoelastic- between the applied stress and resultant strain is 0°.
170 D.S. Jones / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 179 (1999) 167–178

Fig. 6. Vectorial diagram for the complex modulus (G*=


Fig. 4. Time-dependent response (strain) of an ideal (Newto- G*= exp[i(vt + d)] exp(−ivt)
nian) liquids following application of an oscillatory stress. g0
Note: the phase angle between the applied stress and resultant s0
strain is 90°. G*= exp(id) (5)
A complex modulus may therefore be defined The expression ‘exp(id)’ may be defined as
as follows: follows:

s* exp(id)= cos d+ i sin d (6)

G*= G%+ iG%%= (3)
g* Substituting Eq. (6) into Eq. (5), one obtains the
G% is referred to as the storage (real or elastic)
modulus and represents the energy stored per

s0 s 
cos d+ i 0 sin d (7)
cycle within the sample (i.e. the ‘solid’ response). g0 g0
G%% is refered to as the loss (imaginary or viscous)
modulus and represents the energy dissipated per
cycle within the sample (i.e. the ‘liquid’ response).
G’ =

cos d
Combining Eqs. (1) – (3), one obtains the fol- g0
lowing Eq. (4) (Barry, 1974; Anseth et al., 1996)

sin d
s0 exp[i(vt +d)] g0
G*= (4)
g0 exp(ivt) Thus:
G*= G%+ G%%
The relationship between the complex modulus
(G*), storage modulus (G%) and loss modulus (G%%)
may be represented using a vectorial diagram
(Fig. 6).

3. Pharmaceutical and biomedical applications of

dynamic mechanical analysis

Dynamic mechanical analysis is a versatile tech-

nique that may be used to simultaneously charac-
Fig. 5. Stress –strain relationships for viscoelastic materials. terise both the rheological and thermal properties
D.S. Jones / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 179 (1999) 167–178 171

of a wide range of sample types. In particular, 4.1. Characterisation of temperature dependent

the development of modern sample clamping sol–gel transitions in gel systems
systems (geometries) allows for the rapid ther-
morheological characterisation of many pharma- Poloxamers are commercially available block
ceutical and biomedical systems, ranging from co-polymers of polyoxyethylene and poly-
viscoelastic liquids to rigid viscoelastic polymeric oxypropylene that have been employed for the
films. Typically, the following information con- topical administration of drugs to, e.g. the skin
cerning polymeric systems may be obtained us- (Suh and Jun, 1996), eye (Miller and Donovan,
ing dynamic mechanical analysis: 1982) and to the periodontal pocket (Esposito et
1. Quantitative modulus, i.e. storage and loss al., 1996). These materials undergo a temperature-
moduli dependent sol–gel transition that dramatically
2. Glass transitions (primary, secondary etc.) affects their rheological properties, and hence, their
3. Rate and extent of polymeric curing clinical efficacy (Brown et al., 1997, 1998). In our
4. Quantification of gelation, e.g. sol–gel laboratories, dynamic thermal methods have been
transitions employed to characterise the effects of formulation
5. Damping properties, i.e. characterisation of components, e.g. addition of pharmaceuticaly-
the ratio of loss to storage moduli at defined acceptable co-solvents, molecular weight of the
temperatures Poloxamer system and the presence of therapeutic
drug substances, on their thermorheological
6. Polymer morphology/compatibility
properties. The characteristic sol–gel transition of
7. Interactions between polymeric components or
poloxamer in a mixed solvent system (90:10
between drug molecules and polymeric con-
water:propylene glycol) is graphically displayed
stituents of pharmaceutical/biomedical sys-
in Fig. 7. Increasing the average molecular weight
of poloxamer increased the sol–gel tempera-
It is important to note that this is not
ture whereas increasing co-solvent concentr-
an exhaustive list of applications of dynamic ation (ethanol, propylene glycol or glycerol)
mechanical analysis, however, relevant pharma-
ceutical and biomedical examples of many of
these applications will be considered in this re-

4. Dynamic thermal analysis of polymeric gel


A gel may be defined as a cross-linked poly-

mer network that is swollen in a liquid solvent
(Ross-Murphy, 1995). Pharmaceutical and
biomedical applications of gel systems include,
topical drug delivery systems (Jones et al.,
1997a), electrically-conductive interfaces (Jones
et al., 1997c), implantable drug delivery systems
(Rao et al., 1994) and as artificial body fluids,
e.g. aqueous and vitreous humour. Dynamic me-
chanical methods have been suucessfully em-
Fig. 7. Plot of elastic modulus against temperature for polox-
ployed to characterise the thermorheological amer 407 (25% w/w) in a mixed solvent system (90:10 wa-
properties of gel systems, examples of which are ter:propylene glycol), illustrating the temperature-dependent
described below. transition in elastic modulus (sol – gel transition).
172 D.S. Jones / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 179 (1999) 167–178

decreased this parameter. These observations may logical properties. It was reported that, depending
be attributed to the effects of the aforementioned on the concentration of polymer, three viscoelas-
formulation variables on the ability of adjacent tic regions were identified. Firstly, at low concen-
poloxamer chains to desolvate and form cross- trations, a fluid-like zone, corresponding to a
linked aggregates. Subsequently, these formula- homogeneous solution in which there were no
tions would be expected to exhibit different interactions between polymeric chains, was ob-
clinical efficacies and, indeed, patient acceptabili- served. Secondly, at intermediate concentrations,
ties. Similarly, the sol – gel transitions of other the fluid-gel transition zone was apparent in
pharmaceutical and related systems have been which specific intermolecular interactions between
reported using dynamic mechanical methods, e.g. adjacent polymer chains were operative. Finally,
cellulose in an ammonia/ammonia thiocyanate at high concentrations, rheological measurements
solvent system (Frey et al., 1996), hydroxyethy- suggested the presence of a structured network,
lated starch aqueous systems (Jauregui et al., the gel-like zone. This study highlights the gradual
1995), agarose in a dimethyl sulphoxide/water attainment of organisation of gel systems, and the
solvent system (Watase and Nishinari, 1988). impact of such structural properties on ther-
momechanical properties. It is important to note
4.2. Characterisation of rheological properties of that similar, concentration-dependent, rheological
gel systems properties are operative in numerous other phar-
maceutical and biomedical gel systems.
Dynamic thermal methods may also be effec-
tively employed to gain an understanding of the
structure of gel systems, the determinant of gel 5. Dynamic thermal analysis of solid polymeric
rheology. In a series of publiations, Watase and systems of pharmaceutical and biomedical
Nishinari (1988, 1989, 1993) examined the rela- significance
tionships between structure and gelling character-
istics of agarose, polyvinyl alcohol, and high Solid polymeric systems are extensively em-
methoxyl pectin – water gels in mixed solvent sys- ployed in the design of pharmaceutical and
tems composed of dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) biomedical systems. For example, polymeric films
and water. The authors described the significant are used as components of packaging systems, as
effects of DMSO, a co-solvent that interacts with, coatings of solid dosage forms and as integral
and alters the structure of water, on the gel struc- layers of transdermal drug delivery systems and
ture and hence on the sol – gel transition. The wound dresings, whereas, many medical devices
rheological properties and compatibility of mixed (e.g. dental prostheses, catheters, ureteral stents)
gels composed of the polysaccharide k-car- are exclusively solid (viscoelastic) polymeric sys-
rageenan and various galactomannans (locust tems. In many of these examples, the mechanical
bean gum, tara gum and guar gum) has been properties of the solid polymeric components are
described by Muruyama et al. (1995). The elastic essential for their performance, e.g. to ensure
properties of k-carrageenan were improved by the efficient mastication, conductance of body fluids
addition of locust bean gum (primarily) or tara (urine, peritoneal dialysate, cerebrospinal fluid),
gum and were accredited to the binding of the to offer effective protection to compromised sites
‘smooth zone’ of the galactose portion of these (wound dresings) and to prevent the rapid release
gums to the double helix of k-carrageenan. Con- (burst) of therapeutically active agents. Dynamic
versely, the presence of guar gum did not enhance mechanical analysis may be usefully employed to
the elastic properties of gels of k-carageenan. provide information concerning the mechanical
Dynamic mechanical analysis was also em- properties of solid polymeric systems, e.g. glass
ployed by Jauregui et al. (1995) to examine the transition (Tg) temperature(s) and formulation ef-
effects of concentration of hydroxyethylated fects on this parameter, compatibility of polymer
starch in an aqueous solvent on their thermorheo- blends, quantification of moduli, damping proper-
D.S. Jones / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 179 (1999) 167–178 173

ties and rate of curing of polymeric systems.

Examples in which dynamic mechanical methods
have been employed to provide such information
are described below.

5.1. Characterisation of glass transition

temperatures of solid polymeric systems using
dynamic mechanical methods

Polymeric systems (amorphic, semi-crystalline

and crystalline) exhibit distinctive temperature-de-
pendent effects on their viscoelastic properties. In
amorphous polymers (primarily), a primary relax-
ation transition, referred to as the glass transition
(Tg), may be observed at a characteristic tempera-
Fig. 8. Graphical representation of the relationship between
ture, at which there is conversion of the polymer modulus and temperature for a viscoelastic polymer system
from a glass-like state, in which there is restricted (reproduced with permission from Anseth et al., 1996)
motion of the polymeric chains, to a rubber-like
state in which there is a loss in rigidity (i.e. main polymeric chains.
increased relaxation) associated with enhanced Several studies have employed dynamic me-
polymeric chain mobility (Ferry, 1980; Ward and chanical methods to elucidate relaxation processes
Hadley, 1993). In addition, there may be several in cellulose polymers and other polysaccharides.
other temperature-dependent relaxations associ- For example, Rials and Glasser (1988), using
ated with primarily amorphous polymer systems differential scanning calorimetry and dynamic me-
that may be associated with structural features, chanical analysis, described three distinct relax-
e.g. temperature-dependent mobility of side ation transitions for hydroxypropylcellulose films
groups. The ability of dynamic mechanical meth- (cast from dioxane and acetone) that were at-
ods to accurately detect changes in the moduli of tributed to three phases, namely amorphous, crys-
polymeric systems forms the basis of the experi- talline and intermediate. Cross-linking of this
mental determination of glass transition tempera- polymer using toluene diisocyanate increased the
tures (Ferry, 1980). Typically, the glass transition glass transition temperatures. Similarly, dynamic
is defined as the temperature(s) at which either a mechanical analysis has been successfully em-
maximum in the mechanical damping parameter ployed to determine glass transitions within other
(tan d) or loss modulus (G%%) occurs. Fig. 8 shows cellulose polymers, e.g. hydroxyethylcellulose, hy-
the characteristic generic temperature dependency droxypropylmehylcellulose and hydroxypropylcel-
of modulus in an amorphous polymer system. A lulose (Kararli et al., 1990). In many cases, the
further example of this is presented in Fig. 9 in greater sensitivity of dynamic mechanical analysis
which the relationship between the loss modulus for the determination of discrete glass transitions
of a congeneric series of polymethacrylate esters has been reported. Kim et al. (1994) described the
and temperature is presented (Heijober, 1965). thermal characteristics of chitin and hydrox-
From this, three of the four relaxations (Tg) in ypropyl chitin, materials that have received recent
these polymers may be observed and are denoted attention for their potential applications for drug
as a, b and g, designated in alphabetical order as delivery and as medical devices. The a transitions
a function of decreasing temperature. The pri- for chitin and hydroxypropylchitin were 236 and
mary transition (a) may be attributed to increased 252°C, respectively. In addition, b transitions,
mobility of main polymeric chains, whereas, the b associated with the presence of acetamide groups,
and g transitions may be accredited to either side were observed at 143°C in both polysaccharides
group mobility and/or end group motions of the and, furthermore, a further b transition was ob-
174 D.S. Jones / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 179 (1999) 167–178

served at 105°C for hydroxypropylchitin that was plasticiser has a limited solubility in the polymer
accredited to the relaxation of the hydroxypropyl system (Ferry, 1980; Ward and Hadley, 1993).
moiety. This latter transition was only observed Furthermore, dynamic mechanical methods are
using dynamic mechanical analysis. frequently employed to evaluate the effects of
Dynamic mechanical methods have also been cross-linking agents and also various formulation
employed to evaluate chemical and formulation additives on polymer Tg. As a result of reduced
effects on the glass transitions of polymeric sys- main chain mobility and also reduced distance
tems. For example, these techniques may be used between these chains (i.e. reduced free volume),
to quantify the ability of plasticisers to lower the the Tg of cross-linked systems is generally greater
glass transition temperature of polymers and, ad- than their non-crosslinked counterparts. For ex-
ditionally, to assess the compatibilty of plasticis- ample, Oysaed (1990) examined the effects of a
ers with polymeric systems. Consequently, the range of chemically-related dimethacrylate cross-
linking agents on the dynamic mechanical proper-
resolution of the loss tangent peak (associated
ties of multiphase acrylate systems formed by
with the Tg) is high whenever there is good com-
autopolymerisation of a mixture of liquid
patibility between polymer and plasticiser,
methacrylate monomers and polymethylmethacry-
whereas, peak broading is observed whenever the
late (PMMA). The author reported increased Tg
values as the concentrations of cross-linking
agents increased. Similarly, Cascone (1997) re-
ported elevated Tg values for cross-linked gelatin
films compared with their uncross-liked

5.2. Characterisation of thermorheological

properties of pharmaceutical and biomedical
polymers designed for use in the oral ca6ity

The viscoelastic properties of polymeric formu-

lations designed for implantation into the oral
cavity are important determinants of product per-
formance as, within this environment, such prod-
ucts are exposed to oscillatory stresses often
within the linear viscoelastic range (Jones et al.,
1997a). Consequently, there have been several
reports that have examined the dynamic mechani-
cal properties of polymers employed as dental
prostheses, e.g. dentures, temporary crown mate-
rials, bridge materials, denture soft lining materi-
als. In a series of publications, Clarke (1989a,b,c)
described the dynamic mechanical properties of
heat cured poly(methyl methacrylate)-based mate-
rials, bis-phenol A-related resins and heterocyclic
methacrylates, respectively. In particular, the au-
thor described their thermal viscoelastic spectra,
the effects of formulation additives on these prop-
Fig. 9. Relationship between the loss modulus of a series of
erties and the various Tg values for these materi-
polymethacrylate esters and temperature is presented (repro- als. In addition, by plotting the logarithm of the
duced with permission from Heijober, 1965). oscillatory frequency against the reciprocal of ei-
D.S. Jones / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 179 (1999) 167–178 175

ther the primary (a) or secondary (b) glass 5.3. Dynamic mechanical analysis of mixed
transition temperatures, the author calculated polymeric systems
activation energies, i.e. the energy required to
induce relaxation phenomena, within the desig- Frequently, polymers are physically blended
nated samples, and additionally, examined the to, e.g. improve mechanical properties, enhance
effects of formulation aditives, e.g. fillers, cross- biocompatibility or modify drug release proper-
linking agents, on the energy requirements for ties. There are a number of methods by which
such transitions. this may be performed, including the physical
More recently, Vaidyanathan and Vaidyan- blending of two or more polymers and the for-
athan (1995) reported the dynamic mechanical mation of interpenetrating networks (IPN), i.e.
properties of commercially available denture the combination of two or more different poly-
base resins (Triad, Lucitone 199, Acron MC) mer networks that consist of purely physical en-
that had been cured using a range of different tanglement of the polymer chains (Jones et al.,
energy sources (heat. microwave and visible 1997d). Following formation of these systems,
light). This study showed that the viscoelastic dynamic mechanical methods may be readily
properties of visible light cured denture bases employed to characterise their physicochemical
were significantly different from those cured us- properties in terms of, compatibility between
ing either microwave or heat (which exhibited constituent polymers, their Tg values and rheo-
statistically similar properties). The observed dif- logical properties. In a recent study, Jones et al.
ferences were attributed to the effects of filler (1997d) described the dynamic mechanical prop-
loading and crosslinking agents in the visible erties of IPNs composed of polymethylmethacry-
light cure resin, and indeed, it was concluded late (PMMA) and polyurethane (PU) that had
that the viscoelastic properties of this biomate- been designed as ureteral stent biomaterials to
rial were potentially inappropriate for the de- offer greater resistance to extrinsic compression
sired clinical applications. Dynamic mechanical following implanation. This study exhibited the
analysis has also been employed to characterise range of moduli that can be obtained by alter-
the viscoelastic properties of commercially avail- ing the ratio of these polymers, and, identified
able denture lining materials to, firstly, derive a specific ratios of PMMA to PU that possessed
greater understanding of structure – property re- optimal properties to resist compression yet of-
lationships of these systems and, secondly, to fer comfort to the patient following implanta-
examine the mechanical properties under experi- tion. Additionally, the Tg of the IPN increased
mental conditions that simulate the rate and (linearily) as the percentage of PMMA was in-
type of deformation that these materials would creased, indicative of good compatibility be-
encounter in vivo. Recently Kalachandra et al. tween the two polymers (Fig. 10). Conversely,
(1995) and Waters et al. (1996) examined the Tsuji and Ikada (1996) described the dynamic
viscoelastic properties of commercially available mechanical properties of blends of two aliphatic
soft liners. In the former study the authors de- polyesters, poly(DL-lactide) and poly(o-caprolac-
scribed the effects of water sorption on the vis- tone), that have received interest as components
coelastic properties of four commercial of drug delivery systems and biomedical devices
materials, and significantly, highlighted the simi- due to their biodegradability. Using dynamic
lar numerical values of G%, G%% and tan d at mechanical analysis, the authors described the
37°C, despite the obvious differences in chemical moduli of the various blends and pure compo-
composition of each material. On the other nents alone over a wide temperature range (−
hand, Waters et al. described differences in 100–circa 60°C), from which it was concluded
some of the viscoelastic properties of alternative that phase-separation of the two polymeric com-
materials and importantly, highlighted their po- ponents ocurred following evaporation of the
tential clinical relevance. casting solvent (dichloromethane). In a similar
176 D.S. Jones / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 179 (1999) 167–178

dynamic mechanical thermal analysis to evaluate

both the curing rate and optimal curing temper-
ature of candidate polymeric coatings and, addi-
tionally, the effects of catalysts on these
processes. It is expected that this technique will
be more frequently used for the evaluation of
curing (and related processes) of pharmaceutical
and biomedical polymeric systems.

6. Conclusions

This review has concisely described both the

theory of dynamic mechanical analysis and, ad-
ditionally, the applications of this technique for
the characterisation of the thermorheological
Fig. 10. Graphical representation of the relationship between properties of pharmaceutical and biomedical sys-
primary glass transition temperature and polymeric ratio of tems. In particular, information may be derived
sequential interpenetrating polymer networks composed of
concerning, polymer viscoelastic properties as
(poly(methylmethacrylate) and polyurethane (data transcribed
from Jones et al., 1997d). functions of temperature, glass transition tem-
perature(s), sol–gel transitions, rate and extent
of polymer curing, polymer morphology and
polymer-polymer compatibility. Whilst dynamic
fashion, Vasquez-Torres and Cruz-Ramos (1994) mechanical techniques have been widely em-
employed dynamic mechanical analysis to de- ployed in the polymer, and related industries,
scribe the moduli and Tg properties of blends of their applications for the characterisation of
cellulosic esters (cellulose triacetate, cellulose ac- pharmaceutical and certain biomedical systems
etate butyrate and cellulose diacetate) and have not received similar attention, due, in part,
poly(o-caprolactone) that had been prepared fol- to practical difficulties in sample analysis. The
lowing solvent evaporation. The relationships availability of newer sample clamps that allow
between both the viscoelastic moduli and Tg and for convenient dynamic analysis should over-
polymeric composition of the various blends al- come this problem and thus improve the accept-
lowed the authors to conclude that blends of ability of this technique to these industries.
poly(o-caprolactone) and cellulose acetate bu- Furthermore, it is suggested that dynamic me-
tyrate were partially immiscible whereas blends chanical analysis may be usefully employed for
of poly(o-caprolactone) and either cellulose tri- the improved characterisation of pharmaceutical
actetae or cellulose diacetate were immiscible. dosage forms and biomedical devices, with a
view to optimisation of their formulation. Fi-
5.4. Assessment of cure of polymeric materials nally, as many implanted dosage forms/devices
using dynamic mechanical analysis are subjected to oscillatory, non-destructive,
stresses, dynamic mechanical analysis is a useful
Dynamic mechanical methods may be also technique for the prediction of the effect of
used to characterise both the rate and extent of these stresses on their in vivo performance. The
polymer curing/cross-linking, as such processess diversity of information that may be obtained
are associated with time-dependent changes in from dynamic mechanical methods should en-
the elastic modulus. In a recent study, sure their establishment within the pharmaceuti-
Skrovanek (1990) described the successful use of cal and biomedical industries.
D.S. Jones / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 179 (1999) 167–178 177

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