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Somatic Intelligence: The Conversation

Every Body Wants to Have with You

Suresha Hill
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How to Release Each Major Muscle in Your Body

in 5 Minutes or Less

by Suresha Hill, M.S., Ed.S., H.S.E., D.O.M.T.P.

Volume 5 – Color Edition


Although these techniques and exercises are very gentle and meant
to be done slowly taking every precaution into consideration when
incorporating something new into your system, there may be acute
or flared up chronic conditions that the movements or positions
won’t work well for. It’s a good idea to double-check with your doctor,
chiropractor, osteopath, or physical therapist if you have any doubt or
concerns whether or not the suggestions will be appropriate for your
body at this time. Somatic Education is not meant to replace medical
supervision for serious conditions.

Interior Graphic Design by Jody Levitan

Cover Design by Suresha Hill and Michigan Yang
with Graphics Assistance by Michigan Yang

All Rights Reserved © 2015

No portion of this text, except for brief review, may be reproduced,
stored in an electronic retrieval system,or transmitted in any form,
by any means - electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise
without the expressed, written permission of the author and publisher:
One Sky Productions, P.O. Box 150954
San Rafael, CA 94915
Acknowledgments................................................................................ i
Forward: Dr. Steve Sanet...................................................................iii
Preface: Journey to the Senses....................................................... iv

Chapter 1................................................................2
Who Are You Talking To?
Mechanoreceptor Proprioceptor System..............................2
Intrinsic Layers of Muscle Fibers...................................................4
Bone Constituents...........................................................................6
Bone Remodeling............................................................................ 7
The Structure of Long Bones........................................................9
Sensory-Motor Cortex.................................................................. 11
The Fight or Flight System...........................................................12
Glands and Hormones..................................................................13
The Endocrine System and Energy Centers.............................15
Consciousness: The Importance of Awareness......................18

Chapter 2............................................................. 20
Gathering Your Baseline
The Effects of Sleep Positions.....................................................21
Assess Yourself............................................................................... 23
Body Planes.....................................................................................25
The Importance of Postural Adaptations................................. 26
Early Influences Upon Posture....................................................27
Posture and Health....................................................................... 29
Chapter 3 ............................................................ 30
Rebalancing Our Support Systems
Releasing Forces in the Feet....................................................... 32
Techniques for Your Heel............................................................ 32
Techniques for Your Arch.............................................................33
Techniques for Your Instep..........................................................33
Integrating the Feet with Each Other....................................... 34
Integrating the Feet with the Legs.............................................35
Techniques to Release the Lower Legs and Thighs...............37
Releasing the Hamstrings, Knees,
Tensor Fascia Latae and IT Band.................................................... 38
Techniques to Release the Quads............................................. 39

Chapter 4..............................................................42
Releasing the Center of Gravity
Releases for the Hips and Pelvis................................................ 43
Integrating the Pelvis with the Spine........................................ 45
Tuning in to the Anatomy of the Thorax.................................. 48
Integrating the Posterior Chain of Fascia................................ 49
Integrating the Frontal Plane with the Midline........................51
Integrating the Saggital Plane with the Midline.......................52
Integrating the Core with Multiple Planes................................55
Releases for the Arms, Neck, and Shoulders...........................57

Chapter 5..............................................................62
Resetting with Tiny Touches
Steps to Using Tiny Touches to Reset the Hamstrings......... 64
Using Tiny Touches to Reorganize Posture............................ 65
Integrating Tiny Touches with Other Exercises....................67
Releasing the Hands..........................................................................
Releasing the Arms....................................................................... 68
Releasing the Knees..................................................................... 68
Releasing the Back ....................................................................... 69
Releasing the Spine...................................................................... 70
Tying it All Together.......................................................................7 1


Gratitude to my Grandfather, and to all my teachers

and clients over the years who have contributed so greatly
to this body of work that promises to offer tremendous
potential in resetting balance and restoring freedom
of motion in every body.

Dr. Steve Sanet, D.O

I am an atypical physician. I went to osteopathic medical school, which in the

United States is identical to allopathic medical school with the addition of
osteopathic philosophy and manipulation, but it is still medical school. We
mostly learned about drugs and surgery and it is a rare osteopath, in the United
States, who breaks free of the gravitational pull of traditional medicine. Dur-
ing my exposure to osteopathy I got drawn in by the manipulation side of med-
icine; healing people without drugs and treating surgery as a last resort.
Suresha Hill is anything but typical. Her unique background in psychology
meshed together with many non-traditional bodywork approaches gives her a
vantage point of healing and understanding the body in disease and in health.
Somatic Intelligence and Neurosomatic Integration are complex and avant-garde
approaches that Suresha makes easy for the reader to understand. Understand-
ing illness and the choices that are available for health is the difference between
life and death today.
We have a saying in medicine that “if your only tool is a hammer then every-
thing you see looks like a nail.” For me, that describes the medical surgical ap-
proach to disease. It is not that I do not see the utility of the aforementioned, I do,
but rather medicine is conditioned to look at only what is pushed by massively
influential drug companies. For optimal health it is imperative that the patient
open their eyes to other possibilities today.
What Suresha has been working with and easily explains is nothing short of
epiphany. It has been my greatest honor to know Suresha. For my part, she is a
visionary and embodies the spirit of what caught my interest so many years ago.


Journey to the Senses

C hronic and acute pain from a series of lifelong injuries became teach-
ers of mine and led me to Hanna Somatics, which was instrumen-
tal in creating a major turning point in my system. A few years of
trial-and-error rehabilitation with exercise and dietary changes returned my
body to a stable, stronger place. The Marin Center for Somatic Education was
founded in 1992 along with the work that I called, NeuroSomatic Integration™.
The grace within the injuries was that it deepened an inquiry that was already
in place for my chronic and acute clients at the sports medicine clinic where I
worked, as to what was causing their pain, and what would work best to reset
their systems.
Pain and discomfort awakened me every night, but being a practical per-
son, the time spent awake was put to good use. Sleep deprivation can be a huge
motivator! Like trying to find the hidden button to a trap door, I searched my
system for how to make a difference in the discomfort, since working directly
on the symptomatic areas hadn’t been working. Because the source was usually
not in the area that was hurting, I became interested in functional relationships
in the body. For example, working inside my mouth around the masseter (chew-
ing muscle) often helped ease the migraines, and taking pressure off my thighs
always helped my back.
Classes that were either directly, or indirectly based in osteopathic principles
and techniques, led to a series of ‘ahas!’ that re-opened the doors in my system to
greater and greater release, balance, strength, and sensitivity. I couldn’t help but
explore with my clients the functional connections I was learning in the middle
of the night along with the techniques from the classes. After a few hundred

responses I could feel comfortable that the relationships revealing themselves

might be correct for most people, but more than that, the body always points to
and leads the way to its own release and rebalance.
As Dr. Barral used to say, “The body hugs the lesion.” After a few thousand
responses, I felt like I was onto something. Things reliably shifted in just a few
minutes in the initial ‘target’ area, or another source was responsible that either
followed a line of force, or was shown by the body to be connected. We all have
the same dots, but there are many varieties of ways to connect them.
Meditation, contemplation, and light participation in chi kung revealed a
different dimension of relationship to the sensations arising in my system, which,
due to the ever-increasing sensitivity, continued to wake me up every night for 30
years. Layer upon layer of insights about the body’s restrictions, its responsive-
ness, layers of intelligence, and its web of engagement, continued to open up, to
unpack itself, peal out of what it was digesting, and return to a ‘dynamic’ resting
state. For as many revelations as there have been over the years which I am glad
to be able to share for others to enjoy, I must admit that there is still a tremendous
amount of mystery that permeates what the body is capable of and just how deep
the rabbit hole goes.
You’ll probably discover the same thing as you begin dialing into your body
and it begins to answer the call. The most important thing is to get the conversa-
tion started and to develop a closer relationship with your system. Your body
stays plugged in to the switchboard 24 hours a day and is ready with the headset
on to speak with you about absolutely anything and everything. The conversation
it wants to have with you is about how you want to proceed, where are you go-
ing exactly, what is your intention when you arrive there? If you try to go ‘alone’,
it will of course take you, but it will be similar to driving at night without your
lights on. The information available to you about your environment will be great-
ly reduced, making it a little more hazardous, and a lot less fun. You’ll be missing
so much along the way that would have been remarkable if not sensational!
Each body is made of the same constituents, but the intelligence that flows
through it will be touching in on its own unique history as it opens up. Each door
that you open together holds a potential of richness, of power, of magical mo-
ments and subtleties that draw you more and more deeply into the actualization
of your vision in a spirit of health and healthy choices. The information that the
somatic journey has for you will be yours alone, and likely just as fascinating and
rewarding as it’s been for me. As you begin to listen to your body’s language and
feel how it fills in the blanks of your questions, it will have many secrets to share
that will benefit you for your entire life.
No man has the right to be an amateur
in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a
man to grow old without seeing the beauty and
strength of which his body is capable.

Chapter 1

Who Are You

Talking To?
I am not saying that by understanding the
bodymind relationship you will be able to cure all your
physical difficulties but what I am saying is that such an
understanding adds an essential, and invariably overlooked,
component to your healing process.
Deb Shapiro

Mechanoreceptor and Proprioceptive System

Somatic IntelligenceTM

I t might be helpful to learn exactly what you’re

communicating with in terms of what
structures are processing the information that
you give to your body. Who’s listening when
you speak? Many, many
They are most efficient in picking up lower
frequency stimuli at 30 – 50 Hz, to fine touch
and discrimination. Rapidly adapting receptors
tune in mainly to dynamic stimuli that might
be changing as the con-
structures immediately tact continues, so that
become engaged when each change can register
you call upon your body quickly. By adapting rap-
to act, so we’ll just cover idly, they allow ongoing
the main ones. First of stimulation from cloth-
all, your body wants to ing or eye glasses to not
know where you are in constantly be noticed.
comparison to where Free nerve endings are
you want to be. There are nociceptors that respond
parts of the brain in the to temperature, lack of
parietal lobe that will be O2, pain and inflamma-
telling itself where your tion, alerting the brain
body is doing in relation to itself (interoceptors), when something’s wrong in that category. They
as well as what’s happening in relationship to its also release neuropeptides locally, can dilate
surroundings (exteroceptors). This information blood vessels, increase nutrition and influence
is further refined by the mechanoreceptors immune function in response to the chemicals
dedicated to tactile or kinesthetic information released by damaged tissues.
located in your skin, joints, ligaments and Ruffini endings (as well as Pacinian cor-
tendons in different layers. puscles) are found in connective tissue such as
The epidermis is the most superficial layer muscular fascia, tendons, ligaments, aponeuro-
of skin, followed by the dermis where most ses and joint capsules. They are also in deeper
of the receptors are, then the hypodermis just layers of tissue in spinal ligaments, abdominal
above the fatty layer before muscle tissue. Each fascia, plantar (soles of the feet) and palmar
receptor has a specific thing to sense. Pacinian (palms of the hands) tissue as well as the peri-
corpuscles act like a filter that inhibits certain toneum. Ruffini bodies are in the more dense
impulses, and allows only frequencies between tissue related to slow, continued stretch such as
250-350 Hz to activate nerve endings. They superficial layers of joint capsules, peripheral
mainly respond to tickling, sudden, high veloc- joint ligaments, and the Dura mater in the cra-
ity changes in pressure, or slight vibrations. nium. These endings also respond to lateral or
Meissner’s corpuscles are tactile, cutane- tangential stretching (Kruger, 1987), and have a
ous receptors found on smooth, hairless sur- relaxing effect on the local tissues as well as the
faces of the skin, like the palms and soles of whole organism (van den Berg & Capri, 1999)
our feet, and stimulate rapidly adapting action causing a down-regulation of the sympathetic
potentials with minimal depression of the skin. nervous system.

Who Are You Talking To? / Chapter 2

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