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Group 2 Word of the Day

October 10th - December 9th

Date Word Part of Speech Definition Synonym Antonym Sentence Activity

The protestors were vociferous as they

Loud or vehement in volume (usually for protest or What is one thing that you are
10/10/2022 Vociferous Adjective Boisterous; Noisy Silent; Quiet screamed outside of the government
speech). vociferous about?

It's a good idea to avoid hardcore hockey Write about a time when you
10/11/2022 Belligerent Adjective Hostile or aggressive. Peaceful; Friendly fans after their team loses because they have regretted being
tend to be belligerent. belligerent.


President Barack Obama used to chide his

To voice disapproval or speak out due to Admonish; When is it a good time to be
10/13/2022 Chide Verb Applaud; Commend staff for admiring a problem rather than
displeased feelings. Reprimand chide with people?
doing something about it.

The proposals were an anathema to wealthy

Name something that is an
10/14/2022 Anathema Noun A detested, disliked, or loathed person or thing. Ban Blessing people who would face higher tax rates to
anathema to you. Explain.
pay for them.

A feeling of great respect or honor that is either Her poems are treated with reverence by Name someone you hold in
10/17/2022 Reverence Noun Admiration Disrespect
felt or shown. other poets. high reverence and tell why?

A disagreeable obligation; a burden A parent should view their parental Write a sentence using the
10/18/2022 Onus Noun that someone adheres to as part of their Irresponsibility responsibility not as an onus but as a word onus in the school
duty or responsibility. privilege. setting.

To be an astronaut, you must be an intrepid Write about a person you find

10/19/2022 Intrepid Adjective Fearless or having immense courage or endurance. Audacious; Bold Cowardly; Timid person who craves adventure and is not to be intrepid and explain
afraid of heights. why?

Word of the Day Review: November 28th - December 7th

Word of the Day Test: December 8th and 9th
Group 2 Word of the Day
October 10th - December 9th

Date Word Part of Speech Definition Synonym Antonym Sentence Activity

No one is trying to denigrate the importance

10/20/2022 To attack the reputation of someone or something; Tell about a time when your
Denigrate Verb Slander; Besmirch Praise; Compliment of a good education. We all know that it is
[Early Release] to belittle. opinion has been denigrated?
crucial for success.

10/21/2022 Teacher Planning Day

The newest SUV is a gas-guzzling behemoth Create a list of four things that
10/24/2022 Behemoth Noun Something of large or immense size or portion. Giant; Mammoth Dwarf; Runt that doesn't even fit in a standard parking can be considered a
space. behemoth.

Making something's value or importance greater The pretentious couple always serves caviar Describe a pretentious
10/25/2022 Pretentious Adjective than what it possesses (usually to impress); Modest; Plain at their parties, even though they moment that occurred in your
Exaggerated importance, worth, or stature. themselves dislike it. life.

When I look at the house for What are some salient

10/26/2022 Salient Adjective Significantly noticeable or prominently shown. Conspicuous Insignificant sale, salient defects such as the broken characteristics of your
windows stare back at me. personality?

Describe a historical event

A debased, distorted, or grossly inferior imitation It would be a travesty of justice to put an
10/27/2022 Travesty Noun Mockery N/A that you believe was a
of something in particular. innocent man in jail.

Some people depicted the actor as a shy,

Think of a movie character
10/28/2022 Reclusive Adjective Solitary or isolating away from society. Introverted Extraverted reclusive figure, mostly at home in his study
who likes to be reclusive.
listening to opera music.

Planning a wedding can be fraught with so Describe a time in your life

Full of or accompanied by something specified
10/31/2022 Fraught Adjective Replete Empty much tension and difficulty as a full-time that caused you to experience
(usually causing emotional distress or tension).
job. fraught.

Word of the Day Review: November 28th - December 7th

Word of the Day Test: December 8th and 9th
Group 2 Word of the Day
October 10th - December 9th

Date Word Part of Speech Definition Synonym Antonym Sentence Activity

When Congress met to discuss the issue at

The smallest number of people who must be
hand, they realized that they would List places where a quorum
11/1/2022 Quorum Noun present at a meeting in order for decisions to be Attendance N/A
postpone the session until a quorum was needs to be met.

When has your sagacity

The mental ability to understand and discriminate I learned that sagacity and quick wits are worked for you in a situation
11/2/2022 Sagacity Noun Judgement N/A
between relations. necessary in avoiding dangerous situations. that might have ended up

11/3/2022 Professional Study Day

State something that can be

Within this digital era, the ownership of a
Omnipresent; considered ubiquitous, and
11/4/2022 Ubiquitous Adjective Being present or found everywhere. Rare; Scarce cellphone has become quite ubiquitous
Universal explain why it could be
compared to previous generations.

The older boy attempted to impute the Why would ever impute
To lay the responsibility or blame for something,
11/7/2022 Impute Verb Accuse Absolve damage of the broken window onto his something onto someone
often falsely or unjustly.
innocent brother. else?

11/8/2022 Teacher Planning Day

Sincerely attached to his home, yet he felt

Something that is different, abnormal, peculiar, or Give an example of something
11/9/2022 Anomaly Noun Oddity Standard the anomaly of his new position out of
not easily classified. that is an anomaly.

Wanting to attract attention, admiration, or envy

Flamboyant; Tasteful; Their house is ridiculously ostentatious, and List ways that things can be
11/10/2022 Ostentatious Adjective (often through gaudiness); overly elaborate or
Extravagant Conservative doesn’t fit the style of the neighborhood. ostentatious.

Your perfidious gossip is malicious and Give an example of someone

11/14/2022 Perfidious Adjective Deceitful or untrustworthy. Disloyal Loyal
dangerous. who is perfidious?

Word of the Day Review: November 28th - December 7th

Word of the Day Test: December 8th and 9th
Group 2 Word of the Day
October 10th - December 9th

Date Word Part of Speech Definition Synonym Antonym Sentence Activity

Her nasty attitude and melodramatic bow

Think of a time that you have
on the way out of the elimination room has
11/15/2022 Melodramatic Adjective Being overly emotional (usually relating to drama). Theatrical Calm been melodramatic. What
been featured numerous times on clip
caused you to act this way?

Compelled at last to capitulate, the army

Under what circumstances
11/14/2022 Capitulate Verb To surrender under specified conditions. Succumb Retaliate was completely dismantledand and never
would you capitulate?
again faught for the King.

In spite of the problematic timing, the girl Think of a time when you
11/15/2022 Rescind Verb To revoke, repeal, or cancel. Invalidate Allow did not rescind her invitation to her sweet wanted to rescind something
16 party. and write about it.

Describe a time in your life

Kept secret, especially because it would not be There was a lot of surreptitious advertising
11/16/2022 Surreptitious Adjective Covert; Clandestine Open; Authorized that caused you to be
approved of. for the hidden cafe that opened in Las Olas.

Provide some examples of

To clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt A judgment may be all that is required to
11/17/2022 Vindicate Verb Exonerate Incriminate when you were vindicated of
with supporting arguments or proof. vindicate a right which is breached.

Explain the meaning of

Jared was fired from his job because he was "iconoclast" without saying
Someone who attacks and seeks to destroy widely
11/18/2022 Iconoclast Noun Rebel; Revolutionist Follower; Believer an iconoclast and dared to question the "one who rages against the
accepted ideas, beliefs, etc..
company’s mission. machine" or "anti-

Word of the Day Review: November 28th - December 7th

Word of the Day Test: December 8th and 9th

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