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Solid-StoreHecrronics Vol. 41, No. 6, pp.

887-893, 1997
0 1997ElsevierScience Ltd. All rights reserved
Pergamon Printed in Great Britain
PII: SOO38-1101(97)00025-7 0038-I101197 $17.00+ 0.00


‘Department of Electronics and Informatics, Toyama Prefectural University, Kurokawa, Kosugi-Machi,
Imizu-gun, Toyama 939-03, Japan
*Semiconductor Research Center, Matsushita Electric Ind. Co. Ltd. Yagumonaka-machi, Moriguchi.
Osaka 570, Japan

(Received 24 Ju1.v 1996: in revised form 14 November 1996)

Abstract-Electroluminescence (EL) characteristics of n+-polysilicon MOS capacitors with 50 nm

Si-implanted SiO2 were measured. The EL intensity is almost proportional to the gate current, and the
EL efficiency is about S&70 times larger than that of a MOS capacitor without Si-implantation. Although
the EL spectra of MOS capacitors have a broad peak around 650 nm regardless of the Si-implantation,
only the EL intensity of Si-implanted MOS capacitors increases gradually below 500 nm. The latter may
be caused by radiative electron capture into two kinds of SiOztrap levels, 2.g2.5 and 3.0 eV below the
conduction band of SiO2. 0 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd

1. INTRODUCTION junctions[l9] has been discussed for display device

Since the observation of room-temperature photo- Here the EL intensity and spectrum from
luminescence (PL) in porous silicon (PS) with n+-polysilicon MOS capacitors with 50 nm Si-
nanometer-size crystals[l], electroluminescence (EL) implanted Si02 were measured and compared with
PS-devices with electrodes employing Al/Au/Q/IT0 published ELjPL spectra to discuss the possibility
films[2], SiC[3], polymer contacts[45] and electro- of optoelectronic device application. The EL MOS
lytes[6] were developed for practical use in opto- capacitors have process compatibility with Si-LSI
electronics. However many problems must be as well as EEPROM/NVRAM devices with Si-
overcome for practical applications of EL PS-devices; implanted Si02[20,21].
the instability of light emission in an ambient, the
strong dependence on the fabrication conditions,
fragile mechanical properties, the difficulty to form
electrodes at the rough PS surface with good 2.1. MOS capacitors
current-injection efficiency, and finally the inferior Figure l(a) shows a cross-sectional view of a
process compatibility with Si LSI. MOS capacitor with Si-implanted gate-Si02. The
Recently, a number of alternative synthesis process sequence of the MOS capacitor was the
methods of nanocrystals was proposed; nanocrys- same as for the conventional n-MOSFET with a
talline Si film crystallized from amorphous Si[7], single polysilicon-gate except for the additional
Ge-crystal-doped silica glass by sol-gel method[8], Si-implantation after the gate oxidation[20]. The
SiOrdoped Si films[9], nanocrystals imbedded in substrate is p-type silicon of 1 x 1015cm-‘. The MOS
oxide[ 10-l 31, or ion-implantation of Si[ 14-l 51 and capacitors are isolated by a LOCOS process with
Ge[ 161 into Si02. The ion-implantation approach a field oxide of 0.6 pm. The channel stop doping of
seems quite promising, because of the controllability about 6 x 10’”cm-’ is formed to a depth of 0.45 pm
of nanocrystal formation, well passivation from the under the field oxide. Boron channel-implantation
external ambient and excellent compatibility with of 6 x 10” cm-’ at 40 keV is performed before
Si LSI processes are satisfied. However, the ion- gate oxidation. The gate oxide of 50 nm is grown
implanted SiO2 films are estimated by PL methods. thermally and then Si-ions are implanted into the
Only the EL characteristics of Ge-implanted p+- gate oxide at various implantation conditions. After
polysilicon/Si02/Si structuresI 161 have been reported phosphorous doped n+-polysilicon gates of 0.35 pm
so far. In contrast, EL effects from MOS capacitors thickness are patterned, n+-regions surrounding the
with thermally grown SiOl under Fowler-Nordheim MOS capacitors for inversion measurements are
tunnel conditions have been measured for reliability formed by a self-aligned As-implantation with a dose
analysis and characterization of SiOr film[ 17-181. of 6 x 10” cm-* at 80 keV to a final junction depth
Further, EL photoemission from MOS tunnel of 0.20 pm. Then CVD-Si02 film is deposited and

888 T. Matsuda et al.

etched to form contact windows. Finally aluminum 1 x lO”‘cm- with energies of 20 keV and 50 keV.
interconnections are formed and sintered. The total Since the Rp at 20 keV implantation locates closer
thermal annealing after Si-implantation is 900°C for to the polysilicon-SiO* interface, Si-atoms scarcely
30 min in Nz ambient. (i.e.; less than l/l00 of the peak %-concentration)
Five kinds of Si-implanted MOS capacitors were exist near the SiOrSi interface. However, the Rp at
fabricated as shown in Fig. I(b). Three samples 50 keV implantation locates around the SiO*-Si
(hereafter called # 25 1, 2 and 3) have gate-ho2 with interface. Si-implantation of 3 x lOI crne2 at 25 keV
Si-doses of ( 1, 2 and 3) x 10” cm -’ at an energy of represents about 15% of off-stoichiometric Si in
25 keV at which the projected range Rp locates the SiOz. A MOS capacitor without Si-implantation
around the center of the gate-SiOz and about l/l0 was also fabricated as a reference device (called #O).
of the peak Si-concentration is distributed near The sample #0 was processed in the same way as
the SiOz-Si interface. The other two samples (called the other Si-implanted samples except implantation
#20-l and #50-l ) were implanted to a dose of step.

\ Channel-Stop Dope
\ 4x10’6 cm-3
Gate402 (50nm) \ \
// ‘\
_.’ .___-_--

‘r p-9 ; lx1015cm-3

Gate-SiOs ’ Si-Substrate
#25-3 !
I i

Depth x (nm)

Fig. 1. (a) A cross-sectional view of a test MOS capacitor with S&implanted SiO2, and (b) implanted
Si-profiles calculated by the LSS theory.
Electroluminescence of MOS capacitors 889

MOS capacitors of 0.48 mm2 for accumulation the band-pass filter. When the band-pass filter is
measurements (i.e.; under negative gate voltages not used, the EL/PL image from 400 to 900 nm is
- VG) are not surrounded by the n+-regions, while measured. The shortest and the longest wavelengths
those of 0.13 mm’ for inversion measurements (i.e.; are limited by the spectrum responses of the
under positive gate voltages + VG)are surrounded by microscope and the CCD imager, respectively.
n+-regions to form inversion layers under the MOS For the EL/PL spectra measurements, a mono-
capacitors. chromator is inserted between the optical microscope
and the CCD camera through optical fibers. A cut-off
2.2. Measurement system filter of PL excitation light is inserted between the
Figure 2 shows an ELjPL measurement system optical fiber and the monochromator for rejecting
to analyze both images and spectra. The system is the influence of the excitation light as well as
set in the light-tight enclosure. A device under test the second harmonics. The 0.3 m monochromator
(DUT) fabricated in a six-inch wafer is set on a (MC-30N with 150 groves/mm blazed at 500 nm) was
micro-manipulator wafer prober. Current/voltage are manufactured for Ritsuu Ltd. The measurable
supplied to DUT from a power supply unit. UV-light spectrum ranges from 400 to 900 nm with a spectral
generated by Xe-short-arc-lamp through a band-pass resolution less than 1.0 nm. Since ELjPL spectrum
filter is used as a PL excitation light source, and wavelength width of 300 nm is measured at once,
illuminates DUT through an optical fiber. An image the EL/PL spectrum change during the measurement
of the reflected light from DUT illuminated by an can be reduced by the short spectra measurement
external light source and the EL/PL images are time.
magnified by an optical microscope. A variety of long By taking a background measurement before
working-distance objective-lenses and relay-lenses DUT was biased or excited, noise data caused by
provide magnification from 5 x to 2500 x . An optical the light leaks and the system noise were stored in the
band-pass filter and a neutral density (ND) filter can image processor. In the next place, reflected light
be inserted in series between the optical microscope image and/or EL/PL data were measured. The
and the CCD camera. The cooled CCD camera signal-to-noise ratio was substantially improved by
system is CH250 with a TEK512CB/AR CCD subtracting the background noise from the measured
imager manufactured by PHOTOMETRICS Ltd. data. The EL/PL spectra data were corrected for the
A stabilized temperature in the Peltier cooled wavelength responses of the measurement system.
camera head is -45°C. TEK512 CCD is a backside As the EL MOS capacitors used in our experiments
illuminated, four phase and full frame CCD with were covered by the heavily doped n+-polysilicon
512 x 512 pixels of 27 x 27 pm pixel size. The ELjPL film, the measured EL spectra were also corrected
emitting position can be determined by a resolution by the absorption coefficient data of the heavily
of about 2.7 pm/pixel at the microscope magnifi- phosphorous-doped polysilicon film in the wave-
cation of 10 x used in the present measurements. A length range from 0.45 to 1.0 pm[22]. The total
typical dark current and a linear full well capacity correction coefficient by which the spectra data was
under MPP mode operation are about 0.6 electrons/s multiplied is shown in Fig. 3. All measured EL
and 295 k electrons, respectively. The ELjPL image intensity data were multiplied by the total correction
at a specific wavelength can be measured by inserting coefficient before being plotted in the figures.

( Image Measurement )



;.................................; f PL Excitation Source f

Light-light Enclosure

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the EL/PL image and spectrum measurement-system.

890 T. Matsuda el al.


EL intensity-distribution images were measured

1 0.' -#25-2
by supplying a constant gate current JG using a semi- -125.3
conductor parameter analyzer HP4145B. -&(+JG) n^ -#20-l
g 1o-2 -+-650-l
currents were supplied to the gate while keeping the
p-Si substrate (both the p-Si substrate and the
0 1 o.3
n+-region surrounding the MOS capacitor) at 0 V for 7

accumulation (inversion) measurements.

+JG currents were first supplied from 10m6A cmM2,
and were stepped up at a rate of (1, 2, 4, 6) x
IO-” A cm-’ until the oxide breakdown. EL intensity
can be measured over 10e5 A cm-’ at an exposure
time of 3 min for the CCD camera. When high Jc was
supplied, the EL signal sometimes becomes over the
full well capacity of the CCD imager. In such cases,
the exposure time was shortened according to the
EL intensity. As Vc decreased rapidly in a relatively
short time and then saturated under the constant JG
for the Si-implanted MOS capacitors[23], the EL
measurements were started after 1 min later from Jo -#25-l
supply to obtain EL intensities at the saturated VG -#25-3
Figure 4(a) shows Jc vs the saturated Vc character-
istics of various MOS capacitors under accumulation.
The JG-vG curves under both accumulation and
inversion conditions were well consistent with those -Jo (A/cm’)
measured for the samples before stress supply[23]. (b)
The EL intensity measured without the optical Fig. 4. (a) Current-voltage characteristics and (b) EL
band-pass filter under accumulation vs JG is shown intensity vs current characteristics under accumulation.
in Fig. 4(b). The EL intensity data were obtained
by summing the photon counts over the uniform
photoemission area a little distant from the LOCOS be measured to the high current regions. EL emission
edge, because the EL intensity-images near the efficiency of Si-implanted MOS capacitors was about
LOCOS edge sometimes become non-uniform 50-70 times larger than that of #O. EL character-
because of the high Jc currents. The unit of EL istics under inversion showed a little scattered curves
intensity was normalized to photon counts per cm* in comparison with the accumulation data. However,
for an exposure time of 3 min, and thus EL intensities the EL intensities for the same JG were similar to the
for all samples including in both accumulation and accumulation data.
inversion can be comparatively discussed. Concern- Figure 5(a) shows EL spectra of Si-implanted MOS
ing EL characteristics under accumulation. EL capacitors under accumulation at -JG = lO-2 A
intensities increase proportionally to -JG in low cm-l. EL spectrum of #0 at -& = 10-j A crne2 is
currents and then gradually saturate around also shown. The similar curves were also measured
lo-* A cm-’ except #0 and #25-l which could not under inversion. The periodic patterns observed in
EL spectra independently of samples may be caused
by the interference of the reflected light at the

surface and the bottom of n+-polysilicon gate similar
to the PL spectra of Si-implanted thick Si02[14].
The intervals of the interference pattern caused by the


multiple reflection is given as[24]:

2?IYf=(l/& - l/I,)-‘, (1)

where n is the refractive index and d is the thickness
_ \ ‘. of the polysilicon film (0.35 pm). 1, and I2 (I, > 1,)
*-. 91~_P_olyrlllcon are the peak wavelengths observed in the spectra.
,90& I I I I I I I I-il,-r+..,-.. 1 C. III,I From three peaks observed in the wavelength range
400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Wavelength A (nm) from 500 to 900 nm, average II value was estimated
as about 5.1 which was in good agreement with
Fig. 3. Total correction coefficient used to multiply the
measured spectrum data. Correction coefficients of the n = 4.8-3.7 (2 = 450-750 nm) for heavily phospho-
measurement system and the n+-polysilicon gate of 0.35 pm rous-implanted polysilicon film[22]. In contrast, an
are also shown. interval of the interference pattern caused by the
Electroluminescence of MOS capacitors 891

Photon Energy (eV)

gate oxide of 50 nm is estimated as 300-700 nm in
4.03.5 3.0 2.5 2.0
I = 400-800 nm by assuming n = 1.46 for Si02[25].
Although the optical calculation of the multi-layer
system including polysilicon and SiO, is necessary
for more accuracy, it can be concluded that the
interference patterns are mainly caused by the c
polysilicon gate. *loa
Jc dependence of EL spectra under accumulation Z
for #25-2 is shown in Fig. 5(b). Nearly the same s
characteristics were obtained for # 50-l. The periodic E

patterns were also observed independently from d -

Jc. The solid lines show the corrected spectra by
taking the average of periodic patterns in the curves. %oo 400 500 600 700 800 900 IO00
Wavelength k (nm)
Emission with short wavelength range is dominant in
lower -JG, and emission with middle wavelength (a)
range around 650 nm becomes large as -Jc Photon Energy (eV)
increases. Those data suggest that the EL spectrum
(i.e., EL color) as well as EL intensity can be
controlled by changing JG.
Figure 6(a) shows the corrected spectra of various
Si-implanted MOS capacitors under accumulation at

!;;fa ,,,,,
-& = lo-* A cm-2. The previous studies of ELjPL
spectra from various Si02 films are shown in
Fig. 6(b). The proposed photoemission mechanisms

Photon Energy (eV)

,,,) 1
3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
10’1~~~~1~~~~1 0 1 1 I 1
(Accumuldon) -%o Wavelength )i (nm)
g - -Jo =l~zAlcm~ -#25-2' (b)
SIdF -625-3
-820-l Fig. 6. (a) Measured EL spectra under accumulation
c - -#50-l in comparison with (b) previous studies of ELjPL spectra.
L - (EL spectra) Ref. [12]; Transparent Au/sputter deposited
&ldF S&rich SiOz (3-5 nm)/p-Si. Ref. [I’/]; n+-polysilicon/thermal
:: - SiO? (20 nm)/p-Si. Ref. [18]; n+-polysilicon/thermal SiO?
e! - 1 (24 nm)/p- and n-Si. (PL spectra) Ref. [14]; thermal SiOz

PJ; ,,.( I ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 (1.75 pm) with S&implantation

[I 100°C anneal]. Ref. [IS-(a)(b)];
with Si-implantation
(2 x 10” cm-?, I MeV)/p-Si
thermal SiO? (0.43 pm)
(l(3) x 10” cm-?, 160 keV)/p-Si
[lOOWC anneal].
500 600 700 800 900 1000
Wavelength h (nm)

Photon Energy (eV) were diverging and sometimes contradictory as

_ 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 described in the following. The peaks around 500 nm
were explained by radiative electron capture into
: (Accumulation) -1x10~zA/cm2 _
traps in SiOJ18], and quantum confinement in very
small Si nanocrystals or excitonic recombination
/cm' 3
in chains of Si atoms[l5]. The peaks around
(600-700 nm) were attributed to electron/hole
recombination in the luminescence center of the
Si02 near Si nanocrystal-Si02 interface[ 12,141, or
recombination of high-energy electrons with impact-
generated holes in the n+-polysilicon film[ 17,261.
The red-light PL emission from the sample labeled
Ref. [15-b] was proposed to be quantum confinement
Wavelength 1 (nm) in Si nanocrystals[ 151.
(b) The #0 sample shows a broad peak around
Fig. 5. (a) EL spectra under accumulation at
650 nm. However, our data of Si-implanted MOS
--JG = 10m2 A cme2 for various samples and (b) EL spectra capacitors are quite different from the previous
at various currents under accumulation for #25-2. ELjPL data. EL spectra showed a characteristic
892 T. Matsuda et al.

n+ -polysilicon SiO2
curve independently of the Si-implantation con- gate n
ditions; a broad peak around 650 nm as observed in
#0 sample and a gradually increasing region below
500 nm, though detailed EL spectra and intensities
are a little different for each sample.


Different Si-implantation parameters have clear

influence on the I-V characteristics as shown in
Fig. 4(a). Type and density of traps generated by
Si-implantation may affect the I-V characteristics. EC
Those results were discussed in Ref. [23]. In contrast, EF
for the order of lO’“cm-’ dose, the Si-implantation EV
parameters do not much affect the EL intensity of
Si-implanted samples as shown in Fig. 4(b). Although
the EL intensity for the gate current is independent
from the implantation parameters, these samples
require different gate voltages for the currents caused
by the difference of the I-V characteristics. The EL Fig. 7. Energy band diagram illustrating photon emissions
intensity under accumulation depends linearly on the from MOS capacitors under accumulation. EC, EV and EF
gate current. It suggests that one type of carriers refer to conduction band, valence band and the Fermi level
(electrons in this case) has to be injected from the energy, respectively. E, (C) refers to the trap energy level in
Si02 below the SiO, conduction band. /WI (hv;) and hvz
gate. The difference between EL spectra of devices illustrate photon emissions from electron capture at the
with and without Si-implantation as shown in traps and from recombination of high-energy electrons with
Fig. 6(a) indicates that Si-implantation increases the accumulated holes in Si-substrate, respectively. Energy
same kind of traps in unimplanted SiO, over ten times values are indicated in eV.
and generates new traps which locate deeper below
the conduction band of SiOz than the former traps.
The quantity and the energy level from the Under low gate current, the injected electrons are
conduction band of SiOz for the new traps generated captured effectively into the large quantity of traps in
by various Si-implantation conditions with doeses SiO, and thus the EL intensity is determined by the
over 1 x lOI cm-” seem to be nearly equal because number of electrons (i.e., EL intensity increases
EL intensity and spectrum are almost independent on linearly on the gate current). However, the radiative
the Si-implantation parameters as shown in Figs. 4(b) electron capture into the traps is limited by the
and 6(a), respectively. quantity of traps when the number of injected
The proposed photoemission mechanisms for electrons become extremely large and then some
accumulation are illustrated in the energy band electrons flow out into the Si-substrate without
diagram of n+-polysilicon/SiOJp-Si structure[27] radiative recombination resulting in EL saturation at
as shown in Fig. 7. The broad 650 nm (hv = I .9 eV) high current densities.
peak observed in all MOS capacitors may be Our data showed that Si-implanted MOS
explained by hv, emission mechanism (i.e., the capacitors had a possibility to emit much stronger
radiative electron capture into traps which tend to be visible EL light than the MOS capacitors without
between Et = 2.0 and 2.5 eV (i = 620-500 nm) below Si-implantation, and further to emit strong UV-light
the conduction band of SiOz[18]). However. the less than 450 nm. Number of traps must be increased
gradually increasing region below 500 nm can be and be more uniformly distributed in Si02 layer to
attributed to another hv, mechanism (hv; in Fig. 7) improve the photoemission efficiency. More exper-
(i.e., the radiative electron capture into traps imental works are necessary for further detailed
generated by Si-implantation located at E; 3.0 eV understanding in the photoemission mechanisms in
(A’ 410 nm)[28]), or hvl mechanism (i.e., recombina- Si-implanted Si02. It is also effective td investigate
tion of injected high-energy electrons with holes in other implantation atoms which have higher radiative
accumulated p-Si surface[26]). The hv; mechanism recombination rate than Si atoms and energy
seems more reasonable than the hvl mechanism, levels corresponding to a wavelength desired for
because the gradually increasing region is not optoelectronic device applications.
observed in #0 and further photons emitted from the It may be useful to investigate MOS capacitors
hv2 mechanism may have energies higher than 4.3 eV within a thin n+-polysilicon film less than 50 nm,
(i’ 290 nm) which could not be observed in our because the absorption coefficient of the n+-
measurement system. polysilicon film increases steeply in wavelength range
The EL intensity vs gate current characteristics less than 500 nm resulting in large spectrum error.
shown in Fig. 4(b) may be explained as follows. Further, the interference interval in the spectrum may
Electroluminescence of MOS capacitors 893

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