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Lecture No.

Date: Time:
Topic Serial No.: 1 Week: 1
Topic Title: Complex Number System
Textbook: Murray R. Spiegel, Seymour Lipschut, John J. Schiller and Dennis Spellman, Complex
Variables, Schaum’s Outline Series, McGraw Hill, 2010, 2nd Edition, ISBN: 978-0-07-008538-1
Textbook Chapter No., Name & Page No.: Chapter 1; Complex Numbers; S-1

1. Complex Number System

1.1 Historical Background of complex number system

1.2 Applications/Uses of complex number

a. Complex numbers are very important in engineering and science. They have
applications in many areas, including control theory, signal analysis, relativity, and
fluid dynamics.
b. Complex numbers are used by Electrical & Electronic Engineers to define the
Alternating Current or AC concept of Impedance, and in Fourier analysis they are
used in the processing of radio, telephone and video signals.
c. Complex numbers (the sum of real and imaginary numbers) occur quite naturally in
the study of quantum physics. They're useful for modelling periodic motions (such as
water or light waves) as well as alternating currents.
d. Complex number is used in Electromagnetism. Complex number is used to simplify
the unknown roots if roots are not real for quadratic equations. Complex numbers are
used in computer science engineering. Complex number is used in mechanical and
civil engineering
e. Complex numbers used in Computer science engineering
In Computer science, data place a major role. The data cannot be seen visually
because it is in the form of CSV files. Those CSV file data can be seen by using
visual representation methods in computer science. That Visual representation is in
the real axis and imaginary axis only so complex numbers are used to represent the
data in a visual format for computer science technology. In 2D images also we can
use complex numbers. Rotation of a point having real part and imaginary part and
translation of a point in a 2D image represents the complex number.
f. Complex numbers in Electronics
In electronics, we are used to representing the general form of a complex number in
the circuit having voltage and current. In Electronics circuit is mainly based on
current and voltage. Those two elements are put together as single complex numbers.
Z = V+ iI is the complex representation of a circuit having both current and voltage
where V is the real axis part and I is the imaginary axis part so that we can able to see
the comparison of both V and I by representing as a complex number in electronics.
Sometimes in RC circuits or RLC circuits, if we want to combine two elements, say
for example resistor and inductor we can write it as R + jXL as well as if in case
resistor and capacitor complex number representation would be R + j Xc where XL =
jwL and Xc = 1/jwc.
1.3 Pre-requisite topics
a. Natural numbers
b. Negative integers and zero
c. Rational numbers
d. Irrational numbers
1.4 Definitions
a. Complex number S-1.2
b. Complex variable S-1.2
c. Conjugate of a complex number S-1.2
d. Absolute value of a complex number S-1.3
e. Polar form of a complex number S-1.4
f. Argument or amplitude of a complex number S-1.4
g. Polynomial equations S-1.5
h. Dot and cross product S-1.7
1.5 Geometrical Representations
a. Sum of two complex numbers S-1.6
b. Product of two complex numbers
c. Vector Interpretation of complex numbers
1.6 Theorems
a. De-Moivre’s theorem S-1.4
b. Roots of a complex numbers S-1.5
c. Euler’s formula S-1.5
1.7 Properties
a. Equal of two complex numbers
b. Sum of two complex numbers S-1.6
c. Subtraction of two complex numbers
d. Product of two complex numbers
e. Division of two complex numbers
f. If z1 and z2 are two complex numbers, then prove that
i. z1  z2  z1  z2 Sh-04-1-2.7(i)
ii. z  z z Sh-08-1-2.8(ii)
iii. 2 z  Re  z   Im  z  Sh-09-1-2.9
iv. z1  z2  z1  z2 S-1.12-1.7(a), Sh-10-1-2.11
v. z1  z2  z1  z2 S-1.12-1.7(c), Sh-10-1-2.11
vi. z1  z2  z1  z2 Sh-11-1-2.12
1.8 Problems
a. Find the complex number of the following
i.  3  2i    7  i  S-1.8-1.1(a)
ii.  4  2i  2  3i  S-1.8-1.1(g)
5  5i 20

iii. 3  4i 4  3i S-1.9-1.1(i)
3i 30  i19
iv. 2i  1 S-1.9-1.1(m)

b. Perform the indicated operations both analytically and graphically:

i. 3  4i   5  2i  S-1.10-1.5(a)
ii.  6  2i    2  5i  S-1.10-1.5(b)

c. Express each of the following complex numbers in polar form and draw the
i. 2  2 3 i S-1.15-1.16(a)
ii.  6  2 i S-1.15-1.16(c)

d. Prove that
i.  cos  i sin  n  cos n  i sin n
where n is any positive integer S-1.18-1.20
ii. cos 5  16 cos5   20 cos3   5cos  S-1.18-1.21

e. Find all values of z for which z 5  32 and locate these values in the complex
plane. S-1.20-1.28(a)
f. Find the indicated roots of  1  i  3 and locate then graphically. S-1.21-1.29(a)
g. Find the square roots of 15  18i S-1.21-1.30
h. Find all the fifth roots of Unity. S-1.24-1.37
i. Find the cube roots of 8i Sh-69-8
j. Find the roots of a complex number
k. If z1  3  4i and z2  4  3i then find
i. z1 z2 S-1.24-1.39
ii. z1  z2 S-1.24-1.39
iii. Acute angle S-1.24-1.40
l. Sketch the region in z-plane represented by the following relations:
z 3
i. 2 S-46-5(v)
ii. Re  z   1 Sh-53-6(iii)
iii. z  4  z Sh-53-6(v)
iv. z  i  z  i Sh-53-6(vii)
v. z4  z Sh-53-6(v)
vi. Re    1
vii. z  1  i  z  1  i Sh-53-6(xvii)
viii. 1  z  2i  2 Sh-54-6(xviii)
m. Find the equation of a straight line joining the points of two complex numbers in the
argand plane complex.
n. If A, B and C are complex constant and A, B and C are their conjugates then show
that the equation (A+A)ZZ+BZ+BZ+C+C=0 represent a circle if BB>(A+A)(C+C).
1.9 Sample Questions
a. What do you mean by a complex variable? Evaluate the absolute value of the
following complex number
i 2  i9
2i 4  i 5
b. What do you mean by complex number? Find the complex number of the following
5  5i 20
 .
3  4i 4  3i
c. Write down the definition of a conjugate of a complex number? Evaluate the
conjugate of the complex number defined by
7  i7
 6  4i  3  2i 
x y
d. If z is complex number then prove that z  x y.
e. Write down the De-Moivre’s theorem for complex variable. Applying the De-
Moivre’s theorem, evaluate the indicated roots of 1  3i  3 and locate them
f. Analyze and sketch the region in z-plane represented by the following relation as
1  z  2i  2 .

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