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Introduction to Computer

Modified by
Syed Nahin Hossain
Lecturer (Adjunct)
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering
Bangladesh Army University of Engineering and Technology (BAUET)
⮚ Concept of Digital Computer

⮚ Types of Software – System Software /Application

Software / Utility Software.

⮚ Compilers, Interpreters, Assemblers, Linker,

Generation of Computers
1. First Generation (1946-1959)
• vacuum tubes as the basic components for memory
and circuitry for CPU (Central Processing Unit).
The main features of First Generation are:
• Vacuum tube technology
• Unreliable
• Supported Machine language only
• Very costly
• Generate lot of heat
• Slow Input/Output device
• Huge size, Need of A.C.
• Non-portable
• Consumed lot of electricity
• Some computers of this generation were:
• IBM-701
• IBM-650
2. Second Generation(1959-1965)
The main features of Second Generation are:
• Use of transistors
• Reliable as compared to First generation computers
• Smaller size as compared to First generation
• Generate less heat as compared to First generation
• Consumed less electricity as compared to First
generation computers
• Faster than first generation computers
• Still very costly
• A.C. needed
• Support machine and assembly languages
2. Second Generation(1959-1965)

• Some computers of this generation were:

• IBM 1620
• IBM 7094
• CDC 1604
• CDC 3600
• UNIVAC 1108
3.Third Generation(1965-1971)
The main features of Third Generation are:
• IC used
• More reliable
• Smaller size
• Generate less heat
• Faster
• Lesser maintenance
• Still costly
• A.C. needed
• Consumed lesser electricity
• Support high-level language
Some computers of this generation were:
• IBM-360 series
• Honeywell-6000 series
• PDP(Personal Data Processor)
• IBM-370/168
• TDC-316
4.Fourth Generation(1971-1980)
The main features of Fourth Generation are:
• VLSI technology used
• Very cheap
• Portable and reliable
• Use of PC's
• Very small size
• Pipeline processing
• No A.C. needed
• Concept of internet was introduced
• Great developments in the fields of networks
• Computers became easily available
• Some computers of this generation were:
• DEC 10
• STAR 1000
• PDP 11
• CRAY-1 (Super Computer)
• CRAY-X-MP (Super Computer)
5.Fifth Generation(1980-till date.)
The main features of Fifth Generation are:
• ULSI technology
• Development of true artificial intelligence
• Development of Natural language processing
• Advancement in Parallel Processing
• Advancement in Superconductor technology
• More user friendly interfaces with multimedia features
• Availability of very powerful and compact computers at
cheaper rates
5.Fifth Generation(1980-till date.)

• Some computers types of this

generation are:
• Desktop
• Laptop
• NoteBook
• UltraBook
• ChromeBook
Digital Computer
• Digitalcomputer,any of a class of devices capable of
solving problems by processing information in discrete
• It operates on data, including magnitudes, letters, and
symbols, that are expressed in binary form—i.e., using
only the two digits 0 and 1.
• A digital computer can perform such tasks as to control
industrial processes and regulate the operations of
• analyze and organize vast amounts of business data;
and simulate the behaviour of dynamic systems
• Example - global weather patterns and chemical
reactions in scientific research.
Characteristics of computer
• These machines are automatic.
• Once properly started, they can perform task without
any human intervention.
• This makes these devices immensely helpful in
carrying out tedious tasks which may tire normal
human brain.
Characteristics of computer
• Digital computers are discrete systems and operate
in discontinuous steps.
• However the speed of operation is very high. They
can carry out trillions of operations in a second.
Characteristics of Computer
• A Digital computer stores the information in encoded
form which guarantees its longevity and accurate
Characteristics of Computer
• These computers are versatile in a sense that they can
carry out different type of jobs at a time without any
• They modify their behaviour based on the information
they process.
Characteristics of Computer
• It can store and recall any amount of information
because of its secondary storage facility. The
information can be stored and retrieved as long as a
user desires. This seldom happens in case of a human
• To sum it all a digital computer can work speedily,
accurately and with all diligence without getting tired.
Types of Computer
Analog computer
Analog computer measures and answer
the questions by the method of “HOW
MUCH”. The input data is not a number
infect a physical quantity like tem,
pressure, speed, velocity.
• Signals are continuous of (0 to 10 V)
• Accuracy 1% Approximately
• High speed
• Output is continuous
• Time is wasted in transmission time
Analog computer
Digital Computers
Digital computer counts and answer the
questions by the method of “HOW Many”.
The input data is represented by a number.
These are used for the logical and arithmetic
• Signals are two level of (0 V or 5 V)
• Accuracy unlimited
• low speed sequential as well as parallel
• Output is continuous but obtain when
computation is completed.
Micro Computer
Micro computer are the smallest
computer system. There size range
from calculator to desktop size. Its
CPU is microprocessor. It also known
as Grand child Computer.
• Application : - personal computer, Multi
user system, offices.
Mini Computer
These are also small general purpose
system. They are generally more
powerful and most useful as compared
to micro computer. Mini computer are
also known as mid range computer or
Child computer.
• Application :- Departmental systems,
Network Servers, work group system.
Mini computer
Main Frame Computer
Mainframe computers are those
computers that offer faster processing
and grater storage area. The word
“main frame” comes from the metal
frames. It is also known as Father
• Application – Host computer, Central
data base server.
Super Computer
• Super computer are those computer which
are designed for scientific job like whether
forecasting and artificial intelligence etc.
They are fastest and expensive. A super
computer contains a number of CPU which
operate in parallel to make it faster. It also
known as grand father computer.

• Application – whether forecasting, weapons

research and development.
Super Computer
Classification of Digital
• Desktop
• Workstation
• Notebook
• Tablet PC
• Handheld computer
• Smart Phone
Tablet PC
Handheld PC(PDA)
Smart Phone
Components OfComputer System
Block Diagram Of Computer System
• 1.Input:
• This is the process of entering data and programs in to the computer
• You should know that computer is an electronic machine like any other
machine which takes as inputs raw data and performs some processing
giving out processed data.
• Therefore, the input unit takes data from us to the computer in an
organized manner for processing.
• The process of saving data and instructions permanently is
known as storage.
• Data has to be fed into the system before the actual
processing starts.
• It is because the processing speed of Central Processing
Unit (CPU) is so fast that the data has to be provided to
CPU with the same speed.
• Therefore the data is first stored in the storage unit for
faster access and processing. This storage unit or the
primary storage of the computer system is designed to do
the above functionality. It provides space for storing data
and instructions.
• The storage unit performs the following major functions:
• All data and instructions are stored here before and after
• Intermediate results of processing are also stored here.
• The task of performing operations like arithmetic and
logical operations is called processing.
• The Central Processing Unit (CPU) takes data and
instructions from the storage unit and makes all
sorts of calculations based on the instructions given
and the type of data provided.
• It is then sent back to the storage unit.
• 4.Output:
• This is the process of producing results from the data for
getting useful information.
• Similarly the output produced by the computer after
processing must also be kept somewhere inside the
computer before being given to you in human readable form.
• Again the output is also stored inside the computer for further
• 5.Control:The manner how instructions are executed and
the above operations are performed. Controlling of all
operations like input, processing and output are performed
by control unit. It takes care of step by step processing of all
operations inside the computer.

In order to carry out the operations mentioned in the previous
section the computer allocates the task between its various
functional units. The computer system is divided into three
separate units for its operation. They are
1) arithmetic logical unit
2) control unit.
3) central processing unit.
Arithmetic LogicalUnit (ALU)/LogicalUnit

LogicalUnit :After you enter data through the input device it

is stored in the primary storage unit. The actual processing of
the data and instruction are performed by Arithmetic Logical
Unit. The major operations performed by the ALU are
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, logic and
comparison. Data is transferred to ALU from storage unit
when required. After processing the output is returned back to
storage unit for further processing or getting stored.
ControlUnit (CU)
• Acts like the supervisor seeing that things are done in
proper fashion.
• Control Unit is responsible for co ordinating various
operations using time signal.
• The control unit determines the sequence in which
computer programs and instructions are executed.
• Things like processing of programs stored in the main
memory, interpretation of the instructions and issuing of
signals for other units of the computer to execute them.
• It also acts as a switch board operator when several users
access the computer simultaneously.
• Thereby it coordinates the activities of computer’s
peripheral equipment as they perform the input and output.
CentralProcessing Unit (CPU)

• The ALU and the CU of a computer system are jointly

known as the central processing unit.
• the brain of any computer system.
• It is just like brain that takes all major decisions, makes
all sorts of calculations and directs different parts of the
computer functions by activating and controlling the
Computer Architecture

Two types
1. Von-Neumann Architecture
2. Harvard Architecture
Address Bus
CPU Data Bus + Data Von Neumann

Address Bus
CPU Fetch Bus Harvard
Address Bus 0 Architecture
Data Bus Data
 Von-Neumann Architecture
 only one bus.
 used for both data transfer and
instruction fetches.
 cannot be performed at same time.

 Harvard Architecture
 Separate data and instruction buses.
 Transfers to be performed
simultaneously on both buses.
Components OfComputer System

• A computer system consists of both hardware and

information stored on hardware.
• Information stored on computer hardware is often
called software.
• The hardware components of a computer system
are the electronic and mechanical parts.
• The software components of a computer system
are the data and the computer programs.
Components OfComputer System
• The major hardware components of a computer system are:
• Processor
• Main memory
• Secondary memory
• Input devices
• Output devices
Components OfComputer System
• For typical desktop computers, the processor, main
memory, secondary memory, power supply, and supporting
hardware are housed in a metal case.
• Many of the components are connected to the main circuit
board of the computer, called the motherboard.
• The power supply supplies power for most of the
• Various input devices (such as the keyboard) and output
devices (such as the monitor) are attached through
connectors at the rear of the case.
Components OfComputer System
Components OfComputer System
Components OfComputer System
Hardware Vs Software
Hardware Vs Software
Hardware Software
Collection of instructions that
enables a user to interact with
the computer. Software is a
Devices that are required
program that enables a
Definition to store and execute (or
computer to perform a specific
run) the software.
task, as opposed to the
physical components of the
system (hardware).
Input,storage,processing, System software,
Types control, and output Programming software, and
devices. Application software.
CD-ROM, monitor, printer, Quickbooks, Adobe Acrobat,
video card, scanners , label Winoms-Cs, Internet Explorer ,
makers, routers , and Microsoft Word , Microsoft
modems. Excel
To deliver its set of
Inter Hardware starts functioning
instructions, Software is
dependency once software is loaded.
installed on hardware.
Hardware Software
Hardware failure is
Software failure is systematic.
random. Hardware does
Failure Software does not have an
have increasing failure at
increasing failure rate.
the last stage.
Software does not wear out
Hardware wears out over over time. However, bugs are
time. discovered in software as time
Hardware is physical in
Nature Software is logical in nature.
Types Of Software
Two components of program development and
execution cost are:
• Cost ofthe computer system
• The Manpower cost
• To measure the optimal effectiveness above
two factors should be weighed against each
System Software
• It is a program required to co-ordinate allactivities
ofcomputer system.
• System software is a collection of programs which are
executed as needed to perform following functions:
• Receiving and interpreting user commands
• Entering ,editing and storing the Application program in
secondary storage
• Managing the storage and retrieve files from disk
• Running the applications as desired by the user
• Controlling I/O units for inputting data and displaying result
• Linking and loading the desired Library routines
System Software
• A system program is one which is required for the
effective execution of a general user program
• Execution includes all activities concerned with the
initial input of the program and various stages of its
processing by computer system
• Such as editing storage, translation, relocation,
linking,and eventual execution
Application Software
• Application programs are
• Written in high level language
• Used by programmer for writing computer instructions
• Used to solve a specific problem or does a specific task
• Application software allows user to do things like creating text
documents,playinggames,Listeningto music or surfing the web
• Provides user-oriented or output-oriented functionality
• E.gTally,TurboC
Utility Software
• It is a kind of system software designed to help ,analyze
,configure optimize and maintain computer
• A single piece of utility software is usually called a utility or
• It is used with application software
• It usually focuses on how the computer infrastructure
• Most of the operating systems come with several
preinstalled utilities
• E.g Disk storage Utilities, Disk defragmenter, Disk Checker,
Disk Cleaners, Disk Space analyzers, Backup Utilities, Disk
• Convert user programs written in high level language into a
machine understandable format by reading complete
program as input and produces assembled program as
• Convert user program written in high level language into
system program by reading line by line complete program
as input and produces assembled program as output.
• Converts a high level code into m/c instructions line by
• Converts assembly language program in to machine
language equivalent

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