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Abstract Algebra

1. Define Congruance Relation.

2. What is Binary Operation?
3. Define Group.
4. What is Abelian Group?
5. What do you mean by order of a group?
6. Define the order of an element in a group with an example.
7. What is cyclic group?
8. What is generator of a cyclic group?
9. What is permutation?
10. Define Symmetric group?
11. Define Subgroup?
12. Define Coset?
13. State Lagrange’s theorem.
14. What is normal subgroup?
15. What is guotient group?
16. Define kernal of a group.
17. Define Ring.
18. What is integral domain?
19. What is field?
20. Define Subring.
21. Define Principal Ideal.
22. Define polynominal ring.
23. What is Euclidean ring?
Ordinary Differential Equation 2

1. What is called the initial value problem?

Ans: যদি স্বাধীন চলকের এেটি দিন্দুকে অধীন চলকের শেত প্রকয়াগ েকর অন্তরে সমীেরকের দিকশষ সমাধান দনেতয়
েরা যায় েকি শেত গুকলাকে Initial conditions িা আদি শেত িকল। আর এই আদি শেত সহ অন্তরে সমীেরেকে
Initial value problem িা আদিমান সমসযা িকল।

যযমন: dy/dx= 2x, y(1)=2 এেটি আদি মান সমসযা।

2. Give an example of second order initial value problem .

Ans: d^2/dx^2 + y =0, y(0)=1, y'(0)=1 এেটি িুই ক্রকমর আদি মান সমসযা।

3. What is called the boundary value problem?

Ans: যদি স্বাধীন চলকের িু'টি দিন্দুকে অধীন চলে এিং ইহার অন্তরকের শেত প্রকয়াগ েকর একের অদধে ক্রকমর
অন্তরে সমীেরকের দিকশষ সমাধান দনেতয় েরা যায় েকি শেত গুকলাকে Boundary conditions িা সীমা শেত িকল
এিং সীমা শেত সহ অন্তরে সমীেরেকে Boundary value problem িা সীমা মান সমসযা িকল।

4. State the existence theorem over a rectangular region.

Ans: যদি যোকনা আয়োোর এলাোর প্রকেযে দিন্দুকে f(x,y) continues এিং bounded হয় েকি Initial value
problem dy/dx=f(x,y), y(x )= y এর েমপকে এেটি সমাধান দিিযমান থােকি।

5. State uniqueness theorem over a rectangular region.

Ans: যদি যোকনা আয়োোর এলাোর প্রকেযে দিন্দুকে f(x,y) এিং df/dx continues এিং bounded হয় েকি Initial
value problem dy/dx=f(x,y), y(x )= y এর অননয সমাধান দিিযমান থােকি।

6. What is Lipschitz's condition?

7. What is Lipschitz's constant?

8. What is called singular point?

9. What is called Legendre's differential equation?

10. Define Legendre polynomial Pn(x).

11. Write down the Rodrigue's formula of Legendre polynomial.

12. Define generating function of Legendre polynomial.

13. Write down the Bessel's differential equation?

14. Define Bessel's function.

15. Define Laguerre polynomial.

16. Define Gamma function.

17. Define Beta function.

18. Write down the relation between Gamma function and beta function.

19. What is the fundamental matrix of X(t)=A(t).

20. What is called generating function of Bessel's function.

21. What is called generating function of Laguerre polynomial.

22. Write down the Hermite differential equation.

23. Define Hermite polynomial.

24. What is called generating function of Hermite Polynomial.

25. Define error function.

Real Analysis

1. What are the axioms of real number ?

Ans: The axioms of real number are
a) extend axiom
b) Field axiom
c) order axiom
d) completeness axiom
2. Define supremum of a set ?

Ans: যোন যসকের সেল উর্ধ্তসীমার মকধয েু দ্রেমটিকে ঐ যসকের লদিষ্ঠ উর্ধ্তসীমা িা সুদপ্রমাম িকল ।

3. Define infimum of a set ?

Ans: The greatest of all lower bound of a set is called its infimum .
4. What is bounded set?
Ans: l<= x <= u [for all x belongs to s]
5. What is the rational number.
6. State archimedian property of real number ?
Ans: if x is positive real number and y is any real number then there exist a positive integer n such that nx>y
7. What do you mean by limit point of a set ?
Ans: A point x belongs to R is called a limit of a set s R if every neighborhood point of x contains a point of S
other than x .

{1,1/2,1/3,1/4,.........}যসকের এেটি সীমাদিন্দু ০।

8. Define closed set .

Ans: এেটি অশূনযে যসে A যে উন্মুক্ত যসে িকল, যদি A ইহার প্রকেযে দিন্দুর প্রদেকিশ হয় ।

9. Define closed set.

Ans : A set A is called a closed set if A contains all of it's limit points .
10. Define interior point of a set.
Ans : A number x ∈ R is said to be an interior point of a set if A is neighborhood of x. That is , if there exists a
positive number ε such that
( x-ε, x+ε)⊆ A.
11. What is isolated point of a set ?

Ans: ধদর S⊂ R এিং p ∈ s েখন p যে s এর দিদিন্ন দিন্দু িকল যদি p দিন্দু s এর দলদমে দিন্দু না হয় ।
12. Define compact set .
13. What is accumulation point .
14. Define range of a sequence .
15. Given an example of convergent sequence .
16. Define is Cauchy sequence ?
17. What is monotonic sequence?
18. What is the alternating series ?
19. What is convergent series?
20. What do you mean by partition of closed interval .
21. Define Riemann integral .
22. What is metric space ?
24. What is trivial metric?
25. Define Euclidean distance in R^n.
26. Define compact metric ?
27 . Define Euclidean n- space R^n ?
Complex Analysis

1.Define entire function with an example.

Answer : A complex function f(z) is said to be entire if it is analytic in the whole complex plane.
2. Write down the Laplace equation in polar form of complex number.
Answer : The polar form of Laplace equation of complex number is

3. What is a contour?
Answer : A Jordan curve consisting of continuous chain of a finite number of regular arcs is called a contour.

4.Under what conditions ∮𝒄 𝒇(𝒛)𝒅𝒛 = 𝟎?

Or, State Cauchy’s integral theorem

Answer : If f(z) is analytic in a region R and on it’s closed boundary C with derivatives f’(z) which is continuous
at all points inside R and C, then ∮𝑐 𝑓(𝑧)𝑑𝑧 = 0

5. Morera’s theorem is known as the converse of Cauchy’s theorem.

Or, State Morera’s theorem

Answer : If f(z) is continuous in a simply connected region R and if ∮𝑐 𝑓(𝑧)𝑑𝑧 = 0 around every simple closed
curve C in R, then f(z) is analytic .This is known as Morera’s theorem.
6. Define winding number.
Answer : Let γ be a closed path and z be a point not on the same path γ then the winding number of γ with
1 1
respect to z is given by the integral 2𝜋𝑖 ∫γ 𝑠−𝑧 𝑑𝑠

7. When the winding number is zero?

Answer : If the point z is outside the contour (closed path) then the winding number is zero.
8.Define singular point of a complex function f(z).
Answer : A point at which an analytic function f(z) fails to be analytic is called a singular point.
9.What is Isolated singular point?
Answer : A singular point Z= 𝑍0 is called an isolated singularity of f(z) if there is no other singularity with in a
small circle surrounding the point Z = 𝑍0 .
10. What is meant by residue of complex number?
Answer : If the function f(z) is analytic within a circle C of radius r and center a, except at z=a , then the
coefficient a 𝑎−1 of in the Laruent’s expansion
Around z=a is called the residue of f(z) at z=a .It is denoted by Res(a) or 𝑎−1.
11. What is bilinear transformation ?
Answer : The transformation T defined by w = T(z) = 𝑐𝑧+𝑑 is called a bilinear transformation , where a , b , c , d
are complex constants and z, we are complex varibles.
12.State Rouches theorem.

যদি f(z) ও g(z) একটি সাধারণ বদ্ধ বক্রররখা C এর দিতরর ও উপরর ববরেদিক হয় এবং C এর উপর যদি হয়
তরব এর দিতরর ও এর একই সংখযাক শূন্যক থাকরব ।

13.Define cross ratio of four complex numbers

Answer : The cross ratio of four complex numbers 𝑧1 , 𝑧2 , 𝑧3 , 𝑧4 is defined as
(𝑧1 − 𝑧2 )(𝑧3 −𝑧4 )
(𝑧1 , 𝑧2 , 𝑧3 , 𝑧4 ) = (𝑧2 − 𝑧3 )(𝑧4 −𝑧1 )

14. State Cauchy’s residue theorem

Answer : ∫𝑐 𝑓(𝑧)𝑑(𝑧) = 2𝜇𝑖( 𝑎−1 + 𝑏−1 + 𝑐−1 + … … … … . )

Methods of Applied Mathematics

1. Define periodic function.

2. Define Fourier series.
3. Define even function with example.
4. Define odd function with example.
5. Write down the fourier sine and cosine series.
6. Define laplace transform.
7. Laplace transformation of derivatives.
8. Define Laplace transformation of cosine function.
9. Define inverse laplace transform.
10. State the convolution theorem for laplace transforms.
11. Finite Fourier Sine transform
12. Finite Fourier cosine transform
13. Define Fourier transform
14. Define inverse Fourier transform
15. Define Finite Fourier Sine and Cosine transform and inverse of them
16. Define Eigen function
17. Define Strum-leuvil value problem
18. Define green function
19. Write down Gamma function with examples
20. Write down Beta function
21. Relation between Gamma and Beta function

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