GutBrain Psychiatry

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Review Article

Neuropsychobiology Received: July 27, 2018

Accepted after revision: October 31, 2019
DOI: 10.1159/000504495 Published online: November 14, 2019

Gut Microbiota: A Perspective for

Kieran Rea a Timothy G. Dinan a, b John F. Cryan a, c
Microbiome Ireland, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland; b Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioural
Science, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland; c Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, University College Cork,
Cork, Ireland

Keywords systems, immune function, and the inflammatory response.

Microbes · Gut · Mental health While an appropriate, co-ordinated physiological response,
such as an immune or stress response, is necessary for sur-
vival, a dysfunctional response can be detrimental to the
Abstract host, contributing to the development of a number of cen-
There is mounting evidence that the trillions of microbes tral nervous system disorders. © 2019 S. Karger AG, Basel
that inhabit our gut are a substantial contributing factor to
mental health and, equally, to the progression of neuropsy-
chiatric disorders. The extraordinary complexity of the gut
ecosystem, and how it interacts with the intestinal epitheli- Introduction
um to manifest physiological changes in the brain to influ-
ence mood and behaviour, has been the subject of intense Over thousands of years, the gut ecosystem has evolved
scientific scrutiny over the last 2 decades. To further compli- to contain a diverse population of microorganisms in-
cate matters, we each harbour a unique microbiota commu- cluding yeasts, archaea, parasites, helminth, viruses, and
nity that is subject to change by a number of factors includ- protozoa, but the bacterial population is currently the
ing diet, exercise, stress, health status, genetics, medication, most well characterized [1–5]. Current estimates suggest
and age, amongst others. The microbiota-gut-brain axis is a that our microbial cells outnumber human cells by a ratio
dynamic matrix of tissues and organs including the gastro- of 1.3:1 [6], while at a genetic level more than 99% of the
intestinal (GI) microbiota, immune cells, gut tissue, glands, genes in our bodies are microbial, comprising over 10
the autonomic nervous system (ANS), and the brain that million microbial genes [7–9]. The contribution of these
communicate in a complex multidirectional manner through microbes to human health and disease cannot be under-
a number of anatomically and physiologically distinct sys- stated, as they play key roles in such functions as metabo-
tems. Long-term perturbations to this homeostatic environ- lism, satiety, and immune regulation and more recently
ment may contribute to the progression of a number of dis- they have been shown to play a role in mood and behav-
orders by altering physiological processes including hypo- iour. In certain circumstances, our microbes possess the
thalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activation, neurotransmitter genetic machinery for the metabolism of important di-

© 2019 S. Karger AG, Basel John F. Cryan

Laboratory of Neurogastroenterology, APC Microbiome Ireland
University College Cork, 386 Western Gateway Building
Cork T12 XF62 (Ireland) E-Mail j.cryan @
etary compounds that would otherwise be non-digestible system (CNS) [19–21]. However, the mechanisms under-
to the host [8, 10]. Interestingly, while our inherited ge- pinning this bi-directional communication in the micro-
nome (that we inherited from our parents) is relatively biota-gut-brain axis remain, as yet, unresolved [22].
stable throughout our lifetimes, the microbial genome is Modes of communication likely involve neural mecha-
immensely diverse [11, 12], dynamic [13], and responsive nisms, immune response, neurotransmitter and neuro-
to external inputs including diet, exercise, stress, health peptide release, and/or microbial by-products (Fig. 1),
status, medication, and age amongst others. which will be discussed below. The consequential dynam-
The composition of the bacteria that inhabit our GI ic molecules that are released may infiltrate multiple ana-
tract throughout our adult life is established early in our tomical environments to communicate within their local
first few years of life and at this early-life stage they are environment to regulate complex co-ordinated responses
particularly sensitive to manipulation by a number of en- in multiple physiological systems. Molecular candidates
vironmental factors including mode of delivery (vaginal thought to be involved in these processes include neu-
or C-section), whether we are breastfed or bottle-fed, diet, rotransmitters, neuropeptides, short-chain fatty acids
medication (in particular antibiotic medication), and ex- (SCFA), bile moieties, endocrine hormones, and immu-
posure to viral or bacterial infections and stress [14]. It is nomodulators amongst others.
worth noting that this critical seeding of our core micro-
biota occurs in parallel with the growth, maturation, and Gut-Microbe Interactions
sprouting of neurons in the young brain [14, 15], and a Despite the many beneficial functions of the gut mi-
similar profile is evident in old age where a decline in mi- crobes, the host has to maintain a physical barrier be-
crobiota complexity and diversity occurs in parallel with tween the host and the microbiota to prevent infection.
a decrease in neuronal complexity [16], and this may con- The epithelial lining of the gut contains predominantly
tribute to the onset or progression of mood disorders in- secretory cells, enterocytes, chemosensory cells, and
cluding anxiety, depressive-like symptoms, mania, anhe- gut-associated lymphoid tissue [23] and is interspersed
donia, irritability, or suicidal ideology. with tight junction proteins [194] that maintain protec-
Concomitantly with the birth process or C-section de- tion against a “leaky” gut. A key function of the single-
livery (or perhaps even prenatally [17, 18], our GI tract celled epithelial layer of our gut is to limit the direct con-
comes into contact with, and maintains constant com- tact of intestinal microbiota with the visceral tissue,
munication with, the microbes that inhabit our gut, either which it does by secreting a protective viscous mucus
through direct physical contact or the release of secreted layer from goblet cells lining the gut wall that increases
compounds. Current hypotheses suggest that these mi- in thickness as we travel from proximal to distal gut.
crobiota-host interactions at the level of the gut release This luminal-mucosal interface is where the majority of
cytokines, chemokines, neurotransmitters, neuropep- host-microbe interactions occur, and the exchange of
tides, endocrine messengers, and microbial by-products molecules back and forth through the mucous layer and
that can infiltrate the blood and lymphatic systems, or epithelium serve to facilitate communication between
influence neural messages carried by the vagal and spinal the microbiota, the gut, the immune, endocrine and
afferent neurons to constantly communicate with the ANS and the brain [24].
brain and update as to the health status and possibly to Endothelial secretory cells play a key role in gut func-
regulate mood and behaviour. However, it seems unlike- tion. Bacterial colonization in the gut is kept in check by
ly that any single class of compounds is wholly responsi- antimicrobial peptides, expressed by secretory Paneth
ble for mediation of microbiota-gut-brain interactions cells within small intestinal crypts. Further host protec-
and these will be discussed below. tion from the gut microbes is guaranteed by protective
mucus layer from secretory goblet cells, defensins, and
anti-bacterial lectins shielding the epithelium from direct
Communication along the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis contact with the microbes as well as the innate (immune
cells in the lamina propria of the ENS) and adaptive (im-
The gut microbiota is part of a complex network munoglobulin A-secreting plasma B cells) roles of the
termed the microbiota-gut-brain axis along with the sym- mucosal immune system. The secretory cells also control
pathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS, the of the release of substances from enteroendocrine cells
enteric nervous system (ENS), and the neuroendocrine (EEC) such as ghrelin, somatostatin, cholecystokinin,
and neuroimmune components of the central nervous peptide YY and serotonin amongst others [25].

2 Neuropsychobiology Rea/Dinan/Cryan
DOI: 10.1159/000504495
Hypothalamus Stress Autism

CRF Depression
Parkinson’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease

1 SCFA+ 2 NP 3 Cytokines 4 5
microbial NT Cortisol
by-products Vagus
T cell
EEC cell DC T cell
B cell DC
B cell

Lumen Microbiota

Fig. 1. a Bi-directional communication along the microbiota-gut- HPA axis modulation. b Dysregulation of the microbiota-gut-
brain axis, involving neural, endocrine, immune, and other path- brain axis has been linked to a number of psychiatric disorders
ways. Proposed mechanisms of communication include: (1) mi- including stress, anxiety, depression, autism, schizophrenia, Par-
crobial by-products including SCFA, lipopolysaccharides, and kinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. NT, neuropeptide; NT,
peptidoglycans amongst others; (2) neuropeptides and neu- neurotransmitters; DC, dendritic cell; CRF, corticosterone-releas-
rotransmitters; (3) cytokines and immune cell activation; (4) neu- ing factor; ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone.
ral networks including ENS and vagal nerve activation; (5) and

There are many microbes that are only found in the (pathogen-associated molecular patterns, or PAMP) [28,
mucosal layer, while some are restricted to the lumen of 29]. Once activated, these receptors can initiate a cascade
the gut. Host-microorganism interactions from luminal of events including the recruitment of inflammatory me-
and mucosal microbiota occur, and are highly dependent diators, cytokine production and chemokine-mediated
on immune response. The enterocytes express innate im- recruitment of acute inflammatory cells [30, 31]. This in
mune receptors and once activated prompt the release of turn helps to regulate the microbial population and diver-
cytokines and chemokines, chemosensory cells play a key sity in the gut. Whilst this innate immune response is nec-
role in defence against helminths [26], while the gut-as- essary to maintain gut homeostasis, a dysfunctional or
sociated lymphoid tissue utilize lymphocytes to mount a prolonged response (e.g., to invading pathogens or as a
more specific immune response if warranted. consequence of a chronically high inflammatory tone)
GI bacteria possess a polysaccharide coating that pro- can weaken the integrity of the intestinal barrier and the
tects them from degradation but also serves to identify the mucosal layer, facilitating an increase in plasma lipopoly-
multitude of bacteria to the host. In turn, the host im- saccharide levels as a consequence of increased bacteria
mune system can monitor and regulate commensal bac- infiltration across the gut [32].
teria and identify invading pathogens. Specific pattern
recognition receptors, of which members of the Toll-like Microbe-Mediated Synthesis and Release of Bioactive
receptor family are the most studied, line the epithelium Compounds
and are capable of recognizing specific molecular signa- Along with activation of the innate immune system,
tures unique to bacteria [27] and other microorganisms commensal bacteria can also directly or indirectly

Gut Microbiota: A Perspective for Neuropsychobiology 3

Psychiatrists DOI: 10.1159/000504495
(through endothelial cells) synthesize and release other taxa, were shown to express bile salt hydrolase [47] en-
bioactive compounds including neurotransmitters, neu- zymes which allow de-conjugation of bile acid from tau-
romodulators, bacteriocins, bile acids, choline, and SCFA rine and glycine [48, 49], which are beneficial for the sur-
that are integral to host health. vival of the microbiota secreting them. SCFA including
Two ongoing large collaborative efforts from the Hu- butyric acid, acetic acid, proprionic acid, and lactic acid
man Microbiome Project (HMP) [33, 34] and MetaHIT are dietary by-products derived from the fermentation of
[8, 35] have been instrumental in surveying and describ- polysaccharides [50] by colonic bacteria. These fatty acids
ing the gut microbiota at a population level. Current com- can enter the blood and activate free fatty acid receptors
bined HMP and MetaHIT data estimate that there are at (FFAR) in the gut, periphery, and brain and have been
least 2,776 species that have been isolated from human reported to have neuroactive properties [51–53] and to
faecal matter. These have been classified into 11 different play a role in anorexia nervosa [54], Parkinson’s disease
phyla, with Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, [55], and animal models of chronic stress [56] and Alz­
and Bacteroidetes comprising over 90% of the microbi- heimer’s disease [57]. Conversely, increased SCFA levels
ome [35–37], while Fusobacteria and Verrucomicrobia have been associated with obesity [58–60], autism spec-
phyla are present in low abundance [2]. Furthermore, the trum disorder [61], and chronic psychosocial stress in
indigenous micobiota diversity changes as one moves children [62]. Such data implicates the potential of SCFA
from proximal to distal gut [38, 39]. These commensal to be a key player in microbiota-gut-brain axis commu-
bacteria are capable of synthesizing and releasing many nication. Interestingly, SCFA can pass directly through
neurotransmitters and neuromodulators themselves or the epithelium via transporters [63–66] or indirectly by
evoke EEC into the synthesis and release of neuropep- diffusing through epithelia as un-ionized SCFA [67]; and
tides. For example, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium they have receptors along the epithelium [68–72], in the
species can produce γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA); periphery [47], along the vagus nerve and ANS ganglia
Escheridia, Bacillus, and Saccharomyces spp. can produce [73–76], and even in the brain epithelium [52, 77].
norepinephrine; Bacillus can produce dopamine; Lacto- As well as influencing local immune responses at the
bacillus can produce acetylcholine; and Candida, Strepto- epithelium, and synthesizing and releasing neurotrans-
coccus, Escheridia, and Enterococcus spp. can produce se- mitters and SCFA, the gut microbes can influence the re-
rotonin [40–42]. Serotonin is a key neurotransmitter im- lease of neuropeptides and hormones from EEC of the
plicated in many psychiatric disorders. It has been intestines. Gut peptides such as ghrelin, gastrin, orexin,
estimated that approximately 95% of the serotonin in the galanin, cholecystokinin, leptin, and neuropeptide Y are
body is compartmentalized in the gut, predominantly in thought to influence peripheral neural communication
enterochromaffin cells of the mucosa and in nerve termi- and can also act centrally to influence behaviour. Though
nals of the ENS. Studies using germ-free mice have impli- EEC represent only 1% of the epithelial cells in the GI
cated GI microbiota in impacting on tryptophan metabo- tract, they are critically important for the maintenance of
lism, the precursor of serotonin [43]. These neurotrans- gut homeostasis due to the pleiotropic effects of secreted
mitters are critical in centrally mediated events and signalling molecules. To date, about 10 different types of
bodily functions, and it is possible that these microbially EEC have been characterized, all of which are sensory
synthesized neurotransmitters can cross the mucosal lay- cells that coordinate changes in the gut-nutrient luminal
er of the intestines, and possibly mediate effects locally in content with metabolic and behavioural responses, such
the gut, or enter the bloodstream and impact on physio- as the regulation of insulin secretion or food intake [78].
logical events in the brain. The receptors to many of these peptides are expressed lo-
GI bacteria can also secrete bioactive chemicals such cally in the gut enteric neurons and vagal afferents and in
as bacteriocins, bile acids, choline, and SCFA that are in- the CNS, including the brainstem and the hypothalamus
tegral to host health and disease. Bacteriocins are antibi- [79, 80].
otic proteins that inhibit the growth of other bacteria in
the vicinity, while bile acids are best known for facilitating From Gut to Brain
the absorption of dietary lipids and lipid-soluble vitamins Under homeostatic conditions there exists a healthy,
from the gut lumen but can play a role in regulating the resting inflammatory tone where the microbiota stimu-
number of bacteria in the small intestine [44–46]. Strik- late cytokines and chemokine release, which in turn regu-
ingly, all major gut-associated bacterial divisions, includ- lates local levels of bacteria in the gut. As well as influenc-
ing Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, and Bacteroidetes ing local immune responses at the epithelium, microbio-

4 Neuropsychobiology Rea/Dinan/Cryan
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ta can synthesize and release neurotransmitters and SCFA tility, inflammation, pain, pH change, cellular damage, or
and influence the release of neuropeptides and hormones temperature generates neural signals [84] via the release
from EEC of the intestines. Gut peptides such as ghrelin, of bioactive chemicals including globulin, protein kinas-
gastrin, orexin, galanin, cholecystokinin, leptin, and neu- es, serine proteases, arachidonic acid, prostaglandins, cy-
ropeptide Y are thought to influence peripheral neural tokines, histamine, nerve growth factor, substance P, cal-
communication and can also act centrally to influence citonin gene-related peptide, serotonin, acetylcholine,
behaviour. Current hypotheses suggest that these circu- and ATP as well as changes in pH [83, 85, 86]. These neu-
lating cytokines, chemokines, endocrine messengers, and ral messages are transmitted systematically from the en-
microbial by-products can infiltrate the blood and lym- teric neural networks that include the glial cells, myen-
phatic systems or influence neural messages carried by teric and submucosal ganglia in the gut [87, 88] to the
the vagal and spinal afferent neurons to impact on cen- prevertebral (dorsal root) ganglia that regulate peripheral
trally mediated events, including regulation of hypotha- visceral reflex responses [89–91], to the spinal cord and
lamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity and neuroin- the nucleus tractus solitarius of the brainstem [92, 93],
flammation. and to higher centres in the brain.
At the interface between the microbiota and the host
lies a network of neurons, i.e., the ENS, positioned to re- Regulation of the Stress Response by GI Microbiota
spond, either directly or indirectly, to the microbiota and/ Stress, and the subsequent activation of the HPA axis
or microbiota-derived metabolites. The ENS can be is an evolutionary conserved response to a perturbation
crudely sub-divided into the submucosal plexus and the of the homeostatic environment of the organism in re-
myenteric plexus and is largely responsible for the coor- sponse to an actual or perceived threat [94]. Upon activa-
dination of gut functions such as motility and control of tion, the HPA axis ultimately results in the release of
fluid movement [81]. The ANS is best described as a neu- behaviour-altering endocrine messengers including glu-
ral relay network within the central and peripheral ner- cocorticoids and mineralocorticoids, as well as catechol-
vous systems that governs bodily functions that are nor- amines, and it returns to normal homeostatic levels once
mally controlled without a conscious effort (autono- the threat or perceived threat has subsided. While a defi-
mously), such as breathing, regulation of our heartbeat, cient or blunted HPA axis is commonly observed in the
and digestion. The vagus nerve is the principal neuron clinic in a wide range of autoimmune and inflammatory
within the ANS and innervates the stomach, the small in- diseases; chronic or prolonged exposure to stress can con-
testine, and the proximal portion of the colon and works tribute to the precipitation, maintenance, and/or neuro-
in concert with the neural network lining the layers of the progression of a number of neuroinflammatory and
gut, the ENS, and the CNS to regulate GI functions such stress-related disorders including anxiety [95, 96], de-
as gut motility and permeability, epithelial fluid mainte- pression [95, 96], bipolar disorder [97], post-traumatic
nance, luminal osmolarity, secretion of bile, carbohydrate stress disorder [98], Alzheimer’s disease [99, 100], and
levels, mechanical distortion of the mucosa, and bicar- schizophrenia [101] amongst others. A clear reciprocal
bonate and mucus production as well as the mucosal im- role for microbiota and stress response has been exten-
mune response and intestinal-fluid handling [82] and as sively reviewed over the last 2 decades. It has been shown
such can regulate microbiota diversity and complexity in in animal models that different types of psychological
the gut. Conversely, local events at the level of the gut in- stress including maternal separation, chronic social de-
cluding homeostasis, and potential harmful pathogens, feat, restraint conditions, crowding, heat stress, and
are communicated via the ENS and the vagal nerve from acoustic stress can alter the composition of GI microbio-
the gut to the brain. ta [102–109]. Conversely, a number of experimental
From an anatomical perspective, the current consen- models and conditions have been employed, demonstrat-
sus is that there are 2 neuroanatomical routes for neural ing a key role of the microbiota in regulating the stress
signalling from the intestine to the brain. Primary affer- response including prebiotic and probiotic [110–116] in-
ents from the gut can be crudely separated into “non- tervention, antibiotic administration [116–119], faecal
painful” (satiety, distension, motility, and other homeo- transplantation, and the use of germ-free and specific
static functions) mediated predominantly by vagal/pelvic pathogen-free animals [43, 106, 120–123]. Limited stud-
innervation and “painful” sensory stimuli conveyed by ies have also seen beneficial health reports in humans
splanchnic innervation [83]. Physiological information [124, 125]. Whilst the precise mechanisms behind GI mi-
relating to the status of the gut including distension, mo- crobiota and stress interactions remain to be elucidated,

Gut Microbiota: A Perspective for Neuropsychobiology 5

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the intricate relationship of the immune system with both tentially microbiome-modulating treatments represents
the stress response and GI microbiota makes it a likely an attractive target for manipulation.
biochemical candidate. However, despite the persuasive data from animal
studies for a role of the microbiota in regulating mood,
Regulation of the Neuroinflammatory Response by GI cognition, stress, and social behaviour, amongst others,
Microbiota relevant studies from human cohorts are extremely lim-
The passage of immune cells, cytokines, chemokines, ited. From a translational perspective, double blind,
endocrine (stress) messengers, and microbial by-prod- crossover studies in naive subjects are required in order
ucts to the brain is tightly regulated by the blood-brain to advance the field in this research area.
barrier, which is under vigilant surveillance by resident Clinical evidence for a role of the microbiome in psy-
macrophage and microglia [126]. Recently, it was deter- chiatric disorders is provided by an alteration in micro-
mined that a diverse GI microbiota is necessary the main- biota diversity and complexity when compared to healthy
tenance and maturation of microglia in a healthy func- controls as determined for autism [130–135], schizophre-
tional state [47], and that this is regulated by microbially nia [136–139], and attention deficit disorder [140], as well
synthesized SCFA. Furthermore, the integrity of the as mood disorders including bipolar disorder [141–144],
blood-brain barrier is under the control of GI microbiota anxiety, stress, and depression [138, 145–150] and neuro-
[127]. As with the epithelium of the gut, pattern recogni- inflammatory linked disorders including Alzheimer’s
tion receptors on these immune cells recognize microbial [151–153] and Parkinson’s [55, 154–157] diseases. How-
by-products or respond to local changes in the environ- ever, whether these alterations are causal in these disor-
ment as a consequence of cytokines, chemokines, and en- ders or the changes are an appropriate response to a shift
docrine messengers ultimately resulting in neuroinflam- in their host environment remains, as yet, unresolved.
mation and recruit peripheral monocytes to traffic from
the spleen to the brain [128]. Interestingly, the spleen ex- Positive Modulation of the Microbiota to Improve
presses a high density of FFAR2 [48], the receptor for Psychiatric Disorders
SCFA, on trafficking lymphocytes [129]. Moreover, these Positive modulation of the gut microbiota with the in-
FFAR2-expressing trafficking lymphocytes also express troduction of living microorganisms has been proven to
glucocorticoid receptors and respond to stress stimuli. be successful in ameliorating some negative effects in var-
Collectively, the evidence suggests a multimodal influ- ious disorders, yet many technical and pragmatic difficul-
ence of microbiota on physiological events at the level of ties exist with this therapeutic approach. Once ingested,
the CNS via intervention in the recruitment of local im- the fate of these organisms is somewhat uncertain as it
mune regulators from the periphery to the brain. traverses a number of somewhat hostile physiological en-
Thus far we have introduced some of the proposed vironments including the oropharangeal area with its
mechanisms of action of microbially driven control of high density of digestive enzymes, the acidic pH levels of
the gut-brain axis and their role in regulating the stress the stomach, the alkali bile environment of the small in-
and immune response. We will further address the role of testine, the immune-active interface with the epithelium,
the GI microbiota in psychiatric disorders including and the competitive local environment within the lumen
Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, autism, schizo- of the gut.
phrenia, anxiety disorders, depression, and bipolar disor- Recently, studies investigating the effects of a probi-
der. otic mix of Bifidobacterium anamalis subsp. Lactis, Strep-
tococcus thermophiles, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, and Lac-
tococcus lactis subsp. Lactis on mood reported a positive
The Role of GI Microbiota in Psychiatric Disorders effect in the brains of healthy female volunteers using
fMRI after 4 weeks [159]. Another 4-week double-blind,
Given the myriad of complex physiological processes placebo-controlled randomized fMRI study demonstrat-
by which gut microbes could affect brain function, it is ed that a probiotic formulation containing L. casei, L. ac-
hardly surprising that current research has linked dys- idophilus, L. paracasei, B. lactis, L. salivarius, L. lactis,
regulation of gut microbes to various psychiatric illnesses. B. lactis, L. plantarum, and B. bifidum altered brain acti-
Given the limitations of current treatments for psychiat- vation patterns in response to emotional memory and
ric disorders, and the rates of remission, treatment resis- emotional decision-making tasks, which were also ac-
tance, and side effects, the possibility of low-risk but po- companied by subtle shifts in the gut microbiome profile

6 Neuropsychobiology Rea/Dinan/Cryan
DOI: 10.1159/000504495
[159]. A 3-week study in a healthy, aged population re- L. casei, L. acidophilus, L. paracasei, B. lactis, L. salivarius,
ported a positive effect of L. casei Shirota [160] on mood, L. lactis, B. lactis, L. plantarum, and B. bifidum [171].
whilst the same probiotic was effective in ameliorating While a number of studies have reported an altered
anxiety in chronic fatigue patients following 2 months microbiota in individuals with autism, schizophrenia, or
treatment [161] and reduced abdominal discomfort and ADHD, there is limited or no evidence to demonstrate
sleep quality in healthy medical students exposed to exam whether targeting the microbiota through probiotic or di-
stress [162, 163]. Similarly, a L. plantarum 299v probiotic etary interventions can improve their symptoms in hu-
was shown to decrease exam stress levels in healthy con- mans. However, a small open-label clinical intervention
trols following a 2-week administration [164]. Anxiety study using faecal matter transplant of a standardized mi-
and depressive readouts were decreased with a concomi- crobiota cocktail to children with ASD was efficacious in
tant decrease in cortisol levels following 30 days probi- improving the GI and behavioural symptoms [173]. Al-
otic (L. helveticus and B. longum) treatment in healthy though the sample size was small and the experimental
adults [165], while a mix of S. thermophiles, L. bulgaricus, design lacked a randomized double-blind structure, the
L. lactis subsp. Lactis, L. acidophilus, S. thermophiles, study provided promising preliminary evidence to dem-
L. plantarum, B. lactis, and L. reuteri decreased anxiety onstrate that the microbiota may indeed be targeted as a
behaviour in healthy controls after 3 weeks [166]. L. gas- potential treatment strategy for ASD. Similarly, clinical
seri CP2305 ameliorated stress-related symptoms and studies investigating the role of probiotics in ADHD are
sleep quality in healthy male and female volunteers after 5 lacking, but one promising study where children aged up
weeks of treatment [167]. B. longum 1714, already proven to 6 months were given L. rhamnosus GG (ATCC 53103)
to reduce anxiety and stress responses during acute stress and followed until 13 years of age and, while 6 of 35 con-
in mice [168], similarly reduced stress and anxiety mea- trol students presented with ADHD, none of the 40 pro-
sures after 4 weeks treatment in a population of healthy biotic-treated students presented with ADHD symptoms
adults [169], and it improved the cognitive performance [174].
[113, 169]. However, not all probiotics that show benefi- A limited number of studies investigating the thera-
cial effects pre-clinically translate to a beneficial effect in peutic role of probiotics in individuals suffering from
human studies. A study in healthy volunteers undergoing mood disorders including stress, anxiety, bipolar disor-
exam stress demonstrated that L. rhamnosus (JB-1) had der, and depression have been conducted. In a recent
no effect on mood, anxiety, stress, or sleep [170]. 8-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
Alterations in GI microbiota have also been linked to clinical trial including 40 patients with a diagnosis of
bipolar disorder, although the data is somewhat limited MDD based on DSM-IV criteria whose age ranged be-
[141–144] and intervention studies have mostly been tween 20 and 55 years, a triple-strain probiotic (L. aci-
mostly inconclusive [136, 171]. Further evidence for a dophilus, L. casei, and B. bifidum) resulted in improve-
role of the microbiota in bipolar disorder is provided by ments in depression scores in addition to beneficial met-
a study where patients presenting with bipolar mania abolic effects in an MDD cohort [175]. Another 8-week,
were nearly twice as likely as other patients to have been randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical
recently treated with systemic antibiotics [172]. Specifi- trial included 81 patients and examined the effect of a
cally, bipolar disorder has been linked to decreased Fir- probiotic mix of L. helveticus and B. longum on mild to
micutes, specifically Faecalibacterium [142], which also moderate MDD in a placebo-controlled parallel study
correlated with self-reporting symptom severity. In fe- [176] and reported a decrease in depression scores as well
males undergoing atypical antipsychotic treatment, a de- as improvements in tryptophan signalling. Interestingly,
creased species diversity, in particular Lachnospiraceae, a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study
Akkermansia, and Sutterella, was observed compared to with 380 participants reported that daily L. rhamnosus
treatment-naive controls [143]. Recent clinical probiotic HN001 during pregnancy (gestational weeks 14–16) and
studies in biplor disorder suggest that probiotic therapy into the post-partum period (6 months post-partum if
could reduce the rate of re-hospitalization of patients breastfeeding) significantly decreased post-natal anxiety
over a 24-week adjunctive probiotic treatment with and depression scores [177]. However, other studies in
L. rhamnosus strain GG and B. animalis subsp. lactis the literature failed to show any benefit for depression
strain Bb12 who were recently discharged following hospi- scores following the administration of probiotics in pa-
talization for mania [136], and a subtle effect on “cognitive tients presenting with depression [178]. Overall, system-
reactivity to sad mood” following 3 month treatment with atic reviews of probiotics as a potential adjunct therapy in

Gut Microbiota: A Perspective for Neuropsychobiology 7

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MDD are encouraging, describing that probiotics effec- atric disorders and gut microbiota diversity and complex-
tively improve mood in humans [179–181]. However, an- ity may unlock information on personalized therapeutic
other recent meta-analysis called into question the sig- treatment – in terms of onset of action, dose, treatment
nificance of these findings, highlighting the confounding resistance, and relapse.
comparability of studies due to strain differences and dis-
ease severity [182]. The Prospects for Microbiota Manipulation as a
In patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or Par- Therapy for Psychiatric Disorders
kinson’s disease, there are as yet no published studies re- Given the role that the microbiome plays in health
porting the effects of probiotics in ameliorating the symp- maintenance, and with the evidence from preclinical
toms of these disorders. studies, microbiota manipulation represents a promising
tool or adjunct therapy in the treatment of a number of
Psychiatric Medication and the Microbiome disorders and/or their associated symptoms. By and large,
A growing body of evidence suggests that medication the rather limited clinical studies in this research field
used in the treatment of psychiatric disorders can also have been performed in healthy adults, at 1 dose and with
affect the composition of the gut microbiota, with poten- only 1 or 2 probiotic treatment groups – and often the
tial implications for behaviour, as well as the involve- cohorts are quite small. However, the majority of these
ment of the microbiota in drug pharmacokinetics in gen- studies have reported positive effects. Clinicians, while
eral [183]. Benzodiazepines and antidepressants were considering the potentially beneficial effects of these mi-
listed as co-variates influencing microbiota in the Bel- crobiota manipulations, cannot neglect the treatment of
gian Flemish Gut Flora Project [184]. Similarly, in an- their patients with the appropriate psychiatric medicine
other population-based study with Dutch participants, and, as such, the true beneficial outcomes of this research
i.e., LifeLines-DEEP, deep-sequencing of the gut micro- field will remain somewhat stunted until we better under-
biotas revealed a relationship between the medication stand the effects of the psychiatric treatments on the mi-
used in the treatment of psychiatric disorders, particu- crobiota and the role of the microbiota in the efficacy of
larly antidepressants, and the diversity and complexity of the psychiatric treatment.
the gut microbiota [185]. A profound advantage of microbiota manipulation as
Given the comorbidity of psychiatric disorders with a treatment strategy is that the microbiota is extremely
other ailments, polypharmacy (the concurrent use of dynamic and can be positively altered quite readily by a
multiple medications by a patient) has also been investi- number of factors including diet, exercise, and stress re-
gated. One study demonstrated that there was a signifi- duction. A quote from Hippocrates, “Let food be thy
cant negative correlation between the number of different medicine and medicine be thy food,” remains as true to-
drugs consumed and microbial diversity, although it is day as it was over 2,000 years ago. Research into positive
unknown whether the lower diversity resulted in a re- modulation of the microbiota through diet with a view to
duced cognitive function [186]. Specifically, the drug improving health has dramatically increased in the last 2
classes that had the strongest association with single taxa decades, with various dietary compounds including car-
abundance were PPI, anti-depressants, and anti-psychot- bohydrates (sugars, oligosaccharides, and inulin), pro-
ics. Several studies have been performed in vitro in order teins (branched chain amino acids, SCFA, and essential
to determine the anti-microbial activity of non-antibiotic amino acids), linoleic acids, bile acids, polyunsaturated
drugs [187–190] and again antidepressants, benzodiaze- fatty acids, and polyphenols being explored for health
pines, and antipsychotics and they have been shown to promotion [193].
possess antimicrobial activity, with a strong potential for Given the recent advances in sequencing technologies,
subsequent functional neural effects. and computational approaches to data mining, the inte-
While the microbes in our gut are susceptible to mod- gration of data from clinical datasets from taxonomic
ulation by treatments in psychiatric disorders, they in profiles of the microbiota, pharmacomicrobiomics, met-
turn also play a key role in metabolizing orally adminis- abolic and immune readouts from metagenomics, pro-
tered natural products and drugs [191, 192]. This area of teomics, and lipidomics combined with functional imag-
research investigating the role of the gut microbiota in the ing and behavioural readouts should allow significant
kinetic profile of xenobiotics is termed “pharmacomicro- leaps forward in this research field. Given the unique sig-
biomics” and it is in its infancy. However, the reciprocal nature of the trillions of microbiota we each harbour in
influence of medication used in the treatment of psychi- our gut, perhaps these tiny microbes may explain the

8 Neuropsychobiology Rea/Dinan/Cryan
DOI: 10.1159/000504495
range of responders and non-responders in treatment re- Acknowledgement
sistance, side effect profiles, and/or tolerance. Indeed,
This research was conducted with the financial support of Sci-
personalized medicine based on our unique microbiome ence Foundation Ireland (SFI) under grant No. SFI/12/RC/2273.
signature may represent the future of psychiatric treat-
ment or an adjunct therapy.

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