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Leistorn WEAPONS: Club, crossbow, dagger, shortbow, shortsword; ARMOR: Leather

armor, mithral chainmail LANGUAGES: Common, Goblin

Human: AMBITIOUS: Extra Talent at level 1

Thief: BACKSTAB: Extra 1 + half level (round down) weapon dice of damage
12 +1 11 +0 Human
with surprise attacks

Thief: THIEVERY: Trained in climbing, sneaking, hiding, disguise, finding &

disabling traps, delicate tasks

Human Ambition-1: INITIATIVE: Gain advantage on initiative rolls

Thief-1: STAT BONUS: +2 to Dexterity

18 +4 16 +3 Thief

12 +1 14 +2 1 0 10

30 1 5
4 15 Crossbow

Crossbow bolts (20) Backpack

Thieves' tools

Neutral Leather armor

Bag of coins (36)


CROSSBOW: +4 (F), 1d6 (skip move to reload, Flask or bottle


SHORTSWORD: +1, 1d6 Barbarian Flint and steel

CLUB: +1, 1d4

Backstab: +1 weapon die of damage with Torch

surprise attacks


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