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HSK 1-4 Adjectives

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HSK 1-4 Adjectives

Chinese Pinyin English HSK Level
⼤ dà big HSK 1
多 duō many HSK 1
⾼兴 gāoxìng happy HSK 1
好 hǎo good HSK 1
冷 lěng cold HSK 1
漂亮 piàoliang pretty HSK 1
热 rè hot HSK 1
少 shǎo few HSK 1
⼩ xiǎo small HSK 1
⽩ bái white HSK 2
⻓ cháng long HSK 2
对 duì correct HSK 2
⾼ gāo tall, high HSK 2
贵 guì expensive; noble HSK 2
好吃 hǎochī tasty, delicious HSK 2
⿊ hēi black; dark; shady, illegal HSK 2
红 hóng red; popular; revolutionary HSK 2
近 jìn nearby, close HSK 2
快 kuài quick HSK 2 6/14/24, 18 54
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快乐 kuàilè happy HSK 2
累 lèi tired HSK 2
慢 màn slow HSK 2
忙 máng busy HSK 2
便宜 piányi cheap, inexpensive HSK 2
新 xīn new HSK 2
远 yuǎn far HSK 2
矮 ǎi short HSK 3
安静 ānjìng quiet HSK 3
饱 bǎo full (from eating) HSK 3
聪明 cōngming smart, intelligent HSK 3
低 dī low HSK 3
短 duǎn short HSK 3
饿 è to be hungry; hungry HSK 3
⽅便 fāngbiàn convenient HSK 3
⼲净 gānjìng clean, neat HSK 3
⾼兴 gāoxìng happy HSK 3
坏 huài bad; spoiled; broken; to break (down) HSK 3
⻩ huáng yellow HSK 3
简单 jiǎndān simple HSK 3
健康 jiànkāng healthy; health HSK 3
久 jiǔ long (time) HSK 3
旧 jiù old and worn out HSK 3
渴 kě thirsty HSK 3
可爱 kě'ài lovable, cute HSK 3
蓝 lán blue HSK 3
⽼ lǎo old HSK 3
绿 lǜ green HSK 3
难 nán difficult HSK 3
难过 nánguò to feel upset HSK 3 6/14/24, 18 54
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年轻 niánqīng youthful HSK 3
努⼒ nǔlì to try hard, to strive HSK 3
胖 pàng fat, chubby HSK 3
便宜 piányi cheap, inexpensive HSK 3
奇怪 qíguài strange, odd; to be baffled HSK 3
清楚 qīngchu clear HSK 3
认真 rènzhēn serious; seriously HSK 3
热情 rèqíng enthusiastic, passionate, super friendly HSK 3
容易 róngyì easy HSK 3
瘦 shòu thin HSK 3
comfortable; pleasant-feeling; feeling
舒服 shūfu HSK 3
甜 tián sweet HSK 3
突然 tūrán sudden; suddenly HSK 3
⼩⼼ xiǎoxīn to be careful HSK 3
新鲜 xīnxiān fresh HSK 3
⼀般 yībān in general; average HSK 3
⼀样 yīyàng the same (as) HSK 3
有名 yǒumíng famous, well-known HSK 3
着急 zháojí to be anxious HSK 3
真 zhēn really, truly; real HSK 3
重要 zhòngyào important HSK 3
主要 zhǔyào main; mainly HSK 3
安全 ānquán safe HSK 4
棒 bàng great HSK 4
笨 bèn stupid HSK 4
成功 chénggōng successful HSK 4
诚实 chéngshí honest HSK 4
粗⼼ cūxīn careless, thoughtless HSK 4
proud of oneself; pleased with oneself;
得意 déyì HSK 4
complacent 6/14/24, 18 54
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低 dī low HSK 4
烦恼 fánnǎo annoyances, pains, troubling matters HSK 4
丰富 fēngfù abundant HSK 4
富 fù rich HSK 4
复杂 fùzá complicated, complex HSK 4
共同 gòngtóng joint, in common HSK 4
合格 hégé qualified, up to standard HSK 4
合适 héshì suitable HSK 4
厚 hòu thick, deep HSK 4
⽕ huǒ popular, hot HSK 4
活泼 huópo lively HSK 4
假 jiǎ fake HSK 4
骄傲 jiāoào proud HSK 4
激动 jīdòng excited HSK 4
积极 jījí active; positive HSK 4
精彩 jīngcǎi spectacular, wonderful HSK 4
紧张 jǐnzhāng nervous, tense; strained HSK 4
开⼼ kāixīn happy HSK 4
可怜 kělián pitiful, poor HSK 4
可惜 kěxī such a shame, unfortunately HSK 4
空 kōng empty HSK 4
苦 kǔ bitter, hardship HSK 4
困 kùn sleepy HSK 4
辣 là spicy HSK 4
懒 lǎn lazy HSK 4
浪漫 làngmàn romantic HSK 4
冷静 lěngjìng calm; cool-headed HSK 4
凉快 liángkuai cool (temperature) HSK 4
厉害 lìhai impressive, awesome; tremendous HSK 4
礼貌 lǐmào polite HSK 4 6/14/24, 18 54
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流利 liúlì fluent HSK 4
乱 luàn chaotic, messy, disorganized HSK 4
麻烦 máfan troublesome HSK 4
⻢⻁ mǎhu careless HSK 4
美丽 měilì beautiful HSK 4
免费 miǎnfèi free HSK 4
to feel unwell;to suffer pain;to be
难受 nánshòu HSK 4
difficult to bear
暖 nuǎn warm HSK 4
暖和 nuǎnhuo warm HSK 4
破 pò worn out, lousy; to break HSK 4
普遍 pǔbiàn universal; general; widespread; common HSK 4
轻 qīng light, easy, gentle, soft HSK 4
轻松 qīngsōng gentle, relaxed HSK 4
穷 qióng poor HSK 4
bustling with noise and
热闹 rènao HSK 4
伤⼼ shāngxīn sad HSK 4
深 shēn deep HSK 4
失望 shīwàng disappointed HSK 4
帅 shuài handsome HSK 4
顺利 shùnlì smooth; smoothly HSK 4
死 sǐ rigid, inflexible HSK 4
酸 suān sour; sore; acid HSK 4
随便 suíbiàn as one pleases HSK 4
所有 suǒyǒu all HSK 4
危险 wēixiǎn dangerous HSK 4
⽆聊 wúliáo boring; bored HSK 4
咸 xián salty HSK 4
⾹ xiāng fragrant, good-smelling HSK 4
相同 xiāngtóng same, identical HSK 4 6/14/24, 18 54
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详细 xiángxì detailed HSK 4
兴奋 xīngfèn excited HSK 4
幸福 xìngfú happy (in the fairytale sense) HSK 4
⾟苦 xīnkǔ to be a lot of hard work, toilsome HSK 4
严格 yángé strict HSK 4
阳光 yángguāng sunshine HSK 4
严重 yánzhòng serious HSK 4
勇敢 yǒnggǎn brave HSK 4
友好 yǒuhǎo friendly HSK 4
幽默 yōumò humorous HSK 4
有趣 yǒuqù interesting, amusing HSK 4
优秀 yōuxiù outstanding, excellent HSK 4
原来 yuánlái formerly, original HSK 4
愉快 yúkuài pleasant, happy HSK 4
脏 zāng dirty HSK 4
正常 zhèngcháng normal HSK 4
正确 zhèngquè correct, right HSK 4
正式 zhèngshì formal HSK 4
真正 zhēnzhèng real, true HSK 4
直接 zhíjiē directly HSK 4
重 zhòng heavy; strong (accent, scent, flavor, etc.) HSK 4
专业 zhuānyè professional HSK 4
著名 zhùmíng famous HSK 4
准确 zhǔnquè accurate, precise HSK 4
准时 zhǔnshí on time; punctual HSK 4
仔细 zǐxì careful HSK 4
⾃信 zìxìn to be self-confident HSK 4

See also 6/14/24, 18 54
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