Thermal Ext Key

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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

1(a)(i) any one pair: 2

pair 1:
- evaporation: at surface OR
no bubbles from
- boiling: throughout liquid OR
bubbles from
pair 2:
- evaporation: at any
temperature OR
no heat needed
- boiling: at specific temperature
heat needed
pair 3:
- evaporation: affected by
draught / surface area
- boiling: not affected by draught
/ surface area

1(a)(ii) (it / rate) increases AND {more 1

molecules have enough energy
to escape OR
break bonds}

1(b)(i) remains constant 1

- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

1(b)(ii) E = m l in any form OR 3

(E =) m l
P = energy / t in any form OR
(P =) energy / t
(P = 0.095 × 2.3 × 10 / (12 × 60)
=) 300 W

2(a) E = Pt in any form (1) 2

(E =) 6000 J (1)

2(b) E = mc ΔT in any form (1) 3

c= (1)

(c =) 0.84 J /(g °C) OR

840 J /(kg °C) (1)

2(c) EITHER 2
some of energy supplied by the
heater heats the heater / goes
to lagging / goes to surroundings
specific heat capacity is lower
than value in (b) (1)
some energy may be absorbed
from surroundings if they are at
a higher temperature (1)
specific heat capacity is higher
than value in (b) (1)
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

3(a) 0 AND 100 correctly labelled 2

36 (1)

3(b)(i) melting (1) 2

any one from:
molecules gain energy
molecule (begin to) break
(some) bonds
arrangement becomes irregular
or arrangement changes

3(b)(ii) boiling (1) 2

any one from:
molecules break (all) bonds
molecules move (more) freely

molecules become widely

separated or far apart
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

4(a) (E =) mc∆θ OR 4
65 × 720 × 7 (1)
3.3 × 10 (J) (1)
P = E / t in any form OR
(t=) E / P OR
6 3
3.3 × 10 / 1.5 × 10 (1)
220 s (1)

4(b) any two from: 2

the heater warms walls / floor /
ceiling / windows / furniture /
thermal energy conducted
through walls / floor / ceiling /
windows (to exterior)
thermal energy used to raise
temperature of air entering room
via draughts / openings
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

5(a) equipment e.g. 3

black container and white
container and thermometers OR
Leslie's cube and detector (1)
warm / hot water in container
AND temperature decreases
recorded / time to reach a given
temperature / time to cool OR
warm / hot water in cube AND
meter readings recorded (1)
how a conclusion is reached
better emitter surface cools
quicker OR
greater reading from better
emitter surface (1)
- Mark Scheme /

Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

5(b) any two appropriate quantities 2

initial temperature of water (1)
mass / volume of water (1)
dimensions / surface area of
container (1)
time of cooling (1)
mass of container (1)
shape of container (1)
smoothness of surface (1)
surface area of face (of cube)
distance of detector (1)
temperature of water at time of
measurement (1)
smoothness of surface (1)
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

6 any mention of 5
radiation/infra-red radiation with
reference to silvered surfaces
silvered surfaces are poor
emitters / poor absorbers /
(good) reflectors (1)
glass is a poor conductor OR
glass reduces thermal energy /
heat gain by conduction (1)
vacuum prevents thermal energy
/ heat gain by conduction OR
convection (1)
stopper reduces thermal energy
/ heat gain by convection (1)
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

7 cork on black plate / side B falls 4

off (before cork on shiny plate /
side A) (1)
black surface are better
absorbers than shiny surfaces
shiny surfaces are better
reflectors than black surfaces
black surface are better
absorbers than shiny surfaces /
shiny surfaces are better
reflectors than black surfaces
AND of (infrared) radiation (1)

wax on black plate / plate B

melts before wax on shiny plate
/ plate A (1)
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Question Answer Marks AO Element Notes Guidance

8 diagram shows cans placed 4

near heater (1)
put thermometers in water AND
observe readings (1)
good detail (1)
cans equal distances from
same water volumes/levels
thermometers same positions in
higher thermometer reading in
black (painted) can OR black
(surface) good/best/better
absorber (1)

9 electrons mentioned (1) 3

electrons travel (a great
distance) through the metal or
(vibrating) atoms hit (free)
electrons (1)
electrons hit (distant) particles
or transfer energy (to distant
atoms) (1)

[Total: 47]

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