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Format of CEL File (UMTS)

The CEL file format supports GSM and WCDMA cells.

105.1 General

The file is in ASCII format with tab-delimited data. There is no restriction on the number of cells
in the file, but very large cell files will slow the application down noticeably. The default file
extension is .cel.

105.2 File Header

The cell file header, which takes up the first line of the file, consists of a revision number and
an identification string:

<Rev> TEMS_-_Cell_names

where <Rev> is a revision number.

105.3 Column Headers

The second line in the cell file is the column header line. It consists of tab -separated strings,
each of which identifies a category of data. The set of column headers used appears from the
table in section "Data" below; columns can be arranged in any order as long as their headers
are valid.

105.4 Data

The remainder of the cell file contains data. Each data line represents one cell name entry and
is stored in ASCII as:


The table below describes the format of the data in each column:

105.4.1 General Data

Column Header Data Content and Format

Cell Cell name. Text string.

Column Header Data Content and Format

NETWORK_CELLID Free text field describing the cell. Text


Lat, Lon Latitude and longitude. Text string. The

input format must be one of the following,

H is one of {N, n, S, s, W, w, E, e, +, -},

"+" representing N or E,

d = degree digit, m = minute digit, s =

second digit,

* = degree sign, one of {°, d, *, o, O, ¤, ^}:

H dddmm.mmmm (decimal minutes).

Here, minutes must be written with two
and degrees with at least two digits.
Thus, when entering N 4° 2.86´, the
degrees and minutes must be
written 0402.

H ddd* mm.mmmm' (decimal minutes).

This format, unlike the previous one,
does not require padding zeroes in
the ddd* mm segment.

H ddd* mm' ss" (degrees, minutes and

seconds; the sign for seconds must be a
double quote, ASCII 0x22 – it cannot be
replaced by two single quotes).

H ddd* mm' ss.ssss" (degrees, minutes

and decimal seconds).

H ddd.dddd* (decimal degrees).

In all formats, the number of decimals is


The presentation format is H

dddmm.mmmm, i.e. decimal minutes
rounded off to four decimal places. This
gives a resolution of about 20 cm, so that
Column Header Data Content and Format
the error is negligible compared to other
sources of error.

MCC Mobile Country Code. Integer, base 10


MNC Mobile Network Code. Integer, base 10


LAC Location Area Code. Integer, base 10 or

(with prefix 0x) hexadecimal

RA Routing Area Code. Integer, base 10


CI The Cell Identity reported in System

Information. For WCDMA, this is the
same as UC-Id = RNC-Id + C-Id
in ► 3GPP 25.401, section 6.1.5. Integer,
base 10 or (with prefix 0x) hexadecimal

CI_N_n Cell Identity of neighbor n of this

cell. Same format as for CI.

ANT_DIRECTION Antenna direction in degrees clockwise

from north. Decimal number. (Alternative

ANT_BEAM_WIDTH Antenna beam width in degrees. Integer.

ANT_TYPE Antenna type. Text string.

ANT_HEIGHT Antenna height in meters. Decimal


ANT_TILT Antenna tilt in degrees. Decimal number.

CELL_TYPE Cell type (e.g. "Macro", "Micro", "Pico").

Text string.
105.4.2 GSM-specific Data

Column Data Content and Format


ARFCN ARFCN. Mandatory for GSM cells. Integer.

BSIC BSIC. Integer in the range 00 ... 77 (octal).

TCH_ARFCN_n ARFCN of TCH no. n used by this cell. Integer.

LAC_N_n LAC for neighbor n of this cell. Same format as

for LAC.

105.4.3 WCDMA-specific Data

Column Header Data Content and Format

UARFCN UARFCN. Mandatory for WCDMA cells.


SC Scrambling code. Integer.

RNC-ID Radio Network Controller ID. Equal to the

12-bit RNC-Id in ► 3GPP 25.401,
section 6.1.5. Integer, base 10 or (with
prefix 0x) hexadecimal representation.

RNC-ID_N_n Radio Network Controller ID of

neighbor n of this cell. Same format as
for RNC-ID.

C-ID Cell Identity. Equal to the 16-bit C-Id

in ► 3GPP 25.401, section 6.1.5. Integer,
base 10 or (with prefix 0x) hexadecimal

The 28-bit Cell Identity ("UC-Id" in 3GPP) is

a concatenation of RNC-ID (see above) and

C-ID_N_n Cell Identity of neighbor n of this cell. Same

format as for C-ID.

URA UTRAN Registration Area. Integer.

Column Header Data Content and Format

TIME_OFFSET Time offset of P-SCH synchronization signal

in chips. Integer.

CPICH_POWER Power (in dBm) on P-CPICH control

channel. Decimal number.

MAX_TX_POWER Maximum transmit power (in dBm) for the

cell. Decimal number.

NODE_B NodeB identity assigned by the operator.

Text string.

NODE_B_STATUS NodeB status (e.g. "Operational",

"Phase 3"). Text string.

105.5 Comment Lines

A comment line starts with an exclamation mark !'.

Comment lines are ignored when the cell file is imported.

105.6 Neighbor Identification

In GSM, the following parameters are used to identify neighbors: CI, CI_N_n, LAC, LAC_N_n.

In WCDMA, the following parameters are used to identify neighbors: either {CI, CI_N_n} or {C-
ID, C-ID_N_n, RNC-ID, RNC-ID_N_n}.

105.7 Example

Below is a sample cell file. The data columns are split into sections here for obvious reasons of
presentation; the actual file has one single row of data columns below the header.

Cells no. 1–2 are WCDMA cells, while cells no. 3–4 are GSM cells.
106. Format of XML Cell File

The XML cell file format is used for representing (primarily) cell and site information and for
interchanging such information between products in the TEMS portfolio.
106.1 Scope of XML Format

The XML format incorporates cell and site data for GSM, WCDMA, LTE, NR and CDMA (1x as
well as EV-DO). It also includes Wi-Fi access point data.

106.2 Relation to CEL Format

No formal mapping exists from the older *.cel format (chapter "Format of CEL File (UMTS)" )
to the XML format, but the correspondences are obvious throughout. All column headings in
the *.cel file have their counterparts in XML file elements; in addition, the XML file contains
further data. Just note that in the *.cel file, neighbors are indicated by their CIs, whereas in the
XML file, cell names are used to identify neighbors.

106.3 Relation to TEMS Investigation CDMA CSV Format

The CSV cell file format used in TEMS Investigation CDMA can be converted to the XML
format using TEMS Discovery Device. Please consult the documentation for that product.

Please note that the CSV format lacks certain items of information that are present in the XML
format. For example, the band class is lacking in CSV but is ma ndatory in XML (see
sections "CDMA_CHANNEL_INFO", ""Atomic" Elements"). This information must be entered
manually in the XML files.

106.4 Schemas

The XML-format cell file is based on two XML schemas:

The schema TEMSDataTypes.xsd defines TEMS-specific XML data types, derived from the
fundamental data types set down in the XML specification. See section "TEMS-specific Data Types".

The schema TEMSCell.xsd defines XML attributes and elements that embody cell and site data, relying
on the data types in TEMSDataTypes.xsd. See section "Structure of Cell File".

The schemas are found in the directory XMLSchema beneath the TEMS
Investigation installation directory. The syntax laid down in the schemas should always be
followed when composing XML cell files.

106.5 General Remarks on Format

The file format should generally follow the recommendation for XML 1.0. See the World Wide
Web Consortium recommendation at ►
Files should be encoded in Unicode UTF -8 ( ► IETF RFC 2279). They therefore need to begin

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

When composing XML files it is a good idea to use an XML -capable editor or other tool with
XML support. To ensure that language-specific characters are handled correctly, any tool used
needs to support the UTF-8 encoding. UTF-8 allows a set of more than 2 8 = 256 characters to
be mapped into 8-bit symbols, by using two-byte sequences for certain characters. For
example, Swedish à needs to be encoded as à _ in the XML file. Tools with UTF-8 support
normally handle this automatically.

The file should have extension .xml.

Free text comments must be formatted like this:

<!-- Comment goes here -->

106.6 TEMS-specific Data Types

To facilitate handling of data, a number of TEMS -specific data types are defined. They are
collected in the schema TEMSDataTypes.xsd. The definition of custom data types enables
range checks and validation of cell data. The data types are used in defining the elements and
attributes of the XML cell file, as described in section "Structure of Cell File".

All TEMS-specific data types are derived from basic (generic) XML schema data types w ith
additional constraints on value ranges or enumeration. It should be noted that these data types
do not compare directly to their counterparts in programming languages. For example, it does
not follow automatically that the "Long" data types found below should always be represented
by a "long" data type in a programming language.

Full information on the basic set of XML schema data types, including definitions of int, long,
float, double, and string, is found at ►

Value ranges below are given in the form of inclusive minimum and maximum values, that is,
the endpoints of the ranges are valid values.

The TEMS-specific data types are as follows:

Data Type Range/Description

Double90_90 –90.0 ... 90.0

Double180_180 –180.0 ... 180.0

Double5000 0.0 ... 5000.0

Float90 0.0 ... 90.0

Float90_90 –90.0 ... 90.0

Float100 1.0 ... 100.0

Data Type Range/Description

Float180_180 –180.0 ... 180.0

Float360 0.0 ... 360.0

Float_LteBandwidth {1.4, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20}

Int2To3 2, 3

Long2 0, ..., 2

Long7, Long9, etc. (analogous to Long2)

LongPositive 0, ..., 9,223,372,036,854,775,807

String128 String with max 128 characters

String128_Collapse String with max 128 characters,

collapsed white spaces1

String_GeodeticDatum String indicating geodetic datum; one of

"WGS84", "Bessel 1841", "Krasovsky",
"Clarke 1880"

String_OperatingBand String; for values see

section "String_OperatingBand"

String_SystemType String equal to one of the following:

"GSM", "WCDMA", "LTE", "CDMA", "EV-

106.6.1 String_OperatingBand
A string of type String_OperatingBand can have the following values: GSM Bands

For full details see ► 3GPP 45.005.

Band Description

GSM Unspecified GSM band. Can be used

when the frequency band is not known or
not defined.

GSM 450, GSM 480, E-GSM = Extended GSM

GSM 850, GSM 900,
E-GSM 900,
Band Description

R-GSM 900, R-GSM = Railway GSM

GSM 1800,
GSM 1900 The rest is self-explanatory. WCDMA Bands

For full details see ► 3GPP 25.101, chapter 5.

Band Description

W-CDMA Unspecified WCDMA band. Can be used when

the frequency band is not known or not defined.

W-CDMA 850 Band V, AM/China

W-CDMA 850 Band VI, JP


W-CDMA 900 Band VIII, EU (GSM)


W-CDMA 1800 Band IX, JP


W-CDMA 1900 Band II, AM

W-CDMA 2100 Band I, EU/JP/APAC

W-CDMA 2100 Band IV, AM


W-CDMA 2500 Band VII, Global LTE Bands

For full details see ► 3GPP 36.101, tables 5.5-1 "E-UTRA Operating Bands" and 5.6.1-1 "E-
UTRA Channel Bandwidth".

Band Description

EUTRA Unspecified E-UTRA band. Can be used when the

Generic frequency band is not known or not defined.

FDD bands

EUTRA 1 Band I, UMTS IMT 2100 MHz

Band Description

EUTRA 2 Band II, PCS 1900 MHz

EUTRA 3 Band III, DCS 1800 MHz

EUTRA 4 Band IV, AWS 1700/2100 MHz

EUTRA 5 Band V, Cellular 850 MHz, UMTS 850 MHz

EUTRA 6 Band VI, UMTS 800 MHz

EUTRA 7 Band VII, IMT-E 2600 MHz


900 MHz

EUTRA 9 Band IX, UMTS 1700 MHz

EUTRA 10 Band X, UMTS IMT-2000, 1700/2100 MHz

EUTRA 11 Band XI, PDC 1500 MHz

EUTRA 12 Band XII, Lower SMH Blocks A/B/C, 700 MHz

EUTRA 13 Band XIII, Upper SMH Block C, 700 MHz

EUTRA 14 Band XIV, Upper SMH Block D, 700 MHz

EUTRA 17 Band XVII, 700 MHz

EUTRA 18 Band XVIII, 800 MHz

EUTRA 19 Band XIX, 800 MHz

EUTRA 20 Band XX, EU Digital Dividend 800 MHz

EUTRA 21 Band XXI, 1400 MHz

EUTRA 22 Band XXII, 3400/3500 MHz

EUTRA 23 Band XXIII, 2000/2100 MHz

EUTRA 24 Band XXIV, 1600/1500 MHz

EUTRA 25 Band XXV, 1800/1900 MHz

TDD bands

EUTRA 33 Band XXXIII, 1900 to 1920 MHz

EUTRA 34 Band XXXIV, 2010 to 2025 MHz

EUTRA 35 Band XXXV, 1850 to 1910 MHz

EUTRA 36 Band XXXVI, 1930 to 1990 MHz

Band Description

EUTRA 37 Band XXXVII, 1910 to 1930 MHz

EUTRA 38 Band XXXVIII, 2570 to 2620 MHz

EUTRA 39 Band XXXIX, 1880 to 1920 MHz

EUTRA 40 Band XL, IMT-2000, 2300 to 2400 MHz

EUTRA 41 Band XLI, 2496 to 2690 MHz

EUTRA 42 Band XLII, 3400 to 3600 MHz

EUTRA 43 Band XLIII, 3600 to 3800 MHz CDMA Bands

The CDMA band definitions are from ► 3GPP2 C.S0057-B, version 1.0.

Band Description

CDMA Unspecified CDMA band. Can be used when

the frequency band is not known or not

CDMA 800 Band 0, 800 MHz cellular

CDMA 1900 Band 1, 1.8 to 2.0 GHz PCS

CDMA TACS Band 2, 872 to 960 MHz TACS

CDMA JTACS Band 3, 832 to 925 MHz JTACS

CDMA PCS KR Band 4, 1.75 to 1.87 GHz Korean PCS

CDMA 450 Band 5, 450 MHz NMT

CDMA 2GHz Band 6, 2 GHz IMT-2000

CDMA 700 Band 7, 700 MHz

CDMA 1800 Band 8, 1800 MHz

CDMA 900 Band 9, 900 MHz

CDMA 800 2nd Band 10, Secondary 800 MHz

CDMA 400 Band 11, 400 MHz European PAMR


CDMA 800 Band 12, 800 MHz PAMR

Band Description

CDMA 2.5GHz Band 13, 2.5 GHz IMT-2000 Extension band


CDMA 1900 Band 14, US PCS 1.9 GHz


CDMA AWS Band 15, AWS (US)

CDMA 2.5GHz Band 16, US 2.5 GHz


CDMA 2.5GHz Band 17, US 2.5 GHz Forward Link Only

US FW LO Wi-Fi Bands

Wi-Fi uses unlicensed (ISM) frequency bands as specified in IEEE 802.11. These bands are
not represented in the XML cell file.

106.7 Structure of Cell File

106.7.1 Diagram Conventions

In this section, the structure of the XML cell file is illustrated using tree diagrams. A few
conventions in these diagrams need explaining:

Graphic Explanations

Solid line box: The element is mandatory.

Lines in upper left corner: The element is

"atomic", i.e. it is fully defined in itself and does
not contain other elements. Non-atomic elements
are drawn without these lines.

Arrow: The element type is global. Global element

types are ones that are reused multiple times in
the file structure, for instance because they are
needed for all technologies (e.g. CELLNAME,
ANTENNA). The element type is defined only
once in the schema file, and all occurrences of the
element type refer to that definition. An element
without the arrow is local and has a definition of
its own.
Graphic Explanations

Dashed line box: The element is optional.

Plus sign: The entity in the diagram contains other

elements within it. The subordinate structure is
collapsed in this case.

Minus sign: The subordinate structure is


Stacked boxes: Several instances of the element

may occur. The permitted number of instances is
indicated by a range; in this case, there must be
at least one CELL_LIST, but there is no fixed
upper limit on the number of such elements.

The element on the left must precede the element

on the right.

The element on the left must precede the

elements on the right; but the latter may come in
arbitrary order.
106.7.2 Overall File Structure

Nearly every piece of data in an XML cell file will be described as an element or attribute. The
main root element is TEMS_CELL_EXPORT; it has a mandatory attribute VERSION which
indicates the version of the cell file format.

The GENERATED_DATE element, also mandatory, indicates when the cell file was generated.

A number of further, standard attributes need to be included in the cell file to enable schema
validation (checking of element names, value ranges, etc.):



xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="TEMSCell.xsd" VERSION="1.2"

Please note that no path should be given to TEMSCell.xsd.

106.7.3 GSM Cell Data
GSM cell data is organized as follows:

The "GSM" element contains at least one and optionally several CELL_LIST elements. Cell
lists are intended to be used to d istinguish operators. Each cell list element contains at least
one GSM cell. There is no limit to the number of either cells or cell lists.

Like the main root element, the "GSM" element has a mandatory VERSION attribute stating the
version of the GSM cell data structure.

CELL_LIST elements have one mandatory attribute, NET_OPERATOR.

For each GSM cell the following elements are specified:

Each cell element is a container that holds multiple subordinate elements. As can be seen in
the diagram, only a few of these are mandatory. One is CELLNAME. CELLNAME must be
unique in the entire file if the neighbor list is not empty. CELLNAME has SYSTEM_TYPE as
attribute; if this attribute is not set, it is implicitly assumed that this cell belongs to the system
(the communications technology) in whose structure it is found, e.g. GSM.

106.7.4 WCDMA Cell Data

WCDMA cell data is organized like GSM cell data; compare section "GSM Cell Data" .

For each WCDMA cell the following elements are specified:

106.7.5 LTE Cell Data

LTE cell data is organized like GSM cell data; compare section "GSM Cell Data" .
For each LTE cell the following elements are specified:

Either {PCI, PCIG} or PHYSICAL_LAYER_CELL_ID is used (not both).

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