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People want change

- To expect the unexpected and not always to be locked in to your way of thinking
- When making a big change, always remember that people always expect change and they want change, they
are looking for change. They may not know what it is but it is there.

Lead from the heart

- Always to follow your instincts and not worry about insensitive thinking or thinking that may not be in step
with the times
- It’ s your job to lead and to think this is what I want to do and this is what’s right for my organization.
- Don’t listen unless you have deep concerns when making big choices. You have to lead from the heart

Keep your ear to the Ground

- To keep your ear to the ground and your eyes open about a switch that might be happening. It might be
slowly but be aware. Always keep your antenna out there to see what might be changing in the culture.

Let the Master Lead: Irving Penn & Nicole Kidman

- When you come across great talent (rare and extraordinary), let the master always lead.

Bring others into the process

Trust your team

- To love a surprise
- You’re only as good as your team / as the creative process.

Don’t get stuck in your old ways

- You have to learn how to move, to change, to recognize one’s mistake, and to turn things around.
- You have to do what you feel is right, no audiences can tell you that.

You have a voice: Use it

- Your cover should convey a message along with the questions of:
o What is it that you are trying to say?
o What is it that you are trying to represent?
- You need to have your own voice.
- When you do anything that is a little bit political, it’s a risk.

Be Inspired


- Make your mark, especially when starting a new role

- Always keep your antennae attuned to cultural shifts
- Trust your team and be open to surprises
- Channel the cultural conversation around your work
- Believe in your instincts and execute them
- People expect change

Be bold.

- Not to play safe. Try something that is the most extreme / most creative. When you are doing that, you get
to the true heart of who you are.
- You have to keep pushing your envelope. You need to find out what is not right for you and what you are
trying to achieve to know who you are.

People want you to succeed

- Always be open to talent, and not think it will only come from one direction.
- Try to help people as much as you can



- A different kind of an eye

- A strong point of view
- Something sensible and original, not carbon copy.


- You have to recognize that each and everyone wants to achieve in their careers, and not everything wants
the same thing.


- Think about your budget

- What is it that is going to work for you?
- Think creatively; do something that is different but true to who you are.

You need a five-year / long term plan

- You need a solid business plan

- You need someone within your organization that can be looking at what you are doing in terms of running of
an organization.
- Find someone that can support, love and understand your vision but can help you run it.


- Compatibility (very important)

- Have strengths that you don’t have

Go for the Shock of the New

- It is not a good idea to go out and look for a replacement that is identical to the one who left your
- When you make a change, it’s more successful in the long run just to look for someone who is brilliant,
talented and has personality than someone who is a worded down version of what went before (since here
will be always a comparison between the two).
- Think about it long and hard (also look for the creative, not for the replacement)

- Have a strong point of view

- Think outside the box
- Have a consistent message
- Find the right partner


- It is important to take action

- Even when things are dark, it’s better to engage, to help, and to be positive than sitting back and giving up.



- Strong sense of who they are

- What their vision is
- What distinguishes them from others within the industry


- Everything needs to tell the same story (unifying element)



- Not to be too tricky

- Not to be anything but who you are
- Everything has to have a meaning
- It should be very clear (vision, thought, presentation). Just speak from the heart.
- Do not do overly clever video / presentation


- Be presentable
- Be prepared
- Be ready to answer questions
- Be aware of who’s coming to see you.



- Project confidence
- Explain how your organization succeed in a very competitive market.
- Everything has to have a meaning


- It is important to have awareness.

- When you put something into a world, and into the people—you will also get so much back.

- When things feel dark, don’t retreat. Engage and lead with a purpose.
- Investing in your industry pays dividends.
- Nurture young talent, but do not be afraid to be honest with your advice.



- You have to gain experience first by working for others before working for your own.
- Build up your skillset through experiences
- Honing in on your point of view of your brand and recognizing when something is not working creatively.
- You should never lose your sense of purpose, sense of identity, sense of brilliance no matter how bumpy the
road to your success can be.



- Do a mood board / inspiration board where you pin up who your customer is and it will fit in to the output
you put out to your audiences.



- Never let your success change you. Always remain your feet firmly on the ground.
- Have a broad range of experience
- Know and love your audience
- Stay engaged with the wider world beyond your industry
- Times will be tough. Stay true to your vision.



- The primary and responsibilities of Editor-in-Chief varies with each person. Everybody follows their own
- Think more about how you will represent your publication on a bigger stage, or how you use it as a platform
(e.g. change, innovation, activism, etc.)
- In a huge landscape where everybody has the amount of content and access to all information today, the
more that you can help the people that you are trying to reach … focus, understand and feel that they are
getting information that they cannot get elsewhere… how much more they are going to feel connected to
who you are and what you are doing and to what you say.
- You have to be open to new ideas to introduce your audiences into everything you do
- When you are in a leadership position, really think about all the platforms that you now have at your
disposal and how you can use them most effectively. It is naïve to think that you only have one type of
customer who only wants to be spoken to in one way through one medium


- There are moments in time where you need to respond as well as to lead
- It is important to take part in the conversation, to lead, to take a stand, and to engage as a leader.
- When things are now polarized or divided, it is important to understand that you have an innate sense of
responsibility of giving back to the world, of understanding what you care about and what you can do.
- When things are tough, then it is important to take on the leadership position
- Always stood on the side of truth and justice, and try to be activists in a positive way.
- Regardless of your political stand, you need to engage with whatever’s happening in the world in a
thoughtful way and stand up for what you believe is right. Take a point of view and be thoughtful about it
and stand by your convictions


- I don’t think it is appropriate for anyone to be seen as taking credit for initiatives that are often put together
by a huge amount of people and would not happen if many people were not involved.
- Acknowledge the success of things that you may have achieve but make sure to give credit to those who
have been there with you very step of the day.

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