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Question 1:

How has the concept of operations management been applied in the rural health development
sector of your country? ( 10 marks, Min 500 Words )
A. Definition of terms
1. Concept of operations management
Is the transformation of resources so as to create a desired product or service through
planning, organising and controlling operations.
2. Rural health sector
This is an interdisciplinary entity of health, which deals with health care delivery in the
environments that are located outside the urban boundaries.
3. Rural health sector development
This stands for the growth or expansion of health care delivery in rural environments.

B. Application of operations management in rural health sector development in Tanzania.

Rural residents often encounter barriers to healthcare that limit their ability to obtain the care
they need even when there is an adequate supply of healthcare services. Factors that may impede
healthcare access include financial constrains, transportation to services that may be located at a
distance, confidence in their ability to communicate with healthcare providers, trust that they can
use services without compromising privacy and confidence that they will receive quality care.
To remove these barriers to health care, the government of Tanzania use operations management
to impose polices and strategies to improve access and expansion of health sector and health care
delivery to rural residents as follows:
1. In the period 1961 to late 1970s the country registered performance indicators in health
service provision of which the heavy reliance is governmental budget. These indicators have
been added yearly and modified as per health needs, and through their analysis health sector
have shown to develop in terms of service delivery quarterly and annually.
2. Infrastructure development and upgrading. Three criteria are used for Primary Health Care
infrastructural Development, which are: Burden of diseases, Population and Distance from
the nearest facilities. By doing so, there are even distribution of Health Centers for
Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care and safe surgical services in rural
3. Establishment of health insurance schemes to avoid overreliance on out of pocket.
4. Improve emergency transportation systems such as ambulances.
5. Enrollment and distribution of health professionals to rural areas who work to provide
preventive, curative services and health education provision to citizen (health literacy) on
disease prevention, treatment and to minimize stigma.
As the government of Tanzania continue to apply operations management in Health sector,
quality health service provision in rural environments is efficient and effective. The following
table summarize the ten principles by Randall Schaeffer used by the government of Tanzania
for health sector operations and its development to obtain the above application measures.
No Principle Actions for implementation (strength)
1 Reality Problem identified was inadequate access to health
service provision with the goal of universal health
2 Organising The Ministry of Health and Primary Health Care
Department at the President's Office - Regional
Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG)
formulate planning, guidelines and supervise health
systems by cascade algorithm.
3 Fundamentals Fundamentals such as community coordination like
complain are considered. For example: introduction of
new health activity follows rural community’s
fundamentals. It may be by campaign, congregations,
financial correction, project management participation,
engagement and follow up or supervision.
4 Accountability Managers and other health workers are always
responsible for provision of good service and when
things go wrong they amend or them based on their your
roles and responsibilities.
5 Variance Variation of health practices to allow creativity towards
good health provision and universal health coverage is
inspired by the government.
6 Causality The underlying causes of problems are addressed to
meet resilient primary health care.
7 Passion That is Controlled The government has a controlled passion of good health
provision to all Tanzanian citizen. The control comes
from the policies prepared by the governmental ruling
part, the Ministry of Health and PO-RALG.
8 Humility The government prepares health service providers with
9 Success Assessment of growth or development of service
delivery is conducted monthly, quarterly or yearly and
success is appreciated in many of health indicators.
10 Change Changes are accepted and are taken as opportunity to
stabilize the health sector for long term.
Question 2:
What are public projects? Explain how the concept of project management is beneficial for one such
high-budget metro-rail project undertaken by the government? ( 10 marks,Min 500 Words)

A. Definition of terms
The term project refers to any temporary endeavor with a definite beginning and end, comprised of a
sequence of tasks that must be completed to attain a certain outcome.
Public projects are the ones undertaken, managed, or supervised by the government.
Project management the use of specialised knowledge, skills, tools, and processes to provide a desirable
good or high standard outcome.
Metro-rail project is the underground railway system of high-capacity public transport that is generally
built to join some cities with a focus on sustainable transportation. When involves a relatively large
cost, it is then called high-budget metro-rail project.

B. Benefits of project management such high-budget metro-rail project undertaken by the

1. Manage Budgets and Timelines
Strict budgets and timelines make it difficult for the government to complete a metro-rail
successful project. Interconnection of their core, if any small element threatens one, the other is
consequently affected.
With a devoted project management team, the Ministry of Works, Transport and
Communications gain the tools and experience needed to create a budget and timeline strategy
that supports the metro-rail project priorities. Juggling resources and supplies with effective
employee management helps project management teams manage hard budgets and tight
2. Improve Productivity and Overall Quality of Work
Metro-rail project managers work to better define goals and optimize workflows to improve
productivity and project quality. With a clear roadmap in hand, teams can better navigate the
project and perform the required tasks, ultimately improving the overall quality of work and
producing a high-quality metro-rail for surest transportation.
3. Mitigate Project Risks
All projects pose a variety of risks that range from costs, schedules to performance. Analyzing,
communicating, and prioritizing the metro-rail project risks are all areas in which project
managers excel and support their organization. With a dedicated project management team,
mitigation of risks before they cause lasting damaging effects to the metro-rail project (or worse,
to the company).
4. Improve Relationships With Stakeholders
Working with a variety of stakeholders, from investors and executives to suppliers and vendors,
can often feel like there are too many cooks in the kitchen.
Creating a core project management team in the metro-rail project can improve the flow of
communication to all involved parties, manage mutual risks, and improve an organization’s
relationship with all stakeholders. The metro-rail project manager must acknowledge the needs
and interests of each stakeholder to ensure the project outcome is an accurate reflection of the
5. Increase Customer Satisfaction
Every project is completed to suit the needs of the consumer. The metro-rail project management
team that keeps a project on task and develops a high-quality rail will go miles to increase the
overall satisfaction of the government and citizens.
6. Gain a Competitive Advantage
Chances are the government is in a competitive marketplace, which means there’s often little to
no room for error. Leveraging the benefits of metro-rail project management can help to give the
Railways Corporation an edge over the competition, improving transport, communication and
relationship with customers and stakeholders alike.

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