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Traditional Medicine: Advantages, Market

Size, and Challenges
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Traditional medicine often uses locally available

resources, making it more accessible and affordable,
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particularly in rural or underserved areas.

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 Table of Contents 
1 1. What is the recently signed Gujarat Declaration on July 11, 2024
traditional medicine? UPSC CMS
2 2. What do you mean by traditional medicine? Cutoff 2024
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3 3. What are some of the well-known traditional Years’...
medicine systems in India?
4 4. What are the advantages of traditional medicine? July 11, 2024 protected by reCAPTCHA
5 5. What is the current market status of traditional Nelson


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6 6. What steps have been taken so far by the Day 2024,
government to promote traditional medicine? History,
7 7. What are the challenges for the adoption of
traditional medicine in India?

8 8. Can you provide some measures to increase the

July 11, 2024
adoption of traditional medicine in India? and How
might India position its traditional medicine heritage UPSC
as a global healthcare leader and contributor? Optional
9 9. Why did it take so long for our government to Subjects
understand the utility of traditional medicines? List For
 10 10. Do you think ayurvedic medical practitioners Exam &#...
must be allowed to do allopathic practice?

Context: The WHO Traditional Medicine Global Summit 2023

Archive Calendar
in Gujarat, India, concluded with the “Gujarat Declaration”,
a document that reaffirms the global commitments to July 2024
indigenous knowledge, biodiversity, and traditional,
complementary, and integrative medicine (TCIM). Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. What is the recently signed Gujarat
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Declaration on traditional medicine?
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
The recently signed Gujarat Declaration on traditional
medicine reaffirms global commitments to indigenous 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
knowledge, biodiversity, and traditional, complementary,
29 30 31
and integrative medicine (TCIM).

It emphasizes collaboration, research, and regulation of

by month
indigenous knowledge, biodiversity, and TCIM practices,
Select Month
along with scaling up evidence-based TCIM
interventions and approaches.

2. What do you mean by traditional

Traditional medicine, as defined by the World Health
Organization (WHO), refers to the knowledge, skills,
and practices that various cultures have developed
over time to maintain health, prevent, diagnose, and
treat physical and mental illnesses.

It encompasses a wide range of ancient and modern

practices used in different regions around the world.
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3. What are some of the well-known
traditional medicine systems in India?
Ayurveda: Ayurveda is an ancient Indian system of
medicine that focuses on balancing the body’s energies
(doshas) to promote health and prevent diseases. It
includes herbal medicines, diet, lifestyle modifications,
and therapies like massage and Panchakarma.

Yoga: Yoga is a holistic practice that originated in

ancient India and includes physical postures, breathing
exercises, meditation, and ethical principles. It is not only
a physical exercise but also a mental and spiritual
practice to enhance overall well-being.

Siddha: The Siddha system of medicine is practiced

predominantly in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. It is an ancient
medical system that originated in Tamil Nadu and is
based on the concept of maintaining a balance between
the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether) in the

Sowa-Rigpa (Tibetan Medicine): Sowa-Rigpa is a

traditional medical system practiced mainly in the
Himalayan regions such as Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh,
Darjeeling, Lahaul & Spiti, and Leh-Ladakh. It is
influenced by both Ayurveda and traditional Tibetan
Homoeopathy: While not originally part of Indian
tradition, homoeopathy has become an integral part of
India’s traditional medicine practices over the years.
Homoeopathy is based on the principle of “like cures
like” and uses highly diluted substances to stimulate the
body’s healing response.

4. What are the advantages of traditional

Cultural Wisdom: Traditional medicine is deeply
intertwined with cultural practices, beliefs, and
experiences, making it a valuable repository of diverse
healthcare insights.

Holistic Approach: Unlike some modern medical

systems that focus solely on specific symptoms or
diseases, traditional medicine emphasizes the
interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit.

Natural Remedies: Traditional medicine often relies on

natural ingredients such as herbs, plants, and minerals,
which are gentler on the body and may have fewer side
effects compared to synthetic drugs.

Preventive Care: Traditional medicine places great

importance on prevention rather than just treatment.

Accessible and Affordable: Traditional medicine often

uses locally available resources, making it more
accessible and affordable, particularly in rural or
underserved areas.

Global Interest: Traditional medicine has gained

recognition on the global stage, leading to research and
scientific validation of its effectiveness.

5. What is the current market status of

traditional medicine in India?
The market for medicinal plants in India stood at Rs. 4.2
billion ($ 56.6 million) in 2019 and is expected to
increase at a CAGR of 38.5 percent to Rs. 14 billion
(US$ 188.6 million) by 2030.

The export value of ayurvedic and herbal products

amounted to about $539 million from India in 2021.

Overall, AYUSH exports have reached $18 billion from

$3 billion before 2014. AYUSH stands for Ayurveda,
Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy.

About 40,000 MSMEs are active in the AYUSH sector.

6. What steps have been taken so far by

the government to promote traditional
Ministry of AYUSH: The Ministry of AYUSH was
established in 2014 with a vision of reviving the profound
knowledge of our ancient systems of medicine.

National AYUSH Mission (NAM): The government of

India is implementing the Centrally Sponsored Scheme
of NAM in the country through State and UTs for the
promotion and development of AYUSH systems.
Grant-in-aid is being provided to State
Governments for the development and
promotion of Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy,
Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy.

NAM also supports cultivation of medical

plants, production of quality and standardized
ingredients for supply of AYUSH, integration of
medicinal plants in farming systems, and
increasing export of value-added items of
medicinal plants.

AYUSH Gram: Under the concept of AYUSH Gram,

AYUSH-based lifestyles are promoted through
behavioural change communication, training of village
health workers towards identification and use of local
medicinal herbs, and provision of AYUSH health

Global partnerships: India has signed MOUs with 23

countries for cooperation in the field of Traditional
Medicine and Homoeopathy in areas such as research,
education, training, and more.

33 AYUSH Information Cells have been set up in 31

countries to disseminate authentic information about
AYUSH systems.

7. What are the challenges for the

adoption of traditional medicine in India?
Trust-Deficit: There is a major trust-deficit in the
soundness of Ayurvedic theories and the fruitfulness of
its practices. Ayurveda is not the medical system of first
choice for many people.

Lack of Scientific Validation: Ayurveda has failed to

keep pace with the intellectual and scientific advances of
the times. So, it has diminished evidence-based quality.

Sub-Standard Courses: Ayurvedic

practitioners’ graduation courses are
often substandard and the post-graduate courses offered
at most of their institutes are of extremely poor quality.

Lack of Practice: While MBBS graduates and

postgraduates from public hospitals must mandatorily
serve a specified bond period in rural areas, graduates
and postgraduates from AYUSH public hospitals are not
subjected to any such restrictions.

Lack of Ecosystem: Ayurveda lacks a vibrant

ecosystem of science and research.

Trial and Error Methods: Ayurvedic practitioners must

discover treatments and approaches that work. It
involves a lot of trial and error with patients and leads to
an erosion of the practitioner’s reputation.

Lack of Investment: Despite numerous efforts made by

individuals and organizations to conduct research, the
lack of investment into Ayurvedic research has been a
major setback.

Less Integration with Modern Medicine: Ayurveda can

be used safely and efficiently only in about 60%-70% of
primary-care illnesses. For rest, Ayurveda needs to be
integrated with modern medicine.

8. Can you provide some measures to

increase the adoption of traditional
medicine in India? and How might India
position its traditional medicine heritage
as a global healthcare leader and
Enhance Scientific Research: Government should
invest in scientific research to validate the safety and
efficacy of traditional medicine practices and remedies
which will help build a stronger evidence base and
increase confidence among both practitioners and the

Education and Training: Improve the quality of

education and training for traditional medicine
practitioners by enhancing curriculum standards, and
offering advanced courses, etc.

Integration with Modern Medicine: Promote the

integration of traditional medicine into the broader
healthcare system to leverage the strengths of both

Regulation and Licensing: There is a need to establish

clear regulations and licensing requirements for
traditional medicine practitioners to ensure quality

Telemedicine and Digital Health: Utilization of

technology to expand the reach of traditional medicine.

International Collaboration: Collaborating with other

countries and international organizations on research,
education, and the promotion of traditional medicine.

9. Why did it take so long for our

government to understand the utility of
traditional medicines?
Historical Bias: Traditional medicines were often
marginalized in favor of modern allopathic medicine due
to historical biases and a perception of traditional
practices as less scientifically validated. The initial focus
was on Western medical approaches.

Lack of Scientific Validation: Traditional medicines

were not initially subjected to rigorous scientific scrutiny.
It took time for researchers and policymakers to
appreciate the value of traditional knowledge and to
conduct studies validating the efficacy and safety of
traditional remedies.

Global Recognition and Demand: As global interest in

alternative and holistic healthcare practices grew, and as
traditional medicines gained recognition internationally,
there was a subsequent reevaluation within the Indian
government about the potential benefits of integrating
traditional healing systems.

Comprehensive Healthcare Approach: Recognizing

the limitations of a purely allopathic healthcare system,
there has been a realization that a comprehensive
healthcare approach should include traditional
medicines. This shift in perspective has contributed to
the government’s evolving understanding of the utility of
traditional healing practices.

10. Do you think ayurvedic medical

practitioners must be allowed to do
allopathic practice?
Arguments in Favor:
Integrated Healthcare: Advocates argue for an
integrated healthcare system where practitioners from
different traditions collaborate to provide comprehensive
and holistic care. This approach can leverage the
strengths of each system.

Addressing Shortages: Allowing Ayurvedic

practitioners to practice allopathic medicine might help
address shortages of healthcare professionals,
particularly in rural areas where access to doctors is

Patient Choice: Patients may appreciate having more

choices in healthcare providers, and some might prefer
practitioners who are knowledgeable in both Ayurvedic
and allopathic approaches.

Arguments Against:
Safety Concerns: Allopathic medicine and Ayurveda
have different philosophies and diagnostic methods.
Allowing crossover without proper training could raise
concerns about patient safety and the potential for
misdiagnosis or inappropriate treatments.

Educational Standards: Allopathic medicine requires

specific educational standards and training that differ
from Ayurveda. Critics argue that maintaining the
integrity of these standards is essential for ensuring the
quality of healthcare.

Lack of Standardization: Integrating the two systems

without clear standards and guidelines could result in a
lack of standardization and consistency in healthcare
delivery, potentially compromising patient care.

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