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CONTROL OF AIR POLLUTION {© The air pollutants in atmosphere are controled by natural processes as wellas by engineered systems wherever necessary. A) Natural process 4 There are some natural processes which act a pollution removal mechanisms in the atmosphere such as 1)Dispersion 2) Setting. 3) Washout 4) Rainout 5)Adsorption Dispersion: % Although dispersion is not really a removal mechanism, it just reduces concentration of pollutants at one place. Setting: Iemeans gravitational settling which removes relatwely larger partes of lameter ereater than 20 um. Washout or scavenging: 4 Its. natural absorption process where particulates or g2seous of pollutants are collected in rain or mist and Settle down with moisture, It occurs below cloud level Rainout: Rainout removal of pollutants is same as washout but difference is that rainout occurs within the clouds where drops are formed around sub micron particulates Adsorption: ‘Ie takes place near the layer of atmosphere closest to earth's surface. The pollutants inthe form of solids, linuid or gases are attracted electrostatialy tothe surface and retained there Enission Dry depestion Wet deposition CONTROL OF AIR POLLUTION B) Engineered System There are two approaches for air pollution control «A Dilution of the contaminants in the atmosphere ‘Tall chimneys discharge contaminants at a higher level from the ground where they get luted in the atmosphere. Thus, the concentration of contaminants at ground level are great reduced. However, itis obvious thatthe method does not remove or reduce the pollution load from total environment. 2) Control of contaminants atthe source 4 Contco of air pollutant at source can be done either by selecting proper manufacturing processes and equipment’s for production in the industry and by using pollutant removal devices. 4 Pollutant removal devices of two types 41) Control devices for Particulates Gravitational Settling Chamber S centrifugal Gas Collector Wet Collectors/Scrubbers F Electrostatic Precpitators OF Fabric Filters. 2) Control devices for Gaseous Pollutants \ A Devices based on Adsorption \U/ Devices based on Absorption «PH Devices based on Condensation AH Devices based on Combustion or Incineration 1) Control Devices for Particulate Matters 1) Gravitational Settling Chamber iG sotoeagarenemistonieen, 85 Removal efficiency <50%. Design of Gravitational Setting Chamber hve assume tha stokes law's apaies we can drive a formula for caleulatng minim clameter a parte collected at 100% theoretical removal efiiney a chamber of length Land height H. dp Ut tn il do =dowian park Se hich haste be removed uf (00, vemorl of. dong bask (A) , J ‘ rh ” VS c Leip v= Hilt) =Hy, (el, L 6n solving aay GL) vl, = Ow ‘colds malls sive ipo eng chon wvolou: ws f, f, =D of uh my ge tv toa dues) Advantages + Low pressure loss (It will be only due to entry and exit losses) + Low intial cost and maintenance cost due to simple construction + Dry and continuous disposal of soli particles. Disadvantages Large space requirements Only large sized particles are separated out so efficiency is low. 2) Centrifugal Gas Collector ‘ They employ a centrifugal force instead of gravity to separate paticls from the gas stream that are much smaller than those that can be removed in gravity setlng chambers, fogs ete aev0 types of centgaeaTectors UZ Cyclone collectors/separators. 828) Dynamic precipitators. Cyclone Collectors: ah Side of pares temoved-15 to S01 + Removal efficiency - 50 to 90% (depends on the diameter of cyclone) + The cyclone consists of a vertically placed cylinder wich has an inverted cone attached to its base. ‘ The gas stream with heavily loaded particulate matter enters tangentially atthe inlet point to the cylinder. “4 The gas path generally follows a double-vortex| ‘+ First the gas spirals downwards at the outer periphery of the cylindrical portion, continues through the conical portion and reaches the bottom, “The gas stream than moves upwards in 2 narrow inner spiral, concentric with the first and leaves through the outlet pipe, ‘+P Due to the rapid spiraling movement of the gas, the particulates are projected towards the wall by the centrifugal forces & then they drop by gravity to the bottom of the body, where they are collected in the storage hopper. ‘+ The operating or separating efficiency of cyclone depends upon centrifugal force exerted on the particles, “+ Collection efficiency increases with increase in dust particle size, dust particle density, gas inlet velocity, inlet dust loading, number of gas revolution & ratio of body diameter to gas outlet diameter. + Collection efficiency decreases with increase in gas viscosity and gas density cyclone diameter, gas outlet diameter ‘# To get higher efficiency, cyclones are arranged in series. A) Cyclone Collectors: Lenathof evinder x20 Lengthofcone Lye Siometeratewr — Oy=10 eight of entronce Width of entrance Diameter of dust ext O42 15 Lemathofext dict tgedo A) Cyclone Collectors: Advantages Low intial cost. + Simple construction & operation & low maintenance. 4 Low pressure drop, + Drycallection & disposal. “+ Small space requirement. 4 Temperature independent. 4 Handles high dust loading. % Handles large particles. Disadvantages + Low efficiency for particles below 10micron “4 Severe abrasion problems due to striking of particles on the walls of cyclone. + Decrease in efficiency at low particulate concentration, % Much head room required 4 Sensitive to variable dust loading and flow rates B) Dynamic precipitators @ They hove roming ‘vires vA ingore centrifugal force to particulate that's why this Smee soar > nee mae eect on Peseta > Outlet Blade Dust Dynamic precipitator 1) Control Devices for Particulate Matters 3) Wet Collectors/Scrubbers % Scrubbers are devices that remove particulate matter as well {as gaseous matter by contacting the dirty gas stream with the liquid drops Hence, iis based on ADSORTION PRINCIPLE, #** + Generally water is used as scrubbing fluid. | + In a wet collector, the dust is agglomerated with water and then separated from the gas together with water, ‘The various types of scrubbers are Spray towers &% Cyclone scrubbers Venturi scrubbers {a) Spray Towers They are low cost scrubbers that can be used to remove both: articulate contaminants. Ae Clean gas outlet * + tteomstsof on empty evinderandnordes hetspray Matt" liga int the evade. ‘The inlet gas stream usually enters atthe bottom of tower and moves upward while the liquid is sprayed downward from one or more levels ‘+ Itremoves patticle size greater than 10micron. Efficiency isess than 80%. 4) [SiN Wl Dinty water out 1) Control Devices for Particulate Matters 3) Wet Collectors/Scrubbers (b)¢yctone Scrubbers “In this type of scrubber, high pressure spray intercepts the small particles entrained in the swirling gases. “+ Overall setting of droplets is downward while the gas has, net upward movement. “+ (Efficiency approaches 100 percent for droplets of :100micron and 90 - 98 percent for droplets between 5 aileron ee Efficiency is slightly high tower, Woter spray manta / rhe wee 1) Control Devices for Particulate Matters 3) Wet Collectors/Scrubbers (c) Venturi Scrubbers “Venturi scrubbers can efficiently remove gaseous as well a particulate matter. 4 (They are most effcient for removing particulate matter in size range of 0.5 105 micron that makes them especially effective for removal of submicron ‘particulates associated with smoke and fumes. The gas enters the scrubber from converging section. In the same direction of flow as gas, the water is injected into scrubber through a single nozzle or an evenly spaced array of nazz at the top 4 The inlet gas forced to move at extremely high velocities in small throat section. As a result, resulting shearing forces break up the liquid drops into tiny droplets. tthe same time, due to their inertia dust particle will no longer be able to follow the flow of gas. They are forced onto the droplets and separated out asa result. “+ Venturis can be used to collect both particulate and the gaseous pollutants, but they are more effective in removing particles than gaseous pollutants. 1) Control Devices for Particulate Matters 4) Electro-static Precipitator_ S_Efficiency----—-90 99% F_Industriesin which is used > Thermal power plant (mostly has ESP as a air pollution control device) » Pulpand paper industries > Iron and steel plants » Mining and metallurgical industries ms 1 88 aa Pre fier # fost fer High vtoe ie discharge electrode © 1) Control Devices for Particulate Matters Dust Collection Efficiency of ESP, Effcleey, ) = Y= eBee Gi Since flow speed, U= __Wolumetriclow _ _ “pe Gross —sectionalarea ~ Rd wa N=1-e & wa speed of air flow ‘lectrode - plate distance ialf of plate separation distance ridth of late late length A= Total plate collecting area, m? = BXL Q= Volumetric airflow rate, m’/s W= Terminal drift velocity, m/s & 1) Control Devices for Particulate Matters Dust Collection Efficiency of ESP WA] A=Total plate collecting area, m? In=1-e @ Q= Volumetric air flow rate, m?/s W= Terminal drift velocity, m/s From here we can see that 4 Increase in drift velocity of particles leads to more collection of particulate on plate and finally increases efficiency. % More collecting plate area, more will be efficiency. 4 As volumetric discharge increases, efficiency will decrease. That's why shock loading can cause decrease in efficiency of ESP, # Wh) 5 Gt) _st anipenag) $ [al€ AD.) 1) Control Devices for Particulate Matters 5) Fabric Filter © Particle size removed = yum “Efficiency > 99% “Industries in which itis used > Cement kilns > Steel furnaces > Foundries > Grain handling plants Name of mechanical device Minimum size particle removed | Efficiency Gravity settling chamber > S0qm <50% Centrifugal collector >5~25um_ 50-90% Electrostatic precipitator yum 95-99% Fabric filters >1um 399% An electrostatic precipitator (ESP) with 5600 m? of collector plate area is 96 percent efficient in treating 185, m/s of flue gas from a 200 MW thermal power plant. It was found that in order to achieve 97 percent efficiency, the collector plate area should be 6100 m?. In order to increase the efficiency to 99 percent, the ESP collector plate area (expressed in m*) would be af A=séoon? Ye 96/ = Sufi Tee |S Aéhoon®, Y= Tt QelBsniec O'S susie 096=1-@ &-© ia * W=94/ G-l65m fc jt 00 nso e 4 — oot —W. x blo0 = (04, (005) a D de —W gh = lg, (ott) Wo35 8 Q aeo 43S gh 2 4Z SFr HY sg 60? giant? 099=|-€ 3S ‘Two Electrostatic Precipitators (ESPs) are in series. The fractional efficiencies of the upstream and downstream ESPs for size d, are 80% and 65%, respectively. What is the overall efficiency of the system for the same d,? | i [see Eee! E 1, (oor = $0/, +(-08) «6s A = dete =p ye Tet f 1+ é) 2) Control Devices for Gaseous Pollutants ‘The principle gas pollutants are Sulphur oxide (50,) Nitrogen oxide (NO) YH, Carbon oxides (especially CO) Hydrocarbons and organics wells inorganic acid gases The control devices used for gaseous pollutants are based on the principles of > Adsorption > Absorption > Condensation > 4) Combustion or incineration ‘There are different types of combustion processes such as. _Y Direct flame combustion Thermal combustion > _ Catalytic combustion g <3 — 2) Control Devices for Gaseous Pollutants cools 3) Catalytic combustion + This is required when gaseous pollutants are too low in i ens peso concentration. +A catalyst accelerates the rate of oxidation without, it eo L self under going chemical change so that it can be used > ceangee again and again. i —— Barres + Examples of catalysts x.) _ Vanadium pentoxide for removing SO, (at hightemperature) * Platinum metals - for removing NO, ‘Activated alumina - for hydrocarbons Palladium 1! (Pall), Cu(ll)- for remaving CO and CO, collec . vv Lapse rate 4 In troposphere, the temperature of the ambient (surrounding) air normally decreases with increase in altitude (height). This rate of change of temperature is called lapse rate There are two types of lapse rate Environmental lapse rate (ELR) > Adiabatic lapse rate (ALR) 4) Environmental lapse rate/ambient lapse rate (ELR) # itis the lapse rate of surrounding air OR natural air OR ambient ar % It can be determined by sending 2 balloon equipped with thermometer land self recording mechanism. The rate of which temperature decreases with height wil give environmental apse rate. = Height — Temp—> 2) Adiabatic lapse rate ‘Adiabatic process Isa process that involves no heat or energy exchange between a system and its surroundings + In adiabatic process heating or cooling fs achieved by compression or expansion of air and vice-versa % Aswe know air pressuré decreases with altitude, So if a air parcel rises, it will gt a region of lower pressure. As a result it vill expand and cool in adiabatic process similarly if we force air parcel to sink then it wll contract and warm, a) Dry adiabatic lapse rate © When mass of air lifted, it will cool at the dry adiab: relative humidity will remain below 100 percent). % Dry air adiabatically cools at rate of 9.8°C per km. AT_ 98°C 9.8°C 10°C AZ ~~ 1km —_1000m” _1000m lapse rate as long as it remains unsaturated (means + As long as condensation is not occurring, temperature of parcel will decrease constantly at dry adiabatic lapse rate with altitude. Relative = Adhnad wolerapou cased by fir bloke So < ry > 3 TEED, abe iat onl), RD crepe fe Ma sae olaste/. od vue) att be aes U Sewer ed cut abs) \ LUA AE a S {pee chy ALR = $8} alo [leon WetALr Neutral atmosphere > Unstable atmosphere > Stable atmosphere (i) Neutral Atmosphere + When ambient lapse rate is same as dry lab ope ate (the sphere 1s said to have neutral stability E LR=ALR 2'e ry adiabatic 7 (ew) J Ambient lai rote Height (m) —> 2 at z Temp (C)-> {ti) Unstable atmosphere ‘ If the temperature of atmosphere falls at rate greater than dry adiabatic lapse are , ‘thy lapse rate is said to be super adiabatic and atmosphere is said to be unstable. (ew) jyom (cold) ge 1g ae Dry adiabatic rate lapse rete _, Height (m)—» 20 21 22 Temperature (°C) {iii) Stable atmosphere ‘ifthe temperature of the atmosphere falls at a rate less than dry adiabatic lapse rate, the lapse rate is called sub adibabic_and atmosphere is said to be stable. ELR < ALR Hen ELR xs ald Called 05 Sadie ac Dry adiabatic lapse rate epee bom pine veel ! ge Lope vale = Ambient i‘ z lapse rate 2 20 21 22 Temperature (°C) +b There are two special cases of sub adiabatic lapse rate C ELR by Subsidene °) Doe Susi dente Suverson Poor Savers on Her in Wales Radliadon Saver Negative lapse rate/inversion In normal condition, the temperature of environment decreases with altitude but when this condition inverses means temperature of environment increases with altitude then the lapse rate becomes inverted or negative from normal stat. In inversion, warmer air lies over the colder air and due to this stable condition vertical air movement is stopped and pollution is concentrated beneath the inversion layer i.e. denser air at ground level. Thus, atmospheric inversion influences the dispersion of pollutants by restricting vertical mixing hence itis often associated with restricted air volumes that cause air pollution episodes. Generally inversion isa frequent occurrence in autumn and winter months. Inversion may be of following types > Radiation inversion Subsidence inversion 5 rmal air layer Thermal inversio > Double inversion ~ oer —— 1) Radiation inversion *© Such type of inversion usually occurs at night, resulting from normal diurnal cooling cycle. “ Moon Cool air Cool air Warm air SV yy ort \\ tt fess Kemper \ tt meters profile \ ne t t wn Cool air Coolin Earth 2) Subsidence inversion Subsidence is a sinking of air and inversion is a temperature increase with height. A subsidence inversion is sinking air that produces an inversion. ‘Subsidence inversion take place in valleys or in places partially surrounded by hills or mountains, Cooler air above inversion Air heated os it is, compressed into side of Warmer air Trapped cooler air Plume Behavior + Plume is defined by the path taken by continuous discharge of gaseous effluents emitted from a stack or peed by the pen eae by cokes, Ischia p ct esoeous EMmvenis emitted from gist chimney. + The shape of path and concentration distribution of gaseous plumes depends upon localized air sta! Plume (i) Looping plume This is type of plume behavior which occurs under super adiabatic lapse rate (SALR) conditions. This type of plume occurs during light to moderate wind speeds on a hot summer afternoon, N— Neutral plume 4 Ttoccurs when ELR is equal to ALR. + In this plume rises vertically upward tll the air density of pollutants becomes similar to that of environment. (ili) Coning plume “& It occurs when ELR is approximately equal to ALR and atmosphere has strong wind velocity (>32 km/hr) during cloudy day or nights The plume will try to go upward due to neutral condition but due to strong wind it will go in the wind direction. + Plume will reach to ground at greater distance than with looping plume. Wind | ELR ALR os + Note: Under such conditions, the environment is very stable and there is limited vertical mixing hence there is a high possibility that this type of plume can pollute the environment. ) Fanning plume ‘ Itoccurs under extreme inversion conditions in the presence of light wind. “Due to stable condition, most of the vertical depression is suppressed and plume fans out in horizontal direction dS ALR {v) Lofting plume + Itoccurs when strong lapse rate (SAL) lies above inversion. + In such conditions, due to surface inversion downward motion and mixing is prevented but due to SALR, wavy motion of particles occur above inversion. Therefore emission will not reach the ground surface. + Lofting is most favourable plume type as far as ground level concentration are concerned and is one of the major goals of tall stack operation. Inversion (vi) Fumigation plume ‘% Itis just opposite of lofting plume means superadiabatic lapse rate (SALR) lies below the inversion. “ Hence pollutants cannot escape above the top of stack and they are brought down rapidly near ground due to turbulence in the region above the ground and below the inversion, caused by strong lapse rate. +b Fumigation represents quite a bad case of atmospheric dispersion. Inversion eLp7Ah Trapping plume * eee This condition occurs when plume caught between two inversion layers. Hence emitted plume can neither go up or down and will be trapped between two levels. ‘The dispersion of effluent will be restricted to unstable layer between two stable regions. ‘Trapping plume is considered to be a bad condition for dispersion because the ground level inversion layer willbe first disappeared when stability condition changes and all the pollutants will be dispersed to ground level. Maximum Mixing Depth (MMD) ‘The dispersion of pollutants in the lower atmosphere is greatly affected by the convective and turbulent mixing that takes place. ‘The vertical extent to which this mixing takes place depends on the environmental lapse rate which varies, diurnally, from season to season and is also affected by topographical features. ‘The depth of convective mixing layer in which vertical movement of pollutants is possible, is called ‘maximum mixing depth (MMD). ‘An air parcel at a temperature warmer than the existing ground level temperature rises and cools according to adiabatic apse rate. The level where its temperature becomes equal to the surrounding air gives the MMD value, “Ventilation coefficient - This parameter is used as an indicator of the atmosphere's dispersive capability. ‘Ventilation coefficient (m?/s) = MM (m) x Avg. wind speed within mixing depth + Low value of ventilation coefficient leads to high air pollution potential. Lets Check Yourself ‘Suppose the ambient atmospheric temperature profile of an area is given by the following equation: ‘T("C) = 30 - 0.005 z, where z = altitude in m f maximum surface temperature is 34°C and average wind speed is 5.7 m/s, Estimate the ventilation coefficient. SAMPLING OF FLUE GAS IN A CHIMNEY FOR SPM Isokinetic Sampling 4 Sampling from fluid streams of air, flue gas, steam or any media that contains entrained particles, we adopt \sokinetic Sampling such that velocity in the sampling nozzle for Collecting SPM is SAME as the velocity of Flue gas in the chimney. DESIGN OF STACK or CHIMENY HEIGHT 4 CBPC (central board of prevention and control) of water pollution (New Delhi) through its publications Emission Regulation (July 1984) Part (i) and recommendation for height of chimney (i) For chimney emitting particulate matter (PM): =74(Q,)0” = height of chimney, in m Q, = particulate matter emission (tonnes/hour) (i) For chimney emitting $0, h=14 (Qype Where = height of chimney, in m 2, = 50, emission (ke/hour) Where [a method to determine minimum chimney height] has given the following (ii) Minimum values: The board has further recommended following minimum values. + For chimney adopted for industries wn sneun30M (except thermal power plants) + Forthermal power plants. (200 MW < capacity < 500 MW) + Forthermal power plants (capacity » 500 MW) > 220m > 275m RINGLEMANN SCALE +P Used to measure the apparent or opacity of smoke “Scale have five levels of density ranges from 0 to 100% AQI-Air Quality Index * * a 2) 3) 4) 3) 6) a In order to check the quantity & quality of pollutant in any particular area, a parameter called as AQI is used The AIR QUALITY INDEX is acquired by measuring emissions of EIGHT major POLLUTANTS present in the air namely as:- Particulate Matter Ozone Carbon Monoxide Nitrogen Dioxide Sulphur Dioxide Lead Ammonia Range ot | LevelofHeatth | Colour symbol AQ concerns used ‘6000 “GREEN ‘MODERATE YELLOW UNHEALTHY for ‘ORANGE Sensitive People UUNHEALTY for Alt RED VERY UNHEALTHY PURPLE WAZADOURS MAROON PSI- Pollutant Standard Index VV Vv vee vv Itis a type of Air Quality Index Ita NUMBER used to indicate the level of pollutant in air PSI considers SIX Pollutants:- Sulphur Dioxide pmo PM2.5 Nitrogen Dioxide(NO2) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Ozone Itis reported in a scale of 0 to 500 PST _| Description] General Health Effect 0-50, | Good None 51-100 | Moderate | Few or more for the general 101-200| Unhealthy | Every one may being to experience health effect. members of sensitive groups may experience more seriushelth | effect | 201-300] Unhealthy | Helth warring of emergency | cancion; The entire popition is more likely to be affected. ‘Health alert every one may: 301 | Hazardous | experience more serious health effect. Lets Check Yourself An air parcel having 40°C temperature maves from ground level to 500 m elevation in dry air following the “adiabatic lapse rate”. The resulting temperature of air parcel at 500 m elevation will be fa) 35°C (by 38°c (are (a) aac Following observations have been made for the elevation and temperature to ascertain the stability of the atmosphere. Elevation (in m) Temperature (in °C) 10 155 60 15.0 130 143 The atmosphere is classified as, (a) stable (b) Unstable (c) Neutral (4) inverse Thank You

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