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Perception 2


Lesson 1 Phrases

Lesson 1 Answer The Questions

1. How many cars do you want to buy this year?
-Digite aqui…
2. Do you prefer to walk in the morning or in the afternoon?
-Digite aqui…
3. Does your father wear that tie every day?
-Digite aqui…
4. How many times do you run a week?
-Digite aqui…
5. Where do you like to have fun with your friends?
-Digite aqui…
6. Why are your clothes dirty today?
-Digite aqui…
7. Is that restaurant good or bad? Do you like to go there?
-Digite aqui…
8. Do you know those children?
-Digite aqui…
9. Are those girls your daughters?
-Digite aqui…
10. Do you want to buy my boat?
-Digite aqui…
11. Do you take your children to school every day?
-Digite aqui…
12. Do you need to speak with your father today?
-Digite aqui…
Lesson 1 Grammar Practice
(I) Put in am, are, is
1. I a fun person.
2. My father at the office.
3. Trixi and Felix my cats.
4. Trixi in the house.
5. Felix on the kitchen table.
6. My green pencil on the floor, too.
7. The other pencils in my pencil case.
8. My mother in the kitchen.
9. Susan and Betty good friends.
10. They good at sports.
11. they in London this week?
12. The students not at school today.
13. It Sunday.
14. I at home.
15. My boyfriend at work now.

Peter Baker at home, but Paul and John in a meeting.

Peter Baker handsome but Paul and John fun. Sandra at school today. Jack and
Peter her friends. They in the same class. Mr and Mrs Baker on a trip to the
USA to visit their daughter Anne. She a nice girl. Peter says: “My grandfather in
the hospital. I at home with my grandmother.” What time it? It o’clock. you
tired? No, I not.

(II) Change to the plural form:

1. That boat is bad. -Digite aqui…
2. This house is not full. -Digite aqui…
3. That fun girl is my daughter. -Digite aqui…
4. My boat is broken. -Digite aqui…
5. That boy wears new clothes. -Digite aqui…
6. That man runs in the morning. -Digite aqui…
7. That house is big. -Digite aqui…
8. This movie is fun. -Digite aqui…
9. Is that your hat? -Digite aqui…
10. Is this girl your daughter? -Digite aqui…

Lesson 2 Phrases

Lesson 2 Answer The Questions

1. How are you today, my friend?
-Digite aqui…
2. How old are you?
-Digite aqui…
3. Is your father a nurse or a police officer?
-Digite aqui…
4. Are those boys your friends?
-Digite aqui…
5. Why are you worried about your children now?
-Digite aqui…
6. Why are you sad?
-Digite aqui…
7. Where are my keys, please?
-Digite aqui…
8. Do you know where the travel agent is?
-Digite aqui…
9. Are you an English teacher or a student?
-Digite aqui…
10. Is the plane ticket very expensive in this city?
-Digite aqui…
11. Are you happy today? Why?
-Digite aqui…
12. Is your family at home now?
-Digite aqui…

Lesson 2 Grammar Practice

(I) Use what, when, where, who, why, how
1. is your father? (He is at church.)
2. do you need to buy? (I need to buy gloves.)
3. much money do you have? (I have US$ 2.00)
4. do you need to call? (I need to call my boyfriend.)
5. do you have to go back? (On Tuesday)
6. does the guard live? (He lives downtown)
7. do you call the police. (Because I’m worried)
8. are you? (I am a manager)
9. is the teacher? (The teacher is fine)
10. is the teacher? (I am the teacher)
11. do they work? (In the morning.)
12. is the new building? (It’s next to the travel agency.)
13. needs to work? (My father needs to work.)
14. wants to go back? (I want to go back.)
15. calls you at night? (My boyfriend calls me at night.)

(II) Fill in the correct negative form of To Be:

1. I a student.
2. You and I students.
3. Suda and I students.
4. She my mother.
5. It our dog.
6. He an old man.
7. You my friend.
8. We at school.
9. They in the bus.
10. Miss Suda a teacher.
11. The dogs fast.
12. Mr. Brown the manager.
13. The news good.
14. The children wrong.
15. The man rich.
16. The men rich.
17. These oranges expensive.
18. This boy a student.
19. These girls my daughters.
20. Those nurses tall.

Lesson 3 Phrases
Lesson 3 Answer The Questions
1. What’s your job, please?
-Digite aqui…
2. Do you have a small business downtown?
-Digite aqui…
3. What do you want to ask me now?
-Digite aqui…
4. Does your father smoke cigars or cigarettes?
-Digite aqui…
5. How many people live in your house?
-Digite aqui…
6. Who are those people at the post office?
-Digite aqui…
7. Do you want to be a famous person?
-Digite aqui…
8. Is your family big or small?
-Digite aqui…
9. Do you prefer to travel in June or in January?
-Digite aqui…
10. What day is special for you? Why?
-Digite aqui…
11. Why are you worried today?
-Digite aqui…
12. What’s wrong with your girlfriend? Is she well?
-Digite aqui…

Lesson 3 Grammar Practice

(I) Put in to, to the, at, at the or Ø
1. I need to go bookstore at night.
2. We don’t want to stay home today.
3. My sister is a cashier supermarket.
4. Doe she want to go post office with me?
5. They are excited to go home now.
6. There are shirts on sale new shop.
7. I need to carry my books school today.
8. Do those people live downtown?
9. My brother wants a job post office.
10. The famous painter goes church every day.
11. My boyfriend works new hospital.
12. There is a reporter photo studio.
13. When do you want to go movies with me?
14. Does you father work movie theater?
15. Who wants to go new building with me?
(II) Use the correct form of there is
1. a fly in my soup. (Affirmative)
2. many parks in New York. (Affirmative)
3. any tigers in Africa. (Negative)
4. lots of hotels in big cities. (Affirmative)
5. a bank near here?
6. many people at the birthday party?
7. a telephone I can use?
8. a football game tomorrow. (Affirmative)
9. eight students in my class. (Affirmative)
10. many people in my city. (Negative)

(III) Unscramble the sentences

1. there’s book a on desk my. -Digite aqui…
2. are many lights there in room my. -Digite aqui…
3. there’s some food the kitchen in. -Digite aqui…
4. at 9:00 there’s party a. -Digite aqui…
5. there is bookstore a downtown? -Digite aqui…

Lesson 4 Phrases

Lesson 4 Answer The Questions

1. What do you like to do every morning?
-Digite aqui…
2. Do you know how to repair a car?
-Digite aqui…
3. When do you go to the park with your children?
-Digite aqui…
4. Do you smoke cigars or cigarettes?
-Digite aqui…
5. What’s your favorite soft drink?
-Digite aqui…
6. Why are you tired now?
-Digite aqui…
7. Why do you want to buy matches now?
-Digite aqui…
8. What exactly to you want to buy for your mother?
-Digite aqui…
9. Do you like my new garage?
-Digite aqui…
10. Where does your brother play on weekends?
-Digite aqui…
11. Are you a good driver?
-Digite aqui…
12. Do you have a driver’s license?
-Digite aqui…

Lesson 4 Grammar Practice

(I) Use the correct possessive form. (Belong = pertencer)
1. It belongs to me, it’s
2. It belongs to my father, it’s
3. It belongs to her, it’s
4. It belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, it’s
5. It belongs to me and my wife, it’s
6. It belongs to my mother, it’s
7. It belongs to him, it’s
8. It belongs to you, it’s
9. It belongs to the dog, it’s
10. It belongs to them, it’s

(II) Choose the correct option

(Coloque a resposta em negrito)

1. Mia left……notebook on the bus.

● her
● yours
● his
2. The colorful picture of the flowers is…….
● their
● your
● mine
3. The father looks at……baby girl.
● his
● her
● their
4. Bob wants to play…… guitar.
● his
● its
● her
5. The computer has information on…… large memory.
● yours
● theirs
● its
6. These chocolate cookies melt in…… mouth.
● its
● your
● yours
7. Is…… bookstore downtown?
● your
● mine
● its
8. That little brown dog is…….
● its
● my
● theirs
9. …… hands hurt when they write.
● Their
● Her
● Mine
10. My car isn’t here. I have to use ……
● mine
● its
● hers

Lesson 5 Phrases

Lesson 5 Answer The Questions

1. How many times a day do you stop to rest ?
-Digite aqui…
2. What type of music do you like to listen to with your girlfriend?
-Digite aqui…
3. Is there a dog in your house?
-Digite aqui…
4. Do you need a new job? Where do you want to work now?
-Digite aqui…
5. Are you a good musician? What instruments do you like to play?
-Digite aqui…
6. Is there any coffee place in this town?
-Digite aqui…
7. How many waiters are there in this restaurant?
-Digite aqui…
8. Do you sleep with your TV on or off?
-Digite aqui…
9. Where is there a good library in this city?
-Digite aqui…
10. What time do you always read the newspaper in the morning?
-Digite aqui…
11. Is this city safe?
-Digite aqui…
12. Do you like to visit different places?
-Digite aqui…

Lesson 5 Grammar Practice

Memorize the Past Simple Form of the Verbs

1. to ask, asked 17. to listen, listened 32. to speak, spoke

2. to buy, bought 18. to live, lived 33. to spell, spelled
3. to call, called 19. to look, looked 34. to stay, stayed
4. to carry, carried 20. to make, made 35. to stop, stopped
5. to cost, cost 21. to need, needed 36. to study, studied
6. to do, did 22. to pay, paid 37. to take, took
7. to drive, drove 23. to play, played 38. to travel, traveled
8. to feel, felt 24. to prefer, preferred 39. to understand, understood
9. to get, got 25. to read, read 40. to visit, visited
10. to give, gave 26. to repair, repaired 41. to walk, walked
11. to go back, went back 27. to rest, rested 42. to want, wanted
12. to go, went 28. to run, ran 43. to wash,washed
13. to have, had 29. to sell, sold 44. to wear, wore
14. to hurt, hurt 30. to sleep, slept 45. to work, worked
15. to let, let 31. to smoke, smoked 46. to write, wrote
16. to like, liked

Change the sentences to the Simple Past form:

1. I go to school with my brother. -Digite aqui…
2. We sleep in the hotel. -Digite aqui…
3. I buy batteries for my camera. -Digite aqui…
4. I don’t understand the teacher. -Digite aqui…
5. Do you drive in the morning? -Digite aqui…
6. He writes at night. -Digite aqui…
7. My father needs to work. -Digite aqui…
8. I like to read mystery books. -Digite aqui…
9. She spells my name wrong. -Digite aqui…
10. I have two cars. -Digite aqui…
11. They don’t work in the morning. -Digite aqui…
12. Do they like to read the book? -Digite aqui…
13. My father doesn’t smoke. -Digite aqui…
14. Do you rest after work? -Digite aqui…
15. I prefer to stay with my children. -Digite aqui…

Lesson 6 Phrases

Lesson 6 Answer The Questions

1. Is this eraser yours?
-Digite aqui…
2. Do you want to go to her house today?
-Digite aqui…
3. Are you from the south? Is it cold there?
-Digite aqui…
4. How old is your father? Is this his car?
-Digite aqui…
5. Is this your hat? Where’s hers?
-Digite aqui…
6. Is there a package on the table? Is it yours?
-Digite aqui…
7. Do you know that Mexican boy? Is he your friend?
-Digite aqui…
8. Why is the radio on? Is it yours?
-Digite aqui…
9. Is your TV off? Why?
-Digite aqui…
10. Do you want to go to my house?
-Digite aqui…
11. I love large apartments. Is yours big?
-Digite aqui…
12. Those children are theirs. Where are yours?
-Digite aqui…

Lesson 6 Grammar Practice

(I) Fill in the correct pronouns:
1. My sister Jane loves books. This book is for (she) .
2. My children like Disney films. The DVD is for (they) .
3. My brother Matt collects picture postcards. These postcards are for (he) .
4. My parents like Latin music. The CD is for (they) .
5. I like watches. This nice watch is for (I) .
6. My wife and I love sweets. These sweets are for (we) .
7. My nephew likes cars. The toy truck is for (he) .
8. My neighbor wants to go to California next year. The guide book is for (she) .
9. Here’s another toy. I don’t know what to do with (it) .
10. You know what? – It’s for (you) .

(II) Choose the correct pronoun

1. The teacher always gives the students homework.
● me
● them
● you
2. I read the book to my little sister.
● her
● us
● him
3. The boys are riding their bikes.
● it
● them
● her
4. My father is writing a letter to John
● him
● her
● me
5. I don’t know the answer.
● she
● her
● it
6. Open the window, please.
● it
● them
● us
7. Sally is going to visit Anne.
● her
● him
● me
8. Tell the people the way to the movie theater, please.
● you
● us
● them
9. The books are for Peter.
● her
● him
● you
10. Please help my sister and me.
● her
● me
● us

Lesson 7 Phrases

Lesson 7 Answer The Questions

1. What do you want to order now?
-Digite aqui…
2. Does your husband like to study art?
-Digite aqui…
3. Does he also speak French?
-Digite aqui…
4. Why did you study Japanese last year?
-Digite aqui…
5. Are you married? Do you have any children?
-Digite aqui…
6. Do you like the French museums?
-Digite aqui…
7. Did you enjoy your trip? Where did you go?
-Digite aqui…
8. Did your friend go to church last Sunday?
-Digite aqui…
9. Did you sleep well?
-Digite aqui…
10. What did you eat for lunch today?
-Digite aqui…
11. Do you understand French?
-Digite aqui…
12. Did you play soccer last weekend?
-Digite aqui…

Lesson 7 Grammar Practice

(I) Fill in the correct possessive noun using the words in the brackets:
1. They lost the passport. (children)
2. The snacks are in the kitchen. (boys)
3. The mother will pick her up. (girl)
4. The father liked the game. (girls)
5. The toy fell on the floor. (baby)
6. The mothers bought many toys. (babies)
7. My wife is Helen. (boss)
8. What is your name please? (girlfriend)
9. My birthday party started at noon. (wife)
10. Mr. class starts after lunch. (Pappis)

(II) Follow the example:

1. That book belongs to Jane. 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑖𝑠 𝐽𝑎𝑛𝑒’𝑠 𝑏𝑜𝑜𝑘.
2. That radio belongs to the Brazilian man. -Digite aqui…
3. Those cars belong to the Americans. -Digite aqui…
4. That toy belongs to the child. -Digite aqui…
5. Those tickets belong to the teachers. -Digite aqui…
6. That tie belongs to Mr. Williams. -Digite aqui…
7. That cash belongs to my father. -Digite aqui…
8. Those belts belong to my aunts. -Digite aqui…
9. Those clothes belong to my father and my mother. -Digite aqui…
10. That car belongs to my brothers. -Digite aqui…

Lesson 8 Phrases

Lesson 8 Answer The Questions

1. When did you close the door?
-Digite aqui…
2. What’s your address, please?
-Digite aqui…
3. Where did you buy those wonderful clothes?
-Digite aqui…
4. Do you know that short woman?
-Digite aqui…
5. Do you know a good department store in this city?
-Digite aqui…
6. What’s your favorite exercise?
-Digite aqui…
7. Do you have time to help me with my homework today?
-Digite aqui…
8. How many packs of cigarettes do you smoke a week?
-Digite aqui…
9. How many books did you read this month?
-Digite aqui…
10. What do you want to ask the teacher now?
-Digite aqui…
11. What’s your favorite store downtown?
-Digite aqui…
12. When do you usually ride a subway home?
-Digite aqui…

Lesson 8 Grammar Practice

(I) Complete the table with the correct forms.

-------- Affirmative negative question

I I am working.

you You are jumping.

he He is not dreaming.


it It is snowing.
we Are we singing?

you You are not fighting.

they Are they reading?

(II) Use the words below to make sentences in present progressive.

1. I / to read a book . -Digite aqui…
2. it / to rain. -Digite aqui…
3. he / to repair his bike . -Digite aqui…
4. they / to watch a film. -Digite aqui…
5. the cat /to sleep on the chair . -Digite aqui…
6. Jane and Emily / to do their homework . -Digite aqui…
7. Bill / to wait at the bus stop . -Digite aqui…
8. we / to listen to the radio . -Digite aqui…
9. the children / to play a game . -Digite aqui…
10. Laura / to walk the dog . -Digite aqui…

Lesson 9 Phrases

Lesson 9 Answer The Questions

1. What’s there in that box, please?
-Digite aqui…
2. Did your teacher come to class yesterday?
-Digite aqui…
3. How many classrooms are there in this school?
-Digite aqui…
4. Where are you from? Do you like each other?
-Digite aqui…
5. Why do you think it’s important to study English?
-Digite aqui…
6. How many languages do you speak?
-Digite aqui…
7. Are you ready to travel today?
-Digite aqui…
8. Do you know the teacher’s age?
-Digite aqui…
9. Where do you buy your magazines?
-Digite aqui…
10. Where did you put your keys?
-Digite aqui…
11. Do you like to take tests?
-Digite aqui…
12. How many tests do you take a month?
-Digite aqui…

Lesson 9 Grammar Practice

Fill in was or were.
1. I in New York last summer.
2. We at the photo studio last Saturday.
3. Tina at church yesterday.
4. He happy.
5. Robert and Stan Gary's friends.
6. You very busy on Friday.
7. They in front of the supermarket.
8. I in the museum.
9. She in South Africa last month.
10. Jessica and Kimberly late for school

Write am/is/are (present) or was/were (past)

1. Last year she 22, so she 23 now.
2. Today the weather nice, but yesterday it very cold.
3. I hungry. I need something to eat.
4. I feel fine this morning, but I very tired last night.
5. Where you at 11 o’clock last Friday morning?
6. Don’t buy those shoes. They very expensive.
7. I like your new jacket. it expensive?
8. “Where the children?” “I don’t know. They here ten minutes ago.”

Write was/wasn’t or were/weren't.

1. We weren’t happy with the hotel. Our room very small, and it very clean.
2. Bill at work last week because he sick. He’s better now.
3. Yesterday a holiday, so the banks closed. They’re open today.
4. “ Kate and John at the party?” “Kate there, but John .”
5. You at home last night. Where you?
Lesson 10 Phrases

Lesson 10 Answer The Questions

1. When did you clean your bedroom?
-Digite aqui…
2. What did you say at the meeting yesterday?
-Digite aqui…
3. Who told you I’m a Brazilian?
-Digite aqui…
4. Why are you angry now?
-Digite aqui…
5. Why are you scared? What did you see in the hall?
-Digite aqui…
6. What song are you listening to?
-Digite aqui…
7. Is your brother selling books?
-Digite aqui…
8. Excuse me, is that your pen on the floor?
-Digite aqui…
9. Are you writing to your family now?
-Digite aqui…
10. What’s your nationality?
-Digite aqui…
11. What are you doing tomorrow morning?
-Digite aqui…
12. Is your sister going to the movies next weekend?
-Digite aqui…

Lesson 10 Grammar Practice

Fill in much or many.

1. pupils
2. time
3. money
4. dollars
5. wine
6. children
7. water
8. fun
9. dogs
10. people

Put in a few and a little.

1. churches
2. love
3. rice
4. weeks
5. chairs
6. classes
7. pianos
8. fun
9. Americans
10. halls

Put in some or any.

1. Do you have _____ oranges?
2. There are _____ pencils on the floor.
3. Did you get the ketchup? No, I didn't get _____ .
4. Peter never gives his mother _____ help.
5. We don't have _____ time.
6. Is there _____ lemonade in the fridge?
7. Do you have _____ aspirin?
8. There isn't _____ coffee left.

Which is correct: a) or b) ?
(Coloque em negrito a resposta)

a) There is a carrot.
b) There is some carrots
a) There is any whisky.
b) There is some whisky.
a) There aren't some mushrooms.
b) There aren't any mushrooms
a) There isn't much ham.
b) There isn't many ham.
a) There is a lot of water.
b) There is much water.
a) Are there much peppers?
b) Are there many peppers?
a) There are a lot of books here.
b) There is much books here.
a) There's many lettuce.
b) There is a lot of lettuce.
a) Is there much wine?
b) Is there many wine?
a) There is much snow.
b) There is a lot of snow.

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