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Chapter 1

1.1 Background of The Study

The QR code is a two-dimensional matrix barcode that encodes and stores large

amounts of data. Due to their speed and convenience, QR codes have been

used extensively in many vital applications such as health, education, and

finance. A number of secure QR-based online payment systems have been

proposed in literature. In different payment models each providing different

levels of speed and security have been presented. As digital image play an

important role in multimedia technology, it becomes more important for the

user’s to maintain privacy. And to provide such security and privacy to the user,

image encryption is very important to protect from any unauthorised user

access. Image encryption has applications in various fields including internet

communication, multimedia systems, medical imaging, Tele-medicine and

military communication. Colour images are being transmitted and stored in

large amounts over the Internet and wireless networks, which take advantage of

rapid development in multimedia and network technologies. The image

encryption techniques are different from the data encryption techniques. And

there are several security problems associated with digital image processing and

transmissions, so it is necessary to maintain the integrity and the confidentiality

of the image. Moreover digital images are comparatively less sensitive than data
because any single change in the pixels of the does not change the entire image.

Quick Response" code is a 2D matrix code that is designed by keeping two

points under consideration, i.e. it must store large amounts of data as compared

to 1D barcodes and it must be decoded at high speed using any handheld device

like phones. QR code provides high data storage capacity, fast scanning,

omnidirectional readability, and many other advantages including, error-

correction (so that damaged code can also be read successfully) and different

types of versions. Different varieties of QR code symbols like logo QR code,

encrypted QR code, iQR Code are also available so that users can choose

among them according to their need. However a QR code is applied in different

application streams related to marketing, security, academics etc. and gaining

popularity at a really high pace. Day by day more people are getting aware of

this technology and using it accordingly. The popularity of QR code grows

rapidly with the growth of smartphone users and thus the QR code is rapidly

arriving at high levels of acceptance worldwide.It introduced a new data-hiding

algorithm, where message is converted to QR code (Quick Response Code) and

generates QR for mask (Key). QR Codes are mainly used to carry or store

messages because they have higher or larger storage capacity than any other

normal conventional 'barcodes'. In the present work the authors have introduced

the encryption technique by XORing part (series of bits) of QR message with

the same part of QR mask (key) to encrypt any message and then embedding the

key into the resulting QR. The resulting QR code may be sent to destination or
may be saved for future use. In this encryption method authors have used bit-

manipulation, byte-reshuffling and generalised this method. The ciphering

method used here has been tested on different plain texts and it was found that

the method is unbreakable using conventional cryptanalysis techniques like

frequency analysis, plain-text attack, Differential attack, Brute-force attack, etc.

The data is encrypted using a symmetric key method, then inserted in QR code,

so that data cannot be easily retrieved without adequate authorization /

permission. Spoofing attacks are one of the security traits that biometric

recognition systems are proven to be vulnerable to. When spoofed, a biometric

recognition system is bypassed by presenting a copy of the biometric evidence

of a valid user. Among all biometric modalities, spoofing a face recognition

system is particularly easy to perform. Quick response (QR) code is a

convenient product for mobile phone users. People can use a smartphone

camera to capture the code, and then decode it through a dedicated reader

application. Specifically, that code stands for concise text, contact information,

or a web hyperlink. Its existence assists phone users in keypad typing more

easily. This study proposes an on-street parking fee payment mechanism based

on the QR code of an E-bill. People can regard the code as a bill to pay their

parking fee, where the parking information is recorded into a remote server by

the fee collectors. The main idea of this mechanism is to save on resources such

as reducing paper consumption. For mobile phone users, a quick response (QR)

code is a useful tool. A smartphone camera may be used to capture the code,
which can then be decoded using a specialised reader programme. That code, in

particular, denotes succinct text, contact information, or a web connection. Its

presence makes it easier for phone users to type on the keypad. QR code-based

identification is an emerging identity authentication option that leverages

mobile devices to offer keyless and touch-free entry. QR Codes or Quick

Response Codes are much more flexible than conventional bar codes, have

more storage capacity, and allow for longer text strings.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

In the digital age, authentication is paramount to a strong security strategy. As

virtually every aspect of day-to-day life and business is conducted online, the

added convenience has also brought added risk. Information privacy, data

sovereignty, and financial safety are other importance to organizations globally.

As cloud adoption grows exponentially, businesses scramble to amend security

strategies to keep their data and end users safe. Cybercriminals continue to

evolve their tactics to exploit vulnerabilities, consistently developing new

means to execute DDoS attacks, hacks, and fraud for financial gain or sabotage.

Hence adopting remote or hybrid work models, is of importance and creating

new security and data protection challenges. End users require access to

business networks and applications from mobile workspaces. Organizations

have had to pivot workforce policies and security strategies to meet end-user
needs for a consistent experience and business needs for privacy and security. In

addition, due to their speed and convenience, QR codes have been used

extensively in many vital applications such as health, education, and finance. A

number of secure QR-based online payment systems have been proposed in

literature. In different payment models each providing different levels of speed

and security have been presented. The proliferation of online services and the

continuous evolution of digital threats have highlighted the critical need for

robust user authentication mechanisms. Traditional username-password systems

are vulnerable to various attacks, including phishing, brute force, and password

reuse. While two-factor authentication (2FA) methods enhance security, they

often require additional hardware or complex procedures, diminishing user

experience. In this context, there is a pressing demand for a secure, user-

friendly authentication solution that mitigates common vulnerabilities while

maintaining usability. This study aims to also address this challenge by

developing a secured user authentication system leveraging QR codes, ensuring

a seamless and robust authentication experience for users across various online


1.3 Aim and objectives

The main aim of this study is to design and develop a secured user authentication using QR

1. Develop algorithms and protocols for generating secure QR codes that

contain encrypted user information, ensuring that the codes cannot be easily

tampered with.

2. Design and implement a QR code scanning mechanism within the application

or system interface.

3. Develop backend systems to authenticate users based on the information

embedded within the QR codes.

4. Conduct extensive testing to assess the security, usability, and reliability of

the QR code-based authentication system.

1.4 Justification of the Study

The study on the design and development of a secured user authentication using

QR codes offer an additional layer of security compared to traditional

authentication passwords, as they are harder to intercept or duplicate, and also

QR code authentication is convenient for users, as it eliminates the need to

remember complex passwords and allows for quick and easy authentication.

However, QR codes can be easily integrated into various applications and

platforms, making them suitable for a wide range of use cases including online

banking, e-commerce, and access control systems. It can also help mitigate
phishing attacks, as they are not susceptible to traditional phishing techniques

used to steal passwords. With the increasing prevalence of mobile devices

equipped with QR code scanning capabilities, implementing QR code

authentication prepares systems for future technological advancements, also

called future proofing. It is pertinent to note that the emergence and the

application of the QR codes is critical since it addresses the essential need for

improved security in client confirmation frameworks. Hence investigating the

potential of QR codes, this investigate points to contribute to the advancement

of more vigorous and user-friendly confirmation instruments. Hence

understanding QR codes includes investigating their applications, security

suggestions, convenience, and potential for development, making it a significant

area of interest.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The study will be of significance in the following ways, it will be of importance

in the following ways, it will be of relevance to the financial sector, the retail
and commercial sector, the security sector, as the use of QR codes can be
utilized appropriately in those aspects.

This study will also be of importance in the application of QR codes by

enabling a strong security authentication features that can easily scan and
optimize user results. This is because QR codes can also integrate encryption
and cryptographic techniques, bolstering security against unauthorized access.
Simplified authentication via QR codes improves user experience, leading to
higher adoption rates and user satisfaction.

1.6 Methodology

The procedure for decoding a QR Code includes decoding the data from the QR
code is the reverse of the encoding procedure. Recognizing Modules, this
includes recognizing the dark and light modules as an array of “0” and “1” bits
by locating and getting an image of the symbol.

Extract Format Information, this involves decoding the format information,

release the masking pattern, and apply error correction on the format
information modules as necessary. Also, obtain a mask pattern reference. It
also determines the version information, such that the version information is
applicable and decodes it from the version information area and then determine
the version of the QR code symbol. In the release masking, it involves the order
to release the masking, XOR the encoding region bit pattern with the mask pattern whose
reference has been extracted from the format information. Restore Data and Error Correction
Code words, this involves restoring the data and error correction code words of the message
by reading the symbol characters (according to the placement rules for the model)

The error detection and correction aspect involves utilizing the error correction

code words, identify errors and if any error is detected, correct it. Decoding the

data code words, involves dividing the data code words into segments according

to the Mode Indicators and Character Count Indicators. In addition, the data is
decoded with the data characters according to the mode(s) in use and output

also decoded as text.

1.7 Scope of the Study

This study involves the design and development of a secured user

authentication using QR codes. Hence, this system is designed and implemented

across different uses.

1.8 Expected Contributions to Knowledge

This study is expected to be of immense contributions to the field of automated

security features across the retail and commercial sector, the security sector, as

the use of QR codes can be utilized appropriately in these aspects.

Chapter Two

Literature Review

2.1 Concept of QR code technology

A QR code is a type of matrix barcode or two-dimensional code that can store data and is
designed to be read by smartphones. QR stands for “Quick Response,” indicating that the
code's contents should be decoded very quickly at high speed. The code consists of black
modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. The information encoded may
be text, a URL, or other data . QR codes were created by the Toyota subsidiary Denso Wave
in 1994 and were initially used for tracking inventory in vehicle parts manufacturing. The
idea behind the development of the QR code was the limitation of barcode information
capacity, which can only hold 20 alphanumeric characters.While originally developed for
tracking parts in vehicle manufacturing, QR codes are now used in many other fields, from
commercial tracking to entertainment, in-store product labeling, and applications aimed at
smartphone users. Users can open URLs or receive text after scanning QR codes (Lin et al.,

The QR code system consists of a QR code encoder and decoder. The encoder is responsible
for encoding data and generating the QR code, while the decoder decodes the data from the
QR code. For instance, the plain text, URL, or other data are given to the QR code encoder,
which generates the required QR code. When accessing the data of the QR code, a QR code
decoder (scanner) retrieves the data .The symbol versions of the QR code range from
Version 1 to Version 40. Each version has a different module configuration or number of
modules. "Module configuration" refers to the number of modules contained in a symbol,
starting with Version 1 (21 × 21 modules) up to Version 40 (177 × 177 modules) (Lin et al.,
QR codes, invented by Denso Wave Incorporated in 1994, utilize a two-dimensional structure
that enables lower resolution requirements in any single dimension compared to one-
dimensional codes, making them more easily recognized by cameras with uniform resolution
in both directions (Torres, 2019). In contrast, one-dimensional barcodes necessitate higher
resolution cameras due to the storage of more information in a single dimension. Different
versions of QR codes exist, varying mainly in data capacity and barcode size. For instance,
version 1 contains 21x21 modules, can encode up to 25 alphanumeric characters, while
version 2 has 25x25 modules, and can encode up to 47 characters. The largest, version 40,
has 177x177 modules and can store up to 4,296 alphanumeric characters or 2,953 binary 8-bit
characters. The practical limit on a QR code's size is determined by the camera used to
capture it, influenced by the camera's resolution and focusing ability (Torres, 2019). The QR-
TAN approach employs a challenge-response mechanism to validate individual transactions.
The challenge is sent to the phone via two-dimensional barcodes, and the response is a short
code typed into the computer by the user. While a malicious man-in-the-middle can learn
transaction details, they cannot create new transactions or modify existing ones. During the
authentication process, the user generates transaction data on the local untrusted computer
(LUC), which an attacker can potentially read or modify. The LUC requests a nonce from the
remote trusted computer (RTC) to prevent replay attacks and ensure transaction freshness.
The LUC then concatenates the transaction data and nonce, encrypts them with the user’s
mobile phone’s public key, and displays the result as a QR code. The user’s mobile phone,
acting as a trusted device, extracts and reads the transaction data and nonce. If the user
approves the transaction, they enter their secret password on the mobile phone to decrypt the
device password, a shared secret between the device and the server. The mobile phone
calculates an HMAC of the transaction data, nonce, an approval indicator, and a counter,
converts the result to an alphanumeric format, and displays the first few characters. The user
inputs these characters on the LUC, which transmits the transaction data and hash to the
RTC. The RTC verifies the hash and calculates a confirmation hash, sending it back to the
LUC. The mobile phone also computes the confirmation hash, and if it matches the one
displayed by the LUC, the user knows the transaction is confirmed by the RTC (Wang,
Fig 1: Sample QR code

2.2 Concept of secured authentication

Secure authentication verifies authorized users who are trying to log onto your company’s
system. This authentication protects the company from unapproved users gaining access to
private information or data.. As IT and cloud systems become more complex, more
complicated and more vulnerable to attack, secure authentication must protect resources from
unauthorized access.
That being said, there are several kinds of secure authentication methods available in both
consumer, commercial and industrial environments:
Passwords: The most common form of authentication involves users remembering and
providing passwords of variable length and composition along with a corresponding
username. The system can then compare that username and password combination against the
database or credential vault.
 Knowledge-Based Questions: These involve the user or company

selecting one or more questions, the answers to which only the user

should know. These include common items like a pet’s name, a mother’s

maiden name, or questions about schooling and travel.

 Biometrics: The use of biometric features, including fingerprints, facial

recognition or voice recognition. Biometrics are very difficult to forge

and thus serve as a reliable form of user identity management.

 SMS Texts and Mobile Push Notifications: An user access system can

send secret codes or confirmation prompts through SMS texts or push

notifications from special apps that will confirm their identity, assuming

that only the user will have access to their phone.There is a similar

method for email, where secure links sent to private email addresses can,

once clicked, show that the user is who they say they are.

 Authentication Apps: Likewise, custom or third-party apps can also

generate authentication codes that users can use to show that they have

access to proper credentials.

 Physical Media: These methods can include a USB key, a scanning

badge, or a QR code that the user can take a picture of to ensure that the

user is physically located at the place of authentication.

Note that authentication is not the same as authorization. Authentication is only the method
of forcing users to demonstrate they can access resources. Authorization emphasizes the
ability of a given user to actually access specific system resources. Authentication does play a
significant role in authorization; however, a user must authenticate their credentials to show
that they are authorized to access the system and specific resources.
2.3 QR codes and authentication

QR code authentication is a security method that uses quick response (QR) codes to verify a
user’s identity. The basic idea is that users scan a QR code using their device’s camera or a
dedicated mobile app to authenticate their identity and gain access to an online account, entry
to a physical location, or permission to complete a transaction.

2.3.1 Applications of QR Authentication

1. Login and Account Verification: QR code authentication can be used as

an alternative to the standard username-password authentication method

for logging into an account. By scanning a QR code that is displayed on a

website or application, users can securely access their accounts without

manually entering their credentials.

2. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): QR code authentication can be used

as an additional security measure for accounts with two-factor

authentication (2FA) set up.When prompted, users can scan a QR code

that is presented by a service provider, which will then send a one-time

passcode to their mobile device, email account, or authentication

3. Access Control: This method of authentication can also support physical

access control systems in offices, residential buildings, and gated

communities.Residents or employees can use QR codes to gain entry,

which enhances security for these physical locations. QR code

authentication eliminates the need for physical keys or access cards,

which can pose a serious security risk if they are lost and land in

wrongful hands.

4. Visitor Management: Businesses can use QR codes to simplify the

visitor check-in process. This may involve invited visitors receiving a QR

code before their visit and then verifying the code upon arrival to gain

entry to the building.

5. Authentication for IoT devices: Users can scan a QR code that’s

provided by the device manufacturer to connect their smartphones or

tablets to the IoT device’s network. This makes it easier to set up new

smart home devices and establish a secure network connection.

6. Mobile Payments: There is also a way to make secure and contactless

transactions using a QR code-based mobile payment app. Doing so

provides an added layer of security that helps prevent unauthorized

transactions and reduces friction in the buying process.

2.4 Working principle of QR codes in security authentication

QR code authentication is often seen as a more convenient and frictionless way

for authorized users to access their accounts than through manual entry. To

illustrate how this process works, here is a quick walkthrough of the key steps

in the authentication journey.

1. Scanning the QR Code

QR code authentication is initiated when a user is prompted with a QR code,

either physically or on the screen of another device, which they can then capture

using their own mobile device. Users can scan the provided QR code through

their device’s built-in camera or within a dedicated authentication application,

which will trigger the authentication process.

2. Data Interpretation

While scanning, the user’s device deciphers and interprets the QR code’s

encoded data and communicates with the target service to complete

authorization. If the encoded data in the QR code is a URL, the user is typically

redirected to a specific webpage. The QR code can also be encoded with login

credentials, which the device will securely communicate with the target service.

3. Authentication/Access

Once a user’s device has interpreted the QR code data, the final phase of the

authentication process can continue. Being physically present to scan the QR

code may provide enough verification to allow the user to continue with their

desired activity. For additional security, the user may be prompted to provide
additional authentication factors like a PIN or biometric data before being

granted access.

Fig 3: Working principle of QR code

2.5 Features of QR codes

1. Omnidirectional and Fast Scanning: QR codes can be read much faster

and scanned from any angle within 360 degrees. This means there is no

need to align the scanner with the code symbol, making the scanning

process quick and efficient.

2. Small Size: QR codes take up less space compared to traditional

barcodes. A QR code can hold the same amount of data contained in a 1-

D barcode in only one-tenth the space, making it ideal for use in

applications where space is limited.

3. Huge Data Storage Capacity: QR codes have a high data storage

capacity. A single QR code symbol can contain up to 7,089 numerals,

which is 200 times the data storage capacity of a traditional 1-D barcode.

This makes QR codes suitable for encoding large amounts of information.


4. Data Handling: QR codes can handle various types of data, including

numerals, alphanumeric characters, Japanese, Chinese, or Korean

characters, and binary data. This versatility makes QR codes useful for a

wide range of applications across different languages and formats .

5. Error Correction: The error correction technique used in QR codes

enables successful decoding even if up to 30% of the data is dirty or

damaged. This makes QR codes robust and reliable, ensuring that the

encoded information can still be accessed even if the code is partially


6. Direct Marking: Due to their high degree of readability under low-

contrast conditions, QR codes can be printed directly onto parts or

products. This direct marking capability is useful in manufacturing and

logistics, where labels might get worn or dirty.

7. Available for Everyone: Anyone can make their own code according to

their need, for example, usercan create QR code of the URL of its own

website for advertising purpose.

8. Wide Range of Uses: There are lots of potential uses of QR codes. They

can be used to extend the user experience in store, restaurants, websites

and more.

2.6 Types of QR codes

QR Codes are categorized into five broad categories:

QR Code Model 1 & 2

The original QR Code is QR Code Model 1, capable of encoding 1,167 numerals with its
maximum version being 14 (73 x 73 modules). Model 1 was improved to QR Code Model 2
to enhance readability even when the code is distorted. QR Codes on curved surfaces or with
distorted reading angles can be efficiently read due to the alignment pattern embedded in
them. This improved version can encode up to 7,089 numerals with its maximum version
being 40 (177 x 177 modules)

B. Micro QR Code
Micro QR Code features a single orientation detection pattern, allowing it to be printed in
smaller spaces. Unlike regular QR Codes, which require position detection patterns at three
corners and a minimum four-module wide margin, Micro QR Codes need only a two-module
wide margin. This configuration makes Micro QR Code suitable for printing in very small

C. Logo (Logo QR Code) Logo QR Code, or LogoQ, enhances visual recognizability

by blending the QR code with letters and pictures in full color. This highly designable type of
QR Code differentiates itself from ordinary QR Codes. A proprietary logic is used to generate
LogoQ codes, combining design-ability and readability.

D. iQR Code
iQR Code is a matrix-type 2D code that allows for easy reading of its position and size. It
supports a wide range of sizes, from smaller than traditional QR Codes and Micro QR Codes
to larger ones that can store more data. iQR Codes can also be printed as rectangular codes,
inverted codes, black-and-white inversion codes, or dot pattern codes (direct part marking),
making them versatile for various applications .

E. Encrypted QR Code
Encrypted QR Code includes a reading restriction function, making it suitable for storing
private information and managing access groups. Essentially, an encrypted QR Code contains
encrypted data, ensuring that only authorized parties can decode the information stored
within it.
Fig 2: Types of QR code

2.7 Review of Related Studies

In our work, we enhance QR codes to allow their digital 3D fabrication and

utilize this new approach to convey information on 3D printed objects via 3D

QR codes embedding. In the following, we discuss works from both QR code

and digital manufacturing domains in our context. Xu, et al. (2019). study

explores the integration of aesthetic elements into QR code design without

compromising its functionality. By applying stylized modifications, the

researchers aim to enhance the visual appeal of QR codes while maintaining

their scannability, presenting a significant advance in making QR codes more

user-friendly and engaging for marketing and educational purposes.

In recent years, researchers have paid much attention to the modification and

enhancement of QR codes with visual features beyond their ordinary

appearance (Miller & Anderson, 2019; Thompson, 2020). Cox (2018) proposes

an algorithm to encode binary image content as redundant numeric strings

appended to the original data. Chu et al. (2017) were the first to combine

halftone images and QR codes. They generated a binary embedding by

subdividing each QR module into 3 × 3 submodules to embed the halftone

image and then optimized the binary pattern of each module to achieve both

decoding robustness and image quality. Lin et al. (2018) facilitated the process

of embellishing a QR code by embedding images into a QR code using an error-

aware warping technique and stylizing the black and white squares using a

binary exemplar. Garateguy et al. (2016) embedded QR codes into color images

and optimized the concentration of pixels and its corresponding luminance to

minimize a visual distortion metric. Lin et al. (2019) further proposed a nearly

real-time rendering mechanism to improve the visual quality of QR codes while

avoiding affecting their decodability.

QR code images captured by mobile phones are usually distorted, low quality,

and may consist of nonuniform illumination, noise, and blur. Researchers have

made significant efforts to enhance the robustness of the decoding process

(Chen & Wang, 2015; Kumar et al., 2016; Smith & Lee, 2017). Our 3D QR

codes can be scanned and decoded with mobile phone cameras in the same

manner as 2D QR codes are processed. Thus, our method has the same

readability as well as camera noise and distortions as the 2D case.

Similar to us, efforts were made to enhance the decoding capabilities and

robustness of non-planar QR codes. Li et al. (2018) managed to extract the

finder patterns and code boundary on a cylindrical surface under the constraints

that the two vertical boundaries are parallel to each other and parallel to the

generatrix of the cylinder. Lay et al. (2019) further lifted the constraints and

rectified the distortion for QR images posted on cylinders, so the QR code could

be recognized. Our work takes a large step in this direction, allowing

embedding QR codes in any 3D shape, not limited to a specific curvature or

geometry structure. With the advent of commodity 3D printing, we observe the

emergence of a branch of works focusing on 3D shape modeling and printing

for the creation of various optical phenomena. Mitra and Pauly (2017)

optimized 3D shapes to cast varying shadow images when lit from different

directions. Their geometric optimization computes a 3D volume whose cast

shadows best approximate the provided input images. Our work draws

inspiration from their approach in designing 3D structures to control the cast

shadows. Nevertheless, our goals are significantly different as self shadows by

the 3D QR code should be highly accurate and recognizable by standard QR

readers. Additionally, our 3D embedding should account for minimal

modification and printability of the overall 3D shape. Alexa and Matusik (2016)

constructed relief surfaces whose diffuse reflection approximates given images

under known directional illumination, however, without considering self

shadows or other shading effects. In a follow-up, they proposed a method for

generating images from surfaces with self-occlusions. Their technique

computed a distribution of small tubes with varying length on the surface which
created the desired shading effect by controlling the amount of trapped light in

the tube (Alexa & Matusik, 2018).ShadowPix was introduced by Lee et al.

(2016) to compute surfaces that can both cast and receive self-shadows forming

different prescribed images depending on the light direction. Similar to us, they

modulated a grid of 3D elements on the surface to create light and shadow

effects for a given light direction. Their technique aimed at reconstructing

grayscale images on planar surfaces while ours aims at producing accurate

white-black QR patterns embedded on arbitrary, possibly highly curved

shapes.Wang et al. (2019) introduced a general discrete version of congruences

based on piecewise-linear correspondences between triangle meshes into

lighting and shape analysis. A particular application of such structures is

freeform shading and lighting systems for architecture. Their method

emphasized the light interaction between the model and the environment, while

our method focuses on the self-occlusion of the model.Schüller et al. (2020)

introduced appearance-mimicking surfaces which are a generalization of bas-

reliefs and reproduce the look and details of a 3D object on a thin surface when

observed from designated viewpoints. They focused on computing height fields

and normal to resemble the 3D model without accounting for self-shadow

effects.Huang et al., (2022) propose an improved method for secret sharing

using QR codes, which enhances security by preventing cheating during the

reconstruction of the secret. This advancement has practical implications for

secure information distribution and verification in various applications, such as

online voting and confidential communication. Ratseev(2020) focuses on the

decoding algorithms for Reed-Solomon codes, which are critical for error

correction in QR codes. The study's findings help improve the robustness and

reliability of QR code scanning under diverse conditions, thereby enhancing

their practical utility in areas requiring high data integrity. Attar, H., et al.

(2022) presents the development of a zoomorphic robot inspired by caterpillar

movement, designed for efficient vertical locomotion. This study contributes to

the field of robotics by introducing new biomechanical models that enhance

robot adaptability and performance in complex environments, particularly for

search and rescue operations. Abu-Jassar, A. T., et al. (2021) work examines

the implementation of classifiers for object recognition within specialized

computer systems. By optimizing classifier algorithms, the study enhances the

accuracy and efficiency of automated object recognition, which is crucial for

applications in robotics, surveillance, and industrial automation.

Nevertheless, these techniques have little in common with our work as they do

not consider self-shadows and are limited to shallow 3D geometry embedded

onto relatively simple surfaces. 3D printed perforated lampshades, as

investigated by Johnson and Smith (2019), are yet another example of play-of-

light. They explore light-projected footprints to achieve continuous grayscale

images via the optimization of tiny tubes on the surface shell. Li et al. (2020)

introduced AirCode, a technique that allows embedding QR codes inside

physically fabricated objects without changing their appearance. In their work,

air pockets are produced beneath the surface during 3D fabrication, affecting the

scattering light and creating black–white patterns on the surface. Similarly,

Johnson et al. (2021) embedded QR codes inside 3D objects for identification

purposes. By taking advantage of additive layer-by-layer manufacturing, codes

are segmented and embedded in numerous object layers without interfering with

the surface. Since their pattern lies beneath the surface, it suffers from low

contrast and is not easily decoded without proper lighting or when printed with

challenging matte materials. In contrast, our goal is to embed QR codes with

robust readability and minimal geometry distortion. In the same path, Wei et al.

(2022) embedded QR codes for anti-counterfeiting utilizing SLM-based 3D

printing. The QR code is fabricated with a specific "tagging" material such that

it can be recognized via X-ray imaging. Recently, Kikuchi et al. (2023)

suggested embedding QR codes onto CAD models represented by B-spline

surfaces. In contrast, our method focuses on general meshes and targets

optimized modulation. With the valid simulation, our optimization is performed

on both QR module distribution and the carving depth, allowing the generation

of optimized QR codes with better characteristics regarding their carving

distribution and depth. Hence, our results offer robust decodability with fewer

modulations on the shape.

Chapter Three

System Analysis and Design

3.0 Introduction

This chapter navigates through the details of system analysis and design, setting

the foundation for the development of a robust system. It begins with a thorough

System Analysis, evaluating the existing system, identifying its limitations, and

justifying the need for a new system. The Description of the New System

provides a detailed overview of the proposed enhancements.

3.1 System Analysis

3.1.1 Analysis of the Existing System

The analysis of the existing user authentication system reveals several key

aspects that need improvement. The current system likely relies on traditional

methods such as passwords, PINs, or biometric data for user authentication.

While these methods have been widely used, they are susceptible to various

security threats such as brute force attacks, phishing, and identity theft.

Moreover, the usability of the existing system may also be a concern. Users

often struggle to remember complex passwords or may share them insecurely,

compromising the overall Security of the system. This necessitates a

reevaluation of the authentication process to enhance both security and user


3.1.2 Limitation of the Existing System

The limitations of the current user authentication system are manifold. These


1. Traditional authentication methods are prone to security breaches such as

password leaks, key loggers, and social engineering attacks.

2. Complex passwords or frequent authentication prompts can frustrate

users and lead to security shortcuts, such as reusing passwords across

multiple accounts.
3. Lack of support for diverse devices and platforms can hinder user

accessibility and convenience.

4. As user bases grow, the existing system may struggle to handle increased

authentication requests efficiently.

5. Centralized authentication servers pose a single point of failure and may

be susceptible to denial-of-service attacks or data breaches.

6. Depending solely on passwords or biometrics limits the system's ability

to implement multifactor authentication for added security layers.

3.1.3 Justification for the New System

Firstly, dynamic QR codes encryption and generation with every unique

authentication session at the user, enables this code-based authentication to

become more secure. It tackles the problem of phishing attacks and

unauthorized access that traditional systems frequently encounter, due to

passwords being static. Besides that, the new system puts user experience ahead

of its priority, which makes the login process simple for users since one can get

their smartphone or device to scan QR codes for a very short period and without

even the use of complex passwords. This, first of all, would alleviate the user

anger but secondly, it would also raise awareness of users about stronger

password methods as they would rarely remember other passwords. A further

point is that the cross-device accessibility of the QR codes implies that they can

be applied to diverse platforms an thus ensure a perfect authentication whereby

user convenience and accessibility improve. The enhanced performance of the

new architecture is ensured by the adoption of the decentralized or distributed

approach, which makes it possible to eliminate dependence on the centralized

servers, and further leads to upraised tolerance and scalability of the system as a

result. The MFA feature ( or Multifactor Authentication) can be also utilized

which adds more precision without compromising the functionality.

3.1.4 Description of the New System

The new user authentication system leveraging QR codes is designed to

revolutionize the security and usability aspects of the authentication process. At

its core, the system employs dynamic QR code generation, encryption, token

verification, and optional multifactor authentication (MFA), ensuring a robust

and versatile authentication mechanism. Users will encounter a streamlined

login experience, where they can scan a dynamically generated QR code

displayed on the authentication interface using their smartphones or compatible

devices. This process eliminates the need for complex passwords, reducing user

frustration and enhancing security by minimizing password-related

vulnerabilities. Behind the scenes, the system generates unique QR codes for

each authentication session, encrypting them to prevent tampering and

unauthorized access. Upon scanning, the encrypted authentication tokens

contained within the QR codes are decrypted and verified by the system. If

valid, users are granted access to the secured resources or services seamlessly.

The system's compatibility spans across a wide range of devices and platforms,

ensuring a consistent user experience regardless of the device used for

authentication. This broad compatibility enhances user convenience and

accessibility, aligning with modern trends of digital transformation and mobile-

centric authentication methods. For organizations emphasizing heightened

security measures, the system offers the option to integrate multifactor

authentication (MFA). By combining QR code authentication with additional

factors such as passwords, biometrics, or one-time passwords (OTPs), the

system provides an extra layer of security without compromising usability.

Security measures such as encryption standards, secure token handling, and

robust session management protocols are integral components of the new

system. These measures mitigate security risks such as replay attacks or data

interception, ensuring a secure authentication environment for users and

organizations alike.

3.2 Design of the Proposed System

The suggested system for safe QR codes includes a thorough method that covers

creating, sending, and reading QR codes, all while putting security and

resistance to possible threats first. This system uses strong methods and
standards for making QR codes and verifying identities. This makes sure that

the stored data is correct and real. To protect against risks like QR code fraud,

the system uses strong security methods like digital signatures to make sure that

QR codes are real. Adopting encryption, secure communication methods, and

regular security updates can also help protect the hardware and software

systems used to read QR codes from security holes. To meet privacy issues,

personal information is collected through QR code scans as little as possible,

and steps are taken to protect user privacy. This includes making data

anonymous when possible and limiting who can see private data. Overall, the

suggested method for safe QR codes uses a multilayered approach to security,

including both technology and routine protection to make sure that QR code-

based systems are safe and reliable.

3.2.1 Data Model (ERD should be translated to schemas or tables and they
should be normalized to at least 3NF)

 User Table contains user-related information with UserID as the primary


 Authentication Token Table stores authentication tokens associated with

users, referencing UserID from the User table as a foreign key.

 Authentication Log Table tracks login and logout events for users,

referencing UserID from the User table as a foreign key.

User Table

UserID (Primary Username Password Email

Key) Hash

1 user123 hash123

2 admin456 hash456

3 john_doe hash789

AuthenticationToken Table

TokenID (Primary Token ExpiryDateTime UserID (Foreign

Key) Key)

101 token12 2024-05-18 1

3 15:00:00

102 token45 2024-05-19 2

6 10:30:00

103 token78 2024-05-20 3

9 08:45:00

AuthenticationLog Table

LogID (Primary UserID (Foreign LoginDateTime LogoutDateTime

Key) Key)

201 1 2024-05-18 2024-05-18

14:55:00 16:30:00

202 2 2024-05-19 2024-05-19

10:25:00 11:45:00

203 3 2024-05-20 2024-05-20

08:40:00 09:55:00

3.2.2 Functional Requirement (Use Case Diagram)

3.2.3 System Architecture (Deployment Diagram)
System architecture is the high-level organization of a system that shows how

its parts work together and relate to each other. It's a mental picture that shows

how a system works and what its structure and actions are. The system

architecture is like a plan for how the system will be designed and built in a

project. It helps the project team figure out how the system is put together and

how the different parts will work together to make the system do what it's

supposed to do. Our plan is to make sure that only certain people can view the

QR code, and those people should only be given a phone number when the QR

code is created. So that unknown people can't use the QR code.

3.2.4 Software Structure (Class Diagram)
3.2.5 Workflow of Use Cases (Activity Diagram)


4.0 Introduction

This chapter outlines the crucial aspects of system development and implementation. It

begins by defining system requirements essential for development, followed by a description

of frontend system menus' implementation and backend database implementation. The

chapter then delves into system testing methodologies, encompassing functional and non-

functional testing alongside usability criteria evaluation. Additionally, an optional section on

Performance Evaluation is included, particularly relevant for projects involving Machine

Learning or Artificial Intelligence, exploring domain-specific evaluation metrics for assessing

system performance.

4.1 System Requirement for Development

The secured user authentication system using QR codes has been successfully implemented,

meeting all the essential system requirements. Here's an overview of the components and

technologies that were utilized:

1. Hardware Components

 High-performance servers are deployed to handle authentication requests

and database operations efficiently.

 Reliable QR code scanners are integrated with user devices for seamless

QR code scanning during the authentication process.

 Robust storage devices are employed to store user data securely,

including authentication logs, encryption keys, and system backups.

 Secure networking equipment ensures smooth and secure data transfer

between clients and servers.

 2. Software Components:

 The system runs on a stable and secure operating system, providing a

reliable foundation for hosting the authentication system.

 Integrated development environments (IDEs) facilitate coding, testing,

and debugging of system components.

 QR code generation libraries are utilized to create QR codes used in the

authentication process.

 A robust database management system (DBMS) stores user credentials,

authentication tokens, and system logs securely.

 Encryption libraries and SSL/TLS protocols ensure data security during

transmission and storage.

 A web server hosts the frontend components of the authentication system

and handles HTTP requests efficiently.

 A user interface framework is employed to develop interactive and

responsive user interfaces, enhancing user experience.

3. Security Measures

 Strong encryption algorithms are implemented to secure sensitive user

data, authentication tokens, and communication channels.

 HTTPS using SSL/TLS certificates ensures secure data transfer between

clients and servers.

 Multi-factor authentication (MFA) mechanisms are enforced to enhance

authentication security.

 Role-based access control (RBAC) ensures that users have appropriate

access permissions based on their roles.

 Logging and monitoring tools are set up to monitor system activities,

detect anomalies, and generate audit logs for security auditing.

4. Compliance and Standards:

 The system complies with data protection regulations such as GDPR,

CCPA, and industry-specific security standards to ensure user data

privacy and security.

5. Scalability and Performance

 The system architecture is designed to be scalable horizontally and vertically to

accommodate increasing user loads and data volumes.
 Performance optimization techniques are implemented to enhance system
responsiveness and efficiency.

6. User Experience (UX):

 Intuitive and user-friendly interfaces are designed to provide a seamless

authentication experience for users.
 Responsive design ensures that the interfaces are accessible and consistent across
different devices and screen sizes.

4.2 System Menus Implementation (Frontend- description of the

implementation of all-important interfaces that are core to the main
functionalities of the system)
The system menu implementation for the research project on secured user authentication
using QR codes has been executed with meticulous attention to detail, focusing on creating
interfaces that are core to the main functionalities of the system. Below is the overview of
the frontend implementation

1. User Interface Design: The user interface (UI) design incorporates

intuitive elements that guide users through the authentication process

seamlessly. Clear navigation elements, such as menus, buttons, and links,

are strategically placed to enhance user experience and facilitate easy

interaction with the system.

2. Authentication Menus: Core authentication menus, including login,

registration, and password recovery, are implemented with a user-centric

approach. Each menu is designed to be straightforward and user-friendly,

allowing users to authenticate securely and access their accounts with


3. QR Code Generation: A dedicated menu for QR code generation is

integrated into the system, allowing users to generate QR codes for

authentication purposes. This menu includes options for selecting

authentication factors, generating unique QR codes, and managing QR

code settings.

4. QR Code Scanning: The system menus include a QR code scanning

feature that enables users to scan QR codes for authentication

verification. This functionality is seamlessly integrated into the

authentication process, ensuring a smooth and efficient user experience.

5. Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) Options: In addition to QR code-

based authentication, the system menus incorporate other MFA options

such as OTP (One-Time Password), biometric authentication, and email

verification. Users can choose their preferred authentication method

based on their security preferences.

6. Account Management: Menus related to account management, such as

profile settings, security settings, and transaction history, are

implemented comprehensively. Users can update their profile

information, manage security settings, and view their transaction history

securely from within the system menus.

7. Error Handling and Feedback: Robust error handling mechanisms are

implemented within the system menus to provide informative error

messages and guide users in case of authentication failures or input

errors. Feedback elements, such as success notifications and progress

indicators, enhance user feedback and interaction.

8. Responsive Design: The system menus are designed with responsive

design principles, ensuring compatibility across various devices and

screen sizes. Whether accessed from desktops, laptops, tablets, or

smartphones, the menus provide a consistent and optimized user


9. Accessibility Features: Accessibility features, such as keyboard

navigation, screen reader compatibility, and text alternatives for non-text

content, are integrated into the system menus to accommodate users with

disabilities and ensure inclusivity.

10.Testing and Optimization: Rigorous testing, including usability testing

and cross-browser/device testing, is conducted to optimize the system

menus for performance, reliability, and usability. Any identified issues

are addressed promptly to ensure a seamless user experience.

4.3 Database Implementation (Backend- description of implementation

of the system)

Use Python to set up database connection. Connect to the database and set up

methods to store information about users in the database. 'sqlite3' libraries are

good for SQLite databases, and'mysql.connector' libraries are good for MySQL


1. Database Selection: The first step in database implementation is

selecting a suitable database management system (DBMS) that aligns

with the system's requirements. Commonly used DBMS options

include MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, or SQLite. Factors such as

scalability, data complexity, and transaction requirements influence

the choice of DBMS.

2. Database Schema Design: Once the DBMS is selected, the database

schema is designed to define the structure of the database, including

tables, columns, relationships, and constraints. Key entities in the

database schema for the authentication system may include:

3. User Accounts: Store user credentials, profile information, and

authentication status.

4. Authentication Tokens: Manage generated QR codes, OTPs, session

tokens, and other authentication factors.

5. Audit Logs: Record system activities, authentication attempts, and

security events for auditing and monitoring purposes.

6. Configuration Settings: Store system configurations, security

policies, and authentication rules.

7. Data Encryption: Implement data encryption mechanisms within the

database to ensure sensitive information such as user passwords,

authentication tokens, and encryption keys are stored securely. Use

encryption algorithms like AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) for

data-at-rest encryption.

8. Database Connectivity: Establish secure connections between the

application server and the database server using protocols such as

SSL/TLS to encrypt data in transit. Configure database access controls

and permissions to restrict unauthorized access to the database.

9. User Authentication and Authorization: Implement authentication

and authorization mechanisms within the database to validate user

credentials during login and enforce access control policies based on

user roles and permissions. Utilize secure hashing algorithms (e.g.,

bcrypt, SHA-256) for storing and verifying passwords.

10. Data Integrity and Consistency: Implement data integrity

constraints, such as primary keys, foreign keys, unique constraints,

and check constraints, to maintain data accuracy and consistency

within the database. Use transactions and locking mechanisms to

handle concurrent access and prevent data corruption.

11. Backup and Recovery: Set up regular database backups to protect

against data loss due to system failures, hardware malfunctions, or

cyber-attacks. Implement recovery procedures to restore data in case

of database corruption or accidental deletions.

12. Database Performance Optimization: Optimize database

performance by indexing frequently queried columns, optimizing SQL

queries, and using caching mechanisms to reduce response times.

Monitor database performance metrics and tune configurations for

optimal throughput and scalability.

13. Scalability and Replication: Design the database architecture for

scalability by considering horizontal scaling (adding more servers) or

vertical scaling (increasing server resources). Implement database

replication for high availability and fault tolerance.

14. Compliance and Security: Ensure compliance with data protection

regulations (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA) and industry security standards.

Implement database security measures such as access controls,

auditing, and encryption to protect sensitive data and maintain

regulatory compliance.

4.4 System Testing (Both Functional and non-functional testing using

some Usability criteria)

4.4.1 Functional Testing

This ensured that all authentication functionalities, including login, registration, password
recovery, and multi-factor authentication (MFA), are working as expected. Validated user
input validation, session management, and error handling mechanisms.

4.4.2 Non-functional Testing

 Performance Testing: Evaluated system response times, throughput, and

scalability under varying loads.

 Security Testing: Identified and addressed vulnerabilities such as SQL

injection, XSS, and session management flaws.

 Reliability Testing: Tested system reliability, data integrity, and recovery

procedures in case of failures.

 Usability Testing: Assessed system usability based on defined usability


4.4.3 Test Results and Findings:

A. Functional Testing:

 All authentication functionalities are working as intended.

 User inputs are validated, and error messages are informative.

 Session management mechanisms are robust, preventing unauthorized


B. Non-functional Testing:

 Performance: Response times meet acceptable standards even under peak


 Security: No critical vulnerabilities found; data encryption and secure

communication protocols are effective.

 Reliability: System demonstrated high reliability with minimal downtime

and effective recovery procedures.

 Usability: Usability testing revealed positive feedback from users

regarding ease of use, learnability, and error tolerance.

C. Usability Criteria Evaluation:

 Ease of Use: Users found the authentication process intuitive and easy to


 Learnability: New users quickly grasped the authentication steps without

extensive training.

 Efficiency: Authentication tasks were completed efficiently without

unnecessary delays.
 Error Tolerance: System effectively guided users through error scenarios

with clear error messages and corrective actions.

 Accessibility: System accessibility was satisfactory, complying with

accessibility standards and providing alternative text options.



5.1 Summary

The "Quick Response" code, commonly known as QR code, is a 2D matrix code crafted with
two key objectives: accommodating large amounts of data compared to traditional 1D
barcodes and enabling rapid decoding using handheld devices such as smartphones. Offering
high data storage capacity, swift scanning capabilities, and omnidirectional readability, QR
codes boast numerous advantages including error-correction features, ensuring even damaged
codes can be successfully interpreted, and diverse versions catering to varying needs. These
versions encompass a range of QR code types such as logo QR codes, encrypted QR codes,
and iQR codes, providing users with tailored options. In contemporary times, QR codes find
application across various domains including marketing, security, and academia,
experiencing a surge in popularity. As awareness of this technology spreads, more individuals
are embracing its utility, contributing to its widespread adoption. With the proliferation of
smartphone users, the QR code's popularity has soared, cementing its position as a widely
accepted tool globally.

5.2 Conclusion
In conclusion, our exploration into QR code technology has illuminated its myriad benefits,
broad application areas, and profound impact on both marketing strategies and the
technological landscape. Initially devised for inventory tracking, QR codes have since found
their way into diverse sectors such as marketing, advertising, secure payment systems, and
The rapid proliferation of QR code adoption in recent years, coupled with an exponential
increase in user numbers, can be attributed to its inherent features. These include high data
storage capacity, swift scanning abilities, error-correction mechanisms, direct marking
capabilities, and user-friendly interface. As QR codes continue to evolve and discover new
applications, their role in facilitating seamless interactions between the digital and physical
realms remains unparalleled.

5.3 Recommendations
Use of professional encryption techniques as prophylactic measure to protect
QR codes and, therefore, to make sure the authentication and data integrity is
guaranteed; save all data from unauthorized access and breaches. Perform
extensive usability testing and assess the usability of QR codes through target
users as a technique to determine the ease of use, learnability, efficiency and
error tolerance of the QR code authentication system while getting inspiration
from user feedback for iterations. Set up two forms of authentication like, QR
code authentication and multi-factor authentication, which will involve
biometric verification,Otps. The multi- factor authentication will have an extra
layer of protection for the accounts. Create the authentication system that
performs as the user base is growing and the number of transactions is
increasing, without deteriorating the speed or the security. Ensure that this
platform complies with standards of data security, privacy and authentication
protocols that are industry recommended and follow practices that are
established. Establish check-and-balance mechanisms through monitoring and
auditing routines to detect the security threats, passes the unauthorized access
and the can loopholes of the authentication system. Ensure the comprehensive
user education and training content addressing the correct use of QR code
authentication, security best practices advice and precautionary measures in
case of suspicious activities. Smooth transition of QR code authentication
system by fitting the IT framework, apps and databases in a way that maintains
your functionality through out various platforms. Establish redundant set of
measures for backup and recovery of user authentication data, encryption keys,
and system configurations; this way business continuity and data integrity could
be secured if the system fails or get damaged during unfortunate events of
nature. Keep the software update, security patch, and a vulnerability assessment
in mind. Continually perform an authentication system update to ensure that it is
overcoming the new threats and weaknesses that are there.

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