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Computers and Geotechnics 125 (2020) 103675

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Research Paper

New computational framework for modeling the gravity flow behavior of T

sublevel caving material

Liancheng Wanga, Anlin Shaoa, Xiaobo Liua, Lei Yangb, , Hangxing Dingc
Intelligent Mine Research Center, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110004, China
School of Civil Engineering, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia
School of Resources and Civil Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110004, China


Keywords: A better understanding of the gravity flow mechanism of caved material is required to increase ore recovery in
Sublevel caving caving mining. This study presents a novel computational framework PRF3D (3D particle random flow) capable
Gravity flow of simulating the flow behavior of caved ore and rock in sublevel caving mining. The PRF3D framework com-
Isolated draw bines the advantages of the discrete element method and stochastic medium theory and uses the billboard
Discrete element method
technique of OpenGL to render and visualize particles. The new framework can automatically record the ore
Stochastic medium
recovery indicators, display the shape of the draw zone in real time and capture the fines percolation. An isolated
Numerical draw simulation
physical draw experiment is conducted to validate the accuracy and efficiency of the PRF3D from both quali-
tative and quantitative perspectives. After validation, various numerical tests are conducted to investigate the
influence of the sublevel height, drawpoint spacing, drawpoint size and particle size of overlaying rock on the
multidraw behavior of caved ore and rock in sublevel caving mining. The performance of PRF3D is also de-
monstrated by benchmarking with the reported simulations.

1. Introduction surrounded by weaker overlaying and wall rock masses in the caving
method used by mines. The ore body is fragmented by blasting, while
Underground mining plays a dominant role in removing and ex- the surrounding rock is caved by mine-induced stress and gravity. The
cavating valuable resources from the Earth’s crust because of the ex- caved rock could fill the void generated by ore removal and then move
haustion of surface mining reserves (Zhang et al., 2020). As mining downward to the drawing point together with the extracted ore, re-
migrates to deeper ground, the number of low-grade, steeply inclined sulting in ore loss and dilution. It is noteworthy that inappropriate
thick and medium-thick ore bodies increases significantly. In addition, drawing control practices and unreasonable geometric design con-
the in situ ground pressure grows drastically with the increase in mining siderations could drastically deteriorate the ore dilution and then lead
depth, resulting in an increase in the likelihood of rock burst. Rock to resource wasting and profit decrease. In general, the ore dilution rate
bursts could lead to geological disasters and project delays, causing is approximately 15 ~ 30% in some mines in China; however, it could
severe casualties and huge economic losses. Due to the flexibility in reach 40 ~ 50% with poor drawing practices. The gravity flow rule of
addressing high ground pressure, caving methods, such as block caving, ore and rock fragments is the key factor influencing the degree of di-
sublevel caving and panel caving, are commonly used in underground lution in drawn ore, while the work on the investigation of the change
mining around the world (Sánchez et al., 2019). Additionally, the trends of the isolated extraction zone (IEZ, the original locus of ex-
caving method has the advantages of low operation cost, breadth of tracted ore) and isolated movement zone (IMZ, the original location of
geological application, high efficiency, safe mechanization and high waste rock that flows to the extraction zone) are the foundation for
flexibility with production rates. To date, nearly 26% of the extracted exploring such rules (Wang et al., 2016; Melo et al., 2008, 2007).
ore from underground mines is produced by using caving methods To date, many efforts have been devoted to understanding the un-
(Leonardi, 2009). derlying mechanism of the gravity flow of blasted ore and caved rock.
The main disadvantage of caving methods is the relatively high ore Several mathematical models have been proposed to model the gravity
loss and dilution resulting from caved waste rock mixing with blasted flow in caving methods. For example, Čssr (1965) proposed an analog
ore during the drawing process. Generally, the stronger ore body is model by assuming an ellipsoidal draw shape for granular materials.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (L. Yang).
Received 4 November 2019; Received in revised form 23 May 2020; Accepted 25 May 2020
0266-352X/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Wang, et al. Computers and Geotechnics 125 (2020) 103675

The model has been widely used in caving mine design and draw vo- address the limitations in modeling the gravity flow of caved ore and
lume prediction due to its simplicity (Coates, 1966; Just, 1981; rock. Evidently, these improvements have helped to characterize the
Hartman, 1992). Later, Gang (1997) developed a stochastic model to gravity flow in caving mines, especially on fines percolation. However,
describe the flow pattern of fragmented rock under gravity. Kuchta there is still considerable room for improvement in developing flexible
(2002) improved the Bergmark-Roos equation to better describe the IEZ numerical tools to describe the gravity flow pattern of caved ore and
shape with the consideration of a nonzero opening width. More re- rock under different drawing conditions.
cently, Melo et al. (2009) used kinematic and plasticity models to cal- This paper aims to propose a new three-dimensional particle
culate the IEZ and IMZ, and good agreements between their results with random flow (PRF3D) simulation model that combines the advantages
scaled physical models were obtained. Evidently, these methods have of the DEM and stochastic medium model to further understand the
provided critical insights into the flow behavior of caved materials; gravity flow mechanism of granular media. The proposed simulation
however, the parameters used in these formulations are usually difficult model is then developed as a PRF3D framework based on the C++
to determine due to the lack of reliable infield data. programming language and OpenGL technique, which can demonstrate
Other approaches based on full-scale (Brunton et al., 2010; Power, the real-time packing and flow process of caved ore and rock under
2004), large-scale (Mcnearny and Abel, 1993; Castro et al., 2007; gravity in sublevel caving. The PRF3D framework also has the ad-
Trueman et al., 2008; Halim, 2004) and small-scale (Tao et al., 2019; vantages of automatically recording the ore recovery indicators,
Zhang et al., 2018; Castro et al., 2014; Jin et al., 2017; Shuai et al., showing the shape of the draw zone in real time and properly capturing
2017) experiments are also used to mimic the gravity flow of frag- fines percolation. Subsequently, isolated draw experiments are con-
mented rock. These studies have discussed the factors (e.g., particle ducted to verify the validity and accuracy of the PRF3D framework
size, dip and ore width, drawpoint geometry, blasting parameters and from qualitative and quantitative views. Finally, the PRF3D framework
boundary conditions) that influence the flow mechanism of caved ore is used to investigate the influence of sublevel height, drawpoint spa-
and rock in isolated or multiple drawpoints. The significant influence of cing, drawpoint size and particle size of overlaying rock on the multi-
these factors on the experimental results has been well demonstrated in draw behavior of caved ore and rock.
the literature (Sharrock, 2008). Compared with other experimental
approaches, the full-scale trail could help to elucidate the gravity flow 2. Three-dimensional particle random flow (PRF3D) simulation
behavior of broken rock, it is clearly more time-consuming and costly model
due to the practical difficulties in handling and recording the flow of
caved rock in situ. Additionally, it is worth noting that the behavior of The caved rock and ore are often irregularly shaped in nature.
fines percolation and the cross-sectional geometry of the draw zone are Polyhedrons or other irregularly shaped meshes are often used to si-
difficult to extrapolate in infield and scaled physical experiments mulate engineering scenarios relating to tunnel excavation (Do et al.,
(Leonardi et al., 2012). 2017; Nalini et al., 2012; Wu et al., 2018; Do and Wu, 2020a,b, 2018).
Recently, with the development of computation power, numerical However, it is difficult to use irregularly shaped particles to represent
simulation techniques based on the discrete element method (DEM) each rock fragment in 3D gravity flow modeling where a large number
(Cundall and Strack, 1979; Wang et al., 2017a,b, 2018), stochastic of particles are required, as it is very time-consuming and complex to
medium theory (Castro, 2006) and cellular automata (Castro et al., largely characterize the particle morphology and to calculate the con-
2009) have been widely used in simulating the gravity flow behavior of tact condition between irregular particles. Therefore, similar to many
blasted ore and caved rock due to their superior maneuverability and reported simulations (Jin et al., 2016; Chen et al., 2017); spherical
repeatability. Based on these numerical approaches, the effects of particles are used in this study.
fragmented material properties (e.g., size, shape, and friction effi- In this study, spherical particles with different diameters are used to
ciency), geometric design conditions (e.g., drawpoint size, drawpoint represent the difference between rock and ore. Additionally, the grades
spacing and sublevel height) and drawing modes (e.g., simultaneous of ore are characterized by utilizing spheres with different colors.
and sequential) on the flow pattern of caved ore and rock have been Before establishing the PRF3D simulation model, the following as-
extensively and systematically investigated (Jin et al., 2016; Song et al., sumptions are made: (a) the initial position of particles is randomly
2018; Wang et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2004; Sánchez et al., 2018; Yang generated; (b) particles are considered rigid bodies; (c) inelastic colli-
et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2019; Sun et al., 2019). The DEM can analyze sion occurs between particle-particle and particle-boundary, and energy
the gravity flow behavior of particles from a mesoscopic point of view dissipation theory is introduced to maintain the energy balance and to
and clearly record particle movement, particle interaction, residual ore account for the effect of friction and damping; (d) the motion sequence
and waste. However, the number of particles and the simulated time of of a particle is random, and the movement of the particle meets the
the DEM are still computationally uncontrollable for large- and full- kinetic energy theorem; and (e) the movement between particles is
scale simulations (Leonardi et al., 2012). To reduce the computation sliding. The following subsections discuss how to establish a PRF3D
time, numerical simulations in 2D are often carried out (Song et al., simulation model, including the random generation of particles, par-
2018, 2019; Xu et al., 2017). However, it is worth mentioning that the ticle motion principles and randomness in 3D space.
2D simulation can only reflect the IEZ shape in selected cross-sections,
whereas the IEZ in the sublevel caving method is a 3D problem in 2.1. Random generation of particles in 3D space
practical applications and is influenced by the coupled effect of geo-
metric design conditions (Song et al., 2018). The cellular automata The random generation of spherical particles in 3D space in this
approach is computationally economical and can analyze large geo- study is detailed as follows. First, the Monte Carlo random number
metries for long time scales; however, it does not model real physical generation technique (Niederreiter, 1992) is used to generate a series of
parameters, such as gravity, particle size and friction directly (Leonardi 3D points (xi; yi, zi), i = 1, 2, … n in a given spatial region. These points
et al., 2012). The negligence of real particle size distribution would lead are then selected as spherical centers to generate spherical particles
to the poor observation of fines percolation. The stochastic technique with a radius of input value R. It is worth noting that these spheres
usually presents unreliable simulated results due to the discrete dis- cannot be placed beyond the given boundary, and the intersection of
tortion resulting from the lack of restrictions of mechanic laws (i.e., particles is avoided. For example, the length, width and height of a
Newton’s laws of particle motion). Therefore, several improved nu- cuboid boundary are parallel to the x, y, and z axes in the coordinate
merical techniques, including the REBOP (rapid emulator based on system, respectively. The cuboid boundary has a dimension of a × b × c
particle flow code) (Pierce, 2010) and non-Newtonian lattice Boltz- (length × width × height) and its vertex coordinate closest to the
mann method-DEM (Leonardi et al., 2012), have been developed to origin is (x0, y0, z0). The particles generated in the cuboid region need

L. Wang, et al. Computers and Geotechnics 125 (2020) 103675

Fig. 1. Generation of spherical particles at (a) loose and (b) compacted states.

Fig. 2. Free-fall motion of a particle (a) without interface and (b) with interface above.

to meet the following conditions (Eqs. 1 and 2). considered fully compacted, and the process of particle generation is
xi − r ≥ x 0, xi + r ≤ x 0 + a (1a) completely finished, as shown in Fig. 1(b). In this study, red and yellow
particles represent ore and waste rock, respectively. The particle size
yi − r ≥ y0 , yi + r ≤ y0 + b (1b) can be adjusted based on scaled experiments or field practices.

zi − r ≥ z 0, zi + r ≤ z 0 + c (1c)
2.2. Particle motion in 3D space
where Eq. 1 relates to the condition that the coordinates of particles
cannot be beyond the cuboid boundary. As discussed in Section 2.1, particle motion results from gravity and
d (si, sj ) ⩾ Ri + Rj , 0 < i, j < n, i≠j collision. Three kinds of particle motion need to be considered: (a) the
immobile particle will undergo free-fall movement if there is no particle
d (si, sj ) = (x i − x j )2 + (yi − yj )2 + (z i − zj )2 or boundary impediment below; (b) the immobile particle will undergo
circular motion around the impeditive particle before disengaging
where Eq. 2 relates to the condition that the particles cannot intersect under gravity and reaction force from the impeditive particle; and (c)
with each other. inelastic collision will occur between the moving particle and boundary
It is noteworthy that the initial generated particle assembly presents or particle impediment. The following is a detailed analysis of the above
a high void ratio in which further compaction is required (see Fig. 1(a)). situation.
Particle compaction is achieved by moving particles under gravity to
predetermined positions according to the particle motion rule discussed 2.2.1. Particle motion without initial velocity
in Section 2.2. If the particle’s new position meets the requirement of When the particle is only subjected to the effect of gravity, as shown
Eqs. 1 and 2, the new position is valid; if not, the particle remains at the in Fig. 2, it moves in a free-fall way, and its velocity and displacement
original position. When the particle assembly is compacted, new space at time t can be calculated by
will occur in the top of the cuboid region. The generation and com-
paction steps are repeated until no new particles can be generated and 1
x (̇ t + Δt /2) = x (̇ t ) + g Δt
placed. In this case, the particle assembly in the cuboid region is 2 (3a)

L. Wang, et al. Computers and Geotechnics 125 (2020) 103675

Fig. 3. Particle is hindered by an immobile particle in (a) 3D and (b) 2D conditions.

1 should pay more attention to the impediment from bottom particles in a

x (̇ t + Δt ) = x (̇ t + Δt /2) + g Δt
2 (3b) numerical simulation. For the particle subjected to the supporting
forces from more than two particles, its force and motion are also the
x (t + Δt ) = x (t ) + x (̇ t + Δt /2) Δt (3c)
vector superposition from each impediment.
where ẋ(t ) is the velocity of the particle at time t; x (t ) is the position of Moreover, the particle may be subjected to a coupled impediment
the particle at time t; g is the acceleration of gravity; and Δt is the time from the boundary and an inferior particle, as shown in Fig. 5. The
step. resultant force acting on particle 2 is contributed by gravity and the
Another situation is that the particle is impeded by an immobile supporting forces from the boundary and inferior particles, and its di-
particle below, as shown in Fig. 3. Particle 1 is moving under gravity rection is presented in Fig. 5. In this case, particle 2 will make a circular
and hindered by particle 2. It is evident that the trajectory of particle 1 motion around the line that crosses the spherical center of particle 1
is always in a fixed plane (i.e., the green plane in Fig. 3(a)). The plane is with a direction parallel to the X axis.
parallel to the Z axis and vertical with respect to the XOY plane.
Therefore, one can analyze the particle motion from the perspective of
2.2.2. Particle colliding motion with initial velocity
the 2D plane, as shown in Fig. 3(b). The centripetal force of particle 1 is
The particle is drawn under gravity in caving methods, and its ve-
provided by the component force of gravity Fn . When Fn is lower than
locity increases with higher vertical displacement. Once the moving
the critical value required for circular motion, particle 1 moves away
particle contacts other particles, collision will inevitably occur.
from particle 2 in a parabolic way. The following equations can be
Generally, collision types include colliding with immobile particles,
derived for particle 1 during circular motion:
colliding with boundaries and colliding with moving particles, as shown
Fn = mgsinθ (4a) in Fig. 6(a), (b) and (c), respectively.
As shown in Fig. 6(a), a moving particle with a speed of υ1 collides
υ12 with an immobile particle, and its normal and tangent velocities are υ1n
Fs = m
r (4b) and υ1t , respectively. According to the conservation of energy during
1 1 collision, υ1t remains unchanged when colliding with an immobile
mgh + mv0 2 = mv12 + Q1 particle, but υ1n will change in the opposite direction with a smaller
2 2 (4c)
value due to energy loss. The velocity of the moving particle after
Q1 = λ1 mv12 (4d) collision can be obtained by using the velocity synthesis theorem,
which is given as υ2 in Fig. 6(a). The situation in which the moving
where Fn is centripetal force provided by gravity; Fs is tangential com-
particle collides with a boundary is similar, as demonstrated in
ponent force provided by gravity; θ is the angle between the centerline
Fig. 6(b).
of two particles and the vertical direction; m is the mass of particle 1;
As illustrated in Fig. 6(c), when two moving particles collide with
υ0 = 0 is the initial velocity of particle 1; h is the vertical displacement
each other, their tangent velocities υa1t and υb1t remain unchanged during
height of particle 1; υ1 is the velocity of particle 1 at vertical dis-
collision without the consideration of sliding. Based on the momentum
placement h ; r is the radius of particle 1; Q1 is the friction energy
and energy conservation laws, their component velocities in the normal
consumed by the friction between the particle and boundary/particle;
direction need to meet the following formulas:
λ1 is the energy dissipation coefficient of particle-boundary/particle
friction. When υ1 increases to some value, particle 1 begins to perform a ma υa1n + mb υb1n = ma υa2n + mb υb2n (5a)
parabolic motion.
In addition, the particle may be subjected to impediment from 1 1 1 1
several particles. For example, (see Fig. 4) due to the trend of down- ma (υa1n )2 + mb (υb1n )2 = ma (υa2n )2 + mb (υb2n )2 + Q2
2 2 2 2 (5b)
ward motion under gravity, particle 3 is subjected to a supporting force
provided by particles 1 and 2. Hence, the direction of the resultant force where ma and mb are the masses of particles a and b, respectively; υa1n
acting on particle 3 (i.e., the arrow on particle 3 in Fig. 4) is not similar and υb1n are the normal velocities of particle a and particle b before
to that of gravity. In fact, the force and motion of particle 3 result from colliding, respectively; υa2n and υb2n are the normal velocities of particle a
the vector superposition of particles 1 and 2. Particle 3 will make a and particle b after colliding, respectively; Q2 is the collision energy
circular motion around the line that connects the spherical center of consumed by particle collision; and λ2 is the energy dissipation coeffi-
particle 1 with that of particle 2. It should be noted that in Fig. 4(b), cient of particle collision.
particle 3 would make a free-fall motion if particle 2 did not exist and By solving Eq. 5, the normal velocity of particle a and particle b
particle 1 no longer provided lateral force to particle 3. Therefore, one after collision can be derived as

L. Wang, et al. Computers and Geotechnics 125 (2020) 103675

Fig. 4. Particle is impeded by several inferior particles.

that meet the motion condition and then assign probabilities to them by
using a random seed (Gentle, 2006) according to the following two
rules: (a) a higher probability should be assigned to a particle with a
smaller radius; and (b) the probability for inferior particles is higher
than that for upper particles. Subsequently, these particles are sorted
according to the probability magnitude to determine the order of their
movement. To this end, the combination of discrete motion and sto-
chastic theory is realized. In addition, since smaller particles show a
higher motion probability, compared with that of the larger particles,
they would arrive at the drawpoint first. This characteristic makes it
possible to investigate the mechanism for gravity flow of small caved
rock causing premature ore dilution.

3. Three-dimensional particle random flow (PRF3D) framework

The particle motion characteristics are coded via the C++ pro-
gramming language to develop the PRF3D framework. This section
presents two key technologies for developing the PRF3D framework,
including particle rendering and visualization and the division of
Fig. 5. Particle is impeded by the boundary and an inferior particle. functional modules. The billboard technique in OpenGL (Open Graphics
Library) is utilized to render and visualize spherical particles. The
functional module of the PRF3D framework is divided into four sub-
(ma − mb) × υa1n + 2mb × υb1n
υa2n = × λ2 modules: human-computer interaction, key computation, real-time
ma + mb (6a) display and data statistic modules.
(mb − ma) × υb1n + 2ma × υa1n
υb2n = × λ2 3.1. 3D rendering and visualization of spherical particles
ma + mb (6b)
Finally, the updated velocities, including the magnitudes and di- After generating the random positions of particles by using the
rections of particle a and particle b, can be calculated based on the Monte Carlo method, the 3D rendering technique needs to be used to
velocity synthesis theorem. It should be noted that when a particle draw the 3D spherical particles. Generally, 3D models are rendered
collides with several moving particles simultaneously, its final velocity using basic triangles (Lin and Miller, 2005). For example, the sphere is
is the vector superposition from each collision. Generally, collisions segmented along parallels and meridians first to generate a series of
between moving particles continually occur until they arrive at the parallelograms. Later, triangulation is used to connect the vertex co-
drawing point. ordinates of these parallelograms to render and visualize the sphere.
The vertex coordinates of each parallelogram can be determined by
2.3. Randomness of particle motion using the dual loop algorithm since they only relate to radius, zenith
angle, and azimuth angle in the spherical coordinate system. Usually,
For spheres that meet the conditions of motion at the same time, more than 200 vertices need to be created when rendering one sphere.
their movements must be sequential. In this study, the randomness for However, such a method is not efficient and practical in drawing
the sequence of particle motion is considered, that is, the velocity for simulations since more than ten thousand particles (i.e., at least 2
the first moving particle is higher than that for the later moving par- million vertices need to be connected by triangulation) must be created
ticle. For example, (see Fig. 7) both particle 1 and particle 2 meet the to mimic the gravity flow behavior of caved rock and ore. In this study,
motion condition, and the motion sequence is random. If particle 1 the Billboard technique in OpenGL is utilized to render and visualize
moves to the position of the red dashed line first, it will hinder the the particles due to its high rendering speed and outstanding visual
movement of particle 2 and then arrive at the drawpoint first. Other- effect in spherical particle rendering (Shreiner D, Group BTKOAW,
wise, particle 2 will be drawn first. 2009). OpenGL is an application programming interface that has been
When simulating the drawing process, we need to find all particles widely used in rendering 2D and 3D graphics. Various video cards and

L. Wang, et al. Computers and Geotechnics 125 (2020) 103675

Fig. 7. Randomness of particle motion.


Fig. 8. Billboard technique in OpenGL.

that the vector from the billboard to the camera is always perpendicular
to the billboard surface. In this study, a vector named toCamera, which
orients from the billboard to the camera, is first created, as shown in
Fig. 8. Later, vector Up (0, 0, 1) is generated at the camera position. By
cross-multiplying vector toCamera with vector Up, vector Right can be
obtained, which is always perpendicular to the plane produced by
vector to Camera and vector Up (see Fig. 8). By extending the center
a position of the billboard with vector Right, a quadrangle that is always
perpendicular to the camera can be generated.
Since the billboard is always perpendicular to the moving camera,
3D visualization could be achieved by texturing the image on the 2D
billboard. It is noteworthy that creating one 2D billboard only requires
four vertices, making it render more quickly compared with the com-
monly used creation method of the 3D model, as discussed earlier. For
b particle creation in the PRF3D framework, one only needs to deliver the
spherical center and radius to the GPU from the CPU. Then, the geo-
metry shader in the OpenGL will correspondingly generate the four
vertices of the billboard. Once sphere texture is attached on the bill-
board, 3D visualization of spherical particles is realized.

3.2. Functional module of the PRF3D framework

Given the above particle generation technique and particle motion

Fig. 6. Moving particle collides with (a) immobile particles, (b) boundary and
characteristics, a PRF3D framework is developed by using the C++
(c) other moving particles.
programming language and OpenGL technique in this study. The aim of
this framework is to model the gravity flow pattern of caved rock and
integrated GPUs have been optimized for OpenGL, making it more ef- ore more efficiently, and to characterize the IEZ shape and calculate the
ficient than other graphics development techniques. Billboards are 2D mass drawn and ore recovery indicators automatically. It is worth
elements coated in a 3D world, and their orientation can be computed mentioning that the framework design should be from top to bottom,
automatically such that they always face the camera, as shown in Fig. 8. that is, the overall structure is defined first, and by drilling down to the
The key issue to be addressed in the billboard technique is ensuring levels, each module is designed. Four functional modules, including

L. Wang, et al. Computers and Geotechnics 125 (2020) 103675

Fig. 9. PRF3D framework structure.

human–computer interaction, core computing, real-time display and 4. Numerical and scaled physical models of draw experiments
data statistic modules, are designed in the PRF3D framework, as shown
in Fig. 9. 4.1. Scaled physical model of isolated draw experiment
The human-computer interaction module aims to collect and deliver
required parameters for modelling and to feed the statistical results to 4.1.1. Experimental model and materials
the user. The input parameters include sublevel height, crosscut spa- It is worth mentioning that the scale of the isolated draw model
cing, caving interval, crosscut dimension, particle size of caved rock should be reasonable and practicable, as an overly large or overly small
and ore, thickness of overlaying rock, cut-off grade, numbers of sublevel model usually causes a negative effect on the operation or flow ability.
and crosscut. The output includes the mass drawn ore recovery in- Additionally, Castro noticed that the effect of the geometrical scale on
dicators for each crosscut and the entire model. The core computing the IEZ shape was insignificant in his large 3D physical model test
module is used to generate the initial state of particle packing, model (Castro et al., 2007). Therefore, a self-designed physical model with a
the flow behavior of particles under gravity, and continuously update geometrical scale of 1:100 was used in this study to conduct an isolated
the particle velocity, displacement and coordinates. The process of draw experiment, as shown in Fig. 10. The physical model has a di-
particle packing is realized by using a mesh-based method. The core mension of 400mm × 400mm × 1000mm (length × width × height).
computing module is the inner core part of the whole framework and The isolated drawpoint with a dimension of 40mm × 40mm
mainly runs on the CPU. Additionally, contact searching and collision (length × width) is located in the model’s bottom center to avoid the
detection are included in this module, which are optimized by using the intersection between the flow zone and the sidewalls of the model.
mesh-based (Jiménez et al., 2001) and Octree methods (Wang et al., The experimental material was granular dolomite, which was first
2017c); respectively. broken into small particles with a diameter of approximately 10 mm
The real-time display module is the display of the entire framework. and then polished to improve its roundness and to make the surface
This module is realized by using the OpenGL technique and mainly runs smoother, as shown in Fig. 10. The dolomite had a solid density of
on the GPU. The main function of the module is to display the real-time 2.9 g/cm3 and a natural response of 35°, as determined by the funnel
flow behavior of particles in 3D space and the final IEZ shape after the test, as shown in Fig. 11.
drawing process. Additionally, it can be used to explore the drawn-
funnel shape, ridge hangover of ore and rock-ore jumbling from dif- 4.1.2. Experimental processes
ferent visual angles during the drawing process. A vertical drop hanging hammer pendant was first used to ensure
The data statistic module is utilized to record the real-time mass that the bottom of the physical model was horizontal, and then the top
drawn of caved ore and rock for each crosscut. The mass drawn is then of the drawpoint was sealed with an iron platen to simulate the initial
used to calculate the ore recovery indicators for each crosscut after condition before blasting. The ore particles were placed into the model
drawing. Finally, the overall ore recovery and dilution rates for the layer by layer, and each layer had a thickness of 50 mm. A total of 8 ore
entire drawing model can be obtained. By comparing the ore recovery layers were placed with an overall height of 400 mm.
indicators obtained from this module, the evaluation of different To characterize the mass drawn and IEZ shape, labeled makers were
drawing modes can be realized. radially distributed every 50 mm in the height direction (i.e., between
Overall, by using the C++ programming language and OpenGL every two adjacent ore layers) by using a position plate, as shown in
technique, the developed PRF3D framework can be used to explore the Fig. 10. The spacing of two adjacent makers in the same row was
gravity packing and drawing behavior of caved rock and ore in sublevel 10 mm, and 45° was selected as the angle between two adjacent rows.
mining with different geometric design conditions and particle sizes. The markers were directly selected from the prepared experimental
The framework displays the gravity flow behavior of caved rock and ore material to ensure their similarity in flow characteristics. The surface of
in real time, statistics of the ore recovery and dilution rates, and reveals the labeled markers was washed with water first, and then a label with
the IEZ shape. a unique symbol in red font was pasted on the markers’ surfaces to

L. Wang, et al. Computers and Geotechnics 125 (2020) 103675

Fig. 10. Physical scaled model for the isolated draw experiment.

distinguish them from each other. Different labeled makers corre- 4.1.3. Analysis of experimental results
sponded to different coordinates in the model. An extra overlaying layer As mentioned above, each labeled maker corresponds to a co-
with a thickness of 200 mm was placed above the uppermost layer of ordinate in the physical model. Therefore, the relation between the
the labeled makers to avoid rolling towards the crater (Castro et al., coordinate of each maker and its corresponding mass drawn could be
2007). Finally, the particle column had a height of 600 mm. found by using interpolation methods such as the least squares method.
When the entire physical model was filled with particles, the iron In addition, the field of mass drawn could be acquired. Later, the IEZ
platen that sealed the drawpoint was extracted, and then particles were shape at different draw heights can be determined by connecting those
drawn out from the drawpoint. During the drawing process, the number points that present the same mass drawn with the smooth curve. Last,
of makers drawn and their corresponding mass drawn were recorded. It the functional relationship between the drawn mass and the IEZ height
is noteworthy that the particle flow speed during the drawing process can be developed.
should remain as consistent as possible, and each mass drawn should
not be too large. The drawing process was terminated when the first
appearance of the labeled maker located in the uppermost layer was

Fig. 11. (a) Setup for the funnel test and (b) natural response angle of dolomite.

L. Wang, et al. Computers and Geotechnics 125 (2020) 103675

Fig. 12. Simulation of funnel test for (a) initial and (b) final states.

4.2. Numerical model of draw experiments wall 1 was deleted to start the drawing process. Particles were con-
tinuously drawn from the drawpoint under gravity until the height of
4.2.1. Calibration of micromechanical parameters of dolomite the IEZ reached 400 mm. The mass drawn and IEZ widths at different
A physical funnel test was first conducted to determine the natural IEZ heights were automatically recorded by the PRF3D framework
response angle of dolomite (Xia et al., 2019). The top and bottom of the during the drawing process.
funnel were 250 mm and 50 mm in diameter; respectively, and the
overall funnel length was approximately 175 mm, as shown in
Fig. 11(a). A total of 11 kg of dolomite was placed in the funnel, and 4.2.3. Numerical model for the multidraw test
then the dolomite flowed out from the bottom under gravity. The de- It is worth noting that multiple drawing conditions are more
termined natural response angle of dolomite was 35°, as shown in common and practical in practice than isolated drawing conditions.
Fig. 11(b). Later, a corresponding numerical funnel test is carried out in However, physical multidrawing experiments are usually time-con-
PRF3D to determine the required dissipation coefficients (λ1 and λ2 ), as suming, costly, burdensome and lack reproducibility. In this study,
shown in Fig. 12(a). A total of 600 particles are used in the simulation. another numerical model with two sublevels and five drawpoints was
The values of these coefficients are iteratively selected until the simu- established to investigate the gravity flow behavior of caved rock and
lated natural response angle is similar to that obtained from the phy- ore under multidrawing conditions (see Fig. 13(b)), in which DP re-
sical test. The determined values for λ1 and λ2 are 0.2 and 0.1, respec- presents the drawpoint. This model is similar to that adopted in (Jin
tively, which gives a natural response angle of 35° for simulated et al., 2016). As discussed earlier, geometric design conditions and
particles, as given in Fig. 12(b). overlaying rock properties have important effects on the IEZ shape and
ore recovery indicators under multidrawing conditions. To examine the
4.2.2. Numerical model for isolated draw test above effects, a series of numerical tests with various sublevel heights,
To validate the reliability and accuracy of the developed PRF3D drawpoint spacings, drawpoint sizes and particle sizes of overlaying
framework in modeling the gravity flow behavior of caved rock and ore, rock were designed, as shown in Table 1. Each numerical test was
a numerical model corresponding to the physical scaled model men- conducted in sequential drawing mode, which means the blasted ore
tioned above was established, as shown in Fig. 13(a). Similar to the draws from DP1 to DP5 in sequence. The thickness of the overlaying
physical test, the numerical model has a dimension of waste rock remains at 5 m, and the particle size distribution of the
400mm × 400mm × 600mm (length × width × height). A drawpoint caved ore obeys the Gaussian rule, as listed in Table 2. A low dilution
(wall 1 in Fig. 13) with dimensions of 40mm × 40mm (length × width) drawing technique is employed in this study, and the draw at the cur-
was placed at the model bottom. The particle diameter was set to rent drawpoint is terminated after reaching a cut-off grade of 0.33 and
10 mm. Red particles represent experimental material, while yellow then moves to the next drawpoint. Overall, 20 numerical tests were
particles represent labeled makers and overlaying particles. After gen- conducted, the corresponding mass drawn, and the IEZ width and ore
erating and packing the particles, the corresponding gravity accelera- recovery indicators were recorded.
tion (g = −9.8m/ s−2 ) and density (2900 kg/m3) are assigned. Later,

Fig. 13. Numerical model for the (a) isolated draw and (b) multidraw experiments.

L. Wang, et al. Computers and Geotechnics 125 (2020) 103675

Table 1
Summary of numerical tests.
Group Sublevel height (m) Drawpoint spacing (m) Drawpoint sizes (m × m) Particle size of overlaying rock (m) Draw modes

Effect of sublevel height

Group A 12 16 4 × 4 1 Sequential
14 16 4 × 4 1
16 16 4 × 4 1
18 16 4 × 4 1
20 16 4 × 4 1

Effect of drawpoint spacing

Group B
16 12 4 × 4 1 Sequential
16 14 4 × 4 1
16 16 4 × 4 1
16 18 4 × 4 1
16 20 4 × 4 1

Effect of drawpoint sizes

Group C
16 16 3 × 3 1 Sequential
16 16 4 × 4 1
16 16 5 × 5 1
16 16 6 × 6 1
16 16 7 × 7 1

Effect of particle size of overlaying rock

Group D 16 16 4 × 4 0.6 Sequential
16 16 4 × 4 0.8
16 16 4 × 4 1
16 16 4 × 4 1.2
16 16 4 × 4 1.4

Table 2
Particle size distribution of caved ore.
Particle diameter (m) < 0.5 0.5 ~ 0.6 0.6 ~ 0.8 0.8 ~ 1.0
Frequency of particles (%) 20 30 30 20

5. Results and discussion

5.1. Comparison between the isolated draw numerical and physical results

To verify the validity of the developed PRF3D framework, a com-

parison between experimental and numerical isolated draw experi-
ments was conducted, as given in Table 3 and Fig. 14. Fig. 14 compares
the IEZ obtained from the numerical and physical tests, corresponding
to the 0° longitudinal profile of the physical model. It can be seen from
the figure that the geometry of both physical and numerical IEZs is
ellipsoidal, and the IEZ width first increases and then decreases with the
increases in IEZ height. Table 3 lists the recorded mass drawn and IEZ
width at different IEZ heights during the numerical and physical
drawing process together with relative errors. It is evident that the
numerical results agree well with the physical results, and the average
Fig. 14. Vertical section of the IEZ in isolated (a) physical and (b) numerical
draw tests at a height of 400 mm.
Table 3
Comparison of isolated draw physical and numerical tests.
relative errors are only 5.04% and 4.27% for the mass drawn and IEZ
IEZ Mass drawn (g) Width at 0° longitudinal profile(cm)
width, respectively. Such an insignificant difference may be due to the
(cm) Physical Numerical Relative Physical Numerical Relative effect of particle shape. From a qualitative perspective, the validity of
error (%) error (%) the PRF3D framework is verified.
Later, the validity of the PRF3D framework is verified in a quanti-
0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
tative way. Castro et al. (2007) proposed a formulation to describe the
5 232 205 11.64 6.7 7.7 14.93
10 812 752 7.39 9.1 9.4 3.30 relationship between the mass drawn and the IEZ height as follows:
15 1283 1241 3.27 10.6 10.2 3.77 m
( )
hIEZ (m) = h 0 1 − e− mh + cm (7)
30 5480 5326 2.81 10.4 11.0 5.77 where hIEZ is the height of the IEZ; h 0 and mh denote the height and
35 8591 8051 6.29 9.0 8.2 8.89
mass drawn, respectively, at which the IEZ height grows exponentially
40 12,130 12,089 0.34 0.0 0.0 0.0
Average 5.04 4.27 with the mass drawn; and c is the final rate of increase when the IEZ
height increases linearly with the mass drawn.

L. Wang, et al. Computers and Geotechnics 125 (2020) 103675

Table 4 Gaussian distribution, as given in Table 2. The influence of sublevel

Eq. (7) parameters in isolated draw tests. height on the draw process and the maximum width of the IEZ and ore
Test type h0(mm) mh(kg) c(mm kg−1) R2 recovery indicators are illustrated in Figs. 16 and 17, respectively.
It is clear from Fig. 16 that the sublevel height has a clear influence
Physical 234.415 1.455 13.870 0.995 on the draw behavior, including ridge residual, ore-rock interface and
Numerical 240.935 1.438 13.225 0.994
IEZ shape. As seen, the area of ridge residual between DP4 and DP5 is
decreased when increasing sublevel height, indicating a reduced ore
loss. The height of the ridge residual is always lower than that of the
sublevel. In addition, it is found that the ore-rock interface becomes
more distinct and smoother with higher sublevel heights. The final
shape of the IEZ is approximately an ellipsoid, regardless of the sublevel
height. However, the IEZ width and height increase with increasing
sublevel height, resulting from the increased vertical flow rate of caved
ore. For example, the average maximum width of the final IEZs in-
creases from 11.6 m to 14.6 m, corresponding to the sublevel heights
from 12 m to 20 m (see Fig. 17(a)). The growth rate of the IEZ width
decreases when the sublevel height exceeding 16 m.
As seen in Fig. 17(b), the sublevel height has a positive effect on ore
recovery. For example, when the sublevel height increases from 12 m to
20 m. The ore recovery rate increases from 48.83% to 53.03%, while
the ore dilution rate varies slightly. This is mainly because the gravity
flow speed of caved ore increases with a higher sublevel height, leading
to an increased draw body and therefore a higher ore recovery rate. In
addition, the decreased residual ridge partially contributes to the in-
creased ore recovery rate. However, it is noteworthy that increasing the
sublevel height means increasing the depth of the blast hole in the
sublevel caving. When the hole depth exceeds a critical value, the
Fig. 15. Comparison of the relationship between the mass drawn and the IEZ’s
drilling speed will decrease significantly, and the deflection rate of the
height in the physical and numerical tests.
deep hole will increase, leading to a lower drill efficiency. In addition, it
has been shown in practice that a higher hole depth usually results in
By curve-fitting the IEZ height and the corresponding mass drawn blast accidents on the hanging arch and trench, causing severe ore loss
given in Table 3 with Eq. (7) via the nonlinear Levenberg-Marquard and dilution. On site, the sublevel height is commonly determined
algorithm (Hansen et al., 2004), the values of h 0 , mh , c and the corre- based on the capacity of the drilling equipment.
lation coefficient (R2) for the isolated draw physical and numerical tests
are determined as given in Table 4. As seen, the correlation coefficients 5.3. Effect of drawpoint spacing on gravity flow behavior of caved ore and
R2 for both physical and numerical tests are close to 1, denoting that Eq. rock
(7) could be used to characterize the relationship between IEZ height
and mass drawn efficiently and accurately. Additionally, the fitted va- Group B was simulated to investigate the effect of drawpoint spa-
lues for the numerical model are very close to those for the physical cing on the gravity flow behavior of sublevel caving material under
model. This finding indicates that the numerical model is an efficient multidrawing conditions. The drawpoint size and sublevel height are
approach in representing realistic drawing conditions. Therefore, from determined as 4 m × 4 m and 16 m, respectively, while the drawpoint
the quantitative point, the validity of the developed PRF3D framework spacing varies from 12 m to 20 m. The overlaying rock has a diameter
is verified. of 1 m, while the particle size distribution of caved ore obeys the
Fig. 15 illustrates a comparison of the relation between the mass Gaussian rule, as given in Table 2. Figs. 18 and 19 illustrate the influ-
drawn and the IEZ height for both physical and numerical isolated draw ence of drawpoint spacing on the draw behavior, maximum width of
tests together with the corresponding fitting curves. The fitting curves the IEZ and ore recovery and dilution rates.
agree well with the experimental and numerical data. Additionally, the As shown in Fig. 18, the top surface of the overlaying rock and the
change in IEZ height with mass drawn can be divided into two stages. In rock-ore interface present more bending during drawing with the in-
the initial stage, the IEZ height increases exponentially with higher crease in drawpoint spacing. The bend ore-rock interface resulting from
mass drawn, and its rate of increase gradually decreases. For the second the inhomogeneous flow speed of the ore could lead to premature di-
stage, the IEZ height grows linearly with the increase in mass drawn. lution due to the earlier arrival at the drawpoint of upper waste rock. In
Overall, the efficiency and accuracy of the developed PRF3D fra- addition, the ridge residual increases with higher drawpoint spacing,
mework in modeling the gravity flow behavior of caved rock and ore which is mainly due to the increased distance between two adjacent
has been validated against the physical and empirical results from IEZs. It has been reported in many mines that mutually disjoint IEZs are
qualitative and quantitative views. It is therefore practical and feasible the main reason for high ridge residual (Wang et al., 2014). Drawpoint
to use the PRF3D framework to investigate the gravity flow behavior of spacing is a key factor in determining the IEZ shape by influencing its
caved rock and ore under multidrawing conditions. eccentricity. As the drawpoint spacing increases, the IEZ shape shifts
from vase-like to approximately ellipsoid, and the distance between two
5.2. Effect of sublevel height on gravity flow behavior of caved ore and rock adjacent IEZs increases (see Fig. 18). For example, IEZ overlap is ob-
served for a drawpoint spacing of 12 m, but a significant distance be-
Group A was simulated to investigate the influence of sublevel tween two adjacent IEZs is observed when the drawpoint spacing
height on the gravity flow behavior of caved ore and rock under mul- reaches 20 m. In addition, the average maximum width of the two IEZs
tidrawing conditions. For group A, the sublevel height ranges from increases from 11.6 m to 13.4 m when the drawpoint spacing increases
12 m to 20 m, while the corresponding drawpoint spacing and size are from 12 m to 20 m, but the growth rate decreases, as shown in
fixed at 16 m and 4 m × 4 m, respectively. The particle size for Fig. 19(a).
overlaying rock is 1 m in diameter, while that for caved ore obeys a It is evident from Fig. 19(b) that the ore recovery rate decreases

L. Wang, et al. Computers and Geotechnics 125 (2020) 103675

Fig. 16. Drawing process and IEZ shape for different sublevel heights: (a) 12 m, (b) 14 m, (c) 16 m, (d) 18 m and (e) 20 m.

substantially with increasing drawpoint spacing. For example, the ore between 16 m and 20 m, which is mainly because the upper part of the
recovery rate decreases from 66.28% to 45.56% with a drawpoint IEZ with smaller a drawpoint spacing intersects more severely with the
spacing between 12 m and 20 m. This finding is mainly attributed to the drawn funnel (Tao et al., 2010).
increased ridge residual resulting from the larger distance between two
adjacent IEZs, leading to higher ore loss. Therefore, a lower drawpoint
5.4. Effect of drawpoint size on the gravity flow behavior of caved ore and
spacing is always desirable in practice. According to draw theory, the
ore recovery indicator reaches the optimal value when the drawpoint
spacing is equal to the drawpoint width. However, such geometrical
Group C was prepared to investigate the effect of drawpoint size on
conditions are not practical because decreasing drawpoint spacing re-
the draw behavior of sublevel caving materials under multidrawing
sults in higher ground pressure and difficulties in crosscut maintenance
conditions. The side length of the square drawpoint ranges from 3 m to
(Wang et al., 2014). On the other hand, there is no significant difference
7 m, while the sublevel height of 16 m and the drawpoint spacing of
in the ore dilution rate for the range of drawpoint spacing under study,
16 m are invariable. The overlaying rock has a particle size of 1 m,
as shown in Fig. 19(b). The ore dilution rate fluctuates between 1.9%
while the caved ore presents a Gaussian particle size distribution, as
and 2.4%. The dilution rates for a drawpoint spacing between 12 m and
listed in Table 2. The effect of drawpoint size on the draw process,
14 m are slightly higher compared with that for a drawpoint spacing
maximum width of final IEZ and ore recovery and dilution rates are

L. Wang, et al. Computers and Geotechnics 125 (2020) 103675

Fig. 17. Relationship between sublevel height with (a) maximum width of IEZ and (b) ore recovery indicators.

shown in Figs. 20 and 21, respectively. in determining the geometry of the IEZ. The maximum width of the IEZ
As shown in Fig. 20, the ore-rock interface is easier to bend for increases from 11.6 m to 16.1 m as the drawpoint size increases from
smaller drawpoint sizes (e.g., 3 m × 3 m). The bend rock-ore interface 3 m × 3 m to 7 m × 7 m, as shown in Fig. 21(a). It is worth noting that
usually causes the upper waste rock to flow to the drawpoint in ad- the adjacent IEZs are tangent at their maximum widths when the
vance, leading to premature dilution. The rock-ore interface at the draw drawpoint size reaches 7 m × 7 m.
ending of sublevel 2 moves more downward with a larger drawpoint Fig. 21(b) illustrates the relationship between ore recovery in-
size, which leads to the decrease in ridge residuals between DP4 and dicators and drawpoint size. It can be seen that the difference in ore
DP5 and the increased weight of drawn ore. The height of the ridge dilution rate is not significant for the range of drawpoint sizes under
residual is always lower than the height of the sublevel. For the final study. The recovery rate increases significantly with increasing draw-
IEZ, its shape shifts from a standard ellipsoid to vase-like with in- point size, but the rate of increase gradually decreases. The ore recovery
creasing drawpoint size. The upper width of the IEZ decreases with a rate increases from 44.83% to 62.32%, corresponding to drawpoint
larger drawpoint size, while the inferior width of the IEZ increases. It sizes from 3 m × 3 m to 7 m × 7 m. The reason can be explained by the
was also found by Peters (1984) that the drawpoint size has a major role improved fluidity condition of caved ore resulting from the larger

Fig. 18. Drawing process and IEZ shape for different drawpoint spacings: (a) 12 m, (b) 14 m, (c) 16 m, (d) 18 m and (e) 20 m.

L. Wang, et al. Computers and Geotechnics 125 (2020) 103675

Fig. 19. Relationship between drawpoint spacing with (a) maximum width of IEZ and (b) ore recovery indicators.

Fig. 20. Drawing process and IEZ shape for different drawpoint sizes: (a) 3 m × 3 m, (b) 4 m × 4 m, (c) 5 m × 5 m, (d) 6 m × 6 m and (e) 7 m × 7 m.

drawpoint size. Based on the stochastic medium theory, for a given 5.5. Effect of the particle size of overlaying rock on gravity flow behavior of
height, the vertical velocity of caved ore is highest on the flow axis of caved ore and rock
the drawn zone. In the probability field of gravity flow, the caved ore
located at the flow axis has a higher probability of flowing. As the Loose overburden plays an important role in sublevel caving
drawpoint size increases, the flow probability of caved ore around the mining, since it provides compensation space for tight blasting and
flow axis decreases, while that of caved ore away from the flow axis prevents surrounding rock from being severely caved. However, loo-
increases. It will increase the curvature radius of the curve close to the sened overburden is also the main reason responsible for ore dilution
flow axis, making the caved rock and ore fall steady. Hence, the contact due to its mixing with ore drawn. The ore dilution resulting from loo-
area between caved material and overlaying waste rock is reduced, sened overburden can be divided into the following two mechanisms:
leading to a higher ore recovery rate (Tao et al., 2010). However, it is (i) dilution on the ore-rock interface caused by interface rupture and (ii)
worth mentioning that increasing the drawpoint size would increase the premature dilution caused by preferential arrival at the drawpoint of
drilling cost and cause unstable crosscuts. overburden fines. Fines percolation is mainly attributed to the higher
velocity of fines compared with larger rock and ore during drawing.
When starting to draw, particles in the loosened zone begin to separate
based on their sizes corresponding to different velocities. The larger the

L. Wang, et al. Computers and Geotechnics 125 (2020) 103675

Fig. 21. Relationship between drawpoint size with (a) maximum width of IEZ and (b) ore recovery indicators.

particle is, the smaller the flow velocity is. Therefore, the closer to the present the draw behavior, maximum width of the IEZ and ore recovery
drawpoint, the smaller the particle size. A fines motion form can be indicators for different overlaying rock sizes.
divided into three categories: moving together with coarse particles, As seen in Fig. 22, when the draw finishes, the ore-rock interface
rolling inside coarse particles and free falling between coarse particles. becomes fuzzier and more indistinct as the particle size of the overlying
Considering the ore dilution mechanism, it is always desirable for a rock decreases. The intermixing of ore with rock is only noticed around
computational framework of sublevel caving allowing fines percolation the drawpoint when the rock size is higher than 1 m; however, nu-
to be modeled. merous rock particles intermix ore around the drawpoint and the ridge
In this study, Group D was simulated to verify the feasibility of the residual when the rock size decreases to 0.8 m and 0.6 m, respectively.
PRF3D framework in modeling fines percolation and to investigate the This finding means that waste rock with a smaller size mixes with ore
influence of the particle size of overlaying rock on the gravity flow earlier due to its faster percolation speed, which also proves that fines
behavior of sublevel caving material. Variable particle diameters for percolation is successfully modeled. In addition, the earlier intermixing
overlaying rock were set to 0.6 m, 0.8 m, 1.0 m, 1.2 m and 1.4 m. The of ore with rock causes an increase in unrecoverable ridge residual.
particle size distribution for ore was set following the Gaussian rule as According to the final shape of the IEZ. It can be said that the particle
listed in Table 2. The sublevel height, drawpoint size and spacing were size of the overlying rock influences the draw body in terms of the rock
fixed at 16 m, 4 m × 4 m and 16 m, respectively. Figs. 22 and 23 drawn. As the overlying rock size decreases, the mass drawn of caved

Fig. 22. Drawing process and IEZ shape for different particle sizes of overlaying rock: (a) 0.6 m, (b) 0.8 m, (c) 1.0 m, (d) 1.2 m and (e) 1.4 m.

L. Wang, et al. Computers and Geotechnics 125 (2020) 103675

Fig. 23. Relationship between particle size of overlying rock with (a) maximum width of IEZ and (b) ore recovery indicators.

Table 5 Fig. 23(b).

Parameters used in the multiple-sublevel draw model.
Test number Drawpoint Drawpoint spacing Height of ore 5.6. Discussion
size(m × m) (m) layer m
To date, several DEM software packages, such as PFC, Yade, EDEM
1 4.0 × 4.0 12 12
2 4.0 × 4.0 16 15 and ESyS-particle, have been developed and are widely used in mod-
3 4.0 × 4.0 20 18 eling the flow behavior of sublevel caving materials (Jin et al., 2017,
4 5.0 × 5.0 12 15 2016; Chen et al., 2017; Tao et al., 2009; Zhu et al., 2018; Zhang et al.,
5 5.0 × 5.0 16 18
2019; Song and Konietzky, 2019; Hancock and Weatherley, 2008). To
6 5.0 × 5.0 20 12
7 6.0 × 6.0 12 18 compare their performance with PRF3D, a reported simulation on a
8 6.0 × 6.0 16 12 multiple-sublevel draw model via PFC3D in (Jin et al., 2016) is also
9 6.0 × 6.0 20 15 conducted in this study. The model included two layers and a total of 7
drawpoints, where both consecutive and simultaneous drawing modes
were considered. A number of 18 numerical tests (9 tests for each
rock increases. This finding is observed because a higher motion drawing mode) were carried out to investigate the influence of draw-
probability is assigned to the smaller particles, as mentioned in Section point size, drawpoint spacing and ore layer height under different
2.3. When overlying rock has a smaller particle size than that of the ore, drawing modes, as shown in Table 5. The wall size in process 1 was
it will percolate between the gaps of the ore particles and arrive at the 60 m × 12 m × 50 m (length × width × height), while the wall height
drawpoint more quickly due to its higher speed. Therefore, a larger in process 2 was varied based on the designed ore layer height. The
number of rock particles will be drawn out before the termination of initial porosity was 0.34, and the particle radius was 0.45 m.
drawing. However, the maximum width of the IEZ for the range of rock The comparison for the vertical cross sections of the multiple-sub-
sizes under study shows no distinct difference and remains at ap- level draw model at the draw end between PFC3D and PRF3D is shown
proximately 12.5 m, as shown in Fig. 23(a). in Fig. 24, where test 1 with the simultaneous draw mode and test 6
As shown in Fig. 23(b), it is clear that the increase in particle size with the consecutive draw mode are selected as examples. It is worth
decreases the ore dilution rate, as expected. For example, when the rock mentioning that the yellow and red particles are rock and the green
size increases from 0.6 m to 1.2 m, the ore dilution rate decreases from particles are ores in PFC3D, while yellow and red particles are rock and
3.25% to 1.87%. According to the draw behavior illustrated in Fig. 22, ore, respectively, in PRF3D. As shown in Fig. 24, the shape of the final
the rupture of the ore-rock interface is the main reason responsible for residual ore simulated by PRF3D is very similar to that obtained from
ore dilution when the rock size equals 1.2 m and 1.4 m. When the rock PFC3D, which denotes that PRF3D is feasible and acceptable in quali-
size equals 0.6 m and 0.8 m, premature ore dilution is mainly due to the tatively modeling the flow behavior of sublevel materials under gravity.
rock particles percolation and preferential arrival at the drawpoint. In Furthermore, the numerical simulations obtained from PRF3D and
the case of premature dilution, further drawing will cause higher di- PFC3D are compared quantitatively via the relationship between the
lution; however, massive ore will be lost if drawing stops. In addition, ore loss rate and various influencing factors listed in Fig. 25. The pre-
the influence of rock size on the ore recovery rate is illustrated in dicted ore loss rate by PRF3D is very close to that predicted by PFC3D.
Fig. 23(b). It is found that the ore recovery rate increases with larger Another issue to be concerned is the computational efficiency of
rock size, but the increase rate gradually decreases. For example, the PRF3D. Since the computational time in (Jin et al., 2016) is not re-
ore recovery rate increases from 45.86% to 52.68%, corresponding to ported, a new model (Fig. 26) is established in both PRF3D and PFC3D
rock sizes between 0.6 m and 1.4 m. The lower recovery rate for ore to compare their computation time under the same drawing condition.
with smaller overlying rock is mainly attributed to the larger amount of The geometry parameters of the model are given in Table 6, and a total
ridge residual, as shown in Fig. 22. Drawing is terminated in advance of 18,300 particles are used in both PRF3D and PFC3D. All the simu-
due to the percolation and preferential arrival of rock fines, and lations are run on a desktop with a CPU of Intel core i5, GPU of
therefore, a large amount of ore is residual between adjacent IEZs. It is GTX1060 and RAM of 8 G. As seen from Fig. 26, the final residual ore
worth mentioning that the maximum ore recovery rate that can be simulated by PRF3D is similar to that simulated by PFC3D; however,
reached in this scenario is approximately 52.50%, as shown in the computational time for PRF3D is only 3.1 h, which is far faster than

L. Wang, et al. Computers and Geotechnics 125 (2020) 103675

Fig. 24. Comparison of the multiple-sublevel draw mode between PFC3D and PRF3D.

that of PFC3D (30.2 h). in modeling the flow behavior of sublevel caving material under
It is noteworthy that PRF3D is mainly developed to simulate the gravity, which is capable of modeling particle packing and gravity
flow behavior of sublevel caving material (unbonded granular assem- flow behaviors, displaying the IEZ shape in real-time, calculating
blies) under gravity efficiently and rapidly. Compared with general- the ore recovery indicators automatically and capturing fines per-
developed DEM codes, PRF3D cannot be used to mimic the intact rock, colation.
jointed rock or cemented assembly of which the particles are connected (2) Based on the comparison between isolated physical and numerical
by a contact- or parallel-bond model. In addition, the effects of the draw experiments, the efficiency and accuracy of PRF3D is verified
particle shape are not considered in the current version of PRF3D, while from both qualitative (i.e., IEZ shape) and quantitative (i.e., re-
different particle shapes can be achieved in PFC3D via clump genera- lationship between IEZ height and mass drawn) perspectives.
tion. On the other hand, the energy conservation equation rather than (3) The investigated factors (i.e., sublevel height, drawpoint size and
the force-transmission equation is used in PRF3D, which may somehow spacing) influence the flow behavior of caved rock and ore in terms
reduce the effects of particle stiffness in simulation; however, it can of ore-rock interface, IEZ and ridge residual. These three factors
improve the computational efficiency significantly in modeling the have a positive effect on the maximum width of the IEZ. The ore
gravity-driven behavior of caved material and without influencing the recovery rate increases with higher sublevel height and increased
accuracy obviously based on the simulations conducted in this study. drawpoint size but decreases with larger drawpoint spacing.
However, there is no distinct difference in the ore dilution rate for
6. Conclusions the range of these three factors under study.
(4) The rupture of the ore-rock interface is responsible for the ore di-
In this study, a new computational framework, PRF3D, is developed lution when the particle size of the overlying rock is larger than that
for modeling the gravity flow behavior of caved ore and rock in sub- of the caved ore, while fines percolation is the main factor when the
level caving mining. Later, an isolated draw experiment is conducted to overlaying rock size is smaller than the caved ore size. As the
verify the validity of the developed framework. Finally, PRF3D is used overlying rock size increases, the ore recovery rate increases, but
to investigate the effect of sublevel height, drawpoint size, drawpoint the dilution rate decreases.
spacing and particle size of the overlying rock on the gravity flow be- (5) The performance of PRF3D is also demonstrated by benchmarking
havior of caved ore and rock under multidrawing conditions. The fol- with the reported simulations carried out by PFC3D, and satisfac-
lowing conclusions can be drawn. tory agreement in both qualitative and quantitative perspectives is
noticed. The PRF3D presents a higher computation speed compared
(1) The developed computational framework has shown great potential with that of the PFC3D for the case simulated here.

L. Wang, et al. Computers and Geotechnics 125 (2020) 103675


7. Abbreviations

PRF3D 3D particle random flow

OpenGL Open Graphics Library
IEZ Isolated extraction zone (the original locus of extracted ore)
IMZ Isolated movement zone (the original locus of waste rock that flows to
the extraction zone)
DEM Discrete element method
REBOP Rapid emulator based on particle flow code
DP Drawpoint
(xi, yi, zi) Coordinate of point i in three-dimensional space
si, sj Points i and j in three-dimensional space
d (si, sj ) The distance between si and sj
r Particle radius
Δt Time step
ẋ(t + Δt /2) Velocity of the particle at time t + Δt /2
ẋ(t ) Velocity of the particle at t
ẋ(t + Δt ) Velocity of the particle at time t + Δt
x (t + Δt ) Position of the particle at time t + Δt
x (t ) Position of the particle at time t
m Mass of particle
g Acceleration of gravity
h Vertical displacement height
v0 Initial speed of the particle
v1 Velocity of the particle at time t
Fn Centripetal force provided by gravity
Fs Tangential component force provided by gravity
θ Angle between the center line of two particles and the vertical
Q1 Friction energy consumed by the friction between particle and
λ1 Energy dissipation coefficient of particle-boundary/particle friction
ma Mass of particle a
mb Mass of particle b
υa1n Normal velocity of particle a before collision
υb1n Normal velocity of particle b before collision
υa1n Normal velocity of particle a after collision
υb1n Normal velocity of particle b after collision
Q2 Collision energy consumed by particle collision
λ2 Energy dissipation coefficient of particle collision
hIEZ Height of IEZ
h0 Height drawn where the IEZ height grows exponentially with the
mass drawn
mh Mass drawn where the IEZ height grows exponentially with the mass
c Growth rate when the IEZ height increases linearly with the mass

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Liancheng Wang: Conceptualization, Software, Validation, Writing

- original draft. Anlin Shao: Supervision, Funding acquisition. Xiaobo
Liu: Supervision, Funding acquisition. Lei Yang: Visualization,
Investigation, Validation, Writing - review & editing. Hangxing Ding:
Data curation, Methodology.

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that the work described has not been published
Fig. 25. Comparison between PFC3D and PRF3D on (a) the effect of ore layer before; that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else;
height, (b) the effect of drawpoint spacing and (c) the effect of drawpoint width that its publication has been approved by all co-authors; that there is no
on ore loss rate. conflict of interest regarding the publication of this article.

This study attempts to develop a reliable and computationally
economic framework to model the 3D draw behavior of sublevel caving
material in a fast way, and some desirable results have been achieved. The comparison of computation time between PRF3D and PFC3D
However, further work on incorporating the contact model and irre- (Section 5.6) is carried out by A/Prof. Peitao Wang from the University
gular particle shape is necessary to further characterize the draw of Science and Technology Beijing, and his contribution is highly ap-
preciated. This work is financially funded by the Research Fund of

L. Wang, et al. Computers and Geotechnics 125 (2020) 103675

Fig. 26. Numerical model used for comparison of computational time between (a) PRF3D and (b) PFC3D.

Table 6
Parameters for computation time comparison between PRF3D and PFC3D.
Code Sublevel height (m) Drawpoint spacing (m) Drawpoint size (m × m) Height of overlaying rock (m) Particle number Computation time (h)

PFC3D 16 16 4×4 5 18,259 30.2

PRF3D 16 16 4×4 5 18,344 3.1

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