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Divine intervention.

“One way of looking at the Middle East is how God noticed people
of this region full of prayers and praise for (HIM)With so many
religions in this part of the world more than anywhere else!
All worshiping (HIM)So HE took pity upon them deciding to move
these people forward by the method what we NOWADAYS call
(Scholarships)i.e He had chosen the most intelligent among these
people (The Jews)Scattered them all over the world en masse
(Scholarships )To learn the latest Trades and Tricks of the
material world then GOD Made use of DIRTY English Colonialist
Venom who planted Israel in the M.E. maliciously Thinking it will
give colonialism foot hold in the region ! But GOD had other plans
for these scholarships to return one day and MODERENIZE this
region that had been in the habit of abusing religions to remain
backward ! To modernist it with all the skills and wisdom the Jews
acquired from their diaspora and this my dear what I call
Heavenly Justice because sooner or later by design or otherwise
the whole region must rise to same level as that of Israel
Technically and politically or sink therefore Israel may be after all
not (NAKBA)For the region but blessing in disguise. By Divine
“There are no RIGHT or LEFT in politics Nor RIGHT or
Wrong ONLY UP and DOWN! The STRONG and the WEAK “
The Red Monk
Its stupid to think the European like the Arabs And hate the Jews
or vice versa the European in general and the English in particular
hate everyone and when the oil runs out they may even put the
Arabs in GAS CHAMBERS. Its genetically so with the Europeans.
Any decent person will recognize the unnegotiable right
of EVERYONE including Jews or Kurds for HOMELAND.
“Jew Boy :Jews fleeing the infernos of European Pogroms
only to find despicable English homosexuals waiting for
them at shores of Britania”
”Respect And Responsibility (Pat- One .

“Any person Irresponsible Enough to allow themselves seeking

reliefs for their sexual needs outside what is both normal
and rewarding will be IRRESPONSIBLE Enough outside
sexuality. You only need to look at British history the
mass graves of sexually assaulted children some buried
alive in a hurry (To avoid Detection)Left all over the so
called British Empire from Canada to Australia and see
for yourself how IRRESPOSIBLE state homosexuals can
be are ?” (Search My Ebooks For---The Mass Graves Of Jersey etc) ?
“ I.H.D, or the International Homosexual Brigade is the most
POWERFUL most dangerous most Conspiratorial secretive
syndicate the world had never known! Operating under the False
Flags of sexual equality committing lethal crimes EXTENDING
Far beyond what is sexual and getting away with it.”
(Search--- Tyranny Of English State Homosexuality Parts

How Long ?
“How long ?Thanks to uncle Sam? ?
This island of Hate & Homosexuality! This England!!
remain an enemy of mankind? All of mankind ?? ?
Whenever a Palestinian sneezes or a Jew is injured
its front-page news! Yet Its the year (2024) still
HUNDREDS are Killed or Kidnapped Almost Daily
(sometimes EVEN with chemical weapons)In the
British colonies of Iraq and Jordan but no one ever
hear about it !!”
Teething Problem.
“Like all newly born Israel currently (2024) undergoing
teething problem in the region but sooner or later EVEN
The most stupid circles inside Israel and the Arab nations
one day (By Necessity Not Goodwill) wake up to the
unspoken truth that both Israel and the Arabs together or
separately have one and only one common enemy: The
colonialists Europeans and this is what the Europeans
fear most! And this is exactly why they keep stoking the
fires of the M.E..””

There is nothing new about it :Europe has been leaching

on the Middle East Materially and spiritually continuously
since the ROMANS! And it would have continued if it was
not for the divine intervention as follows:
By returning the ISRAELITES who has material and
cultural links with the USA to the Middle East so that they
together with TURKIA may start to civilize the region
(From Within)And Arab politics may progress from that of
conspiring with dirty colonialists against their own
citizens !They may even remember the state was meant
to serve the public NOT to bomb them with chemical
weapons !! PURE EXERCISE in Italian-Like Assassinations
or British -Like Poisoning (The British and their Arab boys
had become so desperate and politically bankrupts they
stoop so low as to poison EVEN Unsuspecting overseas
students.(Would you believe )?
As for their agents are dwindling both numerically and in
quality. We all seen how certain SUNNY- MUSLIM
organizations cooked their own goose by British-Like
Cruel brutalities! while the FUTURE of SHIA -Muslim
groups will be no different .
As for the current leaderships by religious men they are
so incompetent and corrupt not fit to run coffee bar let
alone volatile place like the M.E.
Sooner or later the people will wake up (By Necessity Not
Goodwill )asking themselves ((HAY WAIT AMINUTE:
NEVER MIND ABOUT throwing the Jews back in to the sea
SURELY they can NOT indefinitely put up with SUCH
Material and social deprivation and cruel British-Like
oppressions imposed by incompetent European Agents
installed upon them by force of arms .??”Clearly the
colonialists Europeans have left HUGE VACCUUM and the
USA is kidding itself by thinking it can repair this
disastrous phenomenon by RECYCLING DIRTY
don in Iraq-2003).
Such strategy only fuel the fires of the M.E.
This was the dynamic of the M.E. But I am optimistic of its
future dynamics for the following reasons:
Sooner or later again (By Necessity Not Goodwill) the
clumsy corrupt WASHINGTON ESTABLISHMENT wakes up
to the realities of having no choice but to address this
vacuum and demand from its so called European allies
something in return for milking the uSA Systematically !
Something like the colonialist Europeans close their own
SPYING nests such as the German Guthe Institute Or the
British council or better still their Embassies altogether
(In Other Words It’s Time For The USA To Distinguish
Between Its Commitment To NATO nations And That Of
Its Own Policies Towards The Third World)¬
And Whenever these Europeans needed anything e.g oil
from the M.E. They should submit hand written
transparent request to the American Embassy inside the
said European Colony inside the M.E. Or North Africa .
But This Require Qualitative Jump By The Americans Out
Of Any Analysis Clouded By Their Anglosaxon-Like
Racism. On The Other Hand If The USA Goes Soft
Hesitating To Draw Hard Line Between Its Relationships
With NATO Nations And Those With Third World Nations
The USA Being Big Clumsy Open And Chronically
Addicted To Over Simplified Versions of(We verses Them)
It Will Expose Itself To Be Politically Exploited By The
Enemies Of Mankind Such As The Brits.!
Red Monk : Provve It ?IRAQ?
No one should underestimate the Europeans appetite and
centuries old experiences in Diplomacy and war
mongering by dragging the USA to chase its own tail from
one war to another !Or they may EVEN Inject behind their
back other powers in to the M.E. as they often have done
in the past to counter American influence .
like I said the USA sooner or later (By Necessity Not
Goodwill ) come to realize it has no choice but to end this
vicious cycle of history since the ROMANS !
Now is the best time? there is rare opportunity with the
help of Israel and Turkia to civilize the region in spite of
the fact there are so many external fingers if fed in to the
latest giant computer you will observe steam bursting out
of this misfortunate computer.
But they should not be distracted by any side shows no
matter how unbearable it may seem! Its the dirty
European colonialist last stand thus expect more side
shows to drag or at least to distract the USA from its very
own interests in the THIRD WORLD.
Briefly the USA should bring an end to the practice by the
Enemies of mankind systematically gaining on the
expense of the USA by exploiting REAL or FABRICATED
cold war scenarios.
“The Seat Of Middle East Fires Is In Europe Not Inside
The Middle East.” The red Monk.
Civilize The Middle East Before It Uncivilize You.“
“This Is a Call for any willing Axis such as that of :
USA-TURKIA-ISRAEL To Civilize The Middle East.”
When I look back at my life inside this so called west : At
the organic links between the so called security circles of
the Arab world and those security circles of the dirty
European Colonialists such as the British and French dirty
links established over the centuries in blood and tears :
Strong bonds cemented by Homosexuality (In case of
the British) And Bribery (In case of the French )I said
dirty because what is dirtier and lower than to conspire
with Arab Embassies to starve sixteen years old students
by stealing their scholarship money leaving them
penniless in mean hostile island?
Then I look at their methods though different you have
the choice between the Arab`s Primitive methods of
prisons or assassination which at least recorded open
and finite (There is closure)not easy to cover up in the
case of the M.E. sooner or later they answer for it
On the other hand one has the choice of the Sophisticated
methods of the security circles of dirty colonialists these
are restricted by the PRETENTION OF DEMOCRACY
therefore often forced to resort to more barbaric
methods than their Arab boys ! To keep the pretention of
democracy they forced to commit Dirty very dirty covert
undetectable open ended ( No Closures)) And not
recorded Cold Sneaky Calculated EXTRA JUDICIAL state
thuggery such as Poisoning or Murder by car accident by
state Alcoholics or homosexuals in the name of the State
and Security often committed for their own vert personal
reasons (e.g. To cover up Bribery Or Failure Or Even
Treasonable conspiracies)? ! Yet both those of so called
security circles in the M.E and North Africa seems to be in
competition with their British and French masters in a
race to achieve the most despicable of man inhumanity to
his fellow men.Most of it Needless cowardly gruesome
acts by irresponsible state alcoholics or state
homosexuals inside Britain and France .EXTRA JUDICIAL
administrative JUDGEMENTS passed on HEARSAY and
the personal Like or dislike of security circles drenched in
the ignorance of racism and bursting at the seam with
English venom. Not to mention street thugs in police
uniform. However :Natural justice had added the IRONY
of these criminal methods exercised by the so called
security circles of dirty colonialists like the French and the
British are extended to their own White citizens of Britain
and Francs and no longer confined to vulnerable such as
overseas students and the like .Hence you may observe
how the barbarism of the Middle East had been
CREEPINGC to the inside of the dirty European
colonialists in the name of state and security. What a
irony ?What heavenly justice?
(Search My E-books -------Primitive Mutual Parts 1,3,3)?
Respect And Responsibility.
“Any person Irresponsible Enough to allow themselves seeking reliefs for
their sexual needs outside what is both normal and rewarding will be
IRRESPONSIBLE Enough outside sexuality. You only need to look at the
mass graves of sexually assaulted children some buried in a hurry (To avoid
detection) Left by State Homosexuals all over the so called British Empire
from Canada to Wales to Australia and see for yourself how IRRESPOSIBLE
they are ?” The Red Monk.

(Search My E-Books For-The Mass Graves Of The British Empire )?

“How many revolutions had failed flat out because they
carried more principles than what the communal
conscience of their average citizen can CHEW !
Successful revolutions carries maximum three per dose
e.g French Revolution” The Red Monk
.(Search My E-Books ---The Stages Of History”“

“Do not demand from the individual more than what God
himself could not ask for !otherwise both God and the
individuals will let you down” The Red Monk.

(Search my E-Books for--the individual and the state

Parts 1,2,3 etc ) ?
Walls Of Blood.
One day in the nineties just after the Iraq-Iran Had ended
I was walking after college with highly intelligent Iranian
student towards high street Kensington.
As we passed STARBUCKS Cafe` I said I am going inside
for drink are you coming?
How could you? Do not you know its Zionists very very
Zionist??Said He . I answered (OH Zionism)!Please tell
me :How many millions of Iranians were killed by the
Iraqi regime most by chemical weapons (Supplied by
their British masters)?? I asked.
At least two millions: He answered.
Then I said: How many Iranians were killed by the
Zionists ? I asked again.
I see your point: Said He.
As he walked away, I noticed he went in deep thoughts.
Perhaps one day Him and all the rest of the MISGUIDED
will join us from EACH side of this Wall Of Blood erected
between us by dirty bankrupt European colonialists.

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