Lesson Plan Secondary 3

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Skills to be - Speaking
emphasized - Listening
Language focus - Phonemic awareness
- Phonemes production and perception.
Objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Master the 44 phonetic alphabet and their
- Write the phonemic transcript of an English word.
Materials - Projector, whiteboard, marker, phonetic alphabet
Warm-up - Introduction of the HLC to newcomers
- Blind matching game
Presentation - Introducing to the notion of phonetics
- Differentiate between Phonetical symbols and
Alphabet letters
- Projection of the video on phonetical chart with
pronunciation. (Consonant sounds first)
Practice - Scaffold for learners how to make the phonemic
transcription of some English word .
- Make students suggest examples of word for each
phonemic symbols.
- Make learners go through the process of transcription.
Break - Thumbs up game
(Animation) - Simon says
Application - Transcription exercises : word to transcript
- Transcription exercises : transcripts to word
Wrap-up - Talk, talk, or die ( environment theme)
- Homework: Provide the phonemic transcription of 10
English words on environment issues.

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