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Evolving Management Practices for Early Sepsis-induced

A Narrative Review
Elizabeth S. Munroe1, Robert C. Hyzy1, Matthew W. Semler2, Manu Shankar-Hari3,4, Paul J. Young5,6,7,8,
Fernando G. Zampieri9,10, and Hallie C. Prescott1,11
Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan; 2Division of
Allergy, Pulmonary, and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee;
Centre for Inflammation Research, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; 4Department of Intensive Care Medicine,
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom; 5Medical Research Institute of New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand;
Intensive Care Unit, Wellington Hospital, Wellington, New Zealand; 7Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre,
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia; 8Department of Critical Care, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia; 9Hospital do
Coraça~o (HCor) Research Institute, Sa
~o Paulo, Brazil; 10Department of Critical Care Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry,
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; and 11VA Center for Clinical Management Research, Ann Arbor, Michigan
ORCID IDs: 0000-0003-3353-612X (E.S.M.); 0000-0003-1890-4932 (R.C.H.); 0000-0002-7664-8263 (M.W.S.); 0000-0002-5338-2538 (M.S.-H.);
0000-0002-3428-3083 (P.J.Y.); 0000-0001-9315-6386 (F.G.Z.); 0000-0002-8442-6724 (H.C.P.).

Abstract targets is a means to prevent fluid overload and reduce exposure to

vasopressors; mean arterial pressure targets of 60–65 mm Hg
Sepsis causes significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. appear to be safe, at least in older patients. With the trend
Resuscitation is a cornerstone of management. This review covers toward earlier vasopressor initiation, the need for central
five areas of evolving practice in the management of early sepsis- administration of vasopressors has been questioned, and
induced hypoperfusion: fluid resuscitation volume, timing of peripheral vasopressor use is increasing, although it is not universally
vasopressor initiation, resuscitation targets, route of vasopressor accepted. Similarly, although guidelines suggest the use of
administration, and use of invasive blood pressure monitoring. invasive blood pressure monitoring with arterial catheters in
For each topic, we review the seminal evidence, discuss the patients receiving vasopressors, blood pressure cuffs are less
evolution of practice over time, and highlight questions for invasive and often sufficient. Overall, the management of early
additional research. Intravenous fluids are a core component of sepsis-induced hypoperfusion is evolving toward fluid-sparing and
early sepsis resuscitation. However, with growing concerns about less-invasive strategies. However, many questions remain, and
the harms of fluid, practice is evolving toward smaller-volume additional data are needed to further optimize our approach to
resuscitation, which is often paired with earlier vasopressor resuscitation.
initiation. Large trials of fluid-restrictive, vasopressor-early
strategies are providing more information about the safety and Keywords: sepsis; septic shock; hypotension; fluid therapy;
potential benefit of these approaches. Lowering blood pressure vasoconstrictor agents

Sepsis causes significant morbidity and a key component of sepsis management, but is evolving: fluid resuscitation volume,
mortality worldwide, contributing to an the optimal approach to resuscitation vasopressor timing, resuscitation targets,
estimated 49 million hospitalizations and remains unclear. This review focuses on five route of vasopressor administration, and use
11 million deaths in 2017 (1). Resuscitation is key aspects of resuscitation in which practice of invasive blood pressure monitoring. For

(Received in original form September 27, 2022; accepted in final form February 22, 2023)
Supported by National Institutes of Health Multidisciplinary Training Program in Lung Disease grant number T32 HL 007749 (E.S.M.) and
National Institute for Health Research Clinician Scientist Award NIHR-CS-2016-16-011 (M.S.-H.). This research was completed during the tenure
of a Clinical Practitioner Research Fellowship from the Health Research Council of New Zealand (P.J.Y.). The Medical Research Institute of New
Zealand is supported by Independent Research Organization funding from the Health Research Council of New Zealand. This material is the
result of work supported with resources and use of facilities at the Ann Arbor VA Medical Center. This manuscript does not represent the views
of the Department of Veterans Affairs or the U.S. government. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and not necessarily
those of the National Health Service (NHS), the U.K. National Institute for Health Research, or the Department of Health. The content is solely the
responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
Am J Respir Crit Care Med Vol 207, Iss 10, pp 1283–1299, May 15, 2023
Copyright © 2023 by the American Thoracic Society
Originally Published in Press as DOI: 10.1164/rccm.202209-1831CI on February 22, 2023
Internet address: www:atsjournals:org

Concise Clinical Review 1283


each topic, we review the evidence and increasing equipoise about the necessity of had equivalent outcomes. Both are reasonable
current guidelines, discuss practice evolution the 30 ml/kg initial resuscitation volume. approaches to resuscitation, although EGDT
over time, and highlight questions for future is more invasive and labor intensive.
research. In the online supplement, we Fluid resuscitation has been a core After the ARISE, ProCESS, and
address additional aspects of resuscitation. component of managing early sepsis-induced ProMISe trials, the 2016 SSC Guidelines
hypoperfusion for several decades. After the replaced the recommendation for EGDT
2001 Rivers and colleagues trial (7), early with a pragmatic recommendation that
Definitions and Scope goal-directed therapy (EGDT) for septic patients with sepsis-induced hypoperfusion
shock was recommended by the Surviving receive >30 ml/kg crystalloids within 3 hours
This review focuses on the management of Sepsis Campaign (SSC) guidelines. The of presentation, with ongoing resuscitation
patients with early sepsis-induced EGDT protocol includes invasive monitoring guided by serial assessments of
hypotension and hyperlactatemia, drawing with central venous and arterial catheters, hemodynamic status. However, most trials
primarily from clinical trials. Preclinical and fluid resuscitation to maintain central venous have enrolled patients after some initial fluid
clinical physiological studies have also pressure at 8–12 mm Hg, vasopressors administration, precluding rigorous
informed current practice but are beyond the to maintain mean arterial pressure evaluation of initial fluid volume. A total of
scope of this review. (MAP) > 65 mm Hg, and blood transfusions 30 ml/kg was chosen because most patients
Given the variety and overlap of terms and inotropes to maintain central venous enrolled in ARISE, ProCESS, and ProMISe
used in practice, we present definitions in oxygen saturation (ScvO2) > 70%. In the received around 30 ml/kg before
Figure 1. We use hypoperfusion to refer to Rivers and colleagues trial, patients randomization (Table 1) (11). In addition,
hypotension and/or hyperlactatemia, randomized to EGDT versus standard 30 ml/kg has been associated with benefit in
acknowledging the limitations of this therapy received more fluid (4,981 vs. observational studies. For example, in a
definition. Hypotension and hyperlactatemia 3,499 ml within 6 h; P , 0.001), blood multicenter study of patients with sepsis with
are each associated with mortality in sepsis, transfusions (64.1%. vs. 18.5%; P , 0.001), intermediate lactates (2–4 mmol/L),
making them important bedside clinical and inotropes (13.7% vs. 0.8%; P , 0.001). implementation of a treatment bundle
markers (2). However, their relationship to Subsequently, three multicenter trials including a 30 ml/kg bolus was associated
tissue perfusion is not fully understood (3), (Australasian Resuscitation in Sepsis with increased fluid delivery and decreased
as sepsis-induced inflammation can cause Evaluation [ARISE], Protocolized Care for mortality over time (13). Importantly,
microcirculatory dysfunction and disrupt Early Septic Shock [ProCESS], and however, no randomized trials have evaluated
tissue perfusion and oxygen delivery Protocolized Management in Sepsis 30 ml/kg versus other initial fluid volumes,
independently of hemodynamics (4, 5). [ProMISe]) tested EGDT versus usual care, and the SSC downgraded its 30 ml/kg
However, given the clinical focus of this which had evolved over the preceding decade recommendation to a suggestion in 2021 (6).
review, we define hypoperfusion as in response to the Rivers and colleagues trial The SSC’s evolution from
hypotension and/or hyperlactatemia, as these (8–10). In these trials, patients randomized to recommending EGDT, to recommending
widely available clinical markers are used in EGDT versus usual care received 30 ml/kg, to suggesting 30 ml/kg is
practice and trials. 200–1,000 ml more fluid within 6 hours after emblematic of broader shifts in thinking and
enrollment. Yet, mortality outcomes were practice. Intravenous fluids help correct
neutral in these individual trials and in both intravascular depletion and restore preload.
Fluid Resuscitation: How standard and individual patient-level meta- However, sepsis-induced hypotension and
Much Is Enough? analyses (11, 12) (Table 1). Notably, patients hyperlactatemia do not necessarily imply
in these trials had higher baseline ScvO2 than true hypovolemia. Patients with community-
 Conventional teaching: Intravenous patients in the Rivers and colleagues trial onset sepsis often have decreased oral intake,
fluids are a cornerstone of managing (70% vs. 49%; Table 1), suggesting they were fever, and insensible losses that may
early sepsis-induced hypoperfusion. less sick or enrolled after more resuscitation. contribute to volume depletion (14), but sepsis
 Current guidelines: Several guidelines However, there was no indication of benefit also induces an inflammatory response that
recommend an initial resuscitation of EGDT across any of the 59 subpopulations decreases systemic vascular resistance,
volume of 30 ml/kg (6). However, there examined in an individual patient-level increases vascular permeability, and lowers
are scant recommendations to guide meta-analysis of ARISE, ProCESS, and blood pressure in a manner that may not be
ongoing fluid resuscitation. ProMISe, including subgroups defined by improved by fluid resuscitation (15, 16).
 Evolving practice: Practice is evolving illness severity and time to randomization Over the past 15 years, there has been
toward fluid-sparing approaches to (11). Rather, these findings suggest that across increasing concern about potential harms
ongoing resuscitation, and there is all patient populations, usual care and EGDT from overresuscitation. In observational

Author Contributions: E.S.M. and H.C.P. contributed to the conception and drafting of this review. R.C.H., M.W.S., M.S.-H., P.J.Y., and F.G.Z.
contributed to the writing and substantive revisions. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
Correspondence and requests for reprints should be addressed to Elizabeth S. Munroe, M.D., Department of Medicine, University of Michigan,
1500 East Medical Center Drive, 3916 Taubman Center, SPC 5360, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5360. E-mail:
This article has an online supplement, which is accessible from this issue’s table of contents at
CME will be available for this article at

1284 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 207 Number 10 | May 15 2023


Early sepsis-induced

Septic Shock

Figure 1 Definitions(2)
Sepsis Life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to
Early Occurring within the first few hours of a patient’s presentation with sepsis
Sepsis-induced Related to a patient’s presentation with sepsis and without another clear cause
Hypoperfusion No clear definition. Generally conceptualized as reduced blood flow leading to
inadequate delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues. Often denoted clinically by
the presence of hypotension or hyperlactatemia.
Hypotension MAP <65 mmHg or vasopressor therapy
Hyperlactatemia Serum lactate level >2 mmol/L (18 mg/dL)
Septic shock Sepsis with persisting hypotension requiring vasopressors to maintain MAP t65
(Sepsis-3) mmHg and having a serum lactate level >2 mmol/L (18 mg/dL) despite adequate
volume resuscitation
Adequate volume No explicit definition provided in Sepsis-3, topic of debate
Figure 1. Conceptual diagram of review concepts and their definitions. MAP = mean arterial pressure.

studies, fluid overload and positive fluid caution because of small sample sizes, restriction received less fluid (median
balance have been associated with higher differing approaches to fluid limitation, and difference, 2813 ml, Day 1), but mortality
mortality, although the risk of confounding lack of separation in fluid volume in some and secondary outcomes were similar
limits strong conclusions (17–20). More trials (25–28). (Table 3). Interpretation of these results is
compellingly, three randomized controlled Conservative versus Liberal Approach complicated by several factors. First,
trials (RCTs) in lower-resource settings to Fluid Therapy of Septic Shock in Intensive although prerandomization fluid volume was
(where negative impacts of fluid overload Care (CLASSIC), the first multicenter trial notably lower in this trial than in the pilot
may be less remediable) showed harm with of fluid-restrictive resuscitation powered trial 6 years earlier, indicative of recent
larger-volume resuscitation, as detailed in to assess patient outcomes, enrolled trends toward fluid restriction (median,
Table 2 (21–23). 1,554 patients with septic shock across 3,000–3,200 ml vs. 4,200–4,790 ml), it was
Several small trials have evaluated fluid- 31 European ICUs after initial fluid still high. By comparison, the separation
restrictive approaches to ongoing resuscitation (29). Patients were randomized in fluid between arms was small and of
resuscitation, using three general approaches: to usual care versus fluid restriction, in which uncertain clinical significance. 21.5% had
1) fluid boluses for limited clinical criteria; 250–500 ml crystalloid boluses were allowed a protocol violation in the restriction arm,
2) fluid boluses guided by serial assessments for select clinical markers of hypoperfusion and although small (median 97 ml/d), this
of fluid responsiveness; and 3) capped total (lactate > 4 mmol/L, MAP , 50 mm Hg, further reduced the difference between arms.
fluid volume (Table 3). Meta-analysis of skin mottling, oliguria within 2 h); to correct Subgroup analysis of patients on respiratory
these trials did not favor fluid-liberal versus fluid losses, dehydration, or electrolyte support revealed numerically lower 90-day
fluid-restrictive approaches (6, 24), but the deficiencies; and to ensure a total intake of mortality in the fluid-restriction arm (46.5%
lack of difference should be interpreted with 1,000 ml/d. Patients randomized to fluid vs. 52.0%; P value for heterogeneity = 0.03),

Concise Clinical Review 1285

Table 1. Trials of Early Goal-directed Therapy

A. Fluids B. Fluids from Study C. Total Fluids from Outcomes‡
from Presentation Enrollment to Presentation to ScvO2 at Study (Intervention
Study Population Intervention to Study Enrollment* Study Hour 6*† Study Hour 6 (A 1 B)* Enrollment vs. Control)

Rivers 263 patients with EGDT vs. N/A, prerandomization EGDT: 4,981 ml; EGDT: 4,981 ml; EGDT: 48.6% 6 11.2%; In-hospital mortality:
et al. (7) septic shock in usual care fluids were standard therapy: standard therapy: standard therapy: 30.5% vs.
1 U.S. emergency included in total 3,499 ml; (mean), 3,499 ml; (mean), 49.2% 6 13.3%; 46.5%; P = 0.009
department reported fluids P , 0.001 P , 0.001 (mean), P = 0.49
from Hours 0–6
(column B)
ARISE (8) 1,600 patients with EGDT vs. EGDT: 2,515 ml; EGDT: 1,964 ml; EGDT: 4,479 ml; EGDT: 72.7% 6 10.5% 90-d mortality:
septic shock usual care usual care: 2,591 ml; usual care: usual care: 4,304 ml; (mean); ScvO2 18.6% vs. 18.8%;
in 51 hospitals (mean), P value 1,713 ml; (mean), (mean), P value was not monitored P = 0.90
in Australia and not reported P , 0.001 not calculated in the usual care group
New Zealand
ProCESS (9) 1,341 patients with EGDT vs. EDGT: 2,254 ml; EGDT: 2,805 ml; EDGT: 5,059 ml; protocol: Overall: 71% 6 13% 60-d in-hospital
septic shock in protocol-based protocol: 2,226 ml; protocol: 3,285 ml; 5,511 ml; usual care: (mean); ScvO2 mortality:
31 U.S. hospitals “standard” usual care: usual care: 4,362 ml; (mean), was not routinely 21.8% vs. 18.2% vs.
therapy vs. 2,083 ml; (mean), 2,279 ml; (mean), P value not reported monitored in 18.9%; P = 0.83
usual care P = 0.15 P , 0.001 usual care group
ProMISe (10) 1,260 patients with EGDT vs. EDGT: 1,950 ml; EGDT: 2,000 ml; EDGT: 3,950 ml; Overall: 70% 6 12% 90-d mortality: 29.5%
septic shock usual care usual care: 2,000 ml; usual care: usual care: (mean); ScvO2 vs. 29.2%; P = 0.90;
in 56 hospitals in (median), P value 1,784 ml; (median), 3,784 ml; (median), was not routinely EGDT was associated
England not reported P value not reported P value not reported monitored in with higher organ-failure
usual care group scores, more days of
support, and longer
ICU stays

Definition of abbreviations: ARISE = Australasian Resuscitation in Sepsis Evaluation; EGDT = early goal-directed therapy; N/A = not applicable; ProCESS = Protocolized Care for
Early Septic Shock; ProMISe = Protocolized Management in Sepsis; ScvO2 = central venous oxygen saturation.
*Rivers and colleagues (7) reported the total fluid patients received from presentation to Hour 6, whereas the ARISE, ProCESS, and ProMISe trials reported the fluid patients
received before study enrollment and from study enrollment to Study Hour 6 separately, as denoted in columns A and B above. Column C is a summation of total fluid received
before enrollment and during the first 6 hours of study enrollment in the ARISE, ProCESS, and ProMISe trials, to facilitate a comparison to the amount of fluid patients received in
Rivers and colleagues.

Values do not include fluid received before randomization.

Listed as intervention versus usual care; P value.
events and subgroup analyses.

Dynamic measures of fluid

lower ICU fluid balance, less renal

In bedside practice, clinicians should

suggesting a potential benefit of fluid

separation and patient heterogeneity.

hospitals were randomized to a fluid-

unrealistically large, particularly given

sepsis-induced hypotension in 60 U.S.

settings have all yielded neutral results

require more or less resuscitation (e.g.,

separation between arms present a few

(8–10, 29), suggesting any of the tested

output or stroke volume in response to
responsiveness (e.g., changes in cardiac
In the recent Crystalloid Liberal vs

change after passive leg raise resulted in

3) the magnitude of the treatment effect

consider individual conditions that may

futility, which results in wide confidence

to fluid boluses guided by stroke volume

avoid under- or overresuscitation. Meta-
The neutral results of CLASSIC and
masked by suboptimal separation in study

good treatment separation between arms

inform ongoing fluid administration and

CLOVERS despite statistically significant

ventilation than usual care (33) (Table 3).

vasopressors 21.7%). However, outcomes
restrictive, vasopressor-early versus fluid-

limitations in clinically meaningful group

replacement therapy, and less mechanical

in a multicenter RCT of 124 patients with
arms and heterogeneity of treatment effect.

and vasopressor initiation in these studies

clinical criteria used to guide fluid boluses

Overall, recent trials comparing fluid

Vasopressors Early Resuscitation in Sepsis

whether these approaches improve clinical

(CLOVERS) trial, 1,563 patients with early

analyses have yielded conflicting results on

were similar (Table 3). Hypothesized effect

intervals and difficulty interpreting adverse

possible interpretations: 1) fluid-restrictive,

approaches are reasonable in these settings.

outcomes (31, 32). More recently, however,
liberal approach (30). The trial was stopped

do not represent the optimal approach; and

(24-h median differences: fluids 22,134 ml,
high protocol adherence (97% vs. 96%) and

included in the sample size calculations was

resuscitation approaches in higher-resource

sepsis-induced hypotension, randomization
sizes were large and led to early stopping for

passive leg raise or fluid challenges) can help

early in February 2022 for futility. There was

than traditional fluid-liberal strategies; 2) the


vasopressor-early strategies may not be better

restriction in these patients that may have been

American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 207 Number 10 | May 15 2023

Table 2. Trials of Sepsis Resuscitation in Lower-Resource Settings

Trial Details Interventions Outcomes*

FEAST trial (21) 3,141 children with fever and Albumin bolus vs. saline bolus Stopped early owing to increased
organ dysfunction at 6 vs. usual care mortality in the fluid bolus arms;
hospitals in Kenya, Tanzania, 48-h mortality: 10.6% (albumin
and Uganda arm) vs. 10.6% (saline arm) vs.
7.3% (usual care, no bolus)
Simplified Severe Sepsis 112 adults with sepsis and 6-h sepsis bundle (4,000 ml IV Stopped early owing to high
Protocol-1 (22) hypotension at a single fluids guided by jugular mortality in patients with
center in Zambia venous pressure, dopamine, hypoxemic respiratory distress at
and blood transfusion) vs. baseline (8/8 intervention vs.
usual care 7/10 control); in-hospital
mortality: 64.2% vs. 60.7% (RR,
1.05; 95% CI, 0.79–1.41)
Simplified Severe Sepsis 209 adults with sepsis and 6-h sepsis bundle (IV fluid In-hospital mortality: 48.1% vs.
Protocol-2 (23) hypotension at a single boluses guided by jugular 33.0%, P = 0.03; fluid received
center in Zambia venous pressure, within 6 h (median): 3,500 ml vs.
vasopressors, and blood 2,000 ml, P , 0.001; fluid
transfusions) vs. usual care received within 24 h (median):
4,000 ml vs. 3,000 ml, P , 0.001;
vasopressors received: 14.2%
vs. 1.9%, P , 0.001

Definition of abbreviations: CI = confidence interval; FEAST = Fluid Expansion as Supportive Therapy trial; RR = relative risk.
*Listed as intervention versus usual care, P value.

dehydration and respiratory failure,  Current guidelines: Guidelines norepinephrine helps restore blood pressure,
respectively) and assess dynamic measures of recommend initiating vasopressors mesenteric blood flow, and tissue
fluid responsiveness through fluid challenges before completing initial fluid oxygenation and limits fluid volume (41, 42).
to target resuscitation to individual patient resuscitation in patients with severe Prompt restoration of blood pressure may be
needs. A reasonable rule of thumb for initial hypotension (34, 35). important because duration of low MAP in
fluid volume is 30 ml/kg, but this should be  Evolving practice: Earlier initiation of early sepsis is associated with increased
tailored based on patient factors and clinical vasopressors, concurrent with initial mortality (43). These preclinical and
response to fluid administration. Finally, it is fluids and often paired with fluid observational data have limitations but have
important to note that existing resuscitation restriction. spurred interest in earlier vasopressor
trials enrolled patients after fluid volumes of initiation to expedite shock resolution and
The most common vasopressors minimize fluid resuscitation volumes.
>30 ml/kg (Tables 1 and 3). Thus, although
(e.g., norepinephrine) are potent
the evidence behind 30 ml/kg fluid volume is Cohort studies and secondary analyses
catecholamines with side effects including of trials have yielded conflicting results about
weak and primarily drawn from observational
tachyarrhythmias, myocardial cell damage, the effects of early vasopressor initiation
studies, existing trials do not support limiting
immunomodulation, and potential rare (44–47), and interpretation is limited by the
initial resuscitation to ,30 ml/kg. Two
organ or limb ischemia (36, 37). There is high risk for confounding.
ongoing trials of early sepsis resuscitation are
a theoretical concern that initiating Before CLOVERS, only three small
enrolling patients even earlier and will further
vasopressors before intravenous fluids could RCTs had evaluated early vasopressor
inform practice: Australasian Resuscitation
mask ongoing volume deficits if present (38). initiation in sepsis-induced hypotension
in Sepsis Evaluation: Fluids or Vasopressors
Therefore, traditional practice has been to (48–50). The largest, the Early Use of
in Emergency Department Sepsis (ARISE
initiate vasopressors only if patients remain Norepinephrine in Septic Shock
FLUIDS) (NCT 04569942) and Early
hypotensive after initial fluid resuscitation. In Resuscitation (CENSER) trial, was a single-
Vasopressors in Sepsis (EVIS) (NCT
a 2017 survey of 839 physicians in Europe, center trial in Thailand that randomized 320
05179499) (Table 4).
only 12% used vasopressors “early, before patients with sepsis-induced hypotension
complete resuscitation” in sepsis-induced to early, fixed-dose norepinephrine
hypotension (34). (0.05 μg/kg/min for 24 h) versus placebo
Resuscitation Timing: When However, vasopressors have potential infusion (Table 3) (49). Time to open-label
Should We Add benefits. They raise blood pressure by norepinephrine and fluid administration
Vasopressors? increasing preload (like fluids), cardiac within 6 hours were similar between study
contractility, and systemic vascular arms. However, patients randomized to early
 Conventional teaching: Vasopressors are resistance, although their effect on norepinephrine were more likely to achieve
reserved for patients who remain microcirculation and tissue perfusion is less resuscitation targets (MAP . 65 mm Hg,
hypotensive despite fluid resuscitation. clear (39, 40). In animal models of shock, urine output . 0.5 ml/kg, and decrease in

Concise Clinical Review 1287

Table 3. Trials of Fluid-Restrictive Approaches to Ongoing Resuscitation, Early Vasopressors, and Lower Resuscitation Targets

Differences between
Study Population Time to Enrollment Intervention Study Arms*† Outcomes*†

Fluid resuscitation, strategy 1: Fluid boluses based on select clinical criteria

Meyhoff et al. (29)/ 1,554 patients with septic Enrollment after at least Intervention: 250–500 ml Fluids within 5 d (median): 90-d mortality: 42.3%
CLASSIC shock in 31 European 1,000 ml IV fluid, within boluses for 4 clinical 1,450 ml vs. 3,077 ml, vs. 42.1%, P = 0.96
ICUs 12 h of septic shock criteria: 1) lactate > 4 P value not reported Serious adverse events
diagnosis mmol/L; 2) MAP , 50 (including ischemia
 Time from ICU mm Hg despite and kidney injury):
admission to enrollment vasopressors; 3) skin 29.4% vs. 30.8%,
(median): 3 h mottling; 4) oliguria P = 0.46
 Fluid before enrollment within 2 h of
(median): 3,200 ml in randomization. Fluids
intervention vs. 3,000 were also allowed to
ml in control correct fluid losses,
dehydration, or
electrolyte deficiencies
and to ensure a total
intake of 1,000 ml/d
Control: Usual care
Jessen et al. (91)/ 123 patients with sepsis Enrollment after no more Intervention: 250 ml bolus Fluids within 24 h No difference in use of
REFACED feasibility without shock in 2 than 500 ml of IV fluid for lactate > 4 mmol/l, (mean): 562 ml vs. mechanical
trial Denmark EDs  Time from ED arrival to hypotension, mottling, 1,370 ml, P = 0.001 ventilation,
enrollment (median): severe oliguria within 4 vasopressors, or new
140 min h of randomization kidney injury
 Fluid before enrollment Control: Usual care
(median): 0 ml
Hjortrup et al. (92)/ 151 patients with septic Enrollment after 30 ml/kg Intervention: 250–500 ml Fluids within 5 d 90-d mortality: 33% vs.
CLASSIC feasibility shock in 9 bolus, within 12 h of boluses for 4 clinical (median): 500 ml vs. 41%, P = 0.32
trial Scandinavian ICUs septic shock diagnosis criteria: 1) lactate > 4 2,000 ml, P , 0.001 AKI: 37% vs. 54%,
 Time to enrollment not mmol/L; 2) MAP , 50 P = 0.03
reported mm Hg despite
 Fluid before enrollment vasopressors; 3) skin
(median): 4,200 ml in mottling; 4) oliguria
intervention vs. 4,790 within 2 h of
ml in control randomization
Control: Usual care
Semler et al. (25)/ 30 patients with SIRS Enrollment within 12 h of Intervention: IV fluid only Difference in daily fluid In-hospital mortality:
BALANCE pilot trial‡ and shock or ICU admission for oliguria or balance (mean): 2398 30.0% vs. 26.7%,
respiratory insufficiency Time from ICU increasing vasopressor ml, P = 0.33 P . 0.99
in 1 U.S. medical ICU admission to enrollment requirement Neutral results for
(median): 13.8 h Control: Usual care secondary outcomes,
 Fluid before enrollment including mortality,
(median): 1,496 ml in support-free days,
intervention vs. 2,740 AKI
ml in control
Fluid resuscitation, strategy 2: Fluid boluses based on evaluation of fluid responsiveness
Douglas et al. (33) 124 patients with septic Enrollment within 24 h of Intervention: PLR Fluid balance at 72 h or 30-d mortality: 15.7%
shock at 13 hospitals hospital arrival assessment before any ICU discharge (mean): vs. 22.0%, not
in the United States  Time from hospital clinician-desired fluid 650 ml vs. 2,020 ml, significant
and United Kingdom arrival to enrollment bolus; fluids given only P = 0.021 RRT: 5.1% vs. 17.5%,

American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 207 Number 10 | May 15 2023
Table 3. (Continued)

Differences between
Study Population Time to Enrollment Intervention Study Arms*† Outcomes*†

(median): 3.6 h in if PLR positive P = 0.04

intervention vs. 3.3 h in Control: Usual care (2:1 Mechanical ventilation:
control randomization) 17.7% vs. 34.1%,
 Fluid before enrollment P = 0.04
(median): 2,500 ml in

Concise Clinical Review

intervention vs. 2,200
ml in control
Lanspa et al. (26)/ 30 patients with septic Enrollment within 6 h of Intervention: Fluids received during Change in SOFA score
feasibility trial‡ shock in 1 U.S. septic shock diagnosis Echocardiogram- study (median): 0 ml at 48 h: 24 vs. 26
medical ICU  Time from sepsis guided resuscitation vs. 1,000 ml, P = 0.61 points, P = 0.10
diagnosis to enrollment every 1 h for 6 h 28-d mortality: 33% vs.
(median): 3.1 h in Control: Modified EGDT 20%, P = 0.68

intervention vs. 4 h in for 6 h

 Fluid before enrollment
(median): 3,330 ml in
intervention vs. 3,380
ml in control
Cronhjort et al. (28)‡ 34 patients with septic Enrollment within 12 h of Intervention: PLR Fluids during study Weight difference from
shock in 1 Swedish septic shock diagnosis assessment before any (median): 2,103 ml vs. enrollment to Day 3
surgical ICU  Time from ICU clinician-desired fluid 2,408 ml, P = 0.38 (mean): 0.6 kg vs.
admission to enrollment bolus; fluids given only 1.3 kg, P = 0.59
(mean): 5 h if PLR positive 30-d mortality: 12.5%
 Fluid before enrollment Control: Usual care vs. 11.1%, P = 1.00
not reported
Chen and Kollef (27)/ 82 patients with septic Enrollment within 12 h of Intervention: Targeted Fluid balance by Day 3 In-hospital mortality:
pilot trial‡ shock in 1 U.S. initial fluid bolus fluid minimization, (median): 1,952 ml vs. 56.1% vs. 48.8%,
medical ICU  Time to enrollment and defined as daily PLR 3,124 ml, P = 0.20 P = 0.51
fluid before enrollment assessments with Fluid balance by Day 5 Neutral results for other
not reported fluids only if positive (median): 2,641 ml vs. secondary outcomes,
Control: Usual care 3,616 ml, P = 0.40 including ventilator
days, need for RRT
Richard et al. (93) 60 patients with septic Enrollment within 12 h of Intervention: Fluids guided Daily fluids (median): 383 Time to shock
shock in 1 French initial hypotension by preload dependence ml/d vs. 917 ml/d, resolution: 2.3 d vs.
medical ICU  Time from hypotension indices (pulse pressure P = 0.04 2.0 d, P = 0.29
to enrollment (median): variation or PLR) every 28-d mortality: 23% vs.
10 h in intervention vs. 1 h for 6 h, then every 47%, P = 0.10
9 h in control 4 h until vasopressor
 Fluid before enrollment weaning
(median): 3,500 ml in Control: CVP-guided
intervention vs. 3,000 fluids every 1 h for 6 h,
ml in control then every 4 h until
vasopressor weaning
Fluid resuscitation, strategy 3: Restricting total fluid volume
Corl et al. (94)/RIFTS 109 patients with septic Enrollment after 1,000 ml Intervention: Limit of <60 Fluids within 72 h of 30-d mortality: 21.8%
pilot trial shock in 2 U.S. initial bolus ml/kg fluid within 72 h enrollment (mean): vs. 22.2%, P . 0.99
medical ICUs  Time from ED Control: Usual care 47 ml/kg vs. 61 ml/kg,
presentation to P = 0.01
enrollment (median):

Table 3. (Continued)

Differences between
Study Population Time to Enrollment Intervention Study Arms*† Outcomes*†

8.8 h in intervention vs.

9.1 h in control
 Fluid before enrollment
(mean): 34.4 ml/kg in
intervention vs. 36.2
ml/kg in control
Early vasopressor initiation
NHLBI PETAL 1,563 patients with Enrollment after Intervention: Fluid Fluids in first 24 h: 1,267 90-d mortality: 14.0% vs.
(Prevention and sepsis-induced 1,000–3,000 ml initial restriction, with ml vs. 3,400 ml; 14.9%; difference,
Early Treatment of hypotension across 60 bolus vasopressors for difference, 22,134; 20.9; 95% CI, 24.4
Acute Lung Injury) U.S. hospitals  Time from qualifying ongoing hypotension 95% CI, 22,318 to to 2.6
Trial Network (30)/ hypotension to and rescue fluid 21,949 ml
CLOVERS randomization boluses only for select Vasopressor administration
(median): 61 min in clinical criteria in first 24 h: 59.0% vs.
intervention vs. 60 min Control: Fluid liberal, with 37.2%; difference,
in control fluid boluses for 21.7%; 95% CI, 16.9%
 Fluid before enrollment ongoing hypotension to 26.6%
(median): 2,050 ml in and rescue
both groups vasopressors only for
select clinical criteria
Permpikul et al. (49)/ 320 patients with sepsis- Enrollment within 1 h of Intervention: Fixed-dose Total fluids within 6 h Resuscitation targets
CENSER induced hypotension in hypotension norepinephrine (0.05 (median): 2,450 ml vs. achieved within 6 h:
1 Thailand hospital  Time from ED arrival to μg/kg/min for 24 h) 2,600 ml, P = 0.33 76.1% vs. 48.4%,
any norepinephrine Control: Placebo infusion P , 0.001
(median): 1 h 33 min in 28-d mortality: 15.5%
intervention vs. 3 h 12 vs. 21.9%, P = 0.15
min in control
MacDonald et al. (48)/ 99 patients with sepsis- Enrollment after 1,000 ml Intervention: Total fluids within 6 h 90-d mortality: 8% vs.
REFRESH pilot trial induced hypotension in initial bolus Vasopressors for (median): 2,387 ml (30 6%, P value not
8 Australian EDs  Time from ED arrival to MAP , 65 mm Hg; 250 ml/kg) vs. 3,000 ml (43 reported
enrollment (median): ml boluses at physician ml/kg), P , 0.001 Neutral results in other
140 min in intervention discretion secondary outcomes,
vs. 143 min in control Control: Usual care, including ICU
 Fluid before enrollment defined as 1,000 ml admission, LOS, and
(median): 1,450 ml in initial fluid bolus and vasopressor-free,
intervention vs. 1,250 further 500 ml boluses ventilator-free, and
ml in control at physician discretion, RRT-free days
vasopressors for
sustained MAP , 65
mm Hg despite fluids
Resuscitation targets†
SEPSISPAM (54) 776 patients with septic Enrollment after at least Low-target arm: Norepinephrine dose 28-d mortality: 34.0%
shock across 29 30 ml/kg fluids and 65–70 mm Hg (Day 1, median): 0.45 vs. 36.6%, P = 0.57
hospitals in France within 6 h of High-target arm: μg/kg/min vs. 0.58 μg/ Atrial fibrillation: 2.8%
vasopressor initiation 80–85 mm Hg kg/min, P , 0.001 vs. 6.7%, P = 0.02
Norepinephrine duration Among patients with
(mean): 3.7 d vs. 4.7 d, chronic hypertension,
P , 0.001 rate of renal

American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 207 Number 10 | May 15 2023
Table 3. (Continued)

Differences between
Study Population Time to Enrollment Intervention Study Arms*† Outcomes*†

replacement therapy:
42.2% vs. 31.7%,
P = 0.046
OVATION Pilot Trial 118 patients with Enrollment after Low-target arm: Vasopressor dose Separation in MAP
(56) vasodilatory shock “adequate fluid 60–65 mm Hg (norepinephrine between groups: 9

Concise Clinical Review

across resuscitation” per High-target arm: equivalents, median): mm Hg; 95% CI, 7
11 ICUs in Canada treating physician and 75–80 mm Hg 10 mg vs. 14 mg, mm Hg to 11 mm Hg
and the United States within 24 h of P = 0.017 Composite mortality or
vasopressor initiation Vasopressor duration persistent organ
(median): 3 d vs. 5 d, dysfunction at 28 d:
P = 0.0075 44% vs. 46%, P = 0.21
Cardiac arrhythmia: 20%

vs. 26%, P = 0.07

The 65 Trial (58) 2,600 patients >65 yr old Enrollment after Low-target arm: Vasopressor dose Unadjusted 90-d
with vasodilatory shock “adequate fluid 60–65 mm Hg (norepinephrine mortality: 41.0% vs.
across 65 ICUs in the resuscitation” per High-target arm: equivalents, median): 43.8%, P = 0.15; OR,
United Kingdom treating physician and Usual care 17.7 mg vs. 26.4 mg; 0.89; 95% CI, 0.76 to
within 6 h of difference, 28.7 mg; 1.04
vasopressor initiation 95% CI, 212.8 mg to Adjusted 90-d mortality:
24.6 mg aOR, 0.82; 95% CI,
Vasopressor duration 0.68 to 0.98
(median): 33 h vs. 38 90-d mortality in
h; difference, 25 h; patients with chronic
95% CI, 27.8 h to hypertension: 38.2%
22.2 h vs. 44.3%, P = 0.047;
aOR, 0.67; 95% CI,
0.51 to 0.88
ANDROMEDA-SHOCK 424 patients with septic Enrollment after at least 20 MAP > 65 mm Hg with Vasopressor doses not 28-d mortality: 34.9%
(62) shock and lactate > 2.0 ml/kg fluids and within additional fluids, higher reported vs. 43.4%, P = 0.06
mmol/L across 28 ICUs 4 h of vasopressor MAP targets, and Vasopressor-free days 28-d mortality among
in 5 countries initiation inotropes in patients within 28 d (mean): patients with
who failed to meet the 16.7 d vs. 15.1 d, APACHE II
randomized P = 0.18 scores , 25: 24.6%
resuscitation target vs. 36.3%; HR, 0.61;
Arm 1: Capillary refill 95% CI, 0.39 to 0.96
time normalization
Arm 2: Decrease in
serum lactate of 20%

Definition of abbreviations: AKI = acute kidney injury; ANDROMEDA-SHOCK = The ANDROMEDA-SHOCK Study; aOR = adjusted odds ratio; APACHE = Acute Physiology and
Chronic Health Evaluation; BALANCE = A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Conservative Fluid Balance Strategy for Patients With Sepsis and Cardiopulmonary Dysfunction
(BALANCE Study); CENSER = Early Use of Norepinephrine in Septic Shock Resuscitation; CI = confidence interval; CLASSIC = Conservative versus Liberal Approach to Fluid
Therapy of Septic Shock in Intensive Care; CLOVERS = Crystalloid Liberal vs Vasopressors Early Resuscitation in Sepsis; ED = emergency department; LOS = length of stay;
MAP = mean arterial pressure; OR = odds ratio; PLR = passive leg raise; REFACED = Restrictive Fluid Administration vs. Standard of Care in Emergency Department Sepsis
Patients; REFRESH = Restricted Fluid Resuscitation in Suspected Sepsis Associated Hypotension; RIFTS = The Restrictive IV Fluid Trial in Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock;
RRT = renal replacement therapy; SEPSISPAM = Assessment of Two Levels of Arterial Pressure on Survival in Patients With Septic Shock; SIRS = Systemic Inflammatory Response
Syndrome; SOFA = Sepsis Related Organ Failure Assessment.
Primary outcomes are reported in italics.
*Results listed as intervention versus control, P value.

Results presented as lower-MAP target arm versus higher-MAP target arm for SEPSISPAM, OVATION, and the 65 Trial and as capillary refill time arm versus lactate arm for


Denotes studies that did not meet prespecified targets for separation in fluid delivery between study arms.

Table 4. Outstanding Clinical Questions in the Management of Early Sepsis-induced Hypoperfusion, Related to Topics Covered
in This Review

Outstanding Clinical
Topic Questions Ongoing Trials Trial Details Status

Fluid resuscitation Should patients with sepsis- None — —

induced hypoperfusion
receive an initial fluid bolus
volume of 30 ml/kg vs. other
volumes (e.g., 20 ml/kg)
vs. initial vasopressors
without IV fluid?
Fluid resuscitation For patients with ongoing None — —
hypoperfusion despite an
initial fluid bolus, should
subsequent fluid boluses
be guided by total volume
goals, clinical criteria,
serial evaluations of fluid
responsiveness, or all of
the above?
Vasopressor timing For patients with sepsis- CLOVERS (NCT 1,563 patients with sepsis- Completed,
induced hypotension, 03434028) induced hypotension in see Table 3
should blood pressure be U.S. EDs and ICUs
treated with additional fluid randomized to early
resuscitation vs. initiation vasopressors and
of vasopressors? restrictive fluids vs. liberal
ARISE FLUID (NCT 1,000 patients with sepsis- Recruiting
04569942) induced hypotension in
New Zealand and Australia
EDs randomized to early
vasopressors and
restrictive fluids vs. liberal
Vasopressor timing For patients with sepsis- EVIS (NCT 05179499) 3,286 patients with sepsis- Recruiting
induced hypotension, induced hypotension in the
should vasopressors be United Kingdom
started before an initial fluid randomized to early,
bolus, concurrently with an peripheral vasopressors
initial fluid bolus, or only if vs. standard care
blood pressure fails to
respond to an initial fluid
Resuscitation For patients with sepsis- None — —
targets induced hypotension,
should the target MAP be
>65 mm Hg, 60–65 mm
Hg, or another target?
Resuscitation For patients with sepsis- ANDROMEDA-2 (NCT 1,500 patients with septic Recruiting
targets induced hypoperfusion, 05057611) shock across multiple
should resuscitation be hospitals on 4 continents
guided by targets other randomized to
than MAP, such as diastolic resuscitation guided by
blood pressure or tissue capillary refill time
perfusion markers? combined with clinical
hemodynamic phenotyping
(using pulse pressure
variation to guide
additional fluid and
diastolic blood pressure to
guide vasopressors) vs.
usual care


1292 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 207 Number 10 | May 15 2023

Table 4. (Continued)

Outstanding Clinical
Topic Questions Ongoing Trials Trial Details Status

TARTARE-2S (NCT 200 patients with septic Recruiting

02579525) shock in 4 European
ICUs randomized to
tissue perfusion targeted
resuscitation (capillary
refill time, skin mottling,
lactate, peripheral
temperature, urine
output, MAP, and ScvO2)
vs. standard MAP targets
Route of For patients with sepsis- None — —
vasopressor induced hypotension on
administration vasopressor therapy,
under what circumstances
should central venous
access be obtained?
Blood pressure For patients with sepsis- None — —
monitoring induced hypotension on
vasopressors, should blood
pressure be monitored
invasively with an arterial
catheter vs. noninvasively
with a blood pressure cuff
vs. noninvasively with
other novel blood pressure
monitoring strategies?

Definition of abbreviations: ANDROMEDA-2 = Hemodynamic Phenotype and Capillary Refill Time-targeted Resuscitation Strategy; ARISE
FLUID = Australasian Resuscitation in Sepsis Evaluation: Fluids or Vasopressors in Emergency Department Sepsis; CLOVERS = Crystalloid
Liberal vs Vasopressors Early Resuscitation in Sepsis; ED = emergency department; EVIS = Early Vasopressors in Sepsis; MAP = mean arterial
pressure; ScvO2 = central venous oxygen saturation; TARTARE-2S = Targeted Tissue Perfusion Versus Macrocirculatory-guided Standard Care in
Patients With Septic Shock.

lactate . 10%) within 6 hours, suggesting Although the benefit of early vasopressors and associated line placement
early, low-dose norepinephrine is safe and vasopressors is unclear, CLOVERS suggests a to facilitate vasopressor delivery.
may hasten resolution of shock. The impact fluid-restrictive, vasopressor-early strategy is MAP is the most widely accepted and
of early vasopressors on patient-centered a safe and reasonable alternative to liberal studied target for resuscitation and
outcomes is unclear, with recent trials of fluids. Additional guidance on timing of vasopressor titration. However, tissue
fluid-restrictive, vasopressor-early regimens vasopressor initiation may be provided by hypoperfusion may also occur in the absence
in sepsis (CLASSIC and CLOVERS) yielding two ongoing multicenter trials: ARISE of systemic hypotension and has
neutral results, as discussed above. FLUIDS (NCT 04569942) and EVIS (NCT independent implications for mortality (2, 4).
When considering timing of 05179499) (Table 4). Therefore, more direct markers of tissue
vasopressor initiation, it is important to perfusion (e.g., lactate, capillary refill time)
acknowledge the potential downstream are sometimes used as adjunctive
impacts of vasopressor-early strategies. In Moving the Target: Reframing resuscitation targets.
CENSER, 47% of patients were managed on Most studies of MAP targets in
our Resuscitation Goals
the general ward, but many institutions sepsis have compared >65 mm Hg to
require ICU admission or central venous >75–85 mm Hg, with the hypothesis that
 Conventional teaching: Maintain
access for patients receiving vasopressors. higher MAPs improve tissue perfusion and
MAP > 65 mm Hg.
In CLOVERS, patients randomized to the organ function. Although higher MAPs may
 Current guidelines: An initial MAP
vasopressor-early arm were more likely to be increase cardiac output and potentially
target > 65 mm Hg is broadly
admitted to an ICU than patients in the microcirculation, they do not consistently
recommended (6, 34).
fluid-liberal arm (67.3% vs. 59.2%; difference, improve renal function or lactate
 Evolving practice: Use of lower MAP
8.1%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.3–12.8) concentration (51, 52). This finding may be
goals and adjunctive resuscitation
(30). Therefore, earlier vasopressor initiation explained by alternative, poorly understood
could impact ICU use and must be weighed causes of sepsis-induced organ dysfunction.
against potential benefits of faster shock Lowering blood pressure targets is one way For example, animal models of sepsis
control and minimizing fluid volume. to prevent fluid overload while also avoiding suggest that acute kidney injury occurs

Concise Clinical Review 1293


independently of renal blood flow, oxygen in older patients. Indeed, a recent There are ongoing efforts to develop
delivery, or histologic injury (53). meta-analysis of SEPSISPAM, OVATION, additional bedside measures to individualize
The Assessment of Two Levels of and the 65 Trial, although negative resuscitation approaches by identifying
Arterial Pressure on Survival in Patients overall, found lower MAP targets were which patients with sepsis-induced
With Septic Shock (SEPSISPAM) trial was associated with lower mortality in the sepsis hypoperfusion need fluid, vasopressors, or
the first to evaluate the impact of MAP subgroup (Risk Ratio (RR), 0.91; 95% CI, both; measures could include, for example,
targets on mortality, randomizing 776 0.83–0.99) (59). diastolic shock index (ratio between heart
patients with septic shock to a MAP target Adjunctive markers of tissue perfusion, rate and diastolic blood pressure) (65) or
65–70 mm Hg versus 80–85 mm Hg (54). such as lactate and capillary refill time, dynamic arterial elastance (calculated using
There was significant separation in observed provide additional data to guide bedside ultrasound) (66).
MAPs between arms (P = 0.02). Among resuscitation. A meta-analysis of four small Overall, we suggest an initial MAP
patients with chronic hypertension, RCTs found that targeting resuscitation to a target of >65 mm Hg in younger patients
randomization to the lower MAP target was 10–20% reduction in lactate, in addition to and 60–65 mm Hg in older patients.
associated with increased incidence of renal traditional hemodynamic targets, was Clinician exam, lactate, capillary refill time,
replacement therapy. However, overall associated with decreased mortality (60). and other measures of end-organ function
patients randomized to the lower MAP target Capillary refill time may provide an even (e.g., mentation, urine output) should be
received less norepinephrine, had lower more direct bedside measurement of tissue monitored to assess the adequacy of
incidence of atrial fibrillation, and had perfusion than MAP or lactate (61). The resuscitation, guide additional resuscitation,
similar 28-day mortality (Table 3). Based on largest trial to assess capillary refill time and inform subsequent resuscitation targets
these results, SSC guidelines recommend an was the ANDROMEDA-SHOCK Study, a (67). It should be noted that capillary refill
initial MAP target of >65 mm Hg over multicenter trial that randomized 424 time and lactate have only been tested for
higher targets (6). patients with septic shock to receive fluids, intensifying therapy in refractory shock. The
Some experts have suggested further higher MAPs, and inotropes if they failed to use of these and other markers to evaluate
lowering MAP targets, given the potential meet resuscitation targets by capillary refill adequacy of different MAP goals warrants
risks of fluids and vasopressors. Although versus serial lactate measurements despite further study. A large multinational,
difficult to extrapolate to sepsis, permissive maintaining MAP > 65 mm Hg (62). Trial multicenter trial (ANDROMEDA-2;
hypotension is guideline recommended in adherence was high (protocol deviations: NCT 05057611) and a smaller trial (Targeted
trauma patients with hemorrhagic shock, 13.7% capillary refill arm, 10.8% lactate arm), Tissue Perfusion Versus Macrocirculatory-
where overresuscitation and high MAPs may although the difference in resuscitation was guided Standard Care in Patients With Septic
propagate bleeding and contribute to small: compared with the lactate arm, Shock [TARTARE-2S]; NCT 02579525), will
complications (55). In sepsis, exploratory patients in the capillary refill arm received provide more data about possible benefits of
analyses of SEPSISPAM and the Optimal 408 ml less fluid within 8 hours (P = 0.01), targeting resuscitation to multiple markers of
Vasopressor Titration (OVATION) pilot with no difference in vasopressor-free days tissue perfusion and fluid responsiveness
trial found decreased mortality in older or inotrope use. The point estimate for (Table 4).
patients randomized to lower MAPs (56, 57). 28-day mortality favored the capillary refill
These findings motivated the 65 Trial, a arm and—although 95% CIs were wide and
pragmatic, multicenter RCT that crossed the line of no effect (Table 3)—a Challenging a Paradigm: Must
randomized 2,600 ICU patients aged Bayesian reanalysis found .90% probability Vasopressors Be
>65 years with vasodilatory shock to that capillary refill–guided resuscitation
Administered Centrally?
permissive hypotension (MAP target, improved 28-day mortality versus lactate
60–65 mm Hg) versus usual care (58). There across all priors (63). We suggest that both  Conventional teaching: Vasopressors
was separation between arms in observed lactate and capillary refill can be helpful to must be administered via central venous
MAP (median, 66.7 vs. 72.6 mm Hg), and inform resuscitation, but clinicians should be
randomization to permissive hypotension cognizant that these markers may be  Current guidelines: 2021 SSC guidelines
resulted in less vasopressor exposure and influenced by factors unrelated to perfusion, suggest initiating vasopressors
lower adjusted 90-day mortality. Unadjusted such as liver function and temperature,
peripherally rather than delaying
90-day mortality findings were neutral respectively (64). Clinicians should not rely
initiation until central access is obtained
(Table 3). In a prespecified subgroup on any single marker in isolation to guide
but advise central administration as soon
analysis, patients with chronic hypertension resuscitation but rather must consider the
as feasible (6).
randomized to permissive hypotension had overall clinical picture to inform decision
 Evolving practice: Primary peripheral
lower 90-day mortality, suggesting that lower making.
administration of vasopressors.
MAP targets in chronically hypertensive Beyond capillary refill time and lactate,
older patients may be beneficial, or are at markers of microcirculatory changes, such as In the 1950 s, several case reports
least unlikely to be harmful—a long-held sublingual orthogonal polarization spectral described catastrophic tissue injury from
concern bolstered by the SEPSISPAM trial. imaging, aim to measure tissue perfusion peripheral extravasation of vasopressors
Overall, the 65 Trial suggests that targeting a more directly at the bedside but are not (68). Based on these reports, central
MAP of 60–65 mm Hg decreases vasopressor widely available, and their role in targeting administration became standard. After
exposure, is likely safe, and may be beneficial resuscitation has not been established (5). the 2001 Rivers trial of EGDT,

1294 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 207 Number 10 | May 15 2023

placement of central venous catheters from central access (e.g., pneumothorax, needed to understand the safety of longer-
(CVCs) was further justified to facilitate arterial puncture). Importantly, 61 (47.7%) term and higher-dose peripheral vasopressor
ScvO2 monitoring. patients randomized to PIV never received administration, as well as risks for
Over the past 5 years, however, the central access, suggesting it may be feasible to complications other than extravasation and
long-held teaching that vasopressors must be avoid central access for at least some patients tissue injury (e.g., thrombosis).
delivered centrally has been questioned. receiving low-dose vasopressors.
CVCs provide secure access for medication A growing body of literature supports
delivery and a means of hemodynamic the safety of peripheral vasopressor Always Necessary? The Role
monitoring that is critical for some patients. administration within certain limitations. In of Arterial Catheters
Although ScvO2 monitoring can be useful, a review of 318 peripheral vasopressor
ARISE, ProCESS, and ProMISe indicate it is adverse events (114 extravasations, 204 tissue  Conventional teaching: Patients
not required for all patients, eliminating one injuries), few events were reported with receiving vasopressors should have
indication for routine CVC placement short-term infusion (,24 h) or with PIVs arterial catheters for blood pressure
(8–10). Furthermore, requiring CVCs in all proximal to the antecubital or popliteal monitoring.
patients receiving vasopressors may cause fossae (73). In a meta-analysis of 11 studies  Current guidelines: Multiple societies
more harm than benefit. CVC placement including 16,055 adult patients receiving suggest invasive blood pressure
requires time and expertise, which can delay peripheral vasopressors, the pooled incidence monitoring with arterial catheters for
vasopressor initiation (69). CVC placement of adverse events (infiltration, extravasation, patients receiving vasopressors (6, 34).
also carries a risk for mechanical or erythema) was 1.8%, and there were no  Evolving practice: Use of noninvasive
complications, line infections, and cases of tissue necrosis (74). After excluding a blood pressure (NIBP) monitoring with
thrombosis (70). Given that some patients large perioperative study, in which patients a blood pressure cuff, in absence of other
need vasopressors for only short durations, received vasopressors in a controlled manner indications for arterial catheters.
requiring CVCs for vasopressor for short durations during surgery, the
administration may introduce unnecessary pooled incidence of adverse events remained Despite recommendations for invasive
risk for these patients (71). Finally, modern low (2.1%). Two other systematic reviews of blood pressure monitoring in patients with
medication pumps permit tight control of peripheral vasopressor use in emergency sepsis requiring vasopressors, arterial
vasopressor infusion rates, and ultrasound is departments and ICUs estimated catheter use varies widely in practice. In a
widely available to confirm appropriate extravasation and infiltration rates closer to 2017 survey of physicians in Europe, 84% of
placement of peripheral venous access, 3%, but likewise found no episodes of tissue respondents “always” used arterial catheters
lowering the risk of extravasation since the necrosis (75, 76). The most important factor to measure blood pressure in septic shock
original case reports of harm. associated with extravasation was lack of (34). However, in a study of 168 U.S. ICUs,
Indeed, peripheral vasopressor safety guidelines for PIV monitoring, arterial catheter placement among patients
administration seems to be increasing in underscoring the importance of monitoring receiving vasopressors was lower (51.7% in
practice. In ARISE, 42% of early vasopressor- peripheral vasopressor infusions (76). the median hospital) and varied widely
treated patients had vasopressors initiated Notably, peripheral vasopressor across hospitals (interquartile range,
through a peripheral intravenous line (PIV), complication rates with monitoring are 30.8%–76.2%) (78).
which was associated with decreased time to similar to current complication rates of CVC Arterial catheters are more accurate
vasopressor initiation compared with central placement, which ranged from 3.1% to 3.7% than blood pressure cuffs and provide
administration (median, 2.4 vs. 4.9 h from in a multicenter trial of CVC insertion (70). continuous measurements, facilitating
emergency department arrival; P , 0.001) Overall, extravasation of peripheral vasopressor titration (79). They also allow
(69). Furthermore, trial protocols vasopressors is uncommon, and tissue injury for arterial blood sampling. However,
increasingly allow for peripheral vasopressor is rare with monitored peripheral both blood pressure cuffs and arterial
administration, such as CLOVERS (30), administration. Therefore, in patients with catheters are susceptible to artifacts that
ARISE FLUIDS (NCT 04569942), and EVIS secure PIVs, we recommend initiating can limit their interpretation, and NIBP
(NCT 05179499). vasopressors peripherally to expedite monitoring is accurate in detecting MAPs
Despite the increased use of peripheral vasopressor initiation and suggest ,65 mm Hg and clinically meaningful
vasopressors, only one RCT has indirectly vasopressors can be continued peripherally at MAP changes (80). Therefore, arterial
addressed central versus peripheral lower doses and with regular monitoring for catheters may not improve detection or
vasopressor administration. In this trial, 266 extravasation. Clinicians should consider the treatment of hypotension over NIBP
patients in three French ICUs who needed vasopressor dose, clinical trajectory, monitoring, particularly in less severely ill
venous access (70% for the indication of low- size/location of the PIV, and other patients with reliable blood pressure cuff
dose vasopressors) were randomized to indications for CVC placement when readings.
receive peripheral versus central venous deciding whether to continue vasopressors Although arterial catheters are generally
access (72). Complications were more peripherally versus transition to central considered safer than CVCs, they may carry
common among patients randomized to access. There are no universally agreed-upon risk for catheter-associated infections and
peripheral access, although PIV thresholds dictating transition to central colonization of similar magnitude to CVCs
complications (e.g., erythema, extravasation) administration, so institutional policies and (81). Arterial catheter placement also carries
tended to be less serious than complications practices vary widely (77). More research is mechanical risks, including hematomas,

Concise Clinical Review 1295


Figure 2. Overview of invasive versus noninvasive approaches to the management of early sepsis-induced hypoperfusion.

thrombosis, and rare arterial complications, available and will need to be tested in statistical approaches have been used post hoc
such as ischemia and pseudoaneurysms (82). critically ill patients (86). to identify patients most likely to benefit
Although complication rates are similar In the meantime, we suggest that arterial from tested interventions, which can help
among all arterial catheter sites (82), catheter placement is not necessary for all overcome the heterogeneity of treatment
complications occurring at central sites, such patients receiving vasopressors and should be effects inherent to existing ICU trials (87).
as femoral and axillary arteries, may have prioritized in patients with labile vasopressor Going forward, however, trials must
more serious consequences, which must be requirements, unreliable blood pressure cuff prospectively consider the heterogenous
weighed against the potential increase in readings, or other indications for arterial nature of sepsis by identifying sepsis
measurement accuracy of central versus catheter placement (e.g., blood draws). phenotypes and treatment-responsive
radial arterial catheters (83). subgroups to inform and test personalization
The only study evaluating the clinical of care within trials (88). In addition, in
impact of arterial catheter use in vasopressor- Future Directions defining subgroups it may be beneficial to
treated patients was a propensity-matched shift from studying septic shock separately to
cohort study, which did not find benefit (84). There is a growing body of literature focusing on broader shock phenotypes (e.g.,
Interpretation of these findings is limited by informing management of early sepsis- defined by cardiac function, fluid status, or
the observational design but underscores the induced hypoperfusion. Although most trials the presence of vasodilation, as in the 65
need for RCTs to assess the utility of arterial discussed in this review yielded neutral Trial [58]). Future trials must be sufficiently
catheters and target invasive interventions to results, they have informed practice by large to detect small but clinically meaningful
patients most likely to benefit (85). showing that less-invasive or less-intensive differences in patient-important outcomes.
The field of NIBP monitoring is approaches to resuscitation often yield Trials should avoid stopping early based on
growing, and there may be alternatives to similar outcomes, at least in the overall study unrealistically large estimated effect sizes,
blood pressure cuffs in the future. Ongoing population (Figure 2). The next step in sepsis which limits the power of subgroup analyses
trials are testing novel monitoring devices, resuscitation research is to understand how and the ability to assess heterogeneity.
although these devices are not yet widely we can individualize care. Advanced Finally, to inform early resuscitation

1296 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine Volume 207 Number 10 | May 15 2023

practices, trials of resuscitation must Conclusions current resuscitation practices, discuss

incorporate novel trial designs and consent practice evolution toward less intensive
structures that facilitate earlier enrollment Sepsis is a major driver of morbidity and approaches, and highlight gaps and
(89), drawing on experiences with alterations mortality worldwide, and resuscitation is a limitations of our current evidence base. 䊏
to informed consent processes in cardiac critical component of management. In this Author disclosures are available with the
arrest and brain injury trials (90). review, we summarize the evidence behind text of this article at

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