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The Untold Secret

on how to make
your first and many
sales as an Affiliate
in your first week of
getting started
even as a Complete

This book is dedicated to the person who
is genuinely doing everything possible to
see their dream come through.

May the light that comes from the true

God guide you to fulfilling that great
To my mum who has remained my
biggest strength and motivation,
I love you.
The best proof that
something can be done is
somebody else already did
Who am I,
and why
you listen
to me...?

I made my first sale & earned N25,000 in

commission as a newbie affiliate within my
first 3 days of getting Started!

I applied the same strategy I used on a

dozen of my students and each person that
followed it duely made atleast 2 sales
within a space of I week as their first sales!

I'm Chiamaka Christabel, Graduate of the University of Nigeria,

Nskka Campus:
◾A writer
◾ A 5yrs Internet Marketer
◾An Online business coach
◾A Beauty Entrepreneur
◾A 6figure Affiliate Marketer who have successfully put more
than 50 individuals through on Affiliate/Digital Marketing
Business career.
Maybe you are an Affiliate Marketer reading this right now, Or an online
business onwer who truly wishes to try new grounds especially affiliate
marketing, Or you are that stranger that stumbled on this book by
chance and just wish to explore, Or you are that Individual who have
never done any business online before and all the talks about making
money on the internet really sounds unreal to you...

Well, which ever category you belong to, One thing is sure! You are
definitely saying something to yourself in your mind as you're reading
this, now let me ask... are you among the persons who picked this book
out of mere curiosity to find out how I masterminded whatever I plan to
share in this book? Or are you simply here to scrutinize or rate my
ability, grammatical expertise & what I plan to sell to you or to millions
of others out there? Well, first of all, I placed a price on this book to help
you take it seriously, but It's relatively cheap compared to its value cos
it's my little way to help the people who are genuinely interested in
affiliate marketing to truly find out the real truth they have been

You see, I am not where you are to know what you look like or who you
are, but the reason I have to say this is because I truly deeply don't want
you to waste a seconds of your precious time, cos honestly TIME is the
most Expensive commodity in this life.

That is why I will advise you right now, if you are among the people I
mentioned above, kindly drop this book because it is not for you, it is
not for your category of thinkers or Personalities.
This book is strictly for the people who sincerely desires to learn about &
succeed in affiliate marketing, people who understands the importance
of Knowledge N have a burning desire to see a change in their finance.
You see, THOUGHTS ARE THINGS and whatever you think about
anything becomes the reality you will see in that thing.
So, as you read ahead, kindly note that whatever you think about the
things I will share in this book is definitely going to become the Reality
you will see. Call it all lies, and you will never make a thing out of this
book, but consume what you read with a conviction that I'm only here
to help, and you will be tremendously helped.
The Ultimate Secret Guide on how you can make your first Sales n
Earn as an Affiliate in your first week of getting started

Table of content-----------------------------------------------------------

CHAPTER 1-----------------------------------------------------------------

CHAPTER 2-----------------------------------------------------------------

CHAPTER 3-----------------------------------------------------------------

CHAPTER 4-----------------------------------------------------------------

CHAPTER 5------------------------------------------------------------------
SKILL, You must master these Vital skills FIRST, the money comes in the Process

CHAPTER 6-----------------------------------------------------------------

CHAPTER 7-----------------------------------------------------------------

CHAPTER 8-----------------------------------------------------------------
Chapter One


We become what we think or say, I don't know how many times
you have heard this but I simply want to let you know that "ITS
TRUE"! Your Mindset holds the key to your success", I'm sure just
like I did for so long, you may probably be seeing the above
statement as a motivational talk geared towards making you
believe in stupid stuffs...

A f f i r m & B e l i e v e
✔ I Can Do It!
✔ I am Capable & Responsible
✔ I Believe in Myself!
✔ If others Can, then I CAN too!
✔ I Love Myself & I choose Growth!
✔ I have Everything Required To
✔ I Am A SUCCESS Story!

Your Mind is the soil on which your seed (result) in anything is planted,
incubated and birthed; the way we think about things and the way we
Perceive things has all the power to make us or break us.
One's mindset mostly takes and reflect on them inform of Low self-
esteem, Fear or Doubts, and unless we work on our Mind, we will be
powerless. It doesn't matter how hard you try, if your Mind isn't
convinced that you will succeed, you will keep Failing.
Everything changed for me when I started taking the above statement
seriously cos that was when I started working on my Mind to always see
Positive only, Think Positive & Focus only on the POSITIVE! And I hope
you start taking it seriously too.

I have studied all my successes in life and the first natural principle
that was responsible for any advancement especially in business is
the installation of a healthy mentality. Positive Mindset is KEY!
In this chapter I‟m going to tell you how to install a positive
mentality so you can attain success in every area.

When we talk about mindset, what's really mindset?

Mindset is a set of belief systems that governs the way we think and
act, sponsored by the realities we have been exposed to. Most times
people build their Mindset based on their past Experiences!

You can correlate this definition with my story about how my

Mentality shifted from believing it is not possible to make money
legally online or sell to people online to believing it is possible to
make money legally online... n guess what? I have done it over and
over! Made my first 300k with Pure organic method; no Ads, no Extra
hands, no guru support.

It was strictly done doing everything I was learning (which is what I

have come to share in this book) and doing it like my life depended
on it! Actually, my life depended on it cos I borrowed 40k to get
started and I had no penny in savings left as I added my last card
money to complete my registration fee... I practically drank garri
majorly to cope as I don't really like the idea of begging all the time.

If you Follow me on Facebook you must have read some of my story


Your realities have a participation in changing your mindset, when I

talk about realities I mean;


Imagine you sleep where goats sleep, over time; you‟ll begin to Smell
like a goat and probably act like a goat too just to adapt into their
social environment. One important thing Social Science will tell you
about human being is that we are a product of our Environment.
What if you stay around billionaires, the truth is that over time you‟ll
grow into being a millionaire then a billionaire, that's massive
advancement, is that not good enough? It's time to inspect your
physical space because it will directly influence your mentality and
your mentality will trigger your actions.


People you talk to will influence your thinking pattern. I had one
course mate that hated a lecturer with her heart, after every class,
she would express her irritation to me. Over time I grew into the
person who started seeing reasons to hate that same lecturer.

Imagine you had friends who love talking about success, do you know
what will happen to you? You will contact that feeling of success too.
Unapologetically review your association and evict some personalities
when necessary. These two factors largely affect your mindset.
So if you are that person who wants to make millions from any
business, don‟t joke with your Association and place of dwelling.


What you feed your Mind will definitely determine what your mind will
build on. Imagine if you eat junk food regularly, with time; your body
will start reflecting it by getting fatter due to excess fat and then your
health will deteriorate too. Thats exactly how your mind works.

For your Mind to truly have a shift, you will pay attention to feeding it
with what will make that shift happen; Life Changing Books/ Audio, I
was deeply helped by reading " Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hills,
You are a Badass by Jen Sincero, Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert
Kiyosaki, and listening to Apostle Joshua Selman, and Myron Golden's
Talks. I recommend you get these materials and start consuming with
all diligence and seriousness.
Chapter Two

Have you wondered how come

someone with:
No Shop,
No product importation,
No product warehousing,
No shipping & delivery,
No customer service,
No recruiting,
Can be earning multiple 6figs and
millions inside his/ her room simply
cos they are connected to the

Do you probably ever feel it's due to

some supernatural power or just a mere
thing of luck?

How many times have you had to pay

your bills; Electricity, water, security,
school fees, etc through your phone
instead of going to queue in the bank or
some establishments for that purpose
just like in past?

In the previous page we discussed the power of Mindset in achieving success

or seeing a desired result in anything, by now you should realize that it is
your MINDSET and nothing else that has been your barrier to achieving or
doing lots of stuffs online epecially with regards to making money.

This barrier has probably robbed you from taking up the biggest & greatest
opportunity in 21st century which is the ability to work, earn and build your
dream with the help of your gadget (phone or Laptop) using the internet.

Now! Its right and most especially important that you learn the truth
and use this truth to set your feet matching on the path of easy Wealth.
There is a secret method through which anybody who
understands English, who has a phone, and has connection to
the internet can be banking in thousands and millions from the
comfort of their homes, from any part of the world and in the
middle of their daily normal Jobs.

Earning with your Phone is no longer a question of "I can" or "I

cannot", it's now "a must", because when a new beat is
introduced on a dance floor, you must change to/adapt a new
dance step to suit the new beat. Failure to do this and insist on
your old dance step will only show you as a mad man or a
shameless bad dancer.

It will be rather foolish to insist on the old method that worked

in past age which was Go to school, Graduate with good grades,
and get a good Job, Marry, take loans to buy house, buy a car,
train your children and spend the rest of your natural life paying
off Debt!

Going to school and having a job is good, but we are talking

about living the life of your dreams and fulfilling that great
Destiny God has deposited in you. Can a school certificate and a
job really assure you of these two things presently? No, they will
only catalyze the process but you need Money and Freedom to
fully maximize your potentials of being educated and having a
good job.

Most people did not go to school, they don't even have a

job in the real sense of what we understand as a "job" but they
Driving the best cars, Living in the best houses, enjoying the
best stuffs out there, traveling the world, shaping the future and
imprinting their names in the sands of time, all because they
understood that education is beyond the four walls of a
University, so they self committed on developing their brain by
investing into themselves, acquiring skills and using it to
become solution providers.
Yes, it has always been the pattern of our parents generation to
approaching and acquiring Wealth by firstly; going to school,
then get good grades and secure a good job, then get loans and buy
or pay for the good things they needed like cars, houses, or vacations,
and then spend the rest of their working life paying back those

It should not be surprising when they agitate/push you to get good

grades in school, and once you graduate, get a good Job. Meanwhile
hope you know the full meaning of Job is "Just Over Broke"? Now
before you argue that there are real High paying job, I'm not
disputing that fact, but I hope you also know this; that Time is the
most expensive commodity and true wealth is when you've the
freedom to live life at your own terms, so if your high paying job don't
allow you the time freedom to be around the people you love, travel
to places you love at your convenience, live a fulfilled life of seeing
your dreams come true, then there is need for a plan B.

The thing is that your parent don't know about these, besides their
own parents used their job to train them well and offer them a
Comfortable life, they in their own right, used their job to train you
and your siblings and offer you a Comfortable life, it's rather natural
that they expect you to get a job and use it to train your own children
and offer them a Comfortable life...

looking at our time and space, the world is now a global village that
we can see how someone in another continent is living their life,
thinking of how outrageous outbreak of Pandemics can get every
soul on earth shut indoor for 365days or more, seeing how high cost
of living has become in a deteriorating economy like Nigeria. It's
obvious that maintaining a healthy living in the 21st century is very
hard, and an average parents raising a happy fulfilled Children is no
longer as simple or easy as before.

A job is not a way out! Every single person who is living the life of your
dream is not doing so by just a job, they are probably working as the
CEOs, the Top Salesmen, the Top share holders of the companies
they are working with.
Chapter Three

What is
Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate Marketing is simply

1. anything you do that has to do

with linking up a buyer and a

It's a model where you help a

company or individuals advertise
2. their products and you get paid
for doing so...

Affiliate Marketing is selling

other people's product online

3. and earning a commission

whenever a sale is made. .

Uber, Amazon, Jumia, Alibaba, Airbnb, Shoprite, etc.

They all have something in common which is the fact that,
they all sell products or services they didn't produce and
they earn a mouth watering commission.
Everyone has done or is
doing affiliate marketing
How many times have you help connect
your sister to the lady that did your hair?
Or connect your aunt to the place you
bought your beautiful hair and

How many times have you helped your

friend get a buyer for his car? How many
times have you recommended your car
engineer to your family members?

How Affiliate Marketing really works!

So I went to the market to get a particular kind of strapped heel
shoe at Sir Jordan plaza and I was just going from one shop to
another like someone that don't know where she was going.
People stopped calling me to buy from them because I was
considered a wanderer in the market.

A young man finally approached me and spoke my language, he

asked “what kind of strapped heel shoe are you looking for”.

Wow! this guy has been watching me walk around and he was just
studying my behavior just like Facebook algorithm. He knew I was
looking for a strapped heel, I felt relieved and related my problems
to him which was difficulty in getting a particular colour of the
strapped heel shoe I was looking for. I went ahead to explain to him
that I was scared of relating to anyone initially because they may
give me fake or hike the price.
Under a minute, he took me to a shop that had exactly what I
was looking for, I bought it immediately and thanked him for
helping me to finally achieve what I wanted...

Now this guy is not the onwer of the shop he took me to neither
is he the onwer of the shoe I bought. He is simply an Affiliate
Marketer who connect a buyer (me in this case) to the seller and
the moment I bought, he got a commission from the shop owner
because he is the one that made the salesl happen... Who knows,
the shop owner may not have even sold anything before this guy
brought me.

So at the end, I am happy that my problem of finding the exact

shoe I came for is solved, the shop/product owner is happy that
he made a sale, the guy that connected me to the seller is happy
cos he received a commission for doing so....
So technically EVERYBODY IS HAPPY in this business model.
No risk!
No loss of anything!
Just happiness and gain on all side.

Affiliate Marketing is just that business model that teaches you

all about sales & marketing and shows you how to leverage on
other people's products.

This business model only need your willingness to learn, and

implement what you learn, it doesn't require you to have a shop
or order products, or deliver products, or do any customer
services. Everything has been taken care of for you.

Affiliate marketing on the online space can be done both for

digital products, and physical products. Platforms like Jumia
sells physical products like electronics, Tv, Bags, Gadgets etc.
Then some others sell only Digital products, the option will
always be yours to decide the type of product to affiliate with.
Now, you can become an affiliate simply by looking up any affiliate
platform of your choice using your browser, you search for any of the
platforms you wish to join and sign up under them either at a fee or
for free. Here is a list of affiliate platforms you can join in Nigeria via
their website.
1. Expertnaire at 10k (With a course is 25k)
2. Digitstem at 10k (With a course is 20k)
3. Selar at 2k (With a course starts at 30k up)
4. Skatecut at no fee. (With a course is 30k up)
5. Leanoflex at no fee. (With a course is 30k up)

These are Digital affiliate platforms that has been set down on
automated systems to serve you as an affiliate. Unlike, in the physical
one where you have to go about in the market, find customers,
connect them to the seller and then wait for the seller to pay you...
sometimes it doesn't end well as the seller might owe you or refuse to
pay you as at when agreed.

These affiliate platforms saves you all the stress as everything has been
automated. Just register on any of them, copy your unique affiliate link
on the product market place for the particular product you wish to
sell, send it to your prospects, once they click it and buy, you earn your
commission instantly.

Your affiliate commissions usually drops in your affiliate account

dashboard and is paid to you on the supposed day of payment which
differs according to platform.
Here are the affiliate platforms paying days:
1. Expertnaire pays on Fridays
2. Digitstem pays on Saturdays
3. Selar pays the next day after your sale
4. Skatecut pays on Monday
5. Leanorflex pays the next day after your sales. etc

As an affiliate on any of these platforms, your only work is to learn

what is you are supposed to learn about working online as an affiliate
focus on promoting any of their products that you wish to promote,
there are products on many niches; eg. Making Money niche,
relocation ninche, Sex & Relationships ninche, Health ninche, etc.
There are thousands of products on these ninches that you can
promote, lets take the making money ninch for example, You can
promote affiliate marketing, or Copywriting, Amazon KDP, or
Freelancing, etc.
Now Signing up directly under these platforms without an
affiliate course means you already know what you have to do or
be doing, as you noticed the prices of joining them with their
affiliate courses differs and this is the option B. When you sign
up directly, there won't be any training course or special
materials or a mentor to help guide you here. Its just you and
your affiliate account that you paid for, so you will definitely
have to figure out everything on your own.

Will it be hard this way? Yes very hard but definitely not
impossible, you will waste time trying to figure out what works
from your series of errors but then eventually after possibly a
long while, you may finally figure things out and be fine or you
may get too frustrated and give up. But at the end you need to
accept the outcome of the choice you made.

Normally I usually recommend the best strategy which is for you

to register by getting the course attached to the affiliate
account you want to register under or any good affiliate course
and have someone guide you as your mentor. This is really what
helped me and this is really what helped all of my students who
did the sales very fast.

I closely worked with them and showed them the exact

steps I took and made them do it either by shouting on
them or scolding them or Motivating them, depending on the
mood their situation put me into! Thats what mentorship is all

So yes, you can definitely start affiliate Marketing for free or for
just a little fee strictly on your own, and still survive. But if you
are someone that truly desire to succeed faster, if you love to
save time and save yourself so much stress or frustrations... then
I advise you definitely start with the option B which is, get a
course and have someone guide you.
Chapter Four
TRUTH NO. 1: The first thing I want you to make Peace with is
that you will never succeed in a business you feel doubts or
shame about. If you are ashemed of working as an affiliate
online, you won't succeed in it. This is particularly true about
selling anything online, if you are more concerned about how
people will see you than how to make that money, the
dominate concern which is "what will people say" will see to it
that you will not see any money from the business.

For you to really start selling online even as an affiliate, you

must kill every shame and more than you believe that you will
wake up the next day whenever you sleep at night, believe
even more that affiliate marketing business model can really
truly change your life Financially.

TRUTH NO. 2: It doesn't matter if you sell human life or do the

best surgical operation in the world. If nobody knows about it,
you will still die hungry cos nobody pays for a product or
services they don't know anything about. When it comes to
selling, the person that people know about his/her products is
who carries the money! Carry your business on your head and
market recklessly & shamelessly.

The celebrities, Famous people you follow on internet are

unapologetically marketing themselves, their skill, their
personalities, their Services... It doesn't matter if they need to
go naked before the whole world
or go under the knife to get that
perfect body or stay live all day on
Instagram. They will do whatever
it takes to sell cos actually...
Everybody is selling something!
It's either you are selling a product, or your Skill, or your Service, or
your Time and Abilities. An office worker is selling her time and
abilities to the company that is paying her, a school teacher is selling
her kowledge, a doctor is selling his Expertise, an engineer is selling
his Skill, we all are selling something but in different ways, and
because the amount of money you can make from whatever your
profession is, is directly proportional to your level of ability to sell in
that field. You should pay attention and learn the Art of selling.

TRUTH NO. 3: School won't make you rich! Don't quote me wrong,
school is good, infact very important and neccesarily! But if your
reason for going to school is to become rich, then, that's the wrong
place to learn how money works! Go to school to gain Civil
knowledge, to become ethical and refined and if your goal of going
to school is to learn a profession like a doctor, lawyer, pilot,
engineer, thats very good too.

Now if your goal of going to school is to become rich, have a

rethink. Ever wondered why most graduates are poor? That's
because the school system is not designed to make you rich. It's
designed to make you survive. School tells you to study hard, get
good grade so that you can get a good job working for people who
knows how money works. I say this b'cos most people who comes
from poor family, their major reasons of going to school is to
become rich. If you really don't want to end up utterly frustrated
then my advice is this, learn from millionaires, study thier materials,
follow-up on people living your dream life instead, learn what they
do, do it, become rich then continue your school if you want to cos
actually school will make a lot of stuffs easy for you, like you reading
and understanding what I wrote in this book.

LASTLY: Success is INTENTIONAL, it doesn't go to where it is is not

diligently sorted! It's not Luck that makes one successful, it is
diligence and Persistence void of doubts. The person paid the price
to achieve that success by doing what is required, and because the
universe operates on a law of "Give and Take", their success was a
reward for their Efforts. "Hardwork is another name for Miracle".
Chapter Five


The act of making money with affiliate marketing is easy when you
learn and understand the following skills I will be mentioning in
this chapter. This is particularly why standard affiliate marketing
courses has these skills thoroughly treated cos if you miss these
parts, then you will be stuck for a very longgggggg time. This is why
I don't encourage anybody signing up to learn affiliate marketing
strictly via affiliate account, it is most advisable to get a training

Here are the 3 top skills you must thoroughly learn and understand
to successfully do well as an affiliate Marketer:
The beautiful thing is that, as you are trying to learn and
understand these skills, once you are practicing and making
attempts to implement while under the process, YOU WILL START
MAKING SALES! (This is why affiliate marketing is practically the
easiest business out there; You earn as you Learn).

Content Creation/Copywriting: Once you sign up to learn affiliate

marketing, the first and most important skill you are to get
acquainted with is CONTENT Creation and Copywriting. This is the
key way to achieve 3things immediately: first is Draw attention to
yourself & put yourself out there, second is Build an authority
especially in regards to what you wish to promote, and third is
Define your personality & ninche to your Audience.

Content Creation/Copywriting is how to get

people's attention without necessarily making
them realize what is going on. It is simply using
your writing skills to potray and tell people about
your poduct or services or skills in such a way
that distinguishes you from the crowd and
Compels them to completely choose you, what you
offer and choose working with you.
Your WhatsApp status, your Facebook post, your tweets on twitter, your
Instagram post, all this are the avenues to post your content and if you
are truly sharing valuable content in whichever regards, it could be on
your lifestyle, your business, your Services etc. People will definitely
connects more with you and if it gets to a level where you need them to
do anything like buy something or join your class, they will gladly do
that cos you already built an authority using your content.

Sales Funnels Building & Systems: As someone that is new in affiliate

marketing, I suppose you are diligently building on your Content
creation which should be easy so far as you are going through your
training, following your mentor or others doing well in the biz by
checking out the kind of things they share or do, people should be
messaging you to either appreciate your content, share their opinion on
your post, or find out about what you do or who you are.

The best thing is to try connecting with these people first to build your
KLT factor, this is a very crucial part of sales funnels, KLT simply means
KNOW, LIKE and TRUST . One of the biggest mistakes most newbies
make is that once anybody message them, the next thing they are
telling the person is to "come and buy". No! I don't want you to fall under
that category cos you'll be shutting off your chances of selling even
before the real selling begins. For the sale to happen this people must
feel connected to you, and if your content is serving its purpose well, it
should be easy.

You are supposed to first genuinely meet people at the level where they
are, give them room to know you, like you and trust you. Your first sales
mostly will come from your already existing Audience (people who
already know you like your friends, classmates, or neighbors), and reason
is because this people already qualified under your KLT factor check.
Under sale funnel building you also will learn how to generate your
customized link which is what you will use and bring people to your
WhatsApp for closing sales. Sales funnel system is also where running
webinars falls, doing video training etc all this fall under this category
cos you are trying to achieve one thing; help people know you and
understand what you do. Now this is just the traditional way to build
sales funnel.
There is a Sophisticated way to building your sales funnel. This is where you
start hearing and learning things about:
1. Landing page/Thank you page
2. Website
3. Instant form
4. Running Ads
You can decide to either do any of those yourself by learning it as all this are
topics every standard affiliate marketing course will teach you. Now there are
different types of sale funnels systems and I will just highlight a few in this

1. The Lead Magnet Funnel: This is one of the simplest and most used types of
sales funnels. It is also known as the free sample funnel. The concept of this
funnel is to get the prospect into your WhatsApp or email, then offer a freebie
in return. This is like a give and take situation.
The workflow of this funnel is as following:
Lead magnet landing page > Email nurture sequence > Buying your product
This funnel works best when you want to sell a low ticket product.

2. The Webinar Funnel: as the name suggests this funnel is used to get the
prospect to register and attend your webinar. The Webinar Funnel gives you
more time to close potential customers at a higher price point. If you are
going to sell your product/service through online events, this is the type of
funnel to use in your business.

3. The Service Upsell Funnel: This funnel can help you make more money from
almost the same amount of effort. Here’s how: you have convinced your
prospect to buy your main front end offer. The customer has entered in his
card details and made the payment but before sending him to your thank you
page, you send them to a landing page that gives them an opportunity to buy
a higher price product, complimentary to your front end offer.

last but not the least on this is the,

4. The Video Sales Letter Funnel: Nowadays one of the most attractive and
highly consumed contents on the internet is video. A lot of products/services
are being sold on the internet through video sales letter funnels. A video helps
convince the prospect to buy your product/service. So you need the best
video for this purpose.
Lead Generation: Lead generation is the act of bringing more
people to see what you are selling, promoting or doing. Lead or Traffic is
an online business terminology that simply means PEOPLE. Actually, like I
said before, it doesn't matter if you sell human life or you are the best
Medical Surgeon in the world, if less people knows about/sees you...
hunger will kill you. This is the reason people who owns shop at places
with high human influx like Market, or Motor Parks, or Strategic junctions
always sell more than people who are at places where there are very few
people like in the street, village, etc.

When it comes to selling online, Traffic is everything. So the moment you

are working real well on your Content game, and you are building your
sales funnel by channelling the people connecting to you to your major
sales funnel which is WhatsApp, and you are using your WhatsApp status
to nurture this people still using quality content, the next important thing
is to start building your list.

Leads Generation is of 2 types: Organic Lead Generation and Paid Traffic

Generation. Normally as a newbie, I will tell you to use Organic method
first, the reason is because it will help you understand how the selling
process and other stuffs about affiliate marketing actually works. It helps
you to know what works for you and what doesn't, eg: Is it webinar or one
on one that works better for you, is it Facebook or Instagram content that
usually give you the higher result, Is it Cold Dms or Group engagement
that works better? And lots more! All this will be easier if you learn it
without spending money, but imagine where you just spent money to get
started, and then you are now spending more money on generating leads
that you don't even know how or what to do to convert them. You will
most definitely give up instantly.

Now we are Nigerians and we are selling majorly to the Nigeria people.
Usually, when it comes to generating leads Organically, the easiest way to
get people to actually pay attention to you, is for you to have something
that they need which you can offer them for free. Nigerians loves free
things! It could be anything.

I used Facebook to build my list and thats because I was always giving out
quality content & opportunities for them to learn something from me or
recieve something from me basically free, wecall this lead Magnet.
Chapter Six
The biggest way newbie affiliates or even many affiliate marketer
jeopardize their chances at cashing out immediately is that " they usually
refuse to IMPLEMENT". This prompts me to ask you this question; how do
you expect the result to come when you are not carrying out/practicalising
what you are learning?

You getting started and having a course to go through is to see

and know what you ought to start doing, so when you see in your course
about posting quality content on your WhatsApp, when you see or learn
about Presell content, Samplers, HOC formula , Sales Engine
Optimization... do you really feel its just for you to read and memorize it?
No, it is for you to use it and when I mean use it, I mean DO WHAT YOU
ARE LEARNING while you are in the process, thats how it can make sense
to you. Don't learn and stay dormant.

Example is: Lets say you opened your course and the first part talks about
building a Positive mindset, don't just nod your head and write it down
alone, go look for materials to help you do that. In my own case, I started
reading the "Power of the Subconscious Mind" by Joseph Murphy.

It is for you to imitate what is in the course you are going through and
then craft something similar and use it. Everything your course is talking
about is to give you an insight on what you should start doing but sadly, I
see lots of new affiliate and even older ones continue posting their usual
memes, and unrelated stuffs on their statuses, and other SM handles, and
then come back to specifically complain that it isn't working... if you are in
this shoe or plan to be in this shoe then I hope you realize sooner that you
are killing your chances in a wicked way and totally wasting your Time
and I hope you REPENT.

The secret of your success in anything you are learning is in the

IMPLEMENTATION. Read all the books on how to make money, buy all the
courses on affiliate marketing and go through them but refuse to
implement, then you are just as good as someone that did not even know
about the business cos YOU WON'T MAKE A PENNY cos you won't sell. In
affiliate marketing, you don't just learn, you MUST IMPLEMENT whatever
you are learning thats how the result comes.
Chapter Seven


"Every Expert you know today was once a Copycat, just
that they refused to remain that way" .
If you aren't copying someone then you are copying something, cos
we all are where we are today in life because we kept copying what
was was infront of us in whatever category. We copied our parents,
our siblings, our teachers, our friends, etc and today it has shaped
us and defined us and brought us to where we can now choose our
own path. In any business including Affiliate marketing, learn to
copy your superior and do it with a mindset to become better than
them somehow.

This secret is the biggest thing that helped me! When I got
registered, apart from aggressively going through my training
course, I was intentionally copying my mentor and others that were
already ahead of me in the business, I remember once I wake up,
and my data is on, the first place I go is the search icon on my status
and type my mentors name, then whatever I see there on his status,
I just copy it, following his tempo, I will simply edit to suit my own
Audience and that's it, I usually post it on my status... Then next
thing is people were messaging me with different reactions.

Now following this route, I was motivated to also learn and patterm
my own content to come out like that of my mentor, at the
beginning many people didn't actually appreciate my new post but
guess what? By day three, I have made a sale, and that sale came
from one of my WhatsApp status viewers, this person kept
disturbing me to show him the way, he was feeling the pressure
coming from my content and was simply reacting to it. I didn't even
have time to explain anything to anybody as I was more focused on
going through my training and needed to understand many things
first. But because I was doing the things I was learning as I was
learning it, I got result directly proportional to the energy I was
giving out.
I was so busy doing what I was learning such that I didn't even know
when this person registered as he was the one that called me to tell
me... and I was wowed, then I checked my mail and saw it was true,
checked my affiliate dashboard and saw 25k sitting pretty there.
Affiliate marketing is such fun and easy business to do when you focus
on what is important; developing yourself, Implementing what you are
learning, Following your mentors instructions and doing all this with
big Positive Mindset.

As I realized that this was working, I then went ahead to start looking
for other top Affiliates and connecting to them especially on twitter, I
also started following the Big People in internet marketing and
imitating what they were doing, I kept doing it, and more sales kept
coming by now, I started becoming good too in creating my own stuffs,
and that's how I am here today, as you can see, I just created a book too.
This is your wake up a call

Now, when I say be comfortable copying others I am not trying to

support you to be lazy, I'm only teaching you how you can grow.
Copying people doesn't mean committing plagiarism or claiming
ownership of someone's else intellectual property. DON'T DO THAT! If
you plan to go far and be authentic. Instead of stealing people's idea
without giving them credit for it, learn their pattern and try to model
your own strategy that way, this is how you can become good on your
own stuffs.

The thing is that, no matter how smart or clever you may feel you are at
the game of copying people, if you aren't doing it with the intention to
grow, and found your own self, you will destroy your chances of
achieving tangible success cos you will remain a fake, and fake things
don't last no matter how beautiful, shiny or attractive it may look.
Chapter Eight
You need four things here:
1. A Burning Desire/Positive Mindset
2. A hot selling product
3. A Startegy and A working System
4. Traffic
The moment you have signed up as an affiliate, start feeding and filing
your mind with the right stuffs, this is what will keep your mind at it's
optimal level and keep you in the right energy, you need an optimized
Mind to work Online.
The next thing is studying what is inside your course, in this process you
will learn about the affiliate market place in the platform you are
working under, and the different product listed there. You have to do a
product survey or resesrch to pick the best product to promote. As an
affiliate you can promote any product on your affiliate marketplace, but I
will tell you the hottest product right now that you can go for which are
products on affiliate marketing, Amazon KDP, Freelancing., Relocation,
Ecommerce and many more. I listed it according to the hottest. Then
next is to get your Unique affiliate link for the product you wish to
Now, you are going to make this sale from people you are meeting on
the street of social media, which can be ticktok, Facebook, Instagram,
twitter, etc. All this people will eventually end up in your WhatsApp
when any sale is about to be closed, so you are supposed to take your
WhatsApp seriously especially your WhatsApp status. by sharing an
engaging/valuable contents that will Nurture these people, it should
motivate, attract, compel and convince your audience to buy what you
Third part is, you should come up with a strategy. What really worked for
me and also worked for my students was organizing classes, Your first
class being the most Important; I usually tell my new students to choose
any topic they feel will help their audience in any way or teach anything
that their audience will appreciate, it could be on any topic; Flyer
making, Animation, ebook creation, Facebook Ads, Mindset, WhatsApp
Marketing, public speaking, any thing you know that will be helpful to
people, create a good looking flyer and use it to invite people to that
class by sharing to your existing contacts, to your friends, to groups you
belong to etc.
What this will help you do is that it will give you authority fast as people
who participate in your class and really learnt something valuable will
automatically start looking up to you like a coach and not just that, they
will come to like you and possibly trust you.

In this class, Connect what you teach them to the product you plan to
promote, there is always a way to do it. You can add it as part of what you
will be teaching in your webinar, so once you have successfully taught
them the free training you promised, you can go ahead and run the
training on what you are promoting. The thing is that because you have
given them something valuable for free, they would naturally come to
like you, know you better and probably trust you to do business with you.

Then use the powerful strategy of selling offers to compel them. Offers
are what these people will gain when they take action. If you did a good
product research and studied what you promote well, you will be able to
craft compelling offers as that product already has some offers built
around it.

Don't just run that webinar and abandon them like that, selling is
psychological so you need to nurture them more by continuing dropping
valueable stuffs for them targeted at using it to sell your product to them.

Finally, make sure that more people are seeing you every single day!
TRAFFIC is the lifeblood of selling, the higher the number of persons who
knows what you are doing, the higher your chances at making that sale.

All my students that I guided on how to do this made more than one sale
on their first webinar. So you see, even if it is only this chapter that you
take seriously in your affiliate journey, you are going to succeed fast and
that's the truth.

Note: Make sure that all your social media platforms are well optimized;
use a good profile picture, give a bio that helps people know what you do
and don't try to come out as the perfect one. You are a solution provider,
let your Profile make people see you as a human like them who have
something valuable to offer.
Conclusion and Next Steps
Affiliate Marketing is truly that dream business that you have
been praying for cos its life changing, Fun to do, and Value
packed. The only thing is for you to start it & learn it RIGHTLY
Just recommend helpful and high value Digital products
products to people that desperately need it and earn as
much as 50-80% commission whenever any of them makes a
If you truly pay attention to all I have just shared in this book, you
must succeed and make money on demand through affiliate
marketing, so if you are someone that wish to start on your own
and figure things out on your own, then here you go... my
journey with you ends here.

Now to those who have been looking for the best way to start
affiliate marketing, and need someone to mentor them rightly,
that is; you want to save yourself stress and frustration and start
making this money... Then Read the column below

Find out my next secret guide by

clicking on the blue link,
PS: This is only for people who are
ready to get started
or send me messages using the
number below

Thank you! WhatsApp: 08187317553

Call: 08067590129

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