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Orientation Programme organized by the Association of Science
Laboratory Technologists of Nigeria.
The University of Ibadan’s vision for the 21st Century are geared towards
Securing of the Future.
➢ The vision of the founding fathers of the University of Ibadan was
to make it a centre of excellence in academic learning.
➢ The University was conceived to provide the human resource
requirement for Nigeria’s socio-economic and physical growth.
➢ University of Ibadan is the oldest and the most reputable Nigerian
➢ As articulated, the following vision and mission for the 21st Century
To be a world-class institution for academic excellence geared towards
meeting societal needs.

• To expand the frontiers of knowledge through the provision of

excellent conditions for learning and research.
• To produce graduates who are worthy in character and sound
• To contribute to the transformation of society through creativity and
• To serve as a dynamic custodian of society’s salutary values and
thus sustain its integrity
Strategic Objectives
These are consistent with university’s vision and mission statements.
The following are strategic objectives guiding the operational decisions at
all levels of the institution.
➢ To re awake all staff and students for rebuilding and inducing drastic
attitudinal change by way of more commitment, greater loyalty and
diligence on the part of all concerned.
➢ To make more determined efforts to generate adequate funding
thereby making it less dependent on government funding.
➢ To ensure optimal use of resources.
➢ T significantly improve the conditions for learning and research.
➢ To increase substantially the number of highly rated academics in
Ibadan: Particular attention will be paid to science and science-
related subjects which have suffered the worst neglect over the
➢ To make University of Ibadan more responsive to the needs of the
country, other universities and her graduates.
➢ To update and modify curricular relevant to both national and global
demands (e.g. knowledge based economy).
➢ To overhaul recruitment process to ensure that only the best hands
are employed, i.e. no ethnic, racial or religious bias are display in
➢ Recruitment to be gender sensitive.
➢ To ensure that the University does not admit more students than it
can cope with, i.e. available staff and facility on ground must be
➢ The provision of long distance learning to increase the number of
people who can benefit from its services.
➢ To have a campus where there is peaceful co-existence in which
members of staff of different disciplines and classes socialize with
one another.
➢ Staff and students alike relate and enjoy an environment conducive
to the promotion of sound scholarship.
➢ A critical need of success factor is adequate funding.
➢ The University therefore is committed to sourcing for the required
funding to reposition itself as a foremost citadel of learning and
repository of knowledge and excellent values in Nigeria.
History of University of Ibadan
1. Founded as University College of London in 1948 by the British as
part of her policy for West Africa and the Commonwealth like
University of Legon, Ghana.
2. Became a full-fledged university by an Act of Parliament in 1962.
3. For the year 2012/2013 session, the total number of registered
students was 21,626 and 13,884for the distance learning mode of
4. From 1972/1973 session, students were allowed to live off campus
in large numbers.
5. The ten undergraduate halls of residence which include, Mellanby,
Teddar, Kuti, Bello, Queen Elizabeth II, Alexander Brown,
Independence, Zik, OAU and Idia Halls with two Postgraduate Halls
(Balewa and Abdulsalam Abubakr Halls) have a total optimum
capacity of 7,500. More halls have been built.
Student Unionism
University of Ibadan encouraged student unionism and the student union
has always been an important feature of the university’s existence. The
union has its aim as:
a. To promote the socio cultural, intellectual and sporting activities of
its members.
b. To foster the general interests of its members.
c. To contact, cooperate and exchange ideas with other external
organisations whose aims are acceptable to the union.
➢ The union has been an advocate of student participation in
university administration.
➢ Since 1973, students have served on various committees such as:
Welfare Board, Career Board, Library Committee, Catering Board,
Sports Council, Lodging bureau, Student Disciplinary Committee and
Ceremonial Committee in addition, all academic departments have
staff/students liaison committees.
The University has always been blessed with high quality human
resources. The University strives to maintain its historical complexion as
an international community.
The staff strength of the university as at 2013 stood at 1,536 academic,
2,228 administrative and technical staff and 1.963 junior staff. The
picture will be far less as of today since many have retired, deceased and
some have left the service voluntarily in the last seven years.
Embargo has been placed on staff recruitment until recently when the
university has been given permission to recruit some staff.
Staff Welfare
University of Ibadan provides accommodation for some of its senior and
junior staff. The Abadina quarters is designated for junior staff members.
Though the quarters need renovation and a committee was recently
constituted for that purpose under the Registrar.
There are 603 housing units for junior staff on campus while there are
610 housing units for senior staff on campus. The university also has guest
houses, the Pro Chancellor’s lodge, the Vice Chancellor’s lodge and
residential buildings for other management staff.
Staff salary and other expenditure besides capital works made the
University an expensive establishment. The recurrent expenditure has
always been the responsibility of the government. This has become
inadequate. External bodies such as MacAthur Foundation, Ford
Foundation, UAC, and Nuffield Foundation have helped in the past,
particularly in postgraduate studies and staff development. The university
has taken rigorous steps to solicit financial aid from well-meaning
Nigerians. The partners in progress include: Shell Petroleum Nigeria,
National Insurance Cooperation of Nigeria, Schlamberger Nigeria Limited,
UF Endowment Fund, TETFund, CBN, Hewlett Packard, Nigerian
Breweries, British American Foundation, some state government and
many notable individual benefactors.
This consists of both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.
However, the university is gradually moving towards a Postgraduate
The University is governed by Committee System. The University of
Ibadan Act 1962 as subsequently amended established the structure of
governance of the University as a successor of the University College
Ibadan. The 1962 Act established, constituted and spelt out the
functions of the University and its constituent bodies. The University
(Miscellaneous Provision) Amendments Acts 2003 and 2012 provide as
(1) There shall be a Council for the Universities consisting of
a. The Chancellor - Appointed by the Visitor
b. The Pro-Chancellor - Appointed by the Visitor
c. The Vice-Chancellor - Appointed by the Council
d. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor - Appointed by the Council
e. Representative of Federal Ministry of Education
f. Four persons appointed by Federal Government
g. Four persons appointed by the Senate from among its members
h. Two persons appointed by Congregation
i. One person appointed by Convocation

- The tenure of Council is four years

- The Council shall be free in the discharge of its function and
exercise of its responsibility for the good management
growth and development of the University
- The Council of a University shall ensure that disbursement of
funds complies with the approved budgetary ratio for:

a. Personnel cost
b. Overhead cost
c. Research and Development
d. Library Development
e. Balance in expenditure between Academic and non-
academic activities

- Council is mandated to appoint and remove a Vice-

Chancellor as the need arises for a good cause
- Council can appoint and remove a Deputy Vice Chancellor or
any other staff subject to appropriate recommendation for a
good cause
- The “good cause” means gross misconduct or in ability to
discharge the functions of the office arising from infirmity of
body or mind.

(2) There shall be a senate for each of the Universities

consisting of:
a. The Vice Chancellor
b. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor
c. All Professors of the University
d. All Deans, Provosts and Directors of Academic Units
e. All Heads of Academic Departments, Unit and Research
f. The University Librarian
g. Academic members of the Congregation who are not Professors
- The Senate shall have powers in all academic matters
including the organization and control of:
a. Teaching and Research
b. Admission of Students
c. Award of degrees including honourary, certificate and
d. Promotion of Research
e. The exercise of other functions in according with the laws
and statutes of the University

(3) (a) There shall be a Visitor for each university

(b) The Visitor shall make the report of such visitation and
white paper thereon available to the Council for

(4) Composition of the Congregation

a. The Vice Chancellor
b. All Teachers within the meaning of the Act
c. The Persons holding such other appointments in the University
as the Council after Consultation with the Vice Chancellor may
from time to time determine:

- The Vice Chancellor shall be the chairman at all meetings of

Congregation when he is present. And when he is not
present, the Deputy Vice Chancellor or in his absence such
other members of Congregation present as Congregation
may appoint
- Quorum of Congregation shall be 1/3 or the nearest whole
- Congregation register shall be compiled
- Congregation may regulate its own procedure
- Congregation shall have such functions in addition to the
functions of appointing members of the Council as may be
provided by statute
a. All officers of the University mentioned in the first scheduled
(Senate and Congregation)
b. All graduates of the University
c. Any other persons as may be determined by Council
d. All Teachers within the meaning of the Act

- Quorum is 1/3 or the nearest whole number

- Vice-Chancellor shall be the Chairman or the Deputy VC
when he is not present or any other person as the
Convocation may appoint.
- Convocation shall have such functions in addition to the
function of appointing a member of Council
University of Ibadan Act 1962
Establishment of the College of Medicine of UI
- Established as an integral part of the university leading to
the award of degrees, diplomas, certificates and other
University distinctions in the medical field and allied
- Arrange Conference, Seminar, Study groups and other
similar activities in the medical field
- The College, in respect of academic matter is responsible to
the Senate and to the control of council
- Be self-accounting in respect of finance but responsible
through the Vice-Chancellor to the Council
Composition of the Court of Governors of the College of
Consists of:
a. The Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of Council as Chairman of the
b. The Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor
c. The Chairman of the Board of Management of the UCH
d. The Provost and Deputy Provost
e. Two members who are not members of academic staff of the
University appointed by Council
f. One member who is not member of the College appointed by
g. Two members appointed by the Board of Management of UCH
h. Not more than two persons to be appointed by the Court (Whether
or not members of the University)
i. The PS FME
j. The PS FMH

- The court may subject to any special or general direction of

Council regulate its own procedure

- There shall be Secretary to the College under the general

control of the Registrar, be responsible to the Provost

- The Secretary shall be Secretary to the court, the Academic

board and the Academic Staff Assembly
Financial Controller
Under the general control of the University Bursar be responsible to the
Provost for financial affairs of the College
Academic Board of the College: Consists of:
a. The Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor
b. The Provost and Deputy Provost
c. The Professors in the College
d. The Medical Librarian of the College
e. The persons for the time being holding such appointment on the
staff of the College as the Provost may with the approval of the
Vice-Chancellor specify.
f. And such number of academic staff not exceeding one-third of the
total number of the Board, as Academic staff Assembly, from
among the Academic staff of the College elect.
- Quorum shall be 20 of 1/3 of the members whichever is
- The Provost shall be the Chairman of the Board or Deputy
Provost as the need arises etc.

Postgraduate Institute for Medical Research and Training

- A constituent part of the College
- To conduct relevant Research, into health problems of the
- Training of Post graduate students registered for higher
degrees in medical and allied profession
- Shall function under the direction of a Board and a Director
to be appointed by the Board
- Director shall hold office for 3years and shall be eligible for
appointment for another term of 3 years
- The Board of the Postgraduate Institute shall consists of:
a. The Provost
b. The Deputy Provost
c. The Deans of Faculties in the College
d. The Deans of the Postgraduate School of the University
e. The immediate past Provost of the College
Academic Staff Assembly
- Quorum = 50
- To elect representative to the various bodies on the
Academic staff
- To perform such other functions as the Academic Board may
Organization of the Faculties
The Faculty Board
The Faculty shall be under the direct control of a body to be known as
the Faculty Board, which shall consist of:
a. The Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor
b. Teachers assigned to the Faculty
c. Other persons as the Board may determine
d. Quorum is 1/3
The Dean of the Faculty shall be appointed by the Board and
Subject to the confirmation of Senate
- Holds office on such terms as may be prescribed
- Dean shall present to the Congregation for the Conferment
of Degrees on persons who have qualified for such Degree at
examinations held in the branches of learning allocated to
the Faculty.
Committee of Provost and Deans
1. Provost, COM
2. Deans of Faculties
a. Art
b. Science
c. Basic Medical Science
d. Clinical Science
e. Renewable Resources
f. Agriculture and Forestry
g. The Social Sciences
h. Education
i. Veterinary Medicine
j. Technology
k. Pharmacy
l. Law
m. Public Health
n. Dentistry
o. Provost Postgraduate College
p. Dean, Student Affairs
q. Multi-Disciplinary Research
Directors of Institutes
a. Institute of Education
b. Institute of African Studies
c. Institute of Child Health
d. Institute of Advanced Medical Research and Training
e. Distance Learning Centre
f. General Studies Program
g. Teaching and Research Farm
h. Centre for Enterpreneural and Innovation
i. Centre for Sustainable Development
j. Yorubal Language Centre
k. International Program (OIP)
l. Research Management Office
m. Centre for Peach and Conflict Studies (CEPACS)
n. Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
o. Equipment Maintenance Centre
p. UI School of Business
q. Zoological Garden
1. The Vice-Chancellor
2. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration)
3. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
4. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (RISP)
- The Deputy Vice-Chancellor are appointed to assist the Vice-
- There is Principal Officers Meeting (POM) but not statutory
5. The Librarian
6. The Bursar
7. The Registrar
- Council has oversight function on the Administration
Sources of Income
1. IGR – Fees / Income from Internal IGR Point
2. Government Subvention
- Salaries
- Capital Votes
- Recurrent expenditure
- Tetfund Intervention for renovation and building and
- Needs / Revitalization Funds etc.

Public Procurement Act 2007

1. Establishment of National Council on Public Procurement
2. Bureau of Public Procurement
3. Principles of Procurement
4. Organization of Procurement
5. Procurement Method (Goods and Services)
6. Special and Restricted Method of Procurement
7. Procurement of Consultants Services
8. Procurement Surveillance
9. Disposal of Public Property
10. Code of Conduct
11. Offence
12. Miscellaneous

Professor Ezekiel Olusola Ayoola,

Deputy Vice Chancellor (Administration)
University of Ibadan, Ibadan

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