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Engineering Standard

SAES-Z-003 09 March 2020

Pipelines Leak Detection Systems
Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee


Summary of Changes ................................................ 2

1 Scope ................................................................... 3
2 Conflicts and Deviations ....................................... 3
3 References ........................................................... 3
4 Terminology.......................................................... 4
5 Project Execution Phases .................................... 9
6 LDS Performance Parameters ........................... 10
7 Pipeline Risk Assessment and LDS Requirement
Verification ......................................................... 13
8 Technology selection .......................................... 22
9 Functional and Design Requirements ................ 25
10 Testing and Maintenance ................................... 30
11 Responsibilities .................................................. 31
Document History .................................................... 32

Previous Revision: 15 January 2020 Next Revision: 15 January 2025

Contact: Dadasaheb Karande Page 1 of 32
©Saudi Aramco 2020. All rights reserved.
Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAES-Z-003
Publish Date: 09 March 2020
Next Revision: 15 January 2025 Pipelines Leak Detection Systems

Summary of Changes
Change Type
Paragraph (modification, Technical Change
addition, deletion)
1 All sections editorial Editorial changes carried
2 Table 1 addition Confidence factor added, earlier it was missing.
PRA Table-4
3 modification Table has been revised with standard Risk Level
Part-B matrix.
Introduced FOLDS and removed Mass Balance.
4 Technology modification
5 Table 7 addition Adding Risk Matrix Level table
6 Table 9 modification Introduced FOLDS and removed Mass Balance.
Added Sensor installation requirements to provide
7 Table 10/11 addition
clear guidance to install sensors.
Modified to accommodate reviewrs comments and
8 All sections modification
editorial changes to bring more clarity
Modified to accommodate reviewrs comments and
9 Tables modification
editorial changes to bring more clarity

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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAES-Z-003
Publish Date: 09 March 2020
Next Revision: 15 January 2025 Pipelines Leak Detection Systems

1 Scope
This standard defines the minimum mandatory requirements governing the scoping,
technology selection, design, installation, performance requirement, testing and
maintenance of Pipeline Leak Detection System (LDS). In addition, this standard details
the process of conducting Pipeline Risk Assessment (PRA). The requirement of a LDS on
a pipeline shall be verified and confirmed through a PRA. If PRA does not call for LDS
then LDS shall not be installed on a pipeline.
This standard applies to all types of new pipelines including liquid and gas hydrocarbon
pipelines, interconnecting pipelines “between the plants”, and flow/trunk lines, non-
hydrocarbon pipelines (like water) which are more than 12’’ sizes. This standards
excludes test lines (not used for continuous flow but used to test flow, quality, etc.) and
in-plant piping. In addition, this standard shall be used while conducting PRA for
existing pipelines to verify requirement of LDS installation.

2 Conflicts and Deviations

Any conflict between this document and other Applicable Mandatory Saudi Aramco
Engineering Requirements (MSAERs) shall be addressed in writing to the EK&RD
Any deviation from the requirements herein shall follow internal company procedure
SAEP-302, Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement.

3 References
The selection of material and equipment, and the design, construction, maintenance, and
repair of equipment and facilities covered by this standard shall comply with the latest
edition of the references listed below, unless otherwise noted.

3.1 Saudi Aramco References

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures
SAEP-99 Saudi Aramco Industrial Control System Security
SAEP-302 Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering
SAEP-750 Testing Procedures for Process Automation Systems (PAS)
Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards
SAES-B-064 Onshore and Nearshore Pipeline Safety
SAES-J-100 Process Measurement
SAES-J-902 Electrical Systems for Instrumentation
SAES-T-624 Telecommunications: Fiber Optic Cables for Outside Plant
(OSP) and Inter/Intra Building Applications
SAES-Z-004 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)

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Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications

23-SAMSS-030 Remote Terminal Units
34-SAMSS-820 Instrument Control Cabinet
Saudi Aramco Inspection Requirements
Form 175-343600 Inspection & Testing Requirements, Pipeline Leak
Detection System (LDS)
3.2 Industry Codes and Standards
American Petroleum Institute
API PUBL 1130 Computational Pipeline Monitoring for Liquids
API PUBL 1149 Pipeline Variable Uncertainties & Their Effects on Leak
4 Terminology
This section contains definitions for acronyms, abbreviations, classes as they are used in
this document.

4.1 Acronyms
ALARP As low as reasonably practicable
API American Petroleum Institute
BBL Barrel
CM Conditional modifiers
CMS Corrosion monitoring System
CPU Central Processing Unit
DAHS Data Acquisition and Historization System
DBSP Design Basis Scoping Paper
DCS Distributed Control System
DD Detail Design
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
FEED Frond End Engineering Design
FEL Front End Loading
FOLDS Fiber Optic LDS
FPD Facilities Planning Department
HMI Human Machine interface
ILI In line inspection
Inch Inches
KM Kilometer
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LDS Pipeline Leak Detection System

LHS Leak Hole Size
mm Millimeter
mtrs Meters
MAOP Maximum allowable operating pressure
O&M Operations & Maintenance
OSPAS Oil supply Planning and scheduling
P&CSD Process and Control Systems Department
PDI Population Density Index
PFD Process Flow Diagram
PP Project proposal
PPC Performance Parameter Categories
PRA Pipeline Risk Assessment
PSIG pounds per square inch gauge
RCM Resultant Conditional Modifiers
RER Rupture Exposure Radius (Refer SAES-B-064 for details)
RTTM Real Time Transient Modeling
RTU Remote Terminal Unit
SAPMT Saudi Aramco Project Management Team
SAT Site Acceptance Test
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SCFM Standard cubic feet per minute
SRG Sour Gas (gas concentration H2S >1% Hydrogen Sulfide)
SRL Sour Liquid (untreated hydrocarbon) >300 PPM Hydrogen
SRVL Sour Volatile Liquids (>300 ppm Hydrogen Sulfide) e.q.
light Cx components (NGL, Ethane etc.) with higher than
300 PPM H2S
SWG Sweet Gas (treated gas, i.e., sale gas with specification A-
120 (Hydrogen Sulfide, grains/100 SCF (grains/100 CM))
SWL Sweet Liquid (stabilized crude or treated condensate <300
ppm Hydrogen Sulfide)
SWVL Sweet Volatile Liquids (<300 ppm Hydrogen Sulfide) e.q.
light Cx components with no H2S or lower than 300 PPM
TIC Total Installed Cost

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4.2 Definitions
Background Noise: An unwanted process signal which is generated by non-leak sources
(e.g., pumps, compressors, flares, relief valves, jump-over valves, pressure control
valves, operation, etc.). These signals enters into LDS network and interfere with LDS
function. This may lead to LDS malfunction or affect the LDS performance since the
noise signals are similar to actual leak event.
Combustible Gas Any gas which can form an ignitable mixture with air. This gas may
include methane, ethane, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen, etc.
Combustible Liquid A liquid that has a flash point greater than 54°C. For purposes of
this Standard, the words “combustible liquid near or above its flash point” shall mean a
combustible liquid which is at any temperature above or within 8°C of its flash point.
Creeping LeakA pipeline leak which start with very small leak and increases (develops)
gradually over the time, commonly, as a result of localized corrosion (e.g., pin-hole
leaks) or pipe wall incremental cracking, also, such leaks referred as developing leak.
Engineering Design Organization: Saudi Aramco PMT or contractor’s hired by
SAPMT to perform the engineering design of the pipeline LDS.
Field processor/Data collection device/RTU: A device part of the LDS and installed in
the field, which is used to collect process variables and retransmit data to upper layer,
LDS severs. The device has capability to process all field variables and convert into
digital format, store the data and perform time synchronization with upper layer.
Field Proven: A LDS considered to be field proven when it has been installed,
commissioned, and operational in the field for a period of six months or longer
(excluding beta test periods) without major failures.
Flammable Liquid: A liquid that has a flash point equal to or less than 54°C (130°F).
Examples would be fluids such as stabilized crude, methanol, gasoline, Jet A-1, Jet JP-4,
Jet JP-8, C6, and lighter feed and blending stocks including NGL and LPG. For purposes
of this standard, a combustible liquid stored or processed at a temperature equal to or
within 8°C (15°F) of its flashpoint shall be considered to be a flammable liquid.
LDS Technology: A solution that detects pipeline leaks using sophisticated
computerized algorithms based on pressure, flow, and/or temperature of pipeline or
pipeline product release characteristics.
LDS Validation: A test which confirms that LDS is functional as per design. The test
includes calibration, health check, leak response check etc.
Leak Event: Physical leak occurrence.
Mass Balance: A leak detection method used by RTTM which continuously check
inventory within pipeline by measuring inlet and outlet flow. Two methods are used to
detect the imbalance of product inventory within pipeline; one for compressible product,
compensated method is used by measuring addition process parameters such density,
pressure and temperature. Second, un-compensated method used for less or no
compressible product. A mass balance compensated measurement is relatively complex
but provide accurate measurement using correction factors in flow measurement.

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Minor Leak: A pipeline leak which is small in nature and does not affect the production
and plant operation. Product released by minor leaks are in small fraction of total
Model based Pipeline LDS: A types of LDS algorithms which utilize a pipeline
hydraulic and mathematical model to detect the leak e.q. RTTM
Negative Pressure Wave Detection (Acoustic): A leak detection method which detects
by detecting negative pressure wave and determines leak location by calculating leak
wave travel time. A leak event generates a negative pressure wave traveling at the speed
of sound (acoustic) to pressure sensors which gives accurate leak location. Sometimes,
this technology is referred to as acoustic LDS since the pressure wave travels at the speed
of sound in the fluid, inside the pipeline.
Nuisance Signal: False leak event signal to LDS.
Operating Organization: The department responsible for operating a pipeline facility;
also referred to as proponent.
Performance Parameter: The parameters that defines the LDS functionality and
capability such as sensitivity, accuracy, reliability, confidence factor and robustness.
Performance Parameter Categories: Performance Parameters Category (PPC) is the
level of response from a LDS for a performance parameter. The PPC is broadly classified
into High, Medium, and Low where High is the best performing system.
Pinhole Leak: A pipeline leak through a small circular or elliptical size hole on pipeline.
Normally, this type leaks are considered minor in nature. Generally, main causes of
pinhole leaks pin hole leak is due to material loss because either corrosion or erosion or
manufacturing defects.
Pipeline Risk Assessment: A systematic approach of identifying and assessing the
associated risk due to pipeline leaks to people, plant, environment and assets.
Pipeline Topology: This is pipeline classification method to indicate type of pipeline
configuration. The classification is carried based on physical construction and nature of
pipeline operation such as network, looped, bidirectional flow, above ground,
underground pipeline etc. Parallel (Looped) Pipelines, two parallel pipelines connected to
each other’s at extreme end in a pipeline corridor. Networked Pipelines means multiple
pipelines interconnected.
Population Density Index (PDI) for pipeline, PDI definitions are the same as Pipelines
Location Class defined in SAES-B-064:
Class 1: Class 1 locations are undeveloped areas within the RER for which the
population density index for any 1 kilometer segment is 10 or less.
Class 2: Class 2 locations are areas within the RER for which the population
density index is 11 through 30 or pipeline sections adjacent or crossing
primary or secondary highways as defined by the Saudi Arab
Government Ministry of Transport (see clarifications below).
Location Class 2 shall extend 500 meters or the RER distance,
whichever is less, from the edge of the highway right-of-way.
The portion of subsea pipelines located between Lowest Astronomical

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Next Revision: 15 January 2025 Pipelines Leak Detection Systems

Tide (LAT) and points 0.4 kilometer on the seaward side of the LAT-
line shall be designated for location Class 2. Location Class 2 shall be
the minimum used for the portion of these pipelines located between
LAT-line and the onshore anchor.
Class 3: Class 3 locations are areas within the RER for which the population
density index is more than 30.
Class 4: Class 4 locations are areas within the RER in which a school, hospital,
hotel, prison, or shopping mall or similar retail complex, or wedding
hall is located, as well as any Class 3 areas which include buildings of
more than four occupied floors.
Real Time Transient Model: A leak detection method which use several computational
hydraulic models to detect the leak along with the mass balance as principle. It considers
conservation of mass, momentum (velocity), product inventory and energy in real time to
correlate pipeline fluid dynamics. In addition, RTTM performs entire pipeline pressure
analysis to compare present values with standard profile.
Reid Vapor Pressure: A measure of product volatility, measured in pounds per square
inch (psi) at 100°F. The higher the RVP, the more volatile the product is and therefore,
evaporates more readily (test method ASTM D6377-08 or ASTM D323-90).
Statistical Detection: A family of methods for leak detection or location that utilizes a
combination of statistical parameters of measured or estimated variables for detecting and
localizing pipeline leaks. (e.g., change in the standard deviation of a finite time series of
measured pressure values).
Sudden leak: A leak event caused due to abruptly pipe wall material fracture because of
excess pressure or pressure surge. Sudden leak develops a rapid change in pressure and
flow-rate at the leak point and generally producing a high amplitude pressure wave which
travels in both directions along the pipeline.
Total Installed Cost: The sum of the engineering, procurement, installation and
commissioning cost for an item in a project.
True Vapor Pressure: The vapor pressure of the hydrocarbon mixture at its operating
temperature (test method ASTM D2889).
Volatile: Evaporation characteristics of product. RVP and TVP provides the level of
volatility of a product.

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5 Project Execution Phases

The below steps shall be followed for LDS scoping, designing, installing and maintaining
LDS in Saudi Aramco.
1. Project shall scope a LDS for each new pipeline during the FEL2 DBSP,
irrespective of pipeline class, operating conditions and parameters.
2. During FEL3 Project Proposal, verify LDS requirement using PRA (Refer
Section-7.1). This step confirms the actual requirement of LDS for a pipeline.
a. If the PRA dos not ask for LDS then project shall provide LDS
infrastructure to install LDS in future (provision). Before selecting
LDS infrastructure option, suitable LDS technology shall be
identified using Table-9 “LDS technology selection matrix” to
match pipeline process conditions. Based on the identified
technology provide an option from below two options:
i. For convention LDS solutions: Straight run for a flow
meters, two pressure sensor and one temp sensor process
connections at inlet and outlet. Intermediate pressure sensor
connections at valve stations. If process connections or
actual instruments are already available then additional
provision is not required.
ii. For FOLDS: A full pipeline length fiber optic cable shall
installed along with pipeline in same trench with 20-50 CM
apart from pipeline.
b. If the PRA confirms LDS requirement then continue to the next
3. Identify the PPC of LDS for the pipeline using PRA Tables- 4-A&B and
4. Verify that a suitable LDS technology is available and select the fit-for-
purpose technology to meet the PPC.
5. Design the LDS system using Section-8 and Section-9 of this standard and
project FSD requirements.
6. Install/commission LDS system as per approved project documentations.
7. Maintain the LDS system as per plant operating procedure and revalidate LDS
functionality regularly as specified in Section-10 of this standard.

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6 LDS Performance Parameters

6.1 The LDS system functionality and capability defined using LDS performance parameters
such as sensitivity, reliability, location accuracy, robustness and confidence factors which
are defined as follows:
6.1.1 Sensitivity: Sensitivity is a composite measure of the minimum spilled
/released leak volume (usually in BBL or SCFM) and the time (usually in
minutes) for which the LDS system shall generate a reliable alert as a leak.
6.1 2 Reliability: Reliability is a measure of the LDS system ability to continue
detecting and locating leaks without generating false alarms, when pipeline
operating conditions are within the envelop of the LDS design.
6.1 3 Location (Spatial) Accuracy: LDS location accuracy is parameter to
indicate the closeness to LDS indicated location to the actual leak location.
6.1.4 Confidence Factor: Confidence Factor is the success rate of LDS system to
detect actual leaks. It is calculated in percentage, a Confidence Factor 99
means that out of 100 actual leaks, 99 leaks shall be detected by the LDS.
Confidence factor and reliability plays an important role in making quick
appropriate decisions.
6.1.5 Robustness: Robustness is a measure of the LDS ability to continue to
function as designed even some of component are not functioning or
available. Robustness is classified into three category and defined as follows:
High: Single component failure anywhere in the system shall not result in
the loss of the LDS ability to detect a leak. Loss of a field
sensor/communication link shall not degrade performance. Failed
component details shall be alarmed and logged in the system.
Medium: Loss of a component or failure anywhere in the system may
reduce accuracy and/or sensitivity of detecting leaks by one level
e.g., high to medium, however, system shall keep functioning.
Failed component details shall be alerted to operator and logged in
the system.
Low: Loss of a field sensor/communication link may cause failure to
detect some leaks, however LDS shall be able to alert operator
about the failed part.

6. 2 LDS Performance Parameters Category for Product Type

Performance Parameters Category (PPC) is the level of response from a LDS for a
performance parameter. For each performance parameter, performance is categorized in
three levels: Low, Medium and High. Table 1 lists the minimum PPC requirements for
different product group for different Population Density Index (PDI).

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Table 1: Generic PPC Requirements for Different Product Group vs PDI Classes

Performance Product Type and PPC

Sensitivity Low Low Low Low Low Low
Class 1

Reliability Low Low Low Low Low Low

Accuracy Low Low Low Low Low Low
Robustness Low Low Low Low Low Low
Confidence Factor Low Low Low Low Low Low
Sensitivity Low Medium Low Medium Low Medium
Class 2

Reliability Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium

Accuracy Low Low Low Low Low Low
Robustness Low Medium Low Medium Low Medium
Confidence Factor Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium
Sensitivity Medium High Medium High High High
Class 3

Reliability Medium High Medium High High High

Accuracy Medium High Medium High High High
Robustness Medium High Medium High Medium High
Confidence Factor High High High High High High
Sensitivity High High High High High High
Class 4

Reliability High High Medium High High High

Accuracy High High Medium High High High
Robustness High High Medium High High High
Confidence Factor High High High High High High

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The PPC requirement varies with operating pressure; Table 2 defines each PPC category
for different pipeline operating pressure.
Table 2: LDS PPC Requirements for Liquid and Gas Pipelines

Pipeline Operating LDS Performance Parameter Requirements

Performance Pressure
Category Sensitivity*1 Reliability Location Robustness Confidence
Range in Accuracy in Mtr *2
PSIG Maximum factor
(PPC) Max time to Min. volume L-Liquid
false alarm
detect min. release to G-Gas
per year
volume leak detect leak

High > 600 psig 100 BBL ± 200 mtrs (L)

8 minutes One High 99
50 MSCF ± 750 mtrs (G)
300-600 100 BBL ± 200 mtrs (L) High
13 minutes One 99
psig 50 MSCF ± 750 mtrs (G)
< 300 psig 100 BBL ± 200 mtrs (L) High
18 minutes One 99
50 MSCF ± 750 mtrs (G)
Medium > 600 psig 200 BBL ± 1000 mtrs (L)
16 minutes Two Medium 98
100 MSCF ± 1500 mtrs (G)
300-600 200 BBL ± 1000 mtrs (L) Medium
19 minutes Two 98
psig 100 MSCF ± 1500 mtrs (G)
< 300 psig 200 BBL ± 1000 mtrs (L) Medium
24 minutes Two 97
100 MSCF ± 1500 mtrs (G)
Low > 600 psig 400 BBL ± 2000 mtrs (L)
26 minutes Five Low 96
200 MSCF ± 2500 mtrs (G)
300-600 400 BBL ± 2000 mtrs (L) Low
32 minutes Five 96
psig 200 MSCF ± 2500 mtrs (G)
< 300 psig 400 BBL ± 2000 mtrs (L) Low
38 minutes Five 96
200 MSCF ± 2500 mtrs (G)
1: Maximum time or minimum volume to detect the leak if leak flowrate is above the following:
For Liquid: 6 BBL/minute or 3 % of total flow rate whichever is less.
For Gas: 3000 SCFM or 4 % of total flow rate whichever is less.
The above sensitivity calculation is based on 100 BBL, the minimum quantity or volume of leaked product
through a hole. 100 BBL is 10 % of minor leak incident as stated in the GI.002.401, GI.006.001 and
2. Refer Robustness PPC definitions in Section 6.1.5

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7 Pipeline Risk Assessment and LDS Requirement Verification

Pipeline risk assessment (PRA) is a systematic approach of identifying and assessing the
associated risk due to pipeline leaks to people, plant, environment and assets from a
specialized team. Representatives from LPD (Process Support Group), Proponent,
Pipelines, SAPMT, EDO (pipelines and process disciplines), and P&CSD are PRA team
members and their attendance is required to complete PRA. The PRA verifies the
effectiveness of the existing and future safeguards including LDS. In addition, PRA
check whether LDS can reduce or eliminate the identified risks to acceptable level and
confirms the requirement of LDS to a pipeline. EPD inputs are required for pipelines
which pass through environmental sensitive area and sea or nearby seashore.
The PRA workshop shall be conducted for each new pipeline during FEL3 project
proposal stage. For existing pipelines, PRA shall be conducted based on the criticality
(pipeline age, product type and area classification) defined and identified by pipeline
7.1 The following general guidelines shall be followed to conduct PRA for a pipeline.
1. Host of PRA (SAPMT / EDO / proponents) shall invite all stakeholders for the
PRA workshop.
2. Host of PRA shall fill all pipeline data in Table-4-Part-A format. Filled Table-4A
along with following essential documents shall be shared with all stakeholders
(PRA team) in advance by at least five (5) working days. The list of essential
documents for PRA:
a) Process description which includes PDI, process parameters and objective of
b) Pipeline P&ID and PFD
c) Location layout with clear marking of various facilities and RER
d) At the beginning of PRA workshop, the host shall describe the overall facility
description, pipeline process, and existing safeguards available in the design.
3. Generic Initiate Causes and Consequences are listed in Table-4-Part-B; the PRA
team shall review, modify and add if required based on actual pipeline condition.
4. The PRA team shall evaluate each consequence of an initiating cause and record the
analysis in Table-4-Part-B with the following:
a. Analyze the impact of each initiating cause and its consequence to people,
operation, neighboring community, and environment. Using Table 7, identify
the appropriate Severity Risk Level for each consequence. For all initiating
causes, consider the maximum amount of product spilled /released until the leak
detection by existing methods. Some of the existing detecting methods to be
considered are operation, inspection, and patrolling personnel, analyzers, or any
third party or process monitoring parameters such as pressure, flow, surge
pressure, gas detectors, etc.
b. For each initiating cause and consequence, assess all available non-LDS
safeguards and examine their effectiveness to minimize or eliminate the risk
severity. In addition, correct the risk level by applying conditional modifiers in

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case of the likelihood of risk is depending on multiple prerequisite conditions

which varies with circumstances.
c. If non-LDS safeguards are not enough (i.e. gap is identified) and pipeline
operation carries inherent Risk Level 8 and above then evaluate weather LDS
can reduce the identified risk to an acceptable level. Refer to Table 7 for Risk
Note: Risk matrix from SAER-5437 is used to make all PRA consistently and
alignment with company used methodology. According to SAER-5437, Risk Level 9
and 10 are intolerable, however, for LDS, Risk Level 8 is considered intolerable since
LDS is an advisiory system and not risk mitigation method.
d. If LDS can minimize the risk to the acceptable level then propose LDS with
required minimum PPC by referring to Table 1 and 2. If required, the PRA team
can propose a more stringent (higher) PPC than Table 1 and 2 in case of bigger
risks. At any case, the PPC for a pipeline shall not be lower than specified in the
Table 1 and 2.
e. Verify that suitable LDS technology is available to meet the required PPC using
Section-8. If single technology does not meet the PPC then consider hybrid
LDS (more one LDSs) to achieve the desired PPC.
f. If suitable LDS technology is not available to meet the PPC requirements or /
and pipeline operating conditions then alternative methods shall be deployed to
eliminate the associated risk, refer Table 3, Risk Mitigation Matrix.
g. The PRA Host shall develop a detailed PRA report to summarize the LDS risk
assessment, LDS PPC requirement and technology selection. The report shall
be reviewed and concurred by the entire PRA team.
7.2 Verification: LDS requirement and PPC
a. Using Chart-1, run all transitions of Chart-1 using information recorded in
Table-4 Parts-A and verify that PRA PPC is the same or higher than Chart
b. Verify the LDS technology available to meets the required PPC. If single
LDS technology does not meet the required PPC then consider Hybrid LDS.
Even if, Hybrid LDS does not provide required PPC, then propose to
redesign pipeline to reduce or eliminate the identified gap.
Table 3: Pipeline Risk Mitigation Hierarchy
High Pipeline re-design
Special pipeline integrity inspection and testing

Corrosion monitoring, frequent inspection and maintenance and patrol



LDS monitoring with operator action

Low Process control monitoring- SCADA systems for pipeline

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Table 4: Risk Assessment and LDS Requirement Structure for Pipeline Hazards

Table-4 Part-A: Pipeline (PL) details

PL Name: Coating on PL Product Name: PL Inlet Pressure: Min- Op- Max.
PL start plant: Number of isolation valves Product Phase (Single/Multi) PL Outlet Pressure: Min- Op- Max.
along PL:
PL end plant: Batch operation (Y/N): Condensate possibility and frequency: Flow (Min- Op- Max.)
Is PL in corridor PL Network operation (Y/N): Gas Volume Fraction/Gas Oil Ratio (Max/Min): Temp (Min- Op- Max.)
Length: Scraping Frequency: Product type (sweat/sour ): Any other information about pipeline
Size: ILI Inspection rate / year: H2S content %:
H2S ppm Level:
Pipeline design Cathodic protection and Toxicity Level(*1):
factor: corrosion inhibitors:
PL under/above Patrolling Frequency in days: Flammability Type(*1):
PL Onshore Alternative PL or hold time for Pipeline PDI Class and RER Does PL pass through environmental
/Offshore: product at downstream & Segment #1 (PDI & RER): sensitive area (if yes, provide details):
upstream: Segment #2..n (PDI & RER):
PL material: Operator availability (attend Max. RER: Record consequences if pipeline is
PL MOAP: flow / pressure alarms all the time at down for standard repair duration.
OSPAS/Plant Level)
Upstream side and Downstream side:
Process Instrumentations
Inlet: Outlet: Intermediate connections Connected to plant / OSPAS Remark
Flow Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N
Pressure Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N
Temp Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N

1. Define the product flammability and toxicity using CHB/MSDS/ Hazcom label/ NFPA 704 fire diamond,
environmental standards

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Table-4 Part-B: Risk Assessment (initiating cause and hazard analysis)

SN 1 2*N1 3*N2 4 5*N3 6*N3 7*N4 8*N5 9*N6 10*N6 11*N7 12*N8 13*N9 14*N9 15
Initiating Cause Initiating Consequence Consequ Likelihood of Risk Available Likelihood & Condition Risk Level Methods of Risk Level after Is Risk level > 8 & Is LDS required and Remark
cause ence Consequence Level Safeguard Risk Level modifiers list after detecting leaks correcting detection does LDS minimize what are PPC (Action)
frequency Severity s after and Resultant correcting other than methods and GAP risk level<8 & What
safeguards CM(RCM) RCM LDS description risk level
1 Leak by Fire 1 CM1=….. LDS minimize risk: LDS required: Y/N
2 CM2=….. Yes/No. Sensitivity:___
corrosion (LHS1) Risk level w/LDS:
3 CMn=….. Reliability:___
RCM= ____ Accuracy:___
Confidence factor:_
+more if require
2 Leak by Fire
corrosion (LHS2) Explosion
+more if require
3 Excavation Fire
danger: *N10 Explosion
(LHS1) Flood
+more if require
4 Excavation Fire
danger *N10 Explosion
(LHS2) Flood
+more if require
5 Possibility of Fire
external threat Explosion
like unlawful Flood
activity (LHS1) Toxic/poison
+more if require
6 Possibility of Fire
external threat Explosion
like unlawful Flood
activity (LHS2) Toxic/poison

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+more if require
7 Failure of Fire
auxiliary Explosion
equipment of Flood
PL*N11 Toxic/poison
8 Parallel pipeline As above
risk e.g. leak or
9 Total Pipeline As above
rupture *N12
10 Fire at nearby As above
11 Land instability As above
12 Rain, flooding As above
13 Abnormal As above
(excess- P/F/vib.)
14 +other risks

Table-4 Part-C: Risk assessment Summary

LDS performance category (PPC): Are existing safeguards sufficient to risks? Y/N
Sensitivity: (Max. Detectable time & min flow) Is LDS required? Y/N
Reliability: Is LDS suitable technology available to meet PPC? Y/N
Accuracy: Is LDS required and recommended Y/N
Robustness: Verify LDS requirement using “Chart-1” Y/N
Confidence factor: Verify LDS PPC requirement using “Chart-1” Y/N
Sizes: LHS1 (*13)
: Pipeline leak hole size (LHS) less than 18 mm or leak flow rate less than 3% of total flow (whichever is lower)
LHS2(*13): Pipeline leak hole size more than 18 mm or leak flow rate higher than 3% of total flow (whichever is higher)
N1. Initiating event frequency is occurrence of leak due to the initiating cause. Initiating cause frequency shall be different than likelihood of consequences, not all initiating causes creates a hazardous
consequences therefore initiating cause frequency shall be equal or higher than likelihood of consequences. Refer Table 7 for both values. Use Saudi Aramco historical data for likelihood without
any safeguards, if data is not available then use industry standard data or PRA team agreed frequency.
N2. The listed consequences, (a) fire, (b) explosion, (c) flood, (d) toxic/poisoning, (e.) contamination are known and common. However, PRA team can add more in the list if PRA teams feels there is
need to do so. In addition, if project has dispersion model then it can be used to identify the risk level for explosion and fire hazard. Otherwise, use team agreeable risk level for particular
N3. Use Table Table-7 (extracted from SAER-5437 “Guidelines for Conducting HAZOP Studies”) to define the Risk Level (risk ranking) for the initiating cause. The likelihood consequences is without
N4. Available safeguards like patrolling, ILI, corrosion monitoring system, corrosion inhibitor, design factor, and operation processes etc.
N5. The likelihood of consequences is with safeguards, the safeguards which will reduce likelihood of consequence or initiating cause.
N6. Refer section 7.2 for calculating RCM for various conditions.
N7. Security patrolling, Operation inspection, pressure profile monitoring, flow meter reading, analyzers, gas detectors etc. are considered alternative leak detection methods apart from LDS

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N8. Evaluate risk gaps in the pipeline leak condition such as leak will be undetected xx days or minor fire or process upset or major fire etc.
N9. It is recommended to have LDS on a pipeline if Risk Level is 8 and above after taking credit to all safeguards and adjusting the RCM. Select PPC using Table-2.
N10. It is assumed that workforces or workforce leader is fully aware about the nearby pipelines and trained to report the incident to right authority and aware about all safety procedures.
N11. Equipment installed on pipeline such as MOV, EIV packing gaskets, flanges, process instruments & sampling connections, etc.
N12. LDS will give false alarm in case of pipeline rupture due to process upset / inadvertent closure of MOV/EIV etc. Such leaks can be detected by pressure/flow drop monitoring if pipeline equipped
with such instruments. Most of cases LDS is ineffective in rupture condition.
N13. Below graph-1 & 2 provides for approximate flow calculation through various leak hole sizes.

Table 5: Liquid Flowrate through 18 mm, 25 800

Hole 18 mm
mm and 50 mm Holes at Different Pressure
Grapg1: Liquid flow rate Hole 25 mm
Flowrate in 1000 L/hr
Hole 50 mm
Pressure Hole 18 Hole 25 Hole 50
in PSI mm mm mm 600

Flow rate in 1000 L / hr

100 22.9 44 176
200 33.3 60 241
300 38 73 292
400 43.5 84 336
500 48.5 93 374 300
600 53.06 102 409
700 57.2 110 441 200
800 61 117 471
900 64.3 124 500 100
1000 68.18 131 526
1500 83.3 160 642 0
2000 96 185 741 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1500 2000
Pressure in PSI

Table 6: Air flowrate through 18mm, 25mm

and 50 mm holes at different pressure
100 Grapg2: Gas flow rate Hole 18 mm
Flowrate in 1000SCFM 90 Hole 25 mm
Pressure in Hole Hole 25 Hole 50 Hole 50 mm
PSI 18 mm mm mm
Flow rate in 1000SCFM

100 0.699 1.3 5.3 70

200 1.3 2.5 10
300 1.9 3.6 14.7 60
400 2.5 4.8 19.4
500 3.1 6 24 50
600 3.7 7.1 28.7 40
700 4.3 8.3 33.4
800 4.9 9.5 38.1 30
900 5.5 10.7 42.8
1000 6.1 11.8 47.5 20
1500 9.1 17.7 70.9
2000 12.2 23.5 94.3
200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1500 2000
Pressure in PSI
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Table 7: Risk Matrix Level (from SAER-5437 Guidelines for Conducting HAZOP Studies)
Likelihood / Frequency LOW MEDIUM HIGH
Never Some Incident Happens Happens

heard in incidents has several several
Severity/Consequence industry in occurred times per times per
industry in year in year in
Class Description company company facility
No injury or damage to health
1 No or slight environmental effect/damage within a system
Slight equipment damage and/or operational impact with costs up to $10 K 1 2 3 4 5
No reputation impact and no public concern
Minor employee injury or damage to health not affecting work performance nor
requiring treatment beyond first aid
2 Minor environmental effect or contamination within the plant fence with no
permanent effect 2 3 6 7 8
Minor equipment damage and/or operational impact with costs up to $100 K
Slight reputation impact and no public concern. Public or media awareness may exist
Employee serious injury or health effect that can result in lost workdays , restricted

Risk Level
work, or irreversible health effects
3 Localized environmental effect within the plant fence with limited damage and
spontaneous recovery 3 6 7 8 9
Partial equipment damage and/or operational impact with costs up to $1 million
Regional public or media attention, causing considerable reputation impact
Single employee fatality or permanent total disability, or some impact on third party
4 Severe environmental damage to be extensively restored with no significant lasting
Major equipment damage and/or operational impact with costs up to $10 million
4 7 8 9 10
National public or media attention
Multiple employee or third party fatalities
5 Persistent environmental damage extending over a large public area
Significant equipment damage and/or operational impact with costs above $10
5 8 9 10 10
International public or media attention, with potentially severe impact

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7.3 Condition Modifier

Resultant Conditional Modifier (RCM) needs to be calculated for PDI Class I & II only.
For Class III and IV, RCM shall one (1.0). Certain conditions shall be met or conditional
modifiers present at the time of a leak in order for an initiating cause to result in a credible
consequence (event scenario). These conditions or conditional modifiers may vary
depending upon the process state and time. The lower in magnitude of these conditions
will reduce the likelihood of the actual consequence. An absence of these conditions may
eliminate or reduce likelihood of the actual consequence from the initiating cause.
Therefore, it is necessary to develop these Conditional Modifiers (CM) and their
probabilities into event scenarios using e.g. the aid of an event tree. Since, the resulting
consequence is realized only when all conditions are met, it is necessary to calculate
RCM by multiplying all CMs together to get the RCM. If the RCM is less than 0.5, then
Risk Level shall be reduced by one order of magnitude.
Following are general guidelines for CMs.
Table 8: CM Generic List
Condition CM Condition CM
Probability of occupancy in: Class-I PDI 0.6 Probability of ignition in: Gas/NGL 0.9
Probability of occupancy in: Class-II PDI 0.8 Probability of ignition in: Liquid 0.8
Gas 0.6 Gas 0.4
Gas with heavy Probability of cloud Gas with heavy
Probability of cloud 0.7 0.6
components formation or H2S components
formation or H2S Exposure:
NGL 0.8 Exposure: NGL 0.7
1. In wind speed less than 5
1. In wind with speed 5
KM/hr Liquid Volatile 0.75 Liquid Volatile 0.6
KM/hr and more
2. LHS1
Stabilized Liquid 0.5 2. LHS1 Stabilized Liquid 0.3
H2S Exposure 0.9 H2S Exposure 0.8
Gas 0.8 Gas 0.6
Probability of cloud
Probability of cloud Gas with heavy Gas with heavy
0.9 formation or H2S 0.8
formation or H2S Exposure: components components
1. In wind speed less than 5 NGL 1 NGL 1
1. In wind with speed 5
KM/hr Liquid Volatile 1 Liquid Volatile 0.9
KM/hr and more
2. LHS2 Stabilized Liquid 0.7 Stabilized Liquid 0.4
2. LHS2
H2S Exposure 1 H2S Exposure 1
Calculation method of RCM
RCM = Probability of condtion1 (CM1) x Probability of condition2 (CM2) x….x Probability of
condition (CMn)

Examples of calculating RCM:

a. A pipeline leak occurs near road in a Class-1 area and product contains H2S. The road is
elevated and has good wind speed (20km/hr) throughout year, below example of
calculating RCM for having hazard (H2S) due to leak small leak.
RCM = Probability of occupancy (0.6) x Probability of H2S on road due to road elevation (0.9) x
Probability of H2S exposure (0.8)
RCM =0.432
b. A pipeline leak occurs near road in a Class-2 area and product contains NGL. The road is
elevated and wind is not throughout year, RCM for having hazard due to for big leak.
RCM = Probability of occupancy (.8) x Probability of Ignition (0.9) x Probability of Cloud formation (1)
RCM = 0.72

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7.4 Using below Chart-1, verify PPC in PRA Table-4 Parts-A are the same or higher than
Chart PPC.
Chart-1: LDS PPC Category Verification

PL Data (Table-4-A)

Hazardous and/or Y PL Class

PL Class II and N
Y N Hazardous and/or
Flammable product III or IV y
y *4 y Flammable product


Is PL critical for
N PL size > 10” N
company? y and Not HC y PL > 15 years old
and PL passes through
enviromentally T
Y sensitive area a
y T
y b
a Y l
N PRA N b e
y PRA PPC# High PPC#Medium(*1 )
(*1) y l -
e 4
- -
Y 4
y Y P
- a Note *5
Is LDS technology P
available for required PPC N r
Is LDS technology a t
and PL Process conditions? y Y available for required PPC
*3 r -
and PL Process conditions?
t N
*3 B
- technology
N available for required PPC y
Y y B
and PL Process conditions?
N y *3

To have alternative
LDS Required LDS Required solutions or redesign PL LDS Required LDS is not Required.
PPC# High (*1) PPC# Medium PPC# Low However, LDS infrastructure to
since available LDS does be installed for future LDS *2
not provide PPC required
for mitigation.
Abbreviations in flow chart:
PPC: Performance Parameter Criteria Y: Yes (True)
PL: Pipeline N: No (False)
HC: Hydrocarbon

1. Refer to risk assessment summary Table-4-C and compare PPC
2. Follow the PRA recommendations.
3. Refer to Section-8 for LDS selection.
4. Refer to NFPA 704 fire diamond or CHB for definition for flammability classification. More than 3 flammability rating shall be treated high
5. Is pipeline: a) carries product to airbase or export or distribution hub or loading ships or b) product delivery to customer severely affects if
pipeline down for standard repair duration due to leak or c) The leak initiating cause is frequent on similar type of pipelines or d) pipeline
passes through environmental sensitive area where leakage may cause irreversible damage to species or area.

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8 Technology selection
8.1 Select a “Fit-for-Purpose” LDS technology by referring Table 9 “LDS Selection
Matrix” to meet the PRA (Table-4 Part-C) PPC requirements for entire pipeline
operating conditions (pressure, temperature, density, flow, and product composition).
8. 2 For existing pipelines, consider TIC as one of the factor while selecting the LDS
8.3 If single LDS technology cannot meet the required PPC then more than two LDS
solutions (Hybrid LDS) can be used for an entire pipeline or a specific segment to meet
the PPC.
8.4 The LDS shall be selected from the below approved LDS technologies, the selected
technology shall be field proven before use in Saudi Aramco facilities:
1. Negative pressure wave detection (acoustic): Negative pressure wave detection based
on a negative pressure wave which is created by a leak event. Negative pressure wave
LDS follows API PUBL 1130 for configuration and design.
2. RTTM: RTMM is models base LDS where multiple models are used along with mass
balance method as basic model. In addition, it use statistical analysis to locate the leak
location. RTMM follows API PUBL 1130 for configuration and design.
3. FOLDS: Fiber Optic Leak Detection System (FOLDS) uses fiber optic cable as the
sensing element. It uses a change in the physical property of fiber optic cables to
detect the leak.

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Table 9: LDS Selection Matrix

Pipeline Line size “S”inch Pressure (P) PSIG/other Real Time Transient Negative Pressure Fiber Optic *3
type conditions Model *1 (NP) /Acoustic *2
GAS All sizes Liquid content *5 > 4% Not work Not work Good
All sizes 2% < Liquid content*5 < 4% Average Poor Good
All sizes Liquid content*5 <2% Average Average Good
All sizes Liquid content *5 <0.5% Good Good Good
All sizes Plant Noise Good Average Good
All sizes Offshore/Subsea pipelines*4 Average Average NA
S ≤ 16” P < 200 Good Poor/Not work Poor
S ≤ 16” 200<P<300 Good Average Average
S ≤ 16” P >300 Good Good Good
S ≥16” P <300 Good Poor Average
S ≥16” 300 < P <500 Good Average Good
S ≥16” P >500 Good Good Good
Liquid All sizes Gas content *5 > 2% Poor Not work Good
All sizes Gas content*5 < 2% Average Poor Good
All sizes No Gas content*5 or < 0.1% Good Good Good
All sizes Plant Noise Good Average Good
All sizes Offshore/Subsea pipelines*4 Average Average NA
S ≤ 16” P < 100 Good Not work Average
S ≤ 16” 100< P < 180 Good Average Average
S ≥16” P < 180 Good Not work Average
All sizes P>180 Good Good Good
1. Following are considerations for RTTM technology:
a) Leak detection degrades with increasing liquid content in gas pipelines and gas content in liquid pipelines due to uncertain flowmeter accuracy.
b) Flowmeter accuracy shall be ±1.25% or better for gas and ±1.75% or better for liquid.
c) For pipelines sizes above 36 inches, matching flowmeter size availability shall be confirmed before selecting RTTM.
d) Installing flow meter on existing pipeline requires plant shutdown.
e) RTTM provides good results to multiphase product only if the suitable flow meter is available.
f) RTTM technology performance is not severely affected by plant noise if the following operating conditions can be anticipated and corrected in the
models to eliminate or minimize the noise effect:

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i. High plant noise
ii. Frequent Pump start/stop, however, continuous flow is expected
iii. Frequent changing compressors, however, continuous flow is expected
iv. Pressure variations due to diversion and merger of flow
v. Flaring operation
vi. Frequent Scraper tracking
vii. Corrosion treatments and frequent injecting the liquids/chemicals.
2. Following are considerations for Negative Pressure technology:
a) Minimum pressure shall be 300 psi for Gas and 180 psi for Liquid for best performance.
b) Fast leak detection technology(3-9 mins),
c) Detect the leak in “no flow condition”(provided pressure is maintained in Note-2a),
d) Max. distance between two sensors shall not exceed, refer Table-11 for details.
e) Performance affect by heavy process upsets, plant noise conditions, low pressure and biphase product. The noise either creates multiple false alarms
or does not respond to actual leak due to higher threshold.
f) For gas application, liquid content affects NP LDS performance since the pressure wave energy attenuates rapidly with increasing liquid content as
well as liquid settlement. The liquid accumulation condition disturbs the wave or creates noise in gas pipeline.
g) Gas content in liquid pipeline affects the NP LDS performance since negative pressure wave energy attenuates rapidly with increasing with gas
content and create process noise.
3. FOLDS works only on underground pipelines which has pressure more than 200 PSI for liquid and 250 PSI for gas pipelines. FOLDS is not suitable for above
ground pipeline. Also, installing FO cable need to be assessed properly before selecting FOLDS on exiting pipeline.
4. LDS can be deployed or recommended only if required instrumentation installation infrastructure is available /possible. NP and FOLDS LDS may not provide
desired results due to water current noise and wave energy attenuation, cable installation limitation. RTTM perform better than other LDS types since it works
on mass balance principles and mathematical models.
5. Volume fraction at operating conditions

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9 Functional and Design Requirements

9.1 The LDS shall be designed with minimum to provide location of a leak, record all
events with time stamp, generate operator alert/alarms and categorize the magnitude of
Note: The LDS is an advisory system; it cannot prevent a leak and only alerts to
operator about a leak. The LDS is not intended to take any automatic action to mitigate
the risk after a leak detection or alarm. The effectiveness of LDS depends on operator
actions and correct mitigation procedures. Therefore, LDS shall not be considered as a
primary safety measure for loss containment purpose.
9. 2 The LDS shall be selected and designed to meet the required PPC of a pipeline as
identified by PRA.
9.3 The LDS shall be designed to deliver consistent performance to entire pipeline
operating conditions including pipeline length and pipeline operating range.
9.4 Each LDS layer / component shall be carefully designed since overall LDS performance
depends on the combined performance of all three layers. Existing components are
allowed to share with other LDS if it has enough spare capacity to meet the LDS intent.
The details each layer is described as below:
1. Field Layer: This is lowest layer which read and store the process information
using field sensors/ instrumentation, data collection devices or field processing
unit, RTU etc. The selection, design and installation of these field instruments
shall meet the 23-SAMSS-030, SAES-J-100 and SAES-J-902.
2. Communication Layer: This is middle layer which transfer process data from
lower layer to upper layer. The component includes network switches,
communication links such as fiber or other transportation infrastructure. The
selection, design and installation of these communication components shall meet
the SAES-Z-004, and SAES-T-624.
3. Main Process Layer: In this is layer, LDS algorithms are executed and data
presented in a meaningful way to the operator and upper level. The components
includes central processing hardware, database servers, HMI devices, application
software and LDS algorithm models. The selection, design and installation of
these communication components shall meet the SAES-Z-004 and 34-SAMSS-
820. The LDS application layer shall be designed to meet API PUBL 1149.
9.5 The LDS shall be designed to interface as stated in the FSD. The various integrating
methods are illustrated below figure to share the resources with other PAS systems:

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Figure 1: LDS Architecture Main Components

9.6 Following criteria shall be followed for selecting and designing the LDS field layers:
i. All field devices shall meet all pipeline process conditions and electrical area
classification stated in 23-SAMSS-030, SAES-J-100 and SAES-J-902.
ii. All LDS instruments of identical purposes shall be the same make and model to
get the better life cycle management.
iii. Additional instrumentation shall be considered for the following applications if
a) To detect scraping operation.
b) Flow diversion / unification detection
c) Normal operation / background noise / transient background noise to false-
alarms rejection methods.
d) Relief systems operation
e) Networked pipelines: at every tie-in point, incoming and outgoing pipeline.
f) Parallel (“looped”) pipelines and jump over lines: to detect the parallel
iv. Costly new installation shall be avoided or considered in TIC, such as excavation,
HVAC shelters and hot tapping for instrument installation.
v. The LDS field devices and communication infrastructure may be dedicated for
LDS or shared with other automation systems like DCS or SCADA etc.
vi. It is recommend to use existing infrastructure and equipment of all layers
whenever LDS design remains viable and cost effective. However, LDS vendor or
contractor has to ensure the existing infrastructure’s accuracy, repeatability,
measurement resolution, communication reliability, bandwidth and sampling
frequency does not affect LDS performance.
vii. The distance between two sensors shall be determined based on the leak signal to
noise ratio and meets the required PPC. Table 8 shows the generic rules of
instrumentation or sensor spacing.

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Table 10: Sensor Installation Requirements

LDS Technology Sensor type Location Max. distance between two sensors
RTTM: conventional Flow Inlet (1) and outlet (1) NA
and advanced models Pressure Inlet (2), outlet (2) and valve station 40 KM
(1) based on design
Temp Inlet (1) and outlet (1) NA
Fiber Optic Leak Fiber Optic Along pipeline: 20-50 CM away from pipeline
detection system cable Gas- 10-2 o’clock position (preferred) (optimum)
(FOLDS) Liquid- 4-8 o’clock position(preferred)
Negative (acoustic) Pressure Inlet (2), outlet (2) and valve station (1) 25 KM for condition-1 (Table-11)
pressure wave detection based on design 40 KM for condition-2(Table-11)
Table 11: Sensor Installation Conditions

PL Size Gas Pressure P psi Liquid Pressure P psi

Condition-1 S ≤ 16” 200<P<300 100< P < 180
S ≥16” 300 < P <500 180< P < 250
Condition-2 S ≤ 16” P >300 P>180
S ≥16” P >500 P>250
9.7 Scalability: The system shall be modular in design. This means the same hardware is
used for small, medium and large LDS configurations, with expansion being based on
adding components in the field.
9.8 Spare capacity: LDS shall be designed with future expansion capacity. LDS
infrastructure such as collection devices / field processors, communication
infrastructure and central process layer shall have minimum of installed 20% spare
9.9 At any point of time, the system (server) memory utilization shall not exceed 50% of its
capacity, while CPU utilization of the LDS Servers and workstations shall not exceed
9.10 The LDS shall resume its functionality automatically, with full leak detection
capability, within 3 minutes after power restored or communication is reestablished.
9.11 The LDS system shall have the capability to time synchronize all connected
subsystems. Time deviation shall not exceed 100 milliseconds with master time server.
The time synchronization can be achieved with master clock configuration or individual
GPS system.
9.12 The LDS system shall not use software or hardware locking mechanisms that restrict
the user from copying the application software and rebooting (starting up) the system.
9.13 The LDS operation and maintenance shall not be dependent on license renewal.
9.14 The LDS shall be designed to back up the application program and configuration of
LDS Main Processors, Site Processors and LDS server. This backup will used to restore
the application/configuration in case of any emergency. The backup shall be stored on
one of server and take its copy into removable media devices such as portable hard disk.
9.15 The LDS network design shall be fault tolerant communication configuration which
prevents a single point of failure.

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9.16 The LDS shall be designed to display the following information continuously or
whenever required:
a) Pipeline topology based on PFD.
b) Leak event and operator alarm.
c) The leak event details leak location, topographical locations coordinates, leak
point on pipeline routing map, leak intensity (big, medium, small) etc.
d) System diagnostics information.
e) Health of field instrumentations and communication equipment.
f) Display the connected process data like pressure, flow direction operating
pressure, flow rates, temperature, MAOP, etc.
9.17 The LDS shall be designed to print the leak topographical location coordinates from the
designated operator workstation automatically upon leak detection.
9.18 The LDS shall be designed to display, export and print a specified leak event detail
report and customized report.
9.19 The LDS shall be designed to export the database or event log in a predefined format.
9.20 The LDS shall be designed to log all leak alerts, events, operator and engineering
actions, field instrument faults and communication fault alarms in LDS database. The
same data shall be retain for at least 60 days.
9.21 The LDS shall be designed to archive historical data of actual leaks detected, suspected
or filtered events, etc.
9.22 The LDS shall be designed to provide online LDS retuning to match field conditions.
9.23 The LDS shall be designed to simulate a leak from field sensor to LDS server to
confirm the functionality of LDS entire system.
9.24 The LDS shall be designed to send leak alarms to the DAHS at OSPAS and/or Pipelines
Control Center.
9.25 The LDS shall be designed to interface with third party systems such as DCS, SCADA
and CMS.
9.26 LDS server and workstation shall meet SAEP-99 requirements.
9.27 The LDS performance shall not be affected by extreme environmental conditions and
shall be verified by environmental impact analysis to ensure that LDS performance will
not be affected due to extreme cases such as temperature, humidity, air containment,
land, water, energy, and noise level. Temperature rating of all LDS component shall
comply with 34-SAMMS-820 and all enclosures shall be designed according to relevant
sections of 34-SAMMS-820.
9.28 Heat dissipation calculations shall be submitted for all cabinet/enclosure that houses
heat dissipation equipment such as servers, power supplies, workstations or other heat
generating components. The heat dissipation calculations shall be based on each
equipment’s maximum heat dissipation values. At any point of time, the heat rise shall
not exceed 10°C inside enclosure.
9.29 Cabinet design, field wiring and grounding shall be in accordance with 34-SAMMS-820.
9.30 LDS lifecycle:

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a) The LDS system shall be designed based on Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS)
hardware, software, firmware and vendor standard application packages. At the
time of the Critical Design Review (CDR) or the hardware freeze date as defined
in the contract or purchase order, LDS vendor shall supply most recent approved,
commercially released vendor proprietary software and exclusive of application
b) The LDS vendor shall guarantee to support all system hardware (server,
workstation and network only), firmware, and software with spare parts and
services for a period of ten years.
c) The LDS vendor shall guarantee to support field devices (data collection devices,
field instrumentation) including proprietary components for a period of twenty
five years from the system. For software and applications, vendor shall meet
minimum of ten years from delivery date or as defined in the contract or purchase
order. This support shall not be contingent on the customer upgrading to later
releases of software or hardware unless this upgrade is supplied at no additional
d) The vendor shall notify Saudi Aramco of installed product termination at least two
years before the product is removed or discontinued from service, support and/or
9.31 LDS vendor and EDO shall provide detailed transient performance specifications report
for the entire pipeline operation. The report shall include cases where LDS will not able
to detect the leaks for:
a) Pump start/stop, steady state and switchover
b) MOV/EIV operation as well as inadvertent conditions
c) Compressors start/stop, steady state
d) Pressure variations
e) Flaring, venting operations
f) Scraping operation
g) Flow diversion
h) Normal operation background noise
i) Transient background noise
j) Relief systems
k) Networked pipelines operation including coupled and decoupled mode
l) Parallel (“looped”) pipelines operation
m) Jump over lines operation
n) Batch operation
o) Oil samplers
In addition, the report shall include pipeline operating noise verification methods by
abnormal pressure wave analysis (for the magnitude and the frequency of transient
operation) to suppress or filter out transient noise conditions.
9.32 LDS vendor shall submit the following documents:

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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAES-Z-003
Publish Date: 09 March 2020
Next Revision: 15 January 2025 Pipelines Leak Detection Systems
a) LDS performance report for the entire pipeline operation and transient
performance specifications report that includes cases where LDS is unable to
detect leaks. The reports shall confirm the distance between any two sensors or
spacing between cable and pipeline to meet the required PPC.
b) Detailed specification of the performance requirements of LDS design.
c) Detailed description and design specification of leak detection method(s) and all
LDS components.
d) Detailed description of false-alarm rejection method(s).
e) Detailed LDS internal and external interface specifications.
f) Detailed system architecture.
g) FAT and SAT report.
h) Commissioning report.
i) LDS system tuning report and tuning parameters.
j) Configuration database backup.
k) Detailed procedure of operation and maintenance procedure of LDS system.
10 Testing and Maintenance
10.1 New LDS projects shall develop functional specifications, FAT and SAT procedures.
Proponent shall approve the FAT/SAT test procedures and requirements. Project shall
follow Form 175-343600 to test LDS. In addition, respective sections of SAEP-750
shall be referred to test LDS.
10.2 The entire LDS shall be tested during FAT and SAT to ensure that the system meets the
FSD requirements. Any components that cannot be tested during FAT shall be tested
separately. There shall be no single component installed in the field without testing.
SAT shall be carried to verify LDS performance. There shall be sufficient evidence that
designed LDS meets the PPC by actual leak testing in SAT or alternative method which
is acceptable to Saudi Aramco.
10.3 The project must test LDS performance by actual leak tests. The project shall test on
actual leak for a flowrate (min. total volume/max. detection time) specified in Table-2
for a sensitivity. In addition, correct valve size shall selected based on the required
flowrate for the pressure and operating conditions. The valve size calculation shall be
based on generic orifice or standard valve sizing calculation formulas. The project shall
develop and obtain approval for product release procedure from Saudi Aramco
operating organization.
10.4 As a minimum, LDS shall be periodically tested per Table 10. The tests shall
demonstrate that LDS reliably respond to actual or simulated leak test. In addition, LDS
components including field instruments, communication and monitoring systems shall
tested to verify its functionality and response to the intended test. The test can be
automatically performed from LDS server.

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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAES-Z-003
Publish Date: 09 March 2020
Next Revision: 15 January 2025 Pipelines Leak Detection Systems
Table 12: Testing Intervals

Performance Maintenance (by Proponent)

Class I Two years Annual Two years Annual Two years Annual
Class II Two years Annual Two years Annual Annual Annual
Class III Annual Six months Annual Six months Annual Six months
Class IV Six months Six months Six months Six months Six months Six months
11 Responsibilities
The table below provides the responsibilities of each stakeholders for LDS system
entire lifecycle.
Table 13: LDS Cycle

# Activity Stage Responsibility

1 Provision of LDS FEL2 DBSP FPD/Proponent

Determine location Class, product toxicity and FEL2 DBSP

2 Loss Prevention Dept.
flammability level (SAES-B-064)

Consolidate all pipeline data, process parameters of FEL 3 SAPMT, Engineering

pipeline and historical data Contractor

Arrange PRA session and have all documents and FEL 3 SAPMT, Engineering
drawings for PRA team Contractor, Proponent


Engineering Contractor,
Workshop: PRA and LDS selection
Proponent, Pipelines Dept.,
5.1. Conduct PRA workshop FEL 3 PRA Team

5.2. Identify LDS PPC FEL 3 PRA Team

FEL 3 P&CSD and
5.3. Select technology if PRA recommends LDS
5.4. Evaluate functional performance & suitability for FEL 3 P&CSD/
the specific pipeline application – “Fit-for-
5.5. Report: PRA and LDS technology selection
concurred by PRA Team
Redesign pipeline condition or have alternative FEL 3 SAPMT, Engineering
6 mechanism if LDS is not suitable and risk is not
minimized to acceptable level.
SAPMT, Engineering
Evaluate Functional performance and suitability for
7 DD Contractor, Pipelines Dept.,
the specific pipeline application – “Fit-for-Purpose”.
Review LDS engineering requirements and LDS P&CSD and
8 DD & CDR
design Pipelines/Proponents
9 LDS regular testing and maintenance commission Proponent

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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAES-Z-003
Publish Date: 09 March 2020
Next Revision: 15 January 2025 Pipelines Leak Detection Systems

Document History
09 March 2020 Editorial revision to remove grammatical errors
15 January 2020 Major revision. To introduce the latest LDS technology (FOLDS). Also,
Pipeline Risk assessment criteria table has been changed and Risk
Matrix level has been added.
21 November 2017 Major revision.
28 August 2013 Editorial revision to Section 5.1.2 and replaced DBSP with Project
22 July 2012 Major revision.

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