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Course Bonuses - School Based OTPs

By Dr. Elisabeth Bahr, OTD, MS, OT/L - Please visit our website for more articles and resources

Our continuing education course includes exciting course bonuses that enhance your learning experience
and provide additional materials to help your clients succeed. These bonuses are exclusive to our
students and are included at no extra cost. One of the bonuses is an editable Canva link that provides
access to a variety of templates for designing custom materials such as flyers, posters, and social media
graphics. A Canva account is free and can be used to make custom worksheets, checklists, and
schedules for your clients.

For guidance on how to set up an account or copy a template, please visit Canva's Youtube tutorial page.
Please do not share, redistribute, or sell these items. You are encouraged to use and customize them with
your students.

Here is the link to the templates:


Resources for ADHD

ADDitude Magazine: A comprehensive online magazine for people with ADHD, their families, and
professionals. A resource for families with children who have learning and attention issues.

CHADD: A non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by ADHD. They
also host yearly conferences on ADHD.

PESI ADHD Specialist Certification: A certification program for healthcare professionals who want to
specialize in ADHD.

Pomodoro Timers
Pomofocus: A productivity app that uses the Pomodoro technique to help you stay focused.

Brain Focus: A Pomodoro timer app that is specifically designed for people with ADHD.

Note-Taking and Organizing Tools

Evernote: A note-taking app that can be used for project management, idea capturing, and task

Todoist: A to-do list app that helps you manage your tasks and deadlines.

Course Bonuses - School Based OTPs 1

Focus and Reminder Apps
Forest: A productivity app that allows you to set focus goals by planting a virtual tree that grows as
you focus on your task.

Be Focused: A Pomodoro timer app that breaks up tasks into intervals separated by short breaks to
help you stay focused.

Badgerton: A reminder app that sends proactive notifications to help combat time blindness.

Other Tools
Goblin: A time tracking app that helps you keep track of how much time you spend on different tasks.

Productivity Apps for Project Management

Trello: A project management app that uses boards, lists, and cards to help teams organize and
prioritize projects.

Notion: An all-in-one workplace app that can be used to track projects, build a flexible CRM for sales,
or make a marketing style guide.

Microsoft OneNote: A digital notebook app that allows you to annotate, highlight, and share notes with

Evernote: A popular note-taking app that can be used for project management, idea capturing, and
task tracking.

ContinuEd Courses
Advanced Course on EF Skills: A course on executive function skills and their application.

Strength-Based Podcast: A podcast that focuses on strength-based approaches to occupational


Self-Regulation Strategies: A course on self-regulation strategies.

Purposeful Movement to Enhance Focus, Attention, and Concentration: A course on the use of
purposeful movement to enhance focus, attention, and concentration.

Dopamine Nation: A book that explores the role of dopamine in addiction and desire.

The Molecule of More: A book that explores how dopamine affects our behavior and decision-making.

Understand Your Brain, Get More Done: A book that provides practical strategies for managing ADHD.

ADHD and How Anyone Can Improve Their Focus: A podcast episode that explores the science of
ADHD and provides practical tips for improving focus.

Course Bonuses - School Based OTPs 2

Adderall, Stimulants, and Modafinil for ADHD: Short and Long-Term Effects: A podcast episode that
explores the use of stimulants for treating ADHD.

Leverage Dopamine to Overcome Procrastination and Optimize Effort: A podcast episode that
explores the role of dopamine in motivation and procrastination.

Thank you!

Course Bonuses - School Based OTPs 3

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