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“The Perfect Elevator Pitch”

I. Watch the video and take notes to complete the following chart:


II. Read the statements and choose the option that completesitaccurately.
Example: _____________ is a moment to explain your business toaclientorinvestor.
a. A competition b. A milestone c. An elevator pitch

1. During the _______________ step we need to determine how many people will buyourproduct.
a. financial summary b. competition c. target market

2. It's important to choose _________________ to develop our product.

a. one problem b. different problems c. unreal problems

3. If we separate good and bad ideas, we are making a good _______________. a. milestone b. financial
summary c. team

4. If we are planning to sell clothes, we need to consider how the ____ will _______. a. team/ set goals. b.
solution/ be unreal. c. competition/ providesolutions

5. An elevator pitch should be presented in just _____________.

a. one minute b. two minutes c. ten minutes III. Answer the questions justifying your point of view:

Example: In your view, are the seven steps to present an elevator pitcheffective?Why?
In my view, only six steps are effective. I consider that step 5 is not effectivebecauseI´m going to work by
myself at least at the beginning.

1. In your opinion, is it true that one product should only solve one problem?Why?2. As a speaker, how useful

can this video be to present an elevator pitch?

3. How difficult is to prepare an elevator pitch? What would you dotoachievethis one-minute challenge?

4. What's the purpose of this video?

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