J2 - Today 2 - Test 3 - 2021 (KEY)

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TODAY 2 - Juniors 2

KEY --- Third test 2021 Total: 80 marks

 Listening task
- Go over the instructions together with students.
- Make sure they understand what they have to do.
- Allow some time for them to read the task before carrying out the activity.
- Go over the example together with them.
- Play the audio.

Hi! My name’s Maggie and I’m eleven years old. I live in Queensland, Australia. It’s a very
beautiful city. I’ve got a brother but I haven’t got a sister. My parents are doctors, they work in a
hospital in the city centre. My brother and I go to school in the morning. Lessons start at 9
o’clock but we often arrive at half past eight to meet our friends. My favourite day is Monday…
yes…Monday. Why? Well, let me tell you. First, because I can see my school friends. Secondly,
because I love the subjects we have at school on Mondays. We have art, chemistry, geography,
PE and biology. The art teacher is very funny. Chemistry is hard for me but Mr Brown helps me
when I don’t understand. I’m good at geography. I want to travel around the world and see all
the countries. What about PE? Well, I like doing exercises, running and jumping. What about
biology? Well, it’s my favourite subject. I love science. I don’t know what I want to be in the
future but probably something related to it. Each lesson is fifty minutes long and we have two
breaks. The lunch break is from twelve to half past twelve and then at quarter to two we have a
ten-minute break.
When we finish school, we go home. I never do my homework when I get home. I do it after I
watch an episode of my favourite series at four o’clock. That’s another reason why I like
Mondays. I love TV series and every Monday there is a new episode. What about you? Do you
like Mondays?

1. True 4. False
2. True 5. False
3. True 6. False
……………………………………………………………………...…………………………. 12 marks
 Reading comprehension
Task A
A day in the life of…
……………………………………………………………………….........……………….…… 2 marks
Task B
1. drinks 3. animals 5. problems 7. evening
2. surfers 4. nurses 6. lunch 8. difficult
……………………………………………………………………...…………………………. 16 marks

Ninguna parte de esta publicación puede ser reproducida, almacenada o transmitida en manera alguna o por ningún medio, ya sea digital, eléctrico, químico, mecánico, óptico,
de grabación o de fotocopia, sin acuerdo previo con Dickens.

Page 9
 Short writing task
Marking criteria

Mark Criteria

4 All ideas are relevant and clearly expressed.

Competent completion Only minor spelling mistakes and occasional grammatical mistakes
of task

Task completed Most ideas are relevant and clear.
adequately Few errors which do not hinder communication.

Pass Mark Main ideas are clear. One of the key points is omitted.
Reasonable completion More errors in target structures. Limited range of lexis.
of task

Answer is not completely addressed to the rubric, or main bullet points have
2 been omitted.
Not quite clear enough Very limited range of structures and lexis.

Very weak piece of Irrelevant ideas. Serious errors impede message to be understood.

……………………………………………………………………...…………………………. 4 marks
 English in use
Task A
1. on 3. always supported 5. to 7. so
2. oldest 4. didn’t 6. has to 8. best
……………………………………………………………………...…………………………. 8 marks
Task B
1. It’s too old-fashioned 2. No way! 3. I like stylish clothes
……………………………………………………………………...…………………………. 6 marks
Task A
1. an aquarium 3. earache 5. safely
2. ill 4. throw 6. make-up
……………………………………………………………………...…………………………. 6 marks
Task B
1. sweatshirts 3. try 5. empties
2. ties 4. feed 6. household
……………………………………………………………………...…………………………. 6 marks

Ninguna parte de esta publicación puede ser reproducida, almacenada o transmitida en manera alguna o por ningún medio, ya sea digital, eléctrico, químico, mecánico, óptico,
de grabación o de fotocopia, sin acuerdo previo con Dickens.

Page 10
 Writing task
Option A: Student’s book page 69
Option B: Student’s book page 55

Organisation & Accuracy of structures Range of structures

Juniors 2 Relevance of content
Cohesion & lexis & lexis
Well organized with a
Most ideas are clear Target structures and
Bracket 5 clear development of
and relevant. lexis of the level contain
(18-20) ideas.
few errors which do not
Some variety in the
All bullet points are impede communication
Competent Mostly adequate use of structures and
included. of message
completion of target cohesive devices vocabulary used
task of the level, such as and,
but, then, because.
Ideas are mostly
Most ideas are clear Target structures and
Bracket 4
and relevant lexis of the level contain
(15-17) There is an attempt to
few errors most of which
use grammatical devices Some variety in the
Almost all bullet points do not impede
Task such as pronouns and structures and
are included. communication of
completed articles and also cohesive vocabulary used
adequately devices of the level such
as and, but, then,
The development of
ideas is easy to follow,
Main ideas are clear though a few might be
Bracket 3
even if simple, disconnected from the Structures and lexis of
although content might rest or in the wrong the level might be
be irrelevant at times order. inaccurate at times, but
Pass Mark
main message is Basic repertoire of
One of the key points There is an attempt to understood without an structures and
completion of
might have been use grammatical devices effort on the part of the words/phrases
omitted such as pronouns and reader
articles and also simple
cohesive devices such as
and & but

Ideas are not clearly

Bracket 2 Answer is not organised and the Very limited range of
(7-11) completely addressed development is difficult Errors make it difficult to structures and
to the rubric, or main to follow understand what the vocabulary
Not quite bullet points have been writer wants to say
clear enough omitted Mostly wrong or no use
of cohesive devices
Bracket 1
No clear attempt to
(1-6) Off topic answers Very limited range of
organize ideas Serious errors impede
structures and
message to be
Very weak No bullet point vocabulary
No use of cohesive understood
piece of included

……………………………………………………………………...…………………………. 20 marks

Ninguna parte de esta publicación puede ser reproducida, almacenada o transmitida en manera alguna o por ningún medio, ya sea digital, eléctrico, químico, mecánico, óptico,
de grabación o de fotocopia, sin acuerdo previo con Dickens.

Page 11

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