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Globalisation, changing demographics and technological advancements are

some of the key driving forces of our current times, and they will continue
to shape our future. Our learners will have to be prepared to face these
challenges and seize new and exciting opportunities.

To help our learners thrive in this fast-changing world, the ministry of

education have identified a suite of core values and competencies that are
increasingly important. They underpin the holistic education that our
schools provide to better prepare students for the future.

Together, schools and parents need to work hand-in-hand to help our

students develop these 21st Century Competencies.

Framework for 21st Century Competencies and Student Outcomes

Core Values
Values are at the core of one's character. They shape the beliefs, attitudes
and actions of a person, and therefore form the core of the framework of
21st Century Competencies.

the core values include respect, responsibility, resilience, integrity, care and
harmony, which are acknowledged as values that are at the foundation of
our shared societal and national values.

 Respect: Our students demonstrate respect when they believe in

their own self-worth and the intrinsic worth of people.
 Responsibility: Our students are responsible when they recognise
they have a duty to themselves, their families, community, nation
and the world, and fulfill their responsibilities with love and
 Resilience: Our students are resilient when they demonstrate
emotional strength and persevere in the face of challenges. They
show courage, optimism, adaptability and resourcefulness.
 Integrity: Our students demonstrate integrity when they uphold
ethical principles and have the moral courage to stand up for what is
 Care: Our students are caring when they act with kindness and
compassion, and contribute to the betterment of the community and
the world.
 Harmony: Our students uphold harmony when they promote social
cohesion and appreciate the unity and diversity of a multicultural

Social-Emotional Competencies

These are skills necessary for children to develop healthy identities,

recognise and manage their emotions, develop a sense of responsibility,
care and concern for others, relate to others and develop positive
relationships, handle challenges, make responsible decisions, and act for
the good of self, others and the society. Students will learn skills from
these 5 interconnected key competencies:

 Self-Awareness –by being able to focus on something possible when

in a negative situation
 Self-Management – being able to set goal
 Responsible Decision-Making - a student ability to make caring
and constructive choices about personal behavior and social
interactions across diverse situations.

 Social Awareness - Showing concern for the feelings of others.

 Relationship Management they are practice of nurturing

engagement with their classmates

21st Century Competencies for a globalised world

The following competencies are necessary for the globalised world we live

 Civic Literacy,- Students will develop civic knowledge, skills, and

dispositions through learning and practice.
 Global Awareness – examples Learning a new language and cultural
tradition. Creating work with other language users in mind. Completing
work in an overseas setting.
 Cross-Cultural Skills – like Nonverbal communication.Empathy. Active

 Critical and Inventive Thinking - allows students to become more self-

reliant and independent learners.

 Communication, Collaboration and Information Skills – they

Brainstorming ideas or solutions to a problem with your

Together, these core values and competencies will help our learners
embody the Desired Outcomes of Education so that they are able to
capitalise on the rich opportunities of the digital age.

Sapasiba druzʹya

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