Effects of Technology in Communication

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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

in Discipline and Ideas in Social Sciences

How Does Technology Affects Communication

Submitted to: Aila O. Gaspar, LPT

Submitted by: Jacel Ann S. Galapon

May, 2024

This article discusses about the impact of technology in communication on both individuals and
society. It tackled about the advantages and the downside effects of technology when it comes in
communicating in different sectors mainly in long distance relationships, in education, in
business, in other academic setting, in persuasion, and in showbiz industry.

Keywords: ICT, Communication Technology, Mediated Communication


Originating from two Latin words “communis” meaning commonness and “communicare”
meaning to share comes the word “Communication.” It is a two way process of reaching mutual
understanding in which participants not only exchange information, news, ideas, and feelings but
also create and share meaning.

Technology on the other hand is the science of applying someone’s knowledge, techniques,
skills, methods, or processes to produce services, can also be devices, and factories to achieve
practical purposes or specific objectives.

Technology have been widely used in the last century creating admirable, complimentary, and
multi-functional machines, instruments, or appliances that made everyone’s life easier and faster.
Such devices can be used in several aspects for example home furniture, house services,
electronics, in economic sectors, in medicine field, in agriculture, in education, and of course in

What is the relationship between communication and technology? How do they affect one
another? How important their respective roles in influencing each other? How their connection
does affects our society?

In order to answer those questions, in this article we will talk about how does technology affects
communication among people all around the world. We will determine and distinguish the
positive and contradicting effects of modern communication among every individuals, mainly
the beneficial factors and its disadvantages.

Romantic relationships, friendships, family and relatives that happened to be in a long distance
wherein both parties are from the other side of the world, with the creation of telephones or
cellphones and other fundamental technological innovations, sending letters, getting a reply for
almost a month was not needed anymore. They could respond in blink of an eye just by typing
and sending their messages anytime anywhere, whenever and wherever they are currently.

These first innovations are eventually developed and improved with further capacities with the
creation of smartphones or touch screen based phones, and the start of computer mediated
softwares or the different social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Messenger,
Telegram, X (formerly known as Twitter), etc. In a study of Hertlein and Ancheta (2014), they
stated that advantages of technology relationships include the contribution to the development of
relationship, relationship management, and relationship enhancement.

Not only they can send messages and call each other, they can now send updates with high
resolution photos and videos. They could also call each other not only through audio but with
actually allowing to show yourself on the camera, seeing in real time what situation you are in.
These are known as video calls or face time. However, technology also introduce challenges into
relationships including distancing, lack of clarity, and impaired trust.

Back to these video calls, there are websites and platforms designed for online collaboration,
these are widely known as Web Conference wherein communication between large group of
people are conducted through an audio or video call. Google meet and Zoom are the most
common application for this category, typically used for company meetings, business trainings,
online class presentation, and many more.

In (2022) Biljana, Zvezdan, and Dragan analyses the attitudes of teachers to using information
and communication technology in teaching. It was concluded that teachers often use ICT in
teaching, the greatest advantage of ICT use, as seen by teachers is improved quality of teaching,
a possibility to deliver interesting lessons and quick and easy access information.

There is also a platform called “Web Portals” which allowed students to do their technical
studies in the comfort of their home, because these websites contain information from different
sources and places them in one location in a uniform way. Best example of this is the Google
Document. Shatri (2020) conducted a study which revealed that students use information
technology effectively, over 80% of students use internet and benefit many advantages especially
in getting new information and communicating with people.

Long ago, the only source of people to be updated with the latest information and news are books
and newspapers. But with the invention of radio, televisions, and computers, journalists and
authors can now share their literacy verbally. As well as people have the access for the newest
topics just by searching along the web, articles and libraries are made available online. Various
articles are even linked everywhere especially in social media platforms. However, not
everything posted on the internet are guaranteed to be true, there are a lot of frauds, catfishing,
and scams so we should be extra careful and cautious in who are we interacting.

With the massive interaction happening in social media, individuals are able to meet new friends
from different races and countries. People who are chronically online 24/7 are the most likely to
adapt to pop culture, and apply those slangs, terms, phrases they learned when talking to people
in real life. They are the most prone on adapting such colloquial words when communicating
with the people they personally know.

Tutorials where influencers or content creators are teaching you certain things, like lessons in
school, cooking, baking, programming, and even giving advices for personal matters, when
watching them, it feels like they are actually talking to you. These helped those people who are
too shy to ask for a favor with the people surrounding them in real life environment.

Even shopping now can be done online. Business owners or product endorsers can now talk and
convince their customers and viewers by doing online selling, or by doing short advertisements
and commercials. With the help of technology, they are able to persuade a lot of interested.

Celebrities also interact with their fans, followers, and admirers in doing a Livestream, talking
with them, and enabling their fans to ask questions so they could exchange preference and
experiences. These artists also communicate with their fans by producing music with
inspirational and meaningful lyrics that can served as propaganda movement, these are not only
done by musicians but by film makers, book authors, graphic designers, painters as well.

There is no doubt and denial that technology really influences communication with remarkable
changes in our society. It brought great impact as observed by the growth of social structure at all

As technology advances, more people stay connected and communication happens more quickly.
The progress of technology has brought about a shift in interpersonal skills, and individuals must
always be open to adjusting to new forms of communication.

The proliferation of mediated communication can be attributed to the constant introduction of

novel communication techniques by technology. We currently live in a world where a single
message can reach a vast audience, a state in which information accessibility is not restricted by
location or time.

Our lives have consequently been impacted by the exposure of individuals and society to
mediated communication, especially in terms of our culture and communication style.
Technology will continue to be the dominant driver of human interaction for years to come.

Biljana, N et al. (2022). Attitudes of teachers to using information and communication

technology in teaching-advantages and obstacles. International Journal Cognitive Research in
Science, Engineering and Education, 10 (2), 69-76. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/attitudes-of-

Hertlein, M. Ancheta, K. (2014). Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in

Relationships: Findings from Open-Ended Survey. The Qualitative Report, 19 (22), 1-11.


Shatri, Z. (2020). Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Information Technology in Learning

Process of Student. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 17 (3), 420-428.

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