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Foster the positive image of a professional nurse.

Plan individual career planning for the success of

their nursing profession.
General Classification of Fields OF Nursing

1. Hospital or Institutional Nursing

2. Public Health Nursing or Community Health
3. Private Duty Nursing
4. Industrial or Occupational Health Nursing
5. Nursing Education
6. Military Nursing
7. School Nursing
8. Clinic Nursing
9. Independent Nursing Practice
Institutional or Hospital
◦ Nursing in hospitals and related health
facilities such as extended care facilities,
nursing homes, and neighborhood clinics,
comprises all of the basic components of
comprehensive patient care and family health.
Advantages of staff Nursing in
1. There is always a supervisor whom one can consult if problem exist.
2. Nurses are updated with new trends in medicine and in the nursing care
of patients.
3. They undergo rotation to different units and have a chance to determine
their special area of choice before they are assigned permanently in one
4. They have an eight hour day and forty-hour week duty which provide
for two days of rest away from duty.
5. They have a chance to be promoted if they are qualified.
6. Salary increases are given periodically according to merit system
7. They are considered an important member of the health team
8. More staff development programs are available in the hospital.
1. There is a great possibility of understaffing
which may require nurses to put in overtime
2. Because of the bulk of work, some nurses
do not find time to improve their skills
through continuing education programs.
3. Administrative problems and overwork
may tend to dissatisfy the staff nurse.
Public Health Nursing or Community
Health Nursing
• Nurses are exposed to the community set-up
wherein their clients are individuals, families or
• The National Health Program of the Philippines
gives as much emphasis on the promotion of health
and prevention of diseases rather than care of the
Advantages of Public Health
1. The focus of nursing care is on family and community health
rather than on an individual basis.
2. It gives the nurse a better perspective of the health conditions
of the community and the health programs conceived by the
3. It maximizes efforts to improvise where there are no sufficient
facilities, supplies and equipment.
4. It enables the nurse to utilize various community resources and
maximize coordination with other members of the health team.
5. Focus of care is more on educational and preventive aspects.
6. Individuals, families and communities are motivated to assume
responsibility for their own health care.
1. Cases found in public health nursing are limited mostly to
chronic and communicable diseases.
2. There are more hazards in public health than in hospital
3. There are no fixed hours of work.
4. Some claim that it is not as exciting nor as glamorous as
hospital work.
5. Facilities for care of the sick are limited so that practice
are also limited.
6. The PHN may not be immediately aware of changes or
trends in the field of nursing.
7. It is not a place for introverts.
8. There is no immediate supervisor to consult in case of
Private Duty Nursing
•Nurses in private practice are expected to be
expert clinicians as well as expert generalist in
•A registered nurse who gives comprehensive
nursing care to a client on a one on one ratio.
Two Categories:
1. General Private Duty Nurse- providing basic
nursing care to any type of patient.

2. Private Duty Nurse Specialist- skills in

complicated devices, interpreting, observing
signs and symptoms.
1. Chance to see life as it really is, to study human
nature and to know close range interesting people
of different nationalities.
2. The opportunity to make real friends
3. Chance to travel and see the world
4. The ability to own time, adjust work and private
life, direct off duty.
5. The chance to keep abreast with the new
knowledge and procedures.
6. The challenges of giving his best in providing
care .
1. patients become totally dependent on the nurse.
2. Many PDNs graduated so long ago and have not
upgraded their knowledge and skills.
3. not enough nurses for evening and night shift,
holiday, week-ends.
4. Little assistance is given by the Head Nurse when
the patient is critically ill.
5. no retirement, insurance and medicare benefits
unless he provide these for himself.
Occupational Health Nursing or
Industrial Nursing
• specialty practice that provides and delivers health
care services of workers.
• The practice focuses on promotion, protection, and
supervision of workers health within the context of a
safe and healthy environment.
●No night shifts
●There are seniority wage increase, pensions,
● they often work alone, and must therefore
possess maturity, experience, and wise
●No supervisor to consult
●Limited to occupational hazards
● requires a special skill ( a good preparation
is a year or more training in emergency
Nursing Education
Qualifications of the Faculty:
1.Be a registered nurse in the Philippines
2.Have at least three years of clinical practice in a
field of specialization
3.Be a member of good standing in the accredited
professional organization of nurses
4.Be a holder of masters degree in nursing
● Has higher pay than other fields of nursing
● Nursing instructors are in high demand, allowing for
relative job stability.
● full-time position the employer-provides healthcare
insurance, paid time off, and other general benefits
● One of the most rewarding aspects of becoming a nursing
educator is the opportunity to develop relationships and even
close bonds with students.
● A sense of satisfaction when students achieve their goals
●Designating time outside working hours
● A lot of Paperwork – both for patient and student
●Adjusting to different types of personality and
attitude of students
●Have to be tech savvy
●taking on more legal responsibility
Military Nursing
Three broad areas:
1.To meet the nursing needs of today’s patient in
AFP medical facilities
2.To prepare each Nurse Corps Officer for future
assignments at a higher level of responsibility in the
different stations and general hospital in time of
peace and war
3.To teach and train enlisted personnel who perform
nursing functions under supervision.
Qualification for Commission in the
Reserve Force Nurse Corps
1. Have a BSN from duly recognized university/college
2. Be licensed to practice nursing
3. Be a natural born Filipino citizen
4. Be single or has never been married
5. Be mentally and physically fit and cleared by appropriate
security agencies
6. Have a pleasing personality and good moral character
7. Be skillful in applying nursing process, communicating with
others, making sound/
8. rational judgment
9. Be interested and willing to work in both
peaceful and wartime conditions
10.Height requirements: for Males: minimum of 62 in.
for Females: minimum of 60 in.
●Privileges and benefits are given
● free hospitalization & medication
● Incentive pay
● Subsidence allowance
● Clothing allowance
● Hazard pay
● Overseas pay ( when detailed to foreign countries)
● High salary rate allowance
Cont. Advantages
●Glamour and prestige of the uniform rank and
● Military schooling and basic training at the armed
forces medical service
● Opportunity to see people who hold positions in
the AFP
● Opportunity to travel abroad
●Potentially dangerous work environment.
●Commitment to a lifestyle, not just a job.
●Frequent relocation.
●Rigorous requirements for training, physical
fitness, and commitment length
●Often work long hours
School Health Nursing
School health nurses often work alone, out of
touch with other nurse, the hospital and all
professional supports they have known. They are
responsible for the school activities in the areas of
health service, health education and
environmental health and safety.
Some responsibilities of the school
nurse are:
1. Organizing and implementing the school
health program
2. Coordinating school health programs
3. Undertaking functions directly related to
pupils health
4. Evaluating school health program
5. Carrying out functions related to the health of
school personnel
School nursing affords one the opportunity to
watch children advance from grade to grade in
school health.
Hours are usually good and there is no shift duty.
Many school nurses do not update themselves on
the current issues in nursing making them
unaware of changes in the nursing practice.
Clinic Nursing
• Clinic nursing requires that a nurse possess general skills.
• Nurses in this field must have excellent teaching and
communication skills, exhibit organizational and leadership
ability, possess good assessment skills, and have good insight
in order to anticipate and interpret the needs of their patient.
1. Favorable working hours.
2. Efficient clinic nurses are trusted in their
judgment and share in planning the care of the
●Slightly lower salary than hospital nurse
●No opportunity to grow
Independent Nursing Practice
•As the term implies, “independent” means the nurse is
self employed and provides professional nursing
services to the clients and their families.
•While some independent nursing practitioners set up
their clinics near a hospital, most of them are
community based.
•The most independent functioning
•Has a master’s degree in nursing,
advanced education in pharmacology
and physical assessment, and
certification and expertise in
specialized area of practice.
• Nursing expertise in a specialized
area of practice (medical-surgical
nursing, psychiatric and mental
health nursing, pediatric nursing,
community health nursing,
gerontologic nursing).
•Manages client care and
the delivery of specific
nursing services within a
health care agency.
•Begins with positions
such as the charge nurse
or assistant nurse
manager, then nurse
manager of a specific
patient care area.
•Investigates problems to
improve nursing care and to
further define and expand
the scope of nursing
•Employed in an academic
setting, hospital, or
independent professional or
community service agency.
• The role that
gathers in
mosques, and
common faith
• Respond to
health an
wellness needs
within the

• Provider of spiritual care
• Health Counselor
• Health Advocate
• Health Educator
• Facilitator of Support Groups
• Trainer or Volunteers
• Liaison to community resources
and referral agent.
• Provides a family
centered care
and allows
clients to live
and remain at
homes with
and dignity,
while alleviating
the strains
caused by

• Pain &
• Spiritual
• Home Care
• Family

•A nurse who specializes
in assisting persons with
disabilities and chronic
illness to attain optimal
function, health and
adapt to an altered life
•Monitors standards and
procedures for the
control and prevention
of infectious diseases
and other conditions of
public health
significance including
nosocomial infections.
• Ang Nars
• Association of Deans of Philippine
Colleges of Nursing (ADPCN)
• Association of Diabetes Nurse
Educators of the Philippines (ADNEP)
• Association of Nursing Service
Administrators of the Philippines
• Association of Private Duty Nurse
Practitioners Philippines (APDNPP)
• Critical Care Nurses Association of the
Philippines (CCNAPI)
• Gerontology Nurses Association of the
Philippines (GNAP)
• Military Nurses Association of the
Philippines (MNAP)
• Mother and Child Nurses Association
of the Philippines (MCNAP)
• National League of Philippine
Government Nurses (NLPGN)
• Occupational Health Nurses
Association of the Philippines
• Operating Room Nurses Association of
the Philippines (ORNAP)
• Philippine Hospital Infection Control
Nurses Association (PHICNA)
• Philippine Nurses Association (PNA)
• Philippine Nursing Informatics
Association (PNIA)
• Philippine Nursing Research Society
• Philippine Oncology Nurses
Association (PONA)
• Philippine Society of Emergency Care
Nurses (PSECN)
• Renal Nurses Association of the
Philippines (RENAP)
• Society of Cardiovascular Nurse
Practitioners of the Philippines
• Philippine Association of Public Health
Nursing Faculty
• Psychiatric Nursing Specialists
Foundation of the Philippines
• Integrated Registered Nurses of the
Philippines (IRNUP)
Nursing is to nurture
and care... patient's
life is in our hands,
so love our
Marquis, B. L., & Huston, C. J. (2011). Leadership Roles and
Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application.
Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
TEST I. Identify what Field of
Nursing/Areas of Specialization.
I1. ndependent Nursing
Means that the nurse is self-employed and provides
professional nursing services to patients & their

Independent Nursing Practice

2. Clinic Nursing

Nurses work with a doctor and serves as the

receptionist, data gatherer and organizer.
Scheduling of appointments and organizing the
patient’s files are the major activities in this field.
Simple procedures such as immunizations or
suturing of wounds are assisted by clinic nurses

Clinical Nursing
3. Military Nursing
Nurses here are specially trained for medical
services during war or peace. They are
responsible on the health of both civilians and
military men as well as people considered as

Military Nursing
4. Private Duty or Special
Duty Nursing

Nurse renders comprehensive nursing care to

any type of patient on a one-to-one ratio. A
private duty nurse is an independent
5. Public Health or
Community Health Nursing

Nurses are exposed to the community set-up wherein

their clients are individuals, families or groups.
Emphasis is on promotion of health and prevention
of diseases.
6. Institutional or Hospital
Nurses work with a health team and the setting
is most likely hospitals, hospices, clinics and
nursing homes.

Institutional Nursing
7. Nursing Education
Nurses here are also teachers and
molders of the future of nursing. They
equip young minds in order to be
competent nurses later on.
Nursing Education
8. Industrial or Occupational
Health Nursing

Specialty practice that provides and delivers

health care services to workers. The focus is
on promotion, protection, and supervision of
workers' health within the context of a safe
and healthy work environment

Occupational Health Nursing

9. School Nursing
Nurses are responsible primarily in the welfare of
students as well as the faculty. They responsible in
health care activities by the school in the areas of
health service, health education and environmental
health and safety

School Health NUrsing

10. Nurse educatorded role
A nurse, usually with an advanced degree,
who teaches in educational or clinical
settings; teaches theoretical knowledge and
clinical skills; conducts research

NUrsing Educator role

Identify what
stage of Benner’s
11. Advanced beginner
Demonstrates acceptable performance. Has gained
prior experience in actual situations to recognize
recurring meaningful components Principles, based
on experiences, begin to formulate into guide

Advanced Beginner
12. Proficient
Perceives and understands situations as whole parts.
More holistic understanding improves decision-
making skills. Learns from experience what to
expect in certain situations and how to modify plans

13. Competent
Typically a nurse with 2-3 years experience on the
job in the same area or in similar situations. Aware
of long term goals. Gains perspective from planning
own actions based on conscious, abstract, and
analytical thinking in order to achieve greater
efficiency and organization.

14. Novice
Beginner with no experience. Taught general rules to
help perform tasks. Rules are: context free,
independent of specific cases and applied
universally. Rule-governed behavior is limited and

15. Expert
No longer relies on principles, rules, or
guidelines to connect situations and
determine actions. Has intuitive grasp of
clinical situations. Performance is now
fluid, flexible, and highly-proficient

16. An experienced medical-surgical nurse chooses to
work in obstetrics. Which level of proficiency is the
nurse upon initial transition to the obstetrical floor?

a. Novice
b. Proficient
c. Competent
d. Advanced beginner
17. Who described about 5 levels of nursing
experience from novice to expert?

A. Patricia E. Benner
B. Ernestine Wiedenbach
C. Myra Estrine Levine
D. Faye Glenn Abdellah
18. A nurse with an advanced degree who
conducts research relevant to the definition
and improvement of nursing practice and
A. Nurse researcher
B. Nurse Administrator
C. Nurse entrepreneur
D. Nurse informatics
19. Which of the following is true regarding the composition of the
Board of Nursing?
a. Composed of a Chairperson and six (6) members, representing the
three (3) areas of nursing, namely, nursing education, nursing
service, and community health nursing.
b. Composed of a Chairperson and seven (7) members, representing
the three (3) areas of nursing, namely, nursing education, nursing
service, and community health nursing.
c. Composed of a Chairperson and five (5) members, representing
the three (3) areas of nursing, namely, nursing education, nursing
service, and community health nursing.
d. Composed of a Chairperson and nine (9) members, representing
the three (3) areas of nursing, namely, nursing education, nursing
service, and community health nursing.
20. Who appoints the chairperson and members of
the Nursing Board?
a. PRC
b. BON
c. Senators
d. President of the Philippines
Choosing a
field of

Formulation of a program for one’s

profession and put it into action to attain
the desired goal. It is usually done by an
individual after graduating their basic
course. It is also forecasting what you
would like to be of what you are in the
future after finishing a basic course.
Nurses who have to make their choices should think of
long-range goal so that they can build up a career-
ladder in nursing.

First consideration that nurses must make is SELF

EVALUATION. They need to consider the
1. their capacities
2. interests
3. qualifications
4. goals

1. Qualifications
2. Years of experience and training
3. Age and physical condition
4. Emotional stability and goals in life

•Kind of work to be performed

•Availability of the work
•Hours of work
•Opportunities for advances
•Method of entering
•Fringe benefits
•Other benefits
Activity # 2 (individual)
Draw and explain what field of
nursing you want to work in in the

Use short bond paper

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