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(JPcos DREAMING CAT TAROT © 2021 LUNA FACTORY JAPAN Eight of CupsAyv7Os Nine of CupsHyv7O9 - Ten of Cupspw7@10 - Page of Cups AYFORAY ~ Knight of Cups DY FORE Queen of Cups WYIORE ~ King of Cups FOYE creeeeseeeseeeneeeteeeeeeeeeeeeeenenneenneennnennes UMP ILAS - A>44 ILI) Minor Arcana Pentacles ~ 37 Ace of PENTACLES ALVIAILO A neennnennegaseeneennsensenseeesenees Two of PENTACLESA>492JL@ 2 ~~ Three of PENTACLES A>42JLD 3 Four of PENTACLES A> JL 4 Five of PENTACLES A>3 JD 5 Six of PENTACLES A>47JL@ 6 - Seven of PENTACLES X>S7)L@ 7 Eight of PENTACLES A> 27JL0 8 - Nine of PENTACLESA>S2)L09 - Ten of PENTACLES \>327)LD 10 Page of PENTACLES A>S2ILOATY Knight of PENTACLES A> 47JLORL Queen of PENTACLES A> SOJLORE King of PENTACLES A> 3 2JLOE [90'y bes phseb] How To Start Tarot Card Reading ~ 45 [DYASIIL: ATL F] One Oracle Spread [AU—b—K - ATL E] The Three Card Spread «47 [A+095.4)] Hexagram = a (<= #iR—] Alternative Spread [FIL E+) Celtic Cross (oy KU—4 27 - 54) Tarot Reading Column [#DOlc) AT THE END O.THE FOOL 4 KEYWORD: BHI Gate Rt Rik MA AA Freedom, Uncertainty, Simplicity. uninhibitian, Hesitation, Innocence THE FOOL UPRIGHT BnSMCETAMBLELSS. Sit HNONBASLO CCM THTS CET, MH EMOMCCEA CRS IT SYITT. RMOGUBEKARE OT. MEPITHL FUMED IR PATIL YYLTHELLI. Get moved first before you get scared. Anyway, it is the time to open up your destiny, get started rather than thinking too much, Believe in that whatever you do will work, and challenge with self- confidlence REVERSRED KRERASHMELLATTS WERE ORE. CHM FPS Hid MBGTHMINTALATCT. FeAE, PREBICMHE MIRE ECL GUE REEL BLOC, BF SU0E OTH THU ELNELA. An impiication that you are having no courage to change the situation. It will be okay if you take stock of the situation and go carefully. However, the more you push yourself,the more likely it will not work, so just wait for the opportunity. 1.THE MAGICIAN BRiibh KEYWORD: OF ANE AVITUT4 Bett Me Be Premonition of love, Creativity, Originality, Invention, Hesitation, Confusion THE MAGICIAN UPRIGHT AUVFUTAP BROVVAERE SHSCETAL—AC MBE CH CT. Mies MICS oT HSEOSMARRER bat scen CHET. FHBLOPCMRRE SoCMBUECRASOLTS A BNTHET, It's time to demonstrate originality and your own sense, and things will go smoothly. Magicians use magic to transform original appearance into certain objects. Now you have the power to make the surroundings full of ereativities. REVERSRED MRERIMASTBVOTSL et BACBITLESTUS OW, RR ORS EMA TH SMSPELNE thy, MERE T COCHLEA REEL. PLTVESERORL THEELLD, It seems you are losingconfidence and becoming cowardly, thinking about if youcannot overcome the trials. You may notice mistakes by reviewing your plans. Try toregain yourself little by little. Pees ms ily Major Arcana THE FOOL 2.THE HIGH PRIESTESS aRe KEYWORD: FAR ZATUPA Rt me SSE Bi spirituality,Mystery.Introspection, Intuition, Susceptibility , Restlessness THE HIGH PRIESTESS UPRIGHT AAMERDSEALT AMT to. MADRE LTUSOT, KE BREIL TORS BOERS CHMTESTLII. BHARPA HELEBT, RUROMESNET. RSSCMABSREARTH, It's time to prioritize the spiritual side of your life. With a stable mental state. you will be able to deal with big changes calmly, Believing in yourself and others may bring out good outcomes. It is also important to be honest with your own feelings. REVERSRED Dae Mas POS <. RSI PRED LASth, BOR AIPOBATSCET, RR RMUTLEWS. SRAM BES A, BOA CEL. BAER CBG ANSCET, BECOME —RAGET. Isn't it a hard situation where you have a lot of anxiety and worries @ven you couldn't bear? Remember that focusing only on your own thoughts can lead to failure and loneliness. Please think calrmly . trust people around you and accept what they give you, 3.THE EMPRESS 1277 KEYWORD: Be Sih SH SHEAR BR Laytt Abundance.Richness,Luxury , Motherhood, Arrogance, Indecisiveness THE EMPRESS UPRIGHT SIUTATOMICHUTMESN, XR MLT SE ORE. MRF BNTSCLRAL—ACFICAS TLLSL, FREBNCOUIT HELIS SLSCeKTA SMM TT. RUM RERPEOCLEARTT. It's a satisfying situation where nothing being lacked. Things you are desiring for will be obtained smoothly without much effort, and you may get the feeling of accomplishment clearly. Please keep a long perspective and go. ahead with ease, REVERSRED BURCME TET, BURMICEL, COSFECHMMEMST IEC ITLEDMELNEGA. HABR ROBO. RAO bO-WTE BGSRMTI ON, He PES RECMORG CAMELS, Arrogance and indecisiveness are obviously growing inside you, which may lead to missing opportunities. It is the time when you are not satisfied with the current situation and cannot control your desires. Calm yourself down and you'll see a bright future. 4.THE EMPEROR S75 KEYWORD: itt) fH RES Be 751F fe Success,Leadership, Responsibility, Confidence, Pride,Recklessness Ww THE EMPEROR UPRIGHT BACKER RHECTHOTSCLT. MUCESS, HSMM ETFO ELE), ABPHGRELTS PUCRSTLEI. RU AERTAIC RNEBMEOT. BREF OTF FRCBLELLS. Believe in yourself and your future and you can succeed. You will be in a Socially responsiblepasition and supported by everyone around, Just take action with confidence since it's a time of great determination and execution REVERSRED SRORAPR MCAT SI54 F MEG TH TLEL. MOA EOIMELIFTLAIPELNEL hyo ROTA ROWS RS BUVPR SEREtCoTeMY EMAL. £9 SEGA AMANET. Maybe your pride in your skills and power is going in a wrong way. Arrogance can be represented by this card, and it may wiclen the distance with the people around you.Try to review your own behavior and attitude, then happy days wili come back. 5.THE HIEROPHANT t= KEYWORD: La iif RAGS Mie AH Bit Tenderness, Benevolence, Generous spirit, Narrow-minced, Intolerance, Pessimism ‘THE HIEROPHANT UPRIGHT AMMREAMICF SOR RR LACM PITNeET, BTS ceBtoENERLECNSLIZE LORE SOS RUTLIED. EB WDERBEHOCET. MILI FED ISR ACTT Things will get better if you value your social relationships. It's also a good idea to rely on a superior person who can support you out of benevolence when you're in trouble. Broadening your mind and horizons can help open up new paths and possibilities, REVERSRED EDV —E FOL AT BILGE Ceo C AIDES, RUBAG (SHITLESTUHNS BT AEN HSO T Loe RBs HrtLneth,. AIRIRLED. BUA BTR FERC. DERBORSEROIRL #LL5, Behaviors lacking morals and etiquette are at a disadvantage to you. It suggests that you have been thinking in a self-centered way, so it's time to reflect on yourself. Try to broaden your mind and horizons by consulting with others or challenging your 12.THE HANGED MAN Benes KEYWORD: iti tai Bis BR RE Bit Trial, Hardship, Endurance, Faithfulness, Adoration, Sacrifice THE HANGEO MAN UPRIGHT x Bacay, ALBRCKSESC ANSE cast, Maybe it's a trial you have to get over to grasp happiness. Even if you feel painful going through these tough times, you can bring out great results later if you bear the trials with loriganimity, Rernember you can get good results by overcoming this painfulness. REVERSRED 2 ae RUT RSD ebUCy o SRVGREP RBH DS #2 DATO THOM S HOLS (EL OtH SEES CLES, wR Eieg ERA CORR RES obs It seems everything is going wrong. At this time, please once stop and reflect on what's happenings it necessary for you to confront with the suffering and endure it in the first place? You may become able to see some realities just in time of adversity 13.DEATH JE# KEYWORD: B&{é BORD) ee Bi Be Diminutien, Decline, Change, Ending. Recovery, Regeneration UPRIGHT FeTUSMOR Ri RIALEHO PUES. APR RICBL TE aD Fea eae: ALOBISNIG —M—SCLIG. SORRMER TLD, MEG ERGW TF yo ACH EU CE Ye Situation is changing fron moment to moment as long as you live. When it comes to human relationships, there are also times when they get better or worse. nfortunately, t's tine for your relationships to start lading. However, accept this and it can also become an opportuinity to take a new step. REVERSRED HREGSOREE RA. HLM HE Bh CUSOMELA FEN, Bie ziOm AC ine PEPSPLOPKHSOGS, = Pan eC Ae Oe OD A isk SOO. MUR EERALT Fea ROoMDnE It suggests that you have wanted to bring an end to something but cannot succeed. But now, it is your chance to get it done. Cut off the regrets of the past and step into a new world, then the future will open up for you. 10.WHEEL of FORTUNE aOR KEYWORD:KEYWORD: Fea 28 RK-HHGRK Bic Coming opportunity, Great opportunity, Temporary phenomenon, Deterioration WHEEL of FORTUNE UPRIGHT CHETOMEMAR ENS RT Tt. Aa PRM Ae RUTLS OTHE, EOE BS ARCS cere eer. ae RICtoTRUAR ARIES PoabESsUpelsL. {t's time for a big change in your relationships. Keep aware of the occurring problems or anything dubious, and it will be well- expected to come to a resolution. Make sure you won't miss this chance since it will lead you to the right direction. REVERSRED BUCELMUCEE-MMRLOT T. HELM ARDEAEALESR WTS, 84 Sy Te RELL TC WSOTIESLTISMELNEE AS, SASHES oT RE FCAT SMEBOTS . AWE CMEE BON. RRHELELIO. Whether you're in a good situation or not, it stays temporary. You may feel like your relationships getting chilling quickly, or you may realize you've missed a chance, but this can also be a time to seize new opportunities. Widen your field of vision and accept it. 1L.JUSTICE ER KEYWORD: /{9¥2 Hitt FW 2H) BROAD ibs Balance, Equilibrium, Equality. Objective, As usual, Farewell JUSTICE UPRIGHT BRMIROL’, AMSOIY FO- PEER TT. SH BLOORAEDMISCEC, Lis} FORROMB TEAS CN CS Et 2h (CB ie 18 L. tT vec iteipexoe ces. £9 nga emmocuss. It's important te regulate your emotion and keep it calm as usual.If you can’t judge things in a balanced and objective way, you may overinterpret others words, waste your emation and finally get exhausted, Try to grasp the status quo with a dispassion, Loses Rete Ree BERASCE. PRD ERIE AE o. TRUS YA eee AMIR IC By ete Este EAU BMAP F YA HBNSMBNZOTT It might become difficult to judge things objectively and grasp the situation correctly when your mind is unsettled, You'd better keep the right balance. Farewell may come to you upon human relations, but ff you take it as the way you have to pass, it can also work as an 8.STRENGTH 77 KEYWORD: 3Riy GR) 77H WERT AGE Bit Decision, Determination,Action, Keeping one's word, Realization, Overconfidence STRENGTH UPRIGHT ASRS RHSHST. Ax RAG RSS itn SST TLS DT, KRETSBSEHI EL PE On ee oe CT Boi ct L495. BEETHOAT ae) ateen iPS LEmh Ce You need to be very determined to break through this situation, and to practice what you preach Success may get away if you tend to rely on others, so just move on by yourself. A strong deterrmination to go through to the end brings success and happiness. _REVERSRED BRMEEAUTT. It seems to pak to such a time when things don't go well even if you have been doing your best. In such a case, it is a good idea to reflect on your original goal. Just take a proper break because your mind and body will get exhausted if you get too worried, 9.THE HERMIT B& KEYWORD: 0% Me BA Shee he BE Silence.Dumbness, Tranquility, Calm, Introspection. Inferiority THE HERMIT UPRIGHT APPS MIS MH Tia MAIC BNET. pi eA Se BTPoMCRO. AMMICER Uke ASST SBM CT a SCPC RRLOPHAROR BATSATLLE, Itseems you are not able to express your feelings well. However, it is also the time when you can reconsider yourself and find your inner fullness. You may realize what you really need and the cause of your worries, REVERSRED ALDBHNEL, DPBS IEE WIRRSLASO. BRERA BE BUEB LE CUS. ERA é ELTLEST— Nisuaaey. ThE. EhB ah HHS eRCLTAE lc Lé3, BBR DEM TREE A Saas TNST You are willing to connect with and share your feelings with others, but have you closed your heart to stay alone instead of changing yourself? Don't worry, try to take a positive action by yourself at this time. It will take you one step further. 6.THE LOVERS MA KEYWORD: f870 @pip Le BRA GIR N-EL— tele Relaxation,Refreshment, Delight, Brightness, Vagueness, Badchoices a THE LOVERS UPRIGHT WIC SsaHIENOL eH L5e FRCMSaN CHT. AMR ELK, BARE CCAHSSAMT F. MMS BIR LAST ay ik, BRE OCA R ORS (CHE beLs5, It suggests a premonition of heart palpitating as if you are just starting to fall in love. You are going smoothly with your relationships and every day is full of happiness recently. If it’s time you have to make a choice, just follow your heart in conficence. REVERSRED — HGR PAS —ADRRE CMB SEN TICE, RCSL RCRKSHS, BA BBORBAH T, URIS OUR MIC B BOL TLEIBELHSTLI. BEORD SRR? BME SPRIRE DRY BR CGE. If you start moving only with makeshift emotions and desires for pleasure, it may lead to bad results. You may get bored easily, or get perplexed among multiple ‘options, It's important to see the real intentions of the others and to act with firm determination. 7.THE CHARIOT ii KEYWORD: ae #647 PRADA Fea ARS Promptness, Progress, Victory, Advance, Defeatism, Difficulty THE CHARIOT UPRIGHT RRPHeENBATHSLVb AC —FrICRMLET, ACHE SMICSGEICkoT HABA ACHES. SELASPORE ERSL AI F9VlseAPUCT DINSHCT, BMTE RET (BSE RE MES TL). Everything is proceeding more smoothly than you think, getting in a right direction advantageous to you in a short time. It is time to take advantage of the energy springing from you, Stick to your belief without conpromising even when facing cifficulties, and you will make it. REVERSRED JPOLE HBP THC. BOO A KTH, HEEB SERAERC TLESBtSSTLL, BAM ST CMSAMERIBNAUTT. PUES RIMLTLMCET, HAS GASPMITHNERT. People around you and even yourself may get confused by your careless judgments and actions. ‘Try to confront it without getting emotional, Positive life will open up if you keep in mind not to run away frorm the responsibility. 14.TEMPERANCE fit KEYWORD: #1042 tas FA BPpe WE Std Good compatibility, Naturalness. Peace, Calmness, Chaos, Instability TEMPERANCE UPRIGHT Mi SABeTIC, ELEC TH ance eee Coa: iE DL RAMEROACE ACB ILOT #6CL25, (ihm Cid, ini BICLBOSfSYI7CT. Things will move along smoothly even if you think about or do nothing. On aspect of romantic relationship, you may be able to meet a nice person or fall in love with your friend, When it comes to your career, it’s also a good time to change career or get a new job. soo TARDE BLT rey ee eae ae “abe mb >the ae potalfae chxo It is a time when TO ee diloe and mental states are getting unstable. However, rushing to the conclusion may also lead to undesirable consequences, You may get sick due to a disorder in your lifestyle, so it is imiportant to take a rest and take good care of yourself. 15.THE DEVIL BRR KEYWORD: &S (iE sn BLOAT Corruption, Temptation, Attraction, Seducerment, Fascination, Dependence THE DEVIL UPRIGHT SORMERARL, TOBE Soh rere ee a BNBVOPELNEtH. BHO OEE eeUnc Ewe ERALTLSIRGSESSTLS 5, FC CMALESD, REA SH How ees yee one You are completely addicted to @ corrupt world, though knowing that it shouldn't be like this. Are you possessed by your desires and stuck in pleasure, even unable to get out? However, knowing where to stop and letting go of your desires is a shortcut to happiness. REVERSRED BAOeh Che een ARIK aNTiest-—BIGEICT. ion nN ore, REED RIECCO a SRRENSTL«D. Hatice BNaaALRR EMER EIS SCEEREL. APMADR EL DoRMSMENELLI. It seems that you will be released from struggling and take a rest. You will be free from the curse that has plagued you for a long time. You may also find that the situation is getting better for you. Try to give up your dependence on peopleror things. 16.THE TOWER %% KEYWORD: Lan hen eS Gk BROW Bite Collapse, Shock, Emergency Tension, Imminence. Start THE TOWER aber aay METS TREE A ee FetEniDeRET theaters, KIC tT Hotere FMT ORUUTLIF. BECIBMROMEMSCLO TES SMT), CORREMS CEE HGLOKERMEILBOET Your condition and position may change drastically. So having courage to accept any unexpected occurrence helps a lot, Sometimes it's alse a good idea to let go of everything. It also gives you a chance to realize the truth about why this happens, and the process can give you a big advantage. REVERSRED mi ie eo a a a re fi Se a an i you have a premonition that something bad will happen. that might come true: In such a case, please accept the reality obediently and consider going on a new path.A turning point also leads to new opportunities. 17.THE STAR # KEYWORD: 2DM@ {#1 JE MY THE Ube sense of security,Longing. Ideality, Aspiration.Fear, Passive THE STAR UPRIGHT ° BOLWRLEPRLACMBNT. SS MNa. Rowe RIC as NCUSRMTT, SHSwRHT PAR Cush LOB BLe RMECLAT, SHTUGIIAT It's a time when you can feel calm and gain deep sense of security by touching the dreamlike beauty and kindness. What dominates your mind is a feeling of geniality that your dreams will continue even after you come to wake. You can relax with your whole body. REVERSRED EDs BR omeeLoMDE APRRERMTLLAMCT. Are you feeling disappointed as if you are pulled back from your dreams to reality? Please rethink if you have been spending too. much of your precious things, feelings, money or time on your surroundings. It is important to reflect on the way you move and how the situation goes. 20.JUDGEMENT ##) KEYWORD: 5 BW ie i AC-T1 RR Revival, Resuscitation, Reconciliation Restoration, speedy, Persistence JUDGEMENT UPRIGHT HEGMOIT ERROR RIM @CetICT. Rm TSMR NMR wm T ort LNs PAA AO A (cis Hee BiS, MBHGLSCMIMS CELLS C, BM OUROM MER RIES EBNSTLLI, You can expect a reconciliation of a relationship that you were giving up. On aspect of romance, past relationships might rekindle again. By asking the people around you for support and taking a positive attitude, you may gain confidence and became more positive. Nera DALeNMCLec LES, It seems that you are in a situation where you wish you could start over, or cannot give up what you already lost.It’s better to settle cleanly with the past and give up unreasonable expectations, Moving forward positively could open up a better path 21.THE WORLD KEYWORD: 36h #47 EAC Hei HtE oef0 completion, Ending, Achievernent Ideality, Inertia, Failure THE WORLD _UPRIGHT UCETRRER MECHEL. Positive and confident action may lead to success, resulting in what you have desired for, You may have fulfilled your dreams and aspirations, become filled with the utmost happiness. No doubt that you're in a perfect condition, Also don't forget to show your gratitude. REVERSRED HScET. LO LENSL. BE BRS CHDCEN TEST, It indicates that there is only one step lacked for moving on. You might feel impatient, but try to ask yourself if it is okay to give up right here. Reflect on your methods and goals, then the 18.THE MOON AL KEYWORD: /® Bm Sik MBH RAS SIARARLEO ke Anxiety, worry, Impatience. Irritation Uncertain future, Change THE MOON UPRIGHT BEOR HPA EI RE OTLE DECI DAS MOT. Bob th at BUcCelecktbamslnse eR RpELn eee Wachee BATERUBNAALCT. It comes to the time when you can't focus on your mind and feel restless. Anxiety and impatience tend to dominate you. The results and future are uncertain, just as unrealistic as the expression of the symbol of the moon. A feeling of vagueness may dominate you, but it’s better not to think too complicatedly. REVERSRED BUR UPRRICA He il Ce SCLAD. ths PRB Moe eS Hh, TIPNELAR RSMO RT CE ACRES. MB AA AME TL Bete a Ge RORUT You may fas "eslleved after you realize the misunderstanding, You will be free from anxiety and impatience and regain the refreshed feelings. You will get to know that things have been going quite well, and will gradually settle down soon. 19.THE SUN ABB KEYWORD: {83% LAl¥yysa wR pL ae Bright. Energetic. Briskness, Success, Smile, stagnant xix THE SUN UPRIGHT BRM PVNEMIBI CET. BOMOKRICMSWIALE RA TeST, FURNISH Be Heirons oom sts MEABICT SC, LOB SUK Ruane. Bright signs can be seen in the situation in front of us through active exchanges. Step outside positively and it may fortunately lead you to an indefinite relationship. A brighter situation can be expected if you value your smile. REVERSRED Be Ree Beem Neth. TIMHEDLOIA Ee Bc TOPE LAE the MODEL. BALTHS DU per ae a aa CLA —MF 0 — SSN, RAC RRS RICLTNSST Although the reality is not as bad as you thought, it is undeniable that you are lacking energy. Even if you have tried hard, only about 80% of your wishes can be fulfilled, The development is likely to stagnate, and you might feel Ace of Wands D> KDA Stepney $GED WF MS (RH RIE Beginning, 6 Bae Birth, Passionate, Originality, stagnation ACE OF WANDS UPRIGHT WA MIA -CLoeT HLA PEAS—bT SORE RUM C T. MEGAMAN MED. SOF BIFT-PBNTE, AMER Paknon emmy cm D> THEKETT. It's the best time to start something new with your creative energy. New relationships are beginning, fresh energy is pouring in, and all the power and environment you need to reach your goal are in readiness, REVERSRED PNKVEBVTHSR KEM Spt aye Lnkthn panes HEICHT— BRS MLIT. HE FOLTHSDELUCLLS, Oc EC. RAO ARBUTART, There are times when things you want don't work well and may easily turn to a wrong way if you try to push forward.Please calm down once and get ready.That gives you the courage to move on. Two of Wands I> KM 2 KEYWORD: Bi pb ek HE att Ie Goal,Ambition,Achievement Sacrifice,Risk,Prablerm UPRIGHT OR ALO FHcEMCETITT. AM BUTE. ation fa GAT Een a oi fe cL BAR ERTS TL 45. BK ae ete. KEG A REe It seems that you are gaing in the direction you want and likely to succeed. In human relations. you will also be able to build good relationships with those who have the same values. By taking on bold challenges. you can also achieve big goals 7 UF} REVERSRED MUEBH, MT PASTS Rea oh et 2a epee CCEAME AERTS. fA’ ae EBAOBRRPRCAL RIG xe MEE DML DOS Everyone who wants to succeed has to take a risk sometimes. If there are things you are not sure, it is such a time to think carefully about it. This experience will feed you,even if the results of the answers you have thought out do not work. INP ILAF - DUE RT Major Arcana Wands ACE OF WANDS Five of Wands D> KOS KEYWORD: it ()_L ots Bctk BF Ma MS Progress, Occupied, Hectic, Influence. Stimulus, Canflict UPRIGHT PET SCL TEM MICB ON TLE 1S. HELO IE A A 9 ht BF (BH NoCHSbOLHSOCHBUTLS 2D? SOR ROR A TERE SER RICLCMROTETIOO Ht LNnsth. BRCM LAMS TtEREMPSMeGICLe, ER MICRVARICRNTHAST, You are hurried to chase the schedule no matter what you do. It's gatting too hectic for you to grasp the current situation since multiple tasks and many people are involved simultaneously, However, facing the surrounding situation directly even if it is in conflict with you, may lead the result to a positive direction. REVERSRED BRPRAAOTH BUSI id. BRR OS DICH 7 BRIS DEF. SISEOHAT ART CB Ald OK, ELD AHS CE Utd. RRLHSUTH, Those misunderstandings and troubles in opinions or ideas will naturally subside over time. It will be okay if you can maintain the status quo for the time being. Six of Wands D> KO6 KEYWORD: IS #] #2 mie Weenies Be AD Victory. Hope, Frustration Positive feeling, Confidence, Evaluated VARBDET BALBHS RM sit HS cea me BODTCH . BRIOM LT. TIOLE BUEBCT. You will be positive towards your goal and success. Confront difficulties by yourself, and you will grasp the opportunity to stand in the center in your career or events. The key to success is to work together with your companions. It's also a good time to invest in the future. REVERSRED Bok), KEG Rnev ws ee lTlsoky SPELHSth. CABHIEC BUBPAKITH, S2Ha0Nn SRP HOERATEET, There may be some times when you cannot get a good evaluation for your efforts, or you get stuck withdut finding solution to a big problem, Don’t get discouraged in such times. You will definitely see the exit as long as you don't give up. s % 3 m sob Ss Three of Wands D> KO3 KEYWORD: a? fiz ate Wis (2 HR Prospect, Journey, Planning Expectation, Trust, Departure UPRIGHT BRS. MCSE) MR BR CESILCS., BATON Be msicananey HER SUR et An 3 LU RIS OFEOLTUAT, FORRES. BR RMICAITT, Ke TE SCLE3. It's an indication for coming good situations and reliable human relations. A new connection with overseas in trade and transactions will exist. You are likely to get on a new journey as well as looking inte the future. It's right the time to make great strides towards your goal. REVERSRED ASUS REMBLTHET. OO PICPLOFEPRRURHITH. Br a Cr Raed = HOUWVAS—EPNESTT. 1B ices AoMmeAa ELH #ELS3. BAL RRNHNET. You can look forward . 4 bright future. Even if there's a little anxiety or confusion in your mind.things will go smoothy in the right direction. It looks like you are off to a great start. Please value your reliable relations. Also, you seem te have connection in the distance. Four of Wands I> KO4 KEYWORD: 9JbAL FA Hoe Pa Ke he welcome, Peace,Repose, Setting-off. Break, Anxiety UPRIGHT ERO PHA ROSE L. SRN CBT CEM CHET. BbLTUSIIATES BUA fil BRR ERB CESTLIG. BR (CMLTERSUILA RA HS LEA REFCTSBNCEET, You can spend your time peacefully with stable living environment and mental condition. You are also able to build good human relations where you can feel free and relaxed, Bright signs for the future can be seen and you will get hold of a fulfilling life. REVERSRED OK PA BA RICE HSGMPE LNA. mt ELTUTHEPROL, Come MER LANRCA BLES COTS Bt hSTLII. thay DSC AREET. MOBAT UMCED ABT, It seems that you are troubled with your surroundings and relationships and may feel alienated. You are feeling uneasy somehow even though life is settled and happy. In such time, it is important take a rest both physically and mentally, and make a switch in your life. teh ie al e Nine of Wands D> KO9 KEYWORD: iD {Be FROME SIRS HAM Bit Precaution,Prudence, Alertness, Tension, Waiting. Interference ALT SEE Bess. puAT ean FICE MMONSEBSTLED. You've become well-guarded due to past failures and traumas, being too careful to take action. Success may come if you have confidence in your efforts so far, calm down and wait for the opportunity. REVERSRED Bees you may be too careful and miss your chance, which makes you disappointed with yourself. But don’t give up or just let it go, It is important to keep believing in yourself and move on. Ten of Wands D> K® 10 KEYWORD: #2 jg 523 #42 s—- BR AB iw overcapacity, Tension, Pressure, Limit Escape, Repulsion UPRIGHT AE aS CH. BiB OR Roe uy THULE MA BANGER UTLEVER IMU TER A Thre lndth, ARGH Cia THETH. COCREEG2 T. BIMSTICR NMA SILT DESEO HPVCIET You may lose your composure facing great difficulties. It’s over your capacity and you feel a strong pressure because you can't afford any more. You are enduring this pain alone, but even in such a situation, overcoming it without running away opens the way to success. REVERSRED CHE CHA AA CER BR RPOREPOMMENED RIF STIR ITHSOMELN £th, —ATHAUAGT ET. OGM SCEC. RSH ABA TLKCEMTESETLIG, You may not be able to withstand the difficulties and pressures you have faced so far, ané feel like you want to escape. Relieve your burden and do not carry too much on your back, then you will move on for a bright future. Seven of Wands D>KO7 KEYWORD: @ Fo 3h ee A ROS Lait BM Advantageous position, Competition, Conquest, Sole winner, Differentiation, Disadvantage Ks NCVST. SELIM MMIC BCC EC. SECORRY, AMBRE Pas bl bicmELTUM LES You are in a favorable position, and will be able to move forward the way you want.You have gained a lot of trust and favor from the people around you. And these situations and relationships may improve even more if you behave positively. REVERSRED mei + SCRLT RI ef ag SOR PRA TEBVERCS Ayo BAICBITLED ioe ee eee WKO8 KEYWORD: @1(b ROA tf Mite wa ee Transformation, Development, Improvement. Expectation, Long distance, Sudden change va UPRIGHT BOMOK RY, ABOMMID ECSLCRIELT, HBLOBEA BINH ATIKTL SD, FBS AE FEMS SOC. tN, JEUEET, Fr vAsen ye ATHESLEI. FER MT PA PCtRYSIEITT. The situation in front of you and the surroundings are changing rapidly, but you can move on in the direction you want.The momentum and a sense of speed now may help a lot, things will work well as long as you get on the flow, Don’t be afraid to seize the opportunity. You seem to have connection with lands and people in distance. REVERSRED RRPSKEBI LIS y—ERL, PMCS Fey AAS 5, You tend to feel a lot of pressure from the current situation, [t's easy to lose control of your feelings and emotions, You have been working hard fruitlessly. and finally become reluctant However, please think of it as a time of trial and wait for a aes Queen of Wands D> Koa KEYWORD: {#8409 Itk¥oys Bi bd ARR BER Passionate, Energetic, Affection, Aspiration, Competitive, selfishness (QUEEN of WANDS UPRIGHT TA¥oyat, SReLEB ee ESOT, SmroMocensee TF. LEL Tio s. BFR EABPSRLSC acne BIICT ema ce DET SCET. KRRORELET. You may be seen as andi because of your energetic and dignified attitude. You are the type who can't stay still, tend to behave freely, and always express your opinion head-on to anyone, Treating others with warmth can defuse the situation. RPTMCKI CLEA, It indicates that you feel like behaving selfishly and swung around the others.The situation will open up as long as you become grateful to people around you and think for themmore. King of Wands D> KO= KEYWORD: #4289 Energetic, Dynamism, Confidence, Narrow vision, Loneliness. eliance KING of WANDS UPRIGHT OTK MTS CLES, ALLE Afi ee SI A MIE With an energetic and confident attitude, you can push towards the future. You will surely find a way If you do not depend on your surroundings and move on with your own strength. Even more possibilities can be opened up if you can meet independent people. REVERSRED LOTMA. HOKINTL k inginieh that you feel like behaving selfishly and swung around the others. The situation will open up as long as you become grateful to people around you and think for them more Page of Wands Dy koOnt> KEYWORD: # (25 RUSH BASL) SA BE Bond,Trust, Good news, Bright,Pureness,Misunderstanding PAGE of WANDS UPRIGHT TLE3. HE PMACBLTSHIC RUASEOMLAATERT . It is bright, innocent and pure condition, full of childish cuteness. You will win the trust from others if you trust them from the bottom of your heart. Through this, you are able to build good relationships and take the first step on the path to success. When it comes to work and study, particularly great news is coming to you, REVERSRED SREB SOMA RUA Halgrnbas a ealnerls a th. Boho Ficobehe, aknpas ce cme ace ELTSET. The childishness in your character may stand out in a wrong way.Open your heart to others and regain their trust, and your relationships will gradually get fixed. Knight of Wands o> FoR KEYWORD: 32 Witt Ahn BE Ri WR Decision, Advancement. Dynamism, volition, Challenge, Discord KAIGHT of WANDS UPRIGHT HOVSMHMBEO TAS MEL NECA. BICC RMD PELE EGRE nee Léde The road may not be easy.but it's time to test your determination towards your goals. You can overcome everything if you have a strong will full of energy. It’s time to start for the unknown world and relationships without fear. You may also discover something new on a trip to a strange land. REVERSRED EAM ALVEWI RFS EHS OD I. dob tomas. paeay SBESUTLII, CIPS OR ERM. MRICHHS OCT. dL. BREST. Although you have a desire to move forward, you may find it difficult to change the situation because you cannot grasp any chance due to some disturbance, Ascertain the situation and be careful, and things will get better. Di 8 ie ee doe 1 Major Arcana Swords ACE of SWORDS Ace of Swords Y—KFDA KEYWORD: IF) Sfol) Fell Be HAD #BH Victory, Ambition, Overcoming, Conquest, Curiosity, Domination ACE of SWORDS UPRIGHT LotNELER SOR. HoTMETOT. aS cet of eo Bi ea gt MAT SCeA CEST. Since you have @ solid mindset and will, your efforts will be recognized by the people around you and you will become successful, It can be seen that you are approaching your goals and glory. You can achieve them by moving on with a positive attitude. REVERSRED BROSAPR AICS HICBOTL 2), BOM RAMCB2COMeL Heth. 208%, SBCA H CEIDHOST ON. RAC ADEM DRUBEOL INDE FH ALMA SCETRH CHET. Sticking to your own thoughts and aspirations, you tend to lose sight of your surroundings. As a result, you may get in conflict with people around and lose their trust. Try to regain yourself gradually, wait for the right moment, and seize the opportunity. Two of Swords Y—FO2 KEYWORD: /(5¥2% M040 =tk- Zin He A Balance,Harmony, Alternative, Compromise, Stagnant. Immorality UPRIGHT ERPS ACH BMS rho £0. PAIGTNGIARERC CS HeSotuaMace ac OMI Re AI Uidee RELTUSCLL5. Mews DER CR HG BRE BUT UKCEAMFEBNESTT Development is stopping due to the differences in values and ideas, and the balance is hard to keep, The relationship seams to be barely in equilibrium, but it can keep stable for a while if you could find a compromise with the others. The continuation of longterm relationships may lead to final stability. REVERSRED Se Ree CORES. iN Sama By ETE cause your mind v unbalanced. Ever you are negligent, be positive and keep careful not to lase important things or relationships on the spur of the moment. Five of Swords V—EKO5 KEYWORD: AS iH) SEES 2 TA HORE Cruelty, victory, Killing. Greed, Obsession, Betrayal v UPRIGHT SPM S AMICI ePIC EE AGWCCE BS PELNGUTL 3. MBL. AS EPL CRA out TE OMMARL TSN Selt SRUTIM. RLUVSOEFICA Se wlcls. SLLTMHEOE BOTT. You will be able to succeed if you don't cling too much to certain means, People around you won't consider you as greedy, and you may lack the part of compassion as a person even if you win. Sometimes you need to be determined to get what you want. lid SRC h REVERSRED RIC IAAB RIE HEATED EL OTL EILOTTM, EORRH GEO OB EROTLS TLS sore gs Sy a ia a # id we fl oy Sceb HVE HA You might have acted on impulse. As a result, the path to possible success was closed, You may be regretted or feel conflicted for actions and remarks that you've done so far, so be careful not ta repeat the same mistakes. Six of Swords Y—KO6 KEYWORD: (1B ge A RE HMA Prudence, Departure, Determination, Resolution, Supporter Bewilderment UPRIGHT BAER TO TCHNS HM L— Alc, LUBA GCE CEEIT 2 MBG AN— hESC TE £9, BGT MO iG Pane BETA T CB cH oo ECR ROE Re SUCCES FEE. ASGAMEKESNS BHT SESHBUCLIS. You are likely to move into a new stage with your friends protecting you. With a smooth start, you can achieve the best result if you could take some time to deal with things with prudent action and calm judgment. However, it's better not to make important decisions now. it REVERSRED SLAAIITUSEON BPE Bot 23. ee aee ee echeanel Fth. BELO RUsRRUenee Ria BPROHSNEUCT A, Swe RREAT. RMLTMCECHS URROMITTCHEET, Things don’t go as expected at this time. Something you are clinging to becomes the shackle, and you may not be determined. The future will open up for you if you try to judge the situation objectively and make decisions. Three of Swords Y—FD3 KEYWORD: DOA RUBE Sie Hal BHR HEB Pain in the heart, Catastrophe, Collapse, Confusion, Restart, New life UPRIGHT BEPAMMARML FST SmElLhsth. LOM CDEGCLROCASON DES Bee REE. DT BR ORO’ ROPNST. It seems that romantic and social relationships are not going well and you are becoming pessimistic. It may be due to your selfish expressions or behaviors so far. You may find a clue to the solution if you reflect on your words and actions and judge things objectively. REVERSRED BORA RMRP LIGASE ES PNW DSPSctkc toc, Ble Be RE TPAIS TL43. DEK MICLTHEEO PACH NS cele BSAA EHISTM. ENCEL COUR AP BC RAST Lid. KIVPSbBMENST You may open up new possibilities by giving an end to past relationships by yourself, You may lose something or someone that you really cherished, but you will meet ones just as wonderful as them. You will also be free from trauma, Four of Swords Y—KO4 KEYWORD: (AR PRie iit fe AR aR Rest, Truce, Suspension, Hospitalization, Recovery. Liveliness WCE Day Ps1 775 7 BELA Bec RIMULEReSSrTC It is a suggestion that you should calm down and rest, stay away from the current situation or problems for a while, Your past wounds will heal as time passing by and you can be able to positively work on your vision and life plan for future, REVERSRED tT. MOORiRM Sb LAN CUE CEC AICS CENTS. Paunagevesaes. a VAAAOMSN Eko -r BPM FPEMUSCEMCHSCLIO. It seems that the state that has been stagnant for a long time is changing and begins to move on slowly little by little. Staying away from current circumstance can give you a sense of calm and motivation. You can feel a premonition for things getting better. Nine of Swords Y—FO9 KEYWORD: EO 1D Be KEM DIOR BO RH Sadness,Anguish, Suspicion Anxiety, security,Relief UPRIGHT ABALCOMNPRLUBE OFF WA CLEIPELNEE AL. DUDE REAIICIS IT LEVIS T THR-ATHAAET, MOC R LUSCCESL. BMT SCOTCH Stcee suey. You may feel regretted because of the farewell of your loved ones or other difficulties falling on you, You might get pessimistic unconsziously, but please do not hold it alone, consult with others. You may be enlightened by this consultation. REVERSRED SECMSMI TEL MIS PD Bh, HBG CETH OER BIC; RIE. DPSRT#STLII PA Ese Sete get HET. DUP OARS SEL? AT HE fen RAatest. You will gradually realize the anxieties and worries that you have been holding up for a long time being meaningless, and you will get truly relieved. It's a time when you can work on things with a stable mental condition, Little by little you come to see bright future and more promising possibilities. =. pd Ten of Swords Y—F@ 10 KEYWORD: BAY 27 fs AW Th eH Terminator, End, ruin, despair, improvement ~ SIL BATT ter SER ODG RASCH POEL. You are in a state where you can't solve the complex problems well and have to wait for the consequences passively. However, even relationships you wanted to break and situations painful but unavoidable, will be put to an end completely. It implies a new coming, There is a ray of hope shining in. You may feel that things are recovering little by little from a situation on the brink of destruction. You'll be able to overcome the predicaments and achieve final success. The point is to work diligently without greed. Seven of Swords Y—KO7 KEYWORD: 32% Sig PENA BR RM ARR Cunning, Strategy . Advice Exception, Temptation,Solution Cems eceeeaICG i. et that you can cheat to make a profit.But you may need to reflect on whether the method is really good one for you even if you succeed, It is also important to make a judgment by looking deeply into the reality. SOIC REVERSRED PMI IP ENA APH AER ZEW Ge A hes th. a DT Re CatICT. HRESA. MEAL THAELII. You are likely to get some useful advice and help. Consulting with an expert may make you able to take a step forward to solve the problem. Even in this unstable situation, you are beginning to find the way out and salve the contradiction, Please think about the future and move forward. Eight of Swords V—FO8 KEYWORD: #3 a8 ‘BR Mel Stl we Immovable, Constraint, Restriction, Confined, Stalemate, Improving UPRIGHT SCHMsKcn FT RMENTHS FICMUT OPE LAAN, EROIBSTIORMICADE RS FEUER RRB EET: a ST MBCROME LTE TOR LWAREBCL. qeORER IT AELII. It indicates a state where you are bound by something and cannot move at all. It doesn't work no matter what you try, and you seem to get more and more pessimistic because of these bad results. Sometimes you need to throw away your assumptions and break your shell. REVERSRED BAARKOOUNSRRTI A. B HORMPR RES CES Fey ANAT. FRENCR ASK RE PLUPIRUA AICO T WOOT. SBCt B ICIS BL) AOHARICRRERITTHSCET. Fey AEG TSS TLL. It's a situation that requires patience, but you have the opportunity to improve your surroundings and circumstances. The situation that seems to be a stalemate is gradually improving, so you can get a chance by acting freely and focusing on the outside world, Queen of Swords Y—-KORE KEYWORD: tt 2 Ha!) Hb RB BEA Indifference, Intellectual, Criticism, Obsession, Selfishness Betrayal QUEEN of SWORDS UPRIGHT HEH TR OAO BIC tah VOTIERICE ETT, BF HEC SCETRE PA MRE RUA RAS tee 29, SBHTHHE BRANES HALSTON, RCSA AMES ETS ERLAELIG. It's difficult te develop your romance and human relations in a positive way since you can't open your heart. Critical thoughts and attitudes may lead to antipathy towards others, If you think in a selfish may fail to make a right decision. Try to be open-minded and enjoy the moment. REVERSRED SEHLS RP BRB REK SGRATIMN. BECMLT—A ICR HSP RASH LTTSOT da4. HFORAL REL. Rit ANSUVORSEHICET. BHF BRE RUT THET , You may hurt someone because of your critical words and attitudes. Instead of unilaterally imposing your feelings on others, be open-minded to accept them and you will build relationships better, rim ie King of Swords oe KEYWORD: S0TEH) HA fA thir 2M RR SH Intellectual,Power, Great man, Status. Fame, Cruelty, stubbornness KING of SWORDS UPRIGHT You will gain reputation and fame and establish higher social status. But you seem to give priority to your intelligence and lack humanity.Thus your cold attitude may cause misunderstanding. But your broad perspective may help you to take flexible and appropriate actions to achieve success. REVERSRED In some cases, your cold aspect and cruelty may stand out and people may grudge you. Especially in relationships, stubbornness and self-centered thinking may backfire on you: You need to be self-disciplined and judge things fairly. Page of Swords Y- Kons KEYWORD: #8) He 5h Binfkn oi Skt Intellectual, wisdom, Diplomacy, Betrayal, Hostility, Alertness PAGE of SWORDS UPRIGHT BCHEHSTHesne A DP MDA R—BEGELIT A HORBICADO CER BATHETECEMCASTLE De. Eee eee eaG ARAORRERELHD. BHO Smomeersccesurce. Careful and well-planned action and unwavering judgment can be your first step towards success. You will be able to plan flexibly to achieve your dreams and goals. Your breadth of knowledge and conversational skills will help you to develop your interpersonal relationships and make it easier for you to play an active role. REVERSRED BRP ESOTMCHEICMRICH SLETRREAH PAT FAD PRS, ROGERS LIS COAUECENET, BPR RS CEG ATMUTLM CERAMIC. Halfway and ambiguous actions or judgments would lead to bad results. Please be careful with your own actions and remarks. The belief that you can achieve it can help a lot. ice Ti Knight of Swords Y—KOR+ KEYWORD: it ak HBT 2S ai Sut Challenge, Quickness, Aggression, Courage, Self-confidence, Fruitiess effort & tpt KNIGHT of SWORDS. UPRIGHT BOM OI RICH 2), Bic w TLE. MMO SE Oa AMCT. It may be a difficult process, but you can open the way if you face the challenge in front positively. Try your best te go forward and you will be recognized by the people around you.You will be able to set your mind and find your way to confidence and courage. It's important to move on at full stretch! REVERSRED STREET. RAC ARE DORUTHEBBLCEHEL LI. CRATES CTMICB ERNE 0. — Roe RAINE TL FICCEHOVST HM, Mise iT He RRAAICE HONS TLL. It suggests that you will get into a messy state if you think too much about everything and can't take action, or you are being swayed by temporary emations. Don't be hurry,don’t overwork, gradually regain yourself and move on. Ace of Cups HYFOA KEYWORD: #OlGED En Se BStKey BE A The beginning of love.Affection, Happiness, Impressibility, Timidness, Disappointment ACE of curs UPRIGHT Reels 3. TES ta HingwsodscAMLaL te It is the situation where you can get the feeling of fulfillment and happiness from the bottom of your heart when a new romance starts or beautiful love buds. It can also imply the beginning of love, marriage, pregnancy or childbirth.Face up to your impressible feelings and move on. REVERSRED Ee acne LEFeULS. Bee % Df ROACLELE SRONSVLERMLT. 3a SLB FES GM ERISL. SORRLRSNTT Be careful not to lose sight of yourself if you are giving or seeking too much love. Also, don't be carried away easily or swayed at others’ convenience when you make your decision in your life. Two of Cups HYFD2 Be aRG Premonition of sweet love, Fulfillment, Shortened distance, Excitement,Pounding, separation UPRIGHT BAL ee ee ee. RFS ECAOMRST qua be eer. Pad He Ice LIT ee SEM eo RMcobHS Coss. You don't know each other well yet, and the feeling of love makes you excited. You will feel the stability, peace of mind and happiness if you trust each other. A confirmation of love with emotion and body may lead to more happiness and the development of the relationship. eile BFOCLEBO. DEMUTING et, AUS ER HSE BNEL TheFL23. It is time when the affection goes one-way and the unstable relationship is likely to become estranged. It is alse important to be honest. Try to regain positive relationships by thinking from the standpaint of your partner. ACE of cups Five of Cups DYFOS KEYWORD: enka s FIREtE FEB SER Disappearance, Defeat, Pe. UPRIGHT RLMGBUYTUEL SIC! ee RAD PSAP SSD Ft A. PAE REC Ee Tet, SMP EVE Ic RBCS 5, ARCA SCORER E ACARSCECRDA BIEN Le You will have to make a sacrifice if you desire for something. The more you know about the truth, the more you will get shocked Sometimes things don't go as you imagined, which also makes you disappointed. Don't expect toa much and think positively, then things can move on in a right direction. REVERSRED DULSIRAVRSBITVEET. BRCRBMLECEPRREEDT COT. BGA ci He HSeHIC, HROMMPAEGEVUICAUT LUCTUS, ACO BEARD. TLL BBemiecese. Rect BL Your horizon is broadening little by little. Learn from past failures, and you could get on a new path and achieve success. A restored relationship can be expected, It's also a good time for independence. Six of Cups aeaoe KEYWORD: hw Buh an ie Past,Hometown, Childhood, Memory, Growth, Progress UPRIGHT SPO BU PEOIAIC AUT SB L TC, BOLUR 185 pratt 2TUET, BUMICRS cet. ZCbR). HEBRAS CHE SICMOMNED, RMLEDLTO CBRMRU TEE, You may feel nostalgic when memories of childhood and the ideals at that time come back to youWhen immersing yourself in these memories, you will be able to switch your own feelings and become motivated to tackle new cases and take on new challenges. REVERSRED LENO ERASC, BREE NU Sce CHRIS ELE WOCEM CAST, LUPE PRECKAO, ROHR AC#ET, HLS MBEAI—hE EMENSTLEF. Get out of the past, and you can find excellent omens for the future. New possibilities are gradually becoming visible, and the path toward success can be seen. It’s a good time that your past experience will help to start something new. It also means renascence Three of Cups AYIO3 KEYWORD: $8483] 3£LL\ HG A RRARA teak Innocence, Fun,Excited, Growth,Problem solving, Pleasure UPRIGHT # BN Boum sconscL ETOMDSAT, Hace PRLATOSSSCE WH SRT CoA UL. HBceET ot aap. ‘ae RL PARE SRE OIBSTL £90 The result you have dreamed of will come and you will feel satisfied and cheerful. It seerns that you have completely forgotten your daily life and are enjoying this moment with a bright and light mood.You may be able to reach positive conclusions and results, and your trust upon others will bring success and blessings closer to you, REVERSRED thin ht Bie oe bey. MB MeN CLE PELNEEA Bld 8 5 MEMS. ae BARR SUC ONT SRE DE The situation does not change easily and you tend to be swayed by people around you. You should be careful not to drown in the temporary pleasure. Resetting the current situation may also works. Four of Cups AvyFO4 KEYWORD: A Re Re FH HS Fatigue, Frustration, Boredom, Greedy . Assistance, Empathy Bcee, #L ger ow MRC ENCES You're not mentally fulfilled and not able ta calm down. Things are boring without any change. Your frustration tends to accumulate without being abreacted. Accept these changes on your own and move on with a relaxed mood REVERSRED SLUM BAD ABN R GE OED PTB ACDOMALBLA Ble, FRGRKMSEITT. Ae BEAR (cL, KERB CA TUM CET, htee emmy cen CaT, f0- MOM CES BRB ONSET. It is time when you can easily create new developments and relationships. A new breeze is blowing into your unchanged daily life, and you may regain a fresh feeling. Value your human relations and get along with others genuinely,and you will be able to achieve even more satisfying results. Nine of Cups AYFOO KEYWORD: i #45 SORE LM ea ie Satisfaction, Happiness, Realization of dreams, Success, Achievement,Dissatisfaction _ SRIDWARLTBSCE PRM EMME TICB THSET You can get the best results to achieve your goals and fulfill your wishes. You will be able to enjoy pleasures of life. The Nine of Cups in upright position is also called the wish card, which implies that your expectations and dreams will come true. REVERSRED BRE RERAIICLT. Bice PASEN CLEC SIICRLSDEL Heth, BUKRIBOFrYAEB SCOMUN YR TH, ENtHET &—HHRLOLOTH DES — BRELT. MEOREE AIH to Sometimes the door may suddenly close even if the achievement seems just close at hand, and you may become half” hearted or anxious about it, However, remember that it is just temporary. Try to reflect an yourself again and avoid this situation. Ten of Cups AYIM 10 KEYWORD: SER RHE FRR i FE RMR Sense of stability, Familial love, Fertility Bonds,Alienation, Collapse of relationship A indication of the warmth of family love. You may personally enjoy a happy marriage or a sense of stability. It's also possible to get into a good workplace or residence. You'll be blessed in your relationships or as a member of the family. Also please value the feeling of gratitude and consideration for others, REVERSRED AMBRRICOSTSERL. Hct DERTGVERUTHSZOMEL AFth, AHSERSROL. DIME A, 5 AB EEC HCKEGB BERTHS CLs De Sometimes you feel alienated because your relationships don't go well. You may need to mentally calm yourself down first. Don't stay in the shadow. You may benefit only from giving love to others. Seven of Cups DY7O7 KEYWORD: 241 278K B24 Bop Fantasy, Delusion,High aim, Unrealistic SIUC ARC: ns as You only let your feelings ahead and can’t see the reality.It seems that you are immersed in the unreal world and act in vain, Though you may have made a decision to act positively, please take a step back and calmly grasp the status for a better result, since you are too eager to see the reality well. REVERSRED SRORAN MOTT 8 Dew REMS cH cess. AMER SB—FPSLINOE MA WUT UWS TLL. AACR RHE A SCECSROMNARATEST, You can see the reality clearly, waking up from fantasies and dreams. You may get the mood to move on and be able to take a small step towards your big goal. You can see the future progress by locking at the reality calmly. Eight of Cups HY7FOS KEYWORD: feir5 Bt Bs ED BER OFe Decline,Leaving, Estrangement, Expulsion,Divorce, Improvement UPRIGHT Line PM RIE ERS SC’ CHLOE SBA TACs AGCBELEOPALVED REKESNES LdoChSctinalt, EAN THT, KAIRIE ZENS CT. css, of ae Sh See = ia iz 3 7 ati RS ia It may be a chance. Gut off old things and relationships, new possibilities will open for you. Knowing what you really need will help you to be determined and renewal your mentality. [t may be a good idea to take a break from what has got stuck into a rut. REVERSRED MPEKTE BOLTS SBSH KERELSLITT,. ROMOK ISL. MSP Pema esT. HEB A CHABAD IC ROMBCENCASTL SI. HEH ee EWS LP OREE DTUMMELNE A. Something worth celebrating will come. The current situation is getting better and you will be able to reaffirm your aspiration and dream. You will be able to work on actively. Things you were about to give up may take shape little by littie. Queen of Cups peg One KEYWORD: && a it AYA Sly Bs Shute Charity , Charm, Romance Consideration, Grace, Selfishness QUEEN of CUPS _pURRIGHE The gentle and delicate side is strong. You are the person who have compassion to help and benefit others.Happiness will come to you because you can value the feelings of concern and compassion and be close to the feelings of the other person. + 5D P, ru ater Rome th. HELKROREPRLEE ELIS FICROTLMCET, aa. Pee Oe ae #STLES. You may behave in a egocentric way. which cause isolation and antipathy from others.It also implies that your partner will leave if you impose your feelings unilaterally. A long-term relationship is based on your consideration for others. King of Cups AYIOE KEYWORD: 3RLLATH Bc KES 2D ME ae Deep compassion, Kindness, Sense of duty, True intention, Falsehood. suspicion KING of cups UPRIGHT Don't get swayed by emotions, and you will be able to make fair decisions and take the responsibility. Your judgment is worthy of trust since you are honest.Face your heart and communicate your thoughts with others. It may lead you to SUCCESS. REVERSRED BB o LCA SRT LEE ADORE COs AM CUNT. th. DEMS One. = oi CR LUGS EBUILD DRO A PSCEMH DIODES . APMAT ALSO You fail to grasp the feelings of others, and doubt them more than necessary or notice their shortcoming only as a result. You may lose your composure unconsciously and become emotional, It is important to calm down and watch over the situation gently. Page of Cups AYFORTT KEYWORD: SEG AE SER BR stk Pureness, Innocence,Honest opinions. Sensitivity. Sincerity, Temptation PAGE of CUPS UPRIGHT Pee eB SSC. MascnMe sce On HSaETT, You have a pure and straight- forward personality, some parts of you being approachable and childlike. You are able to find a solution to what you worried about.Acting positively with your honesty and purity is the key to Success, REVERSRED ae PR RAH amENT UBUER SH EBSHELN SHA. HDRES BLOT TMCS MAMET Ss RSL, WRC RITGLMAL DEH CSS BRTSCEC, SRLORSELO EDLTP COMM EAT, You may fail due te your immaturity and childishness. It's a state where you can't get rid of dependence on others or willing to be spoiled.Remember not to make extreme choices to get rid of anxiety and keep a strong heart to resist temptation, thus you can make the most of your virtue. Knight of Cups Jy7ORt KEYWORD: (#84 Aad Bak Ra heh Ae Passion, Motivation.Desire, Excitement, Challenge, Calm KNIGHT of CUPS: UPRIGHT MBM ERS PSSM MMC DEMSTLLS. MP EA TUS cals BER OCRMLELLS, BRON CRBC PIO—FT Olt, SEER F ey AMER FSOELNSHA. TATOMBIC MBELOTMIMGELUTLES.. Positive emotions and attitudes will lead to success. Whenever you're worried about something. be confident to make decisions, A passionate approach to your goals may bring you unique opportunities, It's a good idea to work on everything with enthusiasm. REVERSRED GEOR — A THOTLEL. ULAR RFP TERE GE Sit, —ERPREL, RSE BSR, 2b DEIR CHELLIS. BHOURE SRCMDDRL Ecce CesT, You are lacking in calmness, being too impetuous to make good judgement of the actuality. You need to take a deep breath first and calm yourself down. The first step to get out of the current situation is to reflect on your position. Ace of PENTACLES ALVIAILD A KEYWORD: ane FA ei RR A RE Acquisition, eee Fortune, Prosperity , Success, Stagnation UPRIGHT AARSMBHGNETOCT. SNE DaRREES MEFODUL CLES, You can feel that what you have been doing so far is starting to work. You will be able to build a stable foundation for the future, Diligent works and an attitude of not giving up will pay off.You'll be blessed with fortune, so just aim for a better achievement. REVERSRED CEBR CGV. HO-STES ADE LONSLICT , MMLC T. FSBSPMICCEDIT EG WCTRTSCEC, MAACO THIET. NSVABBEA MIC FSCEC, PRCA LCLA RICH Lb, URUAAACm PTL ThEds You can get a response in your romantic relationship with just one step further. Something is nearing completion, but if you stick to your ideals too much, you may miss the chance... Don't be mired in detail, and you may get fulfillment. Two of PENTACLES A> FIND 2 KEYWORD: S53 Gait SLa BG RR Rit MP Refreshment, Fun,weightless, Stormy waves, Change, ‘Opportunity An enjoyable time for refreshment can be expected. Sometimes you lack seriousness and can't understand others. Your own attitude also tends to be half-hearted.You may need more careful judgment to get better results. REVERSRED Boe Le—P, BEAD Bf at RBROR RCA See. Sie CSCECSROCER BASH SRBOESNET, ROTTS ECRBEC IADR MES AR The pressure on the ups and downs and anxiety about the future is clearing away, The fragile relationship suffering from hardships will gradually became stable, giving you enough space to think about the future Ca Throwing your hesitations away may have a positive effect on you, Dwi) ale toe de eb eh Major Arcana Pentacles Five of PENTACLES ALPIWOS KEYWORD: Bite iG Ae Reif Bal Wm Mle Poverty, Bankruptcy, Despair, Pain, Ghaos,Kindness Six of PENTACLES eo e KEYWORD: AS Bt Bue) RE A ee Charity, Amiability, Compassion Stability, Admiration, Calculation UPRIGHT fe LUNAR ie PB BR RE ECC TICE RICE EN TL HoTHAOME LNA. Chey ik. BEECEVTHECRLSHO ELCES RUC LAL. Poe tk ORKAMCT. SROLHIly Eneopocee. HEEDRDNS Cet HSTlLs3, You are pana and physically exhausted due to a series of difficult situations. In such cases, it is important to rest and relax. If you feel no need for something anymore, it is one way to let it go. You can be saved by doing So. REVERSRED FREE bE DRRERSOTILES. AOE MERLNDT See. SDB FICMMOCUFELLI. You are confused because you are in a state of poverty. You may not have time to think about the future, but you will feel the kindness and warmth of the people around you, and you will be able to grow as a person. Focus on the spiritual instead of the material. UPRIGHT BROARS DS, BPO PRL SEENNS. HOU BD CEUTHSRERCT, Bi S Res. SRSA WA BiBST. Br ealTeOe ELM SCE, BUT TRY PHEHCRMIET. You might feel compassion and kindness from the people around, of you are pouring it out to others. You will feel warmed by the love without expectation in return. Consider about others kindly may lead to success and happiness. 216 5n, BRE FePaceoc aay, You may be thinking of things in terms of profit and loss, measuring not only material but also spiritual concepts like feelings. Let go of any ideas that only benefit yourself and rethink how you interact with others. Then you will be able to build stronger relationships. Three of PENTACLES KEYWORD: A Re Flt iat AC Talent, Qualities,Proficiency, Improvement, Humility, Immaturity abi meee OmaL OU) ite te f You will be recognized fi professional skills and that you have worked dil to improve, and your future possibilities will expand. Continue to develop your personality and talents. REVERSRED a Bnet RU Tee ASe HICHL, RRAOFE Dia tt ZEN ThSne Lheta, fea? BROAMCRBCTHTEALE CH. HECMALTHSOTSE SSCLICEALELIS. BABIN fet aipDney You may feel anxious and worried about the future because of all the hard work and perseverance you have put in. It’s okay to feel immature about your abilities and experiences right now Focus just on what you can do now. Results will not betray your efforts Four of PENTACLES AYEIAIVD 4 KEYWORD: Aras fot 7h GE SE RS Stubbornness, Continuance, Calculation Persistence, Greed, Self-preservation The situation will stabilize if you carefully considerwhat’s going on. Prudent decisions over time and calm actions will stabilize the environment and lead to future success. Maintaining the status quo and waiting patiently will yield the best results, 5 Hr THCcee, SORA HHIEEELSTCLI3. You may be obsessed with money, or relationships. The feeling may backfire and you may end up wasting money or missing a hard-won opportunity because of the misjudgment. Abandon your obsession and things will get better. Nine of PENTACLES RYIINDI KEYWORD: #90 MAfy 28 Ki RD RARE Longing, Expectation, Long— cherished desire Ambiguity, Modesty Injustice = Coens nee EDRPSTLIG. ennece E5tT.. You will be able to create a stable environment and build new and better relationships. Keep open and honest with others, and you will gain their approval and cooperation, which help you achieve your goals. Advancement also can be expected. REVERSRED You are likely to act on the basis of profit and loss. Sometimes you may be tempted to take inappropriate measures ta achieve your goals. Be steady and don't be greedy, and your outlook will be brighter. Ten of PENTACLES AYFIINOD 10 KEYWORD: RE APM BE HARE Ek HM Family Harmony, Stability, Financial foundation, Slovenliness,Leave to chance UPRIGHT ERGCEMRAT EROS RB PUBLIC PFONTNSOTER PRRON SEI CRESS Gb CES CUS} 3 RELCES WRERASCEH or, RopeMuLtasaeviels No matter what happens, you will be protected by the warm bonds of family and will be able to realize your full potential You can create a stable living environment. It's ‘also a good idea to reach out for opportunities. You may find it difficult to follow rules and maintain motivation. In such times. don't he influenced by others, believe in yourself and keep firm. It also suggests the possibility of quarrels and trouble among family members, so it is best to try to build good relationships. Seven of PENTACLES Wane 7 KEYWORD: RR #8 RFS AH SR ACR Growth,Milestones, watehfulness, Dissatisfaction, Development, Achievement BCRAte Bier lohD es Be Use Uiee hub! $0 Tk SL RIC — i — Bie hh eae ior APRONS It suggests that you are dissatisfied with your past fruitless efforts.Things are growing slowly. You may be discouraged by the lack of success, but you can find a solution by sorting out your current situation and taking it step by step. REVERSRED CHETHALTEREON LIPS . TLE De FT eee BREAD BY Od jn +5. BR PRS fmmmt sce. PRETO ThHesLs3, Things you have been working on finally come to fruition and opportunities will ap pe a Fr. A favorable turn will create positive feelings. and a way to your goals will be formed. Increase your positive attitude by reconfirming your desiras. Eight of PENTACLES ALIAIVO 8B KEYWORD: #8 O) HEIRS 278 Be ASE MEAL Diligence, Friendly rivairy, Hard work, Sincerity, Inertia, Moderation UPRIGHT RR CHS BSCR eSaTHST, BAI BOB A SRT ON, E: eel coetles. Sincere and diligent behavior give people a sense of security. Continue to work hard every day in your own way.and this is a shortcut to success. As you begin to see the results of your effarts, your motivation will increase and you will feel more positive than ever. REVERSRED MBS AICRACHANTSTL #U, PLRELEVER IPE LN Sth. thie elt ey (COMIC, MOL SOB HS SL 5—BB HUTHODEUNTL SI. Mab cee BFHBEOBIC £8T TT. You “ ne bored with your steady efforts and feel the urge to give up. However, it is not in your best interest to make the easy choice here. Think calmly again, The results of your diligent efforts will always accumulate. Queen of PENTACLES AVPINORE KEYWORD: 57 A9 #345, SEH BA Hof RS Conservative, wealthy, Rational, Emotion, Peace of mind, Desperation QUEEN of PENTACLES UPRIGHT EH TEST. A stable situation or position will give you a calm feeling and you will be able to make a good impression on others. Your perspective will broaden. Also. you will be able to establish your social status by making fair judgments REVERSRED ADIBUE O48 38S PY OA ER PTHODICEILIC UME LE, THAOME LN SA, SiH Lome Ria. BARN G R KBCL TES, SERIE #1I7CtT. BRERECHRACE SP SRIBERRL CIXCED CE You may be suspicious of those around you, and paranoia may cause you to lose confidence. Keep a clear eye on reality and value an objective viewpoint. By judging fairly and controlling. your emations, you will be able to calm down and continue with peaceful relationships. King of PENTACLES ALVIINVOE KEYWORD: BA tig thet ABE WR BR Economic strength, Cooperation, Status, Cornputational, Convergence, Experience . KING of PENTACLES UPRIGHT ER = fi be Ht of a al cr t ss B Soi be stable. based on good relationships. You will be supported by people around, which will lead to future growth and development. Don’t forget to express your gratitmde, and aim for more social success. REVERSRED Lb £3. i ie — eT LE EMASHHAST SET, BTM OOCT. Lack of canfidence may cause a chance missing. This is a time when you may feel uncertain about whether your efforts are correct, So you may want to consider letting go of the status quo. By making a fresh start and striving to new goals, you will be able to find your way. ot 0 ea Page of PENTACLES AYVIBWLOM Y KEYWORD: hf) S23 See Sih OSmk He Diligence, Firmness, Stability, Preparation, Scrutiny, vanity PAGE of PENTACLES UPRIGHT £T. fe ete SF Mle] EFS RS A RELT matexeaee Ava FSLICMERTOSOT. | HEORRARD SH. + Het AA ENS TLLG, LoMOLE HE ie RELERBTSROKER RE (COBMOTLKOTT. Bejng steady and reliable, you are seriously thinking about the future with the goal of constantly improving, and you continue to work hard to save money, so that experience will be put to good use and your talent will be blossomed. A solid preparation and a stable foundation will lead to a big leap in the future. eee You may make the seme mistakes over and over again because of your pride. It is difficult to grow if you neglect your efforts. Go back to the basics and gain more experience, Your honesty to admit your mistakes will be appreciated. Knight of PENTACLES ALI ALORL KEYWORD: 32 #3 SE EEA wit 2H Progress, Steady , Stable, Rut,Advancement,Monotony KNIGHT of PENTACLES: UPRIGHT MELOHSRATBRLTRE EROSIET, BRICHERL, we PACRINTLK CLES, pera fESMMLELLI. You can move forward slowly with stability. Conservative thinking and choice of stability rather than risky challenges will lead to success. You will value stability over stimulation. REVERSRED SETOR MY. MABHT Tere ae ELSA MM PRER ALLO hy, RAE eee en st Meet Lt3. BRETT BAL. SLL ‘ie MOANSCEMM RAS, RIS MAL POIHGTLES, You may be stuck in a rut, getting lethargic about your monotonous and unchanging life or relationships. There is no freshness or speed in your days. Itis a good idea to try to make some changes. If you can break out of the status quo and bring in @ new breeze, you will feel much better to move an.

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