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Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100420

Journal of Innovation
& Knowledge
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Retail returns management strategy: An alignment perspective

Stefan Karlssona, Pejvak Oghazib,c,*, Daniel Hellstroma, Pankaj C. Pateld,
Christina Papadopouloue, Klas Hjorta
Packaging Logistics Division, Department of Design Sciences, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
School of Social Sciences, Sodertorn University, Stockholm, Sweden
Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland
Villanova School of Business, Villanova University, 800 E. Lancaster Avenue, Villanova, PA 19085, USA
University of Leeds, United Kingdom


Article History: This research aims to shed light on the formulation of returns management strategies and to identify key
Received 18 January 2023 returns management components in developing more effective returns management strategies. Anchored in
Accepted 28 July 2023 supply chain orientation and supply chain alignment research, we use a multiple confirmatory case study of
Available online 4 August 2023
six retailers operating in online commerce. Interviews with fifteen managers provided the primary empirical
data source for the study. The results confirm the presence of alignment in establishing effective strategies
for managing product returns and suggest a return policy. The findings provide detailed insights into seven
Reverse logistics
existing misalignments that curb the strength of alignment. These serve as strategic elements for managers
Consumer returns
to consider in formulating returns management strategies and goals. The results may assist retail and supply
Gatekeeping chain professionals in their quest to develop effective strategies for managing product returns. Research on
Strategy returns management strategy is scarce. This study offers a conceptual framework and provides new empiri-
Supply chain orientation cal insights into returns management strategy formulation and, in particular, potential misalignments.
© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. on behalf of Journal of Innovation & Knowledge.
JEL: This is an open access article under the CC BY license (

Introduction Given that e-commerce returns represent about a quarter of total

return rates, global retail CEOs point out that product returns are the
Online sales, a critical but challenging growth driver for retailers, most expensive aspect of omnichannel fulfilment (PwC, 2015).
roughly represent 25% of retail sales in the US (NRF, 2022). As sales Returns impose a substantial economic cost that is borne entirely by
figures continue to rise, especially during and after the COVID-19 retailers, not only from the direct result of lost sales but also from
pandemic, return rates follow the same pattern. During 2020, $428bn additional costs of shipping, handling, restocking, and repackaging
of goods were returned by US consumers (NRF & Appriss Retail, products (Guide et al., 2006). Customers expect lenient return policies
2021) and, in 2023, online returns are expected to reach $7 bn (Ambi- and a hassle-free return process experience as the price of their con-
kar et al., 2021). While retail return rates have grown from nearly 11% tinuing patronage of, and future spending at, that retailer. Yet con-
to 17% over the last two years, e-commerce return rates are reported sumers may experience disquiet and express increased concern about
to be at an all-time high of 25% (Ader et al., 2022). In 2020, returns the environmental impact of retailers’ return practices. These trends
were estimated to generate 16 million metric tons of CO2 emission suggest the need for retailers to align competing customer preferen-
and 5.8 billion pounds of waste (Optoro, 2020). Furthermore, the cost ces into a coherent whole and to understand fully the strategic impli-
to the internet retailer of handling the return of a 50-dollar item was cations of managing product returns. In this context, the alignment of
estimated at $33. The impact of consumer returns on industry and the returns management process, policy, and overall business goals
society are significant. are essential to ensure a high level of business performance.
Given its high relevance, research on product returns and returns
* Corresponding author. management has gained a prominent role in the literature on
E-mail addresses: (S. Karlsson), logistics and supply chain management (SCM) − for a review, see
(P. Oghazi), (D. Hellstrom), Abdulla et al. (2019) and Ambilkar et al. (2022). Despite the many
(P.C. Patel), (C. Papadopoulou),
(K. Hjort).
contributions in this area, literature that maintains an explicit
2444-569X/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. on behalf of Journal of Innovation & Knowledge. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
S. Karlsson, P. Oghazi, D. Hellstrom et al. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100420

strategic focus is limited. Dapiran and Kam (2017) specifically call for and restocking) are organized. Research in reverse logistics has domi-
an investigation of strategies to manage product returns and to fur- nated scholarly interest in the logistics and SCM fields. Rogers and
ther explore the existing trade-offs between customer returns in Tibben-Lembke (1999) focus on the efficiency of logistics activities,
terms of operating costs and returns as an essential element of cus- stating that reverse logistics encompass all reverse material and
tomer service. More recently, Ren et al. (2021) examined strategic information flows. To define reverse logistics and its components,
choices relating to return insurance, and Chen et al. (2019) studied Stock and Mulki (2009) identified several operational steps in reverse
employee development as an antecedent to effective returns man- logistics: providing authorization and labelling; receiving and
agement. Earlier studies by Mollenkopf et al. (2007, 2011) suggest unloading; processing the data entry and issuing customer credits;
that functional integration at the marketing and operations interfaces inspecting and routing to the defined destination; and disposition.
would enable firms to better meet customer return requirements. Gatekeeping is a key activity when managing the flow of returns.
Moreover, Abdulla et al. (2019) concluded that there is a lack of It concerns reviewing information on the returned items and the rea-
research on the decision making relating to returns policy and the sons for their return to decide how best to capture value in the
policy’s impact on the returns process. returned goods. Rightly used, the activity should guarantee that
While the existing literature presents many insights that inform unwanted returns do not enter the returns flow. For example, these
and shape the returns management process, we still do not fully returns could fall outside the stipulated return time. Unwanted
understand the strategic links between key components in the return returns can also relate to circumstances where the handling and
process and the route to a successful returns management strategy. processing costs are higher than the value that can be captured. In e-
We first explore this issue by conceptualizing adequate returns man- retail practice, there is a clear difference between consumer gate-
agement strategies. Drawing on the supply chain orientation (SCO) keeping and warehouse gatekeeping. Gatekeeping at the warehouse
literature, we propose that firms seek to achieve a level of alignment is often paper based using a pre-printed return note whereas the
between the return process, the return policy, and the business goal decision to capture the value of the returned items occurs at the proc-
designed to manage effective product return strategies. Then, using essing stage, which may be too late to ensure efficient handling of the
qualitative data from internet retailers, we explore strategy formula- return. Consumer gatekeeping allows for an earlier decision point,
tions on the presence of alignment and misalignment. The research providing an enhanced opportunity to prevent undesirable returns
corroborates the existence of misalignments in returns management from entering the return flow.
and examines the interdependencies amongst the components Reverse logistics and gatekeeping activities focus on the actual
involved and their potential business impact. physical implementation of the reverse flow of goods, while avoid-
This research seeks to contribute in the following ways. Specifi- ance focuses on lowering the flow of returns. There are numerous ini-
cally, the results extend the previous work that addresses process tiatives and practices to minimize the likelihood of product returns in
alignment in returns management (Dapiran & Kam, 2017; Larsen et the first place (Bernon et al., 2016). Some examples are improved
al., 2018; Mollenkopf et al., 2007) by identifying and categorizing product quality, precise information and detailed images to ensure
potential misalignments. Our study on returns management strategy that the products correspond to customer expectations, and correct
formulation represents a previously unexplored perspective and product delivery and on time. The importance and range of avoidance
adds, both theoretically and empirically, to the many aspects of the initiatives serve to emphasize returns management as a supply chain
supply chain management process that are of growing importance. process that goes beyond a single business function, such as logistics
Equally, the findings inform retailers, as part of their strategy devel- and a firm’s marketing department. To strengthen returns manage-
opment, how best to manage their consumer returns. Finally, we add ment as a supply chain process, Hjort et al. (2019) empirically identi-
to previous studies that address the relatively limited research fied a fifth interlinked activity for e-retailers to manage product
stream on SCO (Esper et al., 2010) through our extended investiga- returns: service. Service can take different forms, such as providing
tion of returns management. speedy reimbursement, and convenient and flexible procedures for
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The next collecting returns. However, it is more important that returns are
section introduces the theoretical background related to managing viewed as a service offer or a service recovery and, therefore, need to
product returns and presents a conceptual framework. This is followed be managed accordingly. As a service offer, returns are an integral
by a section that describes the research methodology and the empiri- part of the customer experience from the beginning to the end. As a
cal findings, and discusses misalignments in establishing effective service recovery, returns are the unintended consequence of cus-
returns management strategies. We conclude by addressing the tomer dissatisfaction. The need for technical support is reinforced by
research’s implications and by offering further research suggestions. Albors-Garrigos (2020) who concludes that technology can serve as a
supporting tool in communicating with consumers.
Theoretical background and research framework To manage product returns, it is necessary to go beyond the return
process to include the returns policy. For internet retailers, the
This section reviews three streams of literature, The first concerns returns policy constitutes the interface with the customers and com-
the returns management process and returns policy as key interde- municates the rules and mutual agreement between them. Janakira-
pendent components in managing product returns. The second man et al. (2016) defined the returns policy in terms of the time
stream presents the SCO and alignment literature as a strategic view- frame within which the customer can return goods, at what cost, and
point on developing strategies for supply chain processes. The third whether the product can be returned. If not, how will the product be
stream discusses returns management strategy alignment as a theo- replaced or how will the customer be compensated? Research shows
retical grounding for a conceptual framework. that the return policy impacts the customer’s purchase intention and
return behaviour (Abdulla et al., 2022; Bechwati & Siegal, 2005; Lantz
Returns management and policy & Hjort, 2013; Mollenkopf et al., 2007) and, thus, bottom line sales
and profitability. In a recent study, Son et al. (2019) showed that
Returns management deals with the reverse flow of goods, orga- return amounts had no negative impact on order amounts, indicating
nizational design, and workflow within and between the business that high returns do not necessarily mean lower profitability. The
functions that handle returned items in several firms. From a pro- return policy can impact consumers’ willingness to buy since they
cess-orientated viewpoint, Rogers et al. (2002) define returns man- can choose other vendors with more generous return policies.
agement as a core supply chain process in which all activities Research over the years has shown that a generous policy signals
associated with product returns (i.e., reverse logistics, gatekeeping, quality and confidence (Bonifield et al., 2010; Rokonuzzaman et al.,
S. Karlsson, P. Oghazi, D. Hellstrom et al. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100420

2021; Shao et al., 2021). By applying a lenient return policy, e- support for managing supply chains. An understanding of fit or level
retailers can reduce the customers’ risk: the customers will opt for of alignment is a central notion that members of organizations must
the product offering with return shipping insurance, which they will grasp in endeavouring to align strategies in pursuit of common goals
view as a sign of quality and credibility (Shao et al., 2013). Moreover, (Defee & Stank, 2009). When supply chain members fail to pull in the
a generous return policy can lead to a positive purchase decision and, same direction, competitive advantage cannot be achieved. Align-
rightly used, can result in increased demand (Oghazi et al., 2018). ment is closely tied to effectiveness in strategic SCM (Ketchen & Hult,
Wood (2001) found that a more lenient return policy increases the 2007) and is defined by Lee (2004) as consistency in the interests of
probability of the customer placing an order. An experimental study all participants in the supply chain. Many firms fail to achieve their
by Kim and Wansink (2012) showed that a more lenient return policy targets mainly due to an inability to agree and develop consistent
makes the customer evaluate the products more favourably. More strategies, joint processes, and plans that cross firms and business
recently, Abdulla et al. (2022) found that money was the most effec- functions.
tive lever, with exchange as the second most important, when con-
sumers make a purchase decision. Existing research shows that Returns management strategy alignment
return policy decisions clearly impact customer buying and return
behaviours and, thus, a firm’s back-end return process of handling In this section, we present a conceptual framework to guide our
the reverse flow of products is a matter of considerable consequence. research on developing effective returns management strategies. The
framework (Fig. 1) captures the managerial issues associated with
Supply chain orientation as a strategic lens designing an effective returns management strategy for e-retailers.
The framework proposes that effective returns management strate-
The concept of SCO was developed during the late 1990s and gies are concerned with achieving a level of alignment, or “fit”,
reflected in the SCM literature. As a research topic, though, SCO has between the business goal, the return process, and the return policy.
remained largely unexamined (Dhaigude et al., 2015) despite the Returns management has held a strategic connotation since its
growing body of SCM research. In the salient work by Mentzer et al. origin in scholarly research. As early as 2002, Rogers et al. (2002, p. 6)
(2001), SCM is defined as: “the systemic, strategic coordination of the stated: “A firm’s returns management capabilities can be used strate-
traditional business functions within a particular company and across gically to enhance the overall performance of the company”. More
businesses within the supply chain, for the purposes of improving the recent research has attempted to study returns management from a
long-term performance of the individual companies and the supply strategic perspective with an impact on overall company perfor-
chain as a whole” (p.18), whilst SCO is defined as: “the recognition by mance. Russo et al. (2018) identified combinations of return practices
an organisation of the systemic, strategic implications of the activities that constitute customer satisfaction and, thereby, support overall
and processes involved in managing the various flows in a supply business goals. Moreover, they presented options where customer
chain” (p.11). This means that SCM focuses on managing interactions satisfaction was high, even though high return rates were equally
between the supply chain members while SCO describes and visual- high. Ro€ llecke et al. (2018) distinguished three broad risks and gain-
izes a firm’s understanding of its SCM strategy. This suggests that an sharing practices in returns management programs: firms take most
organization must understand and agree on an SCO before it can cre- of the return costs and focus on the long-term customer lifetime
ate an effective strategy for its supply chain processes (Min & Ment- value; share and balance the price with the customer; and shift the
zer, 2004). In other words, SCO represents a shared value and belief price towards the customer. They argued that an aligned strategy −
system that helps a firm to understand how it should strategically where the returns management strategy fully supports the overall
manage its supply chain, and it embodies the behavioural norms business strategy − drives the organization to continue improvement
needed inside the organization (Deshpande & Webster, 1989). regarding returns management. Therefore, it is a key lever in devel-
To operationalize SCO and make it a more tangible formulation of oping an effective returns management strategy. In line with previ-
effective strategies to manage supply chains, Esper et al. (2010) clas- ous research, we put forward the following proposition:
sified SCO into four structural key elements: organizational design,
human resources, information technology, and organizational mea- RP1: Firms establishing effective strategies to manage returns need to
surement. The organisational design element is the assessment of achieve a level of alignment between returns management and
how to communicate, divide the workload, and coordinate and con- the overall business goal.
trol the workflow to achieve the goals of the supply chain and of the
company. This is particularly important because tighter integration is Lack of alignment between functions,such as marketing and oper-
essential in SCM, and effective process coordination depends on it ations, is seen as the underlying reason why firms do not achieve
(Mollenkopf et al., 2000). The human resource element requires hav- their strategic objectives (Berry et al., 1999). Here, alignment is
ing the right people in the organization with the relevant skillsets. defined as the ability to jointly develop consistent strategies, whilst
Factors impacting supply chain activities and process implementa- Calantone et al. (2002) referred to alignment as cross-functional har-
tion often come from outside the actual supply chain. It is, therefore, mony. Mollenkopf et al. (2007) showed that the returns management
highly important to have a staff who possess a fully rounded view of process is genuinely cross-functional and that firms with higher lev-
the company’s decisions and goals and can transform them into effi- els of functional integration were more adaptive and proactive in
cient activities and processes in the supply chain. In the information effectively managing returns. In a B2B context, Mollenkopf et al.
technology element, factors to consider include information sharing (2010) went on to further identify alignment of those functions as a
and using systems for planning, replenishment, and ordering. Having requisite to create value in the returns management process − cor-
a seamless flow of information is a well-understood and pervasive rectly aligned returns management can utilize operational capabili-
means of improving decision making in the supply chain. The right ties and proactively respond to marketing and the overall business
performance measurements and measuring systems constitute the goals of generating sales. Accordingly, Rogers and Tibben-Lembke
fourth element, organizational measurement. Measurement systems (1999) and Rogers et al. (2002) emphasized the importance of first
enable fact-based decision making, but they also work as the means agreeing on goals and strategy before developing a coordinated
that management can deploy to direct company focus and create returns management process. However, Hjort et al. (2019) found that
change. e-retailers do not have clear goals and strategies when establishing
Esper et al. (2010) further extended the notion of SCO to place it their return processes, and they argued that this is the product of dis-
firmly between the firm’s supply chain strategy and its structural jointed policies and practices. Based on the paradoxical fact that the
S. Karlsson, P. Oghazi, D. Hellstrom et al. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100420

Fig. 1. Framework of returns management strategy alignment.

return policy (a powerful marketing instrument) is a strategic driver situations − operational setups, return policy leniency, return rates,
that generates sales and revenue whilst the return process (opera- and SCO all served to enhance the external validity of the findings
tions intensive) is more readily associated with costs, it is reasonable (Yin, 2014). Moreover, the cases were selected based on data access
to expect e-retailers to face challenges in aligning these two in a con- and availability. All the companies have head offices in Sweden. They
sistent strategy pulling in the same direction. Based on the discussion agreed to share data and experience openly, and they were willing to
above, we put forward the following proposition: participate in interview sessions on returns management strategies.
Business volume of the case companies ranges from 150 million for a
RP2: Firms establishing effective strategies to manage returns need to channel leader with turnover of 250 billion SÉK with a share of online
achieve a level of alignment between return policy and process. revenue ranging from 15% to 100%. Three case companies operate an
omnichannel business model and three case company a direct-to-
consumer internet retailing business model.
Methodology The overall rationale for using the multiple case study design and
selection was the potential of the cases included to provide revela-
In our research, we employed a confirmatory case study approach tory evidence of the phenomenon under study (Yin, 2014).
− that is to say, we used primarily case studies to test the theory
under consideration rather than to develop one. Every confirmatory Data collection and analysis
case study must rest on a priori theory-based hypotheses or frame-
works that drive the research (Barratt et al., 2011; Voss et al., 2002). The primary data were collected through a series of interviews.
Unlike correlational hypotheses found in surveys, case study hypoth- This offered appropriate media for gaining insights into the chal-
eses are suited to positing the existence of a phenomenon, or the lenges and experiences encountered in setting goals and strategies
presence or absence of a phenomenon under certain conditions for the design of returns management programs. In addition, docu-
(Johnston et al., 1999). Our research aimed to assess a returns man- mentation and direct observations through field and site visits (ware-
agement strategy alignment framework in an online and omnichan- houses, headquarters, websites, etc.) were used to complement the
nel retail context. To shed light on this issue, we found case research richness obtained from the interviews. Studying the return policy fac-
to be particularly useful since returns management strategies are ing customers on each internet retailer’s website and matching it
emerging as contemporary empirical phenomena that cannot be against activities found in the warehouse processes from site visits
readily quantified. Furthermore, case research is appropriate because revealed misalignments. Internal documentation for customer ser-
the phenomenon of interest cannot be studied outside its natural set- vice instructions gave valuable input communication flow and areas
ting − that is, its rich context (McCutcheon & Meredith, 1993). of misalignment when managing returns. In total, 15 key manage-
ment staff involved in product returns were interviewed. Respond-
Case study design and selection ents were selected through open dialogue with each retailer,
resulting in a variation of respondents in each case, often depending
A multiple case study research design was adopted, comprising on the size of the company. The interview guide contained three sec-
six retail companies. A combination of purposive and convenience tions covering return policy, return process, and company goals and
sampling was used in selecting the cases. The retailers were chosen strategy, with open-ended questions in which respondents were
purposively based principally on their status as channel leader ensur- asked to reflect critically on company practices and their experiences.
ing the integration of customer experience strategies in the supply This provided opportunities for respondents to describe their every-
chain. Moreover, the retailers contended that returns management is day interactions and challenges in managing product returns. The
important, regarding it as a strategic source of value. The retailers interviews, all face-to-face, lasted between 92 and 125 min. They
were also selected as heterogeneous cases to provide contrasting were recorded, transcribed, and validated by the respondents. The
S. Karlsson, P. Oghazi, D. Hellstrom et al. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100420

transcribed material consisted of 53 pages that was open coded using with senior managers provided insights into seven misalignments
NVivo 12. All transcribed material was uploaded to one place with that inhibit the organisations from developing effective returns man-
easy access, enabling tracking of the progress of the coding with com- agement strategies. Each misalignment is presented in Table 2 and is
ments easily inserted. Nvivo12 is a multiple-user software allowing described in the sub-sections that follow with examples from the
co-authors to annotate coding and offer comments. By identifying case companies. To assist supply chain managers in developing strat-
respondents’ answers and creating nodes, the software supports a egies for managing product returns, the key learning points are clas-
systematic approach, with insight and replicability ensuring reliable sified into the four structural elements of SCO in the discussion
results. The coded material in each node was categorized into a set of section.
misalignments. The misalignments were reviewed and discussed
amongst all investigators. The main investigator performed the initial Lenient return policy and reduced return rate
coding, and discussions with the co-investigators took place continu-
ously during the entire process through reflective feedback from Each of the six case companies is struggling to harmonise a lenient
each investigator. An overview of the characteristics of the compa- return policy with its effect on the return rate and overall business
nies and respondents is presented in Table 1. goals. All organisations prioritised lenient return policies to boost
sales and a hassle-free return process experience for the customers,
Results such as pre-printed return documents accompanying every order,
and free-of-charge returns if your order is above a certain amount.
The analysis of the empirical data provided several insights into Policies presented in recent research are effective levers in influenc-
how the investigated retailers formulated their returns management ing purchase intentions (Abdulla et al., 2022), shaping the magnitude
strategies. Even though the retailers view returns management as a of returns and exchanges and impacting the company’s business
strategic source of value, our case evidence indicates that retailers goals. Thus, there is a need to balance return policy effects on sales
have adopted a somewhat ad hoc approach to their returns manage- with the return rate.
ment process rather than being guided by clear strategic thinking. As The misalignment between a lenient return policy and a reduced
the global supply chain manager for the fast-fashion retailer return rate has different characteristics from company to company in
explained: “We don’t have a return strategy. We see returns as a nec- our case study. For instance, the supply chain manager of the global
essary evil of doing business.” Moreover, the manager asserted: “The fashion retailer explains that their push model, which advises their
whole return process is just one big compromise.” The absence of a customers to buy 7 to 8 items of various sizes and colours in every
coherent and comprehensive strategy in managing product returns is order and “try at home”, inevitably drives high return rates. Regard-
evident in all case companies. The lack of clear strategic goals sug- less, the supply chain manager concluded: “Often, we see that custom-
gests that the retailers have not yet fully understood the strategic ers who do a lot of returning are good customers.” Paradoxically, the
implications of the returns management process. same case company strives to be environmentally sustainable, but it
Another pattern found across all the retailers was the challenge of also recognizes the conflict between increased transportation and
agreeing and making holistic trade-off decisions. It can be argued environmental sustainability. The customers notice this paradox and
that an effective formulation of returns strategies requires the man- are critical. This is an apparent misalignment between the company’s
agement team to consider all the components involved in combina- return policy and its business goal of being environmentally sustain-
tion and not in isolation. The supply chain manager at the Nordic able.
network operator exemplified this point: “The sales manager decides The CEO of the custom-made online jewellery company aims for
the return policy as part of our customer offer; the supply chain just has zero returns. Its average selling price is very high and individualized
to follow.” The outcome is that returns management, in the context of products result in high return and redisposition costs. Nevertheless,
retailing, must seek to align a set of components, such as return pro- the company applies a lenient return policy to maintain its service to
cess activities, return policy aspects, and overall business goals, into a customers. Consequently, there is a constant struggle to try to square
coherent process. its return policy with the overall business goal. At the other extreme,
The research results suggest that there is a set of misalignments the supply chain manager for the Nordic mobile operator explains its
that affect the level of fit between the returns management compo- (unusual) ambition of 100% returns to ensure full ownership of the
nents involved: return process, return policy, and which business total supply chain, from manufacturing through sales and consumer
goal is impacted by each misalignment. The structured discussions usage to disposal and reuse of parts and components. This is a circular

Table 1
Overview of case companies and respondents.

Type of retail Product category Supply chain focus Company scope Respondent

European online fast fashion High fashion Fast Internet retailer, brand owner - CEO
- Marketing mgr.
- Logistic mgr.
- Returns specialist
Global fast fashion High fashion Efficient Omnichannel retailer, brand owner - Global supply chain mgr.

European online street fashion Street fashion Efficient Internet retailer, brand owner - CEO
- Supply chain mgr.
Tailor-made online apparel Custom apparel Custom configured Internet retailer, manufacturer, brand owner - CEO
- Marketing mgr.
Nordic network operator Phones and network Flexible Network operator, omnichannel retailer - Supply chain mgr.
- Customer service mgr.
- Project mgr.
Custom-made online jewellery Jewellery Agile Internet retailer, brand owner - CEO

S. Karlsson, P. Oghazi, D. Hellstrom et al. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100420

Table 2
Seven misalignments in returns management.

Misalignment Description Business goal impact

1. Lenient policy and reduced return rate A lenient policy drives sales but, inevitably, also the returns Sustainability Profitability
1. Disarrayed return timeframe and demand variation Allowing a long time for returns prevents bringing back sea- Customer experience Cost efficiency
sonable items into the supply chain.
2. Incoherent conditional requirements and A lack of process compatibility for returns that fail to meet Cost efficiency Customer experience
process execution communicated conditional requirements.

3. Incoherent customer service guidelines Vague instructions and the burden of returns decisions rests Customer experience Cost efficiency
on the customer service department alone.
4. Insufficient information system resources Analogue and manual systems prevent the efficient collection Profitability Cost efficiency
of data.
5. Insufficient data-driven decision-making capability Lack of ability to take advantage of return data to make well- Organizational design Cost efficiency
informed decisions.
6. Incoherence in multichannel and omnichannel Treating returns differently across channels leads to an inho- Employee experience Customer experience
mogeneous customer experience and an ad-hoc return pro-
cess design.

ambition, albeit one that has not yet been fully deployed by the com- Incoherent conditional requirements and process execution
pany. Indeed, having such a lenient return policy does harmonize
with its overall ambition, yet the company is struggling to formulate All case companies communicated specific requirements concern-
a policy that matches its business intensions. ing the condition of the product before they will accept a return, such
This misalignment is further confirmed by the CEO of the as an unbroken box and an intact price tag. Yet, they all accept
European online street fashion company. He points to a lack of returns that fail to meet these requirements. In other words, there is
harmony in that marketing and operations do not join forces to a discrepancy between what the organizations communicate and
balance policy and company goals. Evidence from the interviews what they do. Demanding specific conditions for returned items
indicates that aligning leniency with its reduced return rate pol- exerts pressure on both sides of the process − the customer’s endeav-
icy in pursuit of the company’s overall business goal is vital. our to return and the company’s execution of the return process. For
Whereas the competitive landscape often demands lenient return the company, this can mean gatekeeping decisions, the inspection
policies, its implication for business goals poses a trade-off situa- process, and the subsequent operational steps needed for the reverse
tion for companies. flow. Thus, there is a surprising discrepancy between the return con-
ditions that are communicated and those that are applied. This gener-
Disarrayed return timeframe and demand variation ates a lack of processing compatibility for the items that fail to meet
those requirements.
Offering a wide timeframe for returns, which allows customers According to the Nordic mobile operator, the product must be in
to delay the process, does not sit well with products that have a lim- its original box. However, the supply chain manager explained that
ited sales window. Variation in demand in the case companies the company had moved away from demanding unbroken parcels
comes from, seasonal variation, sales campaigns, and new product many years ago because customers objected. The company accepts
launches, amongst others. Higher or lower demand from customers returns even if boxes are torn and unusable, requiring extra work at
is derived from company activities and market specifics. This mis- the recovery centre. In a similar way, the supply chain manager at
alignment was particularly evident in three of the case companies. the global fast fashion retailer admitted that returns are accepted
For these companies, an expansive timeframe for returns is seen as even though the conditions stipulated are not met: “Even if a return is
a competitive advantage and yet, no real effort was expended on six months old, we still accept it. It should be hassle-free for the cus-
analysing optimal time. None of the case companies adjusted the tomer.” The jewellery company’s CEO stated: “All returns have to be in
return time for products that needed fast re-entry into the supply mint condition.” This resonates with the price tag of their products.
chain, such as seasonal products. The global supply chain manager Such high requirements force the company to operate, to a large
of the fast-fashion company stated: “We have applied 100 days return extent, an individualized return process for each customer. This is
time by looking at what the competition does, but we need the products time-consuming, but it isa trade-off for the retailer that has been
back faster.” He claimed that: “The most expensive for us is an unsold thought through. Most respondents argue for information technol-
item at the regular price”, suggesting that managing returns quickly ogy, which enables early gatekeeping, as a prerequisite for adjusting
impacts overall profitability. the process to fully match the actual condition of items being
The COO of the European online street fashion company explained returned. Surprisingly, none of the respondents mentioned changing
that they have come to acknowledge the inconsistency and, in order the conditions or applying existing ones.
to overcome the mismatch, actions have been taken to achieve a
speedier return, such as a faster refund if the products are returned Incoherent customer service guidelines
before the stipulated time. Furthermore, the company has launched
free returns if the returned item is exchanged for a replacement In all case companies, the heart of returns handling is the cus-
product, in the belief that this will drive down customer return time. tomer service department. Its instructions are often broad and vague
Although this is applied to the full range of products, no differentia- with a core message such as “solve the problem with returns”. The
tion is made for items with varying demands. The jewellery company highly generalized instructions that exist often lead to idiosyncratic
has managed to strike a balance by offering fast processing of returns decisions that do not always correspond with what customers expect
for a fee of up to 10% of the purchase price. Despite its relatively high or need; nor do they necessarily accord with the return process
cost, customers often used this service. This has led the company to intended. This situation undermines effective returns management.
believe that charging for return services is possible so long as it adds The global fashion retailer admitted that all returns go through its
value for customers. customer service department, and it accepts returns even if they are
S. Karlsson, P. Oghazi, D. Hellstrom et al. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100420

six months old regardless of the reason given. This is considerably Several respondents argued that the ability to measure and use
more lenient than what is communicated to customers when pur- total return costs from the profit-and-loss account would help them
chasing. The marketing manager of the European online fashion guide their efforts. The actual cost of returns is not measured sepa-
retailer stated that an unhappy customer has potentially a higher rately in any of the case companies; it is an element in supply chain
negative impact than the cost of resolving a return issue. Therefore, it costs. This lack of transparency inhibits meaningful trade-off deci-
delegates the return decision to customer service. Interestingly, none sions. In addition, fulfilment excellence is precluded by not consider-
of the case companies measure the effect or cost of these instructions ing what is being returned. The supply chain manager at the global
on the customer service staff. It makes no differentiation between an fashion retailer stated: “How can we plan our supply when 30%40%
uncomplicated product exchange and a return due to customer dis- of the goods are coming the other way?”, claiming that the inability to
satisfaction with quality or service. This makes a well-informed use the return data for sourcing and fulfilment decisions impacted SC
trade-off decision impossible. costs and, consequently, overall profitability. On the other hand, even
The interviews show there is no interest in communicating the though the street fashion retailer is the only case company to gather
company’s factual leniency because the contact between the cus- return data digitally, it does not analyse the data. They freely admit
tomer service department and customers gives room for manoeuvre. that this is a lost opportunity, but they lack both the resources and
To take a case in point, the CEO of the tailor-made internet retailer the capabilities to do so. In addition, the tailor-made retailer identi-
marketing individualized fashion apparel directed the customer ser- fied the need for return data when developing and launching new
vice department to be more generous than the conditions stated in products or categories but, as its data consists of e-mail correspon-
customer communications. This was done to use the occasion for dence with customers, it is far too complicated to analyse. The CEO
negotiation and make disposal decisions when the returns were acknowledged that return data would help to manage price points,
approved: “We don’t want to have any physical returns. That should be margins, and the return process.
solved by customer service.” Customer service is clearly a focal point in
the return process, and business-relevant trade-off decisions are the Multichannel and omnichannel incoherence
product of customer service action, misguided or otherwise.
Internet retailers’ evolving business models across channels pose
Insufficient information system resources a challenge to effective returns management. The internet retailer
who expands into physical stores struggles with harmonizing con-
All case companies share the view that communication with cus- sumer returns across channels, as do the bricks and mortar retailers
tomers over returns must be digitalized. Even though return data are who begin to digitalize their businesses. To succeed, it is necessary to
often collected by mail or printed forms, the quality and makeup of create a seamless experience across channels and communication
the data do not result in helpful analytics. Effectively managing tools (Mostaghel et al., 2022; Palmie  et al., 2022; Grewal et al., 2017).
returns is limited by inadequate information system resources. Three of the six case companies confirmed they apply the same
The European street fashion retailer has come the furthest of the return process in physical stores as online, and they have yet to orga-
case companies. It has a digital module in its sales system to collect nize returns of online purchases to physical stores. Case companies
return data. However, communication with customers is still main- admit that it can be confusing for customers and staff to manage
tained through e-mail and telephone. The apparent purpose of digitaliz- returns in a physical store setting that were initially designed for
ing the return flow is to communicate with the customer before the internet retailing The global fast fashion retailer claimed there are
item is returned and to decide how, and in some cases, whether it almost no returns from sales generated in its physical stores. This has
should be returned. The global fashion retailers stated that the cost of resulted in a process mismatch when online sales, with their expo-
handling returns sometimes exceeded the value of the product and, nential growth and different returns procedure, are returned to the
thus, it would be cheaper for the customer to dispose of the item retailer’s physical stores. The street fashion retailer accepts returns
instead of returning it. The lack of an information system to support from orders made online to its physical stores, but it uses a manual
early dialogue with customers prohibits that trade-off decision. The cus- process. The supply chain manager stated: “No return process is devel-
tomer service manager from the Nordic network company claimed its oped yet, so cashiers handle the returns manually.” The company is
connected products should be able to generate better knowledge from investigating new solutions, such as pick-up points for returns. They
usage, thereby reducing return rates: “With all our connected products, foresee this as a natural part of the omnichannel return process.
we should be able to avoid returns by knowing the reasons for returns bet- The Nordic mobile operator with half of its business in stores and
ter.” The global fast fashion company described how it asked customers half online has struggled to develop a coordinated approach for an
to fill in printed forms. However, the data is not used or analysed online business that also retains physical stores. But, as the supply
mainly because of time constraints in processing printed data material. chain manager stated: “Call us. We will solve it!”. This opens up flexi-
The tailor-made internet retailer has a custom-fit return process. This bility in returns handling both online and offline. Today, it only
means that the customer has mail contact with customer service who allows some items bought online to be returned in physical stores,
requests information about the return claim for a fully flexible solution. which can then be dispatched to the return point in a designated
The marketing manager stated: “Nothing is more expensive than an warehouse. The three companies acknowledge shortcomings in being
unhappy customer”. This shows that striking a balance in the return pro- unable to manage returns in a coordinated manner across sales chan-
cess depends to a large extent on the accessibility of return data. nels, with staff experiencing difficulty in handling online orders
returned to physical outlets. This creates confusion in staff members
Insufficient data-driven decision-making capability who may feel compelled to invent a return process at a moment’s
notice. It makes for a disparate customer experience and higher sup-
Another pattern found in all case companies concerns the analy- ply chain costs.
sis of return data and its use in decision-making processes. Accord-
ing to the respondents, the actual data collected by the company Discussion
sales systems on returns is not analysed or used when managing
returns. Not using available return data in the decision-making pro- Misalignment in returns management is a multi-faceted phenom-
cess impacts a company’s ability to develop an appropriate return enon that occurs as technology advances and as customer attitudes,
process and limits harmonization of the return process with the behaviours, and purchasing habits change as new practices emerge
overall business goal. and myriad other causes dynamically change organizations’
S. Karlsson, P. Oghazi, D. Hellstrom et al. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100420

operating environment. There is no silver bullet that can overcome appropriate, in which customer returns are brought to closure
the misalignments identified in this study of returns management. simply.
Put more simply, a misalignment typically stems from several sys-
temic breakdowns resulting from poor coordination in whatever Functional integration
form. Establishing and sustaining alignment in managing returns For any given return reason, be it regret, exchange, or product
requires focused action and ongoing attention from supply chain recall, the physical handling of the goods returned must have a
managers. Respondents are generally aware that applying a holistic reverse flow with coordinated physical actions and often a monetary
approach when establishing returns management strategies is bene- process before closure. This means a workload covering different
ficial but, equally, they are unaware of what prevents them from functional areas within the organization and the SC. A customer-cen-
making it a reality. This corroborates the results of Chen et al. (2019) tric organisation will not benefit from taking the easy route where
who recognized the importance of returns management as an essen- the logistics function solves all returns in the same way using a
tial step towards establishing effective strategies. Rather than chasing standard pipeline. Different return reasons need a differentiated
silver bullets, supply chain managers need to acknowledge the return approach to reverse logistics. Managers need to understand the
process as a key business activity − as they do with the forward flow boundaries and functional areas to correctly balance customer
(i.e., the source, make, and deliver process) − and adopt a holistic demands on service and products.
view of managing returns in order to develop beneficial strategies. The lack of internal integration witnessed in many organizations
Based on the results of this study, we suggest there are several learn- often results in a poorly coordinated SC. Similarly, failing to incorpo-
ing points that can assist supply chain managers in developing effec- rate returns in today’s business goals results in internal inefficiency
tive strategies. The following sub-sections cover common managerial where poor control and increasing return costs are apparent. To
themes and practices that span the previously described misalign- assert control, managers need to develop measures that connect poli-
ments. These learning points are categorized into the four strategic cies and practice, in order to achieve the overall business goal. John-
elements of SCO outlined by Min et al. (2007). They support organisa- ston and Mera (2002) found that excellent complaint management
tions that view supply chain management strategically. systems require both centralized and decentralized approaches.
Complaints are similar to returns, or at least that part that refers to
Organizational design service recovery. A centralized system would separate out returns
that relate to regrets from dissatisfied customers.
Returns management needs to be a natural and integral part of
the organizational design. SC organizations need to move away from
Information technology
focusing solely on return prevention and cost reduction. They should
apply a more customer-centric approach, offering a differentiated
Many firms see that there are inherent risks in doing the same
service and actively working with functional integration, in which
thing tomorrow as they did yesterday. Generally, they seek change to
returns are managed and not just prevented.
bring competitiveness, improve profits, and enter new markets.
Much of this change requires information technology to underpin
Towards a product and customer-centric approach this transformation. Whether it is digitization providing a better
There is a scholarly argument for the revival of a consumer-centric online experience, transforming business with AI, or implementing
approach to supply-chain management, (Esper et al., 2020). Con- new technology, such as the Internet of things, 3D printing, and AR/
sumer returns are no longer only a product-centric but also a cus- V, an essential transformation is from a “silo-based” organization to a
tomer-centric puzzle, where customer service plays a central role in cross-functional process-driven supply chain that excels in managing
handling the returns and dealing with the returnee (Baldauf et al., complex flows of information and decision making. However, it is
2021; Oghazi et al., 2021). The approach centring the return process rarely used in the returns process.
on products must focus on the individual customer by measuring rel-
evant data that covers the customer journey from purchasing to Digitization of returns information
returning. This is a journey involving interaction in a variety of chan- Integrating all necessary functional areas and SC partners begins
nels over time leading to an expected increase in customer lifetime with an IT system that has been developed for the particular purpose
value. While the aim of reducing returns to save costs has been domi- of returns. As explained above, different return reasons require a dif-
nant amongst internet retailers, they must also consider the customer ferentiated approach to make the returns process effective. Managing
experience concerning returns. expressly the exchange of goods initiated by the returnee is likely to
be very different from a product recall, where the retailer controls
Combining service recovery and service offers and initiates the recall. Similar logic will fit any other given return
All returns are not complaints and, therefore, the old service reason, and this should not be handled by the customer service per-
recovery approach is not applicable to the vast number of consumer sonnel individually. Using IT to connect back to the returnee allows
returns where the product is returned (and often re-sold) in not only for proper gatekeeping and synchronization of the return
exchange for a new size. Customer service needs to make decisions activities but also for using organisationally designed return decision
on separating returns on whether interaction with the returnee is engines to execute diverse disposal decisions. Furthermore, real-time
needed or not. If a customer orders more than one size of a product, information sharing within and across organizations facilitates
then it is easy to make a prognosis that a product will be returned. In returns avoidance because of a better understanding of returns
this case, there is no reason to interact with the returnee on service reasons.
recovery issues. All that is needed is a communication that a return
has been received and approved, and refunding is scheduled. Organizational measurements
However, a customer using the returns process to register a com-
plaint for any reason should be treated differently. On this occasion, Once returns have become a part of the overall business in online
the company’s reputation, the customer journey, and the lifetime sales, organizations need measures that capture operational perfor-
value-creation process are all involved and require a more inter- mance and fit with strategic intent. Integration is key for an aligned
ventionist approach. In online retailing, this is luckily not the most and effective process and, therefore, common goals and cross-func-
common return reason, and so a more decentralized approach is tional measures are fitting.
S. Karlsson, P. Oghazi, D. Hellstrom et al. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100420

Managerial key performance indicators (KPIs) Conclusion and future research

As discussed above, measuring returns within an organization
begins with a proper returns information system. However, the Despite increased scholarly attention, research focusing on the
measurements must include costs, be service focused, and be able to strategy in returns management is scarce. This study embarked on
portray the fit between returns policy and process, as well as the the task of shedding light on the formulation of returns management
overall strategic intent. Adopting lenient return policies might fit cer- strategies. Based on a theoretical framework and a series of case stud-
tain products, customers, and markets depending on demand and ies with a diverse set of retailers, we confirm the need to achieve a
buying/returning patterns. However, with proper measurements and level of alignment between returns management components and
a returns information system to support proper gatekeeping, manag- the overall business goal in order to establish effective strategies.
ers can follow up on both efficiency and responsiveness. Further- Specifically, the research results provide insights into seven multi-
more, inconsistent goals prevent successful integration. Having faceted misalignments that inhibit organizations from developing
divergent objectives foster a silo mentality where managers take adequate returns management strategies.
decisions that run counter to other goals in the organization and that To overcome these misalignments and support supply chain man-
suboptimize the business. Therefore, companies need to measure agers in developing effective strategies, we suggest several learning
returns and develop KPIs: for successful business development, profit points.
and loss analysis is needed to understand what activities carry which
financial implications. Research implications

Service offer and service recovery KPIs Our results extend the previous research addressing strategies on
To ensure efficiency measures that ensure that returns are han- the returns management process (Rogers et al., 2002) by identifying
dled in accordance with the type of service, service recovery, or ser- and characterizing misalignments between returns management
vice offering as explained in 5.1.2, both financial and non-financial components. Our results complement and extend previous research
objectives need to be considered when defining KPIs. Measures that on strategizing returns management (e.g., Dapiran & Kam, 2017;
focus on responsiveness to different types of returns as defined by € lleke et al., 2018). Our conceptualization of the
Hjort et al., 2019; Ro
the reported customer reason code need to be developed. For exam- components of returns management and its interrelation adds to the
ple, when customers express dissatisfaction, they may need interac- literature and the role of alignment in returns management strategy
tion with customer service (decentralized) to achieve proper closure formation. It confirms and extends the research and the relevance of
(Johnston & Mehra, 2002). To this end, the internet retailer will need alignment (Mollenkopf et al., 2010) when creating effective supply
internal integration where the returnee, the product, its demand pat- chain strategies. Moreover, we draw on the SCO literature (e.g., Esper
tern, and the financial and non-financial potential of value recovery et al., 2010) and extend the relatively limited research stream on SCO
are recognized before making business decisions. into the area of returns management. The notion of SCO and its rele-
For the service offering, new KPIs are needed, reflecting sound and vance for strategy formation in returns management contribute to
relevant targets. For the service to provide value to customers, it the SCO literature. We contribute by providing a broad and rich
should focus on customer value-added attributes, such as speedy ser- empirical study of strategy development in internet retailing, with
vice and fast cash refund. A short timeframe set as a KPI when replac- several practical implications emerging from our case study findings.
ing a size change return or a maximum timeframe for money refund
to facilitate repurchase is desirable. Potential negative consequences Managerial implications
need a follow-up strategy to monitor and mitigate abusive behav-
iours. A customer-centric approach is required when developing ser- The results indicate that internet retailing does not have a healthy
vice KPIs. returns management strategy that is thought through. Rather, it is a
patchwork derived from policies and processes designed over time.
Human resources This is a material fact for managers to contemplate. An understanding
of the components in returns management that need to be consid-
Returns management has evolved into an essential part of the ered can assist companies in their quest to establish adequate returns
supply chain process of an internet retailer. Consequently, staff and management strategies. Our study supports the conception that pol-
managers need to acquire the necessary set of skills. There is no icy and process are undoubtedly interlinked. Cross-functional coop-
doubt that SC managers need a diverse group of skills to steer and eration is crucial when deciding the return policy. Equally, designing
manage internal and external integrations (Esper et al., 2010) and the return process is a vital element in developing an effective
that supply chain professionals must acquire new knowledge returns management strategy. The relationship of these components
enabling them to make a positive impact on the development of to each other in a returns management context and the identified
returns management (Chen et al., 2019). Furthermore, developing misalignments can be used as a foundation to explore how to achieve
both measures and systems to support the SCs is mandatory because a higher level of alignment. Finally, the misalignments that run
over 90% of all logistics activities take place outside direct supervision counter to a general business goal can support managers in develop-
(Bowersox et al., 2000). The manager skills that are needed to miti- ing more coordinated strategies. A returns management strategy, or
gate misalignments in returns management are a relatively new phe- the lack thereof, can impact company performance and reputation,
nomenon. They require not only logistics and SC skills but also whether in numbers or customer promises.
learning capabilities and transformational leadership styles to facili-
tate and embrace new logistical wonders and SC ideas (Esper et al., Limitations and suggestions for further research
2010). Returns management is a cross-functional process in which
professionals from, for example, operations and marketing need to There are several limitations to the research. The case companies
work together and deploy common goals that support cross-func- were carefully selected based on their understanding of the importance
tional coordination. Focusing staff and management attention on the of the return process, but the sample size was limited as were industry
benefits of a well-functioning return process should lead to more representatives. Although varied in geographical footprint, the case
educated decisions. Customer service often handles the return pro- companies were based in northern Europe. This means the results do
cess unsupervised but, as the central cog in returns management, it not represent a broader population encapsulating differences in operat-
needs to be aware of the cause and effect of returns decisions. ing environments, marketing constraints, organisational infrastructure,
S. Karlsson, P. Oghazi, D. Hellstrom et al. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100420

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