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Republic of the Philippines

SK of Barangay __, _____________, ______________, ______________

Annual Statement of Receipts and Payments
For the Year Ended December 31, 20___

Subsidy from Barangay ₱ 60,000.00
Subsidy from Other Local Government Units -
Subsidy from National Government Agencies -
Subsidy from Government-Owned and Controlled Corporations -
Grants and Donations in Cash:
with Specific Purpose -
without Specific Purpose -
Miscellaneous Income 150.00
Other Receipts -
Total Receipts of the Year 60,150.00

Less: Payments
Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
Travelling Expenses 5,000.00
Training Expenses -
Office Supplies Expenses -
Semi-Expendable Property Expenses -
Accountable Forms Expenses -
Other Supplies and Materials Expenses -
Water Expenses -
Electricity Expenses -
Postage and Courier Services -
Internet Subscriptions Expenses -
Repairs & Maintenance - Buildings -
Repairs & Maintenance - Machinery -
Repairs & Maintenance - Office Equipment -
Repairs & Maintenance - ICT Equipment -
Repairs & Maintenance - Transportation Equipment -
Repairs & Maintenance - Furniture and Fixtures -
Repairs & Maintenance - Other Property and Equipment -
Fidelity Bond Premium -
Membership Dues and Contributions to Organizations -
Bank Charges -
Other Maintenance and Operating Expenses 765.00
Total Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses 5,765.00

Capital Outlay
Buildings 18,000.00
Machinery -
Office Equipment -
ICT Equipment -
Sports Equipment -
Transportation Expenses -

Republic of the Philippines
SK of Barangay __, _____________, ______________, ______________
Annual Statement of Receipts and Payments
For the Year Ended December 31, 20___

Furniture and Fixtures -

Other Property and Equipment -
Construction in Progress - Buildings -
Construction in Progress - Other Property and Equipment -
Total Capital Outlay 18,000.00

Cash Advances, net -

Total Payments for the Year 23,765.00

Increase (Decrease) in Cash for the Year (36,385.00)
Add/Less: Others -
Total Increase (Decrease) in Cash for the Year 36,385.00
Cash at Beginning of Year
Cash on Hand -
Cash in Bank -
Cash at End of Year ₱ 36,385.00

Breakdown of Cash at End of Year

Cash on Hand 150.00
Cash in Bank 36,235.00

Prepared and Certified Correct By:

(printed name) (date)

SK Treasurer Date

Approved By:

(printed name) (date)

SK Chairperson Date


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