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Co-Editors in Chief
Patrick J. Brennan
Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Colorado
State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1682, USA
Brian D. Robertson
MRC Centre for Molecular Bacteriology and Infection, Flowers Building, South Kensington Campus, Imperial College, London

Consulting Editors
Douglas B. Young
Imperial College London, and MRC National Institute for Medical Research, UK
Ann M. Ginsberg
Aeras, Rockville, MD, USA

Section Editors
Peter Andersen Sabine Ehrt Stefan Kaufmann
Statens Serum Institut Weill Cornell Medical College
Max Planck Institute for
Copenhagen, Denmark New York, USA
Warwick Britton Q Gao Infection Biology, Berlin,
University of Sydney Fudan University, Shanghai Medical Col- Germany
Sydney, Australia lege China
David G Russell
Phillip Butcher Rajesh Gokhale
St Georges, University of London National Institute of Immunology Cornell University Ithaca,
London, UK New Delhi, India NY, USA
Sang-Nae Cho Christophe Guillhot
Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Anil K. Tyagi
Yonsei University College of Medicine
Seoul, Korea Biology University of Delhi
Toulouse, France
Stewart Cole New Delhi, India
Steve Gordon
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne University College Dublin Robert Wilkinson
Switzerland Ireland Wellcome Trust Centre for Research
Ken Duncan Glyn Hewinson
in Clinical Tropical Medicine
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Veterinary Laboratories Agency
Seattle, WA, USA Weybridge, UK London, UK

Editorial Advisory Board

A Apt (Russia) D Lewinsohn (USA) T Shinnick (USA)
G S Besra (UK) D M McMurray (USA) D van Soolingen (The Netherlands)
W H Boom (USA) V Mizrahi (South Africa) A Tyagi (India)
H Boshoff (USA) M Niederweis (USA) S Visweswariah (India)
M Gonzalez-Juarrero (USA) I M Orme (USA)
A Izzo (USA) L Schlesinger (USA)


Amsterdam • Boston • London • New York • Oxford • Paris • Philadelphia • San Diego • St. Louis

Printed by Henry Ling Ltd, The Dorset Press, Dorchester, UK

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